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Day 7 Edition
Previous Thread >>84625618

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY
That little wet spot...
they love VNs so much they refuse to play them on stream and drop them for shitty mobile game collabs
I farted
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why is she always trying to keep Mococo away from what she loves?
This has nothing to do with fuwamoco. Please leave the thread.
what is there even to do in ENReco today?
Fuwawa will wander off and seduce us once again alone. Mococo will scream and farm potato salad to gamble it all away on the lottery
Well, she's the only member without a warp crystal so maybe that?
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I miss their normal streams
Chained Together, The Bathhouse, DKC 2 and MGS3 next week. Just hold on...
I miss their abnormal streams
Fuwawa can finally make a move on Mococo
She's not going to do the lottery, she'll go broke in the Pit.
Frog Detective at 4am...
I will kneel and akasupa if there is MGS3 next week
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i miss vertical streams
The era of vertical streams is over, you don't get the numbers anymore
god that stream was kino
they promised me ASMR where is it? Where is the one year doggy pack celebration? they are so lazy it is unreal now
>Where is the one year doggy pack celebration?
that's next week
stop being a retard
I'll have had it for 2 weeks now...
mcdonalds tonight?
saving it for the breaking dimensions watchalong personally so I can astral project as one of the Ruffians they saw in new york
No I ate too much yesterday so I need to go hungry today to balance it out
Fuwawa would never want a ruffian to go hungry
Fuwawa eats one chikuwa a day, she can't talk
blame management
Mocochan has to save her viriginity for Fuwawa
They forgor that they already told us the bowling story...
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i saw Mococo's fat ass bouncing as she tried to bowl already..
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when will their yt shadowban lift?
oh nononono they remember the karaoke with a male very fondly
I'm up to 7 garbage bags piled up now.. when is the next pickup please it is starting to smell
it's lifted already, 600k CCV for MGS3 next week.
Live amongst the flith you have collected, for it is the throne you are worthy of and no more.
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where is this
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thwone? ehehehe
huwamogo mornig
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is newissa going to be online tonight
aw, i mustve zoned out
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Yeah, why? Shiori is also doing a member's Spider-Man 2 watchalong today
I can't wait to post YOU'RE ALL FREE NOW after the final enreco...
it'll be like how i felt when endless 8 ended
post the hi res transparent background one and then edit a version of him breaking a wall of Mio for SC streams
ENreco has been kino though, sorry you couldn't enjoy it
I just want her and Mococo to make up one last time. The kiss was not enough
>Shiori is also doing a member's Spider-Man 2 watchalong today
Fuck my gifted expired a few days ago..
probably will send a superchat saying about as much with the schedule drop tomorrow assuming it has good streams
ruffians, how would you feel if FUWAMOCO decided to take the next week off? maybe not the entire week, but some days here and there
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I think you I mean they should do it so you I mean they don't get burned out.
I pretty much expected it already
Me personally I don't mind if they take time off nowadays.
I've become so busy with my own life that unfortunately FuwaMoco are an afterthought most of the time now.
I'll only be okay with more than 2 if they're actually sleeping
I'd drop them to a secondary with the chance of becoming my main again if they return to form
if they actually rest on those days off, would miss them but i'd rather they actually get a real break
What bowling story
Happy for them, will play Gaylo with the ruffians. Will miss them like hell, but happy.
They were already asked if they had experience bowling after the Watame collab, and they said they played it during their demon guard dog training in Japan.
If they need to rest, then they need to rest. I would wait for them.
and we even have the video footage to prove it!
I’d be relieved because I worry about them a lot. If they’re even thinking about doing it, they should do it. They obviously need the rest.
Is it to rest? Sure.
Is it to record more voicepacks/ do HW for some event in Asia? I'd feel sad.
I would miss them a lot like always especially coming off of ENreco but I would be fine if I knew they were getting more sleep.
I'm ready to go back to normal streams but a stream every day was always too much for me to keep up with.
Atlus songs in karaoke is a never ever these days, right?
Rather than "here and there" I think it's best to take the whole week to rest and come back on saturday or sunday with a RnR Party or something like that. Getting good rest and coming back with a bang is better than "we're resting but today we have a stream at midnight."
I forgot... if they don't have a rnr next week the traumadumper is gonna have a cow again
stop worrying about that schizo it'll sort itself out eventually it always does
I haven't had a like or read in 2 weeks I'm worried I did something to offend them again. I know it isn't true but my stupid brain hates me
Once again I just nearly shit myself from pushing too hard during a fart. I think something may not be right. Or is this normal? I had oatmeal for breakfast.
buy one get one original chicken sandwiches from burger King. I swore I never would again but I'm lazy and hungry and feeling brave
cant beat fried chicken patties
That just means you thought you had to fart, but really had to shit. Oatmeal is high in fiber which makes it easier to poop, as well
It's random if you aren't constantly tweeting or posting generic comments over and over, don't worry about it.
guys what if fuwawa is fuzzy and mococo is fluffy
what would you do?
fly to Japan to confirm
they should take more regularly scheduled breaks
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i wouldn't mind at all but they won't and i expect next week to be packed to compensate for all the enreco streams
what do we even do when they retire, whenever that is? group suisei?
I would rape Fluffy and have sex with Fuzzy then
>taking food advice from retards on /fit/ posting a "um actually thing is bad??" video
I worry everyday they think I'm weird after talking to them at anime impulse. I was so nervous I could barely talk
I would expect them to at least stream jong when they come back as a reward for our endurance
I'm gonna enjoy my honeymoon with them when they retire
jong is shit
jong is dong
Watch Biboo
Shut the fuck up
Why so hostile?
Why are you so angry
go into a downward spiral of depression because I've made no connections with other ruffians that would help me cope
there's still time to make friends ruffian! come to new york next year or fes
I'm sleepy...
I hate menheras being attention whores. They're fucking anime girl dog streamers. Your worlds not going to end because they haven't read your chat message (out of the thousands of others chatting) or haven't liked your tweet in a few weeks (out of the hundreds of others tweeting about them). Just shut the fuck up.
sex with raora!! mama mia those are some nice tits
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Honestly, they should follow Gura's example and stream only two or three times a month. It's noticeable that 'homework' is more important to them, and streaming is just a bonus. ENeco is an example of this, if you watch multiple POVs, you'll notice who really enjoys playing and who's just there because it's a big event.
But they are my world
Jong soon
uh baused
why do they never even give my art a like? I can understand not retweetinf it because I'm a beginner but a like for my efforts would be nice once in a while
that's not a dog, that's a tank
The complaining will continue until morale improves
i doubt this episode will be eventful at all since all they can really do are quests
I feel bad but I am really hoping we see a big Ruffian meltdown soon because it feels like it's been too long. I want a menhera to just let it all out safely but in explosive fashion
I'll never have the money to do that lmao
>comfy episode with more penlight waving and gardening
best episode incoming
Please remind them to upgrade their weapons. I would rather they spam attack with a diamond sword than stone or whatever they have
but what about mococo?
I just wanna know what Fuwawa's lack of a warp crystal will lead to
I think ERB gave her one
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>i'm gonna go mine
they literally don't know how to do either of those things
i swear to god today stream was supposed to be 1 hour later than usual. not the usual
baused if true
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fuwawa is a dork
no that's tomorrow
wait, today is still not the finale
today is not the finale

how will they pay tribute to those fallen on 9/11 in next wednesday's fwmc morning?
The same way they did it last year
I tried taking a couple cap of BD but they look so bad
the artifact is horrible
I hope they have a lot of fun today
You need therapy and better coping mechanisms.
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Remember to use your tools and your brain if anything silly happens in the thread!
why would I jack off to people in this thread
i'll use the power of my tool on you mocotyan!
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Ruffians do you endorse there being a /fluffy/ and /fuzzy/?
Absolutely. It's overdue. /fuzzy/ was perfect last time
therapy only works for women and gay men
i endorse your neck being hung through a noose
It's a good thing you're one of these.
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i endorse your cock in your ass
we should be combining with the other dead advent threads not splitting more
I endorse them being merged
is this that one mario boss
evens fuzzy
odds fluffy
0 Newissa
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there isn't a single piece of enreco merch worth buying
Time to go mining with my fuzzy princess tonight!
what about the potato salad
What else can Pero turn into
Fuzzy bros we are fucking winning.
They try so hard it's funny
Buy the plastic
yeah, the bag was the best part...
I'm nore baffled that's their only experience bowling... could they not bowl in NWP? It's more of a north american hobby right? Even my antisocial ass has gone bowling at a randome game arcade and some kids birthday party
what bag
The ENreco FOMO bag
The IRyS plastic looks cool
Probably just never had interest, but since they were in a group in Japan and the other girls said "Let's go bowling!" they just went with the flow.
When it's just the two of them, there's less reason to try different things like that, I guess. If you only have one friend, you can still push each other to try new things, but if that friend is your twin sister who shares the same interests as you, you'll just do the same things together.
oh you mean the one they gave out at anyc. yeah it's nice.
I just wish they actually rested rather than using it to finish off extra work.
Double BGM my beloved...
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Why the sudden raora retweets
>finish off
If only, it's more likely they use the time to take on more work.
Maybe they spent time together in the studio during the day.
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ruffians why are you splitting your threads? did a fuwawa and mococo civil war happen here?
I thought the stream was starting an hour later today? At least that was what I saw scheduled on YouTube.
>sister is still trying this
it's a schizo
that's tomorrow
use your eyes
Same retarded anti who spends hours shitting up this thread
lol i can hear mococo
fuwawa wants to do great things today!
wait did they swap positions?
you just responded to said retard, why do you think sister even brought it up
My dog just farted.
meds, now
Is Mococo's inventory cut off or is it just me
fuwawa's meat
/fluffy/ is way more active than /fuzzy/ anyway despite being hidden.
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rope now sister
You're always going to be brown
why cc is so low
oh I was waiting on this to be finished, nice.
I'm here for the dogs. lets go
>my eye is always tired nowadays
My dog just sharted
mococo is already caught up in another storyline... fuwawer....
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I love Fuwawa
Mococo is about to get scammed again
fluffy or fuzzy
Moco-chan just runs around telling everyone they suck and that they're witches. Jesus
who is even online today
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If this didn't have Moco-chan yelling in the back it would almost be ASMR... love her so much, man...
sometimes it's hilarious though
Kiara as well. There may be a few others not streaming but on here and there too.
Gonothon and Gyonothyn arc is over for now, so they'll probably be on tomorrow for the finale.
oh chicken and gg will also be on
now that they're not glued to each other it became so funny
nah gg's streaming too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pxgqfGjshs
I don't understand why Nerissa get a lot more viewers than Fuwamoco on this and also why is Mococo always beating Fuwawa on views? Ruffians really choosing one of the dogs instead of both is fucking awful desu
You will never be a woman.
Rissa started out stronger while FWMC didn't get good till day 4. Also most fans are clipwatchers and most clips feature Mococo
It's especially funny when they have to play off that they can't hear her for some reason or another.
I watch Fuwawa instead of Mococo because I find her more entertaining, what's wrong with that? there's a reason they are streaming different POVs
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I wonder why
>fuwawa voice appear faster in mococo stream
>mococo voice appear faster in fuwawa stream
how the fuck
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>"i will call mococo!"
>mococo is right behind her
gayest characters ever made
are you stupid? support them both RETARD
fuwawa suki suki
Or like that scenario where she was ignoring them and said it, and they had to play it off kek
Speaking of, /fuzzy/ is up: >>84652767
Speaking of, you're brown.
It doesn't count as a view through multiview, it doesn't count as a view if one is muted, it doesn't count as a view if one isn't in an active tab. Literally impossible to give both a view.
Mococo has more people who only care about her, clipfags, Fuwawafags are mostly watching both, except for phonefags. Hence the numbers difference.
This. Even if you just want to watch only one POV, you could just mute the other.
Tits way too small.
kek what
muted streams don't contribute to CCV
Queen Mario sounds like a man
YT is very strict about what counts as a view.
clearly not since people get botted all the time
kek mococo
Well I don't mute them
You don't seem to understand, that's part of the reason why they are strict. It's like an arms race.
never gets old kek
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Fuwawa is being very cute and fluffy. Mococo in the onsen was sweet and cute.
It’s a good night.
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forgot my pic
Give source
>do you remember the person who was chasing you down and calling you a criminal?
>there were many people, including yourself
fucking kek
wait rissa is fucking dead? jesus this rp is intense
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yeah she's been a ghost this entire time
just an edit from a made in abyss panel, I can offer this cool fwmc however
Fuwawa is cookin'
>open Fuwawa POV
>instant soft, warm feeling and healing effect
fuwawa successfully avoided interactions!
immediately noped the fuck out kek
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>i'm taking a gander at tam gandr
>Sister-store is NBR
Fucking gay.
fuwawa is so good at avoiding people kek
Didn't know mumei was a commie
>fluffy one! this is our queen!
>i'm gonna go find my chest
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>a freebie at a store where nothing costs any money
Fuwawa is so anti social
she literally me frfr
Okay what the fuck actually happened to Nerissa
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>that's wuff
I love her so much
>feeling lonely
>avoid interactions sidequests
But the wuffians are with you
fuwawa can't end for this shit to end
Gee, ruffians. You guys get three generals?
i meant can't wait but my brain fried
I think the rrats that fuwawa just wants to vibe and talk to us is true
Fuwawa was definitely thinking of Lapis Gunner before concluding she didn't know what Lapis Lazuli was
Back from work, what has my Fuwawa done? aside from being adorable I mean.
i think the rrats of fuwawa being a social butterfly and mococo being an outcast are not true
KEK I believe
what is this mental illness
After this, yeah.
I think you're on to something.
I gotta be honest, i can't wait for this event to be over.
She has probably forgotten all about Lapis Gunner, I doubt it left much of an impression on her.
learned how to use the sword, full diamond, full gold, full iron
She's fucking dead unironically in minecraft
avoided interactions
complained about being lonely
slayed a more stains than needed
Really makes you think doesn't it?
>no bros she definitely was the popular sister and Mococo was alone and antisocial all the time
I still love her though, this changes nothing for me.
I had assumed they would be among the best RPs, but alas.
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>It doesn't count as a view through multiview,

Oh God... What have I done.

I love both Fuzzy and Fluffy.
Mococo definitely seems a lot more willing to interact with people than Fuwawa does.
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she's a loner anon, a rebel
So it would seem
my fuflfy dark knight...
Been saying this for a while now, since one retard starting pushing sister vs sister crap saying "Mococo is ruffian-oriented, Fuwawa is career-oriented"
fuwawa hates my backseating
I won
Fuwawa has ascended
Just imagine. They do the fluffy/fuzzy dungeon and at the end, they watch their video, the stream ends and raids into a third stream, where they come back on 1 character with both on the screen as FUWAMOCO in game, half blue. half pink.
FUWAMOCO perfect sync ver. can only exist in our minds
>like a wecipe book?!
all her eggs...
go away dragon ball autist
Did Mococo forget that she's supposed to sell the potato salad, not keep it as a food source?
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this seems incredibly cursed
She'll drown in potato salad and you'll like it
one can never have too much potato salad
Been having this headcanon for almost 10 months now, even though about them pulling a Kizuna Ai and streaming on the same model but each stream is arbitrarily one or the other voicing.
Recycling is a scam, good dodge fuwawa
moom is being a real jew right now and fuwawa smells it
>you sound like a jew
>Getting drugged by Mumei and Kiara
>I am not going to feel sleepy right?
Someone spiked Fuwawa's drink once...
baused fuwawa
Moom juice mmmmm
Yeah, me.
always knew she was based but damn
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Oh gosh, Fuwawa will get addicted to recycling!
almost an hour, wrap it up
Did Fuwawa get her warp crystal back?
this board is quite literally just DBS posting but for vtubers
She's more skeptical than I thought, nice.
Yes, it was in her inventory
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>you're not a real lawyer
Fuwawa should buy 5eggs
Please forgive my antisocial daughters
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you can't swindle the fluff, the fluff swindles you
>turning down every invitation to RP
toaster strudel...
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I fucked up and now I'm the most hated ruffian unironically
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>Tomorrow, the final event of #ENreco Chapter 1
>final event
>of Chapter 1
god help me
they forgive literal antis you're fine
They are both being unusually antisocial today.
we can only hope that chapter 2 ends up being in fortnite...
Why does she keep ignoring Fuwawa...
We get you don't like it, no need to complain every 5 minutes
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they're getting closer bros
It'd be fun if they played along a bit more with the others instead of being so suspicious of everyones motives
I hate these ENreco streams, because /baubau/ uses them as an excuse to shit on FWMC all day long. "Mococo's too loud and annoying!", "Fuwawa's too boring and anti-social!" I don't give a fuck, I'm happy just watching them play however they want to
They're together again
it's actually going to be on roblox for chapter 2
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it's retarded that they don't know they're sisters in this RP. looks aside, their sniffers should tell them that they have a connection with each other
>hating streams because of 4chan
massive retard
KEK, kino
>I hate the streams because sisters shit them up as they always do
They seriously had a fight offscreen because of the last ENreco, Fuwawa calling out Mococo being anoying and yelling at everyone, and Mococo at Fuwawa's unwillingness to do anything.
Would explain the hiatus yesterday too, and now they're still beating themselves over it and feeling insecure...
it will be in holoearth
shouldn't have raped a femruffian
bro take your pills for your own sake
That happens for every FWMC stream though.
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Hey Ruffians, Day 15 of fumbling my way through 日本語。
almost forgot to study today since i've been so busy but the streak continues!
6 new cards for ankidrone and maintaining moeway.
fuck this boring slop i'm gonna go watch koyo
Chapter 2 will be in Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics
Where do people come up with schizophrenic nonsense
Dunno if bait or whatever, but I think they just slept and did homework, though
They've been sisters longer than any of us have known them, so I doubt a little bullshit in a game would make them have a fight kek
>chapter 2 will be censoredslop
They're finally doing something together
this is suprisingly wholesale
>kiara walked on the lava
Chapter 2 is gonna be in No Man's Sky, it's what Sean's been working so hard for
yes nerissa please save us from this bore fest
Fuwawacable my beloved...
Not to put a damper on everything, but chapter 2 would probably just be to get promises memories or whatever kek
why is nerissa is a rapist
>I think Nerissa should die
>I'm happy you have your body back because you kissed me.
Mococo the ultimate tsundere.
>Oh, that's cool, do you know how to make a shield? bau bau.
fuwawa... get involved...
Well, of course. Chapter 3, the quest for advent's memories, can only be in L4F2
will this end in them kissing each other
Finally, they're together...
Gonna be honest, i'm not gonna watch FWMC's POVs in future chapters. Them avoiding any rps from the other girls is getting enfuriating. Just do a Bae and go on a break if you're not wanting to participate on the project
That'd be kino
ESL sister lol
ESL sister lol
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ESL sisters lol
good luck learning english
ESL bros...
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together at last
weren't they supposed to save those?
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Easiest (You)s of my life lol
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fuwawa is very happy now
>I was only pretending to be retarded.
Does Fuwawa have Mococo muted ingame?
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she may have found herself a sister...
I don't hear her, so seems like it.
Sounds like it, I can only hear her in the background.
Probably for the best when they're close together like this.
their inventories trigger me
its very low
thank fucking god
after all this time
What does your level do in MC anyway?
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I love seeing them together, bros...
>its very low
It's not on at all, Mococo's icon on the top left doesn't glow up ever while on call
In Vanilla it lets you enchant items.
whaet, what did they censor?
I vaguely remember Biboo using the levels to enchant weapons earlier
their POVs tonight are the most boring streams of the whole week
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it's nice to have in the background but yeah i'm more interested in what's going on in the other povs
I like how everyone involved in this canonically has schizophrenia
What are they up to?
>boring boring boring boring boring
Are all ruffians zoomers? You'd think with their tastes and streaming style, FWMC would attract more ojisans
This is easily the best day of Enrico. Best moment is still the music party from last stream.
>best day
kek no it isn't it's fucking BORING
Best day was day 4
play subway surfers in the background then ipad fag
Nah, best day was 5. Nothing beats the sorrow and suffering of Gonothon as he loses his love to her regained memories.
Go back to global then, fag.
they're about to play a game shakira
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Yeah I have Mococo and GG up atm, but I'm almost entirely focusing on GG. Might swap Mococo for Mumei since she left the group
I'm 33
I'm mostly watching FWMC and raora today, so it's chill all around kek
I feel guilty, but I've been catching up on this Gonathon story arc instead of paying attention to the stream. Yesterday was kino, wtf. Wish we could've had a lost sisters reuniting rp or something
ojisans are actually the minority

its the same fag sister thats been shitposting this past week
There's no way these people are ruffians.
We will.
In a year when the Advent chunk drops./
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Ruffians, your oshis are shit. I forgot they were even in the server.
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False alarm she's staying
pls andastand they're bonding together because they can't bond with anyone else
13 months of nonstop falseflaggot posting and it took this long for you to realize?
nice moom butt!
or people are just bored since they aren't doing anything and are barely talking while the other group is RPing and doing minigames and banter
The guy who complained about it being boring might not be an anti. Its understandable to be bored by a stream like this.

That said I can't blame you for thinking he's an anti, given how frequently they post here.
It IS boring fags. Literally nothing is going on in their POVs.
Nah, was just stating it for the others replying to bait, thought it might stick but idk kek
just don't watch the fucking stream if you don't like it. Why that is so hard for you to do instead of you publicly complaining is beyond me
I was pretty engrossed in the GG story arc but these comfy streams are nice too. I’m helping Fuwawa with all the knowledge I’ve gained from other streams too and it feels good
Finally got a chance to watch and HALLELUJAH there is no fucking echo, just background Mococo. Thank goodness.
>those legs
>these streams are nice because i'm getting read
uh huh
GG's been thriving in this server. I lowkey hope we get some ttrpg kino with FWMC and her during the halloween season.
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The problem I have with these streams is they may as well not even be part of the event when they play like this. This is just a regular Minecraft stream, not ENReco
no one is going to watch gg after this is over
Why did FUWAMOCO even agree to this project if they weren’t going to associate with anyone?
Ruffians love replying to bait.
gg has more ccv than fuwamoco combined right now
But really why don't they just go play games with everyone else?
Why don't you ask them
This is my biggest issue with it. Ruffians are just swallowing this garbage when we could’ve just gotten a normal stream from them if all they were gonna do was stick together the entire time.
They agree to every project unless there's homos in it
They’re catching up on quests, Fuwawa JUST got a diamond sword and is enchanting it. Mococo doesn’t even have a backpack yet. I think it’s fine if they’re chilling together for now
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my wives are cute and comfy and sneezy today
ruffians are just consoomers when it comes to fuwamoco
I lost hope a while ago for a lot of the people /here/ but I thought it'd worth the try at least.
I'm so proud of her. I hope they never touch MC again after this
because it's them, they would never say no to a project even if it will physically kill them for the next two weeks.
>They’re catching up on quests
excuses, fuwawa refuses to conversate with anyone who isn't mococo for longer than 5 minutes
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Literally everyone else on the server is hanging out together besides FWMC
Moco-chan's gambling addiction is resurfacing
You mean a normal stream, where they talk to the ruffians and interact with eachother.... Like what they are doing right now? Guys we need to work on our roleplay better this is getting obvious you don't watch streams or like any of FUWAMOCO's content
I don't think she knows how to...
all she does is Bau Bau and bounce
This might as well be a normal MC stream for FUWAMOCO because they for damn sure aren’t with the others
How so? She was able to do it for day 4 where she spent a majority of the time away from Mococo.
WE GOTTA DRIVE THESE can't post that on this board OUT OF THIS TOWN
>talk to the ruffians
Does he know?
>You mean a normal stream, where they talk to the ruffians and interact with eachother.... Like what they are doing right now?
exactly idiot. this is not the platform to be doing it. it's a fucking BRANCH PROJECT and they refuse to stick with the rest of the BRANCH because they're social autists. but even then that's not an excuse because GURA is a social autist and yet still made the effort and has more connections in the game than someone like fuwawa
And you're not going to do anything about it because you're a little whiny bitch KEK!!
Ruffians are pathetic
And you're not going to do anything about it because you're a little whiny bitch KEK!!
>no argument
concession accepted
ruffians don't like whores so it's fine
alright wrap it up girls it's 2 hours
>how bout
Post about it chat, I'll be watching for it.
Ruffians are pathetic
This conversion has gotten stupid, turns out people like different kinds of content. Amazing, now stop complaining it solves nothing
The bot broke.
>I don't like ENreco
>Oh this episode I like, it's more like the content I enjoy
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that's not true, I spent all last night with your mother
>still a little bitch
KEK accepted
I have been read twice this stream

then why are you complaining I don't give a fuck that its a branch project because I like watching FUWAMOCO so if they do this here or if they play any other slop as long as they are on stream I will watch and enjoy watching it.
Ruffians on suicide watch.
uh oh!
uh oh!
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This is true...
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Retard, they're acting like this deliberately as part of the RP. Fuwawa keeps mentioning being lonely, and she is distrustful of others and spends time alone. Mococo is acting like a loud brat without anyone to calm her down and reign her in. It's the amnesia kayfabe. They're the worst version of themselves because they forgot they have each other. You'll see, they're playing the long game - once they regain their memories, after an emotional reunion they'll be happy and normal again
We should have a fuzzy thread all the time. All the genuine stream watchers went there instead.
oh no mocopan is gonna burst!
>they're acting like this deliberately as part of the RP
lol funniest joke i've read so far. didn't read the rest btw
sawmersauwt mocopan!
Not fooling anyone you brown creature
The discord is 2/3rds talking about other streams. Pretty funny.
There is no RP going on, dopshit.
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see? we're not alone here. even the clique knows this is boring
you spelt dipstick wrong
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good clip but why
>6 new posts
who cares, baucord is degenerate dogshit
It's kind of funny how comfy that thread is compared to /baubau/. I endorse /fuzzy/ being made more often, anon.
You can feel her body through this image
RIP Mocopan...
I miss the time before the black tricked us all
I just thought it was funny
The shitposting here is more entertaining than the stream
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tourists from other threads coming here because of how dead their threads are to talk about how boring FUWAMOCO is will never not be funny
The black what
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it depicts her fluff perfectly
Its not that deep, they're just using the amnesia RP as an excuse to be rude.
/fluffy/ will be for gorilla posts to go unreported
But my other thread is global tho. I come here to start shit because it’s easy
Ruffians are just guaranteed (you)s, that's it
>Baucord is dogshit.
I'm not gonna fully disagree, but they generally are on topic and really talking about the stream any time they're streaming. It's just funny to see that they are un-engaged with the stream.
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when is pero getting his own general?
look at fuwawa, not getting involved. grim
>The only one who refused the lottery in the server was Fuwawa
Sure fluffian, whatever breastfeeds your baby
>Elizabeth is a sister
this was a mistake
She has good intuition
>pregnancy is good
Clip it
That's because she's a good girl, not a dumb whore who wastes money gambling
fuwawa the least you can do is play along
i love my degenerate gambler wife
Fuwawa is a true hero focused on getting stronger for the sake of the kingdom and she won't be tempted by the devil
Maybe the jew girl is right, Mococo should find herself a sister. She's a menace by herself
Fuwawa left alone again...
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cute boy
Fuwawa is so cute right now
Fuwawa the ugly whore is ugly.
I need Moco-chan to not win.
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She really is...
Mococo is a master of finances
>I AM banned from faunamart
>I am banned from Faunamart!
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Off they go.
Fuwawa is running away again...
snatches 100 gold and off she goes kek
how does she do it
>i want to be self sufficient
>complains about being lonely
>Good luck with your pregnancy!
What is happening outside of Fuwawa’s stream lol
women moment
The Gonathon G arc is really going places.
fuck that gave me an idea for a drawing that I don't have the skill to do
fuwatato kek
It's a wild wild world outside the comfy farm life
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Fluffy LOVE
fuck you faggots fuwawa can do what she wants
>not even a red
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man their sub growth has really hit the brakes ever since they stopped the vertical streams and number fagging, I really want them to numberfag their way to 1mil and then they can stop
it's a membership, fag.
>not an aka
worthless faggot screencapping your own message
let's see how long it takes for fuwawa to run away
can't make this shit up kek
okay seriously she just straight up ran away from a roleplay opportunity, what the fuck?
She's definitely avoiding them as hard as she can while trying not to be rude kek
pretty cute, actually
I think Fuwawa does want to RP but every time she talks to someone they're talking about scams, murder, BL, or something like that
>Wheres the carrots…
>I want no part…of that
Fuwawa…she wants to just farm in peace
Fuwawa is such a friendless autist it’s unreal.
>Gambles non-stop with money she steals
>Falsifies injuries to try to get money
>Screams at everyone she meets about needing money.
When will Mococo get addicted to potions so she can complete her homeless crackhead arc?
friendless autist hobby
friendless autist company
friendless autist website
Living that isekai slow life.
She just like me
Fuwawa the ugly whore deserves death.
Fuwawa just wants to play minecraft lol
at least mococo tries
fuwawa is just shit
Couldn't remember the name of that game, thanks kek
if you watched streams you would know but lol
Fluffians on suicide watch.
Fuwawa has learned more about playing minecraft in this stream than she did in the entire learning minecraft series
Ruffians on love watch.
Mococo's greed is the only thing that got her any semblance of connections
Wrap it up girls
Why is Fuwawa focusing so much on gathering ingredients? It's almost all she's been doing the whole stream.
and that's still something kekaroo, fuwawa has nothing going for her
they play games with violence and shit all the time you retard
This makes me want them to just go back to their solo minecraft world, but then I remember vanilla minecraft is harder in some ways then this.
You're an idiot
This is why Mococo is the better sister.
I hate that you think I was making a reference to a mobile game. Fucking zoomers I swear.
The fact that you don't get the difference is pretty telling.
readbros we're not complaining because we're eating good this stream
Fuwawa's POV is actually pretty funny as the straight man. Just having a peaceful time adventuring, then whenever she approaches a group:
>I'm married, but this is my side chick
>Congrats on the pregnancy!
>This is a scam!
>Shall we hold a trial for murder?
Then Fuwawa backs away like "What ths fuck...?"
Why did they split up? I went to the shitter.
And she'll forget it all again in 2 weeks
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>Fuwawa is too sensitive to discuss something as scandalous as murder!!!1
Fuwawa only has two eggs...
I'm 30 years old, anon. Stop acting like a woman.
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I’ve spent the entire stream lying in bed just listening to Fuwawa be cute

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