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I love Ina!
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hey man
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Thoughts? (again)
Bitch, he's Tony Todd
put some respect on the candyman
Biboo fucked IRyS
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Hey girl
>They all have henshins
Ok this pretty fucking cool lmao
too big
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Fuck you
Can anyone screenshot every frame of Harley transformation
I haven't been following Mori closely for this but isn't she RPing as a restaurant owner or something?
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Sorry the kanata I had anons imagine isn't as cute as what I have.
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very strange
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Interesting that /fluffy/ is full of shitposts while /fuzzy/ is a normal Holo general
She runs a tavern and also acts as a divorce attorney
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The coolest!
Yeah, the tavern owner. She has been sick so she hasn't been able to do much though.
>meanwhile rick flag
God crazy Harley anime faces are so fucking erotic. I need every pictures of her crazy expressions.
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I like this look for harley
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I loved him in DS9, dude made me cry like a baby
why the fuck do they even have separate generals? what?
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well, she's part of her harem so that's given
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name this unit
milkers are for braindead coomers
DFC is for gentlemen
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In every series I've watched, someone always dies at the end of each season. Who's dying tomorrow in ENreco chat?
Imagine if I put my penis in there haha it won't take up the whole donut hole but it'd still be hot.
its the shit that the discords that circle /vt/ are forcing now
that's why we have to hear about it, because they wanna boast
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The amount they managed to perfectly capture her character in her transformation sequence and outfit was absolutely 10/10
Her motions, the design of the outfit, remembering her hyenas, just perfect
>AI slop
Gonathan will make the ultimate sacrifice and only then will Ame remember him but it will be too late.
based JPbros
>>>>Half of me
psychic arms are such a kino trope
Shinnok fucking rules
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>will Gigi still retain the same ccv after this? I hope so
>is GG the best at RP? isn't she the most entertaining holo?
>will you please continue watching GG after ENreco?
>I hope Gigi gets more posts on reddit, they're not talking enough about her
Grems quickly became the most insecure fanbase, holy fuck! Stop caring about that shit, it doesn't matter. Just enjoy your oshi and be there for her. She'll be alright.
The King.
Gonathan sacrificing himself to save the realm, exorcise Bijou, and install Tam as the rightful ruler would be a perfect ending
most telegraphed twist ever
pero also has his own general now
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I don't know how many of those posts are shitposts, but the replies are always serious so I do think a lot of them share these views kek
He was originally thin.
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is there a way Gura can catch up and be relevant in the story again?
I read that as separate genitals
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or it's just interesting to discuss the fact that the runt of the branch is the hero of the branch collab
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This is actually profound
>Pissin all by yourself handsome?
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>Go-Getters plays during the final scene
He on that ozempic fr.
this cat...
I made /fuzzy/, and I have never used discord in my life
surprisingly good genes
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Bae cute!
but why?
Then discuss the good things that actually happened and stop worrying about the future.
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Final dungeon time!............Tomorrow!
The music here is so cool.
This baby is trying to seduce me
how the hell do people not have enough underwear. i have like 3 weeks worth
[Good News]
to talk about Mococo's POV
Thank you for marking your post with this. Makes it a lot easier to disregard it.
So what if I want to drink Mori's breastmilk straight from the source like a baby?
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Miko, you're rich enough to afford doing the laundry...
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i'm sure the anons that can't picture things appreciate it
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Gonathan G will die. But his soul will choose to go back in time, the time when he was happiest, and he will be at season 1 first episode. Ame who loves Gonathan G wants to be with him too and wants to be in a time when Gonathan would love her, but since he already loves Jyonathan she'll go back in time before Gonathan G is born, and become his mother.
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I have exactly four pairs of underwear.
>Joker being set-up as the villian for season 2
Uhhh what?????
This shit makes no sense lmao
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>anons that can't picture things
That sounds like a sad life. I like picturing many things, so not being able to picture anything...
The list of ENreco characters and their importance in the world of Libestan.
go away redditor
Unironically this
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Best moment of ENreco for me (counting what happened right after)
Harley and the girls are so cute in anime
Story wise the end of FF8 is wack but the theming, visuals, and music are some of the best of any FF final dungeon.
The fatness was legit a prank this whole time
Language Barrier
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I enjoyed the latter half of this season, though that twist makes no fucking sense.
How does one "permanently die" in ENReco? Mechanically speaking.
He was a relatively handsome violinist before he turned into a creature for content
what the hell do i watch now
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Thanks for the info Mikochi
Is it a prerecorded video, someone in the /fit/ thread said his parrot died years ago, it looks real to me but I also know cado is a bit of a trickster
That won't even last a work week dude, please go get a pack of Hanes for your co-workers sake.
There are so many little girls on twitter screaming with their wet panties about how cool and tragic Gonathan was. WEW.
yeah but being able to rebound without the ozempic ghoul look or saggy face is impressive
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How is the Hot Pink slut an important character? She just spreads her legs for everyone in the kingdom
Nerissa is more important than ina and irys and arguably erb
I actually cannot think of a single thing she's done that could be considered important.
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I'm looking forward to the new fanart that this tweet will generate
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All holos should have a steady supply of obscene underwear picked out by Polka.
ENreco 2 looking crazy
nani sore?
Is this HoloAss new update?
Not really
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Gimme some ozempic so I can ghoul-maxx then.
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No 3d live for the shinigami's 4th anni...
You RP as a ghost when you respawn
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NTA but it's a Genshin mod.
Ina has one too.
Nice try Kobo, go back to bilibili.
Now put Gura in Mualani's outfit.
Because they are doing a myth one dummy.
anon... discipline and good habits will get you further than ozempic
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Subaru is extremely easy to jerk off to, I don't know what these guys are on about
Do you think Gonathan G. is deathly afraid of regaining her old memories?
I think she's holding the second live for Halloween
oh, snore.
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Oh yeah!
Let's go!
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imagining the world being filled with partially empty brain people really exacerbates the main character syndrome
this is what Holo Earth should have been and not whatever it is that we got. it doesnt even have a single trace of Hololive members or their references in it aside from the chat stickers
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If I had those then I wouldn't be fat to begin with.
Just order it from China
the gm bans their micra account from the server
Ina and Irys are in Cerluean. They're more important by default through association with their guild members. Nerissa hasn't been important for the majority of the story. Irys and Ina have been apart of Gonathan and Bijou plotlines constantly
but where's her Booby Prize?
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I've been reading VNs lately so I'm more open to Solipsism than I normally would be.
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Apparently it's real since you can see the loose skin
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but you can do it
more like CallioSEXO
So much wasted bandwidth
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>Pekomama grabbing a handful of dat ass.
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Calliope Mori? More like Caliobigbboobs McTittymonster!
If IRyS never existed what would be lost from enreco? Oh no we would miss out on stupid sex rp oh no we would miss out on IRyS making everyone call her hot
They had Polka and Botan in HoloAss over a fucking year ago, I dunno what they've done since. I don't give a fuck about buying t-shirts for my gay anime Sims character.
Looks pretty good
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Good for him. Or sorry that happened, depending on what that means.
reading VNs turns you retarded
My Ina retweeted a nice picture showing off her thighs, feet and crotch just barely peeking out
I know FWMC aren't actually stupid so I wonder if they realize the way they're acting in ENreco isn't really doing them a favor. There's more chapters of this too for them too
Vertical dagger passing through
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Jokes on you I was already retarded.
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God, the amount of absolutely fucking goated fanart thats come from ENreco is amazing.
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Tam Gandr is a false queen. This is Cerulean propaganda
solipsism is just absurdism for cowards
ERB Sway
FWMC should play zomboid then invite other holos later.

I guess they did write about her because she is a new to the chart.
Oh, that's a nice one.
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How the fuck will Biboo integrate being evil to the last trial tomorrow, which is probably killing the Stain King for good?
They need to resolve her plotline by 11AM JST so the whole thing makes sense because I'm sure the staff planned a good ending for episode 1
Hey wait a minute, YOU made this! Also it's not very well done, they aren't mixed well together at all
Even Raora has knelt to the true queen, there is no opposition left
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the huge boobs turned fuwawa retarded
the VNs got mococo
it makes it even worse
Feels like Gigi is tryharding her rp too much. It was charming in the beginning but the bit is stale now. I'm glad this thing is ending tomorrow
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>interesting meetings
>many people
>big projects
She'll do nothing to help the fight
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Rao milkies
>catalognigger antis create threads and shit them up themselves
>come here to run another holo vs holo gayop
Think about it for a second anon
Mococo is at least trying. She played into a bunch of plots and even tried to start her own
Well not soon. These things always take forever.
What do you think SOON posting is anon?
Power of love and friendship™ will bring her back, after being slain by Nino Ina in the arena
Raora will top Kronii in bed because beeg cat means beeg sex.
Fair enough she gets a couple of points g
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hey girl
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>of this too for them too
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I think the version of Solipsism that was being discussed was more an idea of "You are everyone," rather than "Nobody exists except you." I don't even think that it counts as Solipsism honestly but I don't know what else to call it.
I won't become Mococo if I read more will I?
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Italian Korean yuri porn sounds hot
Prepare to cry
Mori has taken direct control over her MVs.
She's definitely getting purified before the final dungeon, cc ina and gg has been hinting at it for days
Didn’t Mori say there was going to be expensive merch like 6 months ago
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this doesn't make sense, it needs at least some cloth underneath.
it's mostly big cuddles
>You are everyone
Egg Theory
she really is trying everything in the book to become queen
eh pretty boring composition imo
I love oreo women
I see, thanks!
What did the spy say? I don't get it
truly a Reaper
Someone dropped the ball on it.
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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good morning
>From enemies to lovers
Maybe Gigi isn't the protagonist after all. Maybe she's actually the God of that world.
the link is one of the replies
Np, it's honestly a fascinating perspective
Read kronii's acceptance and c the replies in that too, they are equals now
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Are you sure? What if the curtains match the drapes
That reminds me. IRyS said they got Mass effect perms now right? I wonder if Mori will play it too. I know she said she beat all 3 pre holo, but she could do a diffrent run.
>8am JST start time
that gives Mori 3 hours to catch up
Mori is fully aware that there are people who are going to masturbate to her while watching her streams because of that outfit, isn't she?
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Why do you guys want dkio effect so bad
This one? >>84684139
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How about song making? If she has full control, when did she gained?
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What's stopping Fuwamoco from doing a vertical stream with two of them playing two separate video games? For example on the top Fuwawa Tokimeki Memorial while Mococo is in the bottom playing Underrail.
I'm glad that ENreco let Gigi incline massively and become popular. She actually deserves it
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Koyo gone...
She has had almost full control of her music for a long time.
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>when did she gained
she has a complex relation with her own attractiveness
can't become mococo
you need to a fuwawa for a mococo
me, I am stopping them
kys harbinger
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She is talking about me btw
Yes she's totally the next gura bro. This time for real
>>84684448 (me)
*gain it?
what if you're my fuwawa
FWMC have social skills in the negatives
ruffians are majority ojisans, they cant multitask like that
fluffy one's chickens...
koyodogs are so stupid
they should become yukimin they look way better
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Yeah she knelt alright. To lick her labia
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I think J6 was when it happened. At least under the UMJ brand
I think this suits our knight's lonely tale better:
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Do not wave your sword at me, Good Ma'am
soft thoughts
So tomorrow is just going to be scripted lore garbage again?
That's for the wedding night, it'd be sinful to munch carpets before being lawfully married!
>Gigi is Haruhi
yeah man, don't bother watching and in fact never come back here again just to be safe
fuwawa otaku powerlevel destroys me way too hard
simply cannot compete
yeah and I guess having tits that big would be a pain
Why is event only 1 week long? Fucking retarded making all this stuff just for a super short event like this. They should have at least made it 1 month long to give girls more time to RP. By the time chapter 2 happens most of them will probably lose interest.
Mori is a woman now huh
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Fluffians just want fuwawa talking softly to them, they don't want her to get deep into RP
bae did day 1 and then dipped
STFU and go to sleep Grem
Its fucking exhausting for the girls anon
1 week is the sweet spot, then an update after 3-6 months
what a mood killing sc
The nipples are still there under that ribbon, right?
They would run out of steam if it was a month. Also they'd be so spread out there would be no interactions.
>Take some meds
soundpost onegai
breeding thoughts
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Pyonliope doomposting...
>three splits for the dogs
Are the Ruffians alright?
it almost feels like fuwamoco idolmaxxed at the cost of everything else in life
gimme a sec. I'll do it when she ends in a minute
Most Hololive members are not that interested in Minecraft RP
1 week is the perfect length for this
She always was I hate advent newfags so much. Just fuck off
Praying for gurame moments tomorrow
>/baubau/ - The actual ruffians
>/fluffy/ and /fuzzy/ - Antis trying to cause conflict and Holo vs Holo shit for god knows what reason
fuwawa is a siscon too
Go to sleep phasefag
they're not good at singing or dancing, they hardly "idolmaxxed"
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Real siblings can't be siscons
Don't believe everything you see on the internet
hehe, boop!
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sakamata is not sexy
I couldn't give 2 fucks about your boogeyman corpo. Advent newfags should fuck off.
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fuwamoco live in the anime world
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Bae a cute
eh, without some pressure to make progress and a much longer duration you have probably the same 19 girls putting in not that much more total hours but spread much thinner which means a lot less actual interactions unless they tell each other 'be on at this time on this day' offstream anyway. lot less spontaneity, and especially for a few of the girls the hours can be kind of hellish, Liz, CC, Kiara if she was home (which she will be for the next chapter) it's like... the most active hours are like 2-6 or 3-7am. even fauna usually goes to bed before the busiest part of the day.
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ENReco summary
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Loafer got cooked...
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I'm here since /jp/ days everyday and my oshi is from advent, what are you gonna do about it?
For some reason certain individuals are absolutely DESPERATE to manufacture some kind of drama around FWMC. I genuinely don't understand why this particular pair of cartoon dogs makes some people seethe so much, they're up there with Soda-chan as some of the most inoffensive talents in Holopro.
Mori just railed Loffy's ass
Then she got railed by Fatalis
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Bae a shit
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I can't argue with that and everyone knows anime is filled with siscons so fuwawa must be a siscon
you have convinced me
Mori sex/10
Harley sex/10
I'm so sleepy man, mori destroying my sleep schedule again
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cute callipyon and tutu/10
A lot better than I expected/10
Glad to hear how excited she was about everything;present past and futre
I find them incredibly offensive, their attitude toward life and other people is absolutely malignant
Because they debuted as some kind of saviors of vtubing and people doubled down on shitposting when the whole JP moving arc started and they started cancelling streams left and right
I really hope it's Lose Lose Days for the old MV but Dead on Arrival seems likely.
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Morbi cute/10
I heard the anime slows down in the middle episode but only watching 1-3 and 7-10 and it seemed pretty cool/10
Have you seen like any of their performances? They’re the best idol dancers in EN by far, and I’d imagine beats almost all of jp too. Their movements are really well synced and precise, it’s actually very entertaining to watch.
Thanks for proving my point that you only came around to her when advent debuted. You know fucking nothing about her. Stockholm syndrome
Mori cute/10
Fuck WIT/DC out of 10
cute morpi
30 mins to go anon. Towa will translate from EN to JP for Matsuri and jp chat.
why tf did bae choose to miss out on ENreco but not another thing she gets invited too? supposedly the same thing on reine schedule? some kind of community server? Is it that important to warrant not joining EN-wide event? Maybe it's JP-hosted event?
>/baubau/ - actual ruffians
thinkin bout biboo butthole
>They’re the best idol dancers in EN by far
What? Have you seen Bae? They're average at dancing
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>Biboo trying to corrupt Fuwawa
when was the last time she danced in the idol style
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Is it worth watching ggs vod after cc left?
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>Towa will translate from EN to JP
Does Towa even comprehend english that well?
having caught up with the show just today for this watchalong, its only episode 5 that drags on
>idol style
Is this the cope we're using
There's some kind of "idol style" of dancing that is a different skill to other dancing
"idol style" dancing is dancing that's very simple to follow for girls who aren't really that good at it
>1 month long
I don't want to see my ame burnout harder than she currently is. 1 week is kinda her limit already.
Trying too hard schizo.
Why is everyone talking about Ceruleans? Is Matsuri collabing with kemofure chuubas again?
Towa is EN
New Reine outfit soon!
Mori should have become a cat instead of a bunny
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I want to watch more minecraft but i'm so eepy
>Because they debuted as some kind of saviors of vtubing
and other fantastic tales that never happened
you are mentally ill and get mad at scenarios that you read into situations and invent
Wtf Towa did her eigo reps now? Back then she went 'no noo japanese onry!!!!'.
i bet if you obsess over japanese media enough you can be convinced to fuck your sister
Passion Eigo
The real towa isn't even blue, why'd anons lie to me with their blue towa pics?
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>mad at scenarios that you read into situations and invent
I'm not mad at any scenario or anything they've done, they're just terrible fucking people
I had a phase of wanting to fuck my sister but I got over it
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the free members message never gets read in a holo stream though? theres too many of those
I just got it
>GGAme only existed for less than a week
>already more kino and natural than amesame
Gigi's ability to create Kino out of nothing is genuinely impressive, or maybe Gura is just mid af and washed.
Either way I think we can all agree that Gigi is the best hire in years.
how are they terrible people
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Cute (and a bit doomposty at the end) Mori/10
Kino but how the fuck did Jonkler get there/10
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I wouldn't say saviors of vtubing but they attracted a lot of retards with pic related that were just waiting for the opportunity to shit on them
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>Nana-11 is so good it makes everyone want to burn down Faunamart
it's still too soon...
People only finding out recently that the dogs are dumb. Like, the bandaids on their hair wasn't already a red flag?
Nanamoo is the canon protagonist of Enreco
that's just puberty and virginity
it's a 7/11 pun not a 9/11 joke
Haven't learnt to socialize with others on their 30+ years on the planet, devote their lives to pursing some embarrassing weeaboo dream that doesn't even exist because they aren't willing to actually connect with other human beings
Literally everyone kneeled when Fuwamoco showed the pledge during their debut
us, /#/, the catalog, even /hlg/
we all saw what true idols were like
Bush did nana-11.
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Because it's Mumei it can be both
The only people who seethe at Fwmc are homobeggars like deadbeats, rosarians,.grems,.etc.
Seethe and cope and go back
Yeah the whole point of "idol step" is that it's easy to do so large groups of girls with greatly varied dancing skill can do it together. It's a weird standard to go off of.
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NTA but here, it was freestyled and very nice
Mumei already admitted she was the cayse of the black plague and the challenger disaster. It wouldn't be surprising if she was behind nana-11 either
whose bush?
I don’t like it
Reminds me of that tragedy
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Which EN can hold a mentos in her butthole the longest after a pepsi enema?
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Why is this a thing/
meant for>>84684990
>Holo vs Holo
Numbernigger or Catalognigger detected
I didn't kneel, I cringed
any idea how many hours from now gura/ame/gigi will be streaming tomorrow?
Now THIS is funposting
dan dan chikaku naru...
>the /fuzzy/ and /fluffy/ splits are still alive
Damn, 4 generals
15 hours from now
>Reine likes tentacles now
>Fat fuck generally is finally a thing
how the fuck does that make them 'terrible people?' Morality isn't tied to whether you are good at socializing or don't have cringe hobbies you fucking retard
a morally bad person is someone who actively and willingly harms others, not just some autist who doesn't know how to speak to people and has a weird hobby

what kind of mental retardation even leads someone to think not fitting in with others makes you morally bad? Is it some stupid cultural thing? Am I talking to someone who isn't a westerner right now?
Pero deserves respect
What was she dooming about
It's a terrible name for a convenience store!
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Is Gigi popular now
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What was the fine print that Mumei put on her lottery tickets?
its just projection
>/fluffy/ and /fuzzy/ - FWMC discussion
>/baubau/ - readschizos and discord gossip
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Imagine if the builders were actually competent
We would've gotten actual kino
>complaining about weeaboos
>while posting on the vtuber board on the anime website that was literally made just for weeaboos to post about anime
go back you retarded fucking tourist
teenage anons are all sickos
using "popular" always means announces yourself as a numberfag, and you should go back
thanksies anons~
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>splitting them up resulted in good threads
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She's popular with my penis, and at the end of the day; that's all that matters
Let's see what you've built in MC so far
Is this event currently the one with the most fan art created for it? its insane
are these gigi posts bots? they all just repeat the same thing
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I joked about it once, but the Holos have assumed a form akin to that of the Gods. Mass worship at scheduled hours, wide adoration, specific words of power and stories told among believers, donations thrown at them, lifestyles assumed and changed based on their texts and actions, and so on. However, much of this is no different from any other type of celebrity. So how does someone in Hololive choose to expand their influence, and thus their power, even more? Why obviously, through sex of course.

Semen has been considered a magical regent for centuries, and that hasn't changed yet. Imagine the magical power of thousands of virgins jerking it to Mori's tits or Marine's masturbation stories at the same time, probably a bit more effective than your pastor giving a sermon to dozens of half asleep patrons wouldn't you agree? But don't take my word for it. Consider why Mori, Kronii, Nerissa, Marine, Chole, Nene, etc. all are fine being sexualized to the point of being okay with being told about said masturbation. Or consider that they regularly hold streams encouraging people to show off their "shrines". It's also probably just one giant coincidence that one of the Ten Commandants very specifically says "Thou shall not worship any false IDOLS other than me". Curious. Still, it's probably nothing. Best to skippa skippa all of this, and ignore the possibility that we are forming Gods as we speak. Go to bed.
A distinct lack of clips for Koyo and FF8 with subs.
Nothing much, just saying how good she has it compared to how they could've been if she missed a limb or one of her senses.
It's not really about morality, it's about character
They're ultimately gigantic cowards who refuse to face the challenges of life and retreat into a fantasy
They're unwilling to learn to connect with other people. Being twins makes that the easy option for them, because they always have each other. Now they're over 30, and they still act like children even when they're not putting on the act
yeah man, you're the only real poster here. everyone else just pretends to like hololive
Were there any notable developments after mumei left or was this truly just a filler day
like, in all of holohistory? I think one of the sportsfests or graduations would take the cake.
In my defense there were many reasons I wanted to fuck my sister but I got over them
What's Fuwawa's excuse?
for now it's sir gonathan g novelty, it's up to her later
If you believe Japan is superior to the West and that you want to become Japanese and you're over the age of 25 then you're an embarassment
I love that you genuinely believe
>If you shit on a Holo split, you also shit on said Holo
this is just a self loathing post disguised as criticism of others
Post lewd pictures of Gigi then
nothing will change if nerissa never existed either. She's like a walking npc.
>they don't fit in
>I don't understand them
>therefore evil
Some people genuinely think this way.
Just the thought of Matsuri, CC and Towa being on the same room is enough to make me coom...

just came back from a stupid night market date. What did I miss on ENreco Kino?
>the West
Now THAT's embarrassing.
Eh I dunno
Pretty sure HoloARK also got tons of fanarts, especially the pregnant Subaru thing.
EN-only though? Yeah possible
What the fuck is wrong with Mumei
I don't have any of those problems
Oh nothing much
Just another filler episode like the day before's
I constantly bring up the fact that /grem/ is a ghost town literally to do exactly this
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No no dont talk about Fuwawa
What are these reasons to fuck your sister?
Oh hey Noel is finishing up kakarot
a lot of dungeon runs wouldn't have been spoiled
in recent time for EN? yeah
Uhhh but she has pointy hat!!!
FWMC have specifically called for their fanbase not to split up into Fuwawa fans and Mococo fans. So yeah, I question the motives behind that.
bruh, go shit on FWMC over at /baubau/ or /fuzzy/ or /fluffy/ or /pero/
Leave us be
nothing you just described makes them bad people and if it's not about the morality then how the fuck are they bad people
whether you are a bad person or not is determined by whether your actions are morally bad not your personality/character
but but anon, ,muh productive criticism
The mococo gambling addict kino wouldn’t have happened for one
Why would I shit on them in their thread
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yeah talk about fucking your sister
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because their thread also shit on them all the time?
You belong there
honestly most of rissa's interaction is kinda bland, except with biboo.
No fur?
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They were probably working on a tight schedule, and had to sleep 8 hours a night like scrubs.
spank the baeooty
sure but that doesn't mean you are a bad person
I said "terrible people", I didn't mean to imply they were bad in the moral sense
That seems like a completely random assortment of holomen
Her areolas are visible in all the pics I like and I don't feel like eating a 3-day before the ENReco final
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>Mia-sama crossover but with nipples
Bijou infected Mococo
I doubt any of their fans would agree with me because if they did they wouldn't be their fans
I lvoe that his entire argument is based on the fact that they lead a non-normal life and that made him very mad.
So weird.
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She was the person who took care of my autistic ass through some traumatic events and when puberty hit me it hit hard and my libido shot through the fucking roof
Was also the only girl I could potentially see naked
I regret it deeply and wish I could smack teenager me upside the head, but sadly I can not. Also we didn't fuck, obviously.
What was up with nerissa’s schizo theory that the stains were once libestans? Is it true?
Kiara one wasn't bad honestly, could use slightly more trap variety tho
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Fuwawa is too stupid to be corrupted
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yeah buddy im cumming up a storm over here égrégore style
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It's got nothing to do with being normal, it's their infantile social skills and their obsession with a fantasy
bro 90% of all posters on /pol/ and /v/ don't even realize this was an anime site at first
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Why the fuck do you care?
So weird
What happen to Gonathan after regaining his (her) old memories back?
Never believe the Scarlet lies
yes the harem arc is kino, and why are you such a hater?
Can I get a qrd on this development?
But they socialise with thousands of people every day
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which holo has the most sniffable butthole?
eigo Twap and menhera prime soon
AutoFister and Gurame foursome
You smell like pepsi cola.
An unfortunate scenario all around but at least nothing truly happened. Not much you can do about it now.
Nerissa agreed
Did you draw this?
She goes back to be an annoying doki wannabe
Why do I need a reason to care?
Why is Ina naked?

Man, it took you a while to figure it out, we were studying religious conversion techniques by the time /vt/ got made
post towa banana
When's Towa joining Vspo EN?
Or was it Kronii. I forgot the queen thing
why didn't Kaela invite a translator
God her armpits look so delicious. This might be the best GGpits I've ever seen and I want to bury my face in them and die.
very nice
These passion communication streams are my favorite kind of stream ever and I hope Kaela normalizes them
Why is there no CC POV?
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And how does that make you feel, anon?
Show me your oshi’s butt anus.
Is ERB popular now?
wait is Towa being EN slowly but surely becoming reality?
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I wonder what Ina sounds like when she tries to speak normally but is actually feeling intensely horny and trying to hold it back
who let them bake
like looking at zoo..
Man Ina getting embarrassed from hearing Violet and running away was too fucking funny
Humble Knight Gonathan G. dies, stinky turbofujo GG da Fister revives.
How do I unsubscribe?
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Funny moralfag schizo
But that's how Ina always is...
I don't see what's so bad about Violet
I'm literally being forced to watch Towa
to be fair FWMC are RPing 24/7, for ruffians this is just a normal Friday
Because it’s not kino, it’s IRyS acting like a 14 year old boy
Wait a minute, that's just Slaanesh's lore but with hololive members
this will be funnier
I still don't understand how the vagina armpits got popular, shit's ugly
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It's fine. She's cute.
Someone shop this with the shadow of a monster cock
None of those EN/ID girls are very good at Japanese, are they?
I had to leave after Ceci ended, did I miss anything?
>streams in Japanese
I’ve determined that the summer posters were actually our best posters cuz we had great midnight threads until school started and now they’re regularly shit. Grim times.
So much good art ruined by that shit
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Nope. Bit too stiff.
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>IRyS acting like a 14 year old boy
based and kino
You can't relate to cringing from hearing yourself sing?
we love towa here
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Kek, he really is being like that
Somehow, /ehe/ has returned.....
More Minecwaft
Get in, otomo
I did try to peek one time...
Nothing outside that though. I just had way too many hormones running through me.
If you're talking about the typical "draw a pussy, call it an armpit" style, yeah, I agree with you. But if you're talking about the armpits on that delicious picture, you're wrong. There's much worse pitpussies out there.
Ceci reads them if she likes them.
I'll never leave her stream running while I'm afk or sleepy but she's aight
'terrible people' pretty obviously comes with the connotation of being morally bad, everybody uses it like that. I've never heard someone say 'terrible person' and they only meant in some functional social sense; also you initially described them as malignant too.

Besides this cope to pretend you weren't loading a moral judgement into the fact that you find them cringe, the reality is despite their 'terrible' character and 'malignant' outlook/interaction with the world they are fucking rolling in money and have been rewarded for their weirdness whereas you are just some nobody loser retard seething on a basket-weaving forum so clearly they were doing something right and you weren't.
Thank God for the free market that allows such strange people like Fuwamoco to still thrive and hateful social morality obsessed freaks like you to not be in control of anything.
it's called sob story
Anon, that was them coping because FWMC is still on a break after BD and they have not gotten any stream for a long while.
Who are all the 14 year old boy holos?
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threads ruined by the chumbuds having to go back to teaching
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Oh right, they're still in Canada huh
They aren't too bad, really.
how did you mess up the link by omitting a '?'
Towa is EN
Towa is streaming and is gonna make me erect again... I truly suffer the most.
ina is the sexiest holo by far
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in what world is that suffering
Who will actually have a POV for the minecraft collab?
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These bitches gay! Good for them, good for them.
If I meant morally bad I'd say "bad people" instead of "terrible people", but it's probably regional
There's nothing morally wrong about them, and I'm sure they're much more hateful towards the real world than I am towards them
Shiori reads them
When I fell asleep things were still very filler-y in ENreco, did anything significant happen?
>Translate in DeepL
But she's speaking English?
If someone recorded me doing drunken karaoke I probably would.
Nope nothing at all
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Okay but why Matuli though?
I've heard Pantera lives in Nippon. Is that true?
How does she survive with no nihongo? Also, I thought she lives with her family still. Do they ALL live in JP?
I will watch the Matuli POV...
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Comfort woman statue...
Cumming inside the Towahole
shame has no place in drunken karaoke. it is a pure place free of judgement
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Towa's plus-one
This sounds like you are being deliberately misleading…
Raora speaks American though as confirmed by ERB. Maybe it was going to translate it into British.
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awww shit suddenly TOWA
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How ill they communicate if they can't speak a lick of Nihongo and Eigo?
Chances on raora being racist again?
They should invite Anya to the collab
numberfags aren't Grems
she will turn into evil cc if she have a pov
matuli a cute
Cute Matuli
>Maturi God
Now that's a 2020 Holo meme
this is why old people say porn is bad and japan is evil
Then there'd be too many JP members
>forced to watch worst holos in the company because CC is there
Ugh. I wish she wouldn't associate with these people
I want to fuck Torileni
She's starting a (vertical) stream
>I'm sure they're much more hateful towards the real world
plenty of completely justifiable reasons for this to be quite desu
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Why is Chrome like this? Is there any way that I can fix it? It seems to only happen with youtube
We love Towa here
This cannot end well
>forced to watch worst holos in the company because Towa is there
Ugh. I wish she wouldn't associate with these people
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All POVs are mine.
Towa and Italian Towa....
Yes they fucking are. The whole day today /#/ was nothing but anons saying
>whoa is gigi inclining?!
There's justifiable reasons for everyone to hate the real world, people with integrity get over it and learn to live instead of retreating inside themselves to the point their social skills are that of a 7 year old when they're in their 30s
use firefox and avoid any chromium based browser
wtf 2 towas?!
Kaela, you god this.
This will not go well.... I wish IRyS or Mori was here in this collab
Try cpu tamer userscript
I can't differentiate between Towa's and Raora's voice
close chat or install hyperchat
Oh they're replaying the kaeotic game?
Chattini hands typed this post
This goes beyond "regional", you're from a different fucking planet
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>two Towas
>No CC
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>living in Japan
it's been a long while since i last heard Matsuri's voice
>forced to watch worst holos in the company because Kaela is there
Ugh. I wish she wouldn't associate with these people
only minigames
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what the fuck
yes we get it ligger
biggu catto
Ceci got jouzu'd
why do you have 2 towas in your multiview?
Trust me porn wasn't the reason
really cringe how you jerk yourself off over how you're normal
normal people dont do that they're just normal
Use Brave you fucking retard
CC and Raora are good O_O
Why are you guys so mean
big cat means big cock
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idk man, this shit sucks and it gets worse the longer that I leave the tab open
What if being normal is my fetish?
Why did management schedule a bunch of meetings and other shit during the big rp event that they themselves created? Is this some sort of a feud between JP and EN management?
>forced to watch worst holos in the company because Matsuri is there
Ugh. I wish she wouldn't associate with these people
cute Translator Tower
Not your blog
I don't know. I've always used Firefox and never found a reason to switch to anything else.
Blessed Gigi
>shoot ringu
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Use Edge
I’m proud of you anon don’t listen to them
I'm not normal at all, it's got nothing to do with being normal
why are they playing on Kaela's birthday server? I thought they were going to give CC and Raora a tour of the main server/s
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This one? I'm down to try it
is this the new handegg?
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>FWMC are into Baebutt
>I'm into Baebutt
we are!
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Well they're having fun
What does Microsoft do what Googlen't
Thanks man.
This entire time I've been using a food bank because life was rough
I might fumble the interviews still so I can't relax yet
Because they didn't get to play on her birthday and they wanted to try the minigames
Soooo.... about Towa. How many fingers?
maybe I should start edging
Why does Kaela talk like an indian call center scammer
they need Miko Jordan coaching
she is a scammer, wdym?
Yes and try this if it help https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/473972
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i just wanted to fuck my babysitter like a normal person
i told her i'd marry her when i'm older and she still brings it up
She's dumbing down her English and adding a thick Japanese accent so the JP members can understand
>Japanese accent
Since when is "SAAR DO NOT REDEEM" a Japanese accent?
They support any underdog streamer with potential, doesn't mean they'll stick around if she peaks or stagnates. At /gigi/ there's absolutely 0 mention of numbers. Most of the spam here is from numberfags trying to advertise her, it's easy to spot who's a real gigger.
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Into Bae’s butt!
okay cool, thanks
Also on Chrome, /hlgg/ is using more memory for me than Youtube.
Matsuri and Immergreen should kiss
Big think
It was an attempt
Woah, hard R and everything?
>Kaela: I can't explain this in Nihongo
kaela sounds like a monkey
Towa is EN
Kaela is JP
Which Holo is least likely to be weirded out by swords on display in your bedroom?
>adding a thick Japanese accent so the JP members can understand
Kaela read the note given by her manager
WTF is Kaela saying in "Japanese"
this retard japanese is exactly my level!
>it's easy to spot who's a real gigger.
NBTA but almost every post by them reeks of numberfaggotry
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This is so scuffed it's kino
real fans of gigi can say that, you have to say gigga
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what's your point?
Her best lmfao
Raora fucking killed herself kek
Jesas Christ, you're still here?
Fuck off already. People can enjoy Gigi without being a numberfag
festival is kill
Why didn't they invite Anya?
Shiori be like
: <
festival's laugh is so cute
i don't think you even know the indian accent anon. That's the thick SEA accent like every other sea person. you need to watch more indian tutorial youtube videos
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No no anon, you see, if you like GG you're a ligger by default. Get it already
caring about number is retarded. our oshis are trying their best and being their best selves. why can't people enjoy what we have
Why is CC awake? Is her sleep schedule fixed?
she insists upon herself
why would they
Normally I would be into this stream but I am pretty fucking burnt out on minecraft
Nigger, there is a total of three anons in /grem/ at any one time. Please do not use her split as evidence of her popularity
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>Is her sleep schedule fixed?
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How many Towas must show up until the japanese government finally realizes they must lower taxes?
Take your meds, I have no idea who you're talking about.
no she's running on coffee fumes at this point
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I didn't have a babysitter so that wasn't really an option.
>still talks to his babysitter
I thought you were a permanent shut-in...
Remove "ones" and you get Indian
So she can translate Raora's Italian
she is probably sleeping in shifts at this point
He was also active during this time yesterday. Ignore him.
It's just grems who are mad that gigi is the runt
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Wukong in 7 hours
Actually a really nice looking design
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Bae a cute.
its the 3-6 11-13(?) 19-0 3-8(?) grindset
>if you like GG you're a ligger by default.
Why is gura pink now?
Kaela has a vagina
Three hours is plenty of sleep anon
they come over sometimes since our families are friends
Ela sounds nervous, it's cute
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Focus on the collab, Kaela
No... Does she at least have a futa cock?
kaela, focus on your collab, stop posting on 4chan
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Gawr drank her milk
That's Gawr with a boobjob
as a junior oji i understand old people now. I can't sleep for more than 6-7 hours, and 3 with a break then another 3 isn't uncommon for me
I'm sorry...
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Lots of cute noises from this collab
It is taking all my might not to tell you to explode.
>roara and towa
If they didn’t speak different laungages I wouldn’t be able to tell them apart
>there is a total of three anons in /grem/ at any one time
true, but check the archives of them and you can still find 0 discussion about numbers aside from the resident fake anti.
>Please do not use her split as evidence of her popularity
you're twisting my words into irrelevant nonsense
Does hlgg wear colognes?
Summer has been great for me with H24
She's not an artist like Fauna but she has a great deal of the gene in her as a verdigris
i'm surprised raora even tied that, that should've been an easy sweep considering that ceci has messed up hands
Will Raora ever do a karaoke?
Its been 3 months
Matuli climaxing
I think Matsuri should kiss everyone in this collab, and shove her tongue down their throats
Matsuri's screams are turning me on.
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God I love vtuber women.
I love hololive
I bet Towa wants to host tournament on Kaela's party game
She'll probably eat the golden apple while fauna cast her revelation
neat. didn't know this was the word to describe patina
towa is a nice person actually
Every time I hear Towa I think that Raora is suddenly speaking Japanese
Towa does seem to understand just enough English to follow Kaela
it's alright i think our moms are in the hating each other phase now
It's in the Wicked musical
bakos haelz...
who the fuck is this?
Eh I dunno
Seems kinda weird to join now
Bae... she misses out so fucking much...
is it worth checking out? i know rissa loves it
I don't support this
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No... It's so Kaelover
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The rat is coming... THE PLAGUE WILL END THE WORLD
Well what did I think of this?
>muh integrity
wtf is this wannabe high and mighty normal nigga yappin about bro, Fuwamoco being hags with the personality of autistic children makes them cute af so I don't care, I'm glad they're poorly socialized weirdos
Towa collabed with Kaela multiple times already
Ela is too cute and kissable today
Every time I hear Raora I think that Towa is suddenly speaking Italian
I've never seen it in person. Read the book and listened to the OCR, both of which I enjoyed.
Should have waited until S2
You can remain unexploded.
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I missed her so
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You want to have to sex with Mori (Harley is optional)
>Gigi got 12k yesterday
>more than any other EN
Holy shit. Is this the biggest incline in Hololive history? Genuinely happy for her, she actually deserves her success unlike some others...
There's nothing high and mighty about learning how to interact with others and make friends
Uh, soon!
she'll have to do the 4 dungeons in order for her to unlock the final quest. Good luck with that lmao
being unemployed is way better than being a wagie, don't do it man you're gonna miss your freedom and hate your life, no amount of 'feeling unfulfilled' will make the wagie bullshit more tolerable
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you think she caught up off stream?
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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Did Raora cheat with her god eyes
My Baeby!
fuck towa
fuck raora
Aye, happy for-
>That last part
Kill yourself
>deadbeat randomly seething at Gura
Unironically obsessed. This is why everyone hates you
good luck doing all dungeons before the final quest, bae
bae speedrunning 5 dungeons in one go lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Stop samefagging, loser
Is it translating to subs? I expected a bigger jump.
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This lineup has 4 nationalities btw
nobody believes you egg, everyone here loves every holo except for Kiara
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> Pearl had six
> Mishears
X auto captions are shit not gonna lie.
get Nerissa in her party she'll spoil everything for her
I don't think she even knows what happened in RP
I hate my life now. I'm the type of person that needs direction and purpose regardless of how arbitrary or irrelevant it is

I've made peace with it because it brings out the best in me

My hardest times are my best times
My oshi doesn't like her so neither do I. Not my problem chumbud
>CC: Forever... What is "Forever" in Japanese, Kaela?
>Kaela: Forever? What is "Forever" in Japanese, Raora?
whining about some sexy dog girl freaks on an anonymous tibetan carpet sowing forum just to pat yourself on the back for being 'at least I'm better than them' definitely is acting 'high and mighty' and is pathetic as fuck; just reveals your insecurity
Christ I fucking hate gigi's fans so fucking much. Why do you constantly have to shit on the other girls just to prop her up?
>muh cringe unity
Some day you will grow up and realise that some hololivers actually deserve the hate they get because they're genuinely terrible people
Why's her tail black
Hololive global
Let's goo peasant the Bae!
Now THIS is astroturfing
You know I think Toko works in names.
what else?
>Just reads chat
But Towa is Italian
I read this as Towa (don't worry I know where Reddit is I will be going there soon)
Kek, samefagging so hard
and eigo is their only hope...
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Another word for forever in Japanese is 永久 which is read とわ
you've got issues if you think those grown infants are sexy
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Bae was the final boss all along!
Mori hates whoever she can't leech from so yeah. No wonder other girls just completely ignore that fat loser now
bravo nolan
0% luck
100% green
what's the character that looks like dubsman again?
>gigi with no capitalization
Yeah kek
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Yeah, it's the only way I can pay the bills for your whore mother
This collab is going smoother than I expected
kaela jouzu
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JPnikis needs to GSH
Debuff language...
... wow
KFPiss seething lmaoooo
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let's WHAT?
What ever makes you cope I guess she's loving life and is happy as ever. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for a certain shark. All in all keep crying
everybody says shit like this until they go through 8 hours a day every week having to interact witth retarded customers and colleagues and doing work they don't care about and worn down by overtime
give it about a month, then you'll lose all your self-improvement life philosophy bullshit real quick
humans are hardwired to just want comfort and lack of stress more than anything else and didn't evolve with the physical or mental capacity to work constant full-time shifts and everybody always overestimates their own 'doing menial bullshit' threshold until it's actually happening to them
Don't worry about it.
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Oh Raora
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Making you want her SO BAD
The only reason why mori is happy is because she keeps drowning herself in alcohol and drugs. Pathetic existence, seethe deadbeat
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>Minecraft models touching each other
Crazy how Towa can order any one of these women to her bed chamber at a moments notice and they'd be powerless to decline.
Sorry that your oshi doesn't care to interact with anybody. Grab a cardboard cut out of her and nothing will change.
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Raora threw
>we loge Gigi more than kiara now
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Raora's brain is lagging...
Thanks to Rara throwing I didn't get to see my Ceci choke
Well let the cards fall as they may, and you might be right.
I was a salaryman which is worse than a wagie, doing 10-12 hour days without overtime was hell but I miss it and I was great at it. The only time I was good at anything
I want to lick her stinky pits so bad
Koara status?
hakos butthole
>they found me
wait a minute...she was the plague bearing rrat all along from Gura's plotline...
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Kaela is cheating
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why are there so many towas now
https://youtu.be/qHMhQmR4uH4?t=30696 wow that was easy you see I have proof while your crying about getting ghosted 24/7. Keep crying chumbud she's a husk of her former self.
Kaela should have been out like two times. She cheated due to her ping.
Is that lock mascot a man or a woman I need to know for catalog reasons
I want to tickle Gigi's pits until she cries and begs me to stop.
>Mori vs Gura
Low-hanging fruit today
locks are feminine. men are keys. this is known
I hope someone starts powergaming people and forcing lore on your oshi
based this particular image poster
tv is off wtf are they playing
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>women making decisions
I'm so happy my wife's wife is getting some well deserved attention!
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Here we go
>ERB 11k
Damn. I thought you guys said that she's ot popular because of unicorn chuddies seething? She even mogs cgdgct whores like mumei fauna kiara and gura now kekarooo
not this boring game
Mori doesn't want anything to do with her anon. Mori despises snot - kronii. She's the happiest she's ever been and I don't need depression shark whore ruining her again. She's such a bad influence whore
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Why does Raora keep refusing to play?
I had to go back and clip this to watch it again because of the last thread. Hinotori was SO fucking hype, man.
>Bae finally comes back to ENreco
>Gets hanged at the gallows on the same day
God, this would be so kino
I thought Towa was supposed to be good at FPS
It's incredible how it's been 4 years and Mori just became even more fake.
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mori is friends with kronii
Towa should bum a cigarette off of Raora
Some anon mentioned earlier Towa was complaining about being washed up
I guess everyone is waiting til the Gen0 thing is finished
Minecraft is Kaela's ground
we call it bumming fags here
>deadbeats actually melting down
Grim. What caused this random seethe?
you've been psy-op'd into feeling bad about yourself and having no sense of value if you aren't wagecucking for the parasites who live in tthe canopy
your life when you were unemployed was probably actually way better and happening than when you were killing yourself with those 10-12 hour shifts but the social conditioning in your brain didn't let you notice it; you felt depressed about not having 'muh purpose' because when you were a kid some faggoty teacher told you you were supposed to grow up and 'be good at something' otherwise you wouldn't be happy
you could have been happy the whole time already but they put your brain on a treadmill and subconsciously made you link your feelings of self-worth and meaning with a career and 'productivity' in your head
This game goes a little too long
read this as burn a cigarette on Raora
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I'll watch Gonathan with a G as my lady of the oranges has instructed me to.
Like you'd know you know fuck all about her. Stick to your mascot shark and fuck off. Also chumbuds calling other people fake aaahhahhahaha
Why call Raora as EN Towa when Towa is already EN?
Can't make this shit up, literally not even pretending she isn't getting forced to play little management minecraft mod
She literally never logged in at all since day 1
Ceci carried hard
Her only friends is connor
Kino will be served.
NTA but what about having no fucking money
Anya may be a cowboy but she does not speak Italian
That's why I put minus kronii anon read
>Towa loses FPS event
>screams more
Kek Towa
Raora and Towa have stuffy noses
>page 11
philipinoes and discord cumstains tongue my anus
holy fuck learn to speak english
Just don't want shark whore going near her with her depressing attitude and her absolutely awful influence. Stay away
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If we have EN Towa and EU Towa, then who is JP Towa?

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