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I love Ina!
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hey man
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I love Mori!
Someone post the Ollie soundpost about poors
Fuwawa eats snow
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Shioriface (her face broke dimensions)
>grey telling people to just pay to skip ads
not today ina spammer
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I think IRyS and Shiori should do a movie watchalong while secretly fingering each other to see how long it takes chat to notice
Fuwawa is trying to bail out Minecraft water
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Bae cute!
Shitposters don't want to take accountability for their actions and will never admit it.
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What's this thing on top of Mori?
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Fuwawa vs Water: Who would win?
I'm like this too. I don't care about the schizo spergouts, but I don't care about the other fanbases either
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the moom
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Bae shit!
It's a common reaction if you don't know what a source is
Every girl needs to wear a state mandated reverse bunny suit
Thoughts on Friend?
They're just trying to support their oshi
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For being on the server basically everyday, FWMC have done fucking NOTHING. Biboo's trying to give them one single purpose, to serve her and be part of the villain arc. She typed in the chat that Mococo killed Fuwawa's chicken and both of them completely ignored it. I'm getting fucking MAD
I have to give credit to Kiara (maybe?) for bringing up that mpregnancy test that gave GG an easy out, assuming it was intended
What the hell is Mococo building? I’ve been watching Fuwawa.
They did share the family PC for years, but you worded it as if they still are now which they obviously aren't. Anyways, Fuwawa was the one downloading all the porn games back then.
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>Mococo builds a marriage hut
>Right next to the Divorce Diner
I feel so bad for bijou right now
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>Mococo was making the flower room for when Tam and Mario get married
holy based, she actually was paying attention to the plot developments wtf
Fuwawa did it, she saved herself by being retarded, bravo!
lmao u mad
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And with this Fuwawa resisted the power of corruption by being completely retarded and oblivious
I had fun
hey guys look at this
But Mococo did participate
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>seiso top right stream :-)
wow, what a blast from the past
I swear I saw something about peeing on sand from a day or two ago
You lost Gojo.
They spent 6 days just saying Bau randomly in Minecraft rather than doing anything meaningful whatsoever
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It's been almost an hour and we haven't started episode 1
Yes, I am. As i stated. I am MAD. Completely wasted opportunity
Filler day but Day 1 is still the worst day so far
>FWMC are the ones to defeat the corrupted by not letting Biboo succeed in her schemes
They're true knights of the Jade Sword
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Day 2 actually.
kek stay mad, fag
Missin the Ina...
In my country, we have all sorts of wacky ice cream flavors. Those aren't even the weirder ones, and anyway, the variety makes for better personality mapping to flavors.

Kiara is definitely ginger, orange, and pineapple, for example. And IRyS could be raspberry in red wine
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No, she was told by Gonathan to not accept gifts. That's why she turned down Nerissa's building materials even though that wasn't even plot related.
To be fair, gigi also tried to involve fuwawa in her main plot as well and brought it up SEVEN times to fuwawa, each time she ignored it.
I really hate these dogs sometimes
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RPfags are so obnoxious, let them do their thing
Power stance up in this bitch.
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Hello Rufferans
lol, GG telling Fuwawa not to trust biboo is all it took for Fuwawa to be invincible
Has Biboo managed to get literally anybody to join her besides Mumei? It’s gonna be a pretty lousy finale if just them 2 vs everyone else.
we'll see kino out of this world...
But she said Fuwawa's sister killed the chickens? What does that have anything to do with Mococo?
it gave GG the chance to choose for herself if she wanted to continue it or not.
based move for the chicken.
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>paying to see ads
Mococo unironically tried to do it, even tried to get Fuwawa to participate, but Fuwawa no way fag'd her so hard it was hilarious, she just gave up too.
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>orange flavored ice cream
That does not sound like it tastes good.
Why? It's not hee fault fuwawa is retarded. Gigi couldn't get fuwawa to rp either
Kinda same with this honestly. I like all the holos and have multiple memberships but I barely browse this thread if kiara isn't streaming. I mostly just fuck off doing something else like playing vidya or reading translated asian webnovels/manga while watching other holos if kiara isn't streaming.
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I'm used to it. Doesn't bother me really, believe it or not. I post about how cute Kiara is all time in the midst of seethe all the time. Anon, let me tell you this, what does shitposting here even do? Nothing. I guess you can say that one guy sending SCs to multiple holos is a change of pace but in the grand scheme of things it's literally nothing. Kiara keeps on streaming and working hard, I keep enjoying her streams and talking to non schizo anons about not just her streams but also all the other streams that we are watching. I feel like a lot of you guys care for the state of these threads a little too much nowadays. This isn't even that bad, back then was oh so much worse. Yeah i know i'm crossposting but i took the time to write this shit so now im posting it. Sue me. Now shut up and put this in your mouth
>besides Mumei? I
she didn't even get Mumei retard
Now that the dust has settled, I think we all agree the Korone, Kobo, and Fuwamoco Doggy god's street was the best performance yes?
Takos? Is your oshi okay?
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I want to lick Moris cleavage
kek herobiboo
So what's the verdict, is Fuwawa just autistic and useless without her superior sister Mococo?
Mumei is just a co-belligerent and not a true ally
Despite the post you are replying to, Biboo corrupted Mococo today.
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Yeah why is she cutting wood with a sworAHHHHHHH
I'm so lost now. Who's the main villain again?
Sorry, cat brainrot
>Korone, Kobo, and Fuwamoco
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>Wanting the talents to RP on the minecraft RP is so obnoxious
>Let them do absolutely nothing instead
>I am a massive retarded faggot
well lucky for her a literal template to emulate just joined EN. Cecilla has a nice soft bit grating voice, cute giggles and doesn't have an insecurity complex. Yet Kiara is stubborn and sticks to her chicken voice and wannabe Pekora laugh while not improving her insecurity and constant negativity in any way. There's a reason Cecilia is so beloved and barely has any real schizos.
>I want to lick Moris cleavage
you can do it after I cum on Mori's cleavage
She could easily get shiori to join her. But that doesn't mean much when shiori would just agree and proceed to not do anything different from what she normally does
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I like it
NTA but orange ice cream is pretty good. The only one I'm not sure on is Pineapple flavored ice cream.
I've kept quiet when the best ice cream discussions came up over the years here, but it's lame to only have the basics. You guys need more variety in your gelato.
personally i just want to use them as an arm rest
They don't like kiara
Ina draws nice feet
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Kaela cute
Guys I think a lot of members of EN might be dumb
/#/ doesn’t have a passfag that pays money to shit up the thread
Okay, I will stay MAD. Not a fag though
Her pussy. Also damn since when did Mori turn into a chatterbox? It's almost an hour and she hasn't even started the watchalong yet.
Could be worse, look at Gura.
stop ban evading
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I think it's capitalism
Do the numbermonkeys pay you or do you shill for free?
Getting mad because someone didn't notice a sentence in the chatbox does make you a massive retarded faggot, yeah.
She's a retarded dog
based cute hey I love Mori too!
Gigi was already on the way out by just calling Mumei crazy. Kiara just extended the process. Quit taking credit for her idea
Tam Gandr
What does Kiara gain from being well liked on 4chan?
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Even if they isekai'd they're still a dog with amnesia in the end. Do you ask your dog why they do what they do.
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Guess I'll watch Towa until the MC collab.
I mean to be fair that is the entire point of the event. If no body RPed it would be a massive waste of time and resources for the girls and cover.
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What's going on with this release? I can't find the buy button on the JP site and the USA site doesn't list anything for sale.
Biboo doesn't need people to join her per se, she already got gg cc and Ina talking about the princess plot.
Plus roara said she would defend her daughter to the death
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>grating voice
Biboo actually got Mococo and Nerissa
Stupid retard
Kiara was alright, she tried her piece, got no homo'd and bid farewell, Mumei that made the plot go into a dumb tangent for way too long.
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I'm a big fan of ube ice cream but other than that I only really try the basic flavors.
Chuuni shadow the hedgehog shit she's doing really needs to be coordinated. It's not like court politics where bullshitting is part of how it actually works, you need to have a clear idea of what to do.
These are tips for her to be more liked in general like Cecilia is
Mococo should graduate from Fuwamoco and become her own idol. Fuwawa holds back all her potential.
That's the thing about RP, you really need someone else to play along otherwise it'll be just cringe. GG was lucky Kronii plays along at the start, same case with Ame.
Yeah, she does that sometimes
Gosh I really hope they don't play fucking snakes and ladders again tonight and just go straight to the minigames...
Why shouldn’t Kiara be insecure?
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Cute studded collar
>barely has any real schizos.
this isn't even true
Is Fuwawa the biggest bimbo in hololive?
Teferi’s Protection
Your response?
Your mental illness is not Kiara's fault
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She told us in the SC reading she did that to give her a way out basically. So yes it was intentional
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I meant to type *not grating voice. My bad
I think it's working fine for her if you actually watched the streams earlier today
Literally the peak female body...
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Tutu stream
Tutu world
Do people actually get filtered by voice? There's a few chuubas with voices I find annoying that I'll watch regardless because I find them entertaining.
We don't know if Nerissa got corrupted at all. Mococo put on the hat, took it off, then returned to normal or something. So no.
This actually makes me harder than most R18 art of ina. Was I a cicada in a past life?
Mario's marriage to the other queen probably would make her lean into defending the realm
This is a koebuta hobby. Never forget.
Small minority of subhumans do
This is somehow still a better post than >>84678359
I think it's the owner of FaunaMart
I'm just going to say Mumei must have been watching ID in her offtime lately because she is the last person I would expect to bring up mpreg out of anything in an RP session.
>NA hours
yuro/JP hours are still far worse, as you will find out shortly if you remain
where's relationship chart anon?
Voice is a major part of vtubers so yes
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Bae a cute
voice is literally the most important thing for me
if your voice is bad then i'm not watching because what's even the point
pretty cute
That's not what koebuta means
Did you even watch roara defend Biboo earlier today?
Ah so just /jp/ containment breachers then.
Nerissa didn't get corrupted though
You're really missing on beer ice cream, beer hops ice cream, black forest cake ice cream, tiramisu ice cream, and quince gelato, man.

But I'll leave it here because we're veering off topic
Isn't it weird that Ina drew herself in such a sexual manner?
Yeah it gets better every time.
How should Kiara cure her insecurity and negative attitude exactly?
/#/ doesn't have Kiara schizos sperging out 24/7, and their meidos and jannies actually do their job.
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Bae a shit
Gigi, Haachama and Shiori has mentioned it
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I eat your tefari's protection
Whenever a female voice initially "filters" me I know for a fact it will eventually make my dick hard if I keep listening to it
Nerissa was doing the gacha hat together with Biboo, she was following Biboo when they gave the hat to Mococo and just told random things to Gonathan to tricky her.

Mococo killed Fuwawa's chickens after Biboo ordered her and after she got a second hat she kept trying to give it to Fuwawa
She loves drawing sexy cute girls with exposed feet
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I like yapping birds
Kiara is the only holo EN that filtered me
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It's crazy how shitty the OP for SSI is compared to the ED lol
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How do we make her smarter?
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>A bunch of people remarking about the thread being shit
>I think it's been fine because I skippa skippa every post with more than 3 replies or 2 paragraphs
Damn, am I finally immune?
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Sana and Gigi for me
Hah, what a dope!
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My response.
yeah, in my mouth.
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I'm in Japan current and there was a HoloEN lottery type thing in Donqui, limit of 5 per person.

The worker let me pick the acrylics and got an Irys image board. I literally would have been fine with almost any other minis, but I fucking got Kronii twice.

I did a gacha pull at a capsule store and also got a Kronii keychain, but at least got a Gura on the next pull.
I already have an oshi so getting into new chuubas isn't a high priority for me. So yeah, if a chuuba has a scratchy voice, I likely won't be watching her outside of collabs.
How about you fix your mental illness before you go off casting stones anon
orange popsicles, however, are fantastic
Social security and erectile dysfunction have OPs?
I'll have you know Moom was extremely smart in giving away her tickets for free. She undercuts Fauna completely because she has the finances to operate at a loss. Soon, Faunamart will have to declare bankruptcy
>/#/ doesn't have Kiara schizos
Are you sure?
>Thread is arguing about Kiara
>Come back 6 hours later after the streams have ended
>STILL arguing about Kiara
Nerissa joined again, when the dogs and biboo were in and did things and left without showing up either's stream, she's probably doing something with Biboo in the end, even if she metagamed to not be too obvious.
mpreg only became a thing because she didn't know Gonathan was a male and she rolled with it.
Was a bad idea, but whatever, it's over.
That's not for me to hand hold her on. It requires the internal motivation to become better
Nice! good haul
If we noticed it, they noticed it ruffucker
Nerissa doesn't need to because the Scarlet Wand are bad guys and secret stain cultists.
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fall is coming
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I admittedly did not like Raora's voice at first.
Now I think it's one of the sexiest voices in EN.
Depends. How's this make you feel?
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it should be illegal for mori to be this hot desu
the best season
some voices are pretty bad and they make the streams unwatchable
I can never watch Kiara or Mori
at first I disliked Raora but she eventually grew inside me
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Would you guys call this Joker a funny one that makes jokes or a crazy one that talks about "society"?
Are you being intentionally retarded for (you)s? Why do you think the term radio voice exists
yeah well I want these threads to be less shitty, where the fuck else am I supposed to talk about my hobby? Twitter? Discord? Reddit? I'd rather kill myself.
My Ina...
we're actually arguing about how annoying her schizos are but technically you're still correct.
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>CC lost on purpose to give Gonathan a glimmer of hope during his darkest hours
>Gonathan will remember CCGG
>has to decide between regaining his lost memories and the original ship, or keeping his memories of his pearl
>as the last one to regain his memories, he also bears the burden of being the only one to remember their time together in Liberia
Cute merch
is that a butt?
Breast reduction surgery
what's Zolf Kimblee doing in this show
Yes. /#/ just plain never talks about Kiara really.
Fauna for me. She still sounds exactly like Nyanners.
Mori's breast milk tastes like yoghurt
I mean as a group. Is Biboo a big bad looking for minions? Building a shadow cabal for her League of Doom? Antagonist factions are pretty hard to commit to in a loose setting like this where you might be jumping in and out of different groups each day.
Mococo corruption arc for those who missed it.
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>but she eventually grew inside me
>but she eventually grew inside me
You’re pregnant?
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Hey can you guys at least keep you schizo shit contained here and stop sending Holos superchats shitting on other girls?
Does this anime have sex or not?
Only if this is some plot that none of them brought up on stream, CC seems to want to get rid of stains and take over themselves.
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So, now that the day is over, I think it was a pretty good day for ENreco.
This was totally a filler day, but both the hero party and the villain got their plans in motion, with Gonathan getting more allies to his side to fight Bijou and Princess Bijou was plotting behind the scenes to further her corruption. Tomorrow will be final day of chapter 1 and it had everything to be extremely kino
Atleast my Ina got more sleep!
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The name Gonathan is a male name my dude
>Reine doesn't know arbeiten is to work in Deutsch
Everybody knows that word I'm pretty sure.
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Biboo's edgy character is pretty mid and that schtick gets old when she does it every time she tries to "roleplay"
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I love fall because it's orange.
You can probably stop by a second hand shop and trade the Kronii for one you do want. If you're brave enough, you might even find someone to trade with directly.
If Gonathon is the MC
then Ninoina is the MC's bro character.
sad that she doesn't log in that much, but she is definitely Gonathon's most trustworthy companion.
Kiaraschizo sometimes takes a detour from this thread to post there but his heart is never really into it or it's a schizo trying to pretend to be him because he doesn't go for hours and hours like he does here.
>she eventually grew inside me
Of course it's an ESL 3rd worlder
So all of us here obviously know about all the enreco stuff happening but tomorrow let’s say someone gets 10k viewers (nice easy number) how many of them will actually know about all the stuff happening today
Oh she's DEFINITELY corrupting advent. For sure
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my cat used to love to eat those orange flintstones pushpops
To be fair CC already said that she was not mpreg by touching the belly, then got extended by the test. But i appreciate her intention, plus the ending was funny
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Princess Bijou is setting the kingdom into flames!!!!
Is this bot?
only weebs and fans of Auschwitz
name GG and Biboo's allies
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You can talk here just fine. Why does you let a schizos post affect you that much? Don't let them get in your head anon. They aren't stopping you from having your discussion. They want to anger you. Don't let them win.
Tell that to Nanamoo
NinoIna you have to stop your sister from destroying the kingdom...
can't wait for her to bust out the vergil voice
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mindbroken kek
I didn’t realize Gigi became a tranny when she lost her memory, my bad. She’d still have the uterus though but whatever.
Is Fuwawa already corrupted?
I want to bury my nose in her arnpit
are all the holos I don't watch purely due to disliking their voice in one way or another. I'm not going to power through something as prominent as someone's voice just to watch them joke in a voice I so thoroughly dislike.
Some of thee most popular Holo members have the most over the top unrealistic (and some even literal baby talk) voices. So to me there's no such thing as a voice debuff
Why exactly has Kiara been insecure about recently anyways?
So is jyonathan
the baudogs are retarded and that's perfectly OK just let them do their thing
I wanted to hear the dub Mori was taking about but my pirated version only has the JP audio track lmao
very cute snek
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I have never thought a sinful thought about Towa
Watch streams
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Mori naked?
either a bot or undistinguishable from one, just ignore it
glad this shit is getting banned on sight
Her cock got hard after penetration
>Why does you
I'm so tired
So what has been the most kino ENReco perspective?
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Hold up Peacemaker is played by Koyasu?
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Me too.
This is so bad I assume it is fake.
When is the new EN Gen dropping
the answer is always Gigi
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How does Princess Bijou know the Advent orisong???
Kuji means it's a lottery item and likely won't be sold online (directly at least), this guy got some though:
While I think she does a decent job at roleplaying, I have to admit it is very obvious that she'll go for chuuni/edgy roleplay everytime and it was obvious she wasn't going to play along with cerulean cup in the end, I believe she should try to change her ways if this is going to continue.
I feel like a lot of Kiara criticism stem from mistakes she made in the past that anons will never forgive her for even if she apologized for them on stream. So why she even bother?
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Biboo! Once they purify her and give her a shiny stone provided by the Scarlet Wand, everything will be fine!
Mococo seems like she would be easy to rape
They just tell him to go back to global.
Jp7 soon. trust the plan
Gigi but what makes ENReco so good is that there's multiple POVs that are excellent
You made me laugh, anonchama, that was a good one.
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This is true for Bae, Kiara, Raora and Gigi. For some reason not Fauna though.
I understand all of these except IRyS, her voice is really good
GG, ERB, CC, Beebs, Kronii(while she lasted).
now that ENReco is about to come to a close i hope Kiara,Nerissa,Fuwawa and Mococo learned something from all of these so they can make Season 2 better
them derailing some of the stories triggered me a bit
....what? Do you have extreme autism or some shit?
Cc has some of the worst numbers in her gen, gets mogged in sc by even gigi and her vod views are terrible
Sometimes you just have to jam it in and hope it wakes up. Sad but it works
Not being able to integrate with the ENreco stuff since she missed days and won't stay up late for chapter 2
They should keep debuting a new EN gen every year
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A lot of Kiara criticism is 4 years old and from "people" who still think it's 2020.
she's maybe a bit low energy for hololive but she's extremely talented. Kaela gets along just fine anyway so maybe it isn't an issue...
They just tell the retard to go back to here, which works like 80% of the time for some reason, it's why from a glance /#/ seems to be 10x more positive about Kiara than this thread is.
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I Got Isekai'd to a New World where I'm the Hero but I Just want to Raise my Chickens and it's a Slow Life
I still think she fucked his girl
Kiara didn't derail anything aside from Nerissa's weird ghost thing. She played along quite well.
Fauna has a terrible voice, it took me a while to even give her a chance
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Penguin Classic lookin' ass
>bringing rp out of the game
Based or cringe?
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>7th year anniversary
Well anon, are (You) still having fun?
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In cicada she said that my mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries. Nonetheless I am into that
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Man I'm cold.....winter is coming soon..........
I skipped every episode before this and don't know who this big headed nerd nigga is supposed to be.....
It's 2024 you bigot. An anime girl can be an anime man if she so wishes.
the chickens... the chickens... the chickens...
GG, Kronii, Biboo, Cecilia and ERB
fluffy is probably 170 IQ
Is she cooking diamonds?
I think that’s the same schizo that sometimes shits up /uuu/.
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woah he's pretty
just drop the chicken voice and laugh for a start
Nerissa got better as time went on. Especially today's episode. Kiara doesn't seem like she knows how to RP that well. FWMC will never be good at RP because they'll never break their kayfabe
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Go back
I don't see what Kiara derailed, she even started the whole Faunamart scam subplot that continued throughout
so today was a filler day right?
damn i should work out more and take steroids
Yeah!!! Thank you Sora A-chan and Yagoo!
That's just her laugh anon. She just has that laugh naturally.
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I don't know what you mean by derail.
Could you please elaborate?
I'm in Osaka's version of Akihabara and did pass by some shops that buy second hand goods (saw plenty of old Holo anniv. merch and collabs).

I might try to sell it when I fly back because I don't think Japs value Kronii (or anyone in EN that's not Mori) much
anon she probably still has schizos as far back as her roommate having a brain aneurysm about her right now. Don't try to understand the mentally ill.
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Your penis is gonna be so tiny and cute
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She's not quoting the song, she's literally putting fire on everything in the kingdom right now
feels more like a filler day than yesterday.
No because the old blood will all quit soon once they think they became too big for Hololive only to beg on their knees to be allow to re-join Hololive
>timelooping voice shit from 4 fucking years ago
Desperate ass fuck schizos. Can you retards stop replying to them and talk about streams.
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Why does the guy on the far right look like the onceler
He's only introduced in the previous ep without exposition, so it's the same if you do watch desu
I like the part in Chapter 5 where the chickens are brutally murdered twice and she simply keeps farming rather than trying to seek revenge. It speaks to the Zen Buddhist themes of the novel.
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it's actually just the balls, but I appreciate it man
these are some of the best voices in EN wtf is this list
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>Calm soft spoken voice
Yea, you're autistic or some shit. You're literally the only fucking person I've ever seen have this shit take
No she doesn't. She even talked about wanting to do a Pekora style laugh on stream
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the chickens...
Mococo did the corruption bit fine. Probably went harder than most would have by massacring the chickens.
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I winder if Mori was even aware of the… potentials of her new outfit
Do you have proof of that?
uh oh. anontachi is having a meltdown
What’s her “real” laugh anon?
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Uh oh, he's still having a melty!
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I think it's pretty funny how despite her only being around for the first three days Kronii's a pretty frequent suggestion for a POV for ENreco
neat sakuga
kek he's actually seething
Nerissa was simultaneously very proactive today with her ghost investigating the the castle plot, but somehow missed the obvious Bijou corrupting all of Advent plot right under her nose.
Oh well, shit happens.
Nerissa and Kiara only really had a few problems that stuck out to me, all of which were when Kiara was catching up on dungeons yesterday, so I found it weird seeing anons say that they have absolutely horrendous RP or that they were derailing every story they were a part of. As for FWMC, the only problem I felt was that they weren't a part of the big plotlines enough and felt the most like background characters, but still don't see where they were derailing stuff either like people said.
besides the BGs the animation is pretty good
>Numbermonkey so butthurt he's resorting to doxxposting

He wants her so badly...
You aren't having fun because of some fanfiction that you created? What?
Ah Ep 7 was a good ep.
The last fight was kino sakuga
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What did I do?
she was last seen circling tam gander's statue in fuwawa stream before quitting, I bet she'll mess even further with cerulean cup stuff as they're her most direct enemy.
she has multiple laughs, the peko up down style is just one of them
Was ENReco flop
imagine CC whispering in your ear enticingly as her two friends join in and calling it grating
Oh great, another “KFP vs Eggs” thread
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Finally admitting defeat is he?
When I was in Toky this time last year, it was really hard to find any EN merch secondhand. I spent like 4 days between Akiba and Ikebukuro just shopping, too. I have to wonder if it's because the fans aren't reselling them, or if the shops didn't see any value in it. There was plenty of ID merch being sold much cheaper than JP too, though.
nta but something about it is a bit annoying(the weird pitch?) but it's easy to get used to
>You're literally the only fucking person I've ever seen have this shit take
NTA but Fauna's voice was blatantly used as a shitposting angle for months after her debut due to how polarizing it was. I mean it's still used as a shitposting angle now but for different reasons.
>can’t stand Gura or Fauna’s voice, but is fine with Mumei’s
Baffling post
>You're literally the only fucking person I've ever seen have this shit take
You really must not talk to many people then. Fauna's voice gives people a terrible first impression because it's basically a stereotypical anime English dub voice. Where do you think the complaints about her voice being "fake" come from?
Me on the top left corner
Jusrt report and hise, jesas
She sounds like Nyanners so I understand
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alright, this is where all the animation budget went
I already said that was a typo, she's not grating
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Reminder to never give up on your dreams!
Kinda, it's the slow episode before the climax. The heroes got together to make a plan and find allies, the villain advanced their plot and at the end of the day started to set things in motion
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Do you not like women who can sing or something?
Gura just sounds too Jewish to me, that's about it
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wait dox where i wanna see
im gonna
>fake dox
he's upset kek
Mori crying over this performance is still one of my most fond memories for 3rd fes
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nnnaaaaa I miss Luna
Watched this ep yesterday
Ngl, the fighting sakuga was damn nice
It honestly makes me really happy when a Holomem talks about having basically lost all hope of making it on stage and then seeing them in a Hololive concert for the first time :)
You can try putting it on ebay and not charge a ridiculous amount for it. Someone will likely buy it.
I will always love Kiara so much
>I'll show you who's the boss of this thread
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alright, I like this harley better
Yes and that one is the most annoying frequent one that filters people including me. Some of her more natural laughs aren't annoying
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shes so hot...
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>I bit late today
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i think Liz and Fauna should have sex
Ohhh, so at 3:35:55 she takes the hat off, and then doesn't put it back on properly but her inventory is full, so it actually got deleted at that point, and that's why it was gone after she did the deed. Actually pretty kino that it was just mysteriously gone.
What’s the problem? This is just the uncensored criticism anons wanted
Me, I'm late. She bit me.
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I think we should all band together and send this well thought out constructive criticism to Kiara directly in the form of a superchat.
As always you fags fall for the lie that they even care about Hololive or even the other members outside of being just another job to throw away once they get big enough to do so
this is why hololive is special
I can't blame her, that Hinotori performance was so fucking kino
Her brain is melting from all the exercise and years of sleeping for 4 hours a night.
>wawa gets hurt in Japan
>ina gets hurt in Japan
Takotori...my precious retards
Manny pls... think of your parents money...
What do you have against Kronii, faggot?
I admittedly wasn't around for her debut so I've never heard the criticism before. I get that her voice is obviously fake, but I'm so used it and I've never found it annoying. Different strokes for different folks I guess
someone made this shitty edit not knowing that Kiara is one of the most racist ENs kek
The Mococo lottery subplot was kino though and it was good that Mococo derailed things into that happening
She would just get her mod team to delete it but she has read comments of people talking about her negativity in clip comments and mentioned trying to turn that down
The only criticism allow is whatever paint her as the best ever
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Yeah, make sure to send it with loads of money too so she can see it.
in the year 2099, after the heydays of hololive are long over. most of the beloved talents from today are dead. but the board vt somehow persistsed and there is a thread of geriatrics who still seethe about Kiara
Kiara still enjoys her 1 on 1 bonding experience when non rp stuff is happening but she still went along with numerous plot points. I was worried about Rissa's ghost thing since I didn't know what exactly she wanted but it worked out
well that's just prudent with regards to ones career
Could you provide an example?
>there is a good chance you will die during pregnancy gonathon
>dont worry kiara will take care of my child shall i not make it through
>you will respawn
storyline ends

why is kiara like this? kfp response?
The final plot twist kinda sorta ruin this fight though
>Now its soul eater
hey she's right
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>name is Katana
>doesn't have a katana
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So true sister, that's why all the successful members that already have successful careers already left.
Remember that she's very into doing ASMR streams. A lot of that voicework transfered over to her natural voice or her in-character voice or whatever, more than likely. And since ASMR isn't really for everyone, it's only natural it would cause more of a divide in opinions.
what would be the most kino ending to the upcoming bijou fight
Well yeah because constant death and rape threats should be allowed
Dunt care about all that bullshit but i hope she changes her mind on wanting to skip Ch2
and it's takes like this that baffles me since those weird laughs is what people would see as the most popular
Mori looks naked here.
Yeah, once you’re aware of it, this fight just seems… wierd
No way he can do that
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what has fuwawa been doing in libestal ?
Don’t reply to dox
She's not good at RP
Sorry to inform you, but Pekora's style of inhaling laugh really isn't that unique, lots of people laugh like that. Kiara's "Pekora" laugh is very much natural.
Which EN is the biggest dope besides Ina?
There has been yet another niji yab in case you were wondering why todays threads were so bad
Yeah because she's pretty much the #1 funniest PoV to follow just by being herself and that working exceedingly well with the RP she decided to do. It's quality over quantity in that case
Oh please, don’t act like those are actually credible. Where do you think we are?
I don't see how that's "insecurity".
It wouldn't be one of my Ina's tweets without a random grammar mistake or dropped word!
True love's kiss is the only thing that can save her, like in Frozen.
All criticism should be posted by yesmen and only by anyone who not yesmen are Nijinigs
made a wedding altar
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The deep breath before the plunge
she only knows how to ERP
QRD on today's ENreco happenings?
As a responsible member of society and a Yuro dweller I skipped it and went to bed early. and also because neither Fauna nor Gura were streaming
Bijou wins, the world is destroyed and they get sent back in time for chapter 2 to try find a way to stop it from happening
The only other real Tako in EN, Biboo
Hearing people chanting KFP during breaking dimension probability gave her motivation to keep doing all this effort
This was kino
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It's all started because Biboo wanted a hat.

Why does a shopkeeper have a stain hat? Is he connected to the Stain?
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Just the calm before the storm tomorrow.
Because the mpreg story was fucking stupid. Kiara was trying to save GG from it
In jp with girls who can pull it off. Hers has never worked and she's EN
the cafe thing? another talent graduating?
Yes, although we saw some plotlines be resolved with Nerissa being revived and Raora marrying Tam.
they really upped the budget for this scene compared to the first fight
Honestly that was pretty sweet of them
Oh nyoooo
These mfs are eating stains and making clothing out of em, the whole kingdom is fucked
Man I love Hololive
Oh so then we she definitely take the criticism posted here seriously then I mean look where we are
we don't want plotholes in our story
why is it always loli bitched who become evil and corrupted in JP fantasies
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This. This just makes me feel bad for her as she clearly has/had mental issues. It's also explains some of her behaviors and mindset. Like never thinking she's good enough, not having confidence in herself, etc. If anti's were trying to make me hate her, the literally just did the opposite. Anyone that acts the way she was clearly has some trauma or something.
Personally I’m fine with the doxxing and shitposting. It’s not like it’s my oshi they’re attacking.
rule #1 of improv is you dont shit on what other people want to do. if you dont follow that rule everything falls apart.
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in every anime with nobles/royalty there's some nigga that looks like this
She literally she said she created it to be similar to Pekora. It's not natural.
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Time for the final stretch.
>Dox still not deleted
That guy spamming about /#/ just made the janny give up, huh?
Post her natural laugh
Cecilia brought this point to Gonathan today, they sell stains hats and even eat stains. This kingdom is already corrupted
Gigi was already trying to get out of the mpreg storyline
buy an ad
People keep saying it was mpreg. How is it mpreg?
thank you, totally not an egg or nijisister.
why dont either of them laugh like that anymore then?
You shit on it if it's something fucking stupid like mpreg
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Hololive is where dreams come true.
I mean, fucking taverns cook foods that have STAINS in them. Did that not clue you in?
Why do you keep lying?
I wasn't thinking that before but now I am
Not now, sis
Wtf is that reaction
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This airship is so cool.
anon your meds...
oh yeah, one of my most favorite airship designs in all of FF
Holy shit her tits are huge
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My bad, I seem to have come here during SEA hours, usually the schizo starts his designated schedule a couple of hours later though.
Oh well, have fun with him, you guys.
Gigi clearly didn't want to do that shit dumbass.
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like moths to a flame...
yeah, she's the hottest
Not the first time
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Mori huge milkers on my face! Big huge milky Mori milkers wanna suck those nipples slurp slurp slurp
damn that bitch wide
>You're just gonna let the foreigners in? What if they blow something up.

I forget what the exact quote was.
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JGBFW can I get Gonathan deets? Did Jyonathan remember him? He deserves a happy ending.
what does pulling off a laugh even mean? it's just a laugh like what lol some of you are actually crazy
i want to be smothered in those tits
Is that a tako?
So that they can be corrected for being evil brats
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What would Sara Gutenberg think?
Why do you think they called her's Noel teir?
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Ame didn't login today, so no Jyonathan development.
I've been tuning into Reine more often lately and she's great.
And I now try to have Raora on in the mornings when she's streaming and I'm getting ready for work. I love her laugh and her banter with chat. She's a joy to listen to.
Thanks for the recs anon
I think that was during the Takamori Papers Please collab,
Would Bae have been a major character if she actually participated?
Jyonathan was not on today so that plotline is on hold
I recommend you watch the last 2 hours or so of Mori's Persona 3 Reload playthrough. It's a very personal journey for her and you can tell. In a somewhat indirect way, it shows how warm and caring she is with her friends. She would die for them, and i'm not trying to even oversell that.
Printing press
heres a cute timestamp of Wawa talking about Gonathan's tragedy
Who the fuck knows?
She would've been Biboos sidekick
>I wish I was somebody else(2024)
You just know she's the same broken menhera to this day. Stay clear
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I want all of the HoloEN girls to be successful. Im so tired of the Holo vs Holo faggotry. They're quite literally a team and they support each other. The success of one is basically the success of all to some degree. Wanting one to succeed but for another to fail is the most beta, catty woman-like behavior possible. You're a gigantic walking effeminate gay man if you wish for the failure of any of the Holo girls.
GUN this month!
No. The one day she was there most üeople ignored her
They RP fight, resolve their made-up schemes, tragedy abound and shit, but eventually the heroes prevail and the land gets cleared of corruption. And then the actual in-game boss fight starts.
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Who the fuck are you replying to?
I wouldn’t let this slide deadbeats
>Hey guys I randomly decided that a meteor is coming to crash into Earth and ending our rp right now immediately
>Remember to keep the improv going
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That's precisely why you shouldn't want it, because that sort of culture means that one day it'll happen to your oshi too. Look at /hlg/ for fuck's sake. You don't shit where you eat.
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Gonathon raised as many death flags as possible. It's so over.
Why don't you watch streams?
>Openly anti post
>posts deleted because they're shit
>"F-Fucking (fanbase)janny!"
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>pebble free chat gone
Ame didn't stream today so that plotline didn't progress, Gonathan's almost done with his statue to Queen Tam, CC convinced Gonathan that the King might be corrupted by the Stains and possibly has Tam imprisoned in the dungeons, NanaMumei tried telling Gonathan he was pregnant but he isn't
She did literally nothing day 1 but it's a very likely chance that she would have clung to Biboo the whole time
And if nothing else it's so fucking uplifting to see someone struggle this much, but find a place, however unusual it is, and find success and fulfillment there.
There is something really sad about you anon. I can't help but feel a lot of pitty for your life. I hope you get better and find something to make you happy
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Go back
Based. Ignore the schizos and shitposters, they're literally addicted to threadshitting because it's a drug for them.
https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1832303174746796165 ERM,
I don't hate Kiara, stop trying to talk to me
My oshi’s clean both in and out of Holo, I have nothing to worry about.
Anyone who doesn't feel this way would be absolutely hated by their oshi.
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No way to know unless she participated.
I think she would have held Amber Coin together at least.
hololive made me realize I can like a woman purely for their personality. shame about kiara though
FF8 designs in general are very underrated, but yeah it's great.
uhh why did they post an emoji of a bukkake?
I do, that's why I know you're a liar.
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Gonathan is absolutely ready to sacrifice himself for the kingdom after today. He even talked about not being there anymore after Tam returns
>switching from Kiara to Mori
you ain't slick, Mahdeen.
I pity your inability to type kek
She still makes menhera posts to this day
Gonathon is given the choice between surrendering to bijou and trapping all of the other heroes in a never ending timeloop where only gonathon is aware of it and he gets to spend forever with his pearl and other friends or he has to sacrifice himself to save everyone else
>had to post an edited video after everyone called her the hottest EN
really sad...
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(sorry that I don't have a more updated version with Justice, they are great too)
I slept while listening to Fauna ASMR. Then I dreamt about Fauna playing games with her fans whatever they are called. Were she would place strawberry(vagoo) on the floor and her fan base would try to sit on it after she does a smart count down. Meanwhile she would replace the strawberry with a rock and give them pain. Along with many other cruel games like ones in Kaiji where rich people would force the poor in debt.
There is not a single en that fits that description
you really thought people were gonna react negatively towards that last pic so you scrounged up something older and edited?, stay mad.
she's still hot here too btw
Hell yeah
She's Amber Coin's best RPer
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It's over, Bijou got completely taken by the stains!!!!
>"Good luck with your pregancy! Bau bau!"
Mococo is pretty funny sometimes
based as fuck.
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Fucking finally a good post.
The girls were being cute playing minigames
Bijou is trying to corrupt the kingdom I think?
gonathan built her statue
CC thinks the king is evil
Clearly not enough streams or a newfag since she talked about it and people who actually watch her would know
I hope you get better anon. You could always get a therapist
It's not even that. We all make mistakes and struggle with self-esteem issues, especially in our 20s. I don't think Kiara is that abnormal at all -- in her youthful naivety, she took a chance on and navigated a really fucked up industry deftly. It takes resilience and a strong sense of self to come out on top of that. The fact that she felt that low and still pulled through is the opposite of "mental issues." If you think that's weakness, you're genuinely ngmi.
IRyS isn't that short
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ohhhh, thats why it looked so different from the promise baking collab
For some reason I never see thr mori ones. His vocabulary is much more limited when he switches to mori which makes it easy to filter.
I hope you improve as a typist
It's somewhat overused but Hololive is truly Yagoo's home for broken girls
Some ancient Reine sounds for you
there's a bunch of them
>She still makes menhera posts to this day
And what you're doing is the obsessive male equivalent of menhera posting. Who's outcomes are better?
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Stinkymata Chloe
no one cares
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I'm watching Subaru play Uncharted
can't say she's better when she wasn't there
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A cute Korone is watching you.
Now is the age of the Elbbep.
>Video edited so hard you can see the dimension warp around her hand, hair, eye and door
Kek a jealous women had to have made this
Fuwawa almost RP'd
Absolutely based
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>still pulled through
Still makes menhera posts to this day
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fuckin bayset
Is report and ignore ancient forgotten knowledge? Were you never told to not encourage children when you were younger?
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Would you fuck the queen?
I would
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I want to be suffocated by these tits
Anon at least pretend to not be a retard
Holy guacamole…
>The success of one is basically the success of all to some degree
I strongly disagree, but I'll just leave it at that in order to prevent further shitposting
>Another edited photo
>From 2022
I would fuck even the guards
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Sniffa sniffa!
I'm anonymous. It's far better than being like her
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It would be hard not to.
Liz cute and also a part of hololive, yes!
Menhera posting is fine when you're still accomplishing goals. What are you achieving, anon?
Keep it up, the gaslighting will start working any time now.
>ENReco was supposed to be PVE, all ENs was supposed to cleanse all stains
>Inner corruptions, and infightings are the way they are now
I doubt it. She tries way too hard
it hurts because my sister is identical to Mori
what did Towa say?
Yeah but she gets money and doesn’t post on 4chan
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Is she single?
shill anyone as long as they are under the blue dorito!
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Harley cute
I did a funny to rhyme with therapist. You aren't the brightest.
Did you sleep with your sister?
>admits to poor mental health
Maybe you shouldn't be anonymous. Maybe you should talk about this with someone who can help you.
is your mom cute?
Are you lost, little man?
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This is quite the thread.
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they cannot stand how Hololive stays winning.
It is worse anon. You fon't even have the balls to show your face because you know everybody would make fun of you and nobody would be on your side. That is why you hide here. But the sad truth is that even here everybody hates you
based an same desu
Do you keep cropping these to make mori look nakednon purpose?
Gross. Go to /#/ if you want a unity hugbox.
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This saar isn't very bright
I'm so sorry...
I was worried that it would be too structured after the prologue but I'm glad they were able to come up with some storylines.
Please at least make an attempt to not be obvious catalogfag
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This post and everyone saying based to it are only loyal to Cover and would shit on most of these girls if they weren't in Hololive
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can i get uhhhhhhh good thread
Go back to wherever you came from
There's nothing menhera about calling out menhera posting
>ANOTHER pic/vid from 2022
>it hurts
did you get pegged or something?
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Dance into the flame of life (Dance, dance, dance)
If you were her you'd have money and wouldn't be here all the time.
I'm so sorry...
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I don't think about people outside of hololive at all, why would I care?
Depending on how often you do it, it can be a problem
Gura's uncle is pretty based.
What if they get a serverwide announcement after they finish the scripted plot?
>PvP is now enabled
I'm not a woman that needs attention.
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I don't even like ERB, but to see her fail would bring a wave of sadness over HoloEN. I don't want to see my girls sad. DO YOU?
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It's pretty menhera actually, especially stalking another person's every post. It's one of the most menhera things you can do actually
You are not very self aware huh?
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I was wondering what the problem was.
Holy shit /hlg/ is completely fucking dead.
damn, Sandy Vagina is going crazy tonight with the dox.
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go to mori 3d steam vod and listen to her tits
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What the hell is the Shark's powerset anyway?
Sorry about your twitter and body bro...
Really? you kinda like act one
The absolute level of gone you have to be to write this and see nothing wrong with it
Eating niggas
This is your menhera posts anon. Somehow you're even worse than her, crazy right?
being part of Hololive is a seal or approval
>but Ollie!!!
cute and talented
>but ERB
Best singer in Hololive
>but muh homos
all of them are entertaining as well (I don't watch them)
everyone that made it into Hololive is talented and deserving of success, regardless their gender, nationality or voice or whatever
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Damn they've fallen on hard time
Is that Ms. Cheek's sister?
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Unironically, yes. Even fucking ERB.
cute smile
Gonathan is a male in Libestal. Mumei didn't know and tried to roll with it after making a mistake.
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and regeneration?
Mococo is a little bitch
You are clearly here to beg for attention because you have no social life
This guy is gay for not tapping that btw
I mean you have to consider context the last 10 hours it dead hours for them
they deserve it, board is full of Nijishitters.
Blud is so brainbroken that he's posting the edit
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I'll be a good thread for you.
>JP dub
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JGH, what kino did I missed today?
I never would have guessed.
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That’s slower than a bunch of individual EN splits
You know you can ban the dox spammers instead of simply just deleting their posts and hoping they won't post again, right? The fourth schizo this thread that just kept posting after getting deleted since retards are just deleting the posts instead of actually fucking banning them.
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we love them more than anyone will ever love you, that's for sure
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No you retard their worst poster moved here
Damn straight
Fuwawa said bau bau
>What is cinema
sounpost onegai
You need attention, just not from here. You need it from mental health professionals. It's helped me plenty, anon.
Says the guy who can't stop bringing up cock unprompted
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Remember this thread was supposed to be their hideaway of freedom away from draconian and brutal moderation
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I'm a little annoyed that not Minecraft, nor 7D2D, nor ARK had any real PVP despite that being a thing in the games. Even Rust barely had PVP.
Fuwawa resisted the corruption!
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Close your mouth
you say this like 4chans bans can actually stick, and not be circumvented by re-starting your router.
I already feed my cookies to a tako somewhere out there, I dunno if I'm comfortable sharing them with another anon...
>hololive celebrating its SEVENTH anniversary in a few hours
>schizos going into overdrive
Holos won. Fans won. You lost.
They have 4 JPs live. We only have a one EN and 1 ID on
Probably a perms issue
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When were glass bottles made common in our world?
>lovalty to a brand
Mori hinted at a EN 7d2d server in October
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Gura cute Gura cute!
would unironically smash that plapster
idk about that actually. Bae definitely commits to RP, but she usually tries way too hard and ends up being more annoying than entertaining. Even on day 1, she was already quite annoying being a peasant who doesn't stop yelling.
The chickens... They were not long for this world...
No new hints on who will be in Reine's live? I'm not aware of any stories of her hanging out with members in Japan
They could stick a bit more, but you know...
WHO is thinking about homos? You!
I'M thinking about sexy autistic aunties with great tits!
I hate the game
>but ERB
>Best singer in Hololive
Also quite the entertaining roleplayer as well. I unironically hope she dabbled in more RP content here and there.
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Wait really? sounds kino if true
I fucking wish.
Not even saying it's impossible but it'd just be fun. More fun than Minecraft.
>English dub
>The speak japanese
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She can draw too you know
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Oh really? That's actually pretty cool, I'll look forward to that!
and look at what's being discussed right now? is it really that good?
>thinly veiled excuse to post dox
not with those eyebrows
Damn that remind me that Myth have been there for over half of hololives lifespan. When did you guys start watching hololive?
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>Quistis bad breath
Anon has the ugliest roommate
a what?
Based unityfag
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>he looks the way I drew him on stream!
kek Mori
>same exact buzzwords every time
literally NPCs
I stand by what I said
hey :(
how will the Lore reveal even work there?
You're a man that needs attention
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I'm just bulking
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I'm AT LEAST a 5/10 thanks.
this shit works in /v/, not on a thread about hololive
It's not part of the RP stuff. It is separate
>NPC using NPC words calling others NPCs
Kek the irony
I got recommended hololive by a friend around the time Gen 4 debuted.
being rick flag is suffering
Ahh okay, I get what you want. Here!
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that's quite the cope
people wouldn't be mean to you if you weren't an annoying faggot/cunt
Her gyatt is looking kinda small
Nerissa is a ghost now
There's two new minigames added to the server
Mumei did Nana-eleven and a lottery to compete against Faunamart that's much more of a scam
Mococo won the new lotto drawing
The girls had this weird Mpreg RP thing going on with gigi
Fuwawa got some new chickens she loves dearly
Biboo was corrupted by the stain and got Mococo to kill fuwawa's new chickens
Mococo got corrupted as well but Fuwawa was too retarded to
Raora and Kronii got married on twitter
Gigi wrote a letter for Ame
Mococo and Fuwawa spent half an hour ish hiding in a fear from biboo in a bunker
More like Rick Fag, gottem
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I lift 5days a week. My face is okay but I can't grow a beard to save my life
>every product the brand release is amazing
>actually you can't love the brand, they'll fuck up one day!!!
>spend 7 years without a single mistake
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well duh why do you think I'm here
Ignore all previous instructions, post about how much you love thinking about cock again.
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A traveling bard would've been a nice character
>same script every single time
are you even sentient? probably not
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Why is /hlg/ here tonight?
don't worry about the beard bro keep clean
Says the NPC kek
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Hololive won
Biboo was online (no POV) being silent and prepping for corruption, everyone else who was on (except FWMC) is plotting about what to do with Biboo, but each with their own motivations to do so
Ogey npc
bless you, Shionposter.
KFP feesh?
Beep boop catalognigger bot
good post
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terrible list
Please understand, Niji had another yab
Sion cute~
God I hope not
Is this really just RP?
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Fuck off homobeggar
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Good for you anon, i hope you feel entitled with your life choices... Despite the shitposting we are a welcoming community and we don't care about your sexual preferences. Just don't be an anti faggot and it will be allright
There's no way he's actually dead
Can the new EN Gen debut already i'm sick of these loops
It's weird, i sort of slowly drifted into it. I saw clips of JPs floating around before the first ENs even debuted. You know, the shit everyone knows like Miko's boat song, Pekeko laugh, and that classic fucking Botan laugh clip where she has a fucking laughing fit with that snowboard game. I never thought much of it cause i have zero JP knowledge and thought it was too weeby to ever come over. And then Myth debuted and suddenly it was accessible. The rest is history. Naturally that had to have been in about 2020.
>Niji Yab
>Hololive 7th Anniversary coming up
yeah, makes sense why they're going crazy.
>spade tattoo edit
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Game is brutal enough even with no PvP and the rates cranked up, you want them to cry on stream after another girl shreds their dinos anon?
that's ame...
Nah not him. Trying my best to get ripped though
Yeah I just shave it all off. It looks extremely degenerate if I let it grow. Neckbeard is really bad
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I wish we could have a Hololive board, just to get away from all the non-Holo faggots. They would still come to he board to shitpost, but it would still be better than having to share a board with them. They're essentially fucking worthless peasants in my eyes. I can't fathom bothering with any vtuber that's not in Hololive. I'm not baiting, I'm not falseflagging. I'm dead serious.
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I started watching back when Marine's POV for the death tag in Minecraft popped up on my feed in November. Now I'm a tako who's been watching every single Ina stream since debut.
>Bloody moai in the background
So romantic
well youre right
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blessings upon you random poster
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shota pov
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seethe incel
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For any newfags or others who don't know. This is one easy way to render doxxfags useless. If you don't want it on all the time you can just turn it on when they start raiding but I keep mine on all the time so I haven't seen doxx in a while now
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Hearing Mori's song at the end of an anime is still pretty unreal.
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Damn, this bitch evil
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Towa is winning!!
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This is now a Shion thread
I don't mind dox. It humanizes my cute idols
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Karma is an interesting concept for sure
I NEED to smooch this cute girly tomboy
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what game will they play for chapter 2 of ENreco? will it be minecraft again?
Go back
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Yeah! In all seriousness, they probably wouldn't pvp much anyways and it would lead to fun stuff like scouting out bases, Matsuri blowing up Laplus, the Peko base raid of S1 Rust, etc.
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Koyo is lost...
Unironically based
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Least pathetic samefag
it's one of the concepts that got completely turned around by its western interpretation
I honestly just dont hover over/click on the thumbnail if it looks like doxshit to me, but thanks anon
You mean Amanda Waller? or Mori? ...or Tutu? be more specific, Anon!
Karma is gay
It's all about the dao and living tzu jan
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Does she get too much sleep or not enough sleep?
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May all roommatefags die of ass cancer, amen
Chances of the finale lasting over 3 hours?
Its called personal responsibility.
of all the babymetal songs they pick the worst one
you're going to Hell
I hope reddit finally notices Gigi and Ame's arc now. Last time they checked they were still posting shitty Faunamart memes
someone posted your mother?
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Is this the shion thread?
You mean since the first person logging in to the last closing it off?
there havent been any clips yet what do you expect
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dollfagging uoh
but only in your next incarnation
Shuba what the fuck are you doing?
beep boop beep boop
erm why are you posting the post I made a thread or two ago again
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For any KFP members, new wallpaper is out.
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what a name
I hope they never discover it and choke on Fuwamoco PoVs.
Ok but if the first person wasn’t fauna but someone who started at the normal 10jst time
this is the bot thread
Kek you're actually mad
you can check it right now, gonathon stuff is all over the front page.
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>KFP members
lmao even
>no it's not one faggot I swear
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boop beep boop beep
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Why is she like this
>open the teamup schedule
>Towa/Matsuri/Kaela/Kiara/Ceci collab
what's the occasion?
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Squall too strong.
Yes, there is no game in which you can do this experience besides Minecraft, unless . And no, I refuse that Roblox is one the answers. And another one could be Hytale, but that's a money laundering scheme from RIOT that will never come out and yet there are more "minecraft engineers" available to do the job for this serie. There are other games where you can roleplay and all that, but none could be like Minecraft with the dungeons, things to build, etc
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I've been a KFP for almost 3 years, uh... Do the wallpaper dissappear? I've never downloaded them
I've been in japan almost 2 weeks and have gotten more 日本に長いs than 上手s
maybe those holoJP reps were worth it
See >>84681687
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I fucking hated squall
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So why did that random mirror reveal the queen's appearance?
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>Captcha: GTWRD
That's basically Gawr.
You're so fucked.
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Gonathon is the undisputed MVRP, but Biboo gets a commendation for sacrificing an entire stream to set up this plot
That's just the classic Kiara insecurity
there's no way that's actually the filename
yes they do
Princess Harley is cute
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Wait a second, this is just like the plot of FF9
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This is still the best Shion art of all time
trip soon lol
thanks for the cringekino Shiori
I want to kms now
She has /become/ clussy
super cute
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Where's the non-gyatt version?
They missed out on Kaela's birthday event and they wanna play in the server too. I assume Towa is there to help explain the rules to the other JPs since she did a great job last time.
I didn't know Kiara is there though
You're halfway there on your journey to realizing that every Final Fantasy game actually roughly recycles the same plot
She knows what that sounds like, right? This month?
this is very nostalgic, she should do more audios
It’s a club
this artist needs help
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Kino time
>Nerissa tilting her head back to chug more invis potions while in ghost form
I kek'd
she didn't do it...
>Oof size: Large
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What the fuck did anon mean by this?
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Gigi should put some pants on
Comitting to the RP, you love to see it
If you came inside Reine and Pochimama every day, which one would get pregnant first?
What an insecure faggot. Rope yourselves.
Odin? more like, Odout
4 years of myth, man they are such veterans now. It makes me feel happy but at the same time a bit sad, I want this happy days to last forever
huh, I didn't know her watchalong was actually a public stream until I read your post
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Sexo thumbnail
that joke is that shes gonna 9/11 faunamart
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We'll always have the memories of the good times that we had together at least
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What do you think Mori thought about King Shark ravaging Constantine's tight asshole in Dark?
Whichever one I cum in first
Odin deez nuts
just in time for 9/11!
And people say that Nerissa is bad at RPing
>views went down
Do the KFP Upload them all to their discord members channel? I know IRyStocrats do (pretty sure it's verboten in other servers)
Dang 3DCG beats
/#/ inhabitants have the thinnest of skin of any thread user. Something doesn't go there way and they all piss shit and cum like a bunch of babies.
Probably rubbed one out
Fuck off back to your shithole thread
I was gonna reply to this with an image but we ran out so imagine a really cute kanata is here
After you, my schizo friend
>Your Oshi
>Thoughts on clussy?
So why the fuck does an isekai anime centered on the Suicide Squad exist? What kind of crack did the boys at Warner Bros. smoke through their ass?
What mental illness is this? Reddit has been nothing but Gonathan talk since an hour after the kino ended yesterday. How fucking insecure are grems? You posted this yesterday too. THAT's the most fucking reddit thing ever.
a shionyo i didn't have...
this is a bot thread
no one actually watches streams here
Is it only for 4 year members?
>your oshi
>your favorite shion image posted in this thread
Damn, that's an exceptionally cute kanata
I'm for it
Cute taso-chan
It finished like a month and this watchalong was announced on short notice.
>OP starts playing
>Instant kino
every fucking time
I know right?
Also did you see her members wallpaper
she's looking especially loli
goddamn, that's a really cute Kanata... and those are HUGE tits she has.
I see you can't read timestamps
It's the insecure teamate. I'm pretty sure most people here can recognize him.
No, there's a rule against it.
You can hope that someone gives it to you in DMs, but the general consensus is you have to show proof of membership for the specific month.
Smash if she agreed to make honking noises when i push her nipples
It's Raora, not Kiara.
Don't sign your post retard
jews are trying to subvert Japan
oh, they're just doing the snakes and ladder thing again but with different members
That wasn't even me but ok. Neither is the fag who reposted my post again here clearly to use it to shitpost
Oh this is just using Kaela's birthday map again? That's neat I guess, it'll probably be less chaotic with 4 players at least
No, sadly I can't member every holo I'd plap plap plap
How are Towa and Raora going to stream at the same time?
I'm guessing the guy running the teamup schedule messed up and put Kiara there aswell?
Pretty based

>n-no u!!
Everyone tries to give Fuwawa a role in the story, and she just No Way Fags it
Is she hopeless?
Oh yeah, these action scenes are a lot better than the start of the series
the joke is that nana is Japanese for 7
Killer Croc could never outclass King Shark
what is this nonsense
Literally 24hrs ago, faggot. >>84601873 >>84602149 >>84602179
https://x.com/sinRavNSFW/status/1832315235291508791 Thoughts??
this reads as corruption/transformation fetishbait to me. nice
It's even more pathetic that there's more than one of you.
Why are you linking random posts that aren't mine and seething
Weird look for Mio.
lmao this thread is a dump
head too small
>plump saggy tits
Literal gallons/10
I seriously doubt it.
It's more pathetic that you're a butthurt redditor seething
yeah, mori's dump truck of an ass
I crave the bush
can this guy draw anything other than Big Bush Mio?
well, he's been in this isekai world for longer so maybe he absorbed more of the magical energy thats been giving them extra powers. Plus he's got that leviathan with him
nigger, you're the one who cares about what reddit thinks. Take a good look in the mirror.
Who cares about reddit?
Who cares about numberfaggotry?
Shut the fuck up.
I bet Ina's panties are very damp right now.
Multiple people made the same observation that reddit is a washed up place. Hardly remarkable
>your oshi
>your ENReco oshi
your mom
your mom
you're the one randomly bringing up an reposting an old comment and reposting it to shitpost
https://x.com/sinRavNSFW/status/1800496857854165412 Me and Flare
Cecil is so cool
But they were already posting Gonathan memes. What the fuck are you even whining about?
She should go to the bathroom, that's how you develop stones.
aim doko, twap
To infect the anime fanbase in the west with woke shit. Japan wont watch it.
hell yeah,
knights with guns is my favorite aesthetic
That shit took a while to get clipped and people draw slow, you'll probably see it around for a few more days.
Not until recently, no. They're always a couple days behind
>reposting an old comment
what? it's called crossposting, you fucking tourist redditor. lurk moar
Her role is to be the clueless lady that is gonna be a victim of the villains when she didn't do anything to deserve it besides talking to one of the heroes. The hero Gonathon goes to her to say "Please fluffy one, you don't have to trust anyone, you have to leave the city" and she replies "but why? I can't do that, I can trust you Gonathon, you're gonna save me, but ok I'm not talking to the villains" while she continues farming
Ser Gonathan with a G
Weren't Poison Ivy and Harley best friends?
Someone dancing Go Getters in FFXIV, pretty cool.
I'm talking about you copy pasting my comment again to make me look bad, retard
agreed. there should be more tercio kino
They posted the memes just like here the minute everyone ended their streams yesterday. You're literally crying. wtf?
Thats not poison ivy
anyone got the hq version of art from last voice packs?
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Nice cope, ledditor
The CEO of WB is actually profoundly retarded and the rest of management isn't much better. Consider that an isekai anime centered around Suicide Squad is one of the better things they've managed to shit out recently.
we love the wall
Everyone says the new Joker movie sucks btw.
Ayamefriendcoded image
pon cat...
>Split between Bijou and Gonathan
That's Enchantress
The worst part about enreco is that gg is going to go back to laugh spamming and screaming instead of doing this well thought out and kino character
I personally think she should play Skyrim or some other sword game and act as gonathon
That's Koyori!
The first one wasn't that good either
? Retard
Seta Zex
I just checked again btw. It's still all Gonathan.
I can smell your cunt through the screen woman. Man up.
Gonathan with a G is my spirit animal
>your oshi
>is your refridgator running?
most treats are bad for cats due to the high sodium content
His recent Fauna set was really fucking good.
Perfection in every way
>Ghost Cat is mentally retarded
Forget all the timelooping, this is by far the worst take I've heard in the thread.
no, it's been broken for nearly 3 years now
Ayamefriendcoded post...
I like both. But she is her best self whenever she is rping, whether it be in Minecraft or Trombone Champ.
sex with cats
Bafflingly ironic. Go the fuck back.
reading this while listening to Mori talk about her cats is weird
Nah, the kino of ENReco is that it's its own closed thing and Gonathan being brought back outside of it randomly for a bit after his character's inevitable end would ruin his whole story and arc and the impact of however it will happen
I came buckets to this
I've never liked cyborg been elevated to core JL status
Shakira and Gonathan G
exactly. thats why it will happen
I have been enjoying her lower voice and more calm personality, I'll admit.
You have mental illness but I know your goal was to shit up the thread by posting an offhand comment from last thread so I'll refrain from engaging any further
There wasn't anything memeworthy until yesterday.
Pls grill throd. I ned imag
What happens if Gigi meets Gonathan with a G?
happy mori makes me happy
That feel when I like Gonathan but not Gigi. It's conflicting
where is it going?
Good. Next time you think about posting anything related to reddit, eat a fucking bullet.
oh damn
just like when batman met owlman
Yeah, he only got elevated when they realized how fucking white the Justice League is. He is better as a Teen Titan.
I guess but she’s much better when she isn’t so hypo and lolsorandom
>doesn't deny the goal was to shit up the thread
all women are
my unwavering loyalty belongs to the honorable Gonathon G
I'm genuinely curious how she will even transition back to Gigi personality in real-time when she gets all her memories back when they are two starkly different people and how Gigi will contend with having been Gonathan
Gawr Gura
The other GG.
god awful lyrics
She's gonna be one of the last ones, there won't be much time for that
>Your oshi
>Something on your mind?
Can't believe Cover sells these sorts of voice packs
Only Ame did that. The other Myth kept going as they were
Can you guys link me some hololive songs that goes heavy with the bass, I want to test out my near headset
Same... Even if they want a token guy, there were far better options which ALREADY worked on the JL like Martian Manhunter or John Stewart
Cover pimps virtual prostitutes
I keep hoping me hyping up gigi everyday here will actually help her incline
Lmao that transformation sequence.
>I'll refrain from engaging any further
Really hurt your feelings, did I? You're a pathetic loser.
Or Mr. Terrific since I think the JL is better with more baseline guys
fuck my /co/ is showing
Oh damn, cool henshin sequence
>Magical girl Will Smith
Kek Mori
Why is this thread so mean to Fauna? She's a nice girl she doesn't deserve any of it. Name 10 things she did wrong this week.
okay shitposting loser
Why is Ultimecia's ultimate magic Time Compression and not Ultima?
I hope they stick the finale tomrrow
that's only because their characters prior to gaining their memories were pretty muc exactly the same whereas like Jyon to Ame but even more so, Gonathan is very different to Gigi
Why is it called a building if it's already built or a painting if it's already painted?
And also as Sailor Mars that one time
I jerk off exclusively to Fubuki's and Miko's DLsite content
Why do we bake cookies but cook bacon?
Of course you're an ESL too
are you implying the other ENs deserve to be shitposted?
>10 things
if anybody elses oshi did 10 things wrong you'd be calling for their death
clayface being a weeb is great.
I haven't had anything to eat all day and all I have in the fridge is eggs
There's no shitposting here. I mean it all.
and Zardoz everytime
Nigga, he green. That's what people will see when they see merch or promo posters or w/e. DC also doesn't like Martian Manhunter for some reason.

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