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When did hololive become so soulless and unentertaining? They're also playing it too safe these days.
>muh you nijicuck. Niji deflection.
Don't drag me into your corpo flavored console wars. You really need to be soulless to defend any corpo, be it hololive or nijisanji.
Your CGDCT pleasure receptors are oversaturated.
It happens when most of the talents don't stream combined with retarded western game permissions and needing management approval for every stream ideas.
yet they're the most popular vtubers out there, what went right?
The management started being more careful about what kind of projects they greenlit around the time EN2 debuted. I've always felt Sana's graduation had something to do with them restricting talent creativity.
They did have stuff like the holocaust and the entire Coco debacle before that. Maybe they've just became increasingly risk-averse the bigger they got
Popularity =/= quality
>They're also playing it too safe these days.
public company
They are maximizing profits and are going the brand IP way, like pokemon or hello kitty etc etc. Its less about the talents now and more about the name. At least that how it feels to me, a fan of 5 years. I still love my favorite talents just as much but I dont care so much about the brand anymore.
Marvel shit is popular too
Taylor swift is popular too
Naruto is popular too
Yet they are shit
>Maybe they've just became increasingly risk-averse the bigger they got
It's not a maybe, it's been confirmed by multiple holos. We also had Aqua graduating because of the growing restrictions.
That’s still a console war, faggot.
You say during EnReco - the most creative, entertaining thing en has done in years.
I like how they don't notice they need to fill the brand with substance otherwise it just turns out soulless the longer it goes as they try to move away from what built the brand into what it is today.
kys kek
Have you considered just simply stop watching it if you don't like it and shut up about it instead of bitching about stuff you don't like as if you're the center of the world cause you ain't the center of the world, you are but an NPC on this world, the world doesn't revolve around you, you don't like the food then just don't eat it and leave
vtubing isn't a hundreds of million people hobby, retarded comparison, holo quality is still miles ahead of your literal who chuuba that you insist on being better
lmao so edgy, this is the opinion of a 12 year old
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>Corpo once started off as small and an offshoot of a tech company
>Join in on the Vtuber craze thinking it's a fad that only applies to JP niche
>Spend the next 3 years in bliss
>2020 comes through
>Suddenly there's way too many people who are watching your talents. Most of them kaigai
>Decide to release both an ID for Eastern kaigai and EN for Western kaigai
>Blow up for the next 2 years thanks to people being stuck in their homes because of the 'Rona
>Continue gaining traction in the present day with breakout stars like Suisei, Marine and Pekora
>People and other corps see you as a big deal, now you're part of the big leagues
>Restrictions are heavily imposed on your talents, public reputation MUST be maintained or it all comes crumbling down
The price of fame is heavy. Unlike Niji, Cover seems to want to hold onto it as if it's the only thing left.
Vtubing is normalfag shit too, especially hololive
>coming to /vt/ to complain aboyt EN
t. Seething vshojocuck
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I wonder who made this thread...
>Suddenly there's way too many people who are watching your talents. Most of them kaigai

This is a blatant lie. Welcome, newfag!
>>"This is a blatant lie"
Lol lmao whatever floats your boat.
>I see new thing in my echochamber of the internet, this means that I am the largest fanbase now.
True and checked.
Every single holo thread
>object to lewd
>leap on every foul word
>misconstrue every joke
Congratulations you got your way. Now when I watch holo streams I'm watching Barney's funtime playhouse for Kids.

Everyone wants to be totally seiso and totally idol, but it's not fun to watch 20 Fauna and Fuwamoco wannabees. Where are the sexy girls? Where are the shitposter girls? Where is the sadistic girl?
>Where are the sexy girls? Where are the shitposter girls? Where is the sadistic girl?
At jp since EN doesn't care about vtubing.
>Now when I watch holo streams I'm watching Barney's funtime playhouse for Kids.
YAGOO did say they were gonna cater the normie audience
Depends on what you like. If gaming streams are your main thing, since 2020 or so. If you're into the idol side, it's still going amazing, better than ever, even.
I also feel like the restrictions talk is overblown. At least in the way people tend to talk about it. Most talents who talk about muh erolive would never show me their bare asses on stream the way FWMC did in the restrictions, public company era. So how much really is NG versus just annoying to get permissions for?
Same for their 3Ds, people were quick to bring up muh erolive to complain about spats, come FWMC with shimapan without a problem.
Watch FWMC
why don't you tell us what you watch then anon? what is entertaining to you?
>When did hololive become so soulless and unentertaining?
When Coco quit. Not because I particularly liked her but because it marked a shift in management's direction towards soulless content.
>Not because I particularly liked her
what are you trying to do keksonfag ...
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>object to lewd
When? I’m personally hoping Kiara can awken more sexo in the others. I just don’t need to be hit over the head with it all the time.
>leap on every foul word
>misconstrue every joke
I can see thus happening in a “let’s spam the fuck out of a joke until it dies” kind of way from chat, but what else does this pertain to?
Go back, kensama.
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Here come the crying kekson fags. She could have stayed and not become irrelevant.
I'm not gonna sit here and say everyone was amazing for it, but ENReco has been the closest we've EVER gotten to some of the JP sandbox games, and it shows with the amount of clips being pumped out, the amount of impromptue collabing happening, and how much fans basically everywhere are trading stories, writing theories, and making shit up for fun. The EN branch has always been stunted because for whatever reason there just aren't a lot of talents who want to drive this stuff, and the JP politness doesn't transfer over, so when someone puts hard work into something, it usually means no one will come and at least make a showing to support them.
It's why a corpo mandated event ended up being so much fun for EN. No one gets burned dumping days or weeks into projects that get neglected (PPP, Phoenixton, Fauna's work) and they can still come together like JP does around events in Rust, Dinogame, or MC.
That thread was pure gold.
I feel like Coco egging china contributed a whole lot into the very restrictive management EN had in their early days. So I can't sympathize whenever kson complains about restrictions when her actions led to the massive issues that affected other talents that followed after.
why are you even watching hololive if you are against seiso and idol girls?
fuck off to your twitchslop whores if you want shitposting, sexy and or sadistic girls.
You don't watch Hololive.
>irrelevant shitters seething impotently at the #1
many such cases
you cucks don't even make sense because you're clearly not content watching your literal whos, and instead desire to bring down hololive to make your fav incline, which at that point they would become """soulless""" like you claim
Because if you did then you'd know several holo girls engage in sexy/sadistic/not cute behavior and have been doing so for several years. Back then and even now.
Drop most Kino rp event in years
While Niji drove a girl to two attempted suicides and has a bill coby as their song producer
Apart from whether kson is entertaining or not. Isn't she right though?

Anons being angry come off to me as this:
> I left kson!
> You left
Anon gets seethes in anger.
It's kinda funny how willfully ignorant some people are.
Nah I think that tweet's hilarious. Nobody can deny she's bleeding viewers.
It's cumulative leading to this, her previous tweets seems to always put all the blame towards fans. Like complaining about weebs in vtubing etc..
They occasionally indulge in being not seiso. But the majority were seiso, so I don’t understand your angle about Cover becoming bigger which introduces less non seiso activities.
This, novelty value is down. Consider logging off, OP
You are free to watch those other "better and soulful" ones that cater to your not "too safe" needs. They are dime a dozen like a $2 hooker you find in the alley
>praising Omega's slop
jesus christ.
Omega schizo is back at it again WeW
Anyway event is most liekly planned by one of the girls
>Thinking Omega still has a hand in this shit
Did we not have HoloSummer last year where the girls ran around in bikinis on stream while actimg both goofy and sexy? I know people shit on the MV because of multiple reasons, but the group event streams we got out of them were great. Reine's 'SEXY STRETCHING' in particular stands out as a great way to blend silly and hot at the same time.
NTA but it would be really funny if at the end of this they'll just debut Omega's model but the person behind it is different
early 2021 when they cancelled asacoco and forced her out of the company.
good morning saar.
and just like that, we suddenly like Omega.
I dunno if it was planned by one of the girls, but I can at least buy it. If they tried to do it on their own, it would have fallen flat because half of the girls would have just ignored invites to stuff like that like they have in the past. EN is just a bit to insular even with the talent pool growing, and I feel like if this had been pitched and hosted by someone specific, no one would have showed up. It's the one thing that kinda pisses me off about EN, their unwillingness to just show up sometimes and mess around a bit.
>Like something that plays lightly into lore but is carried by interactions and plotlines made by talents fully
Ok fag.
that will be the final arc of ENreco. this whole thing is just Omega's way of reintroducing himself in the HoloEN lore in a more "accepting" way.
It can’t be Omega’s work, it’s not loquacious enough.
I’m not opposed to sexy shit. I’m confused about how there is a correlation between the growth of Hololive with it’s reduction of unseiso activity. HoloSummer last year was great, and they didn’t do one this year probably due to Aqua’s graduation. Not ahhh Cover had become soulless slop playing it safe.
Oh for sure they needed to be wrangled with force to show up to the event, but it dosnt stop it from possibility of one of the girls like ame or Gura or even GIgi suggesting it to menagment and they were like "it seems like a good idea we will do in the future" then then forced some of them to do this, then handing them script for the story and some of the story lines.
No way the would do that right ? Im sure this might be leading to a debut of "lee evil stain queen" but no shot they pull another omega
she was complaining about people harassing her hololive friends and that was like 2 years ago
Man I don't give a shit. I'm just saying it would be really funny watching this board melt down
What did these massive faggots mean by this?
yjk if you could see the profile of the people who post this kind of stuff you will see them retweeting phasers like pippa or panco
careful, anon. you might cut yourself on all of that edge
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wtf bros i thought it was "nyahallo"
>it would be really funny watching this board melt down
I like how ever since the concert was a massive success the fangays from other companies have been crying for x event to happen so this board will meltdown. 2 more weeks, anon. 2 more weeks.
Oh i thought it's a serious conversation not a retarded cope. Anyway, advert debut scrub omega vod mention, cover deleted omega model, kiara kill omega twice on member, one on shiori-kiara ouija stream. But let's hear more on omegafag cope.
as a seiso puristfag, that appeal is long gone
it's not because of an increase or decrease to lewd/perverted topics
the illusion has been damn near shattered at this point and you know even the purest of them all are likely hiding some huge truthbomb

in a world with 3dpd whores everywhere, why should I watch hololive (or any other corpo/agency) to get exactly what I saw when I was in highschool? I'm fucking off back to >>>/a/ now. Sorry for shitting up the board with another post whining about subjective shit.
Holy boobers
"Soulless" is how you decide to explain the fact that Hololive doesn't entertain you anymore, not because they changed, but because you did.
Just stop watching them for a while.
what concert
The problem is that clips that do well are gonna be things like "SEXY STRETCHING!" and like it or not, a majority of the attention the company gets is from clipwatchers who rarely turn in for a full stream, at least in the west. I'm not gonna argue what draws people in on the JP side, because I have no idea, but I assume if there's clip channels parroting JP stuff with translarions, those types of moments also do really well over there.
The average person won't tune into a stream to hear someone being casual, or lighthearted, or seiso for 2-4 hours 3-5 times a week.
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>not because they changed, but because you did
They did change though
Now post the rest of it.
The rest of it is irrelevant to me. She says there's more opportunities. Those opportunities are all corporate sponsorships where the talents make a bunch of money. That's nice. But it came at the expense of making streams worse. And streams are all I care about.
>うんうん spam
holofags live like this?
Who knows. But don't worry about it. There are plenty of other corpos and indies there for you to watch.
I like safe entertainment. I don't have to worry when chuuba drops some political landmine or some cuck fetish video.
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Fuck off nigger
Hololivefags pride themselves of being yes-men.
Engagement boosting and metric padding, please understand.
That's to be expected honestly, even when I started watching them I know they're going to the lovelive and idolmaster route of brand IP shit and maximizing profits
Lamy is smart enough businesswoman. She should go indie.
Oh the soul! Anyone got soul in here? Spare me some soul!
have you look at yourself? maybe it's you who losing your soul
>change is a (you) problem
kson proven right once again!
lol All of gokisei are still so traumatized by Myth that they will forever struggle with their inferiority complex in Hololive.
Yep, and she changed too. For the worse at that.
Hololive lost it's soul when third gen debuted. It became just a gachi milking machine.
that's the opposite of what that anon just argued
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Fuck off mahdeen. Go post more 1000 word essays about losing your reddit jannie position.
janny, please ban the bot >>84693959
Daily reminder that Kson is now a borderline 3 view.
Meanwhile hololive is better than ever.
bvtm derangement syndrome
kson derangement syndrome
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>image from /#/
At least they now have re-gloss to share their experiences with
>Please hide the proof of me being bvtm discord fag doctoring screenshots
This entire thread is probably just you samefagging again.
>Noooo you can't point out I'm posting fake shit from fag discords nooooooo
It's been a while since the last one. I'd take that instead of recycled bait
my wives and daughter are still cute, fuck you phasecuck
bro is chasing ghosts. i personally got 2 of his accounts banned.
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Nice job outing yourself.
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>The rest of it is irrelevant to me
Because it doesn't fit your narrative
Western devs aren't the problem retard is Japanese devs who are the problem. You shameless cock sucker
Sure. My narrative is that streams are more important than anything else.
Omega is Dimitri jap pl
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That would be even funnier
It was nothing on the kino minecraft hardcore week a few months ago
NTA but Naruto isn't even remotely as popular as Swift or even capeshit either, if he's making comparison's it's within the same sphere (singers for swift, manga for naruto, comic books for marvel) and in that case in terms of japanese streamers Hololive is absolutely definitively THE most popular of all.
We really should stop pretending that HoloJP and HoloEN are same company at all anymore. The audiences are mostly so far removed that some random collab or concert is whatever anymore.
>holo vs holo
Works for me. EN fans have too much forced positivity for my liking anyway
It's different her target seems to have shifted during those two years. There were times in which she was talking about her own content being boring and then suddenly putting all the blame on viewers leaving.
What’s new?
But numbernigger, there are several holos besides ID that are 3 views.
Not all of them are pekora, do your reps /#/cuck
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This guy got zero pushback from cover btw even with all the evidence compiled as him being part of the discordgroup that raided holoplus
nah that never happened
Their lying ways are well documented alright
>But numbernigger, there are several holos besides ID that are 3 views.
Such as?
When they started bleeding subscribers
Nijidrones seething
All of gen 5 are great. Meanwhile Myth only has 2 members worth watching and one of em hardly streams
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Sisters stop seething my childwife is streaming
What do you expect them to do? Send hitmen to Canada and kill him?
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when they went public
it's not like this wasn't expected, gachis were screaming in choir "doomposting" and yet here we are, few years later

talents are on short leash, brand bullshit jobs are on the rise, general trend is down, struggling to find time and/or motivation to stream so the sub counter doesn't go on red

There's really no carrot at the end of the stick for JP branch, EN soon to follow
(ID already threw in the tower and settled for the steady salary)
She's just confusing cause and effect. People like cute girls doing cute things. Not whore girls doing whore things. Its not corpos doing it, its fan base wanting cute girls doing cute things. Its always been that.
>Some containment breaker posted a /jp/ screencap on Twitter that means anyone who posts it is him
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Seems like all that anti-slander talks is just a paper tiger.
Subcount is such a retarded metric for them to push onto the talents. Besides using it to impress shareholders it's quite useless and I'm pretty sure dead subs lowers them in the recommendation algorithm.
nothing in that stream has anything to do with cgdct
Muh Talent Freedom
>react content slops
>sleeping streams
>peepee poopoo humor

Might as well watch fleshstreamers
>Besides using it to impress shareholders it's quite useless
impressing shareholders is quite literally the end goal for any public company. nothing else matters.
Outside of Japan? Yes
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My legendary onion will save vtubing when she returns as an indie with full creative freedom and makes the most kino streams on the Internet and crushes every corpos numbers
The issue is that the reason it works for Pokemon and Hello Kitty is extreme nostalgia and because women love buying shit, and the ones who don't look as good love buying overly cute shit like Hello Kitty. Hololive on the other hand (at least in the west) lives and dies on the content the talent produces. You can see it with the average or below average older talents in the branch who have had declining sales numbers on all the plastic bullshit they keep pumping out. The pool is limited in the west and it's starting to show. The newness of advent (and justice to a degree) will fade and they will keep getting mass amounts of merch and their numbers will drop too. How much shit has Myth released this year? I fee like every 2-3 weeks I see a post with some kind of collab with a company with them.
cause it attracted you faggots
It would have been a different story if yagoo bothered to show signs of going back to being a private company, especially when they saw their stock price get affected by whatever niji does despite having great profits and doing everything mostly right. Now they're on track to the endless growth chase every public company faces. People defended hololive since yagoo told investors off but that's mostly because of the great performance/growth hololive was having using it as leverage. Once it stops or as years goes by it's inevitable for a public company to ruin itself it's simply not sustainable.
circa February 2021
I won't elaborate
Absolutely this!
That's another thing to note, they're diluting their brand by selling cheap generic merch with high prices when combined with lack of content.
when did phasefags become phasecucks?
>so soulless and unentertaining
>since no free lewd ASMR streams
>since no free lewd 3D streams
>since no minecraft prank wars
>since no more RUST streams
>since no more lewd joke streams
basically since I SAID SO

>playing it too safe these days
>since no free lewd ASMR streams
>since no free lewd 3D streams
>since no minecraft prank wars
>since no more RUST streams
>since no more lewd joke streams
>not playing any ARMA games
>not playing any TF game
>not playing Genshit
>not playing Helldivers
>not playing games that /v/ likes
basically since I SAID SO
And westerners don't seem to care about acrylic stands that much. And even if they do, the postage is more that those fucking stands. I'm not supporting my oshi, I'm supporting my mailmans boss.
Day 1
It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't sorta also have FOMO with talents you're relaly invested in with stuff like B-Day merch. I get why they need to limit it, it's just that bundling suddently becomes impossible unless the timing is just right.
Seriously, I have like 15 standees, some not Hololive, and I don't really have a spot to put any more even if I wanted them. Do the Japs just cover their home in plastic standees?
Is there still hope for hololive? My kamioshi already left so for me it's already too late
acryclic stands are mich cheaper to make than figurines, that's why they keep producing a lot of them.
-∞ days of seething at hololive
There's holo fans who have legitimate concerns. Mindsets like this are part of the problem. You'd buy a literal shit if someone stuck a blue triangle on it
Its the opinion of most rational people on this site, /vt/ must be the only board here where the boring normie slop is worshipped as the best thing ever.
Most western holo fans are happy to consume any slop thrown their way by japs in suits
why won't hololive address the jq, bros?
Are they though? Seems to me that EN fans are more than happy whenever EN talent is willing to push against the Jap suits. Right from the start with Myths DIY shit.
the whole site worships normie slop now. it's a huge shift in demographics compared to the 4chan a decade ago.
EOPs are the people who are always trying to be like Nooooooo positive vibes only when even the smallest of nothing burgers appear which is a cancer on the community
"Legitimate concerns" don't really mean shit as long as they keep getting more popular - which is what most of the fans, the girls and the group as a whole want. VTubing is a new field and there is no guarantee that it will keep growing for another decade or longer. The girls are betting their precious time on this - wanting to trade popularity for some sort of subjective "quality" is retarded at best if not outright selfish. They are entertainers, the more fans they can entertain, the better.
And don't let me start on how many of those "legitimate concerns" were uninformed AF, too, like what happened to what Lamy's said after Aqua's graduation announcement.
Almost like what was once pretty niche and seen as 'for nerds' suddenly realized it was really profitable as more and more people bought in. More options, more trash.
So what are some good vtubers for the inquiring minds?
So you'd rather have generic streams the girls don't really want to do than see them make quality content everyone would enjoy?
170 replies for a bot post. Sad.
Anyone who has under 10 viewers. They haven't been tainted yet. There are plenty of those in Youtube.
I'm guessing they're gonna push for more merch closer together if they're aiming to increase the profit more than the last quarter.
You can see it in action with FuwaMoco. It's a balancing act. Play some games that are debuff but you love and want to share, play some bullshit the clipwatchers or casual fans will come running for.
See >>84695270 this was the guy that spread the lamy stuff on twitter.
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When my kamioshi reincarnates as an indie she'll be the best vtuber with the best streams (she'll have full creative freedom and she's incredible at everything she does)
holo en fell off massively and has been stagnant for years
You are saying that those (tens of) thousands of people come watch these girls stream but don't enjoy it? And send a shit ton of money too.
Don't mean that guy lol I mean some anons in this thread have made some good points
they will never give you an answer to this because no one wants to put their own tastes under scrutiny
they will just insist there are definitely indies with twenty viewers who are the most amazing entertainers in the world
Done that, been doing that. Actually nice but sometimes the silent air gets you. Not interested in grooming though. Come on throw some names.
The fact that they are the most popular by far showed that the majority of audience enjoys their contents.
And yes, I'd prefer having the so called generic CGDCT over getting
>react slop
>sleep streams
>explicit, vulgar talks about dicks, pussies and sex
>frequent body cams
and the like from Twitch / fleshies.
Current EN's ENreco arc has been fun and filled with lovely interactions between the girls. That's what I want - if that's "generic", so be it.
Soraneko Kurumi
Urui Rapis
Their viewership says otherwise
>they will never give you an answer to this because no one wants to put their own tastes under scrutiny
Which is smart. It's like some fucker on a forum asks what your favorite band is just so he can shit on it. Except here it's worse because mentioning some small chuuba here will instantly get schizos in her chat.
Can someone post the "free 3 view seethe" ticket?
your mask is slipping phasebro
gura used to break 20k every stream. barely anyone else can come close to 10k. subs are barely moving as well.
Hope she gets a nice model and the Mikeneko syndrome doesn't hit early as there's another maid chuuba in town
see >>84694995
I'm a leftist.
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Nani kore?
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NTA, but while it's true everyone has their own tastes, trying to claim that some 1-2views chuuba who couldn't even clear the bar, are actually hidden, super amazing entertainers is silly. At least anons should wait until they make it first
>gura used to break 20k every stream
No she didn't.
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>When did hololive become so soulless and unentertaining?
JP has never stopped being entertaining, EN has awful management that hates fun.
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>muh you nijicuck. Niji deflection.
don't worry we know it's you phasebro
She's nothing like Miguel lmao Aqua is a kind respectable and all around great person while Mikeneko is the closest thing we'll ever get to an irl anime villain
Not everyone watches vtubers for the girlfriend experience. That shit is pathetic.
either botted or gura was on stream.
Fuck off then, whiner.
Seethe nigger.
HoloEN has been doing great and now it seems that ENreco has mindbroken some of you completely.
EN fell off so hard that every time ENRECO starts they absolutely mog every other EN company COMBINED (including vshojo) by a FUCKING ORDER OF A MAGNITUDE: >>84690296
If this is falling off I don't want to see what it would look like if they inclined. The competitors would stop existing.
And ENreco is prime example of the fact that it is great that Cover makes the framework but the girls are they only true asset that Cover has.
feel free to prove me wrong.
counting multi-pov viewers during a special event with a dozen streams is a bit disingenuous.
Uppercut yourself Noufagi
Mitora caught my eye
Not interested in ASMRchuuba, soothing voice still
And you have to pay the bill for my ear treatment after that dogshit rokudenashi cover
>counting multi-pov viewers during a special event with a dozen streams is a bit disingenuous.
No it's not. It's actually a fucking great way to see what the very broad general situation is. Is it same as JP? No, it will never be. Is it magnitudes better than anything else in western market? Fuck yes.
Ennacuck Gura streamed only on the first 3 days Fauna hit 10k+ on all days except for day 1 and on the days Gura was on the server she arrived after Fauna hit 10k.
>muh bots
>barely anyone else can come close to 10k
Easily disproven lie.
6 10k+ median were above anything HoloEN had gotten since the YT applied the viewer cull the first time, and that was almost half of EN recorded in the first half of 2024 (6 / 14)
I know, I know. Her personality was actually unparalleled in her comfy box, It's just graduates tend to borrow some motifs from their past persona, which is fine as long it doesn't hit Miguel's level
you specifically claimed the box is that large when it isn't. it's like half that size at best.
viewership is only that high due to gura participating and her box watching other povs.
post a graph in american if you want me to engage with it.
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>D-d-doesn't count
what doesn't count?
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>viewership is only that high due to gura participating
I'm very salty holokeks
>you specifically claimed the box is that large when it isn't. it's like half that size at best.
I didn't claim anything nor do I give a fuck about some box. There is no "box" in HoloEN when with Justice all the talent is spread out more and more all over the timezones.
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>>84699958 (me)
The ideal for HoloEN would be that it's so spread out that there is some English speaking Hologirl streaming at any given time. Raora has proven that even in her normal hours it's possible to get respectable numbers.
all of myth were 5views every stream for a while.
the holobox is a well documented phenomenon.
Was just plugging Kurumi and Rapis cuz I've talked to them a few times and they're great people Sorry they weren't for you
>all of myth were 5views every stream for a while.
And Vshojo had 3 girls with a 10k average. Now no one from Vshojo has a 10k avg.
is that supposed to impress me?
it became hollowlive after Gura dropped her cookie.
The box as a measurement doesn't work if some of it is at sleep at any given time.
Hey man, it's just first impressions and I'm a bit autistic about music. I admit I was unfair to Rapis, and I'll probably check her out later. Her streaming voice is actually the most pleasant of the bunch.
No, it's to prove you are a mongoloid retard who can't contextualize numbers and is moving the goalpost after being proven wrong.
here's something to contextualize. ironmouse peaked at 12.7k viewers average and is at 9700 now. gura peaked at over 100k and now averages like 15. one is a decline the other is a crisis.
>twitch vs youtube
Go talk to a real woman IRL for a bit and you'll appreciate the Hololive girls more
They do so much positive representation for women it's crazy
>Mouse average vs Gura peak
You are taking one stream for Gura but only the average for mouse. Interesting cope.
i took mouse peak average from twitch tracker and gura's from memory because i watched her.
If Hololive is soulless, then what is most of the rest of the vtuber industry, who are barely vtubers and more so flesh streamers with anime avatars draped over? I know you fucks are allergic to getting told, that the success speaks for itself, while most everyone else is in decline, but man, you act like they are generic now, while they outperform everyone upholding their niche, because everyone's "innovative" and "soulful" approach to "vtubing" is competing with flesh streamers in their slop content and losing. To make a shitpost like this while ENReco is running is also the biggest irony, fucking nostreams.
Iron Scammer (when is she going to finally die? jesus, get on with it.) should make her own event in Youtube so we could see the truth.
ironmouse is always streaming, Gura streams are a rare commodity and peak views on a comeback stream don't count(everyone tunes in out of curiosity, but no retention)
She did. It was 2K or something.
>I took one stream and an average that doesn't exist
Keep digging that hole it's been fun seeing you go
>barely anyone else can come close to 10k.
Being proven wrong and now just straight-up inventing numbers.
your newfag is showing if you think i'm taking gura's actual peak. that number is a lot higher than 100k.
Thanks I hope you enjoy her She responds to chat and she's a very nice person. Her membership is also only like £2 a month
Yeah that's why I'm saying you are just straight up inventing numbers. Your 100k average doesn't exist and you confused it for the peak. Feel free to keep moving that goalpost though.
nta but what stream was the 100k from?
>Hololive good cause my only point of reference is a bunch of western vtweeters or twitch thots
Iron Grifters big event peak was same as some HoloEN runts movie watchalong?
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Wait til my kamioshi returns as an indie and saves vtubing It's gonna be absolutely kino
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gura's early streams. the highest was her outfit reveal i believe which was over 180k
>because it marked a shift in management's direction towards soulless content
It has nothing to do with Coco and everything to do with YouTube' ToS becoming more draconian year by year, you retard.
Fauna doesn’t even want to be your friend
Gura is a lazy whore
Bae is a slut
They all just be like real women but with animu garb
Nothing in Asacoco ever broke Youtube's ToS.
This may be hard for some of you to understand but while Iron Scammer is basically all of Vshojo, Gura is not all of HoloEN.
So you admit that HoloEN is inferior to real Hololive then?
I can admit that kensama is a faggot
YouTube never had a problem with asacoco.
Justice is a flop. Only one of them has her own personality. The other 3 are just rehashes of other EN girls
No one's claiming that, you retarded nigger who can only think in extremes. It's either best selling shit or least selling shit.
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now this is cope
Classic 3 views seething at holo.
It's because they're on a leash. Women are only good when they're forced to be nice.
And which one has the personality, anon?
gura carries en on her back.
I meant Hololive current direction of content creation, not Coco. Or are you implying that what Coco did in 2020 would fly in 2024? Absurd.
Incel tier post. I don't give fuck if a vtuber is seiso or not as long as she's playing an interesting character that's fun to watch. Fuwamoco are cute and seiso and pretend to be loyal and demure but what's the fucking point when they're boring af streamers
So true habibi, Alhamdulillah.
bro I don't know what timeline you come from but over here Gura has been afk for years
Raora. Elizabeth is just British red Nerissa, Gigi is Chinese sweatshop Gura/Biboo and Cecelia is just Bae with Kiaras accent
Even holo staff are leaving
>Or are you implying that what Coco did in 2020 would fly in 2024?
Yeah except for shaving pubes stream maybe
By not streaming! Ironmouse is the only thing keeping Vshojo relevant. By streaming 24/7, imagine Gura streaming for one week; all the competition would graduate.
Don't insult Cecilia, please
It's important to use unusual words to gatekeep the ESLs.
are you kidding? forced positivity is japan's entire culture
She really doesn't. She has been gone for so long that everyone else has built their own audience and Advent and Justice don't even really know her. She has her own audience but if she would graduate right now, Myth and Fauna would be sad for a while but that's it.
I don't dislike her or anything (or any of the other members of justice) just saying things as they are
it doesn't matter if she streams. she's the face of the company. gura makes content more often then mario appears in video games but if you tried to argue that mario is irrelevant to nintendo you'd get laughed out of the room.
i agree with that anon, nijiEN was a better music corpo until they went full homo and calli moriope wouldnt have had to become submissive and feminized in order to find an audience
>just saying things as they are
No you aren't. You are being an anti faggot who has been triggered by the fact how well Justice has just joined in through ENreco.
>face of the company
face of the company (en)
i dont see the similarity at all. your other takes are terrible too
Tell me one unique or original thing Cecilia does
EN don't count
Try watching streams instead of clips
I think JP grim era is coming to an end.
fl studio streams, retro music covers, custom obs featuers, installed linux on her mom's computer for the lols
She's my least watched Justice but I enjoy her Immersion
>Tell me one unique or original thing Cecilia does
Funny thing... After Justice debuted and especially after ENreco started, I've seen this bizarre idea floating arounf that every new member has to bring something unique. I wonder where that angle started. Just let the girls do stuff with their own personality in their timezones. That's plenty.
> all of myth were 5views every stream for a while
Only if by "for a while" you meant "before the cull that cut EN viewerships down to 1/4 of what they were".
Gura was the only consistent 5views EN after the cull, with Ina getting there now and then
One faggot (note: You) doesn’t speak for anyone.
Yea I'd love to see them do stuff in their own personalities instead of just rehashing previous hologirls personalities
i watch ever ceci stream i can. i dont watch bae at all, i find her obnoxious
>Yea I'd love to see them do stuff in their own personalities instead of just rehashing previous hologirls personalities
This is the kind of shit clipwatchers write
You're a dogshit nigger who lick assholes of western whores
How much did you waste on justice memberships?
You’re on /vt/, not /jp/. Eat a bullet, fag.
>When did hololive become so soulless and unentertaining?
Why cant the competition catch up them?
People on vt would rather discuss real vtubers
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So, you ran out of arguments?
/vt/ doesn't mean western grifter whores
>posts the most boring justice member
Do you just mindlessly consoom anything HoloEN throw at you?
Good try, retard
Who does that even apply to in HoloEN?
>Posting this after she just went viral among the fanbase with her Gonathan ENreco arc
Not even a clipwatcher…
Too busy shitposting on vt
That lazy crack whore
Ogey but explain the rehashing now. I can make guesses and laugh at you if you are too coward.
Nobody cares apart from retarded 12 year olds. Some people would rather keep up with real Hololive (the 7 days to die streams were great)
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Gonathan of the G... The hero we need but don't deserve.
When the phasecucks have melted and shadows fall. When nijisanji's crashed I will hear the call.
>real Hololive
Only thing that isn’t part of “real” Hololive would be the homos. Retards such as yourself just act like your opinion matters above reality.
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Is this Gonathan thread?
phasecuck senpai, gomenne <3
Can confirm, needed to take a break for a few months, until I found my way back in.
>playing it too safe these days
- literally the top Holo doing real life gamble with real life money on horse race
- Okazu
- Bunny Garden
- Outlast Trials
>so soulless and unentertaining
-because reacting on reddit meme and someone else videos is a low effort content
-because your AAA western games is undisputed pure garbage shit
look anon, I get it you missed the old days of minecraft interactions but that game is shit as fuck and the alternative is either janky palworld or ark.
why'd you make so many posts about react when that meta died years ago
While this thread is phasefags baiting again there is a bit of a discussion to be had about how JP corps don't want anything that challenges the norm and essentially just want mediocrity for years.b
Coco experienced it , aqua experienced it. The en girls who spend every other month on break because of extreme burnout have been experiencing it.

It's not to say that American corps are strictly better but I do think that vtubing in the hands of JP will eventually die. Permissions for everything along with constant pushback towards any projects that the talents want to do, along with increasingly expensive merch that isn't even high quality to match the price...I dunno. I have a hard time seeing a continued upward trend in jp
so what then this "soulless and so soulless and unentertaining" all about? not a single thing OP said gives any examples on what it is from the current Hololive content up to that Aqua Karaoke streams that "indicates" Hololive in decline
>extreme burnout
named them, timestamp when they said it and don't use Aqua as an examples because we all know it's because China
That post only becomes funnier with time, as things play out.
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As I've said many times in this thread my legendary kamioshi WILL save vtubing when she returns as an indie
when someone says "old hololive was better" and you say "oh you like react content?!" which hololive has never done you sound like a crazy man.
define hololive's SOUL that you seem to miss then
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spontaneous collabs, dynamic scheduling, talent's ability to speak freely, skit shows
You're right anon. Everyone is so satisfied with their job that they stream for 40+ hours a week and their fans have to literally get them to stop streaming so much and take a break. Nobody is burned out. Can't wait for the next 10 hour gura stream
I hope she does anon. I hope she does
I know she will and it'll be a truly historical moment

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