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Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdWqpuyH0Zg

スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>84618794
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Cool Nino
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Thoughts on this?
the leaf ina was playing in that particular moment? me.
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Hey guys I was fiddling with crAIyon and accidently an Ina
Promt was "anime magical girl fighting tentacles"
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it's showtime after this match divegrass bros
I missed you /wah/
The slop club is two threads down
Kinda prefer takodachis desu
Never liked tentacult that much.
I never really got the feeling Ina did either.
Yeah tentacult is the Takodachi organization but not the fan name, based on everyone else's
Dope status?
Retard (dope) noices
I can’t believe this is the end… did they ever say when they would return to Enreco?

There will be a season 2. Most likely focusing on promise dungeons
They said it was a long-term project, so I assume they'll keep repeating this pattern periodically until they get through Justice unless they cut it short.
A new song, another set of dungeons and another week of everyone playing every so often.
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We're playing against /hlgg/ in a couple minutes, takos. S-Surely this time...
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AAAAAA http://vtleague.420699.xyz/
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Its over..
Why do we never get gud...
I can't watch rn, d-did we win...?
down 2-1 rn
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behead all players
that sounds racists
Ina today?
not after this pitiful display
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Disband the team.
It's a good picture. Funny how the crowbar keeps being relevant
It's time for a rebuild
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Our keepers genuinely deserve better. I just want to be good, why can't we ever look at least a bit promising...
What was Retardko doing on offense? His one damaged braincell was made for holding the fort.
>What was Retardko doing on offense?
His best.
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this >>84718112 we are literally never gonna get someone to manage the tactis side of the team
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Once I get a better PC I might look into how that thing works, but I'm so busy with uni that I don't know if I'll have time to get into it. I promise that I'll manage this team one day.
>catbox still not working for me
I hope it didn't get blocked...
now it works
I hate catbox
what was the context for this?
How did you make it work?
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my Ina the main character of this universe
thinking about marrying me
Ina knew the effect this imagery would have in the male audience. Why did Ina do it?
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Looking at pictures of our wedding
who was the bad guy again?
Officially? Fuck knows.
Unofficially Biboo.
Probably the fake queen
Hololive did that sponsorship to add Ina to PSO2 so obviously coomers started using her model to dance around a stripper pole. Shit like that is why some Hololive talents will never release an official MMD model.
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Me? Just listening to that one old karaoke cover of I'm Yours by Ina.
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I really really want Ina to do another unarchived karaoke
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Might genuinely be my favorite Ina cover. It has such a cozy feel to it.
>Is not Ina herself
I don't have infinite desk space for a nametag
>Screaming Doggos
It's the cute one doing the screaming, so it's okay.
>mother-daughter relationship with Raora
Isn't Ina like 0.1% Italian?
>Ina also has an Italian mother
The lore deepens, her (absolutely legit) grandmother will be proud. That explains her love for Italian food.
She made carbonara, I think that qualifies her.
This is cringekino
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I can confirm.
jwu, what are they doing?
Trying to find a special golden apple to cure Biboo's corruption
Their best.
I could have sworn I saw that map as unprofessionally presented png for a moment
with cream
Ina...your english reps
Don't you slander my Ina like that.
Raora's line delivery reminds me of those movies from best of the worst
I hope they make part 2 on a different game
I don't think there's anything better they could do something like this in realistically.
Ina is going to save the kingdom and no one will notice because they're too busy fighting capitalism.
The important thing is that she saves her beloved sister.
Saving the kingdom is just a bonus.
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Always had this weird idea of a battle royale in a survival game where the girls would just create groups and kill each other in mind, but I don't think that the memories would kick in apart from is Ina is a war veteran though.
>Finds the mystical golden apple that can cure any illness
>Needs it to save her princess sister and bring peace to the kingdom
>Uses it to make a milkshake
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Princess Bijou said she likes milkshakes
a custom starcraft campaign
She's gonna sneak it to her in milkshake form, giving it to her as an apple would be too suspicious
She's simply put it into a palatable form.
the medicine has to be kid friendly
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it's scripted not to work anyways bro
She already knows about golden apples, she literally tried to destroy one earlier, they HAVE to be sneaky about it
Ina should make a kebab with the flesh of her dead enemies.
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>Nerissa's just fucking lost
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to prevent this
I'm going to call it now.
GTAV RP server, Justice are the cops. The other girls are split into different gangs.
fuck off already, God why did they hire her
this is so retarded it's great
>Not enough for everyone
Welp, Mogojan is giga dead I guess.
As long as Fuwawa is saved, it's okay
Well now there's enough for everyone.
Ina should let the others die so she can start roleplaying as the last survivor
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So there are takos that have fallen to the Stain too...
well mogos brain stain is gonna starve soon anyways
Imagine the kino. Everyone is dying in the city and she just fucks off to the mountains or something. Her soul is way too heroic to accomplish such a selfish action though.
ERB is right Ina's very cute.
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Put all the stained ones in one single place, and drop a nuke on it.
Why is Ina's RP voice is just her normal voice except higher pitched? She can just use her usual streaming voice?
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Oh cerulean is actually a color. A shade of blue
That's so fucking lame...
Knowing her taste in games and anime you would think Ina would like the kind of bittersweet story where not everyone can be saved and hard choices have to be made.
Yeah I guess it's on me for expecting an actual dark twist here
Proud of you for doing your reps
I genuinely cannot take this shit seriously, this feels like a movie done by students. Like I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore.
The plot of literally all of World of Warcraft
I dont mind the storyline they are trying to make, but its a tad too much people
>Yeah I guess it's on me for expecting an actual dark twist here
>he actually expected something
damn anon, you really haven't learned your lesson after 4 years of management produced slop
Wait are they going to make them drink the proverbial Kool aid?

Is this how Italian mothers look at their children?
It's slightly more coherent than I expected.
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>Wait are they going to make them drink the proverbial Kool aid?
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>Is this how Italian mothers look at their children?
I prefer not to answer.
What part of Ina releases the essence of empathy
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>I just put it on for fashion
I think Ina needs a boltgun to fix this situation
I laughed audibly, her delivery of such a retarded line in context was so good kek.
Like herding cats
>you wouldn't want you children to be purple
Ina you can't say that
Ina's double timing is finally paying off
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All I understood from this series is that Ina wants to fuck as many women as possible.
the Charlie Sheen school of acting
Even if the world is ending, Ina loves cute girls.
>Ina would allow (You) to have a big titty goth GF as a side chick
How does that make you feel Tako.
too many voices in my head...
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What happened to queen Kronii anyway
She genuinely looks ready to pounce and devour her... No wonder Pastako had to get ripped to protect himself.
executed for treason off screen
On a literal vacation, she's in Spain with her family.
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The fact that I gained muscle is also because of my mom's cooking throughout my whole life. Don't ask why I'm up at 4AM.
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that was slightly cool...
ina switched the medicine with a roofie
So cool...
uwaa ninoino so flat
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some people are quick to forget
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>Bijou brings back the darker tone
>Ina now has to work for her happy ending
>She ends up winning the battle with a single heart left
Alright, Bijou, I may not like you very much but you single-handedly saved the storyline. I kneel.
Honestly cringe but since my Ina is the protagonist i'll say kino
Skippa skippa
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this >>84742027 the power of friendshit is some overused lazy ass tier trope
It was the power of violence and a magic apple though.
>they are going to announce part 2 in 30 minutes
I don't care, the Gonathon NTR ending is the real ending.
I guess Ina couldn't save EVERYONE. Sorry Gonathan...
Always knew hot pink one was a hoe
Corruption is easy, chronic sluttery is too much for one hero
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Comin' out of my cage and I've been doin' just fine
That's my NinoIna the Hero's hoe.
Ina and Irys rekindling their love while Bijou and Shiori are angrily divorcing in the background is so funny to me kek.
InaRyS is the only true love in this kingdom
Accidental incest
it grows in the soil
So are Bae and Ina... you know...
Sex in the woods
guys the event isn't starting...
I'm getting sleepy
>stain king
makes you think
they want this to be ff14 so badly bro...
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>aggro on ina
looks pretty cool
Was there any way for them to lose here, they respawn right next to the boss
Only died once, sasuga.
>Ina voice acting
I can't believe Evil Bijou won...
the king got AIDS
I don't get it
>Hint: Your sanity is decreasing fast
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>Reach the 20th story arc
>The heroes are Saitama tier powerful and can wipe the floor with the latest bad guy
>The only thing that stops this are 2 hours of cutscenes
How do people take MMO plots seriously?
wait, this arena reminds me of a Lost Ark raid

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