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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
Twitch Alt: https://www.twitch.tv/shadowchama
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://x.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1831446847325344205

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous Thread: >>84755084
putting my tongue in the shollarpit
shondo I love everything about you
I can't believe she showed us her massive kidney stone. She really needs to cut back on the caffeine.
shondo some things about you im willing to live with
Shondo your signature throughput is rather poor
peter was always strong, or at least that’s what everyone said. he was the rock, the unmovable one, the one who was supposed to hold everything together. but no one ever asked him how it felt to be the rock, to always be the one who had to stay firm while everything else crumbled around him.

peter didn’t know how to be anything else. he tried, once or twice, to let himself feel, to let the cracks show, but every time he did, the world seemed to fall apart a little more. so he kept it all inside, letting the weight of everyone else’s troubles press down on him, day after day, year after year.

sometimes, late at night when the world was quiet, he would sit alone and wonder what it would be like to just let go, to stop being the rock for everyone else and just be himself, whatever that meant. but those thoughts always scared him, because what if there was nothing left of him without the weight? what if he wasn’t anything at all without the burden he carried?

so he kept going, holding everything together as best he could, even as he felt himself eroding bit by bit. no one noticed the small pieces of him that crumbled away over time, the tiny parts of himself that he lost trying to keep everyone else whole. he didn’t blame them; they had their own struggles, their own lives to deal with.

but sometimes, when he was alone with his thoughts, he wished someone would see him, really see him, not as the rock, but as peter. just peter, who was tired and scared and didn’t know how much longer he could hold on. but no one ever did, so he kept silent, kept strong, because that’s what he was supposed to do.

and maybe that was the hardest part, the knowing that no one would ever see him for who he really was. but he kept going, because that’s what rocks do. they stay, they endure, even as the world around them shifts and changes, until there’s nothing left but dust.
shondo i am literally going to give you multiple children
How many of these postcards will be sexualized where her lip touched the paper
mucho texto
you know i'm gonna kiss that spot
i made this post Smile
I'm gonna put it on my cock so I can imagine Shondo giving me a blowjob.
its over, youngchuds and oldcucks
why do shondophrenics take their marriage to shondo so seriously when it's clear she's just mocking the very concept of such arrangements?
anti post
Shondo please... just a glimpse of the oinker.... just a second...
shondo this stream makes me want to marry you in real life even more so if you wanted me to not be obsessed with you this was counterproductive
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hope this helps
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anti-coded post
On chatterino I forgot I set her chat messages notification sound to a loud fart with reverb and that’s all I was hearing at the beginning of stream before I shut chatterino down
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That's a very cute pebble you have there.
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Those weren't notification sounds. Her tummy hort.
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>white girl dancing rtx
I love it
its extremely sexy seeing a real tiny little woman with that voice
she’s the embodiment of perfection
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i am going to marry the pilot of fallenshadow in real life and move with her to the lake district and give her multiple children and love her lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever
I made this post
shes built four
i dont remember making this post tf
who will win the pee hand signing gacha
why was morbley so jacked but otis is a skinnyfat dysgenic if they were family
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The same reason why Shadowmama is a stacked blonde while Shondo is a flat brunette. Genetics are weird.
so far only hiroto mentioned by username, daniel winning big on number of times his name got said (first daniel)
marley is liquid snake and otis is solid snake
I cant believe Otis is fucking dead
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live look at Old Snake Otis
My immersion broke seeing flesh
see you guys tomorrow
my immersion was improved
skill issue
Shondo still sucks his thumb like a baby when she goes to bed
I love this girl so much
i always only cared about rtx so this is just a win for me
I'd rather her be a flesh streamer
See >>84804416
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Gross. Which she just stick to vtubing. If I wanted to watch flesh there would be plenty of whores on Twitch.
Good afternoon Shondopolis.
vroom vroom!
this is already way more intimate than any zatsu shes ever done
Can't love your wife in any form. Sad.
fun fact: in Slavic countries, Indonesia, Turkey, Korea, China, Mongolia, Hungary and Romania this is equivalent to giving a middle finger.
>3DPD shills
go find a corposlop chuuba to enjoy then, fuck off from here
we run this shit now, get over it
you are crazy, that just means she stole your nose
your wife is flesh deal with it khaal
lmao keep crying 3rd rate.
fuck off holonigger
that's just how she is, deal with it. if you aren't ok wirth this you don't deserve her and you should leave her alone
aside form all the atrocious newfags, this stream has been very comfy. We've learned so much about her and seeing her dance and do other cute things that we wouldnt have seen behind the model is the best.
she gave me an envelope corresponding to my name, did this happen to anyone else?
Look up the definition of vtuber, newfag

>>>/out/ tourists
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i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's cute but needs a little more meat
she's fine as is
This. She's being really cute today.
she's still flesh streaming ooooOOOooo~
fuck off already you clearly dont love her
>needs a little more meat
I disagree
yup mega comfy
kys tourist
wi l ffed shondo beans so she grows more eat on her own>>84805869
little slut is asking to be raped
im brainworming over her missing my merch i bought it early i think ahhhh i just want to hear her say my name what if she mispronounces it
did you have a stroke anon ?
shes saying peoples names?
don't worry shogga
Why hasn't shondo fixed her chat overlay to cache emotes instead of downloading them slowly every time (too slowly for them to show up)?
only if they didn't put their real name
she isnt really going in order of sales
cordies bought at 20:55:39
all the upcoming orders are from notable chatters
Yes (purchasers can choose who it's addressed to)
what order is she doing it in?
that means she hates me
These are all my orders, I just came up with random names.
why am i hard am i a pervert how
I don't think she said. She said it's "in rough order of..." then trailed off at some point.
Maybe alphabetical by last name?
not everyone bought the pack
that depends
what caused it?
would still be smart to scramble it a little bit it
cause its not that hard to figure out who is who
who am I?
less than 2000 people bought the pack
you are shondo
your my nemesis. hi mister!
im nowhere near as cute
nah gary we're cool
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I like this stream but I'm so worried that the camera will fall and people will see her face

I hope she's wearing some mask
she said she is wearing a mask
Okay I'm happy then
how is the camera pickup up her pouts if she is wearing a mask?
uohhhh thats the sound shes gonna make while im hitting it from behind
im just happy im getting my shumo
its just the tracking sperging out
are shondo's nipples insensitive? you'd think the lack of cushioning would make it hurt more, not less.
she's got it covered star knight dont worry
I want to feel her skin and bones by gently rubbing my hands all over her body
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what is a starknight doing in shoggerland
not til I intercept your package
why is she so fat
not true
she's building herself for bbc
you aren't fat, shondo.
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this isnt even funny as a shitpost
shes left handed?
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I like other cute girls like Biboo, Gura and Shondo!
post jelly going peekaboo or die a most painful death
yeah and this is the dlc
Jelly goated
any star knight is a friend of mine
also her casual drip is amazing awawawa
she's the architect
she’s never tried to hide her sinister tendencies, not even once. if you don’t like that side of her, you shouldn’t try to gaslight yourself into thinking she’s something she’s not. it’s not fair to her or to you. just accept it for what it is, or maybe it’s better to just leave. trying to change her in your mind isn’t going to work, and you’ll only end up hurting yourself in the end.
jelly's main outfit is cute, but that casual one is slutty
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ok i figured out her pattern
no notables left in this stream but next stream its going to be all the big ones
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its shover
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All this not-shondo posting is a ploy to post cute Shondos, isn't it?
Jerry is not slutty SyadouGun
this is peak thank you
tbf I don't know her, just basing it off a quick look at the outfit
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fat piggy is very sexy and cute
5 hours in and this is the second most active stream since she came back from hiatus (most active being the comeback stream)
vroom vroom shoggas
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the rtx bump is real
i will breed this child and her children as well
shes a child…
im notable >:(
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FAT cute
she is such a slut when she does 3d or rtx
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yeah for me
Any shoggers going to explain this
Is anyone archiving this stream?
any regulars called out yet?
AI sloppa
If you watched stream you would know when she took her shirt off.
Shondo literally stroking her hairless pussy on stream rn
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Great stream!
i love my beautiful tiny wife and her emaciated little body
not gonna lie but my hands look even more like a skeleton then this and people call me fucking ugly
jelly on da shon
Please rate the stream.
I love you shondo, thanks for the amazing stream, I hope you do it again
10/10 stream I love my fleshy wife
i hope she does a swimsuit stream and shows us her tummy and belly button TuT
kitanya cute
10/10 she's super cute and sexy
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0/10 shadow is no longer a vtuber but a flesh streamer like all the other thots. looks like this thread will be pruned forever now since shadow is off topic for >>>/vt/
what type of swimsuit would shondo have?
cute sexy shondo/10
japanese school swimsuit with a randoseru
Her model turned out really well im happy for her
yes, one that's super tight on her so you can see the outlines of her ribs and hips (and shunny)
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I love her
Yeah it looks awesome.
i will be spanking my monkey to thoughts of my beautiful and sexy wife tonight
guys i need help, i require watching my cute wife dance again but I don't remember in which part of the stream she did it
Good Evening Shondopolis
rtx reeeeeeee vroom he won
hmm whats those guys do to get banned and timed out?
shondo don't read this

requesting a compilation video or timestamps of the most uoh moments from the stream
are we the only humanoid fan rep in the barbies?
Mayx is like a fuzz ball (and has cake for some reason). Nina has dogs, vivi's bunkmates are some rock dog looking thing, olympians are socks?
shondo is a cunny (cat bunny).
(you) is a goop monster
we're the most human out of the bunch. it may be in shape only but still.
Amogus glob
I’m in the ranks now
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100000000000000000000/10 i love shondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo i loveshondo i love shondo
i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life i will marry shondo in real life
beetlejuice ahh lookin bitch
>yu gi oh ass chin
....i dont see it SyadouInspect
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i am quite literally in love with you shondo i want to have lots of little children with you on our farm and live a happy life i would do anything to make you happy i love you iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou i will do anything to make you happy and make your dreams come true
look at that oinker!
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she's my fute bagel
>put googly eyes on Peter Pebble
tuffnar won
Peter doubters in shambles
Bro what the fuck
no one needed to see that
aint no way bruh
Report this shit
id win
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oh that's shondo getting promoted for exposing her body by all the phaseshitters, thank you oli
this desu
the collarbone made me a little worried for her but the shummy looks healthy
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Imagine...a naizuri from *...in Shondo cosplay...
how is the height cope holding up now
thats just the dress but even if she had a little tummy i would just love that even more i would pinch it and grab it and blow raspberries on it and rub my face in it and slap it and poke it and i would just love it as much as the rest of her because she is the cutest ever
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reminder: antis will be working overtime for a while after this, dont get farmed
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Thats not *...
she can stick her fingies under her ribs
there is no belly
Are you fucking stupid this literally confirms it
otis you fat fuck
what does this angle confirm or deny when we had doorframes to work with before
send a girl to LA she comes back a completely different person
I'm happy you can say you're just like everyone else now shondo
Is this how all of you look like? Holy shit
but you're a known anti?
You can't tell anything from that stream. She would need to stand up
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FR's alt jumpscare
i dont care about her height because even if it was X instead of Y i would still be significantly taller than her
cope manlets
when is shondo going to learn how to separate her audio tracks
kek this
yeah but isn't there some charm to being a grown woman who desperately wants to be seen as a loli irl
It's pretty funny. She should play into it more instead of clearly being bothered to be tall
I’m a loli
Thats nice
I'm a manlet and I don't really care about how tall Shondo is.
I know him, he's me
stay clear of shondo
archive without muted segments
I was gonna ask for this thanks, I wasn't aware it was gonna be a jukebox stream while I was away today
I missed the cute dance, when does Shondo do the cute dance?
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*crushes your postcard*
Thank you!
I will treasure this vod.
When I'm 90, snuggled up in my blankie wearing diapers, listening to shondo being fucking cute, that's how I wanna go.
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otis is smaller than i expected
either that or her hands are bigger than i thought
either way shes the cutest woman in the world
her mouse is a g305
her hands are like 15cm
otis is a manlet
oh, thank God. it's a relief that the guy who sleeps with her every night isn't really competition.
he doesnt seem to have gotten that much bigger from the initial time he was on handcam stream
maybe im just gaslighting myself
he got fatter and grayer
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>try to take a nap after a busy day of negotiating deals for talent
>talent wakes you up and forces you to perform on stream in front of thousands of people
>say fuck that and start biting the talent instead
He might be small but he's still the last line of defense before you get to score anon. The Guardian of her bed.
because she’s a pedophile
So when is shadow giving me the hand job she promised me?
What was this its a dead link. This is why you idiots need to send screenshots to the thread.
you’re getting a shumo right?
was a guy jorking his peanits
dont worry about it. it was a penis
Oli loli loli oli loli oli
i said it first shondo
shondo you looked amazing today
Shondo stole Gary’s joke
it was a tweet in response to shondo's tweet:


it was a gooner who asked her to hide under his desk (presumably so she could perform oral sex on him), along with a video of him masturbating.
nope.. t is the one hiding under her desk
You really don't need to see this anon. It's some ugly bastard gooning on Shondo
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mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem
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shondo please piss down my throat
Oli should seriously consider re-debutting as a character called "loli" (which stands for Little Olivia).
wait your turn lil bro
there is only so much piss coming out of her, no way i'd get my share like this
There’s your answer
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loli and chibishon collab!
PLEASE PLEASE i will tell shondo to cancel my orders if that happens
"l'oli" response
>Gooners responding in droves
Bao's figure jar response
Sad truly
No fun I wanted to see some guy's micro penis so I can laugh at it with my friends
Did anyone bring up on stream the allegations that the manager is following a tiddy booba sex account on X (formerly Twitter)? Feels very unprofessional of him and might hint at where Shondo’s talent is heading with him in control.
someone bring it up in discord it will be an epic /here/ reference xD
Otis just wants to see some tiddies bro
He used to follow some cat twitter account and now it's that?
it wouldnt be because it was brought up on stream yesterday by someone in chat first and then people spoke about it there and in the discord
Hiroto or fartrune brought it up twice but with the worst timing because she didnt see either
We already solved that. It was a silly cat account that was sold and became a booba account as a result. They didn't even change the bio
Im so glad I jumped ship
No real loss
What movies you pickin?
sex with shondo as she dissociates
god i fucking love small anorexic women. I see unnaturally thin woman I get hard.
i could spend hours lost in your collarbones and ribs shondo youre the most attractive woman on earth
watching movies and holding shondo in my arms and petting her head and running my fingers through her hair then while reminding her how easy it would be to break her tiny and frail body and how much i love her, with the occasional kiss on the back of the head, appreciating the pleasant aroma
shondo, i really really really really really really really love you lots and lots and lots!
It was likely a catposting meme page judging by what someone I dmed who I saw following it told me.
>came back for handcam stream to syadouKuru
thats not the best way to enjoy a movie buddy
sh-shut up...
Shondo I like slender and flat chested woman
best way to enjoy a movie with someone you like is to make sure their in the most comfortable spot even if it means sacrificing your usual angle you view the tv screen.
hopefully in other peoples circumstances you like.. idk have like closer good seats together instead of opposite corners of the couch…
wait….. ….
if your really that close then you just sit in the same area that reclines. idk i wasnt thinking about that before.
idk what my original point was but i think i proved the point i was originally trying to oppose.
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love her
personally i just sit back in my chair slightly off to the side and imagine her kinda sitting at my side leaning onto me and i hold her hand and we watch stuff together
>always intended to do handcams this way
don't lie
i can do this irl ^_^
hi thread reading shondo i want to lick between your toes every day
thread reading shondo i wouldnt be interested in doing that every day but i would like to put the shontoes in my mouth every now and then, just as a treat. maybe you can stamp on my face while i do it, during party time
hi thread reading shondo thank you for the flesh stream and for having such an amazing body
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thread reading shondo i love you want want to marry you in real life and have you give birth to my children and we can live on a nise farm and have the cute aminals and travel around to wherever you want whenever you want to
cute doggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck off nonce
is it time to just shamelessly repeat what you already said hours ago after the stream ended just to try and get more attention?
why are you like this ^_^
bee nise
im like this just cuz… idk
husbands do the same thing
Dont do it shane dawson
Leave the purple cat alone
she really did the whole thing with a reflective phone screen in view when the initial handcams she was so anal about opsec what happened
so does she want husbands to fleshpost hands or no?
im already ahead of you! Hehe
she so was what ? Erm
i'll fleshpost my hands around her neck
makes sense why shondo insisted i sit in a specific spot but then got nervous and asked if she can sit in my lap when she wants me to watch the Sopranos with her
She really did look like a small child.. 5'1 tops.
her body is that of a child…
a 5'8" skeleton child, maybe
still hot as fuck
do this
or dont
deny her meds teehee
or dont teehee
but im not serious xdd tb h
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shondo after i win
me inside her belly
Discord Derek /here/, I noticed there was a new message in the monitored user list. Are we going to do anything about that?
i made this post
get off 4channel son, it’s past your bedtime
t has been pushing his luck so this isnt surprising
do what? xdd
Stop spreading this she obviously isn't 5'8
am i still on that list???
she is everything i knew and wanted from her and more
love you shondo
marry me (in real life)
i am old, balding, kinda fat and kinda retarded and relatively wealthy
you better be dwarfmaxxing if that bothers you
shes perfect but i dont like the lying about herself
what lying?
nothing was reflecting
just like the banned shoggers, they dont self reflect either
She keeps saying shes fat..poor thing ..i wish i could eat her brainworms...
good one shogga that is deep
i know, but not as deep as i am when i dig into shondos insides! ^_^
i think my brain rottting please help
i dont care unless youre shondo in which case you should move in with me and i will take care of you
but what if the camera shifted at all like she was originally so concerned about
she had a facemask on and happynodders would have flooded chat
what if her boyfriend(me) wouldve come onto the stream
what then
I’m really interested in what her little sister is like.
I do not know who you are so I have no idea.
search for a “Gary Stone”
nice 360p hand
Never heard of him.
YOU are Gary Stone????
yes mister
>yeah guys fuck those facecam whore streamers you're a vtuber be like a corpo
>one year of very lucrative collabs and sponsorships later
I can think of several things already and a month has not even passed yet. If he is on there again, I cannot fathom how it does not result in an immediate ban.
as if he ever was taken off it lmao
i can put you in a sleeper hold until you pass out so you don't have to think. In return though I'm going to rape you.
can you do something about my ban pretty please?
same shogga, she is beautiful
i just want to hold her tight and never let go uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu shondo why are you so cute and precious and wonderful uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i love you i love you i love youuuuuuuuu
the quality of these threads really improves after a good stream
so fleshposting is cool now?
only when a cute girl does it
only if its the girl I'm in love with specifically
fleshposting as a husband is totally not ok and she hates it. unless it's a m&g then she loves and wants to see you so bad
Shondo is cool so yes.
this. fleshposting from your phone denies her the pleasure of making you spend time and money to humiliate yourself in public for her amusement.
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I love Shondo even if she is vtubing or doing hand cam streams.
She is very modest and that is adorable
We are real to her or not real at all depending on the day as well.
i just wish i knew if i mattered to her as an individual at all
you do

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