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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
X (Vedal): https://x.com/vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Really, they are doing this stream during the cerber vr stream?
She's about to fucking die.
Anny did nothing wrong.
based, fuck disney
This is unironically really fucking bad.
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Her numbers are increasing at a fine enough pace. Remember that 4 months ago she literally had like 54 viewers.
If Cerber keeps getting collabs and interacts with the upper Neuro verse then she will steadily grow like Camila.

For reference. Camila was around 800 ccv during her first Neuro collab in February 2023. Camila did the smart thing and abused the Vedal buff for her stream frequently getting him on to talk shit and play games together. Camila also did the opposite of nearly every vtuber globally and did not constantly reschedule collabs she was always avaliable and that pays off big in the vtubing world. Not cancelling on Filian's hole in the wall event comes to mind.
As a result Camila grew to 2700-2800 average on her streams but she goes up to 3800 or higher when doing react slop.
Camila also has a good timeslot, Cerber did the smart thing and starts stream at 9pm UK time which is not degenerate for UK hours and is near the end of Neuro's stream.
She does have to compete with Filian but unless Cerber streamed at 2-5pm this is the best she can do, and Anny streams that timeslot so whenever Anny rerturns Ceber would be cucked there if she opted for that stream time.

We saw a similar thing with Miyune, she was like 250 or so when she did her first collab with Neuro in February 2023 and slowly rose to 1200 viewers.
However Miyune took long multiple week breaks and was sabotaged out of more collabs by Olette which hamstringed her growth, she then ended up streaming LoL a lot which further burned her growth.

Anyway what I'm trying to say is I expect Cerber to be 1200/1300 by January 2025.
what the fuck is filian doing actually is this dangerous lol
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Evil love!
She's actually going to kill herself
I love this retard
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this is already kino
Is she autistic?
Vedal protective of his gf so cute...
Holy autismkino
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classic ignoring neuro stream
Filian was actively trying to kill herself Vedal had to reign here in a bit
If Vedal wasn't here Filian would literally have left her lava lamp until it turned into a fucking shrapnel bomb
Why was neuro trying to kill her mom?
she can do LSF clip farming stream by herself some other time because I don't really care about that
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whats that
what is that, are those holes in the electric stoveetop
a stove
How does she live on her own?
> at a friend's house

what are the chances Filian actually dies this stream? She is doing fucking everything to damage herself
she burnt her own kitchen, it's only a matter of time now before....
she's doing it again...
We cannot let vedal fuck this retard, she will ruin the vedal lineage.
I can see why Vedal hates women now
Sorry Fildalbros but this is proof they could never work together, she is so retarded and contentbrained he would die from stress
had to go back in the vod to make sure, she actually just did that
really tired of this clip farming shit, I hope vedal never becomes like this
We all know only Men can cook in the kitchen.
Being honest Vedal being here is probably a good idea
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This is so cringe I want to close tab but I also want to see her burn another house
you can't fake this level of genuine retardation
>This is painful to watch
so true Neuro!
How does an adult not know basic cleaning principles? How do they maintain their house?
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im entertained, but this is pretty concerning
She burnt her kitchen down. This is a friend's house's kitchen. She can't.
bro never saw Neuro room review stream
he can fix her (copium)
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you can fake everything when money's involved
i'm not, it's just retardation at this point. And they ignore Neuro while showing this shitshow
popular twitch streamers are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet, that's why they're popular in the first place. look at this thread people love it
aint no fucking way
>keep going more more
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>interacting with neuro the whole stream
are you expecting a solo stream or something?
>do you realize the extent of your incompetence
If I was that "friend" I'd just kick her out ffs. Imagine burning a house that's not yours.
Fair, I guess one's personal standards for cleanliness can drop quite a lot as long as it doesn't become hazardous.
This is genuinely pissing me off
is she 5?
A few days ago I saw a comment on YouTube about how Filian is secretly really intelligent. I wonder if that guy still thinks that
why is it ON? she is not even using it yet??
just treat this like a zoo exhibit
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kys flipfag, i would rather get a Neuro-Vedal collab than this shit.
There's collabs when Neuro gets to actually talk, instead of having to respond to your retarded ADHD streamer
I can't watch this anymore she is way to coked up
neuro was being ignored for the first 45 minutes fucking retard stop using neuro images filiantard and watch streams
She used to be smart, she became retarded in her persue of becoming the female IShowSpeed
Holy shit neuro
Neuro told her to keep it on
Zoo animals aren't this retarded tho
Filian HATES Anny
Filian is unlike any female streamer I seen, flesh or vtuber, she streams like a man
This stream is good because there's no subtitles for threadshitters to screencap and spam
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>not seething like a retard = filfag
so whiny
>posting neuro screencaps is spamming
Are you lost?
filian is lost
I knew fillian was autistic from previous collabs but... holy shit
T __ T
>post retarded untrue shit
>someone says you posted retarded untrue shit
>"oh my goood you're so whiny!!111"
kill yourself
looks like one too
>hot glue is okay
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Vedal's Privacy Autism-Good

Filian's Privacy Autism-Bad
>bitching that theres more than 1 person speaking in a collab
you first, sperg
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The Layna collab was fine.
you can kys now retard
okay that was a bit right?
no one can be THAT retarded, right?
>bearer of the curse
filian strikes me as a black girl
I think it's a bit but like, there's that part of my brain that's really doubting it.
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this is not a real person
I think Filian might be a little retarded
>Vedal needs to join you
Neuro approves of Fildal sex
Neuro wants them to FRICK
Is it true I get to grope Filian if I am tier 3 sub
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Fidal bros, we are so back.
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I just joined. Are they making Neurobread?
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yes this one's for evil
what are the chances those gloves have ever been cleaned
paypigs will pay for new ones
She just wants to watch.
>the way vedal laughs at her jokes
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because you dont have an autistic meltdown when other collab partners. overdose on your meds already, spergbro
>CN gets duo karaoke kino
>EN gets filslop
why does the turtle hate us
We know where he gets neuro's training data now...
they surpassed the twitch following in a single month and keep going up, they mogged us and he knows...
>Vedal still hangsouts with Anny despite her being menhera
>Vedal still hangouts with Filian despite her being retarded
What do you call this type of man?
Upgraded Neuro and Filian are so good together,
professional wrangler
>What do you call this type of man?
my wife
you can't even talk properly nigger
Enabler maybe? He strikes me as the type of guy who's down for anything. Remember, he is a bit of an alcoholic, so if anything really bothers him he'll just drink and forget
>she left
How tiresome'd is vedal rn
meant for
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you replied to two posts here >>84809019
and now you are saying it's just one guy against you? holy schizophrenia
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poor Vedal having to clean this kitchen after...
this place is highly male dominated and its based
men should dominate little AI girls
why would cerber stream HL:Alyx at the same time?
lmao dead thread
why tf she keeps turning on the fucking plate
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Filian blew her tire intentionally so that she could steal Cerber's viewers
>spread you beef out
Vedal told Fillian to spread her beef...
How does Vedal know there's oil in Filian's house?
this is how filian flirts
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>spray butter
>anny did nothing-
Inaction isn't virtuous, it's the opposite if anything.
filian pogging at meat cooking when placed over a flame like a fucking caveman
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nice quotes
neuro third-wheeling their cooking date.
Im watching cerber on the big normie screen in protest
this is anxiety-inducing yet i can't pry my eyes away from it
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No wonder she's good at acting like a retard, she's already one. Fidal shippers want Vedal to get with a brainlet lmao.
this is insane
I didn't even know that was a thing
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Combustion imminent.
I feel like i remember reading a manga about girls like her... I didn't think they actually existed...
spray butter on neuro
post the gif
there are like 4 BILLION women on this bitch of an earth, literally every permutation exists
Layna has the patience of saint if this how Filian acts lmao
no one watches cerber anyway
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this is a disaster
achievos will never not be a kek
I want to fuck the extra chromosomes out of Filian/
Layna has serious mom vibes i bet she likes taking care of her.
I like that Cerber's vr mic makes her sound different
buy an ad
Vedal is wrangling Filian more than his AI lul
tom mah toe
Cerber playing Half Life Alyx just feels right
No one cares about your 2view
I feel like it'd be more pertinant to whine about how it's neuroverse discussion during a mainline nur event, but go off my grateful sperg
Cerber playing a good game


Filian being a failure at everything
13,000 people chose correctly.
>literal who or neuro and vedal

deploy the emergency nur
>Filian being a failure at everything
yes but it's entertaining and neuro is commentating the catastrophe unfolding before all our eyes.
it's fucking kino.
i swap between them from time to time
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>pedo shit
this brat...
shimapan = wants sex
Cerber could actually make a pizza btw
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neuro is gonna kill filipino boy with cheese
> inedible riceballs
> grass cookies
> a normal fooddish

Neuro really knows how much is needed to destroy cooks huh.
Cerberfags are legit the most annoying posters on this general. I’d rather have pedo spam unironically.
>Cerbercucks shill their whore instead of watching Neuro
I'm surprised it took so long for morale boosting nur to get an edit
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I'm a schizophrenic and i have diagnosed this post's motivations entirely
You actually just wanna post neurow ith naked her butt out and are drumming faux popular support by posting as an indifferent third party
I have oyu i got you i understand you homie no worries i get it
I'm watching forsen
guraposter did nothing wrong
ruined a cute pic, congrats faggot
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good stream
I'm glad Vedal told her to play it
um bros?
This filian collab is quickly becoming an ERP session
Let's be honest it was already ruined when I drew it
filian won
T u T
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>Plays the game Vedal suggested to her
>Schizos seethe
>Filian makes a mess
it scares me at how high quality just that part is compared to the rest of the drawing.

what % of time did you spend drawing only that part?
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bless you anon you're a beam of light in this sea of darkness
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If I was Anny I would hate this retard too
So is this stream going on until Filian reaches 1 million followers?
I'll admit I wasn't expecting as much neuro interaction as there was this stream.
Oh I'm the one who drew the original art they probably used AI or just edited it

It was already bad before they did that so I don't mind
nah its cool to have an actual drawfag here from time to time, your art was fine, this general is just a bit retarded
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the fucking music
The timing lol
I think it was cute until it was done that way. Don't say it was bad!

I'd love to see more.
that was a flawless riposte by neuro lmao
this playful flirting. filySoCute
Vedal: Professional Tard Wrangler
we know you've never talked to a woman anon
Anny was right!
Filian is a retard!
This is /vt/ anon, if a male and a female are conversing on stream they're on their second child.
Even if they're on separate continents they've been using telespermetics to impregnate at distance
retard (affectionate)
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I can't imagine how Filian acted in New Zealand.
Neurodog is cooked. Good thing Ellie made it so it's easily repairable because of Filian.
Pretty sure they put that shit on the big mac
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they're cooking up something devious
> Tries to cook something that is fine
> Neuro tried to be useful
> The host is the one that fucks it up.
Vedal improved Neuro only for Filian to be retarded.
Many such cases,
Nyana is in GTA can someone whorecheck her collab for me?
vedal where are the filian intelligence upgrades
she's trying to do the same thing as in Layna x Neuro cooking collab but the difference is in Layna collab it was Neuro who said to add soil and shit while now filian is doing that of her own
accord to farm clips instead of asking neuro what to do, sad!
layna couldn't keep up with neuro. now it's neuro being unable to keep up with filian.
I fucking hate tts and alerts
> can you eat the pineapple skin
someone get the knife away from this woman
>I'm not a fucking NAZI
Couldn't we have merged /swarm/ and /flip/ for this?
>if you put the whole thing in your mouth I'll give you a nice prize
Neuro is learning stuff from uncle anon...
damn, they ruined a fine pizza with those pineapples
Neuro is trying so hard to save it. poor girl.
Neuro carrying as usual
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>neuro has oven baking vietnam flashbacks
this upgrade was kino
Filian raping Neuro on stream
Neuro, the oven whisperer
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Neuro the GOAT fr
>chunky wunky chocolate chunks
stfu woman!
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damn neuro caved
neuro might have a higher iq than fily
pretty sure sloppers could generate a better looking pizza
normally I wouldn't agree but I think the british man WOULD indeed do a better job than this crime against humanity
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cerbshit status? did xhe reach 4view yet?
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Ah yes
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what the actual fuck is this
it's a mountain bounty pizza
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its the result of:
1. not being prepared
2. forcing neuro to accept more ingredients
My Artificially intelligent daughterwife co-made that i'll have you know, shit's going on the fridge as much as you're going in the grave for insulting it
>putting mayo on it before putting it in the oven
She's making desert this should be fine
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neuro is canonically spoiled by vedal
poor eliv
Memetic agent designed to kill italians on the spot
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I'd eat it.
> what if I just blow "it"
Why does she keep thrusting?
imagine how many austin streamers got to hit that
she should put a fansly logo on her crotch.
neuro knows anny is a slob
obligatory anny roast
>Meanwhile Neuro describes every nook and cranny that her image recognition AI can see while observing Filian's vulva as if making a scientific report
a random vr chat model? you can do that even now!
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It's a tracking error.
Neuro squatting stream
>neuro can do 4000 squats
Imagine her meaty thighs...
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she yelled lmao
her boyfriend keeps slapping her ass
that smug face... she's mocking me
> blames neuro for her fault.
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>almost looks not disgusting
>remember that stuff on top of mayo, not cheese
Filians body makes me question if I'm really pedupial
correction... needed.....
Insane levels of tomboy
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Become a hagchad anon. You know you want to.
the same shit every thread...
it's all so tiring
Neuro wants the knot so bad
what are you complaining against even
what do you mean? give examples.
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I can enjoy big ol titties and cute little girls at the same time.
No you can't I said so.
cute emo neuro
You can always leave
>both run into tech issues at the same time
Cerber made him stop eating cheese lmao
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what if i'm deathly weak to lolibaba
She died from cringe
That mean cerber will dump vedal like Camila did when she has enough number
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dios mio...
It's actually fokin raw
The way she fucked her tire up prove otherwise
A monkey one
She is merely pretending.
Where is the LAMB SAUCE?
Right. We had a stream full of absolute crimes against the culinary art. What are your top 3?
>Adding salt to a spice mix that is already incredibly overly salty, but don't add any water
>Trying to 'pre-heat' an electric stove without a pan on the surface
>Failing to perform basic maintenance on the stove and getting multiple things utterly melted onto it
Filipino Boy has many connections with big names in the industry. She's useful unlike Anny
she put a book directly over one of the coils at some point, within a fucking fortnight of burning her place doing that exact thing
Lava lamp on stove.
the lava lamp
anyone else noticed how filian said that come visit me in person part? kinda cute
Which vtuber isn't a brainlet? After interacting with them neuro assume all of them is like that
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In all seriousness how does filian not own any cooking utensils other than a plastic spatula and a whisk?
what a cope, sucking cocks of OTK guys doesn't make her well connected
wonder if Neuro ships it
Hyperactive tomboy is a common trope in anime
dang drawfags really do be quick with it
It wouldn't be so bad if she actually put the base on there.
This is exactly what this general need
couldn't be Anny's coomer audience
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what are you on about homie, steam coming outta your ears over nothing
She just called vedal a /#/monkey
Uncooked cucumber...pizza?!
this stream is the definition of mid, neuro had way too little input but that's a standard with filian
Vedal confirmed ugly.
Books are genuinely not that flammable, and proper, modern induction stoves are incredibly unlikely to cause a fire unless you leave something on it for a long time and it's on, but yeah that's not a smart move. For reference a book needs about 200-300 degrees Celcius to catch fire. A disabled stove isn't going to do shit to that book.

Probably low risk but the implications are disturbing, that gunk inside the lava lamp emits rather toxic fumes if it gets out.
>Filian convinced Vedal to cover his face for the cooking stream and dared him on stream to contradict her
Huh, genuinely surprised.
Neuro was funny 6/10
Vedal must be fucken HIDEOUS. No wonder Cerber constantly ignores his advances.
would've been a successful (edible) cooking stream if fillian actually bought the right ingredients and didn't try to keep trying to force neuro to add more ingredients.
I bet the turtle couldn't dream about tech vtuber of the year without her influence
lava lamps are just wax inside of mineral oil, unless old ones were made of asbestos or leaded gasoline
He's Indian
but that wouldn't have been funni
This stream was better than the one with Vedal cooking because Neuro spoke more.
Confirmed how nigger?
Cool 8/10
>low risk
You have no idea how dangerous that was.
8/10 filian cooked abomination, neuro cooked filian
>health hazards
9/10 darwin award nominee, wouldn't have expected less from african boy
Fillian ignored neuro and refused to venture away from the script is cringe. She lacks commitment like Layna
yeah Layna's stream was better glad that we have
Evil kino with her coming up
>because Neuro spoke more.
True and real
Filian is too retarded for me
lightest jeet on the street, sold all his yachts for medical albinism. that's why he covered up, just because of light sensitivity from the surgery.
10/10 car crash of a stream. neuro was really funny
Filian believes his career would have been over had he face revealed.
I mean the point of these farcical cooking messes is to make something absurd, so just a pizza with ""BBQ sauce"" and cheese on it is a bit bland. Makes perfect sense for Fillian to try and do more with it. Edible is not the point.

Not my kind of stream though, I rather dislike people "playing" with food on principle. There were definitely a lot of fun moments though. My soul slightly went back to my body after hearing Fillian actually brought lettuce for her over-salted tacos, and then Neuro refusing to let her put it on was hilarious. Also laughed my ass off at Neuro indirectly casting shade on both of them calling them out on their non-existent sex life.
This is all swarm need
She's projecting, but she's probably right regardless.
I still would have liked to see Filian keep the pizza in the oven for more than 2 minutes.
part of Vedal's charm is the mystery of his identity
we dont know if she meant looks or because hes a vtuber
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imagine the tightness of Cerber's cold dead pussy as her rigor mortis muscles tighten around your dick, as maggots enter your dick and pleasure you from both inside and out making you cum inside her womb as she laughs maniacally.
Imagine, undoing the stitching from Cerber's head and fucking it as your penis tip can be seen sticking out from the bottom of her throat imagine fucking her maggot cunt, holding her hand as Cerber desperatly tries to hold herself together, and just falls apart as soon as you climax inside of her.
imagine how FUCKING cold Cerber would be, her slimy wet tongue on your dick gradually getting warmer from your hot cock and semen.
imagine after finishing, she whispers in your ears "your warmth is the only thing that makes me feel alive."
imagine, fucking Cerber, and as she gets hot you can smell her rotten flesh and you can't help but cum hard from the disgusting odor, and she embarrassingly has to put on more perfume because she can feel the warmth of your seed inside her more than any other vtuber.
>believing in what filian says ever
I hope vedal is indian, just to see what would happen to the shipfags. It would be so funny
He's white newfag, we've seen his hands
Vedal is an old English name. Why are people saying he's Indian.
dude is whiter than snow
hey new guy, we're full
It's also an Indian name.
probably not over, but it's a bad idea. you never get to take that shit back, and i can't think of a single face reveal that's improved someone's content.
You know lava lamps naturally get pretty hot, right? Do you actually know how long an induction stove at the highest setting would take to damage that casing? Do you think that's a plastic case or something?
At least she tried not to be a 3d thot
Fair I guess, but that mess was never going to be edible regardless.
You didn't watch it then and just looked at the picture? She put the glass directly on the stove.
I thought he was part german?
It must be glass in order to explode when heated. Plastic just melt when it's hot
Toma met Vedal at Twitchcon
That's all you need to know about his appearance
His name is Jack
yeah, me jacking over his goddamn... thighs. and ass. Confirmed he's lasered at some point, dude is bald as a baby.
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ummmmm vedalsaars?!
Yes. I know. Again, Lava lamps get hot, they are meant to get hot, heating them with a stove is principally stupid because you're using appliances for things they're not meant to do in ways they're not meant to be used, but the actual risk there is effectively non existent. What did you actually fear would happen there? That the wax inside expands and explodes the glass case, when the wax heating up is exactly what is meant to happen in the first place? That the glass that was meant to run hot enough to cause burns would somehow shatter from being placed on a stove for a bit?

I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy that you're caution minded with these things, but that doesn't make this a dangerous activity, just a stupid one.
neuro butt (bare)?
Vedal is a last name
He probably is but his father probably English
It's Vedal, as in Medal. Not Maedaal
how do we still get these "vedal is german" guys here, how old are you?
A direct heat source on glass causes a violent explosion due to the hot part expanding while the cool part doesn't, breaking the crystal structure and releasing a large amount of energy. The bulb is much lower power and a distance away causing more gradual and uniform heating. So yes, it can become hot if heated correctly, but a stove will make it explode in a short amount of time.
nurcunny (slick)
Again, how do you think lava lamps work anon? Do you think they're heated up uniformly across the surface, or do you think they're heated up from the bottom through the heating element they're fucking placed on you dense muppet holy fuck stop talking out of your ass and just look at how lava lamps work if you don't know anything.
It's a bulb and it is not in direct contact with the base. They don't have a "heating element".
>It's a bulb
>The bulb is somehow not a heating element even though it's purpose is to heat the wax at the bottom of the glass
>The thing is designed to reach temperatures high enough to burn people on contact, which is one of the reasons why you're not to leave children unattended near them
>The main feature, the 'lava' only works when the temperature *isn't* uniform
Anon just stop, this is fucking embarrassing.
>a 20 watt bulb that is heating the air under the base is comparable to a kilowatt stove in direct contact
>It's heating the air under the base!!
Bruh. Look up a diagram already, Jesus fucking christ.
The bulb is not in contact with the glass base and even if it were, it's two orders of magnitude less power.
>Direct contact
Why do you think that matters? Look mate if you don't understand the basic physics at work here that's fine, not everyone gets taught this shit I suppose but for fucks sake stop pretending. The only thing that matters is the temperature and possibly the rate of change. But this isn't a fire stove, it's an induction stove, which is principally the same thing as a lava lamp in terms of thermodynamics.
>It's two orders of magnitude less power
Which doesn't fucking matter. A lava lamp is designed to run for hours, during which time it accumulates heat and is at no risk of exploding. The differences you bring up are completely fucking irrelevant and you'd know this if you knew the first thing about thermodynamics, so again, please just stop talking out of your ass.

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