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>cooka da meraveigloso pizza
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Michelin Star Edition

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Did Filian Forget To Wipe??
Filian Got Poled By Her Bottled Water
Frog Ridah!

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
VTUBER SPELLING BEE - Who's the smartest Vtuber?

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:03 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
I want to smell filian's least
i legit cant tell when shes doing a bit and when shes just retarded, we're cooked
imagine being filian's friend and watching her trying to heat a cup of water on your stove.
I wonder what a beer brewed with filian’s yeast would taste like
>Tbf how many people actually make pizza? To me it was always a takeaway type of food, not something I'd ever bother making on my own
I do regularly.
She's retarded, nobody would have but the lava lamp on the stove for the bit.
2 years ago i thought she was a smart fox girl pretending to be stupid sometimes
how things have changed....
Is it true I get to grope Filian if I am tier 3 sub?
I'm curious why she would rather put her filthy fucking gloves into her food rather than show her hands. What is her deal? Are her hends recognisahle or what
oh god what the fuck filian.
its so fricking over
I wish she would do that to my dick
there goes the money for the new model
Filian's arms are kinda muscular bros...
no that’s the tier 20 morbillion fansly package
Holy fuck she's actually near disabled levels of retard lmao. Why didn't she get a pair of rubber gloves to put over top.
>when i cum on her vr gloves mid stream
Just use a fork, woman....
They're twigs bro what are you talking about?
Her brain is actually fried. She needs to be kept in a padded room for her own good.
that's how I feel as well
also those gloves have probably never been washed and now she's rubbing them all over the dough lmao
wingman ai
aren't those gloves like $4000?
how much of a hungry skeleton are you anon, she’s built like a Holocaust survivor
this is getting to levels of cringe i can't handle
filipino boy...?
the dough is fine, just stop fucking with it.
it doesn't have to be perfect.
Those gloves will never wash out.
Rip bozos
The trackers are, and she glued them to the gloves.
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I understand "le comtent" but why stream cooking if ur gonna ruin the food.. its not le funny at least try to make the dish without retard glove microplastics particles
this is what she uses the fansly money for.
this is the best she can do, it's not a bit.
has filian literally never cooked before, how is she so amazed at basic baking lol
pay up simps
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>ruin the food
do you UNIRONICALLY think she would be able to make anything WITHOUT ruining it in the first place?
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Let's make a card for Filian's 1 million follower stream.
Show your love and appreciation by contributing to the card.
>SFW only
>Must be your own creation. Edits and tracings of Filian are fine
>Short individual messages are welcome. Set the background to transparent.
>No mention of 4chan or /flip/
>One entry per person
>Dimensions for entries should be multiple of 200x200pixel (eg 200x400, 200x600, 400x,400 etc) with a max limit of 600x600

I know that people are not going to do something during stream. Take your time and post when you have time. Just make it clear that I should put it into the card.
she can overcook hard boiled eggs
that's it
wait, does this mean she doesnt wash the gloves?
Yeah and some zoomer tubers throw their furniture from their roof into their pool for content. Welcome to modern entertainment.
Do you trust her to use the stove?
She started a fire and almost made a lava lamp bomb with them.
She glued the trackers onto them so she can't
Have you never watched her streams? Back in the day anons here would argue she pretends to be a girl failure, but now no one would be retarded enough to suggest that
That's not them, she has these.
You can't really because of the trackers.
So that dough is fucking gross.
Wow, I could buy one of these with 3/4 of my life savings.
she's Asmongold's long lost sister
filian needs a blue apron subscription
she's probably just gonna throw those gloves away
hi SEA
That pizza is going to be fucking huge (if we even get to the pizza stage)
throw them into a corner of her room where they'll get all moldy
Filian actually has a genius level IQ and merely pretends to be retarded. The lava lamp skit was perfectly calculated. Zero actual risk.
cheers big ears
she said at the beginning of the stream sry for the scuffed tracking.
i would bet these gloves have been broken before and she was gonna throw them out anyway.
She will make it thick instead, that bitch will rise until it's 2 inches thick.
If she was smart she would've bought virtual property from that company that replaced Facebook
You overstimate how much, or more like little, SEA actually have. Over $4000 in savings in SEA is quite a lot
go back kneading the dough Filian
She throws one of them at her metal chair to fix it
>she left burned in spot
Happy birthday, snacker.
Filian's a man bros its over... "She" is way to built
>accidentally turns the stove on every 5 seconds
Good god she's disabled.
Doesn't want to race reveal
would you eat this?
Do you only look at literal skeletons or what?
imagine the smell of the inside of her gloves
No, it's full of dirt
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Knead don't read, back to stream Filian
yes i would eat her raw dough
You gotta die somehow so yes
Of course! I would eat everything Filian makes for me.
another one bites the dust
>raw meat touching the gloves
Add food poisoning to the list.
im terrified that filian is just gonna put the beef right on the surface of the stove.
How can she not know the stove turn on last?
I'm actually triggered
Achievos should ban. Frick shippers
No, unlike this failed generation i have actually learned to cook and can make a decent pizza myself.
that would be peak, holy shit

pizza is easy as fuck too, anybody can learn to make one
>no oil
>leaves plastic in the pan
I'm dying, I barely cook and I look like a genius next to her.
>she doesn’t know about olive oil
snackers your oshi is retarded
why is everyone afraid of raw meat?
This woman needs to be banned from all kitchens.
If the beef is fatty enough you don't really need it.
We are witnessing a virgin experiencing meat for the first time in her life.
This stream is a lot of suffering. Part of the fun, but nonetheless
That meat is going to get burned
This must be just clip farming right?
she isn't like this right?
Stark unterzwiebelt
Braucht mehr Zwiebeln
I doubt it. She's crowding the pan. Practically steaming that ground beef.
Those gloves are a violation of the Geneva Convention if she keeps them on.
We all know she won't clean them after the stream.
say that one more time and I’ll donate $1,000,000 to the AfD
Did you see the lava lamp?
Here's your trad kemonomutt wife bro
nicht genügend Zwiebeln auf der Stulle
r- right bros...?
>someoje actually struggling with minced beef
How is humanity not extinct yet
Raw mince in the US is often made from the actual floor scrapings. Whereas the meat in your picture has strict quality and disease control, and is delivered to the restaurant as a whole lump that is ground on the spot.
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I want to fuck the extra chromosomes out of Filian
If she's acting like this now, imagine how retarded she's going to be pretending to be at 2 million.
this stream is proof that dysgenics aren’t just a /pol/ meme
lmao, she might actually have managed to kill herself before then.
This is just an average zoomer faced with a kitchen.
she'll unalive herself before reaching that milestone
13K viewers. filian can cook.
She is a millenial anon...
kneel before our queen, /vt/
i don't think I can fix her, anons
oishi desu
no one can, just admire from a safe distance outside the blast radius
oishee des
She put way too much salt at one spot so now some of it is a russian roulette
chat is going to talk her into actually eating it
>the state of this "kitchen"
What the fuck is this, i had this in my college appartment. This is miserable.
Millennials are 35-45 bro.
filian is at least 30 years old.
>doesn't have sauce for the pizza
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ohhhh for FUCKS sake
nah, she's almost 30
the stuff she talks about doing in her childhood and adolescence/early adulthood makes 30+ seem more likely
Gen z is like 19-30 at this point.
It's 2024, the 12 year olds are gen Alpha
I'm late twenties and I've never heard her say anything that is before my time.
I want to eat filian's meaty taco
correct, gen z are literally corpo office drones now and millennials all have 30 year mortgages
idk bros, my appetite is rising rn...
I agree, her saying she's doesn't expect to have kids because she thinks she won't find someone in time is pretty telling.
People who eat mince without a tomato based sauce are savages.
Everyone stfu
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My belly hurts I'm giggling like a moron
The funniest thing is, the Zoomers are the ones getting the 30 year mortgages, while the millennials are still living in apartments, crying about their student loans, and housing being unaffordable because they missed the boat post 2008.
she's just using her contaminated gloves and picking up the food
Did she even season the meat?
Literally tragic. She's such a sweetheart.
The world would be better with more filians in it
I am trying so hard not to think about the amount of food waste this stream produces
>muh generations
No-one had a clue what 'generation' anyone was 10 years ago. Now retards will argue to the death about whether 1995 or 1996 is the boundary for knowing how to operate a can opener.
She put the taco seasoning in the pan while cooking it but it's probably very unevenly seasoned
shes not lactose intolerant is she?
seems like every generation after the boomers thought the last generation had it better.
zoomers graduated into a god tier job and financial market and were told from early childhood that they would need to take risks to succeed so they anecdotally had better outcomes, but they and their parents had to learn from millennials failures to do that
I agree. She seems too blackpilled to see it as a positive future though.
cause we're just gonna kill em
Yeah, but she has like every form of mental retardation and just got lucky with twitch so idk about that.
you realize age cohorts with similar foundational experiences are a thing right. zoomers share the fact that they can’t remember 9/11 and their early childhood was dominated by the GFC. those type of experiences change people’s long term behaviors
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Collab when? [spoiler/]
>no cheese
>no tomato paste
oh yeah, it's cookin time
What experience does a ``millennial'' born in 1995 share with a ``millennial'' born in 1981?
>muh generation good, young generation bad
I think I heard it somewhere when I wad younger, I can't quite put my finger on it though. Who could possibly say such things. Right. Boomers. Stop falling for idiotic genertional hate.
Bro, wtf is she doing? The sauce (tomato or otherwise) and cheese are by far the most important toppings. Everything else is just extra.
My generation is smarter than the previous and wiser than the following
boomers fucked everything up for us by taking advantage of the automation of everything and using up all the cheap resources for themselves.
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she was struck by a sudden, intense symptom of womanitis
uhh what was that
What was that QR code?
came of age during mainstreaming of internet and social media and cultural shifts like legalization of same sex marriage
see >>84812845
Don't fall for the meme. Boomers are just normal people like every other generation. If you want to blame anyone, blame the people in positions of power who made the decisions, not the plebs who had a different brand of brainwashing and circumstances to you and your generation.
Why tf does she have all of those things there
Do you think Filian would aprove my T-shirt?
you’re seriously stupid if you think there aren’t observable behavioral differences between generations the same way there are between different civilizations, the way people who lived through the Great Depression act is going to be way different from someone who grew up during an economic boom
chat ought them as punishments for ylyl a while back
>She took her cat ears to "her friend's house"
I'm so sorry snackers
No, but like... I mean in this place. It's either airbnb/her friends place... But this does not make sense to have those there, sus.
Wait, whose house is this that it has her PO Box stuff? Mizkifs?
I unironically think she'd be a great partner, at least for me.
Bros our oshi is kind of dumb
It's cute when she has no idea how something works.
That stove was for too immaculate to be from a man.
filzgay confirmed
me (her bf) told her to bring them
Yeah there are, because their experiences were different. Hence my mention of brainwashing. People learn behaviour to cope with what life throws at them. Given that, does it make sense to blame an entire generation for adapting to their life experience? Kind of seems stupid to me. Most people are just passive recipients of whatever mainstream conditioning is directed their way.
the fantasy of dating someone with mental illnesses and deep rooted psychological issues is way more appealing than it is in reality. you’re probably just starved for female attention in general
I'm me btw
that's a good point, she might accidentally dox herself if this is another streamer's place.
Miz actually has a nice kitchen.
This is horseshit, she went to a broke friend.
She has all of those things and was about to say something about "M-". Probably Mizkif's place
Man has a transcendental experience of freedom and agency which elevates him above the realm of necessity into a higher world order that conditions all experiences. Freedom is an inward state, an attitude that accompanies all action… freedom is the causality that motivates man. “To conceive a man as having no freedom is impossible except as a man deprived of life” (Tolstoy)
Great music for this moment.
This is obviously not his main house, but he's selling that.
From what I've seen, most of the big streamers have a couple of spare crash houses.
>instantly eats the raw flour
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Why did she kick him?
findal theme playing rn
Go do those self-promos elsewhere
Having a "transcendental experience of freedom and agency" is a privilege (not in an SJW way, just in a realistic way) afforded to those who have had lives that were healthy enough to not be dominated by their coping mechanisms. That quote is lovely, and I wish it was true all the time, but it is an ideal. It isn't something to be realistically expected of the average person.
he was cringe as fuck and should’ve toned it down
I'm gonna admit, I had the problem of not owning a roller before.
You can just use a bottle.
>I'm making nikacado avacados butthole
This woman needs to keep her thoughts in sometimes
The last thing you want.
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>formerly fat faggots asshole mentioned
Or this is just where Filian actually lives, someone with her opsec and finances would have two places. Don't shit where you eat and all that.
it’s from Henry Kissinger’s 1950 undergraduate thesis when he was at Harvard lul
she should use the lava lamp
You can also just stretch and toss it in your hands pretty easily.
The amount of contamination would even embarrass street food vendors in India
I don't think they have a common experience with that at all considering one came of age in 1999 and the other in 2013, let alone something so common that it means they can be defined as more similar than different compared with someone born one year outside of this arbitrary boundary on either side.
>being lewd is 10 minutes time out
>mentioning the views (after they did to) is a month
Let's not get carried away.
I don't actually think she's mentally ill.
oh boy. here we go. time to drink at 9am
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>He types in the groomer chat
on average, the gloves are getting cleaner by her putting all this stuff on it.
no, it had a serious effect, after the internet was created information started to go up exponentially and it laid the groundwork for movements like the indignado’s in Spain and occupy Wall Street in the US or the Arab brotherhood in Egypt
i would eat filians cooking for a year before eating something prepared by an indian street food vendor
>a woman makes do
If somebody groomed Filian, her life would improve.
Give me a chance, achievos
Just finger your food
But someone born in 1980 or 1996 has such a different experience they can be defined as a completely different 'generation'?
Add a dash of vinegar, and you got a killer buger sauce.
first time in filian’s chat? you can damn near get perma banned for saying the sky is blue
How is an AI this good at trolling?
Just got on break at work, finished reading last thread. I come with a question
Neuro already tried murder, trolling is all that is left
yes because the 1996 generation would be heavily scarred in childhood by the events of the GFC whereas the 1980 generation would have grown up during the tech bubble and the optimism resulting from the fall of the soviet union
Honey is real
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filian is cooking so hard
not anymore, Vedal is my reaction
I would not eat this.
don’t delete it anon, people are just concerned by you spending lots of money on images when seeming to be struggling with money and find the amount of money flying around distasteful, as long as you’re happy and OK keep going
this music is perfect for the intense cooking that i soccuring
LMAO - Neuro Sama
Absolute brain rot.
Basically this >>84814767
carcinogen status?
I might've misread because I'm probably the most autistic one here, maybe it was just one guy but I saw genuine anger and hatred for what I've been doing for you guys lol
At the end of that convo you could see the guys just don't want to encourage wasting money if you're in a tough spot.
it was one guy typing the same exact types of posts out on cooldown
filian trying to be operational somehow makes her lose her improv edge
>it's got a little sexual
It's got a little sexual?
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That actually looks good. Hot damn!
hire a hooker cosplaying as Filian instead of spending it on fansly content
You doubted?
oh god she has an actual pineapple. she's gonna hurt herself cutting it.
one of them was a schizo who was saying a lot of needless mean things but the other anon and the rest of us just want to make sure you don't feel pressured into spending money. we like you regardless of whether you do it or not
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Wtf is that cutting technique?
Oh, she's aware there's a core. I expected that to go on whole.
While you were chasing bitches, she was studying the blade.
>>84815130 (me)
like, sometimes I bump threads more out of a sense of obligation for something I created and have been doing for a while, not because I actually want to anymore. I just want to make sure something similar isn't going on with the fansly
Not her place
This is how a knifeless person handles it
Sounds like the meme term of "sunken cost fallacy". It's ok to skip it from time to time you know?
/flip/, post me after your mom
Agree with this anon, do what you want.
>Vedal sounded legit shocked when he understood what she was about to joke about the oven about
Can this stream be used in a court of law?
Wait I missed it, how long ago was this?
to get her declared retarded? maybe.

abotu three minutes or so ago.
almost slipped a holocaust oven joke lol
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she's handled worse things than a knife in a kitchen
that's not funny, my grandfather died in the camps he fell from the watchtower
Vedal is erping with Camila rn
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i thought filian didn't do lewd stuf on fansly. just looked at the gofile, she is doing more and more provocative coomerbait.
that's funny, my grandmother died in the camps she was a prisoner
the slippery slope is real
I'm very curious what the line is for her
No anon we appreciate you and what you are doing helping poorfags like me, its just some random anon being retarded and mean to you for no reason, just ignore him
>she didn't use oven mitts
Is it possible this oven causes a flour explosion?
i bet i will keep escalating and next year she will be doing full on porn on fansly
she'll whore rindo out completely and never use her own model at all on fansly
Bruh, she is trying so hard to make Neuro add shit on this pizza for clips. Kinda sad to see
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the most recent set was big step up in lewdness, I never even got a boner from the other sets and I ended up full on unironically smacking to the microkini one multiple times. other chuuba’s made fun of filian for “scamming” on fansly by not putting out more lewd content, so I hope she didn’t feel pressured into it, same as how I hope fansly anon doesn’t feel pressured into buying it
It would have actually been edible before the sweet shit.
Zero chance. There has to be allot of dust, like smog in china levels of dust for an explosion.
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What are you even talking about? She doesn't do lewds.
>he doesn’t know about the pussy peak and blatant “cum on my tiny titties” photo
You're getting oneguy'd by a new schizo. Don't spend money you can't etc, but there's a reason no one ever complained about you before literally today. Don't validate the cocksucker.
Not gonna lie, I'd probably be able to eat this.
Holy shit she actually thought about it.
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So the pizza will also go to trash. Hoped at least this will be eaten
Keep the gofile, we really appreciate your work. But we also don't want you to spend money you don't have. That one guy is just a schizo
Filian can make more content by paying a homeless guy to eat it.
Filian will eat it and she'll say it tastes good.
Filian will say yes to anything you ask for, if you eat the pizza, do you do it? what do you ask?
If she did that she would get cancelled and honestly deservedly so should she do that
I want a 20% share of any of her revenue
It's probably not poison, I can choke it down.
2/3 of a pineapple, straight into the bin. What the fuck. I shouldn't be surprised at this point.
I'll eat it and make her stop wasting food
filian certainly isn't going to just eat fruit.
where it deserves to go, fuck pineapples
but those are the primary ingredient in fruit snacks…
Mizkif doesn't have cloth towels for cleaning the stove?
almost thought the smoke alarm went off
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>is this how you usually cook?
>i dont think she usually cooks
Sugar isn't a fruit.
I cooka da pizza (health warning)
Thought that flask said "ESTRUS" on it for a second there
You're describing fructose.
Vedal sounds pretty disappointed that he isn't drinking alcohol right now
>she bought the filthyfrank bible
The way Filian bangs shit reminds me of an animal trying to break open a coconut or something
ok she's late twenties confirmed
Fansly anon I also like our collective effort in raising money for filian shoots, feels like community building exercise for /flip/, hopefully we will raise enough money for last remaining video soon.
the way she randomly rolls her l's and r's make me think mexican.
Neuro with that masterful rizz
What? Fruit snacks are like 35% added sugar, and 30% corn starch.
What kitchen doesn't have mitts?
here's your totally finished pizza guys!!
I'd eat it.
And 32 is too old, so Thanos her chat
She started doing that to copy jinxzi. She didn't do it in the past.
>inb4 she burns herself by biting into it before the molten sugar cools down.
No wonder this woman exclusively uses the microwave
It's probably done, it just needs a blast under the grill (Americ*ns call it broiling or something).
>that cake looks good
>would you eat it?
>you should definitely try that cake
I doubt she can use that properly either.
She did microwave a bowling ball so I think you're right.
Have you forgotten how she microwaved a bowling ball?
I didn't know Filian was so racist against Turks.
Wasn't this a gift from a snacker?
Most of her meals are microwaved tv dinner style meals I believe.
Cockroach bros not like this
The dough was still raw, you could tell when she was poking it
hasan collab
baking again
wow… thanks fil… looks delicious…
I like Turkish culture and food but the language is unironically cockroach speak, I’m not even that racist but it sounds really dreadful irl
Mizkifs come to get some of that filussy.
How does a bowling ball fit in her microwave?
Food is amazing ngl.
You have to open the door first.
American microwave.
What food does Vedal even eat?
She's Canadian
British cuisine
greggs and flavoured alcohol
Cheese is very dependant on where you get it. Most people only ever eat mediocre cheese at best so they don't know what they are losing.
I think Canada gets the same stuff
Same shit.
chicken bakes from greggs
Lives in US now AFAIK according to her
yeah, they do an especially good job with savory/sweet breakfast dishes. Cilbir is S++++ tier
In terms of products they are literally the same
proper bri'ish scran like mushy peas with jelly
beans on toast
Pretty sure she's living in the US, Southwest based on the tire picture.
I think that's why she's been talking about subs in Canadian dollars so much, despite going to so much trouble to pretend she isn't Canadian previously.
Canada is an independent country with it's own unique culture
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What about that picture suggests she's in America?
bone apple teeth
Are you sure you are not mistaking it with arabic? Turkish is supposed to be the prettiest language in the middle east
>she didn't use baking paper
possible. these are my recollections from trips to the Balkan’s 6 or 7 years ago, I’m a burger so I don’t go often
>you've got to clean that before you leave
airbnb confirmed
It's generally good manners to clean up a mess you make at a friend's house
sure but this is filian we’re talking about
...bro would you leave you friend's place looking like a pigsty?
I'm a bit sad that she decided to meme pizza rather than making something edible and surprising/impressing everyone.
Does Filian not understand how heat works?
Clueless desu
the greater public is furiously masturbating to and fetishizing girlfailures, can’t be helped that her contentbrain took over
Nah, I think it's the way he said it. Could be reading into nothing, but the way he said it seemed too casual/apathetic to be referring to a friends place. Like it was a chore, rather than a responsibility.
bucketian cute confirmed by neuro
it's fockin raw...
bet anon wishes that the pizza was his cock that filian was blowin on huh?
So uhm, we literally got a full arm review this stream.. thoughts?
The fine dusty soil like that I've only seen in the southwestern US, maybe they have it in Canada too, but I've never been there.
Tourist here
Is filian retarded? Like actually legitimately mentally stunted, not in a meme way.
Filian really wants Vedal to come "visit" her again doesn't she?
she IS a woman, even though people will say otherwise
We're on page 9 need a baker
I think she plays it up a lot for stream
I'm going to bake
am baking nerd
Yes, but she also has ADHD and giga content brain, where she will just do the dumbest thing possible for more views.
The stream with Layna had her full arm also
Consider that everyone who has met with filian recognized they needed to babysit her somewhat. Her view of getting an invitation or visit is skewed
Yes. She has a decently high IQ, but her knowledge and common sense is so unbalanced. In some areas she is super high functioning (streaming, tech stuff), in others she looks like she's literally handicapped (cooking, daily life tasks).
It's an act.
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she genuinely reminds me a lot like Twomad
This far? Im talking almost shoulder reveal territory
she fits fairly neatly into the aspergery successful terminally online person archetype who probably has demons they’re eventually going to lose to
Who can save her(please don't awnser an female)?

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