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Shill - Edition

>What is /fig/?
/fig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss idol vtubers who play fighting games and (beat em ups), either from large companies, small ones, or indies, as well as to discuss fighting games about Hololive and other vtubers in general.

>So is this thread about fighting games or Idol showdown?
Neither: this is a thread about idols and fighting games.

>But what is an idol?
An idol is something unobtainable and moe that makes your kokoro go doki doki (WIP)

>Is {X} a fighting game?
Temporally we will define fighting games as games fighting idols play.

>Are beat em ups a fighting game?
No, but we will use the loophole above provide a home for them temporally as well since most of the fighting idols also play beat em ups. If the genre seems to have a revival at some point, we would recommend splitting this thread (again).

>I have no friends, can I ask for games here?
Just post a request in the GAME ANCHOR

>Idol Showdown stuff
IS patch notes: https://steamdb.info/app/1742020/patchnotes/
Beta builds: https://twitter.com/IdolShowdown/status/1660016297164390405
Twitter Tech: https://pastebin.com/XQtD5D1y
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/categories/video-games/updated-idol-showdown-characters-1434585

>HoloXBreak stuff

>Glossary of Fighting Terms

>Hololive Smash Clone fangame

>Fighting Idols
Seeking for a chuuba who plays fightan? check our well catered selection of seiso idols (and a few extra):

>Recent Fightan Streams
- Nemupipi street fighter 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBGzygMxyGg
- Coyo tekken tuesday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loi4hc3tk_Q
- Runie guilty gear strive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nod8gPAN3M8

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>"FT10 NOOB!" "My oshi can beat your oshi!"
Take that somewhere else, this thread is full of newbies who just want to play the funny idol game. Be nice.

>How do I git gud? (Youtube videos)
https://pastebin.com/pnzsYe4C (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>OFFICIAL GUIDE TO PLAYING FIGHTAN (Will be updated): https://rentry.org/vaqrg8r4

>Lost your motivation to play fighting games? Read this cute girls manga:

>News for September 27th, 2024
- New holo fighting game alpha out, dev shills it in our thread but lets us die: https://x.com/tMOEqJOE/status/1839140658541625520
- Shimada blaming her lack of IQ on corona. Lol.
- Terry out and seems to be running amok on streets. Shortly after ken and chun li announced for fatal fury
- Fumi currently on a journey to get masters on every streets character. Can she do it?
- Fumi also buys shine a juri foot icon that costs 15 dollars. For what purpose
- Last week of divegrass, can /fig/ defeat the cup holders?


And remember: No discords, no names, no fighting. Only idols and love. wao!

Other useful threads:


previous frontier: >>86052173
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Anchor post for finding games. Idol showdown, Street fighter, Tekken, Fightcade. Anything goes, just keep in mind that not everyone has the game you own
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konkon on streets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH4JjVa0-QI
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what is it about jp that women gravitate torwards to
Those character summaries are cool, I should do those
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reminder we play later today
stop kwabbing first time in months and now we did it twice in row
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sorry but that new game has MALES in it and the dev was posting them in here

we had to let the thread die to cleanse it
News: rivals 2 September beta opens to limited number of non-backers, random code distribution seems to favor those who don’t care about platform fighters
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Lets be honest if the devs ever complete that game we will have to play it anyway
My money is that our dev will finish his first in 2028
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News: rivals 2 eliminates a primary purpose of having an input buffer
If I was the dev Ina would have been playable right away, Mio would have been a shameless HFtF stand user, and Okakoro wouldn't have had a weird timed hit mechanic to their assists. Speaking of, you can pick playable characters as assists and they have more moves so what was the point of making assist only characters and making half of them feel unorthodox to use? These devs really had Ideas, some of which should have stayed ideas.
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meanwhile my best idea which is having a mode where the streamer gets superpowered and fights 1v3 or even more is routinely ignored when it is the one reason the girls, any girls, dont play fighting games

No one has fun getting double PeePeed by sweaty tryhards during 2 hours, make it so they can win, in fact, make it so they win most of the time.
Twitch integrability is the future Cult of the lamb was a pretty mediocre game yet people played it for the excitement of having the streamer talk about a rabbit with your name.
Make it so chat controls characters
Make it 1v40 so chat is a bunch of mooks
Dont do any of these ideas but please make games about vtubers with vtubers in mind.
This is why
>drr hurr SF4 one frame links was peak lets make it so everyone has to do double pretzels
is a rotten boomer mentality
Girls are going to play this game, and girls who arent particularly good at fightan nor at any other videa for that matter.
Catter to them like Holocure did and you will be rewarded, fail and your game will die faster than Concord. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE
are they giving it to ecelebs over smash pros
I think this game is shamelessly trying to shoot for lab rats but in practice they made something that feels annoying to handle. My biggest beef with the game is that instead of just making a burst/barrier resource, they made burst cost both and that Assist bar already has hemorrhaging problems because your natural gain is reduced when moving backwards and the bar drains when you backdash. On top of all that if you let the Assist bar get too low you get put in a JUST mode that nerfs your defensive actions and makes every hit landed on you a counter.
They are giving it to randoms, including many people who don’t care about the game but signed up to play with friends who do (and didn’t get in)
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its more over then it ever was
Please watch this one view
a lot of slurpage on this pitch
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first time playing?
pink cat on suto6

should I? why?
Why not she's playing fightan
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sounds epic
RISC gauge and danger time are based and hype mechanics. they are learning from the best
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weird lookin knees
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god dammit
gg lads, you fought extremely well
gg X come play holobreak with us once they fix the online never
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Dear God, that was exhausting. Don't tell /vtwbg/, but you were probably our most powerful opponent to date. I really hope you guys get another shot at victory next league. Good game, anons.

If nothing else, we created a fantastic show for everyone.
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It was a good match, ggs
Here, by the way. Before I make my way out.
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well keep an eye on your creature and post her when she plays fightan
Does she play fighters often?
Idk I just randomly found her
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Final thoughts on this past league. We did really welll and actually made it pretty far, we went down fighting and ALL of our medals scored this league which is a plus. Going into extra time was probably the most KINO shit to happen this entire league and so far the only time for it to happen. Hopefully we show up next league to continue this trend. Thanks to everyone who showed up and to our hype maker from every game but the /vrt/ one. He shat out that holox one in 3 hours. Let's make vtl8 /our/ league
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grandma ass outfit
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next league for sure
L retard de vox akuma i see
Sounds like things you would find in a MUGEN set up or some weird ass game from before the playstation 1 era
we should get a fat fuck somehow as a goalkeeper its the only way
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no shimada no fig...
we dont have any fat fucks possible
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shimada eating mold dogs
Aris vtuber when >>86220869
>putting shimada in the goal
We are not /wvt/
i dont think the covid had any brain cells left to kill
Whoops accidental second quote
actually she is tsunderia's goalkeeper
in wvt she is a gold SS I think
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jp streets: https://www.twitch.tv/olko_official
this one is cute
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/fig/ even though we've failed. We will party like kings
we will get them next time
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Huntress' Birthday stream:

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im not gonna lie am heartbroken this is the fartest we ever made it and moving on slipped between our fingers
sweater puppies
she grown too big now...
File deleted.
Do not cry because we put up a fight and people we're cheering for us to win. We're even recognized as part of the autism threads. Tonight we flourish
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I dissagre and I can beat her on a ft3
>we're cheering for us to wi
because joshus became the heels of vtl by sheer overpower
Terry has to be better than kim and marisa.
fucked up my sound post TWICE
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I just realized the stream is labeled as new outfit
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she's pretty confident about these matchups huh
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hunter vs huntress
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Olá /fig/! Por que essa imagiem Batzileira?
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Brazilian ayame on wifi is our team's captain in divegrass.
It a reference to the brazilian ken on wifi because those are the kind of people who play Ayame in Idol showdown,
>a reference to the brazilian ken on wifi because those are the kind of people who play Ayame in Idol showdown
lmfao yeah I get it.
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this could make a nice op for next thread
Grandpa issues. Chuubas are golden grandchildren, mostly.
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also contains copious amounts of argies
I've tuned out early during V era, did they fix the netcode or it was horrible till the end?
horrible until the end
even now you can see the teleporting bronze 3 kens
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dang I love women
you need to stop falling for the bait anon
wvt/lig anon...
sophie live with kekken: https://www.twitch.tv/afterschoolsophie
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Dark Sophie to be exact tonight. (Basically she will insult people in chat and in game)
I'm sure her weird gooners are getting off to it
fucking 427 on huntress
its over bros she's /lig/
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I played some rivals 2 on parsec
so is shimada, no one talks about her there, doesn't pander to anons enough.
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the jelly fish playing some mecha fighting game: https://www.twitch.tv/tsukimibdohrnii
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guess I should have read the stream title
Tech romancer
she's not having an easy time on this fight
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towa in an hour playing terry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzLAh3n8sXo
Brazil mentioned!

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