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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>86081400

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
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Irina. Today. Ever.
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i miss my puppy imoutowife ellie uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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dog fucker
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Can't wait to see that anon cry about that image not realizing Irina is the one posting it again
What is it about binding of Isaac that brings out so much backseating
irina, can you groom me?
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what did she mean by this?
dangerously based
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Latest ASMR (video)

Last Stream

Upcoming Stream
No, anon. You know I have a loli with painted nail fetish. It's okay, she has boobs
end goal of lolitubers?
all women; no exceptions
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Cold and dry, the fruits have died
Once a great harvest, no crops survive
I pray for green pastures, that bountiful yield
Will I see her frolic again in the strawberry fields?

The silky red ribbon that followed her small bosom,
Her flushed warm cheeks, I long to brush them,
Her blue raspberry hair, flowing with no care
Her short pink dress, she'd scold me if I stare

Past are the days of richness and sunburn
Here lay the leaves stricken with auburn
My heart squirms and toils, I'm sure it was real,
I'll dream of her again, at the strawberry fields
who's this semen demon?
this girl another /k/ cocksleeve? still curious to see her masturbate regardless
Be warned that Nii loves to IRLpost her tiny body and does IRL bodycam streams a lot.
>Be warned that Nii loves to IRLpost her tiny body and does IRL bodycam streams a lot.
I don't care as long as she's actually petite, cute, and flat/small chested IRL as well
I think you should calm down...
2 of the 3 of those are me i'll give you that LMFAO.
I didn't post the one in /wvt/
Be careful, Nii really likes to pull on her rape alarm to make tease you. It can be a bit loud.
I'm convinced that's a man. Women don't talk like that.
wouldn't be surprised, /k/ has a lot of femboys
Niinii has two wolves inside of her. The one that pull on the rape alarm and the one that hit her pc with a baseball bat. These two wolves are the two Niis.
She also has an onlyfans.
nah, that's a troon
>The one that pull on the rape alarm and the one that hit her pc with a baseball bat
kek that's actually a really good clip
oh my god she's so fucking flat thats so fucking hot
She does porn on her patreon. Just thought you guys might want to know...
ironic lolicons simping over this
i know what you mean by "ironic" and you should kill yourself, but i do agree. she's just another of the million onlyfans whores. she just is so much of a failure she decided to add vtubing because her onlyfans didn't do as good as she wanted.
her model's a hag shes grifting anon
nii or nyudachi?
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nah, don't think I will, anti
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We are the knights who cum to Nii!
Is this man a loli?
nah its just teasing at best.
@ me when she masturbates or goes naked
She goes naked on her highest tier.
either youre lying or she just has no leakers at all (unlikely)
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They're probably too scared to leak.
well no way in hell am I paying anything over 10 bucks at most to see her naked, i'll fap to other small women
Honestly Nii has always seemed very cold and overly transactional to me which is a huge turnoff. I understand not wanting to be taken advantage of but when you lose all your warmth and have zero give-and-take with your clients, I don't have good feelings with you.
She's like YFU when it comes to porn. Extremely expensive to the point where no one leaks it.
if she was more popular there would still be leakers.
you should see how much notMatsuri charges for her very mediocre lewd content and that gets leaked all the time
that's the regular whore mentality though. It's literally a transaction.
If she has tiers $300 and above, she better be like a good sugar baby to those guys and not a cold garden variety whore. Regular whores have a place but they're never worth $300 or more a month.
Mond is so autistic that she replies to porn just to rant about the tank model that appears in it.
What about the chuuba that became icey from valluer? Her last life patreon had a tier where toy paid 1500usd s month to have 2 hours in discord with her a month.
>If she has tiers $300 and above, she better be like a good sugar baby to those guys and not a cold garden variety whore
I seriously cannot FATHOM how someone can justify paying this unless they literally had money to burn they were so wealthy.
I can go to a local massage parlor and fuck a flat 4'11 thai girl for 150 bucks for 30 minutes
>1500 for 2 hours in discord
I will do that for any guy here for free if they treat me like their little sister
deal, who are you?
mondy has dedicated multiple streams to that tank model
Looks like a anti has took over the thread and is just randomly picking targets to attack
who's being attacked?
i will marathon tv shows with you lil sis
Why aren't you guys talking about Nina doing a swimsuit stream with her loli model? I'm cumming buckets.
>1500usd s month to have 2 hours in discord with her a month
If she found a guy who thinks she's one in a million and willing to pay that price, good for her. But it's not market rate and no e-girl is one in a million. For $1500 a month he better be getting daily video calls and monthly IRL visits.
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>not loli
>putrid voice
If that's not a loli, you're fucking retarded.
I checked, she's a fake loli, for fake lolicons
She's a real lolicon for true lolicons.
a woman can't be a true lolicon though. It's just something they think is "quirky" and "degenerate" that they can tack onto their degenerate sexual fantasies.
>a woman can't be a true lolicon
ever heard of lesbians?
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She has clear big boobs and is tall. Not even close to a loli. Are we just shitting up the thread with hags now? Just because she likes lolis doesn't make her one.
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>another episode of fat retarded autists bitching about something not being a loli unless it looks like a toddler
it's all so tiresome..
Nina's model is a loli. Fucking look at it. It barely started puberty.
faggots opinions dont count
>has mommy tag
You are retarded she even knows she isn't a loli
Nina hasn't changed her tags in years. She hasn't done asmr in like 2 years.
oh so is irina not a loli anymore?
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why is it easier to trigger fake lolicons than ironic lolicons?
No she's a hag.
Don't make me get out the chart.
If Aruru is really brazilian how comes she is using twitter?
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God please give me a chubby loli gf i've suffered long enough
She wants to be corrected
That's good because her spelling is pretty bad.
what's with the voicechanger?
marin is still using it too, I guess brazil is slow to implement their elon seethe law
nigga cans you read? its in the about section baka
Pomf is banned in brazil. She's using a vpn so the ban doesn't affect her.
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Added Twisty and Nina (see far right). Added Shylily back in, in order to have someone taller than Twisty.
I find it funny that brazil literally has shit like child brothels, yet they focus their attention on that kek
you're so autistic and retarded. you exclusively bring this shit out when people are arguing. i think you start the arguments so you can remind people of how autistic you are
what connection is there between that and blocking a website?
I'm just mad nobody here argues over who counts as a toddlertuber versus a mere loli.
Brazil has what? Poor Aruru...
Anon, how do you know about those?
you're mega autistic what in the fuck is a toddlertuber? are you one of those "you're ironic lolicons" posters? am i an anti? is the end goal here to age regress back to infantile years? are we suppose to change our oshis diapers?
You really think the guy that posts a chart "just for fun doesn't mean anything about being loli or not" but also "to conclusively prove vtubers are or aren't lolis" depending on who's asking would try to stir shit up?
What makes you think that?
I think you need to lay off the cheap $5 crack.
So now people are trying to say fillian is a loli lmao you are also so fucking stupid
why do you think they're blocking pomf?
sorry. i'll start asking yumi if she needs a diaper change before stream ends. i've been a bad big brother
i mean she does wear a schoolgirl uniform
every single chuuba below fillian in this image is a loli.
all it takes is having a petite frame and being relatively short imo
My pet rrat is that one of the girls keeps starting the loli debate because they get off on pushing our buttons
There were people here saying Elfin isn't a loli
don't call me out like that......
I wouldn't even consider twisty a loli, she's too tall. just a flat girl
Elfin herself said she isn't a loli. You would fucking know that if you watched streams instead of shitting on this thread all day.
maybe because its cringe?
I'm on to your games, brat
i dont like ddlg
can you go back to posting this instead? >>83994916 i promise to get mad or give (you)s or whatever you want
>pretending to be retarded
Loli isn't just something you can identify as or not, it's a basic fact. "I'm not a loli" is just a copout so antis don't come after them. Also Elfin once tweeted "sorry for the cunny model guys", not that it matters.
I don't have to pretend
He's trolling, he does this every time
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kill yourself desu you've literally been doing this shit for years
hi flandre
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good. i don't want to manage lolis and make sure they keep their life together. i barely have my shit together.
If this is true should I be taking this as cute and playful or evil and manipulative?
Correction needed!
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nigger I never posted a ba image itt ever
flandre is the chief historian of /uoh/ and remembers /uoh/ back in the 80s
Sometimes I wonder if anyone can recognize me from my posts
i'm sure some recognized me before. They forget it pretty wuick
idk who that is. but i feel like someone who is good with magick posts here sometimes.
>i feel like someone who is good with magick posts here sometimes
how do you figure that?
if either of you posts "nigga" or "yall" or talk in ebonics i will assume your bambi or one of her friends.
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it's fucking annoying and retarded they want to start shit in what should be a peaceful thread they've been doing it forever and it's pathetic
could i get a QRD on Mond? I found her through twitter. looks cute
y'all isn't just black, it's white southern too, nigga
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I started following these threads like 2 weeks ago. I don't even watch vtubers I just want more cunny pics
not even close lmao.
i sometimes post about miwa and the universe. Most schizo posts are me as well.
it's not solid evidence but i saw a possum machine picture with some magick on it.
*smacks lips* you tell 'em Tyreese
how are you /here/ and found her on twitter? explain
She is a asp schizo and made another account that she streams more on that is also asp affiliated
>literal schizo
>korean-german hapa
>extremely cute
>on hiatus because she has basically no internet
Cute German Christian NEET and vtuber rigger on the spectrum who streamed mostly Runescape on Twitch for fun without ever turning on affiliate despite being qualified. Wants to convert us to Christianity. Almost universally adored by this thread except for schizos calling her racist.
Don't listen to >>86212251 he's hallucinating
does she quote bible and actually try to convert you? i could use some faith in my life atm
>schizos calling her racist.
proof that women definitely posts here. this is the only thread you get banned for racism.
Literally the oldest mention of mond. Check mate schizo.
>find loli chuuba on Twitter
>ask the loli thread about the loli chuuba
Where's the part where you prove you're right about the other account? I know she's from /asp/ and I know about neetbrat if that's the one you mean but she doesn't stream there.
Sir this is the anti thread. Loli thread is down the hall and to the left.
I don't think I could be any whiter
>loli ASMR Bible reading
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The other account is https://www.twitch.tv/khubie
>>72838268 was real... What the fuck.
is it the pastebin or the image dump thread?
neither its in >>>/trash/
I thought everyone here was just a fragment of mond's mind
This is not Mond. She's f2p only.
its her alt
thanks i was wondering where the tdm thread was. i'm going to fap to crotchless small creatures
Khubie is skinwalking Mond. Check any old VOD of Khubie and she sounds like a different person.
She doesn't sound even remotely close to Mond.
its literally her if you don't hear it from the more recent streams when she started doing more of her mond voice (she got tired of the fake qb voice) then you belong in the mental home
You've never heard mond talking.
>except for schizos calling her racist
Is it a bit if she idolizes Hitler? Her most popular clip is from one of her Hitler speeches.
kinda based
>British girl talks
That was a hitler speech? She told me it was cheesy pick up lines.
> Her most popular clip is from one of her Hitler speeches.
Why didn’t you start with this lol. Hell yeah I like Mond
Irina is watching porn right now.
khubie is skinwalking yumi. yumi is the drak version because she's real. and khubie is the light version because she's a past memory of yumi. she's realky bright because yumi's memeroy if her is fuzzy and if she completely forgets jhubie she disappears and turns into a light like god rays through a window
now retype this using fucking english you third world shithead
god this thread is filled with women right now isn't it? how do we get them to shoo?
What the fuck
there's a thread that is nothing but cunny pics in /vt/. search the catalog for it. all of them are former /uoh/ers that hate us because we talk more than we uoh
She's just screaming song lyrics in german. it's not a hitler speech.
aaaaiiiieeee!!! you must apology sar! i'm immigrate here and you must treat me respect! do the needful sar! apology me!
she literally told me
talk about your erections. they're repulsed by it. trust me
so what angle do your dicks get to when you're fully hard? let's say 90 is parallel with the ground and 180 is straight up.
Oh my god! Mond was a racist! That came out of nowhere.
Did it?
>"Oi vey"
>"I just care for your soul that's all"
Who could have predicted that?
about 120
how do i survive being black and loving racist lolis? do i develop a degradation fetish or hide my nigga-ism as much as possible?
so you say
You unironically go ape on her and dominate her.
I forgot about the wobble in her voice. Man, I miss her streams so much.
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i don't mind her being racist i'm saying the people calling her racists and making a big deal out of it are women. i think it's funny when white people say nigga. they say it so awkwardly and wierd.
Doesn't Khubie have vocal chord damage? I can't hear anything that sounds like Mond in her voice.
Oppai lolis are important. Who else is gonna feed the pettan loli? Obviously not you.
you are jewish
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this is gonna be the both of you if you keep that shit up
Looks awful
I said nigga once in the hood and they crowned me king of the blackfolk. Praise be Yakub for making me
that's the thing tho, if you're cool and don't cause trouble nobody cares if you say nigga. there was a white guy in my highschool that was 100% black people and one person tried to fight him because he said nigga while talking to his friend then someone walking past said "nah, that's andy. he's cool. he didn't mean nothin by it."
I am white and say nigga with my family all the time because it's funny but I wouldn't say it in mixed company. I think it just depends. But it's definitely not nearly as bad as just saying nigger with an r.
filian is based
Welp, i hope Shondo's ASMR stream works out tomorrow
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I've been led astray by a scoundrel, have this before I make my leave
but is she redpilled?
Saying it only around whitefolk is the most crackerjack thing to do. High Timmy energy post
she had shondo on her podcast so im sure she supports lolis
I'm feeling so heckin validated right now :^)
i guess they went to bed or stopped bumping it. whenever a thread split argument comes up they might make it again. they're problably here now shitposting and calling us fags
thats where my face goes
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is this just anonymous cunny and cunnyseur facebook tonight? i kinda like it.
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this has always been the anonymous cunny site, at least, all the threads I participate in become so.
try that on /hag/ or /beeg/
another chan board has a better cunny thread than the one on /b/ here but I won't share
105 degrees, give or take 3 minutes
bro got out the protractor [3 skull emojis]
Please tell me you didn't pull out a protractor
how new are you? Everyone knows /v/ is the go-to cunny board.

Holy shit, it's the real momtuber
saar this thread is meant for daughter wives not house wives...
you have to go back
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Don't forget to report the offtopic ones.
HI ANONS!!! how is everyone doing today? wanted to check up on you guys. uoh community is live and well gururu
loli with teddies, gotta be my favourite type of uoh
I missed most of my oshi's stream with unexpected overtime, but at least it's Friday and I'll see her tomorrow
Kek, I'm not nerdy like that >:)
whos your oshi? and yay friday!!! i hope you'll have a better day tomorrow anon!
thanks anon, link your stream. I'll watch
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neuro & evil I'm sorry I let the thread die, I had to go get lunch
I promise I'll do better next time you bake
This silly cat is up to mischievous deeds
my day is good. i'm shitposting from work and my morning job had cake for everyone. it was chocolate and vanilla with white icing
OH CUTE i love kuma!
https://www.twitch.tv/tatsukkowai, i plan on streaming when i have my model figured out but here's my link anyway! and no problem anytime!! :D
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I've been watching Mitsudomoe 2.
WOOOO im glad to hear that. shitposting with a side of cake... mmmm sounds like a nice day
ive been meaning to watch this, i love moe genre so much
lol I already followed you from last time you linked yourself here
LOL WELP thats fine TYSM FOR THE SUPPORT IT MEANS A LOT!!! o7 i wont let you down
they're definitely incestuous
She's from Texas, not Alabama.
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I'm doing well here, work has been a bit slow but I'm always happy when I think of my uohshi. She gives me strength and I always pray for her to be healthy
good good!!! :D smiles all around. also shes so cute in that picture XD www, im sure shes glad to have supporters like you, thats very sweet of you to wish
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She is super cute! Thank you as well, she inspires me in so many ways, and I know that she is happy for us as well :)
Tan chuubas... where are you hiding :[
in my basement
share them with us anon... i need it
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Friday Night Ruru
dare someone to post a screenshot of her stream
https://www.twitch.tv/unni_badd is a boy
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New to /uoh/
Just got linked to pomf.tv
Anyone here know of the site?
Do we draw the line at VRchat models? I've seen some people get like that.
Just wondering if anyone knows this AthenaaLoli streamer
There's really no line for pomf streams. >we all came to a uohchuuba using her real feet to jack off a lotion bottle on stream.
Just don't shit up the rest of the board with it
It's a pornsite associated with a pedo forum that has no age verification whatsoever.
Needless to say that it is controversial even on this board.
hii. it's always nice to see you here. I had a good day today thanks to my oshi and a few other events. How are you?
HAHAH this nigger has never heard of Yuzuki Ryouta or Itou Hachi.
It's over... the hagtubers won...
You didn't watch the cunny collab with Charlotte. She spent 90% of the stream uohing at lolis.
>Pedo forum
Really? How? Also age verification doesn't do shit, people lie on the internet all the time.
Pornsites literally require id verification to stream on them. This is why pomf is banned in most of europe.
pomf is the streaming site of allthefallen.
> id verification for a cunny site
that would be an instant glowing flag. Pomf is filled with fake and ironic lolicons anyways.
id verification to stream on a pornsite is literally the bare minimum.
Its nice to see you too!!!! im doing pretty good!!! ive been drawing some really cute art! even though ive got like 3 other ones to finish wwww. but ill be posting it on my twitter so maybe youll get to see it fufufu
I suspected you were that guy when you asked about pomf. That just confirms it. Go back to your discord meimeifag.
I wasn't the one that asked. I only found out about pomf because someone linked it (to meimei) in a cunny thread on /v/ last month, which everyone laughed at for being cringe before the entire thread was deleted
Now I regret not voting "hate" in the meimei poll...
>that guy when you asked about pomf.
I'm the first guy ITT to ask about it, (never heard of it before) and this is only second post.
who's meimei?
although the more I check the people on that site, the more I notice some specific persons there that glow, but in that trained, subtle way that they probably refined.
Elaborate on this
You speak of
They glow in the dark, you can see them when you're driving. You just run them over; that's what you do.
What uohchuubas hate seeing random women talk to their fans?
no wonder this place became "anyone is loli because i like them". and of course it was the meifag that did it. how the hell did she manage to gather and keep the worst viewers possible?
Lust is one of the most powerful emotions
How would they even know if random women are talking to their fans? Are you trying to play a jealousy game?
No, I saw a different chuuba start banning all women from her discord server and her streams and it made me wonder if any uohchuubas are like that
i will unironically watch her if she does bible streams.
i'm excited for mond's return she's giving me sexo vibes but also really pure. she knows she is being attractive but you're not allowed to aknowledge it.
they mostly wouldn't want it because money might be slipping out of their hand. 99% will not dm you about it, some will tease it on stream and say shit like cheating is bad
The things shown on Pomf streams don’t count under the US law that requires age verification of the performers. The law says it only matters when real sex acts are visually shown. This is why Pomf is not subject to the id verification, because they ban showing your IRL private parts.
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>anyone is loli because i like them
That reminds me of people saying Etna wasn't a loli because her hips in the original art were too wide, which is a bit too ludicrous for me. She has that perfect, 11 year old shape.
Does Henya’s rule “no flirting with each other” have something to do with this?
>cuemue looking like someone's downs syndrome imouto
Not really. I'm into guns and vtubers, so twitter has recommended a lot of /k/chuubas to me. My for you page has gone from her defending dating her community as a whole to outright banning every female she can find in about 48 hours. I just felt a little jealous of her fans for having a girl that's clearly obsessed with them.
I'm fairly certain I know who you are talking about. She fleshposts more than she uses her vtubing model and she acts like a total pick me. At least she is small and short irl though I guess.
You probably do. I've never watched her, I'm 11 beers in so I was just musing.

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