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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

Was this the moment Fauna mindbroke the homosisters forever?
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Unarchived English Karaoke by Chammers
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why is ERB talking about skibidi toilet.
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Current kino stream

Coom in the Moom womb
Wrong thread
Small corpo leader whoring herself to Twitchcon deflection thread.
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Remember that outside of the garden people are so miserable that they would prefer to shit on your oshi instead of watching their own chuubas.
Right thread
Haachama, I'll never let go...
Is erb unironically super hag?
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Pippa or someone else?
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me on the right
Kfp please tell your oshi to airblast the rockets back at the turrets
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Right thread
Please be in London
What was the SC?
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Mother Nature, saplings.
Why are kfp camping here all of a sudden? Fuck off
Haachama, please, I can fit on the door. Don't let go...
this is the fauna thread fuck off
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Chama is crying...
hurry up outro i want to use clap emoji
Only homofags dislike Kiara
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It's super funny seeing them trying to claim she's not botted
I have always been here, it's funny seeing you cry about it.
I'm a deadbeat and I've hated her since debut. She's nothing but a leech and karma hit her beautifully.
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I wonder if this sister got an aneurism to her reaction to the announcement.
Jesus christ that 2view
Oh I didn't realize she was starting *before* the main collab
So that's why she did it, get the first POV buff
Don’t get me wrong, the arc was kino as fuck but the influx of tourists was the worst
Man that post was hilarious. Either they really nailed the dhitpost, or they were actually insane.
Anon we actually have jobs, a life and other hobbies. We spend most of our spare time watching streams and maybe shitpost here for like 30 mins a day or something max.
This place isn't Discord where you're online 24x7 and sending individual Good Mornings and shit to randos that share the server.

Exclusion is inherently something you cannot do with projects like these unless you have a strong vision and personality (and even people like Kay are slowly being pressured to include homos).
It's why the Pomu button got so quickly hijacked by the tr00n crowd, because holos don't attack that crowd in the first place.
if she sings some RHCP I will kneel
The haggiest of hags, like soccer mom facebook level of hag
>I'm a deadbeat
Famous deadbeat quote right here
For me, I can't not associate it with her first major hiatus, sadly. It would have been sad if that was the last thing I ever saw of her...
Why did the stars have no POV??
This is one of my dad's favorite songs.
Fuck off retard I hate her guts and she almost caused Mori to graduate. I'm glad she got cold feet and fucked off back to Austria with a 0% change to return.
Interesting armchair commentary by anon
I wonder if he knows something we don't?
Kawaii audience actually likes NTR though?
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No Homo POV?
Nah, she wanted to train since she sucks at FPS games
Stop crossposting your retardation, faggot.
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>No Homo POV?
>Karma hit her beautifully
>Had a steady 2-3k+ viewership any time of day
>Had huge SC amount for years, beating out almost everyone in EN consistantly, only topped by FWMC this year
>Has had a slight incline lately
Yeah, totally got him by that karma.
did the nijisis scare them last time? heard a war almost broke out between the sisters kek
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>3) Multiple times, she whines about not having members to collab with and no new "members" when you have 8 new members with tempus. It's ok if she
does not want to collab with tempus but the way she words her statements makes it seem that tempus is non-existent and beneath HolEN girls
I’m telling you guys: the beggars WORST FEAR is not that their boys are hated but that they’re ERASED from the fabric of reality (see also: “el silêncio de Fuwamoco”).
That’s why they try to engage in “hate marketing”, bot engagement on social media and try the best to be as noisy and obnoxious as possible because if they’re not doing that it’s like their precious retards do not even exist and, here is the thing
>in the entertainment industry, that’s THE SAME AS NOT EXISTING
There is nothing the beggars fear more (and hate more) than oblivion
on the homoniji collab, anon
Nijien are still public enemy number 1 to the holo fanbase why do you think the EN girls completely stopped doing collabs with that company
No female no POV
pathetic larping attempt
Wasn't that between RM sisters and homo sisters?
That person is clearly japanese and I am a simple EOP.

Whenever someone with lots of knowledge about Japanese corporate life comes around who speaks fluent English, I can only suspect that person is significant
it's fine their sheethe is like the icing on tha delicious winning cake
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oh naruhodo
She quite literally still hasn't caught up to Moris overall sc and she had them off for 4 months. She will always be Moris bitch and will always live in her shadow
Miss this Fauna, she was so much softer back then.
Haachama's pronunciation of tobasco is adorable.
Mori is really feminized lately huh
Kiara and ERB together should be considered a form of torture
Ohhh, you're the same fag who floods /baubau/ talking about how much better Mori is. I get it now.
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Anon, be more respectful to the cute and feminized Mori Calliope by typing her name properly
Actually interested to see if ERB talks about homos in the one-on-one here
Not like Kiara hasn't signaled she's okay with it
I don't want to miss a word Haachama says now, what did she say?
Idk, but the sisters were getting nasty towards each other kek
Why are TF2 bots like that?
What happend to those leech dogs anyway
>anon don’t know the squirmbeat by stench

Two more weeks and she will
kek kiara just confirmed that erb does have an album in the works
Imagine if they had a section on the discord with an emote you could use to say 'please don't talk about homos on screen with me'.
I don't think ERB has ever done that, the bigger worry should be if Kiara misreads the mood and shits on the homos for getting something that the girls aren't getting, like the advent calendar.
streamed today. while you were still seething in your tiny corner as usual, Aku
they're old AF
So… we just watch haachama sing Creep in ESL? Shits beautiful.
neither of those things is even remotely likely
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Kiara should open up scoreboard and see her numbers, that'll motivate her more
It’s amusing morherfucking Chocosen just released an album and she sleeps 48 hours for each 24 she’s awake.
Is Chammers westaboo?
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He only recently started posting here, I'm guessing he got bullied out of some thread which isn't really surprising considering how awful his larp is.
The second post is more likely because she has done that when collabing with Fauna. But i doubt she would do it with ERB and especially now when shit is much better than they were back then.
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Fauna soon
Everyone are shy in their first year
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Oh are you the guy who made the femenized image? Karma is such a bitch isn't it fwmc continues to fall off even harder. Make sure you sub to there 87 view patreon, it's only been 10 years I'm sure they'll get their career off the ground soon lmao
It's a predebut-Album
Eh, sort of? Not Kojima levels, but she's heavily influenced by the West.
why doesn't he post in his oshi split?
Based I like him already
You forgot lamy prime.
He's also a Christian. It feels like we rolled a rare Prime Minister for Japan. I'm happy.
You don't learn english without being some sort of westaboo in Japan
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Hey! Don’t go stealing my hard work on “Mori’s feminization arc” and giving to some ruffian!
>here is some sharks butt to increase your seethe
Doubt he has an oshi, he falseflags as a deadbeat awfully while anting every other holo. Just your standard run of the mill loner seeking attention and validation from anons
Is Japan prime minister choice gacha? Did we pull an LR this time???
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Looks like the males have a 4.5k box
It's crazy how close ERB is to being exactly tailored to me, only to be ruined in slight ways.
>british accent
>ruined by being a londonite
>super introvert
>is too much of a super introvert
>the wrong type of autistic
And then of course she's a homolover so that's a death knell.
They got the ultra rare 5 star gacha pull. Wish my country got at least 3 star for once in its existence
She had her high school in Australia
Seems like it. I hope he's actually good though or else these qualities may be stigmatized in a PM.
Wait what the fuck is happening? Just tuned in. Kiara approves of ERB? Now that's a surprise.
as if any of those fags would get 4.5k solo
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Maybe two years down the line she’ll have her feminization arc.
Her sins are more severe tho
>ariana grande
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This is NOT a flex, in Japan they are the lowest subhumans in hierarchy, do not claim him, I'm telling you now! In 2 years you'll see I was right
I don't mind her being friendly with Da Bois
But it seems like she was overdoing it to a ridiculous extent, leaving hundreds of chat messages. It's like she's attempting to "own the unicorns" and that sets off all kinds of warning flags.
I generally hate British accents but I like hers. I think she's more of an upper class accent or something
That's just a collection of the songs she's already released I think it's got one song from this year on it
And a new asmr ofc
This is the guy that has mori’s rm as his ‘oshi’ he has no split aside from his mental.
Do you like her singing?
It's too "fat opera lady singing" style for me. Also she often doesn't take it seriously and ruins songs near the end
>Her sins are more severe tho
Than mori? absolutely not or are we just memory holing her first 2 years?
I was confused a little so i went back a little for context but it was fauna responding to someone saying shes announcing gen 4 which she responding "we're skipping 1(gen)"
Tempisskeks in shambles
I don't think there is ant malicious intent behind it, she just seems severely obsessed with them.
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>Her sins are more severe tho
anon if mori can come back to from defending connor to the point on it boarding on her having feelings for him from her own fanbase, ERB can be saved
He actually is worse than that: his oshi is an even more fictional entity than “feminized Mori”, his oshi is an imaginary NotMori that is a rebellious anti corpo (despite being signed with not one but TWO of the largest corporations in their respective markets).
She can get a bit screechy.

One thing I noticed is that she's pretty good at impromptu, but that makes her overconfident so she isn't preparing properly. Sometimes she sings songs without even knowing the words and the performance is not so good.

I guess it's fine for a karaoke, but is that going to be all she does? At some point she should do a more serious concert
you know the answer anon
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Ohhhhh right. Reminds me of picrel which was a a few months later
Kiara is nice to everyone who doesn't personally fuck with her.
Yeah. Seems like literally everyone goes through a feminization arc in EN. If she doesn't Sana she'll probably end up like Bae at one point.
Her singing pisses me off, it feels ruinous, like a songs good qualities all evaporate in her standard opera style. I'd probably like her singing if she'd sing in other styles.
I think she just needs to realize that being in Hololive has standards, including to not act like a standard chatter. She doesn't seem to be acting differently than she would have before joining. I don't think she's trying to "own" anyone.
ERB will never be an eggshell walker like your feminized Moris
Yeah, two to three years ago was a long time ago, if I think really deeply about it the amount of spaghetti Mori spilled between mid 2021 and early 2022 ERB still didn’t do that bad.
They went with the neoliberal? Genuinely shocking damn, I was sure they'd end up picking the hard right girl. Good for them, though, that should work, infrastructure people tend to be good for a nation looking to bump their economy
wait the TF2 collab is in 50 minutes?
Yeah but you can't ask a vtuber fan to oshi someone who's obsessed with other men. That would just be abusive.
When you're asking someone to tune into a 3-5 hour stream, it better be a damn entertaining stream because people won't stick it out for someone they don't care much about.
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kek, that was a good one
I'm dumb. I was about to put on a movie (Star Trek Beyond) but I guess I'll just sit around
Chat acted as Haachama's personal Shazaam.
Has ERB liked a comic/post about cucking her fans? Kek
That's up to her to get sorted out. I doubt her chance at success unless she brings something else to the table as time goes on.
I get what you mean. She makes every song kinda sound the same.
Man, the more you guys go through the memory line the more this “feminized arc” of hers looks good.
Damn, what a fuckup she used to be. Let’s hope Calliope 2.0 is her final form
Could you have the common decency to contain your schizophrenia to one post chain?
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Anon? She’s /ourgirl/ now! Sorry, she only started winning when she finally realized there was no need to rebel
There's no way ERB hasn't played TF2, right?
anon were on update 4.0
What gives you the impression that she has?
I was only half paying attention but I think she said her brother played which is why she knows about it but I could've actually made that up so if someone is watching please clarify
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Might be delayed.
She’s one regression away from doing it again. I hope the only substance she’ll abuse for now is weed and not the others.
Well, a large chunk of autists of a certain persuasion used to talk about, play, and spam TF2 shit non-stop.
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Do I count as a viewer if I watch both Chama unarchived and Kiara tf2 in different tabs? I'm honestly thinking of dipping from wawa stream because of erb
Haachama cute
How does Kiara do it she managed to have chemistry with Erb when everyone else failed.
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Translation from Squirmbeat to human language:
Egg = cum balls
Eggs shells = cum crust on balls
Squirmbeat favorite delicacies
YT only counts the one you're tabbed in on
Less than an hour until the collab shouldn't kiara and erb already be getting ready setting up with the other girls?
Stacy powers
I like how Mori treats the other girls and you could see how she wanted to genuinely include and help out her kouhai. That's a win in my book. I don't know why you are schizoing.
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Because she actually talks and eggs people into talking more. Raora would be better if she wasn't extremely heavily ESL, and I think if Gigi hones her skills, she can be of the same ORANGE caliber.
Abayo wawa
Oi, stop doxxing Mori
They're more similar than KFP would like to admit
I know, European
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The threads have been shit all day.
I wanna fuck a chattino now??!
To think Kiara tapped that this Anime Expo.... damn!
Premium still doesn't count or they changed that?
2nd browser window with active tab should count
Ah yes, there is so much prep needed when you are already in a discord call and playing the game
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Why kiara started at this hours? NOW she feels EUROPEAN? After 4 years? FUCK HER. Go back to your flip friendly hours. Fucking leeching CC and GG work streaming at prime and late EU hours that she extremely rarely pandered.
Kiara usually adapts wo whoever she talks to and isn't opposed to poking at the more retarded girls.
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Chammers is in love with my body.
Apparently CS2 is supposed to be the same group as Deadlock
And also CS2 might not happen and they might just play Deadlock longer
>>86196209 (me)
Wait all the games on one stream frame?
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You deserve DEATH
ENchama 5k for a sudden guerrilla stream with no announcement, pretty good
Imperial Princess Azki making her move to consolidate power under the crown.
I accept your concession, you leech chicken.
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She just sang it, sorry loser. I'm IN
Raora's issue is the fact she is too nervous in collabs and goes ESL mode. I think CC collabs are the only ones where this doesn't happen, she feels really comfortable with her.
>with my friends
I hate that they keep this mystery shit to the end of her career. WITH WHOM? GIVE US NAMES DAMN IT
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Gura likes Kiara, therefore I like Kiara
Anon it's so she doesn't have to scare people away by listing Holostars when they'll surely be there
She will debuff herself to the bitter end
>henma went to karaoke with erb
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Luna called dibs on railroads, AZKi can keep roads and airports
I need more ERB and Kiara collabs. They are so freakin good together.
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I can confirm, cc's pussy is very comfy
if it;s from the same devs and publisher sometimes you can do it.
well, except for the extreme retarded case like fromsoft.
Will Fauna have a POV
Should include dubois too!
Wait a second, there is a chance Hachaama will join the valve stream!
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Come here, Haachama.
>gaming with Holo EN & ID
Unironic cum would come out from my body
fuck it I'm starting to like erb
retard, read the description.
Wtf i love Hachaama now
Why are you like this?
Sayu, Elira, Dokibird, Matara, and Mint
Fauna sadly is too subtle to homosisters.
they are in the same age group
Chammers should talk to her EN kouhai more
She just needs to talk more in collabs for people to want to start watching her.
Chammers is nervous in collabs...
I never mentioned gura. I'm talking about kiara recently doing more streams at EU hours. That was her fucking job for 4 years. She let the EU market rot. Remember all these years of nothing during these hours? Nah, FUCK HER. She let CC and GG do the job and now she is leeching their work.
i believe she said probably not
No her manager (also shiori's manager and formerly ame and mumei's)
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>doki/mint beggars
Are you stupid? She's streamed 3-4pm to like 12am often for years.
Chammers bought Mr. Beast chocolate...
Which pov are you gonna watch?
Its okay because its chammers
It's funny because Doki and Mint are both too big for holoEN. They regularly mog holoEN members in both viewership and earnings.
confirms no homos ever. not that that was ever a question
> Shooter game.
She only mentioned manager, not Henma by name right? Because she has more than 1 manager
I hope she never relapses she finally became chill and watchable, I think her behavior from before was largely influence by the people she hanged out with.
Will gura show up to any of these?
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>It's funny because Doki and Mint are both too big for holoEN
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I'll use your posts as an excuse to nap, and I'll rewatch later
Go back to your dimension.
yeah, I believe a lot of the worst behavior was to look cool in front of the friends who kept making fun of her
Haachama rap time
Bait used to be edible.
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We're watching shiorin pov btw
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Here it goes
>62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji)
>42,299: Chiroru (Indie)
>38,348: Pekora (Hololive)
>30,932: NeruMero (Indie)
>22,634: Shion (Hololive)
>20,205: Laplus (Hololive)
>17,962: Calliope (Hololive)
>16,820: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>15,579: Fubuki (Hololive)
>15,410: Ame (Hololive)
>15,178: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>13,812: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>12,688: Debi (Nijisanji)
>12,206: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>11,111: Ina (Hololive)
>10,243: Fuwa (Nijisanji)

Gold for Meruto for her 3D debut with Chiroru eeking a bronze with baseball autism and Pekora, bronze
pffft hahahahahaha
well one is pretty fucking big yeah
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this one's rancid kek
I hope Fauna managed to get her 9 hours of sleep...
VSPO doko?
In the toilet
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Making keyboards
kek you're out of line for this one
Is Deadlock after Ame's portal collab?
Mori mogged
>Literal graduation related Collabs
>Last time anyone will play with ame
>Fauna will even be there
>Saplings still won't give a shit because there's no fauna pov
Yup saplings still the worst fanbase
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I present to you-
Shouldn't you be sleeping?
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That can't be real
His one of her last stream bro...
What? That's so random.
961 means "Kuroi" btw
>>86197358 (me)
Holy shit, it's real.
Chammers is fading.... No...
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>ended the Hololive sweep of this month
Okay confirmed no Fauna POV then
I mean, it's more for 950k, but christ.
Chammers can buy products from mrbeast, prime, mcdonalds, starbucks and that mkbhd app and she wont be cancelled.
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/our/ dogs fr
She's gone...
>The context is it was for 950k but they ticked too fast.
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My wife is gone...
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JShay is totally /here/ lmao
Hachama doko?
She's the best
will the nijisis going to be butthurt about this?
And by that, you mean they got it like 3 days ago and could have posted this any time.
7-7 win for nijisanji, hololive is dead
She just called me an English bro
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Yes, he is stupid
Is JShay /our/ double agent in the invisible war???
Know those loser in TT this probably true, so glad she ditch them
but is he a foamer or just do model trains?
not them, her nerdcore rapper friends
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Unnatural graph...
Post Mococo licking cocks gif
bro please translate the old pekora clip about holostars
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what did ame mean by this?
don't like funeral collabs
This looks exactly natural, we've all seen Neal's fucking ceilings
Yeah which fucking ones
Been watching Chama so any of the bois confirmed for Ames thing yet?
How can you prove she's being botted?
Exactly, she isn't
also, he doesn't remember all the hate to kiara since forever
ERB was dying laughing at her own joke
What a cute dork.
Are you pretending to be retarded? I'm talking about streaming NOW, at this hours after years of barely anything. And she usually stopped at 7-8 pm in EU. How many threads about holoEU have been created? How many 'hololive no one live' at this hours? Now that CC and GG started to gather viewers at this hours she NOW wants to start streaming at 8pm in EU.
Not surprising the whore who hates her fans wouldn't put up a pov, especially when it'd leave her with 4k
no fauna pov, 10 girls talking over each other, yeah...
that one got struck by Cover so I'm pretty sure it's off limits for EN.
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Not exactly what you asked for but that's as far as I can go
No Dubai sorry sir
*sigh* another invisible battlefield comment section
She’s friends with fauna and you saplings are still not. Sad saplings, sad.
>Slow climb as more people join in realizing she's on
>Steady count with people coming and going
which pov are we going to watch bros?
it means anyone who doesn't join isn't ame's friend.
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This dude is pure schizophrenia
Oh, you really are retarded. Sorry for your condition.
Chamers love!
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beggars waste no time at all kek
ironlung is not invited anon, you're confusing things
Vote faggots
Honestly quite interesting
More proof that the Holo brand is significantly different from Niji in unique and sometimes unexpected ways

Surely this will convince Yagoo to stop chasing their audience...
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Don’t know who those people are and that’s treading into rm territory. But TT also takes shit about holo.
Kiara has been streaming at the most random dogshit hours for years because she was trying to capture Asian audience before they go to bed.
I voted for Gwombustober
where are all the povs
>31 random members
But theres only 19 girls....
>Chumbuds being selfish faggots
Sky is blue I guess
fuck off grem ill make sure you remember
Read nigga, read
Why is Hololive so indecent?
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Marine less than 5M away from overtaking hololive, the crossover is very soon now
in hololive nigger faggot retard
Haachama is talking about Aryans.
What if I want to remember?
Anon the bottom option is all of Holo, not just EN
Are you illiterate
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she's been catching up steadily since July 2023
That’s his cock brainrot taking over

I'm in desperate need of luck rn
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Move you fat fuck
Chammers wants me to hold her, kiss her, and fall in love with her.
Listening to chammers singing this song makes me just wanna drink beer and sing along
Shit, I always wanted IRyS to play TF2 but she skipped this one. Now then Ame is gone forever there's 0% she'll ever think about TF2 anymore
why is she streaming from 2am
What are the confirmed povs for the valve collab?
at which point did erb join?
why does chammers love so many sad songs...
Cause she can, anon.
She was (maybe still is) in the US. She said it's not bedtime for her right now.
>12 fucking people
>4 pov because most of them want to funnel into Ame
Just actually fuck off holy shit. This isn't a fucking game where you can go by with minimal povs, none of these fucking valve games are except maybe deadlock
gigi or cecilia... the autistic choices....
We can literally check the numbers mongoloid

The only ENs that lose to them sometimes, besides supa readings, are Shiori and maybe ERB
Chammers is a girl who suffers from depression in secret
Bait used to not get mogged by Fauna GG Biboo TTRPG
It'd be silly for them to do so considering what portion was clipped, but those fucks are actually retarded so who knows.
Because the other members are willing to play along (or deal with issues behind-the-scenes).
and even then some get higher numbers with SC readings
this but unironically
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Why does Gigi get a wife with such fat tits?
In fact why does she get TWO wives with such fat tits and one with no tits?
Biboo's internet is dead.
She just got back from the US, won't have adjusted her sleep schedule yet
What does that even mean?
what the fuck shiori and fuwamoco are the only ones streaming?
The only good pov
Wait, I just realized
Did you say that my oshi has a dick and I want to get raped with it against my will while she's saying that I belong to her?
I know a guy who can cure depression with his dick (he's me)
Where the fuck in my post did you think I was being ironic
I wonder how much Chammers will bleed now...
I think I'll watch the bau baus, they are so shit in fps
>a girl who suffers from depression in secret
Extremely grim graduation tour numbers for Amelia.
Just came back from a trip to America with RBC, slept for 7 hours so she is not sleepy
y r there only 3 POV
Ina chose not to patch the game till now and it's going slow so she'll be late as well
I'm me.
Youre not a sexy hebe, please understand
Because you're a faggot that's why
Phase Connect
most of them are too lazy to bother with a POV when Ame is already streaming it
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What the fuck is up with these options??
What happened to GTA? I haven't played since Vice City but I thought they just got better after that...
Who’s playing? Fuwawa or mococo? Fps fuwawa please.
kek, shitpost so low quality that made me lol
>Where the other streams
GTA 6 is going to be even worse.
its desperation because they lost the culture war
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why do the busty blonde holos all have mental problems...
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why does "dynamic" always equal "sex" with you incels?
Big booba AND blonde hair steals way too many brain cells, so they get sad.
oh right erb is in this... god I hope she isn't on my pov's team.
Kronii sounds obnoxious today
since fuwawa is the fps holo she should play
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im just going to keep watching haachama until a green girl makes a pov
About a 500 CCV bleed from Chammers. Not bad.
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Am I missing any? Also sorry for link format but I'm on the phone rn
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There any pictures of a Holo with huge tits and visible veins going across them?
the sad thing is that this will be the last valve collab that will ever happen because Ame is the only one that likes these games
Where the fuck are the POVs lol
>only 11k
Medic is gay for the heavy so its fine
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Haachama mentioning Team Jacob...
GG slipped...
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>GG supposed to be gamer
>dies to fucking FWMC
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>Shiori hoped to debuff herself by making a POV among many on a very early collab
>Most people streaming don't have POVs so more people are watching her
Suffering from success.
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>say stream will be 1 hour only
>go over 2 hours
Why is my Wife, Haachama, such a liar?
>no mori
I wish would stream tf2
Needs to do naked dogeza
the teams are:
Also there's ina
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Nice. I didn't think I'd get anything.
>extremely popular game
>graduation tour buff
>final big group collab buff
>only 12k
This is grim. Any random JP would have 50k with all of these buffs stacked.
>>86199686 (me)
> >Ina?
>Also there's ina
I'm becoming a schizo... This place is ruining me...
>Nyan Nyan Car service theme song
It’s still working hours for burgers
nigga so retarded that he out-retards himself
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kill yourself mr fluffy
Yeah... Overwatch was an improvement
Does Chammers have one of the loudest keyboard typing in hololive?
What are these grim fucking numbers? I know it's not exactly NA primetime but 12 ENs+graduation buff should be yielding more. Hell even TF2 is a buff for some reason when holos play it.
man... this collab made me realise that i don't feel bad that ame is leaving for good
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GG is too fucking loud.
holoEN is dead
yeah the porn that came out of TF2 wasn't very good, overwatch's porn is better
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>TF2 is a buff
who is the fuck is even female in tf2
OW is even more of a clusterfuck to watch though
I remember trying to get into OWL back then but I bounced off hard
>12 minutes 13k
Looks fine
>30k en box
mmmaybe shut the fuck up?
euro hours
Hope you include Haachama in the box since this is an English Karaoke stream
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>Overwatch was an improvement
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Why the fuck do FWMC have to scream like that it's so grating
Fauna is tryharding and ruining the collab
Would you rather
>have sex with IRyS
>become Ame's live-in boyfriend for a year (but you get paid a million dollars at the end of the year)
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Ame was always going to get that number even if every girl had a pov
>Mococo actually doing really well
kek, baused
Only if I get to play games on stream with her.
so where is gura?
The biggest lesson publishers needed to take away from Overwatch is to make your male characters cool and your female characters extremely fuckable. It's so easy and yet almost nobody properly replicated it.
I already had a latinx gf and it's not worth 1M dollars after a year, so IRyS
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uh blue team bros?
What is Gura's pov?
>haachama listens to more Western music than I do
i get more annoyed at Biboo's zoomer humor desu
Didn't Ame admit to reading slashfics of TF2?
I really need that money. As long as I can drink, the time should fly.
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>unhinged and Holopro mentioned in the same sentence
Sure, but she's not fucking here so why the fuck are you bringing her up.
So the blue team is the superior perspective right
>Gura showing up for Ame's graduation tour
HOLY KEK! Good one anon!
tomorrow, she is going to have sex with Ame for 6 hours straight for charity
Lmak even
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Oh baby
holy kek
>it would be "just different"
>implication being that with da bois they would be more restricted by societal norms
holy cope
bruh i dont think even you believe that
She's gonna have a pre-recorded video at best
bros tell me, why does ame like to watch?
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Good God, why did they have to pick Twofort? Imagine if they were playing on Badwater... I love Badwater.
>gura streaming
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so did I hear right that Sakura Miko got 350,000 buy ins for her concert lottery? YABAI! Thats more than 10x the amount for the queue in EN's breaking dimensions right?
The level of samefagging is something else.
because she tilt when she plays
Recovering from the same health issue Sayuri got
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beggars are having debates about the level of UNHINGEDNESS in holoPRO, I swear this is like different dimension
at this rate im expecting the shark to skip even the myth collab
kek haachama slipknot
Chama slipknot LMAO
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Look at all that schizophrenia
Nah even she wouldn't be able to explain that one away
Thanks, i was hearing chama while mowing the lawn and when icame back inside i tuned to the TF2 thing but its kinda boring. Going back to Chama
Fauna's owning
LOL it's so cute
FORT is this map and I'm tired of pretending is good. I passed countless hours on this map and is shit. At least play goldrush or badlands.
Why is the stream quality so shit? Even at 1080p it looks bad
This is not a lullaby...
this monkey is watching gay porn because he thinks it's a sitcom
>could have invited people that actually know how to play the game
>instead invites shitters like FWMC that are ruining the game for everybody
they should pester the ID girls, I have a feeling no one ask them about more collabs with da boiz.
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This is me btw
It is for me
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Fauna absolutely dominating the battlefield.
this but Kiara and ERB
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always true
fuck you
tell your bitches to stop screaming, it's not funny it's just annoying
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also there's levels to this unhingedness , beggar science in action
ow2 doesn't have sentry-chan tho
Are all Holo's so retarded on FPS's?
After belo jogo, this summer koshien and crowdstrike; I'm certain they barely had any 'audience' worth to pander.
thats for the better
move you fatfuck
>Kiara accusing Fauna of practicing beforehand to do better
>Even though that's exactly what Kiara tried to do
kwab... the wounds are still deep there I see
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Playing an fps means being measured and collected and the girls panic almost immediately at any hostile encounter
>gura streaming
That's the best bit
Shark doko? aint she best friends with Ame?
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Here senpai
based koroclipper
Finally some Badwater action
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Will Amelia's graduation stream even hit 40k? Her graduation tour has been grim.
uh, 17K dorya....
Ame the british detective girl that is gonna graduate from holo soon LOL
>Auto balance enabled
>they are playing on a custom server
oh that's ni-
>they won't open it to fans to join
i get it but the experience would be x5 better than against bots
Badwater is the best TF2 map and there's no debating that.
>Listening to Hachaama's karaoke over EN playing TF2
>dorya-ing sub-30k numbers in 2024
The EN market really is dead, huh
male voice yab
holy seething raid kek
Goldrush send you his regards
Chammer's singing is so beautiful
no it wouldnt, they would be getting shit on by fans. I rather they win and be happy and laughing
Fauna what the fuck
>No blue POV
you're really bored aren't you?
>Not even 20K for your final collab streams
You can do both retard.
>>86202466 (me)
as in together at the same time, because it fits so well actually.
Kronfau are tryharding together.
honestly close the branch if Gura graduates at this point
>Why aren't you watching FPSwhores?
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/#/ is the chama thread
except during moom hours
>not putting it as BGM for the collab
Yeah, I read it and realized how it sounded. Fuck you all, I made a mistake I meant both KEK
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Everything is grim outside of hololive.
The flopshark
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this and we hate kiara
I'm watching ame and listening to haachama
now that's grim
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DEVASTATING NEWS: Haachama doesn't punch people. She only punches trees.
Name an actual reason for Chama to not just move over to Myth to fill the slot
Shes reminiscing about the time we had our third child
no need. close the branch anyways and absorb her into holojp
only shitty girls are streaming so I don't care
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>Not a single blue pov
Kronii pls
Remember how phasecucks were saying they were gonna see linear growth since last year?
Though I have to admit that last year I couldn't have imagined niji EN sinking to the level of a small corpo
Red team without POV...
>HoloEN keeps declining
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What's Kanae upto?
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I'd give it to Haachama
>starsEN 611
Nani the fuck
How low can they possibly go
There's a threshold where they are literally not break even as a branch, fucking forget profitable, and I bet they're flirting with it
the pepeloni
Shut the fuck up, you filthy knife eared freak. Only fat pigs like me can have Haachama.
She no longer even has the best english in JP
If anything her english skills have atrophied a lot since she graduated from australia
>every single EN branch is declining
>hololive still mogs all of them effortlessly
>5 Regloss girls almost beating ALL of HoloEN
What happened with phasecucknet? Didn't they have 3k yesterday? Also
>fatgur 600
Shitter shouldn't be allowed to talk shit, I guess noctix didn't do as well as expected, uh?
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Canyon wide gap between #4Shiorin & #5panko....phase bros
Raora's English is barely 10% better
Sister....your bois are the ones hitting all time lows
Actually, she does. Ririka is not in JP.
she wanted to, but it started 4am her time
>one of her last streams
>too lazy to even play
i see why shes graduating
King of the losers
fucking blame biboo for being a no show
its biboo's fault for not showing up
Kronii doesnt deserve fauna, its cecilias time to shine
Can you explain how HoloEN doubled their numbers but are below their 2022 numbers?
ENslop is dead.
*king of the western market
I want a fauna POV...
Anon... It's an average
biboo stays up to 8am playing shit like roblox
i mean it, WHO?
Lui may have better pronunciation, but she can't articulate the same kind of thoughts Chammers can in English. It's impressive, but not better.
Maybe it's time to start doing reps...
This is your cope?
deflecting to blaming others. maybe biboo wouldnt be forced to join if ames genmate joined. (shark doko??)
Is the bot just talking to itself?
>all of the box is lucky to get 1 stream for the entire day
>no return on investment after 4 years
>average CCV keeps declining
Why does Cover keep EN around, again?
>deflecting to blaming others
>while you deflect to blame others
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It wirr be okay horokeks we stirr have koshien prease don't be too cocky
>one of her final streams
>she gets to watch her friends and coworkers kill each other in one of her favorite games
Shes having a blast
now post phase
Yes that's what I said.
Yeah, the level of samefagging is insane I'm trying to search what broke him so hard but I have no clue.
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Stop shitposting.
riku you have only 3 months to mog the holochads or the koshien will be over
For Gura probably too bad she won't stream
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When they get so riled up like this, it's because big things are happening in HoloEN.
>But they've been riled up for a few months!
yes. if youre gonna deflect it at least point it to who actually deserves the blame. gura is avoiding all responsibility in showing up for ame's last week besides prob 1 hour in their last myth collab later.
amusing to see starsen debut and holoen nose dive
>big things
I'm kinda sad that it got fixed, I liked it when it was broken and vomiting its code all over the thread
So is when is Gura's graduation tour happening?
Gura, as far as we know, never said she was showing up.
Biboo did. So yes, it is her fault for making this 11 people instead of 12.
those are some awful numbers for one of her last streams ever
Usually, xhe gets so aggressive when Kuzuha loses to EN but this time it's out of the blue. Kinda weird.
When you get some english lessons.
Post Phase or NijiEN's last big event numbers, bvtm
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when technical difficulties affect gura no one blames her yet this thread shits on biboo for something out of her control
can you post the EN competition to see the real big things?
would be better off saying that in Global
you will get a Hololive official twitter notification and that's it
>1 hour ago
>even big event + graduation tour buff isn't enough to give holoEN a 20k+ any more
holy shit, this branch is completely dead.
>nobody shitposts when gura does or doesn't do LITERALLY ANYTHING
Do you even live in the same universe as the rest of us???
>something out of her control
She's known about her shit internet for fucking weeks and nothing has been done to fix it.
It all stems back to them praying for ENs downfall for years but the box has only gotten more robust with each gen, bulking out more hours around the clock. So he's just reverted back to the classic giftcard shitposts
>[holo] failed to get [CCV + 1k]
>[holo]flop, didn't even reach [views] in [timescale]
>how do we save [holo]
>Several extremely serious, seething replies to a joke
what brought out the sisters?
>one last song
Are you retarded?
oh, you are retarded
I hope one of the girls likes TF2 enough to do a jump academy stream.
Ironmouse can get 25k for random just chatting streams.
>cahotic mention
Chama last song but at least it's kino
Hachama rick rolled me....
gura's known about her shit attitude to streaming for fucking years and nothing has been done to fix it.
What does unhinged even mean to these people
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Oh, this is why. kek
Can you post proof? she is lucky if she has a 4k average
You shouldn't be in this thread if you don't at least understand averages
bro...devis is japanese
>magic bullshit twitch numbers
starting to hate gura desu, chumbies shitting on Biboo aint helping it
5373/5 = 1074
5866/19 = 308
checkmate, the math cannot lie
Moom should have played this so she can cure her OW addiction
That's you
Yeah and it's close to mogging EN
kek retard
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Didn't ask.
>off-hours test stream
>last big group event on a graduation tour
Ame is such a mess
>hold mediocre numbers for like 40 mins
>people start getting home and numbers start shooting up
>for some reasons shitposters start this crap about MUH LOW NUMBERS now of all times
The fuck? Why would you see a 4k incline within 10 minutes and decide now's the time to grimpost?
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What the point of having 2 ISP
Why did the nephilim run away? Did her sub 4k ccv average scare her?
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Same desu
(me) Ok this >>86204090 makes sense xhe always does this shit. I don't know why xhe's so angry about this shit.
Holy shit FWMC is that low?
What happened to HoloEN this is pathetic?
I always love it when the fujo nijiJP dudes catch their oil baronesses off guard with these late streams and they can't bot them. kek
DEV_IS has Raden and Hajime. EN doesn't have anything that can match that.
>Hololive is so strong it can only be mogged by itself
I don't think we can blame SEA for the state of this thread bros. EU is going to sleep too.
>EN doesn't have anything
I agree
chama is leaving...
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I'm gonna miss you, Chammers...
>chronoir losing to overlapped FWMC in Y*ro hours
These are the superior JP numbers? Just shut Nijishitty down already holy shit what an embarrassment
Chama wishes everyone a nice day and a nightmare
is this the only chance for gura to show up before ame's graduation? because that's grim as fuck
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bye chama.... Speak English more please... We love you...
Kronii you're the worst
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Why is (You)r hobby shitposting?
nigga there are 3 povs
even advent collabs have more povs than this
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Azki representing Air Force, Luna representing the Military and who representing the Navy?
Haachama eigo streams are a real treat.
>mogging shitori
30K collab with all povs combined
She'll be at the Myth collab. Ame also has collabs tomorrow during her charity
>hardstuck at 18k
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Infinity is such a sad song.
I'm also trying to find the little girl inside my heart
The modus operandi usually is:
>NijiJP loses to EN
Shit the thread for hours usually deflects to Gura
>Vshojo yabs
Goes in the catalog for some weird reason
tomorrow's collabs are for the bois
Chronoir is the fakest shit ever, completely manufactured popularity
These dudes are supposed to be peers of JP Holo first army, do you think any of them would be touching anything close to that low even at 6AM? no fucking way.
That's weird bro.
No, there are 2 TBD collabs tomorrow (clearly left vague because they don't know if she can show up) and a Myth collab. Stfu about Gura already, no one would be on this much of a meltdown tour without mental issues.
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So why is the spambot not rangebanned?
Fauna and kronii havent said one word to each other
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Here's the 365 day one then
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I don't think I'm gonna make it bros... I miss her already...
It runs on a janny's computer.
i wish someone in holoen covers it or sings it in a karaoke. i feel like with actual english singing ability its a pretty good song
Worst kept secret of 4chan:
If a nigga ban evades with enough IPs it's literally impossible to stop them and so meidos will only rangeban if they start doing shit like posting CP with the same methods
>small boast from Justice debut
>back to dying right after
because this thread is the only one that gives a shit about nijijp botshitters
When was the last time Pekora hit sub 10k?
JP and EN dominating, ID holding the gate strong against the riff raff
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Please watch them instead of seething /here/, It's unsightly :(
kek fuwawa backseating is cranked to 500% in this game, only mococo can withstand this
Kekarooo EN Is actually inclining
hardware ban when?
I noticed Kanae's horrible numbers only because he started to throw a melty ITT tbf.
Easy to spoof, from what I've been told
Mococo should listen to her elder sister. It's her obstinance that is getting them killed.
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honest question. why doesnt fuwamoco simply split up and both play to even the teams?
xhe is so schizo that xhe will probably buy a new machine just for thread shitting
When are meidos gonna start Soulbanning
Excluding short/anomalous streams (1 this year, a 20 minute minecraft that must have had issues, I don't recall) her floor is ~15k. She only ever hit that with Black Myth Ultra-debuff Wukong and flirted with it a bit with some of the DBZ stuff.
>why don't we have two retards ruining the game for everybody instead of just one
I think his entire purpose as a vtuber is to sexpest small corpo girls. Like half his streams are female collabs
Fuwawa counts as -3 players
the team with Fuwawa would get giga debuffed
Putting fuwawa in a team is grim, it's a debuff kek free kills
it seems like some people are causing enough damage to themselves that its the moral thing to do
Wow that's a lot of people for a combined ccv of 2k
>stop talking about the most popular vtuber on the vtuber board
Gura doko?
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>honest question
Force anons to prove their net worth with their bank to be able to post. You must not be poor to post. That would be the true filter.
>this miserable collab is over
thank god
they should play jackbox
if that is the case why didnt they just kick fuwamoco from the collab to even the teams and not have it be fucked?
That's the dip from the ccv bug recently
Stop fucking trying to make shitposts about her, yes. Literally the one time this whole "Gura won't show up she's done" shit has happened is the advent calendar.
It hasn't even begun
sea hours would kill whole threads
If you don't have at least some form of domestic servant, at least part time, you can't post. And none of that third world slave labor stuff either, has to be paying at least $20 per hour USD.
>That's the dip from the ccv bug recently
Anon that has been fixed for 2 months now
Damn, nijitroons seething en masse today
what's got the sisters knickers in a twist?
They wish it would hit 2k combined
A sacrifice I'm willing to take.
Got here right as TF2 ended dang. Who's in CS?
What's the next game on the list?
Because they're not complete cunts? Those retarded dogs need to learn themselves what games they should or shouldn't sign up to play.
Making the lives of everybody else miserable is not fun
I have no ide desu beggars have their own science, we need someone to study their minds
20k doryaa
>needed a raid to hit 20k
This is extremely grim
Nigga it's a 365 day average
22k dorya
Biboo literally ruining everything
the gifs of him getting punched in the face are really funny. I'm just happy that faggot will never sexpest holo girls.
22k without Gura, wow
Maybe the female indie/small corpo chuubas are retarded? Why do I have a feeling they bought the complaint/narrative of homobeggars on ENReco and holoGTA? And they thought there is a market for this?
Aku, stop seething
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>1 Ame = 5 Kanae
oh apparently that parrot fuck made a new vid shitting on the absolute state of the niji concerts, wonder if that got them mad too lol
that bug lasted less than 2 weeks out of those 365 days it's been fixed for at least two months
this is a retarded excuse everybody can see how the ccv declined these past months
but she has enough time to go play Roblox until 8am in the morning btw. No wonder she never fixed her internet when she sleeps all day and cant bother to fix it during the day.
I wonder how these guys feel when they watch their CCV counter and realize the usual magic tourists aren't going to show up
No more ERB I hope
>Those who failed to make it to the Ame farewell collab.
Now here's where the homos join in
damn, bro lost to kiara lol
Lemme see those expensive csgo skins
>Kiara > shitdogs
Oh now I get why this thread is like this
That's probably it.
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Unironically that wouldn't stop ennacuck or the other hardcore schizos that actually spend money to shitpost and bot
Here >>86135778
It's what the anon said. You can see the dip on both JP and EN
1st male collab for CC?
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Ruffians are always shitting the place same thing happennd on this day
nerissa literally has an entire game during the event to herself
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jannies suck ass that's why
is any hologirl a csgo fag to the point of buying skins?
after all ame did for him too
>Nerissa has a 1on 1 collab later
>Mori&Gura will be in the myth collab
Idk about BaeRySmei, but you're still a faggot
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>You can see the dip on both JP and EN
I can also see JP incling after the dip while EN kept decling after the dip
Who do you think you are fooling?
ccina really carrying this trainwreck
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lmao nijipigs trying too hard lol
just know you will forever be forgotten women kek
Anon, you're going to get diabetes.
Seriously though, where are the povs?
guras chances of joining the myth collab may be very high, but its never 100%
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she is a dope
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seething nijipiggy, how many times are you gonna humiliate yourself
her internet been fucked for a long time tho, she should have fixed it by now
Your mother never celebrated your birthday.
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Piggy akutan, don't worry Rider is coming to fuck you.
>that face
Show the final peaks
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Inners hot
I don't get why you retards keep giving attention to that subhuman.
all ruffians are like this
worst EN fanbase for the worst EN girls
What's funny is that you're probably right, regardless if I fix my diet or not. Both of my parents and 3/4 grandparents are diabetic. The one who wasn't died of lung cancer.
>Ame seriously relying on everyone else to carry her shitty valve stream
Beyond grim
Did yagoo forget the bots today?
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Let him be, he just loves choccy milk
yjk she was peeing herself laughing at it
Which Myth collab has Gura missed?
Suisei with the Gold certification in the list of biggest of music artists in the world
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nah niggerfaggot i said one
eat shit
you can tell who the samefag is with the way they type kek
Aku, did you know that GLP-1 Agonists work really well and are available pretty effortlessly from telemedicine? You don't have to be doomed to a life as a fat, loveless spinster. It's not too late.
God damn Ruffians never shut the fuck up, do they.
CC confirmed CIA
This one
>same image name
lmao its the same nijipiggy who got BTFO the other day
Keep squealing, unloved fatty
you're still a loser
25k dorya
>Oh Biboo can't join
>Luckily we have Axel here from HolostarsEN to take her place today!
>botting a dying branch
Why bother?
Damn that feet tweet really got miles
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I still haven't watched any streams since Gura's 2.0.
His papa should slowly draw her thicker, just like gaou papa.
kys ESL shit stirring faggot
Is that why Riku turned Kuzushit and Fagnae's bots off?
>thinks it's just one
Anon go to /baubau/ they hate all the other girls. Stop being a retard
Oh they're still getting botted
it is absolutely hilarious because they're so mad they can't type in English
>biboo is here
Well fuck im out then
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Uninspired setups
Retard king.
Was GG actually watching vt league
hey blow me you retarded mongoloid i just thought the retarded PTSD nigger was funny
anon i don't care eat a bag of dicks
Are there gonna be other POVs for CS?
first it was pebbles, now it's ruffians.
will tomorrow be takos or are you only going for the big names
RIP biboo still fucking up the collab then, why she even there then if she cant play
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No, you got it backward. They turned the bots off for Kanae his real numbers are sub Kiara.
Riku does it to nijiJP. Koshien is reclining every year btw
She is tardwrangler
biboo on now, it back to pebbles
Go to bed eslfag
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>>Those who failed to make it to the Ame farewell collab.
>internet conveniently fixed when TF2 is over
Oh shove off
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So this is why ruffians ar shitting up th thra
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We love all EN mems here.
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No she aint, look at her twitter .........
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Go Polka go!
Is this a team? If yes the others are completely fucked
>kanae lost to FWMC twice in one day
no wonder they're seething
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I have a bunch of tweets from promise fans shitting and pissing themselves when they thought they weren't getting nendos
Most are deleted now but doesn't change the fact that these are actual fans and not whatever the crap you're talking about
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She is on her phone
Bullshit, anytime anyone says another thread is doing something it's always the most obvious shitposter, usually getting ridiculed out the thread or completely ignored. Your fanbase warring couldn't be more transparent.
KEK complete schizo writing
It would be great to just have a loaded team and watch them pummle the fuck out of everyone else, doubly so because fags couldn't whine about their Oshi losing because it'd be against Ame.
she did a shit in it
Sister you might need to type slowly with your fat fingers.
>shitting and pissing themselves
>kinda wild lol
really anon
so they are joining??? Ina already confirmed she would be back for Deadlock afterwards so takos are gonna seethe......
>the shark
the fucking minecraft eating noise
>fan dissapointed because they thought they would not get nendos and advent would get n front
yeah totally the same faggot, you can read the hate in those tweet
they're not you fucking retards they are playing alone kek
>can't type in English because it's seething too hard
>mistypes, can't edit and has to wait a full minute to type again
>makes another mistake
>seethes harder
it's like an unending cycle lmao
Are you retarded?
You can post all the JP talents you want there. Post an EN talent, and 3 people come out to shit on them
>ame silent the whole time they brought up Gura
Yeah its fucking over, she aint showing for the Myth collab lol
Are you retarded?
rhetoric question btw
>kawp kawp kawp kawp
it's too strong... She is bug abusing...
Is the american shark in this thing?
Based wawa
>Gura seethe into Biboo seethe into fuwamoco seethe into da boyz shitpost
We are getting out of loops.
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Holos for this feel?
look at those retarded homoniggers, no they are not joinning they are playing in their little segregated corner
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Give it up
Off by 2 hours bucko, sorry. Ame will be playing Portal 2 with Nerissa at that time.
This is such a sad post to me. I can see the rush of pleasure hitting this 90 IQ monkey's brain. I can only imagine the pain flooding in as his gloating turns to ash and realizes he was wrong like, 10 seconds later.
holy sea seethe kek
the loop... we're breaking free surely..
believe it or not, that's actually separate people this time
Don't see anyone hating on the dogs here you mental midget kys
i only shit on biboo because she literally was messing up the collab by not showing up.
>the dogs
How long is gonna be the CS2 section? I want to poop.

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