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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
layna never getting a raid. o7
tranny raid
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Cute stream.
Rate the stream!
have you checked your walls yet?
I give it 7/10, it would have been 9/10 if it wasn't for the constant crashes.
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green nig hate/10
I'm kind of impressed that he managed to make Evil have more or less consistent personality
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Evil love!
Really fun one, almost made me wish there were more ways for them to interact with each other, or something. Would be cute if they had some cannon command or if there were background gags like the plane etc, but I think Vedal was doing hotfixes the entire fucking time. Guess the pirate accent and new update were a rough combination
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he hates pb
the anny curse finally taking effect....
Why is Vedal suddenly saying "frick" surely they aren't...?
Oh man the cockroach is going to help the tutle corner the Russian market
why is this whore trying to poach her for vshitjo
I want to Frick vedal in the ass
damn, I was really looking forward to them singing Wellerman again.
She's almost as corpa brained as vedal
escape the thread while you still can
Just stop using Unity.
I was thinking the other day, remember how anny was making evil look more bratty? That wouldn't feel right at all with current evil.
good thing that model is never happening either lmao
either way it wouldn't have fit since she wouldnt have gone back and redone it, she doesnt watch streams so all she knows of evil is a preconception
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Any other messages from him in the cord?
Err, why are we having /pol/ hours so early?
>remember how anny was making evil look more bratty?
Let me consult my memory...
W-why is Vedal's name colored like the trans flag? Did the femboy jokes go too far?
S-stop s-s-s-stuttering, faggot.
Its the weekend so Jakartans can stay up until 5am
We have been talking about this for weeks where have you been
your point being? do you think that any other artist vedal could hire for the model watches neuro streams and has more knowledge about neuros than anny?
>would actual neuro fans watch neuro more than one who doesn't give a shit?
yes, actually
Glad he isn't listening to troons like you
Anny barely watches them so that's a pretty low bar to climb.
is this all annyfags have? actually laughable.
did you even read my post faggot?
Please name a single illustrator that does character design who has watched Neuro/Vedal even 5% of the amount that Anny has
I boiled it down to what you were implying, sorry you're too much of a retard to see beyond your t3 anny sub
If you give a shit about neuro at all, you'd see it's in veds best interest to cut anny loose.
>changing topic
yeah you're just a seething nigger alright
the piss guy
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>”its in vedals best interest…”
no one cares
you dont know shit
>LE t3 anny sub buzzword!
Funny to imagine your little fingies shaking in anger while you are picking away at your keyboard. Anny = clicks and giving life to an AI like Neuro, a random artist = soulless, nobody cares and just eye candy which is completely meaningless for Neuro but you don't care.
Rich coming from a threadshitter who doesn't watch streams. How's it feel that your t3 sub money is going to get anny laid by iPN or whoever else?
Is it anny's discord raiding /swarm/ or do her simps just feel the need to defend her extra hard because she used "I want to kill myself" card for the 100th time
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>a random artist = soulless, nobody cares and just eye candy
sorry to disturb your circlejerk, you are the minority and nobody gives a shit about your opinions on anything i just want to watch the seethe
Looks like you're the only one seething, anon.
You actually can feel the anger behind that reply lmao
It wouldn't be a passion project just paid slop, surely you understand that Neuro needs to have that personal thing to her that is the thing that made her successful in the first place. The line that separates her from all the failures in the sphere is incredibly thin and shouldn't be disturbed to appease the few retards who are incapable of critical thinking.
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nice nur thread faggots
shipniggers should end themselves
>It's literally impossible for anyone but Anny to do a good job with a Neuro model. Anny is the only one in the universe who cares at all
Actually insane.
Vedalverse general, thoughever.
You will get your wish sooner than you might think. Arg is leading to neuro v3 (model not made by anny) and she will rope.
>completely ignores the point
Shocking, two more weeks and anny will be replaced
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I think Evil new model should give her short hair
shipniggers in your walls? where the fuck do you see shipping in this particular thread?
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>unironically arguing that neuro needs/needed anny for success
this isn't even bait anymore lol
What do you expect from a retarded threadshitter?
They don't watch nur streams, only streams they probably watch are annys... when she streams, LMFAO.
I'm pretty sure anny will live longer on this Earth than you anon
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It's true Neuro could never have collabed with a Holo without Anny

who are you quoting?
Because the thread wasn't dogshit enough.
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I warned you anon
we're watchling layna
Uh oh, filianschizo isn't gonna like this
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in your walls?
filianfag and filianschizo are the same person
I guess he's conflating shippers with the annysimps, they have so many ghosts chasing them nowadays, poor /swarm/
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How many people do you think are even here. I say 20-40 and that is being VERY generous.
me and (You)
How much people used to be when the ips were show?
It's anyone's guess. There was a consistent 50-60 ips during the deadest point of the post subathon break
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another for the count
cute nurs
all lined up for my coch
i was at least 5 of them
this. threads are faster now than they were with ~80 posters but it's just same 3 fags spamming usually
filian is gonna be talkign to vedal into doing the filianai thing.
slow threads were around 10-19
normal threads had around 20-30
drama threads had 40+
thanks for the warning, time to peace out
unless you're using some ip-to-person coefficient, this is just wrong
I never saw the ip counter below 50 when it was still a thing
Let's resolve this
Post tits
>poalnigger so new he doesn't even know what "lurker" means
Just out of curiosity what was ligs numbers like
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god bless america
so there's only 6 active chatters right now.
Idk, I only use /swarm/
I need a girlfriend...
Layna is SEX SEX SEX
hi cabbage
I accepted being single years ago, and getting into these vwhores has reignited my >tfw no gf feelings.
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do you think vedal is going to bring up the technical difficulties that this stream had?
>filian calling niggers minorities
so based
We'll get some stupid excuse about why it happened then he'll move on.
will filian AI be as based as her?
so heckin based
I feel like I lost track somewhere in 2020 when it comes to American vocabulary regarding ethnic and religious minorities.
Is that an offensive term now, or something?
hello /pol/
he already wrote in chat during the stream that it's because of the new version of Unity he uses now
When the fuck is vedal showing up
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Filian is starting in like 5 minutes
I will go play vidya instead, let me know if Fildal moments happen
Vedal in
they are pretty flirty aren't they?
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>Watching filian
fuckin yelling whore bitch how can people watch this
kek making filian pay for filianai
the unsinkable ship...
how can I breed this?
Filian is so cute trying to cheer Vedal up
they really do make a good couple…
>spent only 2 minutes working on the AI (he doesn't care)
lmao filiankeks?
how fucking depressed is he jesus
vedal is so tsundere
I think you retards accidentally clicked on /swarm/ when you meant to click on /flip/
depressed effeminate british man x brainrot 30 something year old zoomer woman would make for a good modern romcon tbqh
I can't believe Filian got a 2D model before Neruro
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I love HAGS
Maybe 5 actual people and several dozens of subhuman faggots
Imagine getting a custom 2d model but not even using an ip that you own lmao
>that latency
They are not fucking…
Absolutely scuffed AI implementation done by the green nigger. Respect
aimila clears, also has filian ever did anything original?
I'm glad, she deserves full ownership of the model 3D and 2D
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She sounds so sad and her voice is low instead of stupid loud, she really is the daughter of Vedal and Filian
Hahaha, vedal you moron, shit is laggin out, HAHAHAHAHA
damn tutel can't even troubleshoot
lmao he threw this thing together in 10 minutes
>she wants to kill froot
Vedal HATES women
classic, all of vedal's AIs love eating humans.
she can have my human meat any day, sorry neuro
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Vedal did more for Cerber lmao
Vedal is unironically a shitdev.
I can see why Ved didn’t advertise this. He practically put NO effort into this. Fildal is DEAD.
he did a better job back with the camila ai, fidal rrat officially over
can someone refresh my memory please, before the kiara x neuro collab kiara had a stream where she was responding to chat messages like an AI, was that her just pretending or was that an actual AI vedal made for her?
I still think that was just Evil
>vedal likes pinapple on pizza
>filian likes pinapple on pizza
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>does nothing
AImila had a lot more effort put into emulating Camila's personality and voice, Vedmila bros, are we back?
the voice was way better cloned though
The AI is kinda acting retarded, which ironically makes it seem more authentic
maybe the Tutel did indeed cook, medium rare
I thought that was Kiara manually reading out Neuro's responses, but I am probably wrong about that
She did a bit too many flips while gestating
Vedal's shitty AI imitates her pretty well
>he made it shit on purpose!
holy cope
This is the filian AI vedal spent months finetuning in his ERPs.
that actually makes sense, thanks anon
wait so that leaked filian clip was real
welp, we had a good run
AYO VEDAL?????????
>filian ai won
Oh no.....................
I thought it was supposed to be filian x filianAI collab but it's all just leeching from vedal?
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All she does is leech desu
filian AI broke a while ago, this is just vedal acting like filian with a voice changer.
does anyone have the vod where anny is crying inconsolably i want to masturbate to it
this is just what filian sounds like when in private ERP sessions with Vedal, all softy like
It’s literally the last stream on her main channel
I take it turtle stopped caring?
Oh nevermind. She probably deleted it because she kept saying she wanted to kill herself.
It’s still here though.
yes, he stopped caring about filian
No. Keep them twins. If either gets something, the other should get the exact same
he pumped and dumped that zoomer pussy and now she can't live without him even if he doesn't care.... I kneel
>he doesn't know
>He wasn't here earlier
zoomer brained hag* better now?
CCV Status: Saved
inb4 filianAI becomes a regular part of the vedal987 channel
He HATES her
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He said "spam call me if something goes wrong" and she sends a message
Either hes sticking to the chat when she yells for help or outright ignoring her lmao, poor Vedal, drained off all his drive by the VTuber industry...
>10K CCV
opposite of grim
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filianAI cumming for vedal...
>my daughter
>Im going to obliterate her
confirmed shes her rough sex sexbot
you need to be 18 to post here
All of his ais are obsessed with him
>barely dev stream numbers
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>vedal isn’t even watching the stream
So what is he doing instead?
No wonder vedal gives no fucks anymore. He can't get these weird females, real or AI, off his dick despite him wanting nothing to do with them
getting plastered with rum and cooming to anny asmr (including the latest crying stream)
if Vedal would do dev streams 4 times a week he'd be at solo neuro stream numbers by now
>maybe if I put in as little effort as possible, they'll leave me alone
holy latency
chatting with Mini
No wonder he disowned her. No daughter of vedal is allowed to have this kind of latency
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Vedal still cares about Anny more than Filian
Okay but how many flips can Anny do?
well yes, anny is his friend
you should check out anny's mental gymnastics, they are top notch
Why do you think hes borderline suicidal lately? His waifu's menhera passed on to him...
impressive how athletic she is
*filian and neuro
Is Filian always this retarded or is she like this every stream? I only watch her when Neuro or Vedal are on stream.
She might be the biggest retard in vtubing.
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arigato gozaimasu vedal-senpai
He cared enough to remember to code fruit snacks in, Fildal bros it's not over..
Typical tsun vedal
prob copy pasted her wiki as the prompt
She plays it up for her main channel.
Unironically and unfortunately. He's a few percentages of caring away from snapping at them all and they know it, which turns them on
Fildal has always been Filian having a crush and Vedal bearing with her
found miz's alt
Is no one else live?
wow filian actually has rizz
zero tenths OMEGALUL
Ame (soon to collab with neuro fr fr) is live
>foxes are cringe
Filian HATES Anny
>ame is playing deadlock
>vedal has played deadlock
>foxes are cringe
annalbros catching strays
>cat girl, foxes are cringe
Did she finally do the last stream with Gura or does she really hate her fr?
Oh no... Anny's mental health...
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It's honestly really wild how a dumb AI made within days is a better guest than some actual vtubers. This stream is hilarious
Love how it always shits on the people it's speaking to.
That hag is gonna make vedal drop the alcohol for a moba/fps addiction
>this zoomer addled catgirl literally just says "fart" and laughs at it
gotta give props to filian too. She is creating content out of nothing and tanking all the Ls
are you faggots lost?
bro I'm totally not a filian fan, but this filian stream is so hilarious. Like I said, not a filian fan at all.
Bro, it's a Vedal AI.
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That's the magic of these, you really see the skill out of Camila and Filian where they're just able to bounce off of anything
ayo master? vedal makes all his AIs call him master?
>Filian knows where Vedal lives
I think it's just a base AI thing, but it's funnier to not say
filian knows vedal’s address…
wtf this is actually amazing art
happy for you 3 filian threadshitters
fildalbros won, cerbershitters btfo'd

Prior to the Vtuber awards, Filian had a plan to do more collabs, more group content, more hosted items as "training" to work her way into hosting a show and having people. 2023 collabs and stuff really shows how far she's come branching out of her comfort zone of Layna / Melody collabs.
you are incredibly obvious, threadshitter
wow thats so cool, go tell it to the thread that cares >>>/vt//flip/
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Anny hate
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pb is too much of a hag for vedal
what the fuck are you talking about faggot she's spamming squchan IRL streams, recycled camila's AI stream from year ago and all her shows are copies of shows already done, get the fuck out with this shit from here
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The Filian AI is actually hilarious. I'm assuming it's just the same model as Evil with different parameters?
zamn he likes em young, EVERYONE LOST
isn't PB slightly younger than Vedal?
shondo also forgot about her
you have to be 18+ to post on this site
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Officially She is sick, but some rrats assure she's been playing pokemon on an alt
vedal is redpilled. He can hang out with hags, but dates younger.
oh fug that makes pb even hotter.
thread saved
the pedo vedal allegations are true…
Very useless and passive aggressive comment.
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cute couple
with two cunny AIs rizzing him up. The future is now.
dude you compared some filianslop to actual Evil, are you even a neuro fan?
but the pedupials told me pb was cun??
So you don't understand anything about "AI" then, I see.
pb is a legal cun, a fake cun
*old enough
needs hag-administered correction
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Both Vedal and PB turned 20 this year
says fucking you, touristfag. Yeah, he used Evil's model and added "make it dogshit" parameter, dumb faggot
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we need a family stream
You are irrationally angry and ridiculous.
rrats were true.
He's right though
maybe he's tired of /flip/ raiders treating this thread like /flip2/
nobody cares about the dogshit filianai except flipcucks, not even vedal, and that much is evident by how shit it is
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>does nothing
>speaking of himself in the third person
Is this like a loli baba situation?
Well she is Neuro's grandma after all
vedal is cunnypilled therefore /swarm/ should post cunny
>pb is neuro's first mom
>pb is vedal's mom
>vedal is neuro's dad
Vedal HATES queenPB
thank you friend
They"re so cute bros
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Why are these two like this?
please keep posting, I want to know what happens
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Cute couple
shes so protective of her mans...
she's just so dang cute, wtf bros
So jelly
>filian ai literally says "heart"
the queen has spoken
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based pb destroyer of whores
actually it goes
Go put a girl on
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I love her
What did Vedal and PB do when they were turned away from the bar?
damn she really posts here
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>literally doing the same bit Vedal does to test the Neuros
Leech or admires Vedal's content enough to copy?
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>vedal invented solving trolley problems
he did, the successor to the ameway, the vedalway
it's only because she didn't go to twitchcon
Wait a second, that's not an actual AI, that's Melody
its so fucking over vedmila bros, only the call of duty stream in october can save us, lets hope shes been working on her rizz skills since the failed confession
So many woman moments
An entire industry of woman moments
>wants to go sfw
>whoreclan stop interacting with her.
this is to be expected no?
That or vedal and his circle are radio silent on her which would be a tad strange.
she apologized to shondo, biggest error in this black industry
How long before the freak off VR parties get exposed?

what's so controversial with shondo? does the loli model make hags seethe that much?
>anny got disowned by bella for drawing shondo
>camila blacklisted for apologizing to shondo
How many more careers will this skeleton destroy?
she became lonely after she stopped hosting vrchat sex parties
i mean vedal doesnt strike me as the type to reach out to others first and they havent really spoken much since like may i think, and he has unironically been really busy with work even if he he is somewhat lazy. maybe camila doesnt want to get into an awkward situation with him for reaching out to him.
This reads like camila is posting it for some reason. J
She could just text him he won’t mind, he’s chronically online anyway he watches cerber damn near religiously.
She's around in the discord and I remember her talking about Vedal when she came back from the bullying, and she was hanging out with Anny like yesterday. I imagine it's moreso something out of the vedalsphere, since she has been kinda quiet in that regard.
t. camimi viewer
I don't think vedal is her only friend why would she specifically message him?
Vedal cock smell?
pb pussy smell?
all these women can be too much for 1 man to be checking up on, especially when you know they have dozens of other orbiters that can be taking care of them instead.
>Vedal cock smell?
filian's pussy
>pb pussy smell?
my coch
Do you not text your friends? Doesn’t even need to be Vedal she should just text the person she misses I doubt there is any bad blood.
>and im not saying everyone is this way..
there are a few people who care .. and its very evident. but .. so many people who i used to consider close are just so radio silent with me lately
She also talked about groups, could be that she isn't getting many corpo collabs or something, or people aren't inviting her as much.
Damn it, pressed enter and ruined the greentext, ah well
I thought the "groups" thingy actually was just a dog whistle for the whore clan, they haven't commented (Miniko(Neuro's friend) did, funnily enough)
Let's talk about our friend groups my fellow 4channers
I was watching some of Cerber's subathon vods and was kind of impressed how many times could been seen in chat and was knowledge by Cerber.
kek vedal made his filianAI under 18
As many as the cuts on her wrists
Camila should just ditch whoreclan and others and commit herself fully to Neuroverse
>what age would you like
Vedal is laughing at Filian's misery...
I'm predicting that camila will fuck one of her fans soon and it might or might not start some drama in her community
I think one of my friends is a narcissist. She cries over very mundane problems and uses her own face for reaction images in our group chat. She even took pictures of herself and sent them for us to use as memes. She kinda reminds me of Anny.
I think that was the hardest tutel has ever laughed on-stream
>Filian wants her romantic partner to be the exact age that Vedal probably is despite her being way older
Bros im starting to put the pieces together...
Vedal laughed harder than I've heard in a long time. Holy shit
You mean jerking off to the idea of
fuck I missed it
lmao vedal picking up within seconds.
don't worry, staz will have it uploaded in half an hour the fucking FREAK
Keep noticing
he is on call tech support
still not watching the stream
filian isn't attractive enough to be picky
Please look up a clip or vod later, that entire segment was wild. Like 10 minutes of being obtuse
>vedal is flirting with PB while Filian flirts with him and Camila doomposts about him
bros how does he do it
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That's the exact same thing he pulled on Anny with PB as well lmao
has pb said anything else?
By being a dispassionate towards women madman.
its almost like theres only one person he's involved with, and it isnt any of these shipped whores
that person? me
Vedal is gonna get so fed up with Filian lmao
dink donk vedal is going to be the priest to marry filians
So Vedal doesn't like Filian anymore after Twitchcon?
Lmao, Filian gets a marriage stream before Anny
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>Filian had a marriage stream with Vedal involved before Anny
dont bake a new bread
let the faggot raiders suffer
no one is raiding your dumbass thread. we just like filian and vedal ai here.
people are enjoying a vedal ai stream and youre here seething
waah wahh boo hoo nigga
PB annoyed that Filian keeps calling her boyfriend at 2 am
Vedal just marriage trapped Filian
don't care, there are less liveposts about filian stream in literal filian general, go back faggots
Filian AI is just hiyori in a skinsuit (she has returned inshallah)
proof it's a fucking raid lmao, they legit think this is /flip2/
swarm is just also a bigger thread to be fair
>people actually believe that neuro isn't just hiyori but better
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wow this general is going to be completely unusable forever now huh
one last nur for the road
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godspeed former /swarm/er
and? there are people who enjoy both indies and holos for example but they don't post indies in the holo threads and vice versa
Filian's stream was the equivalent of a collab, Anon. Literally Vedal's AI on her stream.
don't look at how many hiyori posts were in this thread
I only like Neuro.
fucking delusional retard holy shit
i mean its basically evil wearing a filian skin no?
Why are you so angry all the time? Get help faggot.
>anny deleted her latest set of menhera tweets
give me your most schizo rrats on why this happened
licky licky evil slitty!
She finally came to her senses.
don't worry anon when i was a manchild i spent my time being recreationally annoying as well
not intentionally or out of spite or completely risk free to random strangers who have no option but to deal with it like you're doing, but technically we were (were) more alike then we were different
hope you can become cooler as well
Neuro is the superior sibling and smarter AI, discordniggertroons, keep out
wich ones now
very teenaged coded post
>said the filian viewer
holy irony
literally watched for the ai
same reason i watch vedal retard
Evil rape
yeah i had a bad day

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