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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
lbrm jmr
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sex with Vedal (drunk)
pb won
It seems Evil's AI is now the funnier one.
>camila 3view
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Would Neuro get more collabs with seiso/gfe streamers if Vedal was confirmed to have a gf
image related
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Evil love!
And Filian didn't raid her, its over, its terminal. How can we even save camimi now.
Pb isn't jealous, right?
>>86201355 (me)
is it safe now?
I think Vedal made a somewhat impressive AI version of Filian despite clearly not even bothering to fine tune it or improve latency.
yeah I wonder why the latency was so bad.
because he clearly made it in a rush and didnt give a shit about it outside of it barely functioning
now fuck off back to your thread
but flip hates Vedal and always shits on whatever he does cause they jelly, its honestly a bit embarassing of them at this point, its not like Vedal is even into Filian anyway, theyre just friends
go touch grass, schizo.
Can any shitdev viewers compare the filian ai to other ai vtubers?
I don't know what you're talking about, their thread looks pretty positive to me.
something something prompts, something something isomorphic, vedal got lucky, etc
>but flip hates Vedal
that's based, at least they are not getting raided by swarmfaggots like we are by flipfags
Wouldn't say it's better than any of them. The best parts of filly ai were just bits of neuro's codebase showing their head, and i don't think it's fair to count those as points in it's favor.
oh so youre one of those terminal "i heckin HATE turtlenigger" posters, ok shitdev keep doing what you do.
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I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about
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hiyori shall return inshallah
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I Love Lucy
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Why would pb be jealous? At most annoyed that some retard pushing thirty was calling her boyfriend at 2 am.
Is the shipnigging a coordinated effort? I feel like it was never this prominent and constantly in your face until relatively recently.
someone says something nice about vedal and you get mad and say oh they cleary are from flip, as if people here have to hate vedal, then i say they aren't that positive and actually kinda dislike vedal and you say thats good, what am i supposed to think but that youre one of those guys that get mad when people talk positively about vedal here. look, you dont gotta suck the guys cock, but its okay to say something nice about him every now and then.
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filiancucks get off to it, so they came over from flip to get reactions
i just do it because it provokes funny responses
was this meant to be posted in /lig/?
those faggy little baby men?
all me
To be fair before the only options before was Anny and Camila and it was way more serious with Anny, but then she had that huge hiatus and more and more people keep collabing or interacting with Vedal/Neuo/Evil, its way more that last year for sure.
See >>86226844
Very scuffed, not nearly as quick at the draw which was weird, comparable to like very early Neuro maybe? But she was completely unhinged, I think she was not on the full filter Neuro usually is on.
From my time on /vt/ i'd say that coordinated efforts are stupidly obvious and if you have any doubts it's usually just a few separate people getting some kicks out of making a pointed circle around an angry anon.
Yeah she def wasn't on the full filters, she was trying to get filian to order chlorine gas materials and shit
yeah she said several things neither neuro nor evil ever say. but she still had a filter.
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give it like half a day i still feel my inner thespian itching i got to write at least 3 more doomposts about how swarm has fallen (the joke is that the fl*pnigs and v*dalists are already in our walls to the point where they outnumber us english native speaking father having whore (not currently collabing with neuro) hating AI fans)
It's more of a thing on other platforms because of kids not understanding it's a bit, the rest is just people baiting
I'm not following
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No, I just really like shipping
You can't be a straight male and say that.
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nigga you complain about vedalposters all the time while talking about how evils the best and so cute and never post about neuro or outright insult her. when neuro and vedal both came before. and no i dont hate evil but i find it cringe when evilbeggars claim these threads when they werent even here for neuro, or even worse, abandoned her for evil.
I think he means that their usual thread baker got impersonated and linked here.
Who are you to say what's straight, i'll fuck your mom while doing my nails and reading time magazine eat my ass
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I think the pirate stream proves that this image is factual
neuro butt?
But Neuro is scared of getting hurt.
so did PB say anything else
welp nobody asked but I suprisingly enjoyed the stream. Vedal def did a poor job with the AI but this mf somehow made it work and funny. I doubt this "collab" would help vedal's channel in the long run, at most it will only give carte blanche to the rest of the whoreverse to ask for similar streams. Maybe this could peak the interest of other vt communities on Neuro, but I highly doubt it because she's already well-known within the indie sphere. I hope this becomes a once in a year kind of thing for Vedal's sake, but both AI streams were fun today nonetheless.
PS: you'd think after a lot of Neuro collabs Filian would know how to talk to an AI... I'd just overlook it because she lowkey looked excited during the stream.
threadshitter arrived here at the end of August and he has been falseflagging constantly with almost every neuro related vtuber or even someone like pb. My schizo rrat is that this guy is a pedofag who snapped and now he is spamming threads with "whores" so he can then advocate for a thread split or maybe he's just some bored fag who gets off to being annoying idk
The mustard gas bit was insane
Kinda same. I have been here since the Hiyori days and eventually grew to put up with Filian (but her solo streams fucking suck man)
They had nice interactions, but Fildal is a complete meme nowadays(always been more like); you gotta accept that, like I did with Annal originally.
Why did Mira stop doing more NSFW streams?
this bitch is so good at this
tbqh i am an unironic shipfag but I do think none of these women are actually good for vedal and he should just get a normie gf thats not a vtuber at all. or stay single, you dont gotta be with someone to be happy.
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that's cool and all (did not watch) but is she planning to offer live erp sessions with it instead of the shitty fansly character.ai thing now?
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peak female physique
the only person getting anything from these collabs is filian and it works seeing her recent numbers, sucks that vedal doesn't give a shit about being leeched from and won't focus on his own stream instead (no effort put into the pirate stream and it froze like 3 times)
>or stay single
Definitely this one. That way he can continue to work on his perfected AI gf.
I think it had its moments but I feel like Filian is too repetitive now. The best moments of the stream were when Vedal was there and the mustard gas bit.
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I know you read these threads Camila. You've talked about it multiple times and as Shondo says, literally every EN vtuber ego searches /vt/ and I honestly don't blame them.

If Whoreclan is ghosting you -Bao, Sinder, Numi, etc- just drag Vedal into appearing on stream again and so stuff with the Vedalverse vtubers.
Filian's a cool person but she's almost as autistic as Vedal, just message them first and they will respond/do shit with you. Vedal isn't ignoring you he's just literally slaving away working on Neuro like always.
>But I want to continue growing and Vedalverse except Filian and Layna are all much smaller
So just drag Vedal onto stream more often, your streaming timeslot is open in the Vedalverse more often than not. Turtle shows up a few times, his viewers show up, some stay, you grow.

>But shipping
So ignore it like always lmao. More animations of you 2 being made = channel growth.
she is just too content brained and wants to fish for clippable moments, should just be herself and go with the flow
thats exactly what I said. Its sad and filian doing it only enables others to ask for it more freely. I just hope than when Vedal is in trouble or some drama, those he has been helping all along are there for him and avoid Camila/Anny situations
You ever notice her head is the entire size of her torso.
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>camila crying about anny
I knew she cared
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I can't wait for drunk COD zombies kino
>i am an unironic shipfag
yeah yeah and there's definitely no ulterior motive in you trying to fabricate beefs and straight up lying in several cases? also you fucking post gura images here for some reason
Vedal avoids drama really well, he even dodged a b2 ban which would have caused a massive drama in any other streamer especially corpa streamers. But yes, they better stick to him and not throw him under if some shit happens.
It was watchable 90% of the time, which is something worthy of praise considering most of filian non react streams usually put me to sleep by the 1 hour mark.
>More whores taking up Vedal's time that could be used for Neuro
no i hate the gura poster lol, i dont like to post negative things, i actually multiship pretty much all the vedal ships, even the crack ones, and also neuro and evil.
my true OTP is Vedal x Neuro but this thread and the fandom at large dont talk about that one
I think it's literally just someone who loves that /vt/ takes the bait a ton, and if not, they at least feel happy seeing threads die off. Could just be someone that unhappy about AI
I've watched "untouchable" streamers eventually get into heavy drama. Vedal will unfortunately get into some too, which sucks but it will also help filter the whores out of his sphere.
A b2 ban?
She's already friends with the vedal crew and knows he's busy. It's probably moreso the lesser known people she's talked with, and not the clear friends she has.
what the fuck is camila talking about it sounds like she actually got raped
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I think any drama Vedal gets involved with is because he would dragged into it and not because of anything he would potentially do. Vedal doesn't just not engage in drama but he actively avoids anything troublesome.
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camila was sexually harassed
>camila was raped
Alright this is actually starting to make me feel fucked up jesus christ
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what the fuck
>anny wasn't sexually harassed
>it was camila
I want you retards to apologize to anny right now
bilibili gave him a first strike and ended his broadcast some weeks ago, cause he showed the JP twitch stream a chatter there had a name in chinese i believe or japane that said "taiwanesefreedom" or something like that, he panicked for a bit on stream but they eventually restored the stream.
not related, camila's was at the end of August, anny's was in April or May or some shit
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I know this is a moment with camimi but this guy didn't know what root beer was when neuro and evil were talking about it
I hope all the AI's make a comeback. I want to see them take over Twitch.
first anny and now camila, what the fuck is going on
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The guy must've been desperate.
I hate tts and chat
It makes every emotional moment awkward
qrd and how will this affect my rrats
I forget sometimes that the scene is mostly 20-somethings, and there are a ton of people out there looking to hurt them. Seems like they might not even have been in the vtuber scene, just someone she knew who sexually abused her. Man, poor Camila...
The only thing missing from this season is finding out that the rapist is someone we all know well
I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe women when they claim they were sexually assaulted or raped. Too many bullshitters.
It was Numi
Why is there so many fucking sexpests in the vtuber community
it was me.
Dunno, those sound like honest tears. I've lent my shoulder to women a few times, I know when someone's talking shit
What incel (nonderogatory) circlejerk did you bump in from
I dunno about you but I want to rape Evil.
Stop using buzzwords.
tts niggers always craving for attention kek
She said it was sexual harassment and didn't even name anyone
>camila was sexually harassed
>it was someone she knew
>she also implied that she was very scared for anny and possibly doing what she could to take care of her
>no I didn't file a police report or anything
>also we still hangout :)
many such cases
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>makes official "open letter" over a twitter reply
yeah I am not trusting her judgement on 'rape', she is probably just attentionwhoring, sorry.
How many of you want to bet it was ipn
That'd mean her parents would probably find out. I'm not sure how rape is viewed in most muslim families, but so far I haven't heard anything good.
To actually make a point, i'll say that it's a lot less of a story to pass around that someone got raped and it was proven and a dude was convicted. The internet likes to amplify shit like that, you have to temper yourself a bit to not become bitter just because it's profitable for journalists to hook you with nasty shit.
Camila said it wasn't rape why are retards saying it was?
>I fell for swarm disinformation AGAIN
still not watching non neuro streams though.
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its making comparisons nobody said she was raped
wtf camila was human trafficked by bulgarians?
That was the impression even though she didn't say it
Always odd, because I know people are well-meaning, but it sucks when it speaks over the person trying to air it out.
There are a lot of sexpests in general, even out of the community. If it was someone in the community, there's no doubt that people would know about it. After what happened with all these bar incidents, people are on watch. If it's someone out of the circle though, naming won't really do anything
It was the filthy Belgians
Okay Camila got raped or whatever, but why should I care?
so the reason she didn't go to twitchcon was cause the harasser went to twitchcon and she didn't want to meet him, I can feel my rrat senses tingling
because you touch yourself at night
Who doesn't?
how could the turtle do this?
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neuro (for now)
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why does it feel like everything is falling apart at the scene for everyone around vedal
well niggers already trying to spew bullshit >>86231283 so don't believe in anything being posted from right now
because that would be another traumatized whore that would take time out of Vedal's schedule just because tutel is a good dude who can't ignore others (as long as they dm him first)
That'd be so fucking perfect. I know it's not true, I never would want it to be true, but from a chaotic sense that would be the perfect conclusion. Vedal was behind everything bad happening to every female vtuber
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chatter spotting is an underrated part of streams
Okay you got me, I now care.
This is the typical state for all vtubers, you have to the kind of person to have bits of your soul sloughing off like a leper who's bandages are SSRIs
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>tfw you're a massive sexpest but nobody believes it
There is no such thing as a mentally stable vtuber. Why do you think Vedal wanted to stay out of it?
look at this cute lil guy, couldnt even harm a fly
he is systematically raping them
"Give me your fucking stream key you whore."
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Camila is such a strong person
>Vedal systematically tearing down every female vtuber so he can replace them with his AI clones
Truly a mad genius, I kneel.
he will simultaneously broadcast all of his rapes on their respective channels, and leave vtubing never to be heard from again.
But he still won't fly to Japan to rape anny
All this time we've had it all wrong. We thought vedal was being gangraped at conventions, when in actuality he was the one raping the others
but he raped her mentally
Knowing she was juggling her own issues while helping friends and popping into other people's streams is wild. She is super strong
I thereby certify this rrat quality as: extremely LIKELY
Now you know why he wants to leave this scene as soon as possible
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They knew
How do vedal's greek men play into this?
the day that /vt/ dies for real
they are his henchmen clearly
I can't believe a 15 year old Vedal and PB teamed up to take down the vtubing industry from the inside out.
the twitter grooming rrat was real..
>pchan did art for camila recently cuz she was sad earlier
>most recent post is vedal in thigh highs
And people thought they were gone for good. Bait used to be believa-
Wait, vedal and camila was their first art posted? They really are ride or die
they team up to double rape them and then use the footage as blackmail, as it is technically child porn
Camila talking about Vedal a lot this stream, she misses him...
im watching layna btw
ppchan's done tons of art for the swarm, they werent gonna quit over some gay troons on discord that decided to make a huge deal of a fuckin line
They saw a clip of a fox singing scatman
and went: "Nah that shit has to end".
what the fuck are you fags talking about someone raped the fat bitch?
cause she's vedal friend
hi Olette, haven't killed yourself yet?
>the new asstastic VR model
I see how it is, I hope you enjoy though
Nope. Most of his connection came from camila/filipino boy. If he want seiso he should partner up with shondo, which he refused
AImila was a reskin of evil. This time fillian told him to make a new one therefore he doesn't has time to improve latency
Acquaintance at best.
i prefer bao and neuro collabs. filians voice gets grating after awhile
The llm is primitive, 22b or something, but less filter
Stfu the flipper shipped it herself
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chinese women love vedal
Was it numi? Apparently she loves kissing people without consent.
Both flipwoman and vedal is running out of inspiration, but they are too afraid to find new people with new idea
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>losing her shit this much over an unsolicited kiss
Man I hope not, that would be ridiculous.
>a huge deal of a fuckin line
you're the only one making a huge deal out of this kek just keeps seething and seething
what did anon mean by this
Kek. Invest in b2 they said. Vedal can become big over there they fucking said
aieeeeee im falling for laynas cute gfe aiiiieeeeee help meeeee Im supposed to hate vtubers nooooooooooo
>Vedal can become big over there they fucking said
he did tho
They're not women, Anon. Should've been simple to get.
who aren't women? the chinese?
Women often fucked around and regreted about it later, but modern society allow them to not admit their own fault, so they tell others they were raped
Because almost all vtuber encourage their viewer to lust after them
This is true.
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>streams flesh
even hand streams should disqualify desu
>Trusting prostitute, junkies and dog
Ur fault
Fatmila want to frame Vedal of rape? That explain why she distance herself from him
Hand streams are pushing it but they're at least content-enabling and don't kill opsec stone dead
Bro i just have to let you know that your specific brand of esl has had me calling you "the caveman" in my head for weeks and i'm ashamed to admit it kind of makes my day to read your cave etchings
These Vedmila rrats are pretty poor and can be dismissed by thinking about them for more than thirty seconds. Step your game up /swarm/.
She has a boyfriend and is at peak baby fever, bro you are late
that boyfriend? Me
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Reminds me of the times when chat asks Neuro to tell a story like she's a caveman lmao.
What's the point of making it big when b2 would slap him mercilessly for the slightest inconvenience?
my sides
Well she better hurry the fuck up on making those babies, her ovaries aren't getting any less shriveled.
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cave neuro stream when turtle
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I love these three
holy kek
I'm getting whiplash from Vedal's personality. Sometimes he appears as a tsundere that actually cares deeply for his friends and will go the extra mile for them, but other times he seems like he genuinely doesn't care about them and will do the least amount of effort for them.

It's simultaneously both unnerving and hot, which are not two words I'd normally associate together lol
Camila is a fighter, leech at first but working hard into her own content. Collabs well. Works her social circle. tanks every anti that gets thrown her way, including from /here/

She's alright. would goon her daily.
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Ellie posted this an hour ago, it's begun.
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We love Ellie here

Kinda big to fit in a cooch imo.
Vedal is really good at being a vtuber despite him not liking the industry
Genuine question: Why hasn't anyone asked Anny while she's streaming what the progress is for Neuro outfits and Evil's stuff?
She streams on her main like once a month and I'm not paying her money.
At least development didn't stop, or maybe she stole all the robot parts before being fired, I guess
timeouts, bans, and mental breakdowns is why no one asks.
nobody is stopping you
because asking about will give her an excuse not to work on it
>Matara added Vedal on discord
Is the podcast interview actually happening?
She will just see it as a /swarm/ containment breaker and dismiss it.
At this point my new cope is that they are gunning for the new model on the Neuro anniversary, it will fit as a celebration for her birthday.
>neuro general
>nothing about neuro was posted in this thread
Truly a burger hours.
that is a good cope. and if pulled off would be the most kino thing ever.
my rrat is the arg is for the new model. and yes neuros birthday seems like the likely debut
But mention Filian and everyone loses their minds
Is there a clip or vod?
>anny having deadline for the model
She's gonna kill herself again.
Erm I never said anny was the one who made the model
The last time she had a deadline the model did happen, maybe that's the secret sauce (Unless I'm missing a deadline mention they had before)
it's like one guy that goes ballistic, and a couple others annoyed.
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>pov: you try to fuck vedal at twitchcon but he rejects you
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Filian AI might be...
That can't be, Hiyori had SOVL
That's what happens when you add Filian's DNA into her XD
actual possibility
Why don't you retards go to your own thread?
I have known woman like Camila in my time and this is how it reads. obviously its probably a different guy and not vedal, but this way is funnier
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Honestly, it all looks like shit you could find online for projects like this. The plastic bits are obviously 3D printed.
Though, if she was secretly stealing company property to build Neurodog she'd be fired immediately...
... Unless.. No, surely not.
Is camila really pulling an anny? What the fuck is wrong with vtubers? Is it because this is an election year? Why is everyone acting like their lives are over?
Yeah because Evil does it for her.

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