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Previous: >>86193304
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

GRIMmace shake
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watch them on the phone while pooping, retard.
bot strams an cant even 2k kek
No excuse for tinboy and fagnae be that low. Korone playing sisyphus and okayu playing factorio had 10K from midnight to morning in JP hours.
poop now, they are still setting it up. Don't bother wiping
I'd rather have gotten a full day of normal streams than this shitty collab marathon desu
nigga made a compilation of people sad they thought they wouldn't get nendos
i gotta ask are you a mentaly impaired retard or just a thin skin manchikd
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any holofan vs fan beyond this point shall be considered samefagging with extreme prejudice
any holo vs holo beyond this point shall be put in the trash and ignored
grimgang lost
hololive won
hololive love
>seething so hard xhe still can't into English properly
lmao @ you
>still talking about stuff that either didn't happen or he did himself
>now trying to strawmen my argument to fit his narrative too and just shitposting about FWMC for no reason
Seriously though, povs?
>it's still seething so hard it can't even type
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You can't convince me that CC and GG aren't basically the Amesame replacement.
CC is a lot like Ame as is, they share a lot of similarities. GG isn't a lot like Gura but CCGG as a duo has great banter and chemistry, like Amesame.

Ame is handing over the mantle of what she herself did with her creatividad and of having the best duo in EN to CC and CCGG.
ESL frenzy
>only 25k
None of my posts said anything bad about FWMC but keep shitting yourself schizo roru
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Im thinking sex with biboo
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>still trying the fanbase war bullshit by pretending ruffians were shitting on kronii
Hololive love
Everything would be better if they just stuck to zatsus and didn't bother playing fpslop
Ame's choice of final stream content is so fucking underwhelming
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Here in /#/, we love sexy little girls.
>IRyS and Biboo ruining the collab by not checking shit out beforehand
Awesome, great job girls
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Reminder to grab your free 20 coins from holoearth everyone! You may need it in future in order to not look like a loser next to people that defeated the slime bosses and their sweet slime hoodies!
i dont think you can really replace AmeSame but CCGG are great
27k dorya
Kek I don't understand why someone is trying to timeloop bait that was only effective for ~20 minutes during a panel at AX
big numbers, small girls
Still can't post anyone saying anything negative about FWMC in those screenshot, bet you're the faggot shitting yourself in /baubau/
You behave like a retarded sister
kek ESL seethe
post cunny to scare the schizo away
Why are teamates like this
No seriously, they talk like there always needs to be Ame around or something
the CGDCT faction hates Ame...
Didn't that nigga deleted his twitter a while ago?
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what do you think fauna is doing to pass time between streams
Koseki is not sexy
>Not using zzz lolis for the picture
Go back bro, those were better.
Two open slots huh?
Perfect slot for you know who...
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Are we getting a homo collab?
What's wrong with there being someone in EN who has this very high creative drive and who fiddles around a lot with on stream stuff and their models and whatnot?
CC programming her own script to print out randomized otomos for that SC booklet was amazing and very sweet.
>IRyS didnt have the game downloaded already
holy shit why the fuck wasnt she ready???
food or nap
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Except every time you start arguing with me fwmc shitposting dies down
And you still have provided zero evidence of your initial claim
>Still can't post anyone saying anything negative about FWMC in those screenshot
still trying this strawman too huh?
Literal perfection
we have the technology right now to replace Ame with AI, with thousands of hours of training and voice data
Ame isn't that creative and no one will notice when she's gone
CCGG are really carrying this
It's almost like Ame was never here at all
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>Fucking BOROS, the Dominator of the Universe, is a fuwamoco anti
Nah hololive is done for
It's not a strawman i don't know why you're taking those screenshot as attacks towards them you seems to be mentaly challenged, again are you just a very thin skin manchild or just legit disabled?
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Interesting threads all throughout the day.
>jobs to a b*ld guy
You are obviously wrong. That single collage showing the 200 forms of Ame alone proves you wrong. She would always come up with new VR gimmicks or experimental 3D things and messing with her own model on screen as well as stream elements in general.
And CC does a lot of that too.
ESL out
>Ame is graduating
>one last collab
>Biboo and IRyS literally shitting stuff up and dont fucking show up
big yikes bro
nnaaaaaaa Luna cute
uoh cuny uoh cuny uoh cuny uoh cuny
That's literally one thing, 200 versions of one thing.
>i don't know why you're taking those screenshot as attacks
Something I never said. So are you incapable of reading or do you admit you were wrong?
Also no evidence of your initial claim that ruffian was shitting on kronii
>1 ruffian said this
>explode and shit the thread on CD with nothingburger unrelated screenshots
bijoubou has internet problems
Anon, these traits aren't unique to Ame even within hololive, other holos can do these things without being Ame knockoff and trying to fit people into these molds demeans them and their individual branding unless it's something they are explicitly aiming for
Nice organisation HoloEN lol
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>Retarded faggot who has to defend FWMC at all hours of the day
>Retarded faggot who hates FWMC and shitposts all day
Who wins?
TToTT uooooh
>Baby on baby violence
>1 ruffian said this
Where is it?
Ahhh. My CC munch kawp kawp kawp spunds. Now im full.
and IRyS has a PC problem, same shit. doesnt excuse either of them.
>can do
But they pretty much don't. GG comes the closest now after CC and she does it nowhere near as much as CC.
I'm not even saying CC is just Ame, just that they share a lot of similarities.
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Made me chuckle.
first one at least is defending his oshi so that guy
Not Amefags that's for sure
i hate eating sounds but CC's heal me, so this is love, huh?
aieee I'm seething at the bibutt, people better not post anymore biboo butt pics or i'm gonna be soooo mad
>teaching the automated lifeform to use weapons
not the best idea
>kawp kawp kawp kawp
life is good
he was live posting in /baubau/ again i don't know why your first reaction to this information would be to dump a bunch of screenshot totally unrelated but you do you schizo
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The sound she makes when she's beckoning animals over is still the best.
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what if that's ame final project?
Umm... What is this?
>one guy in /baubau/
Oh so it was you shitposting there and then coming here trying to start some retarded fanbase war.
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>403 kg
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ame seems kinda... bad at CS
this and whatever retarded delusions help you sleep anon, i think it's very telling that your first reflex is to dump some "receipt" like you're holding a grudge
who's fuckng starting some retarded fanbase war here you thin skined schizo monkey
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it's so easy to bot a stream nowadays
Probably also being an unfun tryhard offline too
i'd bet money it was probably you
The Queen of Kaigai
So are they ditching this or will they come later?
I think I'm going to enjoy a McDonald's meal for dinner this evening because my favorite Hololive talents enjoy and endorse their delicious food. I eat it in moderation as part of a healthy diet, and it works for me and my family as a delicious and convenient meal option.
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not watching if there's not a good pov
I didn't watch Ame before why would I watch her now
That mc coffee looks so tasty
Holo cuny advertising for the mere price of 7kk holodollars
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Always have.
Jp 7 when
Sorry, Mumei is still not getting a Popup Parade
>Lost to bots
For the hours she has (3k), yeah, but she also hasn't played that much of CS2 which did change up the mechanics of the game.
Uh so where's HoloID? The fuck are they joining for, Deadlock?
Not now Promiseschizo
no i called him a schizo nigger and got a warning for racism kek
All Biboo and IRyS's fault
wonder if it was phasejanny
Garry's Mod
oh no no no nijikeks
Trying to download the game 10 minutes before the stream isn't exactly just a PC problem
>CS2 which did change up the mechanics of the game.
huh? I thought 2 was just global with a grafix update and smoke physics
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>heheh get killed
her PC was shit before she even tried to download the game fucking retard. and who gives a shit bro, you have good internet you download the fucking game in 15 mins max.
Easy Ame MVP
>24k stream
># is dead
we are reclining
God this is boring. Who the fuck said to play CSGO. Ame please speak up more.
Very subtle changes about it made it different. Recoil slightly changed, peeker's advantage has been widened and running and gunning has less penalties. People did not appreciate those changes in the CS community but for a casual player, they wouldn't notice like Ame but I have no doubt that is why she is worse at the game than when she was playing CSGO.
She at least killed GG.
Ame is really devoid of personality. CC and GG are actually making things entertaining.
I'm kinda glad she's leaving for good.
I'm thinking of amusing and high quality posts to make to positively contribute
Crying about fanbase wars when you save up a bunch of screenshot to shit on a fanbase is some wild cognitive dissonance ngl
I'm posting in the secret # thread to avoid raiders.
Her last stream is the 30th?
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It's my favorite U149's birthday today (in Japan).
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Try something like this
/#/ is poor man's /hlgg/ so... Doesn't even live up to their foundation which is numbers.
Veeeeeeerry subtle holokeks
schizos use to be cute and funny, now they can't even spell right.
She started downloading before going to bed, though, so it'd have been somewhere between 4-8 hours
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>very high creative drive
That post is one of my all-time favourite kek, makes me laugh every time
>Ame's gift to justice fans is CCGG cs2 duos
CC shoot GG
dew it
GGCC banter saving an unfortunate situation with Biboo and Irys having issues. Cute kohai.
what vtuber is this
Can barely even talk about numbers anymore, like chart anon making great charts just for some fag to spam 10replies and samefag about some deranged shit
This game engine is dope wtf?
good shit CC
>Biboo and Irys having issues
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>No homos
I know her PC has been shit for 2 fucking years dumbass which is exactly why she should have downloaded the game earlier so she would be ready for the collab instead of waiting for the very last second and missing it entirely
uh, look at the down right corner ...
They were supposed to fight randoms. Not Ame's fault that 2 of her teammates decided to ditch the collab last minutes
"Holokeks" haven't seen this game for almost 11 months which was the last time Ame streamed it. Why would you assume I am one? I actually watch someone who knows how to play it.
Is she submarine?
Biboo has internet issues, Irys is downloading the game
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>No Dubai
It means Under 149CM
>the boys
>the bois
>da bois
Just how far can we go
Ok pebble i can literally say the same shit about Biboo's internet dumb fuck. Its been shit for months too but you didnt say anything about her and just started shitting on IRyS. SO fuck off with you pretending to be an IRyStocrat.
>nooo you cant download CSGO in 20-30mins
how fucking slow is your internet???? You from SEA or Latam??? Seriously cus you cant compare your internet speed with Japans.
QRD on why pomisefags are shitting on the dogs
CC turned on the lagswitch and still lost baka
Ennacuck fix your fucking english
Oh nono motherfucker you are not starting that literal WHO fanbase war AGAIN
I don't get it, where are the povs?
Fucking hell Miko, this would have snagged gold yesterday and you're wasting it on the day of Regloss 3D Live
At the moment we have cute ame pov with cute ccgg on her shoulders
Seethe more promisetranny your not getting away with anting thee ddogs
If a 1.3M subs ID streamer is still too poor to live in Japan, how many subs do you need to have as an ID?
Only Ame PoV. Others have enough of killing their channel in the algorithm after ENreco & GTA and would love some more time to recover with solo streams first
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>anting thee ddogs
please never post this image again
enter da moom
English motherfucker, do you type it?
>Killing their channel in the algo
>With GTA
>FuwaMoco gained more subs in a week than they had in months
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Biboo is here. So is Moom.
Suck it up 'crats.
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Did Ennacuck start drinking? i swear it's worse than usual.
who do I watch if I don't like Ame?
probably hasn't slept in 20+ hours or something, that used to happen before xhe started botting the thread
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>He wants his ass to get run down
Ok how about I take my motherfuckin' goddamn cabal, and chase you down in the middle of the motherfuckin' snow, you're runnin'; you see a bunch of us in black cloaks, running towards you. You see me in a gold cloak, big, tall, muscular, CGDCT-worshippin ass motherfucker runnin' at you. First I start off like this, 'cuz I don't need my full speed to catch you. Then I see you start to speed up, then I start speedin'. Then I just go- (stops running) Then I just sent, my whole cabal, and they're just chasing you, runnin' at you like unicorns in black, in black capes.
>Biboo and Mumei join
>Numbers still keep going down
Was obviously talking about CCV, not subs there. Several ENs have been getting notably lower CCVs than their usual recently
The shape of my cock
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We are watching ame rn. Please watch your shitters instead of seething /here/ :(
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>in ID im "middle Economy"
>if i got to japan ill be "low Economy"
>no it will probably be "Extra low economy"
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If you don't like ame you shouldn't be watching the collab at all?
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Hopefully biboo's internet fucks up again when IRyS is ready cus i really want the MoomRyS.......
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? you said it yourself, its a collab
from my perspective the girls I don't like exist to collab with the girls I like
look at this stupid fatty clown LOL
how is zeta paying her rent in tokyo?
>Finana below 300ccv
Is Moona saying that HoloID has a middle class wage in Indonesia? Doesn't sound right. Even being generous and saying a middle class wage in ID is 19,000,000 IDR, that's only like $1200 usd per month.
It seems completely impossible that any HoloID makes that little
This is the ideal female body
ame sucks at cs2 huh. like I'm not great but she's something else
Sasuga Raspberry EMPEROR Aster. *sighhhhhhh*
>unhinged and chaotic lan party
myth would never
kidnapped and used as sexual relief by Koyori
That's literally a child body.
Sex with her landlord (me).
she is more GFE than Moona and has alot more Westerner pay pigs.
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Advent is fucking shit.
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how can we save this girl?
>even fucking phase and niji got to play spess mahreen 2 while holo doesn't
fucking useless permsfag only knows how to get perms for fucking chillas slop and monke game
Anon, she is validating the game for the first time. Steam is notoriously slow on that. There were reports of it taking 6-12 hours on some games and I doubt IRyS is savy enough to Google for solution.
The moment she didn't download it yesterday, she was virtually guaranteed to be out of the collab
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This is probably Cover’s usual distribution fuckups
Retarded to have one pov.
How does it benefit me?
If it does not benefit me, then it is not for my benefit.
If it's not for my benefit, then its useless.
sharing with axel
why you stealing a pick from A soggy mama to shit post.
she plays better than me...
How much was one finana?
maybe they just don't give a shit about warhammer?
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Ennacuck we all know where that pic is from
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she left it downloading overnight tho
No one cares about you.
Please visit Dubai...
The funniest part is that one is actually subtly watermarked and he still posted it.
she will be sharing the room with dingo, both of them have no money
Youtube Cut + Cover Cut + ID low superchats in generally it makes sense.
No one else is relevant except me
We are full, sorry
some anon said mori asked for perms
they HATE IRyS
except that CS2 is fucking gay and force a validation after the frst launch, don't ask me why
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>Wishing something bad for a fellow Holo girl
Damn, you guys aren't even attempting to hide it today.
Of course the globalfag forgot to schizoproof his merch
It's schizoproofed
nah >>86211611 is right, there is a watermark
russians and chinks cheaters
>he didnt see the watermark
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she already there tho
Look at the area around her tits, Anon.
You can go watch your 3 view homos.
Anon are you silver 1?
you mean yours
As I explained in >>86209170, the game changed and her muscle memory is failing her. She also played it only previously once before today and Valve kept changing CS2 since then in the mechanics department.
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Guess it didnt work
Yeah seems pretty unlikely it's that low.
But the only member with less SC then Moona so far this year is Mel. From the chat stats seems pretty low on members. So if the merch sales are low, and the ad revenue is lower due to the audience then maybe it is
28k dorya
Schizos are getting angrier, dumber and less funny sadly
I mean if that's really true then yes, moving to JP is a fairly big risk. It doesn't automatically guarantee inclusion in a shitload of promotions and projects.
>0 reply
damm you guys hate flipsie now.....
>the algorithm
There is no algorithm for vtubers unless you are 0v
GG is so fucking based
>stayed with CC and Ame
>used her natural chemistry with CC to keep the stream entertaining
>left as soon as both IRyS and biboo showed up
I was talking more about her aim
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>Didn't prepare beforehand and is almost 45mins late into a 1.5 hours collab
>Make it awkward for everyone because Moom already logged on to replace her
>Playing CS with a controller instead of keyboard, will no doubt drag everyone down
Most of the high quality schizos died a long time ago. We just got spammers and low IQ posts.
I like her a lot.
You missed this one
>she's the hottest hebe ever
>Got got by a watermark
So embarrassing. Although it's not like your retarded ritual was fooling anyone anyway, kek
Yeah and that is now different too in very subtle ways. Granted, her aim in CS was never that great, her crosshair placement was pretty bad in CSGO too.
really digging deep now huh
shes a keeper
Everyday I thank the heavens I was born a holofag
I can't imagine seething over these cute girls doing cute things all day long
Praise be to hololive!
Hololive love
Her voice was a debuff at debut, but she's won me over since. All three justice girls are pretty great.
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Hololive LOVE
A yt buffering has hit the ame ccv
Really great sport, justice overall are great
>A irisu
>B iboo
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I don't give a shit about Ame and I don't give a shit about people that leave Hololive.
If next part doesn't have other povs im just going to chill until Okayu's stream
will this game only embolden mumei's ow addiction?
She's literally 2nd lowest superchats in hololive.. including the homos. Zeta gets 5x as much SC and Kaela gets 10x as much SC.
The spelling bee props are so cute, everyone should use them, especially advent and justice because the keen biscuit art is ugly as shit
No she's severly addicted to roblox now thanks to GG
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no one care's, go back to watching your shitty indies
Can GG stop fucking holomems for even a day?
People who post merch like this are cringe attention whores.
If I experienced all the feelings that phasecucks, nijiniggers, and home beggars seem to, I'm positive it would be cause horrible stomach problems. You can't focus on negatives that much without giving yourself health problems.
That doesn't work coming from a teamate
Hard to say. CS and OW are different kind of games
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I am going to purchase the gura towel
>free with $110 card
Only when it's used to shit on other Holos
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I'm a Promisehads
Not quite. Gigi is the addict, and Mumei is her enabler.
Good haul!
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>4hr drive to the nearest Round1
>IRyS x Goob Merch
>they are literally the furthest away possible from each other in the chibi one and far int he normal one
........ I still want them tho!!!
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plushies too
I think its only lame if its not being used. I became a body pillow fag just for hololive
Mumei lookin pretty shifty
Based fuck Advent newfags
holy cute
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They win...
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and drinks
whew this is a spendy promotion.
$100 purchase to get the towel (incl. $50 credit)
$110 minimum to get the keychain
$10 per drink (not that bad)
the plushies are in the crane game, looks like?
When's deadlock?
>mococo's cream
After CS2 at the end of the hour, but CS2 is probably going to go over given how long a real game lasts.
Ame would've stayed if she had someone to run CS duos with
are those keychains just the plushies with the body cut off?
>with this team
ame ain't solo carrying they're going to get bodied
ok they tried the 1 pov, it doesn't work
now lets do all girls have a pov
basically take $200 bucks if you want most of the stuff.
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next graduation
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>Pedo baiting
For what reason??
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Literally the only one without her profile privated
Why is IRyS such a retard bros?
You’re going to need more than $200 just for the crane game
No seriously what value is there in having someone who doesn't watch your streams watch your stream just because you're leaving in 3 days?
What do you want my viewership for? let me watch someone else.
your mom/dad sucks
Nobody is forcing you
How am I supposed to watch the collab?
>No HoloStars
>T. Epic
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not really if you go clicking, like half arent.
CC really gets along with anyone.
OH NONONONONO ancestors shaming! Don't look sisters!
Not you again, fuck off.
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the b2 perms...
who is INUDESUNE? she played Amogus yesterday
check zeta
holy based, I knew she had good taste
You fuck off? It makes no sense. I don't fucking like Ame. Most people don't. What's the best case scenario here?
I start suddenly enjoying her streams? What benefit is that?
It's a waste of a collab.
Yeah, but then again, no one is exactly watching this for good skill like me who tuned in to Ame's prior CS streams.
so took a look at this clip, and this niji girl basically confirmed what we already figured out
>then why post it?
confirmations plus screenshots for whenever some retard tries to shit on HoloGTA
For context, okayu asked the niji girl if she'd be able to run around and do all the wacky shit okayu did
picrel was her response
Ninomae, my oshi...
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Maybe the inu holo...
..then who is DOOG?
The fuck is this faggot bitching lmao
You're in the number thread, if you're not gonna watch the 25k CCV POV collab, fuck off.
>CC and Mumei are flirting
Its always the green and orange girls huh
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Mr. Paradise
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oh so she was one those retards that would put that everywhere after No game no life came out?
Brown is dark orange anon
oh no no no brrats who's nezumi???
Why would I care about CCV for a chuuba I don't like? That will be gone in 3 days?
It's not a complicated thing, there should be more PoVs.
More people would be watching.
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>Source SDK Base 2007
>37 hrs
What da doog doin?
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Reine I assume?
Probably from when they played in the Worms tournament and Astroneer or whatever its called together.
That's for GTA I think
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Who wins here in terms of drinks
Yeah, it's Reine.
IRyS' looks good
Ina and Fuwawa's are probably good
Gura and Mococo's looks meh
Ame wants Mumei to smoke
why come only gooba's don't got no ice cream innit
>Correct! FiveM is a mod for GTA 5 to run custom servers and it uses Source SDK Base for communicating with Steam for things like game license authentication or identifiers, as well as just rich presence.
Blue always wins, so in order it's
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>Fuwawa is literally just Sprite and ice cream with some Blue Powerade mixed in for color
Possibly the worst drink of all time
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>no Kronii
They gave fuwawa a retarded drink kek
only a sister or a phasecuck would even suggest that this is a good thing to be doing for your last collab.
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>only gura has privated her profile
Why is everyone else retarded?
[Good News] Mumei does not play valorant
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Raora putting effort into her profile
orc rm
>someone dumping another Steam dive
This is exactly the same as it was last year we know all this info
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don't look bettel sisters
mango cola mogs
that's altare you tard
Mumei has mentioned that plenty of times.
blue homo
It has to do with Niji being mixed gender.
If a niji girl shook her ass in underwear in front of one of the Chronoir fag, the sisters would go batshit.
Hololive can get away with it because they act like students in an all girls high school.
cute fatto catto
She really did fully cut them all off
I mean, Mori has too and even Bae really but they didn't bother to unfriend.
well she said the other livers would lose their shit about it
Yeah I'm starting to think some of that vague-posting she was doing really was about being pissed at them
Stuck her neck out for literally no reason and got burned in return
Anon? She organized the DBD collab he was in.
>Friends with his own RM
Why would you do this? why would his manager let him do it? very odd
Why does Bibbers sound like she's about to get addicted to CSGO skin gamba
Skippa skippa
-> Cover spy
Hololive will be doing a new collaborative project after the Round 1 collab. It will be with the DC Cinematic Universe. Hololive will be doing collab streams with notable star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in his starring role as Black Adam, the head of the DC Universe
Big brain CC
Exactly. Obviously I'm right and you've embarassed yourself trying to suggest im not a hololive fan.
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>altare still got fagni on steam
>no vespiss
uh oh
>Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in his starring role as Black Adam,
Bullshit, james gunn is the new head of dc and he hates that guy
Mumei is kinda toxic huh
>matsuri friend list is all male eceleb
ya that checks out
wasn't there some rrat that they unironically hated each other
But can Batman beat IRyS in a fight?
Haachama... My beloved... Why are you there...
Gotta support the cause...
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oh my fucking god, it's the incel twitch ambassador guy that suggested the sexpest feature they added a month ago. holy kek
IRyS is the ultimate glass cannon
If she knows she's fighting then she instagibs with her SSJ1 Kamehameha
If she gets surprise attacked its fucking over and she loses instantly
IRyS has the only one I might actually be inclined to try tbdesu
Learned from Overwatch, no doubt.
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Mumei needs to piss...
yes and it had a lot of steam to it
it's not about subs... id bitches loved dunking on unicorns and gachis (remember what moona said? fucking lol) and collabing with males left and right... obviously they couldn't cultivate a fanbase that likes to pay for their shit.
>IRyS screaming at her PC as we speak
God has put his hand on the scale to prevent AmeRyS
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He's an ally! Don't you see his painted nails and semi-metro facial treatment? How can you say he's a bad guy!
it's time to forgive kronii anons, this should be proof enough that's she done with that life.
Of course, figures he's friends with King Sex Pest.
>forcing dead air on someone else's channel
This place is a revolving door of shitposters with short term memory and newfags.
I forgot these have already been posted before until your comment lol
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I don't know what I expected
I wonder if it’s just da boiz that are allowed to “go crazy”? Or just a select few of the popular males?
good keep that shitter away from ame
Nta but what are we on, leak 4? I forget, and I swear its been IRyS every time
>we know all this info
naw anon we got some new info today see >>86214992
Maybe later
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Recent clip numbers
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Ame wants to be gangbanged by the other 4
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>62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji)
>42,299: Chiroru (Indie)
>38,348: Pekora (Hololive)
>30,932: NeruMero (Indie)
>22,634: Shion (Hololive)
>20,205: Laplus (Hololive)
>17,962: Calliope (Hololive)
>16,820: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>15,579: Fubuki (Hololive)
>15,410: Ame (Hololive)
>15,178: Kagami (Nijisanji)
>13,812: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>12,688: Debi (Nijisanji)
>12,206: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>11,111: Ina (Hololive)
>10,243: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
Mumei confessing to CC
I see, I guess this is the universe making sure I never distinguish that deadlock game from that deathloop game
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Dat's allotta Fauna.
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09/26 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.858: Shiori (Hololive) | Just Studying
4.762: Cecilia (Hololive) | The Pathless
4.533: Dokibird (Indie) | TCG Card Shop Simulator
3.905: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Undertale
3.550: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
3.503: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Collab w/ Lia, Shiina
2.830: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Lockdown Protocol Collab
2.647: Kronii (Hololive) | Original Song Release After Party
1.630: Luca (Nijisanji) | Voice Mimicry Show
1.610: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Violin Karaoke Stream
1.326: Bettel (Holostars) | House Flipper 2
1.322: Scarle (Nijisanji) | Handcam Stream
1.299: Rin | Variety Stream
1.250: Vox (Nijisanji) | Old School RuneScape
1.185: Uki (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
1.171: Axel (Holostars) | Unarchived Karaoke Stream
Mumei and CC having exactly the right autism wavelength was a fun discovery from ENReco
you're such an aw
go away nobody likes you and you smell like piss
Mumei's giggles are so nice
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1) Bae (Hololive) - 4.933 - Just Chatting
2) IRyS (Hololive) - 4.739 - ENigmatic Recollection
3) Shu (Nijisanji) - 4.820 - Sponsored Stream
4) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.950 - ENigmatic Recollection
5) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.928 - Just Chatting
6) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 4.867 - ENigmatic Recollection
7) Raora (Hololive) - 4.610 - Minecraft w/ Cecilia, Kaela, Matsuri, Towa
8) Calli (Hololive) - 4.301 - ENigmatic Recollection
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 2.922 - Breaking Dimensions Watchalong
10) Meloco (Nijisanji) - 3.737 - ASMR Stream
11) Shiori (Hololive) - 4.706 - Black Myth: Wukong
12) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.836 - Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
13) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 4.842 - Elite Exorcist Miko
14) Mint (Indie) - 4.190 - Karaoke Stream
15) Gigi (Hololive) - 4.982 - Sheepy: A Short Adventure
16) Mint (Indie) - 3.301 - Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
17) Mint (Indie) - 4.876 - Fears to Fathom: Woodbury Getaway
18) Dokibird (Indie) - 4.776 - Pico Park 2 w/ AmaLee, Bao, Juniper, Limealicious, Mint, Rin, Snuffy
19) Cecilia (Hololive) - 4.384 - Black Myth: Wukong
20) Kiara (Hololive) - 4.527 - Balatro
21) Dokibird (Indie) - 3.827 - Sponsored Stream
22) IRyS (Hololive) – 3.919 - holoGTA
23) Cecilia (Hololive) – 4.886 – holoGTA
24) Kronii (Hololive) – 4.389 - Just Chatting
25) Pippa (Phase-Connect) - 4.277 -Variety Stream
26) Raora (Hololive) – 4.896 - Don't Starve Together w/ Kronii
27) Shiori (Hololive) – 4.858 - Just Studying
speak english next time retard
not hard to put up more than one pov for a multiplayer game
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko
>4) 26,133: Lui (Hololive) talking collab [4th]
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14 [S]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi [B]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL [S]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY [S]
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut [S]
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball [B]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!?
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft [S]
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1 [B]
>18) 15,501: Korone (Hololive) holoGTA Day2 [9th]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal [S]
>21) 36,353: Toya (Nijisanji) New outfit [4th]
>22) 29,427: Riri (Nijisanji) Niji Overwatch Tournament
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live
>24) 50,711: Mito (Nijisanji) Mito birthday Quiz Game
>25) 22,194: Calliope (Hololive) TTRP: Gun Character Creation w/ Fauna, Gigi, Bijou
>26) 39,216: ROF-MAO (Nijisanji) Mario Party Superstars
>27) 62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji) 3D debut

13x: Hololive
13x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie
Check >>86213549
If deadlock ends up less than an hour and a half long I'm actually going to be pissed.
Too bad nigger you don't get shit, keep crying loser.
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It ended way too quickly
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>1) 1,144: Anya (Granblue Fantasy: Relink)
>2) 4,567: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>3) 3,483: Kaela (Honor of Kings)
>4) 3,386: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 2,385: Kaela (Tavern Manager Simulator)
>6) 5,377: Kaela (Minecraft)
>7) 6,315: Reine (NEW OUTFIT)
>8) 1,722: Risu (Coral Island)
*>9) 15,999: Reine (3D Birthday Live)
>10) 4,669: Kaela (Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions)
>11) 4,826: Reine (DRAWING COLLAB w/ Gigi)
>12) 3,214: Kaela (RUNGORE)
>13) 4,092: Kaela (Lethal Company w/ CCGG)
>14) 3,193: Kaela (EA SPORTS FC 24)
>15) 4,098: Kobo (BeAT x Kobo Kanaeru)
>16) 2,438: Risu (M.M.M.)
>17) 2,195: Ollie (holoGTA day1)
>18) 6,279: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>19) 2,826: Kaela (Shogun Showdown)
>20) 4,834: Ollie (OMUSUBI)
>21) 1,936: Ollie (holoGTA DAY5)
>22) 3,606: Anya (HoloGTA DAY6)
>23) 2,842: Zeta (Guerilla Zatsudan)
>24) 4,180: Kaela (Lethal Company)
>25) 4,327: Kaela (Paincore w/ Kronii)
>26) 1,931: Risu (Two Point Campus)
>27) 3,378: Kaela (Honor of Kings)

13x: Kaela
3x: Reine, Ollie, Risu
2x: Kobo, Anya
1x: Zeta
Are those 2 the only towels or is there one available for each member?
Isn't this that one vsinger? Something isekai something.
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>1) 107,848: Hololive (Hololive) Holo Summer Bingo lottery [29]
>2) 60,469: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King [23]
>3) 69,212: Subaru (Hololive) Chained Together w/ Miko [19]
>4) 42,818: Miko (Hololive) Happy Announcement [19]
>5) 40,548: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die Holo7DTD Finale [20]
>6) 68,007: Rika (Nijisanji) 3D LIVE [17]
>7) 155,940: Hololive (Hololive) 3D LIVE Gen0 [23]
>8) 92,975: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Important Announcement [30]
>9) 54,530: Miko (Hololive) SUIKAWA LEAD [20]
>10) 47,850: Hololive DEV_IS (Hololive) ReGLOSS 1st Anniversary [20]
>11) 47,854: Mio (Hololive) Holomem boke-tsukkomi chart [20]
>12) 86,852: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King w/ Fubuki [14]
>13) 61,436: Miko (Hololive) Best of hand-drawn clipshow [12]
>14) 91,258: Miko (Hololive) Holomem ranking w/ FubuMiko [25]
>15) 132,300: Marine (Hololive) Important Announcement + New 3D model reveal!? [27]
>16) 94,497: Subaru (Hololive) 6th Anniversary totsumachi [27]
>17) 54,796: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA day1 [21]
>18) 85,775: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [23]
>19) 83,699: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [18]
>20) 86,288: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS [24]
>21) 93,084: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>22) 108,427: Suisei (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>23) 123,580: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA NEWS
>24) 108,506: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>25) 98,715: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>26) 90,347: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA clip watching
>27) 62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji) 3D debut

24x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji

12x: Miko
3x: Suisei
2x: Hololive, Subaru
1x: Rika, Nijisanji, DEV_IS, Mio, Marine, Fubuki, Pekoram Meruto
i sent her a friend request
>IRyS the star on top of the "All Hololive" towel
Uh oh ennacuck melty inbound when Cover portrays IRyS as the star
didn't she literally told people not to gachi her cause she's not like that or something among those lines?
RIP Nigga
I think it's only those two? They showed all the variations for the other merch.
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>1) 92,146: Miko (Hololive) Gen0 collab + announcement
>2) 48,526: Miko (Hololive) Minecraft holoserver tour
>3) 44,784: Miko (Hololive) 7days to die #Holo7DTD
>4) 36,591: Miko (Hololive) Koemane King
>5) 40,035: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>6) 52,107: Lauren (Nijisanji) New outfit
>7) 59,914: Hololive (Hololive) HoloPro 7th anniversary
>8) 50,503: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui Day2
>9) 43,189: Gura (Hololive) 2.0 REVEAL
>10) 33,862: Miko (Hololive) Doraemon dorayakiyasan monogatari
>11) 39,433: Marine (Hololive) The Bathhouse Re: w/ Koyori
>12) 25,390: Lauren (Nijisanji) STREET GRAFFITI ROLE PLAY
>13) 60,005: Roco (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>14) 58,666: Subaru (Hololive) BIG3 Koemane King
>15) 95,815: Miko (Hololive) holoGTA explanation
>16) 59,546: Ibrahim (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>17) 44,314: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>18) 51,682: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>19) 40,444: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) VCR Minecraft
>20) 65,386: Akari (Nijisanji) 3D reveal
>21) 40,085: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA Day 5
>22) 44,336: Nijisanji (Nijisanji) Fresh vs. veteran Quiz Show
>23) 86,099: Hibari (Nijisanji) Birthday 3D Live
>24) 94,788: Miko (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching
>25) 38,954: Miko (Hololive) Among Us
>26) 55,933: Marine (Hololive) HoloGTA clip watching
>27) 62,925: Meruto (Nijisanji) 3D debut
>28) 42,299: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball

15x: Hololive
11x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

9x: Miko
4x: Kuzuha
2x: Lauren, Subaru, Marine
1x: Hololive, Gura, Roco, Ibrahim, Akari, Nijisanji, Chiroru
>Moririn playing deadlock
that game is dota2 tier hard is she gonna be alright?
IRyS sounds like she loves Mumei
>Zander Netherbrand
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>1) 46,719: Pekora (Hololive) Pekora minecraft server w/ 100 nousagi
>2) 48,191: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>3) 42,515: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) The k4sen FF14
>4) 28,087: Subaru (Hololive) Super Mario Bros 3 World8
>5) 39,103: Pekora (Hololive) Monster Strike
>6) 46,029: Miko (Hololive) Holo Hardcore Minecraft w/ Fubuki, Okayu, Suisei, Lui
>7) 36,962: Sora (Hololive) 7th Anniversary mocopi
>8) 37,814: Subaru (Hololive) Dragon Quest IV
>9) 40,113: Fuwa (Nijisanji) 1M sub endurance stream
>10) 31,642: Fubuki (Hololive) Koemane King
>11) 26,418: Oga (Holostars) Street Fighter 6
>12) 22,874: Toya (Nijisanji) something*
>13) 44,215: Marine (Hololive) "Something" is c*ming!
>14) 35,421: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>15) 67,476: Hololive English (Hololive) myth4EVER Myth 4th Anniversary
>16) 48,436: Pekora (Hololive) McDonald sponsored stream
>17) 37,633: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY1
>18) 38,698: Pekora (Hololive) holoGTA DAY2
>19) 38,389: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY3
>20) 32,582: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY4
>21) 38,098: Hololive (Hololive) HoloWitches 3D The Stage
>22) 39,504: Subaru (Hololive) holoGTA DAY6
>23) 63,987: Fubuki (Hololive) holoGTA DAY7
>24) 50,711: Mito (Nijisanji) Mito birthday Quiz Game
>25) 24,799: Mio (Hololive) Post-HoloGTA zatsu
>26) 39,216: ROF-MAO (Nijisanji) Mario Party Superstars
>27) 38,348: Pekora (Hololive) TCG Card Shop Simulator

19x: Hololive
6x: Nijisanji
1x: Holostars
1x: Indie

6x: Pekora
5x: Subaru
2x: Kuzuha
1x: Miko, Sora, Fuwa, Fubuki, Oga, Toya, Marine, Chiroru, HololiveEN, Hololive, Fubuki, Mito, Mio, ROF-MAO
shit i didn't think of that doubly bad because my current profile is a larp
>didn't send one to flare instead
you fuck up buddy
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Sasuga Futan
and what did you expect to happen, anon? that you would be the special one that she'd accept? this isn't some fucking story, retard
I didn't know about this, what do you mean blacklisted?
>you shouldn't try to get with your oshi because it's unlikely
just for the lulz. already cancelled the invite
it's too late, you are already dead
If you can rizz her up in a real life scenario then shoot your shot nigga
But Steam Friend Requesting? You know anyone who EVER, NO CAP, got laid off of Steam Socials?
Cheebs is going to molest you in your sleep tonight btw
>TF2 has people fucking no showing for shit "out of their control" (she knew her internet was shit)
>CSGO worked because Gigi actually filled in until the girls who weren't prepared for one reason or another (still retarded) showed up
>Deadlock has people no showing for whatever fucking reason so they're still playing CSGo which will ruin the entire schedule
I'm so fucking tired of EN being like this
AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEEE may numberbros please handle my funeral
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tummy hort
Well fundamentally it seems the same as every other method through the internet
>play valve game once
>get doxxed
thanks todd
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>i want to play this more now
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please understand, women are completely unable to troubleshoot or plan ahead for something. millions of years of evolution have conditioned them to be helpless in order to better attract mates.
Nah man
There's shit that's real and shit that isn't
Random friend reqs over steam, never pans
Meet a girl in matchmaking and swap contacts? Maybe some real shit can come from it
>moona is admin of a steam group
That's allowed?
So what happens to all of Ame's skins when she "graduates"
Frozen on her account or can she send them to her new one?
>CC going to bed
Depends on if it's a work account or her personal one with a name change
god played a cruel game on holoen making all the fps players like different games
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they are only going to play one match of deadlock right?
It seems the same. In both cases, I am pursuing what I want and if I really want it then its inevitable that I will get it.
how the fuck
that is probably actually groomable unlike the Holos.....
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Dang we're getting into some real six degrees of Kevin Bacon shit now huh
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we are cheap jews here, you'll be buried in the cheapest pine coffin next to prison nigga, mata ne
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my chance.
>luca friend with froot the cheating whore
lucucks not like this...
They're going to get stomped so hard by enemy stacks that they could probably fit 2 or 3 games in.
Okay guys, you're taking the joke too far sliding into organs' friends list like that
holoID -> Holostars -> NijiMales -> NijiFemales
>he doesnt remember
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Vox sisters don't look!
God Fauna's voice is perfect
>checks friends
It's too late...
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I can't believe this joke has broken containment, why are they always stealing our kino 4chan humor
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Do not check ggg right now btw, melting down massively
>Ame, Ina, Fauna, Biboo, Gigi
Gamers of EN collab
Probably, even though it seems Ame has played it before and knows what it actually is. Probably just wants to try it for the heck of it and having the novelty of streaming it first in HoloEN. Fauna is more likely to enjoy it than Ame will given Fauna's Dota 2 background.
Mori overslept...
>the last thing a 2view sees before getting groomed
>uuuuu this game is sort of like dota, right?
What happened with v4m?
but fauna hates FPS and 90% of the game is that
They could have at least not used a stock Ezreal image if they wanted to make it believable
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>chase paypigs away
>"wtf I'm poor!"
it looks more like those 3rd person mobas
why are you using a screenshot without the peak CCVs of each stream lol
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are there other povs yet?
>desperate low quality shitpost
It's partially a MOBA and also NL played it a bunch recently
because it's ennacuck and it's probably the spambot
of me railing your mom yes
Morpo is still sleeping...
Now post the numbers from after the streams ended
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watch streams
Yeah, check the filename. It's starting to loop and it's creating duplicates kek
It's more of a MOBA with shooting mechanics bolted on than a shooter with MOBA mechanics bolted on. There was a reason Dota 2 professionals got invites to the alpha of the game before CS professionals did.
>no mori
Stream is saved
>Probably just wants to try it for the heck of it and having the novelty of streaming it first in HoloEN
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I'm looking forward to HoloGTA 2025's cabaret club
Which one is Fauna
Fauna will get motion sickness cause of this
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>wilson is not a real name neither is bandage
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homotroons lost
good, regloss dont deserve shit
He's completely alone....
Is she Luca Doncic?
You know Chloe still won't join
>>86217723 (me)
What are these?
Brehs which one I can groom?
would you rather
>marry Koseki (but she's one of those fucked up nympho types in bed that is asking you to do all kinds of shit to her)
>marry Mumei (but she's a pure virginal woman who will only ever procreate for the express purpose of bearing children)
i'll ask if he wanna play something with me
sex with Mori
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Wait a second...
moom, then make nerissa's sister's amount of kids look small by comparison
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>Sayu is in Meloco's friends list
Stream ruined
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>CC and GG share this with each other and piss themselves laughing
How do you feel about this
I checked before, pictures of Japanese drama actresses, one played in GTO movie/show (Onizuka)

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