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▼Utatane Nasa 転寝ナサ (JP)
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▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉ウルカ (EN)
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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
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▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
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Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
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Previous Thread: >>86250934
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I want to smoke weed with Saya and Pippa.
Phaser for this feel?
Why does she have to stream at 4 in the morning man, godamnit I gotta get ready for work.
It's 8 at night in the Japanese empire
i want that
This animation is way too god for an AI shitpost
I hate the Dizzy avatar fags
what happened to the anon who was learning to draw?
last one before bed
i will now loop this to sleep
ok rate this lesbian combination
Lumi and Uruka
They're both bottoms.
Lumi is straight. kys fag
I want Nasa to shit on my chest.
lumi will spread her legs for literally anyone that isn't black or indian, shut up retard
I want to rape Nasa
I want Nasa to rape me
The thing is they always used the same 10-20 images so you can filter them very easily.
Sounds like a skill issue
he got exposed for tracing and killed himself in shame
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I want Nasa
ok rate this lesbian combination
Pico and Memory
Anything with Uruka is an instant 0/10
Had pico seen this picture?
who doesn't?
Tenma hates big b**bs.
Stopped drawing after a schizo threw a melty
why does /pcg/ hate uruka so much?
personally, I want to throat fuck the shit out of her, then spank her ass really hard
then like, kiss her and hold her hand and all that gay shit afterward
I don't
she just does no pair well with Lumi for clam smashing
Uruka x Clara where Clara comes on way too strong but it's just perfect for the bear to get out of her head and into the situation.
(The situation being Clara's million volt snatch)
I just want to stick it inside her vagina but good for you
Boring stuck up ugly hoe only good for playing the violin and not signing I am not /pcg/ this is my own opinion
yes, because she's /here/, but she can't read english
ok but who pairs best with da wose
You keep asking that.
(This isn't necessarily a singular you calm yourself)
Oh good I was going to deepl some moonrunes for a TL and send it at her on x.
Clio's still going...
Imagine the sex.
Tenma is worse tenma. Also, I hate all rosebuds. Good morning, pcg.
Would anyone be interested in giving me a handjob while we watch Clara together
Damn, does she steam more than Lumi? Someone needs to save this hag.
Origins 3D debut in 7 hours
You are excited for the chibi debuts!
She's Australian and pushing 45, there's no saving her.
why is it so early, fuck OFF
It's for Europeans
She's both very stuck and has an inflated sense of ego from being born rich while also being unattractive in both looks, voice and personality in the way that grates like sandpaper. She's filtered a lot of her audience over time with random hiatuses and timeslot changes so the amount of old urufugang are very small. She plays heavily into her niche of being the violin girl while only playing the same 10 songs. The ugly face toggle she loves so much.
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I average around 4 cups of coffee a day and I still don't have the strength in me to watch Jelly live
I want to go back to a time where I thought Nasa was a cute yet sexy mommy that was as tall as Erina
>unattractive in both looks,
extremely wrong AND retarded
>and personality
ok you got me there
If you live in america you have your coffee after she's 3 hours in so thats not that bad
this art is sooooo goood
the fun guy is a blessing
i just wish more Nasa art would have her with her massive monstergirl hands
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Are the hands gloves or is it some sort of voodoo magic when she swaps back and forth
Michi body transformation magic
maybe but her old streams were more fun, before she started filtering herself so much
As in michi does it or nasa can use michi magic?
girl next door as anime woman turned into girl next door IRL with anime filter
No [Asian name here] I do not want to hear the 95th rendition of a music piece you've been working on, it sounds the same as every other time (like ass) and you dumped cold water of your impossible standards so I can't even ignore the music
For me, she's always being propped up as the face of the company despite being the least interesting/quality member of Origins. Her shitposts are also never funny.
I like deep husky voices but hers has this phlegmy quality to it I don't like that makes her sound always sick.
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is pc is making dosh, why don't they buy english classes for the jp branch so they can reach more audience?
any chance she recognizes this but is too afraid to try being more like herself cause her audience is so much bigger and doesn't know the old her and may be turned off?
i am the antithesis of sympathy, just curious
well if pippa would fucking step up and BE the face of the company like she's fucking supposed to, then they wouldn't have to use her
I think Hime should be the face of the company.
Uruka is boring and annoying. One of the worst girls. And had an ugly voice. I'd rate her in the same tier as Iori.
I thought lia was the reluctant forced face of the company
I broke nini. Sorry.
iori is a treasure, you should kill yourself immediately
Even back then nasa used a bunch of free vtuber assets on twitter, but these were all the standard human vtuber hands. When somebody asked what happened to her claws she said she could freely use the same transformation magic that michiru used to give her a humanoid form. At least that's how I remember it and can't be arsed to dig through 3 years worth of tweets
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I think maybe I'm too harsh on some of the girls or it could also be I'm awful at understanding other intentions and characters. I usually trust easy and I've only really interact with guys who while saying something mockingly towards me usually won't lie to my face
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I trusted you
There is not a single PC girl that I dislike but I don't watch Pippa or Lumi because they are kind of annoying
Anon have you seen her work ethic?
almost 2 years of routinely skipped streams and being distant. How do you call someone who's foot has halfway out the been out the door constantly the face?
I agree Rie works very hard and she deserves it.
Uruka would wear the strap on
who does pair well with lumi for clam smashing? she's a bottom to men but doesnt have any default deferential respect women so I dont think she's automatically a clambottom
you would need the girls to want to learn English and that's a process in a half, English is a hard language to learn because of its format and use of verbs
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Good morning, /pcg/.
Phasers are the best livers.
Airi thread!!
Jelly, duh
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Ever heard of a small indie chuuba called Gura?
There's been a few girls now I initially disliked because of a vibe and then grew to watch them after getting to know them more and watching them like Lumi, Shiina and Dizzy especially. Dizzy went from me nearly antiing her to being one of my favorites.
Baffling post
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Unironic truth.
Hope she continues growing well
Uruka is insanely talented. I don't know if her banter has always been this good and her barely suppressed sexuality is hot af. I have really warmed up to her lately.
>channels4_profile (4).jpg
You are just horny, anon.
Gura isnt anywhere close to the face of Hololive anymore, she's a vehicle for merch and events nowadays.
Australians are some of the hottest girls on the planet.
I'll take anyone being the face of the company as long as it's not Sakana. The amount of newfag dickriders fish has that shove him into art and merch is ridiculous. They're the same kind of people who'd beg for male collabs and a male branch given the chance.
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there just something about sayas voice that oozes sex to me and I can't tell anon why
you can fight the eep
but the eep always wins, in the end
Cunny voice.
I don't hate her, but I don't really care for her. She doesn't play any interesting games and I don't care for violin stuff.
yeah the temperature is high but the girls are god ugly
is that her normal voice
Hime is the facial of the company.
People keep saying this chuuba's a MtF and I'm starting to hear it myself. The voice is very off.
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She puts it on like 95% of cunnytubers. Not that it's a bad thing. I know some tards get their panties in a twist over fake voices.
Clever. She can penetrate and eat ass at the same time.
Yes, but that's not why.
this is cope, gura is still the face of EN vtubing as a whole. If your were to ask a normie that doesn't watch vtubers but knows about them, he would think of gura, none of the other gens had a design so memorable. Gura could formally graduate and she would still be the face of en vtubing for a while afterwards
same, except her personality and voice are ok, like she plays well with her chat, overall a comfy, unremarkable experience in solo streams
She's at her best in collabs where her stable/boring personality makes her the default straight man of the group, she's good at that smooth tardwrangling, leading by kindness that helps make other participants shine but not overstep themselves, but that's a quality that's harder to appreciate than in your face screeching
I don't hate Uruka, at her best she's unintentionally SEX and an endearing goof. I'm just not interested in her spamming the same songs in violin shorts streams.
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I'm going to sleep
cya around
I don't want Hime to be fat
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I like chat interactions I like it when she says my message for some reason
Probably because it's the only time women pay attention to us.
At least half of these girls will end up fat as fuck. Sitting at a computer all day with a slowing metabolism guarantee's it. Look what's happened to Lumi.
Iori even sounds just like uruka when she does her brother voice (her real voice)
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Origins as a whole is a massively overrated gen. Tenma is the only true quality talent from that gen. The true best and flagship gen is Invaders 2 (including post-yuri Lumi)
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I want to hate fuck Uruka SO bad.
Honestly if given the opportunity to have sex with uruka I would reject the offer 10 out of 10 times
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Fuck you
Origins supremacy
Setup status?
>Origins as a whole is a massively overrated gen.
I agree, they can really shine sometimes but those times are few and in-between, more and more these days
>The true best and flagship gen is Invaders 2
I dunno about that
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Why do women love cats so much? I don't hate them but I just don't see the appeal.
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New invaders will fix every problem that Phase Connect has, other than shipping time
Took a while, but I finally setup my living room after 2 months of moving in.
Is 30ma Tenma's real voice? Why does she nerf herself?
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Invaders is good because it's just the best of tsun saving lumi from being friendless
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Mein Fuhrer..
10ma voice is her real one
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>few and in-between
few and far between
cats and small dogs will hyper receptive to their stress hormones so they will unironically "get them"
they will get a free heated pillow for their periods and at the same time they can subconsciously fuck them up as soon as they have a woman moment through the ability to make them eat their own stress
it's one of the reasons pipupper pisses itself when strangers are around, the dog is hypercharged on pippa's brainworms
I knew it sounded off, it just didn't click until your post lol
hime is very demure today
>it's one of the reasons pipupper pisses itself when strangers are around
I had a dog that did that for a while, guess I know why now, huh...
so if I meet pippa will she piss herself since I am a stranger?
that's crazy
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what phase would do a monogatari watch along
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He may LIVE

it's one thing people don't know about small pets, you can end up abusing them just because you don't deal with your own shit and just throw it onto them because they aren't people
Yes, it's a natural defensive countermeasure
very demure hime
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for a being of pure energy like myself refusing sex is not an option unless this a creature so vile I get sick looking at it
Panko and eimi probably would
Nigga put the joint down.
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>it's one thing people don't know about small pets
She was big, tho. A labrador, but now that I think about what you said, I blame my schizo sister because I loved that dog and I miss her very much
that anon is more likely to be on ecstasy with hina
Non, they're all casuals.
how do you guys think that hard of hearing bito & his family is doing? think he won?
I thought she was playing up the gremlin in her voice. She really sounds like a gypsy gremlin. That's weird man.
yeah even bigger dogs will be receptive to that kind of stuff
though I'd also imagine she misstreated him in other ways like leaving him outside alone and other things if bigger dog ends up like that
Who's the most Demure talent?
why do japs announce that it's their first time watching so much would I be considered rude if I don't do it
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I want to plap himes landussy
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What is the Regalian Kingdom's tax policy?
Very grim noombers today (and yesterday too)

Did fishman lose his botnet?
Would you watch a Wemi anime watchalong at x1.5?
Phaser for this feel?
What is the goal of the game hime is playing?
Everyone else aside from Pippa had great numbers what are you talking about. Pippa just had the boring furry debuff.
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Nothing. You just build and make comfy dioramas.
rude? not at all, you will be considered a war criminal
Why does this look traced
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An 8% Goods & Services tax and a 20% tax on land. The proceeds reinvested into a sovereign wealth fund which holds ETFs as well as shares on companies registered in the kingdom. The dividends of this get used to run the day to day affairs of the state and decouple the earnings from a needs for an expanding population in order to maintain the pension system.
Bro is yipped
I forgot
Hime is an architect isnt she?
Judging by her fat fingers yes
W-would this actually work?
no I mean a real one not related to feeding
Judging from their princess, the Regalian Kingdom is projected to experience a population boom that would make Africa blush.
I would overpopulate the Kindgom myself if you left me in a room with hime for 5 minutes
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supposedly she was actually studying architecture at one point, yes
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the twin towers
And the thread is also at it's slowest
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should I give hime a chance
Hime deserves more than a chance
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Yeah sure shy not
Or don't I'm not your father
Do whatever man
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An underrated pairing.
I am your father tune in to Hime right now or I will publicly spank you
I'm at home
hopefully perma'd
Hime isn't fat
It's 9 in the morning shut the fuck up and stop yelling
I'm at working laying on the ground watching hime in the tele
I'm watching Phase friend E;R
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Yet. Still at pleasantly pudgy, for now.
>anons when they dont have drama to cry about for 5 minutes
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Still wont sub until you turn it off Hime
himes voice is very nice
a lot of the talents have that, no?
yes its to prevent bots
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looking after my strawberries
Yeah we've been getting some funni bots spamming lately.
I don't mind if she puts it back after I sub.
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Ok, sorry for yelling.
Then what's the fucking point of complaining about it?
It's called throwing a tantrum, nonny.
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that game hime is playing looks cool
She is like me! fr fr
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I think a phase should play Songs of Syx
She needs to open the door for me then she can close it.
I want to invade himes secret exit
I want to tell Yuu to play Deadlock but I don't show up in chat enough to be that annoying
Why does Hime's castle have no protection?
Theres nothing secret about it
send it in an anon super at least you paid just do $5+
What's the song Hime uses for the intro/outro? I kinda like it.
Himes defenseless kingdom
It's a metaphor for what sex with her is like
Outwhale Yuu's regular whale and you stand a chance
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there's a whole ass water thing around
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I bought this carpet for my 18th birthday. good times
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anon it's called a moat

I can't tell because the aussie accent muddels it - I've heard british/aussie women who sound oddly masculine despite being fully-fledged womyn
I dont feel like posting, i miss Lumi too much
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thanks anon, skipping around I now I realized maybe it's best if they don't play songs of syx
you still have strawberries in autumn? nice
GarbageFes is on /tsunX/ vs /pcgia/
winner plays us
Jelly striptease stream when?
Nothing much to take off y'know.
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>want to try and sleep
>hime is on
>premiere of a video I've been looking forward to for over a month in 4 hours
fug :DDDD
lmao, Sakana takes the first spots in Google search outside 2 or 3 girls. Yeah, it is bad
chibi debut in 5 hours
Ship the merch, kevin
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Come and drawpile for Runie's Birthday.


13th October 00:00 PST

3 Regular canvases
1 NSFW canvas
Feel free to add more

>What do I draw?
Anything. Get rused.

>But I can't draw?
Stfu. Draw.

>But I don't wanna?
Stfu. Draw.

>I don't wanna make an account. Muh anonymity?
No need for verified emails. Still anonymous.

Runie Reference Sheet:
Runatic Reference Sheet:
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Hime's entrance has lots of foliage
I'm goona ship my cum into your bussy if you keep asking
would assault
More like girl next door turned into bitch next door or whore next door
I for one am excited to see how they'll fuck up this 3D stream.
hime cute?
The hime jelly collab as pretty kino
sad that we never got another one
Fuck off Kuu you lying sack of shit
I want a saya jelly collab but I know their personalities would never work together
>The hime jelly collab as pretty kino
T-the what?
Why doesn't she use the Australian accent ?
This game would've been a banger with a lifesim mode, but it's ok as it is
She doesn't want to be bullied
this one
she gets bullied anyone
Pico getting a red card is the funniest thing /pcg/ has done since the nasa own goal
You are NOT allowed to shoot arrows at Hime's village.
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/pcg/ will avenge /pcgia/, I trust
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i don't want to avenge them
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>I trust
you doomed us
I guess girls can make prettier things than me, whenever I make my town I go for urbanised hello and cramped areas to save on space and keep everything close
Yeah, but not for her accent
A hundred and 3 fucking minutes, fuckers almost came back too
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it comes out sometimes
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he may pet the ducks
Clio is still streaming...
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
What the...
Clio needs to get a boyfriend
Yeah, not me
>paper thin walls
>no walkways
>no merlons
>no loopholes
The Regalian kingdom is doomed
Yeah, me
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It’s her new upcoming original
Made to be invaded
it's okay I'm sure the knee-high moat will stop any invaders
take melatonin eat a bunch of food take zquil
the bitos are stronger than any fortification
Archive of last nights karaoke for those that don't want to fuck with mega links:
Phase friend Otsuka Ray just got a new model
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rapebait castle
I agree with her.
grandma runie get with the times
confidently correct
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Holy fat thighs
Damn current One-piece is wild
Based hag
unfathomably correct take
The most boring woman in the company
is anime actually normie now
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Rate Heim's walls
Iori exists
has been for years dude
>boring anti is bag
it's not a star fort so it's shit
>take melatonin
NTA but I tried that and it does nothing. I don't understand how so many people use it.
easily penetrable.
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panko me fucking do it
female and impregnable
depends on to person take more if needed but not too much
>it's not the most soulless copypasted design
Why didn't the japanese build stone castles?
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>Walls easily penetrated from behind
What did Hime mean by this?
easy access
>Hime's walls
Weak and soft. My battering ram will penetrate her kingdom.
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it's not soulless it's full of soul and the pinnacle of the ideal
the ever distance castle that reigned supreme
How much? The ones I've got are 3 milligrams each.
When is the child getting a new model? Will the child doc her unintentionally one day?
they has some stone mixed in with their walls but it's easier to get wood
at most 3 of those pills not more anon please
I think siege warfare just never was a thing for them? too polite
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Take one every half hour until you feel it kicking in
same, imo it's mostly a gimmick. I can consume lots of caffeine before sleeping and it does fuck all, and it's not like I have abnormal caffeine tolerance. sleeping is fucking retarded
Properly treated old growth hardwood can be near as hard as stone while not being anywhere near as heavy
>wake up
>Airi's VOD is almost 8 hours
Holy shit lol
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anon japan was in a constant state of war with itself for nearly 300 years, sieges happened a lot but they never had big cannons like the turks or Europeans until later. so it was a slog Honganji temple was sieges for 10 fucking years straight
I've taken 2 at most. But what would happen if I took more? Don't make me guess, man.

Shit's expensive, bro...
If you're struggling to sleep, take whiskey like a man
should I try airi streams will it be comfy
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It's much more fun if you find out for yourself, don't you think?
I didn't know, but isn't 10 years like standard length for medieval europe
she's right
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depends makes it harder to sleep if you take too much and have bad nightmares I accidently took too much and woke up with sleep paralysis that lasted for like 30 minutes
>I can consume lots of caffeine before sleeping and it does fuck all
The amount of caffeine you'd need to be awake could kill you, all that "I need my coffee in the morning" is bullshit.
Truth be told, because of weather and terrain.
Most wars were internal and while the ancient nips were hardly nice people what-so-fucking-ever a few tribes encompassed the whole place so downright razing of rivals due to ethnocultural incompatibilities was far less common.
There was also a lot less treasure to vault and the harsh storms kept a lot of invaders out.
Maybe it isn't a castle but a palace disguised as one.
they weren't super common sieges on average were maybe anywhere from a year to 7 year or so
there's been a case for a 27 year long siege so there's some funny stuff going on
It really does come off as
>Really? Chibi?
They didn't need to until cannons became common and by then it was to late.
The Tairas literally razed the whole city of nara with many historical shrines within it, but that might have been a one off thing
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I've been busy
she's so real for this
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this frame says it all
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also just wanted to let anon know when they say "thousand times folded steel" for their katana it means their steel was fucking garbage because they needed to fold it that many times to make it usable
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>castle nerds hours
>Sakana you cheap ass motherfucker
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I'm watching hime build castles I'm allowed to talk about castles
Thoughts on Hime's main keep?
Shut up gaijin nippon steel is the best in the world
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This is "did you know most knightly titles were just ceremonial" levels of Yes Everyone Knows This-knowledge.
Like no offense but this is just tiresome redditcore midtwittery at this point.
Yes everyone knows.
You're right but the fact that they made good swords out of such poor material is pretty impressive in its own right
this screams "management had a retarded idea we'll never use after the merch drop and people were expecting something else"
this is the face I did the day shonen jump hyped up the stone ocean announcement and it was all for some shitty giorno giovanna icecream in one pop up shop
Thanks anon, I didn't know.
It was less that it was garbage and more that they had very little of it so had to get the most out of every bit. IIRC a lot was from meteorites.
can pippa get in trouble for hinting at her past life so hard like this?
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I'd rather it had been phase alias desu.
no, otherwise the out of context stream with Dizzy would've gotten her in trouble way more
yes. report it to management.
This but unironically
what I do like about jap katanas is the fact so many were preserved, their samurais gave a shit about their weapon and made sure it was always upkept
European knights saw weapons as nothing more than weapons and that's fine, but we have so many pristine 300 year old katanas lying around
>can pippa get in trouble
Did Korea do the japanese style every clan has a backyard shed sized wooden castle or the chinese every noble lives in 20 or so major cities with 10 metre wide 15 metre high walls?
Did you know the country of australia was created just so I could lust after australian women?
Didn't the japs have some kind of machine spirit nonsense ingrained into their buddhist/shinto culture?
that look she gives after saying it is a dead giveaway. if people didn't know it was her before they will now. also i saw her sneezing comp vid. very cute.
close enough they sword was the "spirit and honor of the samurai and his clan" sorta deal
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Gimmicks such as 3D models should be given to the girls with the most stream hours, both as a reward and because they are the most likely to use them.
these abo girls are pretty wild I hear
dat castle lookin' wack
more china Koreans were very reclusive for nearly a thousand years and existed as a sort of Chinese tributary that leeches a lot of cultures and values from them
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what do?
>because they're the most likely to use them
ay what
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All assets should be given to Panko regardless of numbers because she deserves them
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THE ZWEIHANDER IS THE COOLEST SWORD TO HAVE BEEN MADE. SECOND PLACE IS THE ODACHI even if it mostly only used by pirates and had little practical use elsewhere
rape again
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General Himessein's regime has WMDs? Interesting. Do they have oil?
I want to make Lia a single mother
Demand an abortion.
fair enough
Actually sarr India made the best steel first
double impregnation
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I think the khopesh is pretty cool too
Phase Connect has too many friends
Marriage and knock her up three more times
>also i saw her sneezing comp vid.
her what?
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Hope it's a girl because hapa girls become cute sluts like Rie and hapa boys become incels like Elliot Rodger
>Panko gets all the 3d models from concerts
>she fucks around with all of them once and we get better content than if the correct girls had them
I'm sold
the zweihander is cool purely because i got to smack people with it in dark souls 1

Lumi is causing chaos across china
I wouldn't wanna be in the way of some fucker swinging that shit
Which of those two swords was used by pirates?
holy shit
"Yuni Luna Sneezing for 2 Minutes and 40 Seconds"
I would give all my assets to Panko.
It's okay if she divorces me a week later, just the privilege of giving Panko all I've got is all I need.
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Phase friend Nopi Tulpe should phase in.
odachi, zweihanders were niche and obly used by skilled users
the nasa clique...
>one example
By that logic all Koreans are school shooters because of Virginia Tech
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How many pig orcs do you need to siege down Hime's castle?
for me it's the humble estoc, there's something romantic about a sword that's basically just a fucking spike with a handle on it to me
[He-May News]

Australia was occupied by the Britbongs, she's glad they escaped.
Pikes > swords
halberd my beloved the ultimate multitool
Archer cavalry > Pikes
The Messer exists you bozos.
stepped hordes fell off anon you have to let go
Did she say "hemure"
do not bake please we don't deserve another thread
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got a problem with that?
chyaaat is this real?
this was a fun thread bros
Gunpowder makes all obsolete
No sir
>the virgin battle strategy mass reach/ranged weapon user
>the chad single melee combat weapon user
this one wasn't even half bad
Could Crassus somehow win carrhae?
not fighting horse archers with heavy infantry
I know it's nice to think about comfy times
It would need another commander besides Crassus (rich, but useless) so I guess not.

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