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▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
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Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
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Previous Thread: >>86259573
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I want to smoke weed with Saya and Hime.
hime mocked the French I love her
The cutest slut in Phase Connect!
just use a flail retards
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Archive of last nights karaoke for those that don't want to fuck with mega links:
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would move in with hime and our 26 children
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10 white boys penetrating deep into hime's castle
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Lumi's ass
What kind of job would you have in Hime's castle
Lumi wishes she looked like this.
If anybody is looking for some audio to enhance the Eimi spanking stream.
I'd like to be a palace guard
Thanks, also wow Odysee finally got lightmode huh
Don't do it anon, these shit are money sink + soul crusher, theres thousands of abandoned castle in france nobody wants for even 1 euro
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In a row?
our 26 kids will pay for it in time
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I love Runie
She a cutie
Shoveling shit
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>he uses lightmode
symmetry is the death of creativity
>shit are money sink + soul crusher,
Thought you were talking about the wife and kids at first
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Thinking about Jelly pissing again.
Why does He May's palace have so many chimneys
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is this a debut?
I'd be the stable boy Hime's in love with but we have to meet in secret because I'm lower class.
Idols dont piss
Working in the kitchen would be pretty cool
That too
yes, no, yes, no, yes?
kek she knows.
no what would make you say that
mega idols do
lots of ovens
i bet you like those designs that have socks at different heights
t. six millionth anime girl with asymmetric leggings
when are we getting the real 3D debut?
The royal pussy punisher
If your girl doesn't have asymmetric leggings, is she even a real vtuber?
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It works for Wemi, she a cutie
Regalus Big Brotherus Rex
How long before the heavy stone walls built on the water's edge fall into the moat?
Airi is not allowed in the regalia kingdom...
[Hime News] Cripples forbidden in the Regalia kingdom, this include Airi unfortunately
>Hime: "No cripples allowed in my kingdom"
>Hime's castle has several chimneys

Hmmmm noticing...
chimney sweeper
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Sometime between the release of the Offkai concert and Pippa's next missed superchat reading stream.
Rie yelling at her gardeners after changin her requests every day
Hime: I don't want bushes
>everyone fighting about which metal stick or branch with string is best at shooting
>Me up on the walls crushing retards with big rocks
Is regalia a 10 square km european tax haven desperately clinging to its monarchical form of government?
I wonder when she's finally gonna do that
Chat, is this real?
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chat chat chat
don't do my nigga Liechtenstein like that
the monaco of phase world
Lichtenstein & Monaco are based.
Royal Consort
>me when I see some fag at a high altitude lugging rocks up a wall
>do this to him with my bare hands
Right after her new song releases, of course.
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>this user is underage
>pippa said she saw the dino puppet guy (kinda funny kinda funny!)
>thought she should "reach out"
>and so she did
>Hime's archgame is weak
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State your business peasant!
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
Royal Advisor
I love momma runie's eternal pot of seafood gumbo.
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Here to rape the princess. Do I need to take a number like last time?
Royal impregnator.
The Royal Tailplug Craftsman
I have come to fornicate with the princess
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Thanks. Did she cry or anything?
Dammit Pippa I need you right now
I mean with 26 of them it's kinda hard to not be

>theres thousands of abandoned castle in france nobody wants for even 1 euro
Because they were all built centuries ago and people only built them back in the day as the best form of regional defense. The Star Fort made the castle obsolete, that's why we stopped building them.
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You know what time it is
I want to join the royal breeding program.
I chose to believe she was one of the people complaining about it here
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I’m here to take this castle
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NOW (Literally right now)
Kannagi Loki (14:00UTC | LIVE | Live A Live)
Himemiya Rie (13:00UTC | LIVE | Tiny Glade)
Gram Pico (13:00UTC | LIVE | GTAV - RP Server)

Remilia Nephys (16:00UTC | 25m | 3D Donghua - Wemiko)

Nasa, Tenma, Michi, Lia, Iori, Uruka & Pippa (19:00UTC | 3h25m | 3D Chibi Models)
Ember Amane (19:00UTC | 3h25m | Members Only: Building & Chatting) Will probably be later
Muu Muyu (21:00UTC | 5h25m | Something with bright lights?)
Runie Ruse (22:00UTC | 6h25m | Bayonetta)
Hakushika Iori (23:00UTC | 7h25m | Members Only: Zatsu - Handcam)
Pipkin Pippa (01:00UTC | 9h25m | ???)
Himemiya Rie (01:00UTC | 9h25m | RP: Camping with Hime)
Himemiya Rie (03:00UTC | 11h25m | Model Café Building - Handcam)
Kaminari Clara (06:00UTC | 14h25m | Kings Quest 2)
Gram Pico (11:00UTC | 19h25m | Rust - TGS)
Ayase Yuu (11:00UTC | 19h25m | TBD (Time = placeholder))
Kokoromo Memory (13:00UTC | 21h25m | Drinking & Snacks - Handcam)
Runie Ruse (14:00UTC | 22h25m | Morning Coffee: Lumi Flavour)

VTL (12:30UTC | LIVE | GarbageFes (Losers' meme matches))

>Saya will guerilla FFXVI at some point today
>GarbageFes bracket https://files.catbox.moe/lo86mk.png
>Hina is on Hiatus until the 10th of October

Girls without a current schedule:
Michi, Erina, Airi & Loki
nah it was pretty sweet actually
Pippa what!?
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Do I cheer for Dizzy or Slugma?
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>This user is Aoi Moi
Dizzy is Dizzy.
Slugma is the doctor she plays on TV.
How long is her list or is she caught up?
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Thank you hostage, you are our greatest ally
my bet is probably when she finally does her 2.0 debut, just she seems to memory hole the whole idea of the 2.0 so it'll end up being next year and then we'll have to wait another year for her FPI outfit
i like uruka's one ear headphones
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The Queen's lover and Hime's new daddy
>couldn't even set up the rematch
Wtf is the point of the splits?
To job and make us look better.
whatever you do, the omnidizzy always wins
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Now I didn't come here for no princess pussy. No I came for some BITO BUTT
So we can do this the easy way or we could do this the hard way.
The choice is yours
B-buit anon... I poop from there...
/pcg/ vs /tsunx/ on the relegation league
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And you drink from here too but that ain't gonna stop me
I see you've chosen the hard way
>we're going to lose garbagefes to Tsunx
Time to stop baking
/pcg/ - /tsunx/ 0-1
it's already over
Someone should make her sing a real cringe song like a little piece of heaven, that would be fun
I prefer San Marino. It's this teeny tiny little country, basically just a town by a mountain, that is an independent republic, with a population of about 35,000 people. It remains independent pretty much solely because throughout Italy's history, there's been an understanding that San Marino should be preserved as it is the world's oldest continuous republic. Except that one time Napoleon was taking over Italy and he was convinced not to occupy it because the country's Regent became his friend.
Actual bullshit.
How long before pico goes rabid and gets another red card?
I'm not sure, but it has to be massive.
The last time I remember us getting a number she was something like 10-12 lists behind. This was as of last year.
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>make her
if anyone could make pippa do something we wouldn't be in half the messes we wind up in
Divegrass fucking sucks
I want to paint Himes walls with my cock
Your Princess Eimi is in another castle
Not right now you don't
Pico literally gave that away
Did I just accidentally trigger that seethe bot? Sorry.
Well it LOOKS nice but look how exposed so much of it is.
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>why are you cut?
Buckos are just better bitos
How often does Hime masturbate
We lost to tsunx...
maybe divegrass just isnt for us
Oh wow... We lost. What a fucking shocker.
how the fuck do you score 0 fucking goals in GarbageFes
what the fuck
>/pcg/ loses, Arsenal wins
gooners keep winning
>those failed saves
I'm going to stop defending Pico-chan from the Pico Rape poster now
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Do Americans really?
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Pico is ours now. Hand her over.
>Hime streaming
>everyone talking about divegrass
You pieces of shit wtf
sorry but I'm a white heterosexual male
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GG /pcg/bros
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I'm not though, my dad didn't want me to be even though he was.
GG, I wanted to poach post the spider if we won
I don't like Hime's streams but illbe damned if I don't think she has the sexiest design in phase. I dream of dicking her down.
They're gumis, anon.
Nearly every morning after she wakes up from what she admitted on stream, two hour sessions
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You are Us
I guess Remi is cancelling
She has outright said that touching herself while reading doujins on her phone used to be (probably still is) on the first thing she did in the morning.
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I never had a choice
Fools! You can't handle her power!
Post tummy Ami cute
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Hime, Uruka and Muyu are admitted near daily schlickers
I think she's a good streamer but the design doesn't phase me
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I like her alt outfits
Yeah, I prefer her other ones
I think Regalia SUCKS
[Wemi News] Storm took out the power again.
I mean it couldn't handle one little...what killed her parents and most of the staff? A plague?
postern defense status?
hime is too perfectionist
Hime's defenseless postern...
Lumi doko?
I guess
gg bucko
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Why are you ugly?
People are gonna get their superchats lapped by a year at this rate
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She drew this, Ami indeed cute (and smeels good)!
It's a palace, it can't be sloppy
Could Castle Hime survive a Muslim onslaught
Mr. Brosnan...
A palace is just a castle inside a city, I don't see no city
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Groom of the stool
Pippa karaoke vod?
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Why are our goalies always so fucking braindead
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People having been telling us he and archivebro are the same, and were really pushing this hard last weekend especially, but then I saw them both last night during the book club...
Reminds me back when I used to "mod" oblivion, I would just dump 3D assets in the overworld and edit armor textures to make up my own kingdom
then I would wander for hours in these empty shitty castle because i didn't know how to add npcs
good times
thats what Lisaposting does to a mf
probably thought blud was on the team
do you think jelly would be into peegasms?
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2 browsers or a pc and a phone
>simple as
It's him retard
wait people can change their accounts?
I thought you could only have one
When you consider how much of Southeastern Europe fell to the Ottomans and were only really stopped because they overextended supply lines...probably not. Especially if they have this guy.
>be Romanian man named Orban
>have an idea to build the biggest, most "fuck off" cannon possible, a cannon so powerful he believes it can bring down the great walls of Constantinople
>no one in Europe wants to fund it because it's too expensive of an endeavour for one gun
>you go to the Ottomans because you don't care who it is, you just want to build your damn cannon
>they agree to fund, test, and build it
>you use said cannon to bring down the walls of Constantinople
>dies in the most poetic way possible, from one of his cannons exploding near him
Chaotic Neutral personified
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who do you think you are replying to
thats literally archivebro
I know. I'm in his walls.
Well you can't say he didn't die doing what he loved
Wasn't he a Hungarian from Transylvania?
Isn't Transylvania part of Romania? Whatever, either way the man cared not for petty things like allegiances, he just wanted to see shit get blown up by his cannons.
*posts bait about Lumi
I am requesting your best Hime squib.
Old model good
"Archivebro is X" is a loop where the X changes each time.
That's fair. I guess I just don't see the point in that effort. AB doesn't seem so chained to just his duties when he's a mod like some other mods seem to be.
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Himes demure cunt
The ottomans funded a lot of the craziest ideas from the west
>AB doesn't seem so chained to just his duties when he's a mod like some other mods seem to be.
say what you mean anon none of this superfluous shit ok?
[Hime News] No secrets in Regalia. The Big Hime is watching you.
dudes occupied spain for like a thousand year and never made it further but maybe they just needed a bit more time
What's Rie's tax policy?
Cunny hime uoh
Pleasuring her futa cock once a month
Nah. The French were based at one point
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People really underestimate how much natural barriers used to keep people away, the Pyrenees basically ensured they couldn't just march to France without heavy losses.
Reverse Prima Noctae rights for the populace
I'm pretty sure during the last one, which she did for her birthday and did another list after she completed that one, she did a year old list and stumbled upon a birthday superchat she missed and realized that it was his birthday again.
this is why I anti
The Ottomans are not the Umayyads
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Hime currently building hovels and shacks for Bitos
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lol. lmao
What was his problem?
Hannibal lost half of his entire army with that maneuver. It's kinda the reason no one ever tried it again, that's way too big of losses just for a sneak attack.
I think I remember that
How do you reach the inside without stairs or ladders?
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Pippa stream doko?
Did I really spend the last 3 hours watching hime build her castle diorama?
You and me both buddy
I watched 4 hours of hagging yapping while they suck at Civ VI last night
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it is done
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Hime watch out!
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Link me your favorite stream(s) of any Phase girl (I'm new here)
I mean I guess hags doing anything is hagging, but you know what I meant.
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pov you are a travelling merchant
Favorite one stream? I'm not sure.
Favorite playthrough? That's easy for me, Tenma playing Harvester
do you have pippa in nazi uniform?
kek fucking potemkin castle
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>he says, with a painting that outright shows men and elephants falling to their deaths
Hannibal's crossing of the Alps may have been one of the most famous irl examples of "that's just crazy enough to work", but the losses he sustained in doing so probably cost him the war in the long run.
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It's not like you had anything better or more important to do, right? RIGHT?!
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very demurecore
heh ο(=•ω<=)ρ⌒
uruka has one of the best designs in phase
Imagine all the Bito breeding that goes on in there
in 2 hours
where is it?
cans she show it to us?
And yet...
nice trips but let's not pretend this is going to be anything close to a pippa stream
Uruka is trash because of her incessant need to use that awful face toggle
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Haha don't be horny silly boys or I'll use the face.
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Is she trying to make it harder for us to fap to her?
Because it's working, I can't unsee that fucking face half the times I try
Hime castle electric bill...
tonight we'll probably get react or jong, there's nothing special going on
it's all gas powered
I want a doujin where she has that face the entire time, and see how the doujinka makes it work
Uruka and Chibidoki are proof that you must never give a vtuber an ugly model toggle.
she made billions seethe
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Tour of Hime's Prima Nocta Palace
You needed proof to know that?
the only think dizzy has going for her are her tits, utuka's bear ears, especially one with headphones is peak design
Don't get my hopes up.
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Hime is a turret size queen
how did she managed to make chinease seethe? i remember hololive had to bow before chinks and sack coco
>the only think dizzy has going for her are her tits
And the girlfailure
we're talking about models anon. not the talent as a whole
By saying her bf needs to be 5'9'' minimum, making them all realize they're automatically out.
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Did Saya turn into a fish? Why does she have gills?
Fucking hell
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If you're below 5'8 you should be legally required to enter buildings using a dog flap
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Bitos would you live here
Weird oshi for that opinion
Only if hime is in the fuck dungeon
they say that bitos are bottoms but they just built an entire castle with their bare hands in less than 4 hours
Fuck you
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It only applies to men and gypsies
come on, men below 5' should be celebrated if they're dwarfmaxxing
t. 6'1 manlet
I'm saying, Italians are pretty short in general
they should not be allowed to leave the house without an adult guardian
The Hime paddle
Legal Hime spanking
the pocket mexicans that watch phase will never recover
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Why are so many people againts the idea of the one goverment world? I think it would be so based
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Shoulda drank more milk as a kid
she hurt the feeling of one billion people (minimum sentence: execution of seven generations of her family)
only if i'm the one in charge. most of you would be flogged tho
Centralization is corruption, especially with nothing else to check it. There's not even the church's morality in parallel. Complete nightmare scenario
Hating on short men is fucked up behavior.
because it only takes one retard listening to a woman to ruin everything
currently what is happening to all of us
more like fucked down
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Rate the princess
Rate the demure castle
Rate the game
Rate the stream
thank you carlos
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Because the people who want it are my enemies, and not my friends
I would literally die for regalia/10
very comfy all around
good stream
>Rate the princess
>Rate the demure castle
>Rate the game
>Rate the stream
9/10 didn't get rid of the vine at the gate
not a star fort but it was ok
can't believe I watched 4 hours of that shit, very cool
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Where’s your gun nerd
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If you are, as a man one of the following, you should be chemically castrated

>shorter than 6 feet
>dick smaller than 6 inch
>make less than 6 figures
>have brown eyes
>have problem with addictions like alcohol, weed, nicotine, gaming, gambling etc.
>does not have a license and own house by the age of 25
>have a criminal record
>have a mental disorder
>cant grow facial hair
weak setup
Now make a woman one
Looking at a weather satellite map gives you a pretty good idea where Wemi is
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Wow its like Townscaper but 100x better
>tfw I pass everything except the dick length
now make her hood rat with ghetto ass weave
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Wish she hadn't dropped it almost completely for the chinese dress. The original model just has more sovl. It highlights her better, more down-to-earth traits while her new outfits highlights those traits people have been complaining about. Your dorky but beautiful Asian college friend vs that beautiful but snobby Asian woman. I know she loves her heritage, it's beautiful, and I'd passionately ravage her any day either way, but her charm was her relatability despite different backgrounds. She can still be that way in the dress, but slowly people are beginning to subconsciously associate her shortcomings as a person and streamer with it. It's like it's cursed or something.

This is AIslop, but it really encapsulates what I see in and love about OG Uruka.
>shorter than 6 feet
Okay nice

>dick smaller than 6 inch
Okay nice

>make less than 6 figures
In a year

>have brown eyes
Okay nice

>have problem with addictions like alcohol, weed, nicotine, gaming, gambling etc.

>does not have a license and own house by the age of 25
Okay nice

>have a criminal record

>have a mental disorder
Okay nice

>cant grow facial hair
Okay nice

Okay nice

I am almost your ideal femanon
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Later losers, I'm gonna go fuck Hime in my dreams
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Phasers are the best livers.
That shit off the coast of Manila look crazy
send me a soundclip you want her to mimic. it has to be fairly clean to work.
sleep tight lil bito
i think headphones are the thing that really give it SOVL.
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I thought she was in awawa land?
>have brown eyes
Y-you do realizes that's every single POC, r-right femanon?
my brown little seakitten...
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Actual non-conspiratorial, non-meme answer?
Because the world is too big and complex for a one-size fits all solution. People in different regions have different needs and priorities which means the only way a OWG could work is with a federalist system. Which if that's the case, it's basically the world we already have now but all the countries have to report back to I don't know, the UN or something for higher levels of legislation. But it would also be an incredibly inefficient and slow system because you try responding to the needs of EVERYONE IN THE WORLD SIMULTANEOUSLY.
The world is unironically just too big with too many people for such a system to work.
there's no way that clipped lq audio will ever translate via AI to pippa's voice. it'll just sound like a cursed robot
Yeah ok femanon, I guarantee if I make you laugh once you'll say "I'll give him a chance"
Chances this collab is shit?
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Did a bit of backread. JP Bros liked my SS? That made me really happy.
Thanks for going to her wanwanwan
Phase talents whose eyes are not brown irl?

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