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- Megas:
/lig/'s Archive (Non-Paywalled, excludes HoloNiji)- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA

Ask in thread for options below (Including paywalled cards)!
Horny image maker: https://twitter.com/Wataaamage
Koi image/video maker: https://twitter.com/koi_s3
VTuber/Hololive Koikatsu Card
- Koikatsu Database: https://db.bepis.io/
- Pixiv Releases: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/バーチャルYouTuber キャラ配布(コイカツ)
MMD VTuber (iwara.tv)
- https://oreno3d.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#1)
- https://erommdtube.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#2)
- https://mmdfans.net (Iwara video cache/archiver)
Subscription Site Archives:
Patreon/Fanbox/Gumroad/etc. - https://kemono.su/
Fansly - https://coomer.su/
Catbox : https://catbox.moe/ (200mb max)
Litterbox : https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ (1Gb Max/temporary storage)
Ignore that I forgot to put "Edition" this time
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He ask for no pickles
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Is Mori's cock bigger than San's?
Britty Titties.
Gonna need more Jimmy lewds after that sex live
Depends on if this Mori is Futa Mori
If so then absolutely yes. He can't stack up to the scythe
Now that I think about it San being bred by Futa Holos sounds hot and like something I'd wanna see
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You promised!
I'm pretty sure I've seen futa Sana breeding San.
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Yeah these ones. Hopefully someone makes some more stuff like this

Sorry, anon. If it's any consolation, we were four posts from the bump limit.

Question of the thread: Which holo's pussy exerts the most crushing force when she cums? Which holo has that vag that tries to bite your finger off when you make her scream?
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I love feminized women!!
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I need to breed indonesian women...
Nice cute pilot lewd
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It's the principle of it.
This but unironically.
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>>86286553 (me)
And this one too.
Chubby stuffs!
Which members would be the most enthusiastic for a theoretical nijiholo shota exchange program?
Suisei, Noel, and Mori among others on the Holo side
Which shotas would they exchange?

I think they could easily swap Hakka and Flayon for Ren and Alban. If we're open to ex-members, then Kyo is a dead cert.

As for the Niji ladies? I feel like Elira, Aia and Reimu would be open to trying some fresh meat.
That sounds like a good exchange
And I'm certain these companies could afford to bring in ex members.
So how about exchanging Kyo for San? Sounds like a good deal. I think they would have lots of fun with those boys
I wonder how long it would take for the ladies to ravage the boys' bodies
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Come on, anon, you got better options than that to run with here.
COVER of course sends over San's rocket and the pilot to the Niji girls, and in return get to borrow Suzuki Masaru(pictured above) and Suzuya Aki.
FYI the Niji lady that gets the most excited about it is 100% Suzuka Utako.
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Those sounds like great options and I 100% agree sending over San is practically a requirement if you are doing a shota exchange
What do you think each of the girls would do with the shotas once they got their hands on them?
Alright bros, I come to you in a time of need. I need to expand my selection of artists to commission porn from, so pls share your favourites (preferably on twitter and with comms open, ones who can draw good butts and aren't averse to horses )
The Holo side would start slow; true-blooded shotacons like Fubuki and Noel would gravitate towards Masaru, treating him gently, likely Noel starting things off with a paizuri while Fubuki goes for some kissing.
Aki would catch the interest of Mori and Suisei, with Mori getting on all fours for him, and Suisei slowly guides and encourages him forward.
On the Niji side of things, however, Utako immediately snatches up the fresh blood and goes for an intense, feverish marathon double penetration session. It lasts for hours.
In what fucking world are Ren, Alban or Hakka shotas?
I like that idea.
Would all of the girls be able to dom the shotas like San and the others?
On the Holo side, most of them are kinda softies, but Masaru is one too. Ones like Noel and Choco would take a soft lead, bouncing their asses on his lap while holding his face between their chests. Aki would catch the overconfident ones off guard, though; Marine or Kronii would get overtaken and then fucked until their brains turned to blissful mush.
For the Nijis, it'd mostly depend on who else is there. They likely wouldn't be prepared for something like San's rocket; girls like Moira, Nui, and Claire, who would be expecting a sweet inexperienced boy to pamper, would instantly get pounded into submission, while ones like Deron, Dola, and Hoshikawa would put up a valiant effort but give out in the end.
Utako's the only one who would outpace them.
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Oh no you don't
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God that's so hot
Can she handle the rocket?
That sounds like something I wanna see
I'd love to see all those chuubas having fun with shotas like San
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thick ladies in kimonos are the big sex.
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sex with chocolate erogaki
These horny vtuber trends are ridiculous
Reine sex
She'd go in overconfident and get pounded into the mattress
I feel like that's how most lewd interactions San has with Holos goes
No dying while I sleep.
man, san's got a lot of pubes.
God I wish that was me.
Which one do you wish you were? Futa Sana dicking San or San getting dicked?
Hope San gets to go for Mori if Flayon's gonna take be using the IDs for a while
Sssh. Nobody tell her
Yeah... no chance in hell
The only thing those condoms are good for is decoration
San 100%
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New Stuffs just dropped
These stuffs are too powerful...
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Yopi dumpy
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anyone have the leak for this?
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sorry I meant this
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Having naughty thoughts about his gremlin
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Anons, I have an important announcement. I have come to believe that Raora Panthera has the most luxurious pussy in all of hololive. There is no doubt in my mind that her vaginal juices are perfectly thick, and flow like a river, that her labia are so perfectly soft as to be like silken cushions, and that the depths of her vagina are so captivating that you would rather just wait for your dick to go completely flaccid in her after you dump your load and collapse on her titties than ever pull out.

Other holos may have the pussy to drive you wild for sure, but Raora got the kind of pussy you want to live in. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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Best Holodoujin of the year right here for this page alone.

Wait she has a tail?
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Dude it’s enormous how could you miss it?
>Wait she has a tail?
What you thought it was?

stuffa stuffa

Oh goodness me, a rat trapped in a perfect mating press position, whatever shall I do?
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Nui's big honkin titties.
What are those? Nipple piercings?
Nope, they're her titty curtains.
>Yeah... no chance in hell
Even if she can't handle it she's getting it anyway alongside every other Holo
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And they're only getting stronger
Or Maybe ID is in general
I do wonder if they added a new gen what niches/fetishes would/should they try to entertain...
Gotta keep their (low key) reputation as the sex branch afterall. I've only had a few ideas though
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Cute, she think's tha'll be used
Percisely. I can imagine a few of them being high-level enough to take the rocket well or even seek it out on the rarer side
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I'm starting to think the TnA power of the HoloBlondes may just be too strong in general across every branch
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Damn that Kizunass! One of the more interesting panties, for sure
>Percisely. I can imagine a few of them being high-level enough to take the rocket well or even seek it out on the rarer side
Who do you think could handle the rocket the best and who would handle it the worst?
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(literally) stupid (literally) sexy (literally) Miko (metaphorically) baby
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Tempting debiru~
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Same here. Dibs on the sexy alien buttslut
Need horizantal paizuri after her recent cover with Ollie as correction for trying to rile me up like that in the morning~
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First 3 off the top of my head
Best: head-"seiso" Sora, high-spec Roboco, and THE idol Suisei (but only at first)
Worst: (easily) Ollie, Shion and Pekora (but her ranting through it might be the only thing that could keep her from breaking entirely)
Oh I could definitely see that. Sora seems like she has the most experience dealing with big cocks, Roboco's body seems like it could adapt to the size, and yeah Suisei would only be able to handle it for a bit before succumbing to it
Also definitely Ollie breaks easiest. She'd be mindbroken by it within minutes of taking the rocket. Shion would for sure activate San's brat correction instincts(you could prob throw Gura in that category too) and cause him to break her. Pekora also sounds like the type of person to be smug and then broken by San. Maybe he can cover her mouth to make sure she gets broken
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No dying de gozaru.

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Breeding indo women with huge western cocks! (mine)
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But with me, actually.
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No me.
personally i prefer to see the opposite, san goes in all confident and ends up not being able to handle the insatiable appetite of a shota-hungry oneesan or hag
That's 90% of /ss/ though, shotadom's way rarer and San feels like he's a perfect fit for it with his big rocket
That's also a good scenario. Seeing an oneesan milk that rocket for all it's worth and make San whimper as they use him is also a really good way to go
I feel like San's design and personality make him very versatile. He's very self confident so you could have him dom or have him be dommed and it works
Whether it's with girls, futas, or other boys it's still hot
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Yes please.

plot twist: San tries it on with La+ or Bijou and just absolutely gets his shit rocked
I kindly request some Fubuki /ss/
Imagine them comforting, kissing and petting Olivia as she lays on her back taking a dick for the first time...
For a second, I had thought you'd meant to post this in drawthread, but I realized no, you're just asking for anyone to post some.
Don't have much in my collection, personally, this is all I got.
(Laika's done a few Foobs /ss/ sets in the past, though)
(...and even a Kuro set)
NTA but we do have KK users here so he could have been asking for them to make some
But yeah he probably just meant for anyone to post some

>Ollie and Sallie cuddling up to Olivia, nestling their modest tits on her shoulders and cooing in her ear.
>"that's it, there you go. Just relax now, we've got you. The hard part's over now, just take your time and work out what feels the best for you."
>"you're doing great, girl, just tell us if he's going too hard or too fast, and don't be afraid to ask him or us for anything"

Oi. You. Yes, you. Stop appealing to my cuddly romantic consent fetish. Chuubas are for rough, violent sex only.
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>Olivia leaning back into Sallie's boobs using them as a cushion while Sallie gently teases Olivia's nipples, Ollie laying kisses and compliments onto everyone, Olivia getting more and more into it as the initial pain fades and letting loose as the pace increases
Chuubas are for lovey-dovey gentle sex (for their first time)
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>(for their first time)
Afterwards it's to fill them with my caffeine stick.
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I like the way you make scenarios. I think a more interesting question would be who could actually be equal partners for San
In which case I'd probably say Okayu, who's chiill and specifically durable enough to take a pounding, the 6-10+ hrs long grin-session-ing blacksmith Kaela, FWMC would constantly have to tag in and out or double team San to keep the other from a totally 1vSan domination
Nice San Ollie brainrot. Glad I was able to save all those webms since I lost the link to the archive. But at least I kept the individual links
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Here's that archive for you
t. the author
>I think a more interesting question would be who could actually be equal partners for San
The Okayu one is a good suggestion. She's a very chill person so I imagine San starts fucking her and then a lot of time goes by and he looks at her and she's just as chill as before he started which would cause him to want to go full force on her to try and make her crack. I could see that ending in a tie or a very close victory for either of them
Kaela would definitely take a while. I feel he'd be able to make her moan like a whore easily enough but to actually fully break her he'd have to go for a while. I imagine by the end his big balls would be fully empty and he'd be pretty tired and he wouldn't be able to gloat once she broke so that'd be a tie too or whichever one could stand up by the end.
FWMC would be like one of those boss fights where you have to beat both of them close to each other or else they'll just tag out and rest. I could see him doing both of them at once. Dick in one and fingers or tongue in the other. Then again they could also double team him. Sucking his dick while the other rims his ass. Making out with him while he fucks the other one. Or maybe a paizuri from Fuwawa and a rimjob from Mococo. Again San's only chance of victory there is breaking both of them in close succession. Otherwise they overwhelm him with strategic tag outs. So another close one
>since I lost the link to the archive
Which archive?
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Thanks a ton. Can't get enoough of that zombie and that dumpy alien ever since
Right above you, in case you didn't see it
I like my version better
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Oh ok. And thanks for the compliment >>86375856
I hope you enjoy my description of Okayu, Kaela, and FWMC kek

>not liking Enna being bullied by Obsydia's immacualate tits.

I say I say I say, the boy's got no sense, he don't. He's all stupid in the head like crazy coocoo, makes me wanna talka some sense into 'im.


>Olivia leaning back into Sallie's boobs

Lowkey my favourite position for two girls.
Pink pubic hair tickling my nose.
>dumpy alien
Iofi is my favorite shortstack alien too
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I like where this is going...
Breeding Indo brats with huge western cocks (mine)
Honestly I'd say marine might've been a bad influence on her but considering she was always (wanting to be) more risque there's actually a threat of it being the other way around
Oh don't worry I did. The FWMC was the most vivid. Especially with that duel-boss battle analogy which is pretty much how I invisioned it
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Based anon. I really wanna probe her so bad. She's quite the tease, even when she doesn't mean to be. Especially with all that ass~

this makes me wonder if Ina is actually the odd one out in holoartists, where the other artists are all thiccc and she has no tits or ass to speak of.
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Correct. All the other holoartists have huge tits and/or ass.
All of them.
I want to fuck Anya's fat sweaty tits and feel the impact when they come back down after I thrust
You gotta understand.
I'm not greedy
I'm a simple man and all I need are Selen's dragon tomboy booba
KK anon, I summon thee. I desire only to see Kiara marking Reine as her territory. The specifics are up to your interpretation.


I'd say justice for Ina, but Ina is already justice.


Okay, I hear you, but you're missing the bigger picture here, which is Enna being bullied sexually is funny.
Cute gang
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Yet that's strangely (or not so strangely) part of her allure. Each girl has their own I guess
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>have to have vigorous loving sex with a cute curvy shortstack for the rest of your mortal life
Oh nyo
I like the idea of Ollie having two colors of nipples and asking you which color to suck.
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Likewise. Imagine plapping those massive sweaty saggers. You could go horizantally, upright lying on her chest, reverse while getting serviced or just plain old upwards while on her lap
What face would she have I wonder. Sexy anticipation, boredem, disgust? Anything could work and everything would be hot
Ah yes, not just a virgin "killer" but a hopefully not literal virgin "slayer" hehe...
Now I just got horny thinking of that spur-of-the-moment greentext I wrote about Anya giving me a fella-paizuri under my work-at-home desk
>That look
>That sag
How shiny can I polish Anya's butt? I want to use a powered hand polisher.
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I'm sure'd have have to spread her equally well-sized asscheeks and keep hotdogging until all the sweat and pre get her glistening
But of course, I'm sure the blacksmith would have an idea of course
Man I did not miss koikatsu video rendering
Especially when there’s a chance you look at the final product and it turned out shit
New Suisex just dropped
And here I was thinking of using power tools to wax polish her butt until it's so shiny I can see my own reflection.
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Nice. I'll get too it later after I get over the last Myth collab
Do you think it beats Loveit?? That one was peak (Sui)sex for me and nothing's beaten it yet
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No why would you go ahead and do that when they're much funner ways of "polishing yur dagger"
I'm sure we all have our "tips" though the context of the word changes with who's "tip" it is exactly~
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Almost forgot my favorite set

>FBK's ass and pussy gripping the condom so tight it stretches and tries to pull it off San's cock.

Jesus fucking christ that's hot.
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Have a Goddass.
Is Moira
From NijiJP
cute and sex
rough crowd, huh

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