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Ninja Goes Down Today Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is collabing with Connor, Our goal for today is 69 hours on the timer.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/xCookieHana/status/1840189475441275052

Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi
Vods - https://rentry.org/pm9cnw8r
Pixels - https://canvas.kyubae.com (Ended)

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86287537
>my dad said
>i want to ride a bike just like your-
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Is mouse stalling playing a game cause she wants to talk more?
>-very fancy Best Friend
Best Friend!
She has to leave soon to take meds.
It is quite obvious. She used the 'Connor your chat should help decide' to have an excuse to stall to chat.
>Girls who play dead by daylight are extremely toxic
Damn, she's pulling from the archives to get at him
mouse using monkes promises for things is ironic
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Maybe it does help visualise it better when I move Kai forward.
>You're gaslighting me.
>I'm gaslighting you.
Man is fucking cooked.
Mouse if your going to bully him about doing what he said he would we better get last years goals.
That's closer than I thought, it would look even better right at the vertex of the angle on his curve.
I bolieb.
And yeah that's a better visualization, I would reverse the y axis though, to remaining days.
This is if we get 16.3k the next 2 days and 22.8k on the last day
If Lud disappears at some point we all know why
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Subs have come to a screeching halt.
the monkesperg calling monke abusive is retarded
It's a very toxic relationship.
I feel like Mouse doesn't want to play satisfactory, she keeps probing for something else.
I wish she would be more honest sometimes. Monke may like something but he is completely willing to play something else if Mouse doesn't like it.
She doesn't. She just wants to chat.
It's so close I can feel it
We should probably have the main rally in the next two hours, otherwise people will start going to bed. And Mouse, or Mouse and Monke, have to actually talk to chat for it to happen.
Hope we just do it right now.
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Like this?
average Latina relationship with intense breeding sex after
he told her 3 times what she wants to do.
Meant for >>86318706
Satisfactory it is.
I want the uncensored one
at least catbox it
Mouse, please turn Monke down.
Bubi on Monday
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Yeah, I'm not sure there is one. I don't see a link to a patreon and the artist's twitter got nuked at some point apparently. Maybe the artist just can't draw dicks.
mouses fantasy of bubi and monke double teaming her.
Bubi on the last day, smart move mouse
big push
Scratch that, I need monke down and mouse up.
Looks right to me.
>smart move mouse
Not for the last push, the very last push should just be Mouse and chat until after the cap.
>You're going to swallow it?
>I'm going to try.
This convo man
It should just be mouse for the rest of the subathon. No one else ever. No, no one else ever again. Only solo Mouse forever. No collabs ever again.
You need a better goal for beating 1st Mouse
No I don't agree, but the last push should be.
Worm and handcam is a huge goal, what are you talking about? Mostly handcam.
Yeah I forgot about hand cam
I don't care what you think. Solo only forever. My Mouse.
There is a chance we end up raising the record significantly rather than barely beating it.
Fuck off.
There is a chance that I win the lottery tomorrow, too.
So cute that she wants her Best Friend to call her to comfort her during a handcam stream when she musters up the coverage.
No, my desires are valid.
Is Mouse okay?
No, and Connor is not helping.
She's heavily medicated and feeling like shit.
this Is why he's the goat making her feel better
Worm goal sucks ass. It's just embarrassing her at a large event. I'd rather her be proud if we accomplish this and have fun interacting with people.
Another reason to hate TTSfags.
Just a little down
But Connot is making things better
you must hate mouse a bunch monkesperg it's weird
If Mouse did a hand cam stream I would be super proud of Mouse.
If she ever did one without gloves, I would cry like a baby
Bro if she does
I'd feel obligated to improve my life for some reason.
Wait, is that fucker donating subs to his own channel during subathon?
Is that a problem?
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Connors rightful place in Mouse's crotch.
Yes. Gift on Mouse's stream.
>If she ever did one without gloves, I would cry like a baby
I hope one day she's confident enough with herself just like Nyan but even if she never is I will still support her staying Mouse forever. That is the great thing about vtubing can you can choose how much you want to share and when.
I hate to break it to you but everyone goes there now anon
He subbed 2 times 5 for mouse and did one for himself so test his luck, mouse also gifted herself 5 to test. You sound like a retard.
Gang tats would make it easy to identify her, the gloves stay on.
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Adding to the collection.
his name is tattooed on her ass
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Mouse is such a little slut shoving everyone into her crotch
Someone should make a compilation we have so many of these already
Mouse please do another fanart streams you always get so many more when you do them consistently. Please at least once a month.
Never forget with who this started, for like a whole year it was only connor then she started putting nyan and after all her friends
Its a solo goal so its not happening.
she occasionally still cans some people on the side thank God but so far all the girlie's don't get moved
So we've already gotten, what, 5k today so far? Good start!
I still remember it was portal 2 she was so zooted kek
that was one of my favorite old clips. she gets hella zooted goes all cutesy and says I'm putting you on my lap, he calls her cringe, and she puts him far way. then the infamous chocy milk happens and he gets put back there where he has been almost always since.
in my recommendations SWEET JESUS
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I'm not even gay but GAH DAMN CAKE
Gonna be tough tonight if we don't go soon.
padded bike shorts.
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So do we think we can beat Ninja before she goes to bed today?
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My biggest heist yet.
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I came I stole.
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It will be hard but if we really push for it maybe.
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These things are always confusing and should include the date of the debut.
>You can be my angel
What did Mouse mean by this?
>I need you Connor
What did Mouse mean by this?
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I’m a cuck
don't be
what was the last best 100 bonus?
+ 88
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someone didnt like that kek
you got them perma'd 16 minutes later
wonder if they said someone that got hard filtered before appearing in chat or a mod did not like that one off comment about connors fugi position
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I hope that tweet of Mouse doing the afk face while slap your dick played has not stopped her wanting to do the afk face.
kumo 100% he's a mouse gosling
I just checked some other channels and this dude is just a genuine sex pest
seen worse but prob on the way to saying somethin worse
what would the context of that kys be kek
Any lowlights?
is it cause he called her a chonker?
Do you think Mouse has a few stretch goals for if we overshoot 306k
No, she is making up most of them as it goes on. I don't think the current ones for reaching number one were planned.
what tweet?
they mean Vtubers OOC's tweet, but it got barely any traction or comments
How'd he not get it for the KYS comment? Someone must have missed it.
Daki goal next?
I don't see why it would.
bubi angel only
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Less than 30k boys
then it's the end game
Decora please. It would make such a good daki
I think it was during Dead Space when she was getting overwhelmed. But it isn't smart to type KYS.
Thank you Mouse
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it's happening
worm daki incoming
Chat chooses
NO please no
daki-anon will become an anti
Well it is all but confirmed not nsfw but this is something at least maybe
kek get fucked daki anon you better tts it soon to get chat to ask for a real daki
Please let it have a r18 option Mouse and chat please choose decora or pudding.
tts or get fucked
How is she still confused that chat is just memeing about the worm?
god I hope chat picks potato
just to spite that daki anon
I would not have this opinion if you weren't so fucking obnoxious, if it happens it's your own fault and bad karma for spamming this thread on the daily
it's not a meme.......
You know multiple people have asked for it?
I want a daki and I've seen others asking too, your spite is misplaced.
Did she built anything in the game yet?
I think there's an argument for worm or gremolin daki because mouse's audience has a lot of normal people who wouldn't buy a daki unless it's an ironic one because unironic dakis are mid-level cringe
I think Mouse's regular audience has a lot of people who would want a real daki.
I bought the ugly daki and would love the potato daki in lewd positions kek.
Could we just get a normal pillow/daki publicly, and make an r18 one on the hush hush & only advertise it on discord or something
her demographic Is 30 plus
Normal people don't watch and anime girl for 16 hours a day.
The normal people are causal viewers.
Even if it Demon Godded, Decora or Racing Princess I'm not a Daki guy but power to you guys
Best case she can sell Worm small pillows and a model daki
you could commission art and make a custom daki.....
Yeah worm is already getting a long pillow it would be a bit unfair to have 2 meme ones.
I don't care for one, I just want daki anon to stop crying about it
its chat choice If u want to sway voting for a sexy daki you need to TTS it like 5 gang this subathon
It is a meme. But they're autistic about it like redditors.
The issue is the ones that do aren't as vocal as the ones pushing for memes which includes Mouse's mods.. Who are bad enough about it that even Hollow called them out on spamming.
If they use the same site it just has a toggle on the store page to change to nsfw. So just advertise the sfw one and if you go to the site you'll see both.
Unironically anything is better than the last Daki lets be real
tbdesu it's not, I don't know the most recent time she talked about it but jan last year it was 45% 18-24. however her audience is at least 20% women and while yes some will, most women won't buy an unironic daki
Anon right now it's between a worm, a potato and a rubber ducky. Are you sure?
She'll have to run the poll on discord or twitter if she wants to know what people actually want and aren't meming about it
Decora would unironically make a perfect daki it has such a comfy vibe.
you just want to fuck it why you lying lol
It will probably be a strawpoll or strawpolls like they did the last things.
biggest lie on the thread
How would it not make a good daki?
It's also basically the subathon model.. It's like the only one with more screentime than the fucking worm and she debuted the chibi version.
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POLL TIME ON DAKI. what do you want and do you think it would sell
No like most of these games one of them ends up building stuff the other collecting stuff.
Mouse seems to love the model too so I think she would be happy with it.
how bout regular ass pillow option
A strawpoll would be perfect for this, they can set it to allow multiple choices so we can have "Approval voting" instead of "First Past the Post"
if u want a daki you have strike during poll on tts chat gets swayed easy
They would need multiple polls.
Pillow or Daki
most of the time mouse is the one building so nice to see it switch for a change
Demon godess daki with alternate version on the other side
I hope she gets clickdraws to do the art
ALEX we know you're fucking here. We also know you like Underworld Goddess. Use your TTSfaggotry for good for once, you've gotten away with being horny on main many a time.
mouse did say a while back she wants one to be done by them
Considering its mainly just commissioning the art I wish she would just get multiple made.
She has so many models and everyone has a fav.
I thought he was horni for wwe?
this was more just for info gathering from this thread, we're quite different from the main audience and so I'd never suggest our outcome affect an actual decision about this lol
I do think this general has really good suggestions and stream commentary that might be worth listening to sometimes because it's not an enforced hugbox (mouse's chat should be enforced positive though, better for her vibe while live) but don't take the majority opinion here as fact
nta but I don't want a Goddess one as much as some of her others.
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>Daki goal added
>Chat and oilers dropping subs unprompted
I want godess for her bf to have it in his stream background
She said before she would be unhappy with a parter getting off to her model. He wont get one.
it's been unprompted all day and night lately
If Mouse isn't comfortable with a nsfw daki of herself do you think we could at least get one of Bubi?
nsfw or sfw or both
Not this much, they were just drips every now and then unless prompted.
she got that model for his tastes and it looks like her irl so W
Kayooot embarrassing him with compliments
he kept demon godess art from his wall and mouse knows his down bad favorite model is milf.
She's been hyping up this next song so much I'm really curious how it is going to sound. Also will this be the time he actually sings?
He's said multiple are his favorite
Weren't those goals that were met LAST year?
>I hate this double standard
Then just say whatever you want Mouse
mouse tries to be a lady in front of her man
that's so he doesn't get in trouble
He gets weird sometimes when she makes lewd jokes and then says stuff like that himself.
She should just say whatever she wants and if he says stop in that embarrassed way he does sometimes just ignore him kek
I loved that Hime Mouse and Connor collab where her left the call because both Hime and Mouse were being sus as shit and he couldn't handle it. Funniest thing ever.
NSFW daki if it reaches 169 hours when subathon ends
tbf hime is a different realm but has calmed down
Yeah but Mouse was keeping pace with her and it was really funny, I love Mouse being like that sometimes.
>I'm coming for you Connor I'm coming to you
What did Mouse mean by this?
That was some funny shit and she did it all the time on purpose and pretended she did not know how it sounded.
Clipper killed that.
>Cumming for her oshi
She's just like me.
I'll be honest, I'll be a little disappointed if chat chooses a normal pillow.
>Matching twitch bonuses
Interesting strategy could still be a fucking lot of subs.
I won't cause you guys are pussies for not TTS your wants
Are you the same person who keeps telling spergs to message Mouse?
And still does
That stream was unhinged but he started it and that gave Mouse the green light to.
pissing has me dying
That laugh at the end is like pure gold.
I love Mouse's degen humor.
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>Glance over at Connor's stream during collab
>Chat is moving at a snail's pace
>His one mod is watching Mouse instead
best 2nd monitor content
henya dead dayo o7
she's just having a hardcore goon session during a bathroom break she'll be back soon
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It's just a pregnancy leave.
I can only pray that chat comes to their senses and vote a good model for the daki. Picrel.
We can get to ludwig if we push 15k/day.
>good model for the daki
The one she's using now.
Anon we are going to destroy ludwig
I'm expecting most of her friends and acquaintances who go live any time in the last 24 hours to raid into her and encourage dropping gifts, and she'll be catching QT's concert raid
Even without that we are on track to destroy ludwig the real question is if we can beat kai
Its possible but we need 5 gang to become 10 gang. We'd need all of mouses large creator friends to signal boost the last day. Golden kappa would be cool, and whatever backpack man has up his sleeve.
Mouse really needs to push higher increment increases on the timer and more often. We are still 41 hours off ninja atm.
After this collab I do hope she makes a bit of a push for 69 hours then the real goal of 72.
five gang doesnt need to change but the call for it from a tts could increase
some of the big oilers dropped subs a few times, could have called for a match but i dont think send tts at all
And then another 41 hours off lud and then finally another 65 hours for kai. Honestly the more I look at it the farther kai seems. Especially with less than 2 days left. I'm not convinced a final push will be enough without both a huge amount more people donating and at least another couple of oilers. But I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
I think we will be close enough to really push for it as long as Mouse says to push for it.
The cap is at 3am on the 1st et
But if we are close I can see Mouse giving us more time since subs don't expire until 7pm but its best that chat thinks the real cap is 3am
We really need a rally
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ironmouse is sexy
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disgusting never post again
beautiful keep posting these to make the sperg seethe
>space marine model
chat submitted goal
bruh she has like 25 designs from the contest winners that are better than a fucking space marine
it better be slutty or potato
What happened with Ram Ranch
Mouse please say the third place record so people know to go for it. We are 14k off it right now.
Hey, if Zoran could do it, so can Mouse
This we could hit it today if motivated.
Yeah this is the only issue with putting only Lud's record up chat doesn't know there is another easier record they could go for right now.
Fuck the stream reset is going to fuck the momentum isn't it? Though luckily with this reset the next vod should be the last vod of the subathon.
I don't think Ninjas needs to be an screen but she could mention it.
It could be useful for new people joining especially since it is morning US now
Space Marine Mouse should be the daki with an armorless swole Mouse on the back side.
I think sometimes it take a bit of time to kick off the big drops is people checking their bank accounts.
Mouse you don't need to say ninjas name but once we reach 259 it would be good to say we are 10k from 3rd
Thank you Mouse. Though you really should get the 3rd place amount on the screen after the vod reset. Only chance it will happen.
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wtf would Dune Worm Mouse even fucking look like? I feel like this was accepted without anyone really thinking about how one would make this look good or cute.
Why did Mouse skip that song. I thought she like that one, She sings it.
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Mouse hates silly afk faces
We need tts matchers or 5 gang
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Highest bonuses still unchanged.
i think it would be best as a toggle for a worm model
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how about gremolin?
She should do a more simple model like a gremlin or chibi for this.If she wanted to go with something high quality could it be easier to have an already rigged model head thrown on an armor made by a space marine artist?
short stack armor then maybe
I don't see it hitting 270k before she goes to bed
Yeah I don't think we can make it. If we have a good babysitter and she puts the target on screen we might have a chance at making it before she wakes up though.
We would need to push a lot.
I instead want it to be drawn in a grimdark and edgy 90s style to a comical extent. Y'know like W40k in general.
I'm not really a huge stat data guy like the other anon but is there anything interesting people are looking for? If I'm not feeling too lazy I might add it to the bonus calcs.
john blanche art mama when
What kind of data source would you be working with? Sub counts or something else?
It's so over
I'm just scraping twitch logs from one of the logging sites. So anything twitch says in chat for example:
[2024-09-29 12:16:01] #ironmouse twitch: We added 2 Gift Subs AND 1 Bonus Gift Subs to Tiri0n13's gift!
It also shows who gets the gifted subs. Not much extra data but that is all my lazy ass can be asked to do atm.
I kinda wish Mouse had tried to tackle a subgoal before bed. Not gonna be much time at this point and she already has like three things lined up after she wakes up that aren't.
Chart anon here.
What are you thinking of?
I have personally downloaded all the chat logs and am going to pull loads of stats from them for subs data. Like I did at the a while ago
I couldn't think of anything which is why I asked. I guess I could also do like a quick top 5 or something. I don't have chat logs downloaded so I'm working with limited data from when the extra subs started. Whatever you do will be much more than anything I could do.
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I have a sheet I'm working on with this sort of data.
This is something I put together before.
Most popular subathon phrase based upon the main keywords. Cock, mountain, moon, timer, gang, etc.
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Nice then I'll just stick to checking the top bonus subs to keep it simple. Maybe add a top 5 like I said or something idk. Thank you for all your work btw very comprehensive.
Not something I can do unfortunately.
Sorry for hogging all the stats
I'm a lazy motherfucker so it's good someone is doing it. One day I'd like to get a full chat log going for Vshojo eventually but knowing me that isn't happening anytime soon.
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I could maybe do something like this but the effort might not be worth it.
That is millions of lines so I couldn't realistic deal with it in excel. I could maybe load them into a database and pull whatever data I want that way but like I said lot of work.
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This will come in handy.
Probably not worth it. It was the only thing I could think of that could be interesting that wasn't already covered.
make a bunch of variations to use on connorsperg
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mouse can you do something today besides begging hours
Im obsessed
We are in the finale hours. we can do shit after.
all its turning her subathon into is a begging pity party with collab spamming
I want us to beat records.
I'm fine with this and its fun anyway.
>raise the timer because im having a bad day
>cock raise the timer
>moon raise the timer
wheres the fun?
Secret track?
Number go up fun
>mouse completing a sub goal let alone one from last subathon
lol lmao even
>wheres the fun?
Clearly not in your life
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What does this mean exactly? How is a secret track any different than the songs she hasn't teased?
Her album is originals so probably not.
go get addicted to osrs if no conversation and number going up is your definition of fun
You win
I prefer rat.
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So I decided to mess around a bit and ended up with more than I thought because there were a couple of interesting names here. Here is a top 20 based on the most amount of added subs by twitch at once. mayastarfh in particular seems to be by far the most lucky oiler and lily, rae, and mouse herself all got pretty good rolls.
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>258k subs
>still dodging gift subs
I'm not salty.
I hate Crime Scene Cleaner
That's what chat wants. All they ever talk about is raising the timer and fucking the moon. And if they do it there'll be an extra week of Mouse with zero begging.
>69 are we going to do it?
She said videos as well so I'm happy with that
>And if they do it there'll be an extra week of Mouse with zero begging.
This. we do 2 days with lots of shilling then we can relax maybe get some solo goals done.
Mouse completely forgot she was supposed to co-stream QT's concert didn't she?
When is that again?
>Mouse completely forgot
the answer is always yes
It is at 7pm est I think so she has time.
damn maya really getting their money worth. crazy amount added.
it will instead be jumping from collab to collab while saying she forgot she said yes to another collab when she said shed do something like videos or dead space
Well, it's an original album.. So maybe the bonus track will be a cover?
I don't mind it that much and she's played it this far so she might as well beat the game and add it to her list.
lol thats absolutely not happening. shes going to sit in the cleaning game until shes ready to fall asleep again. its like the 5th time just this past week shes said videos
mouse just skip the boring as fuck concert co stream
Mouse I'm looking forward to the co stream
I mostly hate that it isn't a goal game and should have added it. I really don't want Subnautica, Dead Space, whatever other goal game to become New Vegas.
Shut the fuck up
shes already supposed to sing we dont need her staring silently at the screen for 4 hours
nah the concert will be fun to watch with mouse and she'll maybe get to sing for them if qt is doing what I think she is
>Mouse trying to bias the poll
>Its not working
Mouse you’re not going to influence this poll. Give up and watch videos. Crime scene sucks.
Veto chat. Do it. Show them that they hold no power.
For once chat was based. But I bet you she still plays cleaner. She's trying to get chat to tell her it is okay to play it anyways as an excuse.
kek normally vote with her influence but not for that game
BTFO, get veto'd by Dictator Mouse.
>the poll was a lie
Maybe the subs I was going to give at the end were a lie too
qts not doing anything for mouse without gun or someone from vshojo there
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Mouse if you don't feel like it then why do a fucking vote just say you want to do cleaner. Jesus it isn't that difficult. Votes are supposed to be things you might actually do. By doing it this way you just seem like you are being spiteful to chat for no reason.
the poll was a lie like all the sub goals she said shed do too, oops time for another collab my bad tee hee
Mouse if crime scene helps you sleep why not do some videos first then crime?
because she knows she doesn’t have time for both despite saying she had time for both
Mouse if your going to fuck us on the poll at least take your sweater off so I can enjoy it.
yeah that was kind of rude. why poll something that is meaningless all it showed was that chat wants things mouse doesn't which isn't a surprise to anyone.
Damn mouse if only there was something you could do while afk for 45 minutes while you relax and do meds like videos.
You know I don't even feel proud for calling this it was so obvious it was going to happen.
Meds only takes her like 10 max usually
Did Mouse just almost leak new members before Halloween?
45 minute lead up and an extra 10 minutes means we’d get almost a full hour before she falls asleep.
it was an interesting way of saying that michi would be there this time but idk about a leak
ratt Runs poll to prove /here/ wrong that people want videos over CSC but it backfired
You guys are weird
I'm taking it as a yes for /in/ posting purposes because she said members with a hard s and a pause.
She's done that before so not much of a ratt. The difference is it worked out in her favor before. I remember how smug she was about it.
>This game is really relaxing.
>I always wanted to clean the house.
>My mom never let me clean the house
Latina house wife, complete with gaslighting.
How mad is everyone going to be when they realize the extra gift subs don't count as revenue for the streamer?
>don't count as revenue for the streamer?
They do
Has that been confirmed? I'm not terribly concerned about it, it does mean less for charity, unfortunately but that won't be able to be blamed on Mouse.
You really think Twitch will effectively piss away their cut of all gifted subs for a week? Dream on.
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I feel sad for the people here who type like they're talking to mouse, it makes me sad to think what kind of mental illness resides in their head. its sad
tencent is paying
give me some of that retard juice
You got the wrong idea. Twitch is robbing Riot/Tencent blind and splitting money with streamers.
There's probably none left kek
hope you enjoyed your 30 minutes of pity content. now back to sub begging
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It was great. I like sleepy Mouse also fuck off.
I wanted videos but with how fast she got tired she wasn't going to watch many more anyway.
If Mouse has time when she wakes she could push for 3rd right then.
I hope its nothing serious.

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