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Fuck You Fatman Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Zen is LIVE! And is yapping. Sunday. Sundays are comfy days in VShojoland. Other than that Froot is LIVE! And is playing Fate Trigger: The Novita. Which is basically Fortnite if Fortnite had only anime girls. Finally Mouse is also LIVE! And is napping at the moment. Nobody's in call right now but that could change at any moment! That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/crazyBmonkey/status/1839079102680072380

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86347576
I love Michi so much!
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fatman is still around? I thought he was vaporized?
what the fuck how did we move down page 10 that fast? I was just about to post the new thread link in the last one and then i see it died on page 10 lmao
first for cinna's a weaselly little bitch
fuck you mata for giving me a mommy fetish
too late bitch
Cinna did it.
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What about Miilky
he watches Giri now
Who is fatman?
a bomb
They focked.
Makes sense that he would go there, actually. His constant negativity and hate for the streamer he watches is acceptable and even desired there.
Your mom
Was a mod for zen for a long time. Mostly an asshole from what I remember
she gave me a huge boobs fetish
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pay attention to the second voice anon...
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Moose spotted
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Haruka in Froot's chat
Zentreya's talent manager Johnny told her to put on a non-booba outfit. (Gamer Sweater)
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Almost 5 hours later and Haruka finally woke up
I'm actually getting worried...
Sounds like Mei's mod ajingus, but ajingus is funny.
That Johnny? Me.
Was a mod, made a comment during a react stream "I'd rather watch isis beheading videos" and was immediately demodded, banned for a hot minute, came back as a VIP, then de-VIP'd and left.
Oh wow, you are telling me that in Twitchcon Mata and Giri (and Onibro) were together? What's next, Mint and Mata shared germs? The Earth is spinning?
Is mata our moonmoon?
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He's telling you that Mata and Giri FUCKED
nigga this was yesterday late at night and giri was sleeping. KEK
Zen might show a sneak peak of her upcoming model after her sponsored segment. But also. Zen may have the game Froot is playing and it sounds like she wants to join Froot and Haruka. DragonFrootCock bros, we're so back.
Thats happened a lot over the years. As far as I know hes still around he just doesn't talk as much. If he actually left that'd be surprising because hes been around Zen's chat since pre-Vshojo
Onibro was in the next room catching up on his Gamers Nexus backlog. He had to put on his highly-recommended ANC headphones when Mata and Giri started fucking too loud
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Simon is that you? The clip is from two days ago, yes, but the stream is from the fucking debut that happened 9 days ago
You fucking retard.
No, Kson is our Moonmoon.
go back to your shitty forum, you fucking buffoon
come on, they were clapping so loud for him that he got victory royale.
Stop mentioning him. He is not a plus. He is barely a Minecraft plus. He will never join VShojo.
Just leave before you embarrass yourself more
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Its over
i will post /s next time
>he locked in when Giri was getting clapped by Mom
What a fucking stud, dude
That's my streamer!
is this game froot playing chinese fortnite?
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>1 minute apart
>"it's a joke"
Picture time, smile.
someone need to take care of rock chan
gameplay wise it's a mix between Apex and PUBG, but graphics wise it's definitely similar to Fortnite (minus the anime art style and colors ofc)
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anon everyone here knew it was a joke but you. Get checked for autism you unfunny retard.
where is geega
doing my taxes
Has said anything about the goongoon situation?
she said you are a faggot
oh god cursed mix... but being fair i liked old old old old pubg it was fun to watch streamers doing stupid shit. Today is meh.
I forgot to type in geega wtf
Has moonmoon said anything about the Henya situation?
i want to fuck limes. Good afternoon everyone.
please do not sexualize the Laimu
tell her to stop being sexy
It worked. I saved us from the spammer. You can thank me later.
Watching that Giri clip and remembering Michi and Kuro being on stream together makes me feel so lonely but at the same time I don't care
Maybe so but I turn off my feelings and go about my day
Do you cut yourself?
Nope, never have never will
massive amounts of fapping is not healthy anon.
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Gooning to Grape, Saiiren, Zentreya, Geega, Meicha, and OBkatieKat. Who else do I goon too.
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Mata spotted in Froot's chat
Fuck off we're full
Ari in a few hours
Seethe retard
I want to impregnate Saiiren so bad
Moose doko
Back to sleep
She used all her energy to post in chat, and went back to sleep
just geeged in my pants
>guy named Melon Hunter
>pick the character with the biggest tits
true to his name
cyberpunk still crashes i see
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variety today
GTA recap stream
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It's over
Haruka, it's been one hour now...
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Based holy shit
I believe that the stamp event was made specifically to make Haruka stream. It's not gonna work.
Haruka loses with -3 stamps.
it was Geega's idea and she wants to force collabs to leech of the other members again after she destroyed her channel by spamming gta for a year
Did Geega consider that she could just DM them on Discord and schedule something
It was literally Mata's idea.
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nice game
Hololive tier coombaiting
>"Chinese game has jiggle physics and shows off more curves, panties, boobs, and ass than even our IRL coombait streamers? Perfectly okay!"
Also Twitch:
>"Cover up them underboobs you British slut".

And YouTube is worse. Censoring everything except the advertisers and their shitty borderline porn mobile games.
YouTube sucks extra hard
You'll get age-gated for literally anything

I remember the days of watching ZONE's flash porn on YouTube and them barely giving a shit, and now you can't even say a no-no word
Get on with the time, grandpa
there is literal porn on youtube, what are you talking about
the old days of masturbating to "sexy girls kissing" and japanese cocksucking ASMR on youtube are so long gone
Just got absolutely manhandled in league
bet you liked it you little slut
mata and (briefly) heavenly in mouse's vc btw
>Just got absolutely manhandled
>in league
I would rather kms
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I already miss Froot huuuuuuuuuuuu
When Haruka goes live, spam her with messages about the Stamp Rally. I want to bait her into it
Stop lying
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>when Haruka goes live
>mata has 5 meetings this week
>most of them require prep and making some form of document.
>one of them is a concept for a new podcast
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>When Haruka goes live
>When Haruka goes live
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All because a Swede said nigger on a bridge.
GEEGA has reached a new hagness: sleeping in her desk
I wonder what's the idea for the new podcast
geega is so small
Hags don't sleep at desks
Hags sleep in their beds drunk off box wine
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i just wanna say that i appreciate you detective anon(s)
And don't forget the "death to all jews" thing
To be fair, that one was a bit making fun of Keem
GEEGA is talking about us
it wasn't really because of those incidents themselves, but because the posterchild of youtube, the most subscribed channel, said that
there was tons of small youtubers at that time (well, there still are) that said and did way worse shit, but youtube and their advertisers didn't care because they weren't a blip on their radars
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Henya status?
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Fucking dead
too soon, anon, too soon
what did she say about me?
safe and effective 8th booster
I would say that I hate these /pol/ vax conspiracy jokes, but I'd be a hypocrite because I can't help but have a little giggle when I see people making fun of it by posting "vaxx status?" under shit like the announcement of the death of that terrorist leader who got blown the fuck up a couple days ago
Did geega say anything about goongoon?
fuck off already
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Good old days when Zen was lewd
Where's the money Frootbowski?
Why? just asking a simple question
So aren't those dm's with Cinna from the last thread quite good for Froot? Putting him and his character aside, they confirm her version of events with regards to Cinna, confirm she hasn't paraded as his wife in their community, clarify why the marriage was legally a sham. He is also talking about being convinced by some proof the abuse did happen, but it's not clear if he's talking about Froot's doc or something else entirely.
Most importantly, it shows they guy won't be sticking with the military dude and making shit up. If False reached out to him, he might even talk. And there are some interesting questions False could ask him (like additional evidence for abuse, old dms, contact to their mutuals, aboit the leaked photos). If False wants to get a shot at some real journalism, here's his big chance
you're all discussing a lot of topics I don't give a shit about. Be better vsj
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I miss Henya
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>Mata can't remember who's /in/ vsj
Are we not entering enough anon?
Too much traveling and eating sushi
>So aren't those dm's with Cinna from the last thread quite good for Froot?
In a way, yes, however, he's not doing it for her. He's doing it to cover his own ass. Pretend he's just as much a helpless powerless victim as she is (some of which he blames on her). The reality is he's a cunt and the single reasons he's had so many antis ever since.
>however, he's not doing it for her
Of course, I see that very well. But that doesn't mean he can't help.
Tabs desuwa
I don't care, anon. He's the cause and continues o obsess over her to this day up to and including not so silently enjoying the hate she was recently getting. He doesn't get to "help" now.
i'll still speak about mei here
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Why doesn't T2 or T3 subs not add more time than a T1 sub?
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Because the record is based off sub count, not sub points
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Love my yandere wife
Because it would lead to a lower total subcount
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CINNA doesn't give a shit about anything except not being publicly associated with the drama. He won't try to clear Froot because he fucking hates her.
What he wants is to get to cause trouble for her without people outing him as the one doing it.
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No one wants you here
retarded weekend anti with the same old shtick
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>At least zen spam is on topic
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Brother, is Sunday, you need to do something with your life. Let enjoy geege
Yep. Whether he "helped" Froot out by more or less agreeing she wasn't cheating on DeSynch is irrelevant.
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See how his issue with the video was that his voice was recognizable and his name and avatar weren't censored?
CINNA wants to hurt Froot, but he doesn't want to be held accountable for it.
Forgot that that turbofaggot existed. Thanks for the memory, I guess.
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Mata not Live! Why not?
>the best vshojo member has logged on
GEEGA is trying to pimp Haruka to moonmoon
Babysitting Mouse's chat right now with Heavenly and Froggy. She's also doing work for presentations or whatever for this week.
I'm out.
(You) me if geega says something about goongoon
Yeah, out of your mind
Why is Mouse sleeping on Zen's stream?
i wish this person made geega porn
I want to bruise that thrussy
Does that make me crazy?
I wish I was tiny so I could latch onto her fat latina nipples with my mouth like a leech and I could hang off her breasts like nipple weights
Like the male and female anglerfish?
This but Zen
This but Froot's dingleberries
Oh yeah? Well I want to latch onto her and devolve into essentially just a set of impregnating testicles like a male anglerfish.
you guys use skin care?
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I do not. Other than standard bathing.
yes, my routine is not going outside into sunlight
Male. Very minimal. CeraVe face wash followed by glycolic facial cleanser, followed by an exfoliate, followed again by the face wash. After drying off, a lotion with a 30 SPF for the day.
what are we raising?
daily? I thought peeling is 1-2 a week thing?
You're not even paid.
The glycolic stuff is a twice a week thing. It's a wash, not a mask.
I believe in taking care of myself, in a balanced diet, in a rigorous exercise routine.
In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an icepack while doing my stomach crunches.
I can do a thousand now.
After I remove the icepack, I use a deep-pore cleanser lotion.
In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser.
Then a honey-almond bodyscrub.
And on the face, an exfoliating gel-scrub.
Then I apply an herb mint facial masque,
which I leave on for ten minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.
I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol,
because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older.
Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
I barely clean myself
As a follow up, I started this in college then a week later a girl told me that I had nice skin and I never stopped after. Still riding that high.
nah, still look mid 20 in my mid 30s
just work out lmao
Who will get married first, Vei or Nyan?
Will they stream their wedding?
Vei. No stream. Nyan after. Yes stream, but the wedding will actually be an extended bit. The actual wedding happened a week prior.
>he doesn't know
>to who?
can I come for the free food
I would watch an Aethel Nyan wedding. Vei and Soda would never stream it.
There is an idea of an Anonymous. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours, and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable, I simply am not there.
Until he really apologizes instead of trying to gaslight everyone that he was a victim all along, he deserves to stay suspect. His "cuckfroot" stalking and doxxforum history need to be shown more widely.
will you bring a gift?
ffatman like my oshii goldeen tigeerr very basedddddd>>86364614
based moose>>86364668
isnt it a bit gay tho
meanwhile vei's currently in a brothel
fuck you bitch ass cheater liar
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stupid immortal sluts need pi ishemeny*FDEEEEPPFRYSRTRATED SIGH*
>Kinks Unzipped
What's that?
i'm watching limes and why the fuck hackerling has such an innocent and sexual voice? Fuck man, i don't know if i get horny or pat her.
zen fansly stream
geega femdom joi
kson lesbian sex
haruka literally any stream
michi hand holding
hime ntr
mata calling you her good boy
Her new podcast that she'll be putting on Youtube. It'll be prerecorded content.
What's it going to be about? Sounds like it would be explaining different kinks.
it's about the kinks of women who are so fat the have a zipper in their chest for fast access to their hearts.
if it's that can she explain looners
that one never made sense to me
It's been a while since she's talked about it so I don't remember the specifics, but I think it's a rebrand of the Lewdcast Podcast videos she used to do. So yeah, she'll be talking about different kinks and their history and things like that.
Fetishes rarely make sense even when reasoning is explained.
You can do both at once
it's a sad thing really. It's a fetish for people who were molested as kids in close proximity to their birtdays. Look at the studies.
>It's a fetish for people who were molested as kids
Many such cases
honorary vshojo
The fundamental problem with explaining things through traumatic childhood experience is that it's both a just-so story and the opposite explanation tends to make just as sense. That's more than just average bullshit.
All vtubers are honorary vshojos.
Geega will never be. Honorary or otherwise.
Geega is such a slut she belongs to everyone.
I came across a thread from 2021 and people were discussing in it that Zen was only interested in collabs with big names and she didn't give a fuck about smaller creators
>open geega stream
>hear her voice
you will die tonight
I came across a thread from 2024 and people were discussing in it that Anon was only interested in sex with big penises and he didn't give a fuck about smaller penises
Can't even remember a time where that would be the case. Was a specific collab mentioned?
i want to fuck my shortstack Italian wife till she cums her brains out
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This anon is just like me fr fr
Geega should become coombrained like Mel.
Couldn't've been me
I love playing with smaller dicks and think size queens are dumb
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We know
i would die happy
Geega should gas me
September 2021 when she had a mental breakdown
Top 5 whores in vshojo
1. Froot
2. Geega
3. Hime
4. Kuro
5. Mel
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kson if she was a 30+ male streamer
Just like goongoon
Need more Geega the Gestapo
Creative bankruptcy
>Heavenly has ordered a Henya cosplay
Has Kuro even explained what this debut is supposed to be

He just started tweeting a countdown like we're supposed to know what it is
Massive Kaho Mammaries. That is all.
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Sounded like a thread shitter and lol looked and the very last stream before Zen went on break?
>Left 4 Dead 2 with Saruei
lmao I remember Sarueiposters being the absolute fucking worst. Though only a few days before that was Mario Party with Bunny and Bahroo
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I've seen her JAVs did they get even bigger since she retired?
New model
So Kuro's doing his new outfit stream on YT weird choice
I'd be a fool if I said no.
is that a pirate hat?
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He's doing it on both
her javs stink. She's bad at sex. I wonder if she even regret doing them.
Will Geega do the the same thing to him as she said she did to that other pirate boy long ago
That's even weirder. Dual stream was never good.
He was a pirate in another life
Yeah, he said it was something like a soft reboot combing Kaito with Kuro
He's not going to be pale anymore and instead tanned. But not a shota
His main audience is and will always be YouTube.
Kaito and Kuro are going to have explicit sex on stream and give mbirth to nu-Kuro
Also should be noted that was sort of the original plan.
he's probably aiming towards anyone at this point. Which is funny because even he's kinda low, his audience prefers Twitch now
It's a common strategy for AV performers to pretend to be bad. It lets the audience feel like they would be able to help and guide and show them something. It's an earlier and simpler version of a streamer pretending they can't remember some simple detail from earlier in a conversation or game and asking their chat. The chat leaps to answer the extremely easy question, and hundreds or sometimes thousands of people get to feel like they personally helped their streamer since she was obviously reading their message out of the pile of them and answered directly. In general, audiences respond to helplessness and inompetence in a figure in media they like with protectivness and helpfulness and similar emotions, so exaggerating those qualities amplifies parasocial feelings.
When is the Mata + Doki collab?
Kaho is so mid
bro sees a game of checkers and thinks he is watching 4d chess
I just need a post-JAV sex tape to leak.
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No she's going to call him a sissy now instead
>a streamer pretending they can't remember some simple detail from earlier in a conversation or game and asking their chat. The chat leaps to answer the extremely easy question
Michi does this, especially in collabs. She had people convinced she didn't know what an octopus was.
all /in/
Jesus those hips movements.
Known and accepted + Arielle live for her sex model debut
Gentleman is sexo time.
Merch. Always merch.
thank you dear
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New Ari tease
cum inside Arielle I will
Because she was gagging on my meat
ohhhh... i ... ari... i... Fuck
>pretending to be dumb
I watched her cook eggs in a sandwich maker once upon a time
Which vshojo girl is smart but pretending to be dumb
Reverse that and you got geega.
It's just content like any other
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Btw if you ever wanted to know the K9s audience location

Kuro also said that Michi has a 60% NA audience.
Get the fuck out of here you fucking bum
geega is the opposite
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I'm gonna by her plushie so when Mata releases her, I'm going to make them kiss
Which vshojo is a sex fiend but pretending to be prude
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Look at this simp
Every one of them climbed to the top or near the top tier of a new industry, with no guideance on how to make any of it work. Some of them, like Hime, are from wealthy families and had a safety net in case they failed, but in most cases they were ruining their CV and making any future career much harder by even attempting to do this. They made this high risk, precarious leap, and landed it, when hundreds of thousands of others tried the same and failed. Whatever you think smart is, it has to include people that manage to do that.
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Which vshojo is black but pretending to be white
I watched her cook plastic onto chocolate with a hair straightener in the same stream
I watched her get confused by aluminum wrapping on cheese on another occasion
>Good morning
Ari, it is 6pm.
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By this logic every big streamer is smart, which is just not true.
Its called being lucky
Mel's private patreon stream is live if you have access to that.
Michi is of average intelligence and pretending to be profoundly mentally retarded.
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btw Mata might yap in an hour
no promises
Getting into something at the right time to take advange of whatever you can gain by being early is smart. Someone like Asmongold is an actual idiot in almost every respect, but he got into streaming and built an audience at the perfect moment and will be a top streamer for the rest of his life. That's smart. That one act. It doesn't say anything about his overall intelligence.
Currently, jorkin my cog to Arielle
She's got the grippers out entirely. No shoes at all
Asmongold is not an actual idiot. He's smart or at worst a midwit, just an ignorant know-it-all.
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No clothes either I guess
Good lord
Will Ari eat a ban?
Reminds me of Nyan's final boss model...
Is this true >>86380857
If she grip I grip.
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Oh sweet jesus
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I think so, even though she's got all the important bits covered from what I can tell.
The absolute state of /lig/
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>tardvestigating michi
Ask them for a source
tasteless and decadent
Nah, she won't, the entirety of her hips are covered and that's what got nyan
Moderation is really uneven on this stuff. But she's following all the guidelines they've ever given.
Worst of all he was artificially shilled by Youtube thanks to Night Media's influence.
Lore compliance! Holo Sorceress overwhelmed with power.
That black stuff? My cum.
You should get that checked out
the dangly bits on her glasses genuinely look like someone busted a nut on them
First of,
>believing /lig/
But it's part wrong, part right.
Both said they stopped communicating like in a daily basis, basically a "Happy *insert event*", they reconnected in the pandemic, and began reconnecting until Haruka push her into being a vtuber. The last part is not even right, Ari was around Haruka when she was still active then died again
Dick destroyer
where feet
Found a unicorn. A JP silverfag
Moose on Zen's stream btw
The tits kind of fuck up the concept. It's supposed to be like, a goo or corruption spreading over her body or whatever but for her tits it spreads across her cleavage like a normal top
Mans clearly likes big boobs, based.
She said it's her "losing control over the ability to shape her clothing"
I am not into feet but holy fuck stirrup leggings are fucking insane
It spreads across her crotch like normal booty shorts
That's strange, I don't remember this thread being called /+/.
It kinda reminds me of EmmaLlama, and she never ate a ban for it
Ari should be fine
Who's gonna tell him?
>losing control over the ability to shape her clothing
So her clothes are made by her magic too? So if you mindbreak her she cant even cover herself properly?
Henya wins with everyone in that competition
my dude lit still think she's in vshojo
Buy an ad amma
>Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them
>and Vtubers who frequently associate with them
Ari meets the qualifications.
The anime Mel wants to watch on stream is Shimoneta. That's a good choice.
If she stays lore accurate, yes. If you mind break Ari, she will be at a minimum unstable, possibly naked, until she comes to.
If she were actually mindbroken she would be some kind of alien monster, not just a naked human. Her lore isn't locked in, but she's basically a monster with amnesia, like Nyan. She could embrace being good and help people or have a villian arc where she goes wild.
>I don't have many friends
Friendly reminder, /lig/ was revived because anons got so annoyed that a Sarueifag spammed the thread with her outfit debut they dedicated themselves to making sure it lived. If you want to post about a /lig/ that isn't doing anything with a Vshojo, you have a thread for that.
There's a reason the 'who?' hits so hard. I hope people can think of this person when they're making mean posts and just not do it, or at least be gentler.
Friendly reminder, lick my nuts
>Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them
that's a Japan problem in general
You mean to tell me she's wearing a SYMBIOTE?
Not really. She IS the symbiote.
Nah, but you can sure go back to /lig/ you desperate loser.
Make me tough guy
Ari leeched well when Haruka went down. It's a cut throat business.
Nah. Bake your split, buddy.
/lig/ already exists retard.
what the fuck is /big/?
Defund the plus department! /j
/lig/ split for 4views.
Black Indies General
/lig/ but actually /lig/
/lig/ finally split because people who actually like big indies were tired of 2 and low 3views taking up 90% of /lig/. So it's 4view indies only which Ari falls into but she's still a super + so anyone saying not to post her here is a shitter
Friendly reminder, you are entirely capable of baking /vsj/ and posting 100% exclusively about vshojo in there
Blacked Indies General
You ever read the OP of /vsj+/?
>Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to [discuss] VShojo and [vtubers who frequently associate with them]
Ari is a Vtuber that frequently associates with Vshojo.
APAL (All Pluses Are Leeches)
back when we had bunny posters too, I saw a rare one yesterday or two days ago posting here
But her outfit debut has nothing to do with Vshojo so it's /lig/ content.
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I hope he has a nice time watching who he likes and makes some friends.
Will it last longer than /mig/? I doubt it.
oh shit it finally happened. i knew this was going to happen eventually.
I'm one of the biggest opponents of the + tag but even I like to talk about other streamers and /in/post from time to time it's my guilty pleasure in this dumpster.
>Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them
>A thread to discuss [...] vtubers who frequently associate with them
If you want to enforce /vsj/ rules, bake it, coward.
It has potential but it needs to last longer than a week or two before people will start taking it seriously
I would use that thread honestly
/lig/ is the split dumbass.
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I wanna lick Ari's pits and fuck Ari's tits
need ari fansly stream
Bake /vsj/ if you don't want + discussion.
+ only faggots getting cocky again.
Go post in /lig/ pussy.
does Michi have dildo?
I love Michi
>+ only faggots
I've been posting about Zen all day. I'm gonna post about Ari now, too
I'll post right here, thanks.
Are those even legal there?
/mig/ was an attempt to pull the 2-3views out of /lig/, failing to recognize that they had already taken over and would not be leaving
It's almost certainly made by the 3AM schizo originally but anything that dilutes the user pool of /lig/ is welcome. Sadly I think it will go the way of /pi/ eventually, I don't think I'll ever get back a medium paced /lig/ ever again.
Can both of you be less embarrassing or is that too much to ask?
Thank you for your shitpost, your effort is appreciated.
If not, there's always cucumbers, broom handles, and the corner of a washing machine/dryer.
no and with videos like this she will end up in the rape camp but apparently she would like that.
Right. It was like someone created /ww/ to get rid of our worst posters, which would never work. Instead the people who actually like large indies instead of 2views are succeeding.
that's it I'm going back to /pmg/
Remove the +, I can't fucking stand it anymore
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Oh my fucking god.
I don't see anyone posting 2views in lig
Asking people to be a little kinder isn't embarrassing. It's basic decency.
god dammit
Imma turn that white real quick
Nobody's stopping you from doing this yourself, anon.
Sadly, it's the only place for indies
she's so hot. shame about the voice.
She had one as Mika but got rid of it IIRC
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>the corner of a washing machine/dryer.
I like her voice, but that's just me
I remember her saying she basically never jerks it anyway.
why the fuck is the catalog moving so fast when we hit page 10 specifically. shit's crazy. anyway new thread
When it comes to Silver and silverfags itt, anything is just (feels like) blatant trolling, even if it's (disguised as) something neutral. Blame silverspergs for this.

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