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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Just Ignore Them Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Zen is LIVE! And is playing the game that Froot was playing this morning. I forgot its name but just look at the OP for the last thread if you want to remember. other than that Geega is LIVE! And is doing an indie game gauntlet. Currently playing Luck Be A Landlord. Meanwhile Mouse is LIVE! And is still asleep, but Riikami and Saiiren are in voice call hanging out with chat and ABOBA'ing. Finally if none of that tickles your fancy then famed + Ari is LIVE! And is debuting a new model! Very not safe for Twitch but I won't snitch if you don't. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/eughfish/status/1840044545960226863

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86364327
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Mata soon (tm)
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Please come back from maternity leave, Henya...
I love Michi so much!!
very organic post
definetly made by a sarufag
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Snuffy love
I hereby declare Ari's + status revoked until she copulates with me
>Ari, how does it feel knowing that people use things with your face on it?
>not any different from when before I was a vtuber.
>Ari calls Quinn
>Yells at him to babysit
Femdom org
I can't imagine living with such a low libido
Butt sex
What org? She ain't fuckin associated with us.
Hentai status?
should stream
>Does he know?
in my ssd
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Sex rabbit
>Gets back
>Kicks him out of the call
>Blocks him
I'm gonna say it
see raccoon. snuffy!
I love Mel's jumping toggle. Especially when she's topless.
Geega is gay
Zen and Ari on each other. Supposedly Mario Kart with Haruka and Blurr judging by Zen's stream title
I want to help Zen improve her mental health
On a scale of 1 to 10: how fucked are you if they turn on trips for everybody and make it apply retroactively?
+ haters devastated
Zen was just doing that new game with Blurr & Moose, that's why he's in the title
You mean id's? i would cry from joy
>they turn on trips
The word you're looking for is IDs, trips are voluntary. And so I do a bit of trolling once in a blue moon. Sue me. It's nothing thread ruining.
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>Zen and Ari on each other

But who's on top?
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Mata live
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Im gonna say it
I have wanted thread IDs on all boards for years
wait he's in Ari's chat now, sounds like he is a part of it
Ari tops Zen. Remember the Dragonfroot days. Zen was absolute bottom.
Geega is a homosexual
2 but it's still an awful idea.
On one hand, I'd love to see shitposters and samefags outed, but also I'd hate to see the honest work I do here associated with my own shitposting.
Your entire browsing and posting history, not only here, but everywhere on the internet is going to be easily searchable by anyone who cares to before long. Obviously for most people no one cares enough to comb through it. But your family or people you work with or who remember you from school or whatever else are going to be able to see it all soon. It might be better to have this happen in stages for people who have done a lot of terrible posting and browsing, rather than all at once.
0-1 i rarely shitpost
What if the it's a couple thing was wrong, but only because it was always Pippa and her dad.
that was plot for southpark episode
10/10 easy filtering
It's never going to happen in a publicly accessible manner. It'd get absolutely swamped in lawsuits.
yeah and some very powerful people also don’t want to be exposed. but intelligence agencies will have or already habe acces to that
I had schizophrenic episodes less delusional than this.
I am not ashamed of my geegooner ways
Mel still has Silver's songs on her playlist.
Meispergs in shambles
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Why tf are you trying to make want to fuck french girls?
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Ok, asshole.
kek, mindbroken
cant wait for my son new debut! im sad his yt video will be privated but at the same time im excited for new things to come. also to that one anon asking why he dual stream, it's because his fan requested him to, but he will only stream for yt during outfit reveal and the rest will just be on twitch. im most excited for his patreon though, so i could have a call with him 1on1....
>his yt video will be privated
what? why?
Because he's a faggot.
I thought her song was called Who? ? I was merely asking my fellow vsj bro if the song was indeed titled who? hence the second question mark. Stop being so antagonistic and actually mind broken
basically he want a fresh start, his current youtube video is a mess so he didnt like it. his vod channel will stay though
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you now remember french melody
I don't remember french melody
ah, got it, thanks
why does this guy speak like ghetto mama
I don't need that level of mental illness. Also I took French in high-school and college so the language doesn't even sound sexy or romantic to me anymore because I can (partially) understand it.
kek, mindbroken
I remember the Lewdcast episode with her being fun.
We are 6000 away from reclaiming #3, and 20,000 from #2.
We are so fucking doing this!
Sure you were, silverschizo.
Take it to your split.
I want a hairy French girl who chain smokes, guzzles wine, and has a superiority complex
What’s wrong with heavenly
kuro is only gay for pussy
There's a ligger(?) that checks most (in not all) of your boxes.
ok but who?
you, obviously
I'm not a vtuber
who is that?
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Gee, what a rare combination of traits. I don't know if you'll ever find someone like that...
and that's a melty
Parasi. I don't know if her obsession with guro and ryona is your cup of tea, but she smokes like hell and she has superiority complex (and she's French).
Gunrun-san, can we please have Captain Hannah? She's fun and will get along great with the girls.
She went full time because she's already /in/
she got off the ship too early if you know what I mean
Would be very ironic after Froot's doc
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I want Giri
>finally clean up the cheating schizos
>get one who actually did it
I dunno about that one chief
Kson would veto
Did you just call a Belgian, French? Better pray that the euroids are asleep anon.
yes, you're not a vtuber
you're a retard
would be a power move
>look her up on youtube
>the first video is her trying a pipe for the first time
nah, i will never forgive her for cuck giandaddy.
so you don't even know who she is either? ok
dude posted on /lig/, he deserved to be cucked
I do know, but I'm not gonna give you any (you)s anymore, because I don't want to waste my time on something that is insignificant.
you really embarrassed yourself with that post. take a break, do something else for a bit
who are all these fruits in the zen stream?
You mean OnlyAfro?
Mel's face when she does anal.
We're full fuck off
>still no answer
I guess she's just a random nobody
we are literally holding auditions rn
don't talk about the legend so careless but yeah, all that situation was ridiculous both acting like teenagers.
uh, did i miss something
What are you referencing? You're gonna have to be more specific.
She was on the phone with her accountant and forgot to mute. Now everyone knows her full real name, SSN, and bank account number.
My wife and her friends
Would rather hear it yelled at you?
Huff less copium
French sluts
mouse was freaking out. guessing from chat she forgot to mute when blowing her nose
vei graduated
>I don't want to waste my time on something that is insignificant.
heh, could've fooled me.
I'm not him.
God I wish that would be a thing. This place would turn into an utopia
What if I wanted her to be Quebec French? Would that be more rare?
smol update on Henya from Mata
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best I can do is a french-speaking slut
From life i hope
I think you're threatening us with good times
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lmfao Mei and Haruka and Quinn
at least not from college
Do not call mommy a slut
Mel showing off the aftermath of another mess she just made.
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So... just the normal existence of being with a French girl?
>anon says "i'm not gonna give you any (you)s anymore", which means "you ain't gonna get the answer you want because you're retarded and i don't want to waste my time"
>retard says "still no answer" and keeps schizoing
nigga what
Jokes on you, I clean my history once every 10 minutes.
If only.
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Even Mel thinks Zen is going to win the collab contest kek.
no more flesh egirls please.
Mel is coombrained and should not be trusted.
What am I looking at here? Is that a chair with a dildo in it?
Mel's coom.
It's something like a pillow that has a hole you can put toys in. She put a towel under it too.
pff, amateur, I use incognito mode
Mouse and Giri hate each other, it's never going to happen.
Her reasoning makes sense. She said Zen is the one always going for collabs even at 3 am in the morning.
you don't have an answer either?
Mouse never collab with Giri
even Mikeneko collab with Giri...
Mouse hate chinese people
mouse tried evanescence KEK
Surprisingly, tried is the operative word in this case.
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>Mouse hate chinese people
explain this
Shimoneta is such a Mel style anime. I'm surprised she only got into it just recently.
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oooooooh spicy
Mouse loves Hololive
Mouse forced Hololive to pull out of the Chinese market.
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Matara Mint and Doki and Lime soon
Cover still loves China however
Mata handcam tomorrow
Can't wait for the merch announcement.
alright, who's gonna be the next one to post it in ~6-8 hours?
Giri is Kson's friend
And Mata's lover.
By the game is wheel of Fortune
Cracked lineup
Froot is British, can she bake pies?
Geega? I wish she would strangle me.
Katie is British, can she bake creampies?
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Moose back with Ari (for a bit, she's going to play Yugioh again)... and she's already gone
Someone fix my moose...
Can Ame join Vshojo minecraft?
In her current form? No. After she redebuts? If she gets /in/ through someone else, sure
Almost a year in and Mata barely gets anything about 40k. I blame Bricky, his videos are absolute dogshit.
Only after Millie does
why ari is playing with my fetishes? WHY?
Don't be silly, anon. It's not smeared mascara, it's just overflowing out of control holographic magic.
Do you guys think haruka got diabetes? Bitch sleeps 16 hours day
shes just hybernating all year round
long covid pls understan
it seems long covid can trigger a bunch of shitty conditions diabetes being one... OOOFFF
what a shame that none of the dozen boosters helped
No. I think there's something going on with her parents. Everytime Zen is getting her she's either sleeping, returning from her parents house, or is staying at her parents house.
Haruka is on bed rest because I knocked her up, we're expecting a litter of 5
same... Since she moved back from where she used to live this is happening. I will be with the logic choice of her being broken and demotivated to do anything about it.
Henya also sleeps so much
anon henya used to awake 5 am for streams. Even when she got covid.
Jonas is fucking talented, no joke.
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The longest sleep there is.
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>People with autism often have a picky eating problem and only eat one or two foods they like.
Maybe Haruka shouldn't have had Tim Hortons as a meal
now this is the + I can get behind
The Jonas Brothers have been back since 2019, silly
But they slap tho
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Zen doesn't have a problem
his singing is boring but he definitely can sing well. probably one of the best if not the best there.
> why does she greentext like this
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how do you die from a children's video game?
>Look at the catalog
>Thread about Gura and Ame's stream together
>Gura said this is her last time collabing with Ame
>Ame said, "For now."
Why does Zen green text on twitter?
anon please. She comes here all the time. Maybe that's why she isn't a mega menhera as before. All the concentrated lust here makes her happy.
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anon.... /in/ posting is a tradition but this one is retarded.
Canonically, CyberZen wouldn't be able to post in 4chan because of the captcha
She bought the pass
ironically cyberzen was the one lurking here KEK
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>leaving a space after the memearrow
>capitalizing the sentence
I'm watching our next vshojo member last stream
>Mel was betting on how soon Henya would get some R34 on the day she debuted
>she was blown away because one was made the day of
Which one?
>images of Ichiban at DQ events and even TGS are fully modeled and rendered in-engine to stay consistent
Now that's commitment
I can't remember but I do remember she's right and there was one made the day of.
The preview for Kuro's new model looks like a combination of all the models he's had
her design was shown like a week before her debut tho, plenty of time to draw something
it's just a gay jack sparrow
That's just regular Jack Sparrow
Where are you guys watching Mel
She doing a patreon stream right now. If you're signed up you can access it.
Jack Sparrow is zesty by default
I think it was this:
I only see the Kuro part and Kaito one, what would be his Mysta thing
Possibly, Mel said she was impressed with the shading.
>Henya's boing-boing
The hat ear shape, the collar, and the playfulness
Pretty sure he legally could not make an overt Mysta reference. He could probably include something really offhand like how the current Kuro has handcuffs but it's probably just a bit of Kaito mixed in with Kuro.

The new hair looks really nice though
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Pikaiju my beloved
yeah i even know each art she is mentioned. Fuck man, the girl could not take a break
Why does ANYBODY greentext on Twitter? Or anywhere not here? Fuck why do they do it HERE?
funny text to tell stories
zen, shut up
It's one of those things that escaped from here. It's actually a good way to tell a story. People do it here because the ability to highlight text made it easy to start doing it.
whenever i see pika now i think of that san andreas clip
All those accounts posting screencaps of greentext made them popular.
the internet is gradually becoming 4chan
We're not special anymore
Using > for quotes or text existed decades before 4chan.
Mel said her collab tomorrow will include a new vtuber she's only met once at a party.
Doki was able to do that with her new model
People are less subtle now but a lot of internet memes and slang originated in this shithole.
I remember telling anons years ago to drop the zoomer/boomer shit because it would never stick.
Did she? I don't think any part of it is particularly similar aside from having wing hair. But that's not an especially unique trait and she literally has bird in her name so it makes sense.
the internet is gradually becoming fucking /pol/
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Mel just found out that collab starts at 9am her time and she's being her typical baby self about it.
twitter is worse than 4chan now. Here we have some moderation on twitter nigga drop gore and porn bots without any consequence.
it's crazy, but you're right
That's first sip...
They have anti-moderation there, if you post cp Elon will personally reinstate your account
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Didn't she just pull the good ol' trick of hiring the same artist?
Yeah but lots of people do that. Kson did it and I'm pretty sure Michi did too. Unless an artist has signed exclusivity contracts with a corpo there's nothing wrong with it
I never got why pikarmy hated her lightning isekai.
i liked every model better than og pikamee, i guess it was just jp gyari autists
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How much does Froot’s car wash service cost per session?
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A lot of people loved it. It was just a minority of autists who would flip out whenever she got a new model and complain about it, specially if it wasn't made by Gyari.
people hated every model other than the og
One hour of Apex grinding rank.
The first episode of Mel's new podcast, Kinks Unzipped, will be about BDSM. Very typical of her.
New thing bad old thing good
Some people are just unable to accept the new things
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I loved it
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How many times will she repackage the same content?
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Until she's satisfied with it.
we need isekai Henya model
She is free to have as many models as she wants. So long as she is alive.
Like a fantasy-themed model or a model by a different artist?
It's over...
Isn't that just Henya
Kuro about to become Bettel's brother
No, Henya was kidnapped, not isekai'd.
safe and effective, don't worry
Probably what could have been the Halloween model
IIRC it was witch themed
We need a Geega string bikini with a giant witch hat outfit for Halloween
GEEGA can't raid Mata kek
She raided Chibidoki
Huh, 3 witches.
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Well folks, neither the therapy, parasocial content from my wife, nor the terminal alcoholism is helping anymore.

Does any anon still have the guide about catching the bus that used to be everywhere on this hellsite? I see they took down lostallhope . com.
-1 raid to Mata again
micro bikini
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NotGeeging tomorrow early, if she feels like it she might stay all day, if not, main channel content.

Also the fucking raid came just as Chibi's cat died by lava kek
well, that woke me the fuck up, thanks geega
have you tried grindr
How about you just live?
Listen to Henya singing the Pikmin song, that usually works for me
Yeah, GEEGA raided her
when did Chibidoki start speaking Spanish on her streams?
She would occasionally speak it
Hope she talks about goongoon tomorrow
You should try kissing men
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I miss her

I want to hear Mouse sing "All the thong she said"
hope you buy a chair tomorrow
Seethe harder
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Yes actually. it was a lot of fun. But that means AIDS, and my family being humiliated at my funeral.

It's just suffering, and I don't see a point in being miserable every waking moment anymore.

I don't like your pedophile retard. Zentreya was my last happiness. and she doesn't work anymore.
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Kek, out of nowhere
you know what, you deserve it
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Certified genius? WAP WAP WAP WAP WAP
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it isn't worth it, but I can't stop you
Oh it's this faggot >>86342349 >>86342717
Hook, line, and sinker.
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I know. And you're right. Doesn't mean I can't feel a little sad about it. You don't abandon a 33 year effort without a little sadness.

Fuck Henya though. Abusing children because you had a "bad" childhood is the highest form of bullshit.
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From the sound of it, Mel's podcast will be as informative and full of her humor as usual.
so is mouse singing in this? i noticed she was on the promo picture with everyone else
Anon I know you think it's a conspiracy people called you weird for immediately jumping to rape but I was this poster >>86344342 and you're still weird for that.
Will it also have her signature shitty audio and mic quality as well?
No they couldn't get anyone out in time to do tech. But QT wanted her to watch anyways and told Mouse to sing on stream for her.
QT always includes her in stuff but Mouse couldn't get a tech person to set up for her
Probably QT messaged Mouse but because she's in subathon mode she noticed too late
Would Michi smoke weed if she was in a country where it was legal
nah she said she would sing for chat and i just left to watch mata. I don't care about any of these people there.
Do you know where you are
Depends on if you go fuck yourself.
Do you really think it would be a good idea?
Considering her condition, THC would benefit her, but doubt she would like to smoke it
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It's a joke to you, but I have and it's nice.

A lot of you should but you're too stupid to learn anything from it and will just hate women ever more. I hate all of it, so much.

I had an escape in the anime girls anon.
Couldn't she hop over to Thailand for that?
Wouldn't she find it weak as shit compared to what her meds do?
Weed would be a magical cure all for most of her health problems, it worked wonders for my ex
We should get her out.
It's on the similar level, unironically what she's having probably is worse at the long run
>stops the game every time someone raids
>stops the game to do the ban bit that has already gone for way too long
>stops the game because she feels she has to yap
Fucking hell, Mata is almost unwatchable.
if all you care about is the game then why don't you just go play it instead
Giri stole Onibro's credit card to donate Mata
He's gay
Good Mel stream. I'm glad she's back to doing these private patreon streams especially since she hasn't done one in a long time.
It's not about the game, it's about not being able to do a single thing for more than 15 minutes without getting distracted with some other idiotic shit.
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So it's private as in, members only? Because I know last year she was still doing on-on-one sessions with clients.
I think you would be better off watching tik tok videos all day, zoom zoom
NTA, but that's the opposite of what he's complaining about?
>So it's private as in, members only?
You have to be subscribed to a certain level on her patreon to be able to watch them.
>Because I know last year she was still doing on-on-one sessions with clients.
She's never done that ever.
have you ever considered some people just have adhd or other issues that cause problem with attention? if it bothers you then the polite thing to do is acknowledge you're not their audience and find someone else to watch
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>She's never done that ever.
Do you know what site you're on?
I miss peepeehead
Me when I can't read and interpret the exact opposite meaning of what was said
Please stop being retarded.
Gay ass nigga
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go bills
suck my duck penis
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Go Guards
Go Browns...
>35-10 4th quarter
oof sorry
Maybe next week
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Sunday evenings = slowest catalog time of the week. I've got a new thread ready but I'm gonna post it a little bit into page 10 instead of the second we hit it.
Weird considering today's events.
Although, a lot of shitters in the catalog have been silenced this week
I think you should take your pants off and do a little dance then post it
Better to lose now and get it out.
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Could be worse. You could be a Jags fan. They both suck ass and have to deal with KWAB Tony.
Go Pats
Man it sucks going from a dynasty to being utter shit
Ahhh fuck off you spoiled bitch, Bostonfags are the last ones to whine about anything
I've been watching the Bills since 2007 so it was 11 years of garbage for me.
Pats were carried by the GOAT
That’s not true they been successful in the playoffs and have a good QB
Hey it's been 13 years since we got a Stanley Cup
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2007-2018 (except 2017) Bills were garbage.
Since you all are in the topic
>13 years
My point exactly, that’s like nothing to some fan bases…you’re spoiled
You will have more space marine, and more bans filling up the screen.
The last time my city won Lord Stanley was 1994. I was 3. I watched Boston win for multiple decades. Quit your whining and take the bad with the good.
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lil bro sounds like a dodgeball
Eh, end of the thread, no jannies.
>eew a rags fan
Let’s Go Islanders!!!!!!
Travis Kelce is /in/
Taylor Swift mentioned Mouse in a concert
VShojo should use the applicants and do a draft.
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Oh man what a shame. Oh yeah I HAAAAATE Space Marine with mom. Oh noooo the horror~
Three times now on the slowest day of the week the catalog speeds up the second we hit page 10 lmao. It really does feel like this thread is specifically being targeted.

Anyway new thread
I don't even live in the City, I'm just in the State. Bills & Rangers are my teams.
Maybe we’ll do some shit talking in the playoffs this season fellow New Yorker, but I’m a city dweller

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