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In the Name of the Moon Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And is yapping. It's the subathon and it's really heating up. Sadly it looks like the ultimate goal of surpassing 300k subs is pretty much out of reach, but if the final push goes hard enough she could settle comfortably into the #2 spot as she's only 20k behind right now! other than that Mata is LIVE! And is playing som more Space Marine 2. You either love 40k or you hate it, but you're definitely already here if you love it. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/araratatababa/status/1835355979787202892

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion
/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussion

Previous Thread: >>86383327
I love Michi so much.
I love Geega so much.
Holy fuck Hime fan art
I love Zen so much.
I love Haruka so much
>2700 ccv
The roach really fell off, huh?
I mildly enjoy Henya
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I love anon so much.
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This guy kind of looks like moonmoon
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Yeah she really is struggling ain't that right noomber bro. It would be such a shame if /#/s stopped watching her
Grimmi? Made to be assaulted!!!
I witnessed two elderly gentleman smoking a joint today, one was in a mobility scooter and one had a can. They looked like they were in their 80’s
Don't fight Grimmi
I'll fight her with my penis
What race are they?
A white guy and a Spanish guy
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is there any context to that?
retard live
!!!!! Michi LIVE !!!!!
My future ex wife is live
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Yeah. Realistically though this account looks like a big Holofag so it's probably in reference to Ame leaving.
But anon isn't live.
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>two browns
Pui Pui Molcar is /in/
Michi, my honeybun, is live
I just want you to know this gave me a brief urge to draw Michi or Jared as !!!HUGE MAN!!!
Ironmouse is clearly botting, right?
>michi mom stayed over
Man, they are really overprotective lmao
Puerto Ricans cannot bote.
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>botting subs
Yes all of her views and subs are botted. For more information search for her program, Botulism
Male in apartment is haram
No, it's actually all me with different accounts.
we call it embedding /here/
Oh the Kuro thing? Yeah It's more about reputation anon. Even if she trust her daughter she has to make sure people don't talk shit. yeah I know it's some muz shenanigans.
embed strat has been dead since last October, hence why Fextralife hasn't streamed since then
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>Makes you cope
>Fextralife hasn't streamed since then
wtf it's real https://twitchtracker.com/fextralife
Geega is clearly a bottom, right?
I'm currently losing brain cells watching Michi
she's a hetero, it doesn't count
mata is crying
Yes definitely. In fact all Vshojos are bottoms. It's yet another quality needed to join.
Now she’s mad at Leandros
But at the same time respects the hustle.
the entire viewerbase that they drew to their streams that got them sponsors was made up of people browsing the wiki that had a player embedded on every page, so they have no reason to stream now that Twitch cut that off
they still get decent views on their YT channel, though
I don't think she had a boating license
Michi doesn't want us to gamble. Parasocial retard...
She's 4'10. She's a bottom whether she likes it or not.
That's just being a responsible streamer.
Virgin post
She's on Twitch, not YouTube where bot viewers are king.
>mouse is a chihuahua
Cancelled, someone note this down I'm organizing some shit
She's right though.
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/VSJ+/ RECAP: 09/21/24-09/30/24
Previous day: >>86176377
Previous week: >>85912262
>Zentreya shocktober trailer
>Mouse at razer con
>Kson pirate crew at TGS in SEGA's Yakuza Gaiden booth
>Kson x Gutara Halloween party in Taiwan
>VTA winner announced
>Mouse Halloween model debut date
>Mouse broke her all time high twitch sub record
>Kuro's new model/outfit reveal this week
>Vshojo Stamp rally Collab event
>Michi's new outfit reference sheet and rig showcase
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I will be using this to make furry porn btw
based rape software what would we just do without rape software
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froot rig showreel
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>Michi trying to assign every member of VShojo to a dog breed
>Resisting the urge to say Kuro should be a British Bulldog
Froot should have been the English Bulldog
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If I could post more than one image per post I'd add a drama emote to this
you guys ever watch michi mochievee and think to yourself "i am in love with michi mochievee" or is that just me?
All this talk of perfume is making me horny. I am tempted to write how she doesn't need perfume and I'd love her natural sweaty smell asjdjdkskdjdjsj
Yup I have the same thoughts, I am literally in love with a random Indonesian girl
WTF that guy asked mouse to sing? She is really really triggered about it
Last Caress by Misfits
The lyrics: >>86417686

They're something. Old punk bands did this a lot, with the whole fuck the system rebellion and live by no rules mantra etc etc. But yeah, some disturbing shit.
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telling lies on the internet itsnt cool anon
Bro what the fuck
she might've been, she left for a minute after saying she wasn't going to sing it and saying she disliked the lyrics. Said she was going to the bathroom. We assumed it it ruined her mood, but she came back fairly quick and seems to be fine.
Michi... please... I don't wanna say it...
Mom raiding Miss Lala.
Michi is defending pit bulls
I wouldn't use the phrasing "really really" triggered though. She left for just a few minutes, frankly pretty short for even a normal bathroom, came back sounding completely fine, put the chatter in their place and then sang a remix of the fucked up song shitting on it. I'd consider that handling it better than she ever has before and would consider it a sign of how much better mouse is doing mentally.
Michi there is not some alternate version of pitbulls that is the real bad dogs. It's just pitbulls. You have no idea, you live in Indonesia, they barely exist over there.
???? I just asked because i'm not paying attention. I finishing something and just heard she saying something about not knowing the music and looking the lyrics.
Yo! I hear Amelia Watson is graduating Hololive. New VShojo member when?
I have a cousin with a nice and well-trained pitbull and even still I remember hearing about one time the pitbull got really excited while running to their door and he knocked my aunt over
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The big tits thread isn't around right now so I'm sharing this here instead 'cause I just stumbled on it
I've known plenty of good pitbulls that were good bro. One of my best friends had one for 11 years, dude was a big sweetheart.
WHO THE FUCK ASKED THAT? SOMEONE DONATED TO AKS THIS? WOW, like wow... I see why she disliked it
Based on his messages it was probably a qt raider who didn't realize how bad it was
Pitbulls... yeah I don't have a positive impression of them since one of them latched onto my oldest brother's face when he was a child.
i don't think thats a pitbull thing though, my parents have a chocolate lab we nicknamed the bulldozer cause she will push her way through anything or anyine, use to knock my grandfather over every time he visited cause she was so excited
Is this that black hole-tan
That's an issue with any really big dog. Bull in a china shop situation. Our german shepherd is extremely gentle and protective of everone but doesnt' know her own strength and can easily knock people over because of how big and powerful she is. Even her tail tends to knock things over easily. It's actually pretty funny if we have any one over who's really short.
This waist is fucking ridiculous
QT raider... Okay i will be fair with this dude. I remember a loot of kids sing "get low" back in the day. Today when i read the lyrics i go "WTF?"
some modded skyrim ass bodytype
big dog issue, my retriever was like that, he would launch his body towards the person with some insane force. Not anymore tho, he's really old and we have to move him sometimes, what an absolute lad
it does look like CBBE
Pink Love
Consider how popular many rap, hip hop, R&B songs are Sometimes the song is just so catchy you don't think about it. I think it was Chris Rock who made the joke about women listening to the music and now being mad about lyrics and they would just answer him with "well he ain't singing about me"
This discussion is an example of why Michi isn't as dumb as she acts sometimes (especially in collabs), she's also not a genius but she has a curious and critical view of the world that actual dumb people don't possess. She's a classic midwit.
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I mean I get someone just asking for a song and not thinking of lyrics I almost requested Holiday in Cambodia once but remembered the lyrics before I did lol.
Wait some retard requested to sing a Misfits song in mouse's stream today? That's hilarious
lol I heard it too
sorry, not* being mad
They requested a Misfits song that sounds like an Anal Cunt song.
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I remember shit like this getting me to actually look up the lyrics to this song and laughing at how over the top it is. Sounds like the most inoffensive pop shit ever and it's about a fucking school shooting
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>First signs of parasocial symptoms
I've got bad news for you anon
I saw a holo or two recently singing 99 Luftballons
Anon I'm already 500x more parasocial than you imagine.
it's pretty funny how far punk bands went in the 80's to go against societal norms to piss off the establishment. They were like, super left wing and inclusive and accepting and shit, which was obviously against societal norms, but then when it came to the stuff they'd sing about and the way they'd dress, they'd have songs like that, and wear swastikas and stuff to piss off the normies at the time. Kinda wild.
I consider her to be street smart more than anything, she knows a lot about people and how to socialize, too much to be considered dumb (outside of things like math or science)
streets smarts is more important anyway. Shit'll keep you alive longer in the world than school smarts. Michi is in a good paying job now and school never did shit for her in that regard.
She knows about dozens of breeds of dogs she's never seen, she spends her time researching dog breeds, actually dumb people don't do that. And there's an endless amount of this stuff even if it's surface-level takes like this.
the lyrics are pretty clear in that song I don't know how you miss it
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>anons gaslighting themselves into thinking michi is merely pretending to be retarded
I think she's retarded in some topics, and in others she seems well recollected. Morals and perspective aside.
>Japanese dog
That's racist
Oof, yeah mostly it's just morbid subject matter until you remember that hard R in the first verse.
She ate expired moldy marshmallows anon
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she got that dog in her
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Merch or manga job finally.
how is haruka a husky she's like the opposite of that
probably manga job
its so over
I was thinking this at the same time and she addressed it immediately. One brain cell.
Oh man michi is so naive.
Why Geega the Glizzy dog?
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Michi seems to genuinely know about a lot of real life shit precisely because she had to grow up so fast from living in a poorass household in a poorass country. She's talked a lot about having had a job since she was like 13 years old, working with underprivileged kids and animals, and I remember her bringing up doing volunteer work where they make bricks out of plastic which I thought that sounded neat and then I googled it it's literally picrel. They're called Ecobricks
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based froggy
So what I'm getting from this is Michi thinks Kuro is cute
Her Mom had to spend the night to stop them from fucking
She already worked in manga as an assistant
I don't think she has a chapter of her manga ready to pitch so it's not that
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>big announcement
>it’s merch
This motherfucker works for Google now?
>IMG poster
>low quality post
He shaved and left Japan?
Got a sculped jaw line too
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>anon always upset at a filename
I want to put my dick in Michi's mouth
Ninja is about to go down
It was almost a decade ago
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Ratanas might do it
It's a coming
Michi might not be 19... bros...
she's 22 which in indo years it's the same shit. You're only considered adult if you're married and have a kid.
Congrats Rat
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>top 3
she did it
>she's 22
Where did you get this from?
She's older than Kuro. She's not 22 lmao
She's probably 25 or 26
That dog is ugly as hell
Can she beat Kai with a day left?
37k to beat him
It's gonna be close
Can't wait
If all of VShojo can unite and gift a thousand subs each that + the Twitch bonus subs might do it.

but probably not. Would love to be wrong though
IF we go all the way to Oct 1 at 7pm EST then we have a shot. It is gonna depend on when those first gifted subs drop off and we have to fight against them to keep up the numbers.
Just trust me. Max she's 23 same age with Kuro.
No kek we don't need their help. But that would be a great way to break the record regardless.
All's fair. Kai called on every one of his rich friends to get over 40k subs on the last day.
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A miracle needs to happen
can't tell if dox baiting or crack pipe
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I mean to get 36k in like 22 hours of bonus subs + like another 19 of non bonus subs? I think we do lmao
Does Mouse have anyone that she can call like that?
It's not 37k. We just have to pay for 25k. Twitch will give us the rest with the gacha.
She's my girlfriend. Just trust me.
Yes? Would they? No idea.
Oh definitely but like the other anon said it is more a question of if they would or not.
Going by that logic, it took us 2 days to get 25k on Friday and Saturday.
25k in 22 hours is still a ridiculous number. Mouse needs to actively push this last day as hard as possible and not just be an emotional wreck over how far she made it.
Obviously the last day will be the biggest.
Don't worry Gunrun will summon a golden kappa
Ludwig is assured. How far after that I cannot say.

Yes I know people will go ham, but 25k ham? I don't know. Gonna be fun!
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If we proportionally match last year's final day boost we make it >>86392464
Just below Kai and we just need to push a few thousand which we could probably do with oilers alone. And it won't just be oilers.
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this really just kind puts in perspective how insane the old records were
ludwig did all of this without even any kind of subtember or tens of thousands of free subs from twitch, and ninja wasn't even a subathon he was just that popular for a time
not dogging on mouse or anything at all I just think it's kind of insane how big the gaps are at a time when it was a lot harder
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She just need really convincing goal donations. Gunrun could chime in and announce something exclusive if reached a milestone. That could be his way of helping.
Holy shit they want Lud NOW.
Nazuna should sell her model to hackerling
oh my god

next member of VShojo teased at 300k. Do it Gun
Ninja did it when primes were just added and he dominated the platform in a way no one else can ever do again
I have no doubt they would but its mouse who I don't think would ever ask that of them
Other factors: Ludwig did it when subs were cheaper, but the point stands. Mouse has had a perfect storm to try this of having her cost per sub at 10 and subtember bonuses have really helped. After this, the next chance someone has to realistically get to the top is another subtember. Subs are now expensive.
I really hate that Mouse is a worm for these heart-worming moments
>they make bricks out of plastic which I thought that sounded neat and then I googled it it's literally picrel. They're called Ecobricks
That is not structurally sound and will crumble and collapse within a decade or two, not even taking weather into account.
Nothing like a good trauma story to unite all the zoomers in the room
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Every generation has their trauma (no not you, boomers)
And there's the horse semen joke
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Gunrun should pull strings to put her on the twitch front page and start a golden kappa tomorrow
25k? Isn't it only 11,810k subs now?
Wally is a sick name for an alligator
To the #2 spot. People are talking about #1 which is 306k
>not all alligators
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Aww, she loves her momos.
I mean how much can guy even do? 1k? Even the bigger ones will start to feel the heat at that.
kan sex is only for reproduction you gross retard
Those momos? All me
Great job
Michi is crying now
wut happened
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this ban thing seems pretty retarded
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It’s easy money
He doesn't need to desu. If El Jefe really wants number 1 he can just donate 20k subs. That's just $80k and I'm sure he can afford it.
That would be cheating.
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Mouse could do it herself if she wanted. I'm fairly sure a number of people could drop the cash, but they all probably feel like it gets rid of the challenge you know.
Ludwig did it when subathon was a new thing, his subathon was the first that went viral and everyone was watching this crazy man sleep on his couch for a month. Even people on youtube were watching his clips, that was the subathon gangnam style moment.
Kai's friends dropped subs for his record too, is that cheating?
yeah, before him subathons were about staying awake the whole time.
He was the one who popularized sleepathons
Damn she knows why people want a ring fit stream
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You haven't seen the countless streamers complaining being banned recently haven't you
I need to see Froggy do yoga
What's wild is that it was on a whim, he did it replacement for a 24 hour stream that he had planned and couldn't do because of a medical emergency.

Lud straight up gifted thousands of subs to himself.
Michi once drank urine
who hasn't
We have to be better than the flesh streamers.
It was fixed in like half a day after Dan Clancy found out about it.
Gifting subs to yourself is completely okay as far as I know. Bahroo used to do it to get himself popularity since it would mean people use his emotes in other channels lmao
>>Mouse no longer sings "You're the Nyan I love
Did you know the Queen of England just died?
It has never been against TOS, that one anon just thinks that it's unsportsmanlike.
Who would know anyway if you do it as anonymous?
>Mouse just sings through her nose bleed
God I love this fucking rat.
Since Twitch gifts 1-50 subs for every 5 subs.
Why would anyone gift more than 5 at the time?
Anons did the math over 5k gifted subs to Mouse and found that it averages out to 30%. If it hits the jackpot now, the next few gifts will average much lower to balance it out. Not sure if it's done across the platform or just a channel.
Twitch isn't stupid.
If I was a billionaire, I would buy Geega
how much for 1 geega?
! geegillion
All my money
If I was a billionaire, I would buy 40 Snuffy plushies and drench them all in horse semen
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If I was billionaire I'd buy another 300,000 subs on this last day just for the fuck of it
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You could just buy Cover and rebrand it as VShojo kek.
I'd buy Cover and run it into the ground for the lols
forcing male collabs to watch unicorn going crazy. KEK
Based and redpilled fellow Hologods.
They really do type like this
Saw this and thought I accidentally clicked on an Ame graduation thread.
Are you okay anon? Do you need medical assistance?
Has Geega sneezed on stream before
imagine not having a geega sneeze compilation folder
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Should mouse pay reparations / royalties to nyanners for appropriating the worm model?
She shouldn't if she gave Mouse all the rights to the model.
There are still weird shippers around ( ̄ー ̄)
dey fuccin
And I'm rich ( ´,_ゝ`)
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Yea me
sex with k9s
I don't even really know how many k9s are even around anymore
i miss them...

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