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Barrel Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/28:
1: https://twitch.tv/filian (7,823)
2: https://twitch.tv/anny (4,185)
3: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (embed) (3,677)
4: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,488)
5: https://www.youtube.com/@Dokibird (2,872)
6: https://twitch.tv/LucyPyre (2,470)
7: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (2,147) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,140) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,123) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (2,046)

1: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (4,395) *Chinese
2: https://twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber (2,869) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (2,740) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 1st - Mint Fantôme
October 3rd - Nyaruchuuu
October 4th - Rainhoe
October 18th - Squchan

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86412625
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Good OP
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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cute mumkey
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im glovin out of my mind
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Only good thing about Mondays is that Kuu streams uuuuu
Ideal /lig/ blunt rotation?
I love Barrelbug
*transforms into a machamp and punches you in the uterus*
Reposting Numbers for 9/29:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,349)
2: https://twitch.tv/vei (5,850)
3: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (3,848)
4: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,361)
5: https://twitch.tv/anny (3,282)
6: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,029)
7: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (2,835)
8: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (2,570)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,341)
10: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,302)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (15,050) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (4,824) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,256) *Chinese
/lig/gers for this feel?
i enjoy snuffy, meat, mint and olivia.
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I Love Lucy
Which comment is you
>no follow up image
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one guy went to sleep and /big/ has been reduced to thread bumping
I regret opening this
I thought it would just be some nasty fat shit or shit shit
I don't care, can you just be retarded here without cross-thread shitflinging?
Sex with Alice
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Love my wolf wife
No more Brother wars
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eh leave them alone. If they actually want the thread, they can have it without us having to pay attention to it. No need to be a dickhead.
thats not rainhoe
I'll genuinely forgive Sigrid and Bird if they have sex with Coqui and Meat on stream.
She is exceptionally clean and good-smelling because she has anosmia and is very paranoid about smelling bad
oh god shes still mumbling
This isn't batcock
*Shrugs*. At least it is not bat cock.
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That guy isn't a real batposter
Being Alice's smell checker with special privileges to kiss, lick and stuff my face into her armpits while jerking off
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Nah, I told them it would fail, they tried to rewrite it like I'm the one who made it. Now I get to laugh.
we have a new pooptuber
Do you guys think Moriko is sexually attractive
your falseflagging is funny
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>do you guys think
negative commander
Why is she in furry form
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I tried thinking once, it was awful
why aren't you in furry form
Post the full so I can masturbate to it.
I thought about Meat sitting in her dark house with her cats desperately cranking her phone to charge it and it made me sad.
forsen emotes are always appropriate
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tits too small and no bush, not attractive
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that choco looks kinda yummy
>meat has the most porn
I guess I shouldn't be surprised
Would it make you fell better if you imagined she was cranking the phone charger with her feet?
what if bat renamed her channel to Morikoatvideogames
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Both of those things are peak female form though
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REALLY need a version without the leaves
You sound very autistic
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It would be a bat change
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has 15 year old moriko kyoho had shower sex with you in your dreams? didn't think so
Hmmm... good question...
*casts Bear Form*
Where is her dick
lmao wtf is this

It's been fun watching Callie while she's on the front page because normies kept coming in to try and troll and Callie just mocks them relentlessly.
Makes me think she would be absolutely devastating doing SPH or something similar
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I would be confused and unable to find her stream
Gimme an example of an epic normie troll attempt.
fat bitches have heard it all before.
Stop linking Meat porn you're making her son uncomfortable
Did coqui ever go over her kudoboard?
Meat, Lucy and Snuffy have glasses in VR that have a censored dick nose. They mostly stopped using it because Lucy caught a ban for it
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*Whips out onahole-fication wand*
what if bat started stream and everything was fine but then something innocuous in game just made her start genuinely crying and getting really emotional and let her guard down as chat consoled her
I thought dick nipples were weird but this tops it
The one for her birthday back in april? yeah she dedicated a whole stream for it
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
I would probably turn the stream off because that would make me uncomfortable
Ah I see thanks for explaining, that's pretty funny.
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I don't know I haven't remembered a dream since I was a kid
dick nipples are hot
He's quiet which means he is "enjoying" it
I don't think that dude hangs around lig much anymore
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You're lucky. Nothing good ever comes from remembering them.
What's your favorite animal
thank god
He posted early this morning but he dips when the thread gets schizo and usually shows back up a few days later
He's still around but mostly to announce his Mom streaming.
It was mostly very basic retard posts she was laughing at like
>she's not even real
>voice changer
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True they were almost always bad
is her entire aesthetic just 'Fallout'
The one that kills me in the slowest and most painful way.
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Pretty much. That said she's a very cheerful lady and seems nice
Extremely milquetoast, normies are not sending their best
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Night, /lig/gas!
i like cats.
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To me the happy ones are arguably much worse to remember. The bad ones fuck me up for a few hours regardless if I remember them or not.
I thought she was just a 50s americana diner gal.
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these peasants wouldn't last 4 minutes in the area with any of our schizos.
Would Mint get banned for using that popsicle toggle she has? She was worried about Jeff Bezos yelling at her
Night three letter agency
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The sexfox
normies have not said literally anything different from "lol shes actually a dude" for like the past four years
night ligga
Oh, like batathappiness
No but maybe if she sucked on it while sucking on a real popsicle and you heard all the wet sucking noises as she went "mmmmm *glrk* *slrp*" and popped it
Bat is always very happy actually and a good person and loyal and honest and trustworthy and beautiful and kind and funny and based and not racist
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the nar
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I very nearly linked meatporn in callie's chat thinking I had copied some emotes people were using for a raid message. Thank god I checked before hitting send.
im gonna gob to her
No one ever accused you of this. This is another victim scenario you invented. You could be happier but choose to put yourself in this role.
why does mari sound like that?
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baby in da lig
your message probably would've just been autodeleted and callie would just have laughed at you, there are worse places you could send that in
She would have probably laughed and shown Meat if she was live right now and they'd both be looking at their streaming and giggling about it.
luna my beloved
Idk if she's ever been banned but if they did ban her it would be for a day at most, the girl who goatse'd her pussy only got 3 days
Sorry but every time I see Bat I just think of the guy who said that her RTX looks like one of the whos from the live action Grinch movie
Okay. What now? I missed nearly all of the Callie stream and the VOD hasn't auto archived.
be nise
jerk off while you wait
There needs to be more mid white lanky women in vtubing.
She'll have it up early tomorrow, she likes to review vods before they go up
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Cyphi's gotta be careful with this ASMR I just felt a tingle in my dingle
How many viewers does she have
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What is her problem
um all of em?
At least tree fiddy
>weekly fefe sadpost engagement bait
she's such a cunt
bimonthly scheduled attention whore tweet
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It has elaborate sucking animations
Looking forward to it then. Did I miss anything really important?
But will she do it while sucking on a popsicle IRL?
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Weird gaslight for something I've already been vindicated for.
beribug vasectomy
beri on the marimari
[beri news] she's sterile
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I want to fuck her, so yes. Either I break her cold, hard exterior and enjoy things lovey dovey, or she maintains that look of contempt and I enjoy that too. It's pure sex either way.
Barbie crossover stronk
New outfit show off, did a soft redebut slide show, talked about how her goal for the upcoming year is to hit partner plus plus and become a full time streamer, showed off her birthday/new model merch set, and did about 4 hours with Coqui, Fang, and Lyra. She said she's going over her birthday card, birthday art, and the kudoboard later this week.
whats wrong with him
Coborex ay
sometimes i wonder if i tried pushing that risque line in chat i would make a good impression and we would all have a big laugh, especially with callie, but then i remember i dont want to get banned and decide against it
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I really wonder if you're also the person who complains about avatars every 2 threads because damn it would be ironic with how hard you try to make yourself the center of attention
why are vivifags like this?
is this what korean mikey got banned for in tobs chat
For those who missed it, here's the hype from the Divegrass game

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Hark, Callie gives to us living dab and T. Gamer with the Loving Name, make a girl animate with the likeness in your pussy smashes.
That's hot
I love it
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Computer: Generate Grimmi shitting strawberry shitcake.
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You seem really invested in pinning all posts on a singular entity. That also would not be irony. Bluds wafflin'.
I don't
I do too, it's a pretty good little recap of some thread history
This is great, coach make this or?
I think Beri took that breakup pretty well all things considered
did he just say 'breakup'?
I don't think Coach made it, there's a guy who helps him with Aesthetics and hype
I described his symptoms and chatGPT suggested that he might have vitamin C deficiency
wtf why is this actually awesome
Thanks for the run down dude
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Cyphi raided Koragi :)
This is my first time watching Tobs. Does she normally play benadryl coded games?
ye she's le quirky like that *holds spork*
yeah i'm le quirky like that *posts bat*
I hope Layna stops ruining threads one day
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that's unironically just happening everywhere. /wvt/fags out of control. they post her in /vsj+/ to the holo threads.
liggers that will put out for a price?
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when wose
How the fuck did Mari get Fred Durst on her stream?
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She has a postable face
When it's her turn in the graduation queue, lmao.
Rainhoe should get a prostitute license and have sex with me
this but puntable
Mari is talking about anal
I want to skin her face
Goodnight Dear Rakastan
is she analcoded?
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Can you stop gangstalking me when I go to /ck/ to look at the webm thread there
There’s a huge bias between vtubers and hot fleshtubers with large audiences. What might get a fleshtuber a 1-3 day ban will get a vtuber 2 weeks or more
Layna's butthole smells like rancid blood and leaky poo
Call me a schizo but I still think this is due to the old ripple effect from like the 80s/90s/00s where animated = kids stuff. They probably go harder on it because "hey it's animated so it's targeted for kids therefore it's more egregious and we're gonna punish them harder"
the thing i hate the most about this is how they presented the milk. videogame ass idle animation
I batpost but I don't watch bat
*gums profusely*
>whipped milk
So what’s the story here?
Coqui and Mint have them too
You and 90% of other batposter
Retards just use bat to ruin threads because le epic edgy streamer
>They finished it
Mari broke up with Beri because she got a vasectomy and left her for Yandere Virgil.
but its cute watching you hyperventilate
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Do we have a plan for today?
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getting eggnant
yes, jacking off on your face
Gonna uuuu and wait for Vesper to stream on Tuesday
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I'm thinking Tentacle Pregnant Teens.
Prophetic dream
The same as every day
Wait for good chuubas to go live
Luckily French Putain is on
>her cold, hard exterior
She comes off as very sensitive
Sleep, then work on some things I've been putting off and pray meat's power comes back so she can stream again
yes please
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i did not need to see that
hey can you put that in a catbox link or in /d/? thanks.
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All I ask is you catbox so I don't have to see it
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Continuing the snummoning ritual.
does she just have poop powers
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computer, generate anny wearing kiriko overwatch's outfit but it barely fits
discord 'ate
I didnt like that
No wonder the computer hasn't been fulfilling my requests, it's literally full of shit
yes you did
Always has been
Why does Giri get to go out to dinner with Mudan? Is Onibro into NTR?
uuu i still wanna see bat with a black eye shoulder bite marks and tummy bruises PLEASE
gonna jack off to this
Who would Ocelot's Oshi be? You can't say Big Boss.
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Can you believe it's been a full year since Anny ended her subathon to get plapped, contracted super COVID, killed off two of her oilers, and has been menhera streaming ever since?
This is her legacy
all of them
Is Rainhoe a virgin?
marrying and impregnating shondo send post
what the hell happened in April to June?
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Vague anxiety.
I do hope she somehow does a gorilla stream this week, or we get good news about her paperwork.
loli doujins, she's that twin-tail girl stereotype
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I want to say Ecto instead
broncitis i think
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I like the way the centilegs are grabbing her thighs.
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I've already given my take on her absence - whatever happens happens, she deserves an actual vacation imo and it's what she seems to be treating this as so far. It would be nice if the paperwork got resolved quickly though.
finally a good request
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i meant to say archetype instead of stereotype**
Alice maintain eye contact when jerking me off please
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The way the parasite legs are installed is peam.
this made my penis become the big penis
That's fair, I hope she's having fun with her family/friends
We now know what MarimariEN smells like
Computer, generate Aged Up Mari trying on perfumes whilst half naked
bronchitis was in july. that was her soundproofing "no one can solve my problems" menhera episode.
Why are women like this
oh yeah, i kinda forgot about that. someone should overlay her main and alt stream charts
Can I groom her?
is mari cool or is she a nerd
Why the fuck does Mari keep doing the same level?
Mari is playing 12 hours of Glover and buys Japanese perfume
why is there goatse in the stream tags
mari is cooler than all of us
>mari posting starts up in /big/
>mari posting picks up in /lig/
because she's 100-percenting glover
Holy kino.
I can actually feel my brain getting unwrinkled when I’m listening to mari. She sounds so retarded.
Don't worry about it
I JWU, my choices are
>French Putain
And the putain wasn't playing the game yet and Mari has a better voice than Meiya and I hate Tobs' voice and streaming style.
ive been awake for over 24 hours and im not giving in yet
who do I watch so I DONT fall asleep
I know what you did this summer
no liggers allowed
okay <3
yay <3
I like winding down with a bit of Bodega
You should watch Mari it's very exciting and not sleep inducing trust me
tobs' voice is ok sometimes I like her guinea pig soundpost
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cute clip
>I hate Tobs' voice
You should die
>and streaming style
also she's ugly and smells bad
Something I think about a lot is Mari has said she used to talk quite fast, she slowed down so she could be understood better
her eyes are scary
I can almost believe she has autism
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Glover can't be longer than 12 hours, let me Google-
>It should take you 7.5 hours to 100% Glover
Mari's in for a looong stream
Chiwa cute! :D
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shut the fuck up
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now post the one where she says shes gonna stab you with a knife and screams
This is not true, that average comes from a disingenuous comparison between nipslips and holocaust denial
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what is it this time?
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Nothing specific. I wanted to make a post, found that image, deleted the post body and posted just the screenshot.
>baiting concernfagging
beyond pathetic
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oh okay, carry on
She had a lisp. You can hear her avoiding it in some words, like "breasts"
nice grapes
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Total dogshit art with awful proportions as per usual from Grape
that one gets you banned
just catbox it
Does anyone know if juniper is following lyra on twitch?
MelFartyShittyPissy is live and she is currently giving my Caucasoid asshole a tongue bath
No, and she follows every other bugtuber except lyra.
Hm I was almost certain I saw her follow that one time she raided her
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oh trust me i know, I have one as well
who transplanted his anus on his face?
it's an act. she uses flat affect to make it more relatable to autists and many jokes land better with deadpan delivery.
the vibe I get from her is that her vtuber persona is very inauthentic and tailored to hit all the cliches of her audience, retro-game autists who like being a little edgy with jokes about sex and your mom, but still relatively safe. basically reddit normies.
Vtuber Feetcon special guests:
Joe Biden
hoes ridin'
It sounds like you haven't watched her much
jelqing for 20 hours every day to punch mari mari in the tummy really hard with my penis
I heard Meat is putting on a clinic
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>>86427564 (me)
did it myself
Meat healing my erectile dysfunction with her feet
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She's tiny that seems like too much jelqing
hehe imagine Meat running her cutely pedicured toes along the underside of your dick and wiggling her big toe up and down your head until it leaks precum hehe
it's like looking at a mirror
but can you heal meat's erectile dysfunction
She got really defensive when someone brought it up the other day compared to her usual lulzmaxxing. "hey chat, don't be mean... I was just born this way. I spent a long time practising when I was young... "

Meat is actually fat, old, ugly, hairy, stinky, from /here/ and /trash/.
no one can
Needs more practice
meat's bloated corpse found laying face down in the flood waters
Wow I can't believe mari sneezed on stream without muting. What a fucking slut.
shouldn't you be bumping /big/ right now? LMFAO
just have jelqing anon penis punch her stomach everytime she messes up
Imagine after she keeps calling you cute
never posted there, I could never leave my 3am homies
Mari 12 hour stream of her jerking me off
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I'm going to real here; I miss Snuffy.
or her saying this
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Meat found safe on top of the roof of her house surrounded by all the neighborhood cats (she saved them all by enticing them to her roof with cold cuts of meat)
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that would be metal if she just slaughtered and ate the neighbourhood animals to survive, very lore appropriate
the cats would eat her face to survive
Meat is a friend to animals
meat is helpless and surrounded by looters raping and stealing off survivors
>Eating predators
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Im having the immense urge to play OSRS and warframe again. I just got my life back on track...
Mari sing some oingo boingo
Theory: Someone used a pinecone to send a tornado to Meat
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So Mari is in the chud pipeline
shes probably scalping her neighbours now that society has broken down
Not possible, because they can't be used to manifest malicious things.....waaaaait a second! Some liggerman who unknowingly lives close to meat tried to manifest something malicious and got hit by a hurricane as a punishment
gosh i don't know what i'll do with myself if she ever does asmr... she'll break me
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Meat the type of girl to make my voice crack and say "Yes ma'am"
yes thats why shes friends with that fat drama hog
commonly used word in rap songs that all non-blacks say off camera. she just got too much into it and forgot to censor.

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