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Tumbling Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 9/29:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,349)
2: https://twitch.tv/vei (5,850)
3: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (3,848)
4: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,361)
5: https://twitch.tv/anny (3,282)
6: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,029)
7: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (2,835)
8: https://twitch.tv/Yuzu (2,570)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,341)
10: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,302)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (15,050) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (4,824) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (3,256) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 1st - Mint Fantôme
October 3rd - Nyaruchuuu
October 4th - Rainhoe
October 18th - Squchan

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>86421960
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i miss bug
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
Tomorrow beppy
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blue today? i hope so
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blue will be live in VR today right?
she knows how powerful she could becomeand chooses to suppress it
Don't vtuber fans get sick of hearing Creep or Baka Mitai?
Sweaty candlelit huggy kissy sex with Meat at night to pass the time when there's no power send post to the CIA in bold impact font
perfecting the occult arts and using black magic to become a machamp and punch mari mari’s tummy
Baka Mitai maybe but Creep is a good song to listen on repeat
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Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down...
Their internet keeps dying, but hopefully that gets sorted out before it's too late for kuu to stream
She said she would be streaming but I don't think she said what she's actually doing today
>Mari has a blanket on
>Still cold
Not gonna uuuu over this weirdo turn up the fucking heating you dumb goldfish
I would like to hold a vtuber woman who has poor circulation to warm her up
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It all returns to nothing...
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remember the planet sized rei pussy? that was kinda weird
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I don't. Maybe it was a remake thing because I haven't gotten around to watching those.
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grimmi is my favorite cartoon slut
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no, that was in end of evangelion and the song you were referencing is playing during that part
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fuck yeah
Grimmi's feet in my mouth
Then I just forgot. I don't remember most of the imagery from that show, I think the weird metacommentary parts were more interesting to me.
No no, not the end of the anime called evangelion, but the movie called "End of Evangelion"
she will never dethrone rainhoe
Who has the sneeze compilation catbox
sex with my little sister lilyhops in a swamp where no one will hear us
Never mind I found it
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why so mean
i wanted to make a post about shondo being a cartoon slut but it was too upsetting to contemplate
>he doesn't know
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What is this face?
>Only 4 left
Damn this album used to have a lot more
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i like marika
this but oral specifically and she’s on her knees
lily’s kk has destroyed me
I know. I've seen it but I don't remember much of it. I think it was more focused on tying up the interpersonal drama bits(?) which aren't exactly meta but they're closer to life commentary than the action and visual bits. The more I think about it the more I realize I don't remember shit.
Fucked up! No more achoochan and no achoopyre...
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That one dokibird expression that made people on twitter realize rigging is a thing.
you should watch it again and then 4.44 right afterwards. the difference in tone between the endings is amazing
I want to apologize to mint and mari for anti posting about them okay bye
it was like showing a lightbulb to cavemen, but with rigging and corpo only watchers
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I unironically prefer the spaceslut model
i still think it's supremely funny that holosharts cope by saying that indie models are over-rigged
>Indies when rigged normally
>Hololive when they eventually get normal rigging after 5 years
The best thing that ever happened to vtbuing
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it will live on in our memories
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Looks like Camila has some real friends after all. fillyLove
So it was Numi's fault
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Love my wolf wife
>cloutian has friends
good one
be nise
consider the following
be nis
where buttslut?
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every ligger should get the best internet on earth that is my only wish
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very homosexual post
/lig/s in NASA let's go
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agreed man, agreed.
I unironically believe there should be a vtuber subsidy where if your model is sexy enough you get free internet
I love this ritualpost. Good night
Bruh I'm not letting Numi get free internet
The advertisers will not be happy...
that tip looks red hot and all that yummy goo for me to lick up
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Why is she pooping out hairclips?
to be honest with you, i could use some buttslut right now
you think numi is sexy?
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Performing vile acts of snecromancy
can you stop
irrumatio spanking
Her model is literally the best I've ever seen it's like Numi's singular charm point
hobbit feet
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mating press
/lig/ has fallen
on my dick
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I have glover fever and only marimari _ english can solve it
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i really really like cottontail and find her funny and endearing
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that's cool her porn is hot
monday and the end of the month, it's probably some issue with updates on her isp end
/big/ has risen
What if Rainhoe wanted to snowball with you but it was a mudball
Mari sounds like she's drunk all the time.
She should fix that
bat mentioned
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fetal alchohol syndrome
I can fix her
She should consider fatal alchohol syndrome
she's a nice lady don't be mean
anny pointing laughing
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I just want her to sound nicer and less like an alcoholic
happy for you. she's nice, but personally i wouldn't like being called a fluffer. but that's a non-issue
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fucking meat's foot pussy after alice and grimmi get it lubed up
she needs to lose weight
lmao my filters caught that post because of that
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Alright she's being a fujo I'm gonna dip
put a girl on
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I did
haha yay
who's this hole?
how many times has mari played Glover because she was at the world 1 boss when i tuned in
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>corpo only watchers
the only corpo vtuber I am aware of is Hatsune miku
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Putain (Sa forme angélique exubérante)
i didn't even know about the reference at first, just sounds silly on its own. personally i kinda miss the carrot crusaders
also fun fact, Cottontail's a professional boxer https://files.catbox.moe/4j74mj.mp4
based retard
erm wat da
Mother fucker she just ended
the shipping costs must be horrendous
good. nu-lig is fucking shit
Screw it Cerber VoDs it is
iconic costume. pure plapfuel.
she’s actually a thalidomide baby
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Did callie react to the card and is there a timestamp?
when is my oshi gonna hit me over the head with a crowbar
She got a little lost in the sauce yapping and showing off the new outfit, said card reaction and kudoboard stream will be later this week
raping her while not being a dog so she gets sad
Cute Grimmi answer questions here
I'm watching the recent Bodega VOD. What about you guys?
Do you think Meat has showered in the last few days
I accidentally jacked off to the Grimmi scat image, what do I do
HeavenlyFather :D!
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>Favorite vtuber
Why is that so funny what the fuck
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i like giri, she's live back from america talking about twitchcon and reacting to memes.
need giri paizuri
forgot the link
Is there anything worst than a modcast
I enjoyed that tweet she made about her stinky anus
oh gosh i didn't even think about that. i bet her feets are so stinky teeheehee *licks*
I am disassociating to mari
she literally was talking about it just now, rain.
it's unfortunate, because that image would be really good sloppa without the shit. Scat enjoyers don't @ me. I'm just not into that.
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I agree.
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Haha, woah, look at this dude
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>lowborn 3view chimp doesn't know how to block ads
is what why you guys don't like big streams?
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>is what why you
every time i put ublock or ttvlolpro my player keeps dying all the time.
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>is what why
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Cerber VoD was the correct decision
Do you guys read her tweets in her voice too
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but which voice anon
her loli voice
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Predict Dooby's average ccv a year from now.
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What a dystopian schedule.
>Back to being a weekend only andy
Ok shut down the website
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why is what with who which is why is with which who is what why?
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Which one?
I read all vtuber tweets and screenshots in their voice, it's more powerful the more I listen to them too
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96 hour no-streamathon lets go
All of them
I read tweets in chuuba voices because who doesn't I don't know how you'd do it any other way and if I don't have an available voice I use a higher pitched version of my own voice (because it formed when I was younger and hasn't changed with me)
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nigga use a comma
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I want to see Bat and Vei collaborate.
They'd have absolutely zero chemistry and you just know Bat would get progressively angrier throughout the stream as she realizes just how much pretty privilege Vei has experienced in life.
Yes but muffled because Gaspar's cock is in her mouth
*Nigga, use a comma.
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>in depth minecraft tit size and jiggle physics editor
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Would you give Alice a pedicure
If so what color
Pretty much all but confirms shes going to Vshojo
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no, i have whatever Aphantasia but for sounds are. I can't imagine sounds.
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she knew that she's getting into vshojo two years ago? alright
>He can't read his own batposts in bat's voice
It's batover, it's actually batover.
Personally I prefer Dictator Grimmi's voice
cats got him to get back up, they win.
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Acoustic-foam-lined skull batposter.
>set it 100%
She know what she doing
1. Heavenlyfather!
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That sounds horrible...
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kino incoming
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actually it sounds like nothing at all
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I think you're just tone deaf
thread is 80% batposts again
the autism is cute. the head twitching can be attributed to tracking issues. but what's with nude t shirt?
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The silence...
Curly is the most poorest bastered of a victim ive seen in a long time in a horror game
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that's like a completely different thing?
Despite having a 0.1% share in the liggersphere, batposting takes up 80% of posts in /lig/
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I like cartoon sluts
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I don't know maybe it's Amusia
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@ bat
Awww yis!
damn, lookin sexy pendriver
did she get the microphone fixed or does she still sound like a xbox user in vr
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Why do cats like pancakes so much
i think onigiri should get sluttier n meaner
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she replaced it with a bit fancier mic I think
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she got a wireless modmic
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Bat, but cute?
i would like to make Squ squirt
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Our queen
See now I'm tempted to give her a watch for nostalgia bit most chuubas I like have already played that game
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mods ban kamalaharris
who was the leafyishere of lig
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enormous heaving wompers
lig is the hlg of indie threads
>dya :”if it look like a dog it fine”
Dya is a dog fucker confirm
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Good morning
beri should play bloodrayne as part of her new special interest
alice please moan into the mic
thank you
nice geegas
It does nothing to have with your hearing, but all to do with you being unable to imagine sounds. Like some people can't imagine pictures, that guy can't imagine sounds. Maybe you can't imagine sounds either and are confused due to that?
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I literally hear Vivaldi right now
go back to vsj
happy Autumn
So why is it a hard concept to grasp that some people can't imagine sounds?

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