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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>86280362
(Where we discussed Robot rights, fall of the Kemono utopia, Mr. Koro, influence, and Onee-san Laplus)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Post em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There were two stories posted last thread:

Impostor Syndrome >>86360796
Tags: Panic, Dark Comedy, More Panic, Anon, Shiori

Longshoreman >>86440050
Tags: Marine, NSFW
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/wg/ is currently having another contest! Have a story you want to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. All entries must be submitted by the 27th of October, and voting will start on the 1st of November. Please tag your entries with "Fall2024" and the appropriate category (Short/SFW, Long/NSFW, ect).

Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
That's a nice size for Kanata. They should fill my hand to fill my heart.
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Going on a practice date with your best friend towa who is strangely ticked off
>fall of the Kemono utopia
So the idea is purely porn/smut focused but would it just be society wide moral degen or could there a plot in there outside of the smutty concept?
The implication of a kemono utopia falling irrevocably lends itself to the existence of a human MLK.
>Kemono sniper lowers the gun
Oni pussy is just too tempting/strong than Kemono pussy.
It gets too hot for me. I don't want my sausage boiled
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Being oblivious to your older sister Lap's advances while dating her best friend Iroha
Are you telling me Ayame's inside's are like what, a furnace?
Her body temperature is naturally high and rises when she is angered or aroused.
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This but you think your older sister is hinting at something completely different.
Make it funnier. (You) date Towa. Laplus is taken aback by how you bagged such a beautiful girl, but she's still wary. Then, one day, Towa is sperging out about what she likes about you, and Lappy can't help but agree at everything she says.
Then of course, this happens
>"And my aniki has such a big cock! Biggest there is!"
>"Haha- WHAT?!"
Threesome between a Lap that finally got you to see her as a woman and a flustered Towa would be great
The fucking 'Kemono chuuba only goes in heat for her soulmate' concept has messed up my brain chemistry.
I strive for a degree of fluff that will give people type 20 diabetes.
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La+ has never missed conducting penis inspection day with her brother.
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im gonna file this brainworm next to "Kiara and you fuck Mori into a puddle"
Why would you shove Mori into a puddle and fuck her there?
This is Coco erasure
They just share a common ancestor, the dragoni.
Kiara and i started dating after that discord leak and lets just say puddlefucking is a fairly tame fetish
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Actually the singular is Dragotinno
I open the door to Kanata’s room slowly as she’s streaming. I accidentally stepped on a piece of lego and let out a small sigh of pain, but she didn’t notice me at all. Lucky for me, now I can finally unfold my masterplan. RAPE
Where are their gladii?
Raora took them away because she wants them to get molested on the field once they throw their pilums and realize they dont have any weapons
Sorry to be a fucking newfag but is there anywhere I can find info on HoloAlt locations to base story? Holonometria only has detailed entries for Yamato.
Read the Manga then base naming schemes off of the vibe of whatever place you're theming it all around.
Alternative's connected world concept means that whatever world it turns out to be is probably just a wacky alternate/opposite earth anyway.
a completely different take on last thread's prompt

>Korone realizes her own sexiness once Anon begs for a date, takes her to the bedroom and worships her body
I have a theory infographic about HoloAlt that has some locations but you'll have to wait a few hours until I can post it
Bringing your gf home for the first time, and she's incredibly shocked at the very.....intimate relationship you have with Lap. You, on the other hand, are completely confused, as kissing your sister on the lips and sleeping in the same bed is completely normal sibling behavior, right? At least, that's what nee-chan Laplus has been telling you!
>Your gf finds some wipes
>"Oh, so here's what you do when you're thinking of me, huh?" She smirks
>"Ah, no, those are Laplus' wipes
>"Oh, I see-"
>"After she fucks me, she uses them to clean herself."
On the other end of the spectrum, your girlfriend would be weirded out by you living in a nudist household and being very physically loving, entirely innocently, towards your sister. Not even a hint of incest, which leaves your gf both relieved and confused.
Nonono, you can't start at full on incest. There's gotta be a level of deniability, a 'red line' Anon won't cross with Lap. He might have a warped view of what entails a normal, healthy relationship with a sibling, but he still has boundaries.
Lap wants to do more with her brother, but is satisfied with pushing the boundaries little by little. That is, until he gets a gf. Now, there's another woman in his life, and if she doesn't act soon, he'll be gone forever! It's a setup for a romantic triangle with a gf as the 'straight man' to the brocon antics of Lap, Lap seeing the gf as a romantic rival, with the clueless anon in the middle. If you jump straight to incest it ruins any suspense and tension regarding the taboo. You can go multiple directions for the ending, but skipping the development right off the top with a preestablished sexual relationship would be like baking a cake without turning the oven on.
>Plausible deniability
Well, of course! Anon has never creampied lappy, because siblings don't do that. Instead, he always cums on her tummy!
>There's gotta be a level of deniability, a 'red line' Anon won't cross with Lap.
Wasn't there like, a story anon was wanting to write that involves Bae that involved that?
What if it was purely innocent. I.e Anon doesn't have romantic feelings about the Incest and it's just a bit of sibling banter when he picks up his older sister, pushes her down, and blows his load multiple times while yelling "GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT GET PREGNANT".
Ah yes, classic sibling prank.
Yup. Definitely need a Taso wife.
A döppelfanger Kanatan tries to steal your wife's identity! Naturally, there's one test to run, you fondle her tits, and after realizing the döppelganger has a bigger bust, you proudly exclaim that only the love of your life could have such a flat chest, causing Kanata to beat you while she bluses.
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Imagine if you will, a fic where both you and Ririka are trapped in a death game that's run by an incompetent jigsaw copycat.

Now this wouldnt be a problem, if Ririka wasnt drunk on her own fetishes and constantly overcomplicated situations like complaining the ropes are too loose or greasing the machine by herself so the blades spin faster or wearing the muzzle voluntarily

Im Todd Mcfarlane, and i want to save this gyaru from her ladyboner
You, an orphan, save a strange girl from drowning. She had horns! And her hair is white as the clouds. The girl also has inhuman strength, and very strange traditions.
You're in love, so you give her a flower, and confused, she eats it. and chews the petals. In turn, she catches a giant fish and invites you to bite off its eyes with her, which you consider gross, but she seems so eager you pull through.
She will not, under any circumstance let you touch her horns, because to her people, it's the highest honor, only allowed by the spouse!
In a true child fashion, you promise to marry her, and you touch her strong, pointy horns.

7 years later, as you become of age, hordes of yokai and oni are at the gates of your village, princess Ayame has come to collect.
Can we change the contest categories to <5k and >=5k? The current ones don't make any sense. What does "~5k to 10k+" mean? Is 10k the limit or not? Also there's a hole between 3k and 5k.
You can go over 10k, I figured that the 5-10 was a good range for most given the duration of the contest. And then intention behind the specific categories is to give the short/long fics distinction. There's functionally no difference between a fic that's 4,999 words and 5,153 and arbitrarily separating them because of a 5k cutoff is stupid.

This is also to 'level the field' for the shorter fics. But if enough people would rather have a <5k / >5k limit, I can change it.
>Also there's a hole between 3k and 5k.
Just write more
If you write between 3k and 5k, you've failed to adhere to competition guidelines and your fic is automatically disqualified. Sorry bub, but you shouldn't have written 3,001 words.
Do you happen to forget about said promise to marry Ayame and you only remember when an attempt of your life is made against you and she has to save you?
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Oi yourself. Post a less shitty chuuba next time.
Where's the downside? Apart from having a wife that's more than a millenium older than you and will probably barely change while you're alive
naheem its 2024, get a life already

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