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>still has another job
is phase not paying their chuubas enough?
being a vtuber isn't a life-long career
I don't think phase girls make that much in general. Pippa, Panko and Lia all live with their parents
her numbers have been dipping
She's a workaholic.
Baffling post
Doesn't Phase take 50% of everything?
Black company overworking their chuubas and taking a huge cut
In Pippa's case, It's mostly because she's a picky girl, she moved like 5 times for various reasons before moving back. She definitely can have a house, but between housing prices and her simultaneous disdain for city living and need/desire for connection, can't afford to fuck up.
i love this jobby
only Pippa and Airi make great money in Phase
the rest treat it as a hobby or do other grunt work like work in the warehosue (Dizzy) or do company art (Shiina) or do music production (Jelly) to make ends meet
What part of “super-workaholic” did you miss OP? Thaf’s her personality aside angry.
>supporting their talents in way other than shitposting against other corpos
>Has other aspirations besides E-Girl
Smart fox
>is phase not paying their chuubas enough?
Anon, this might be news to you but outside absurd outliers like Rushia, the amount a chuuba earns is proportional to the size of their tatas.
fucking pippa, panko and lia talk about living with their parents and siblings all the fucking time
hag fox
How does kson make 700k a year (according to her) with 800 viewers but phase girls who now get significantly more views than her need to live with their parents and need a second job?
She sends half her income to her mom for some dumb reason.
>other Phase bait threads got archived or deleted
>start spamming more immediately after
what's up with you numberniggers lately? I thought they didn't care about Phase at all?
there's high 2views who make way more money than mid 3views, CCV doesn't matter as a stat except for sponsored streams.
How many of her fans actually buy merch or send donations?
and the other half to limbus company
I heard their contract has a worse cut than Hololive's
Merch, sponsors, etc.
Also 800 dedicated oilers is better than 10k casual fans
where'd you hear that? another catalog thread?
Sakana takes 50% of everything.
It’s not that weird in Italy, I have 5 digits in the bank and my parents live the floor below, we are more comfortable having family around, especially if not married.
Kson doesn't pay as much of her income to a corpo and has more sponsorships and superchats
Are you saying all'phase fans are poor?>>86635292
That would still be 350k
panko has said she is trying to move out and doesn't want to live with her parents anymore
Panko was looking for a fucking house once, i really dont know how much shes making but a whole fucking house is expensive, in europe you cant just swipe your cards for stuff like this
>fucking house
she came come to mine
I forgot EU law says that EU citizens need to live in pods and that houses go to african migrants
Sakana needs to do a better job getting sponsors, which brings in a lot of additional income. But very often sponsors will pay more for a streamer with 500k subs and 500 ccv than a streamer with 100k subs and 1k ccv. Just the way the world works. All those dead subs the big corpos have actually do bring in money, which is why botting subs is profitable.
In Pippa's case she's been saving up and house hunting so she moved back in relatively recently. Smart decision, despite some retarded statements she'd made on the matter.
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>claim Phase doesn't pay enough
>is literally the longest running company in the entire vtubing sphere without a graduation
Clearly they're doing something right and their girls are happy.
Maybe Hololive and other corpos should take notes because nobody has come close to having stability like Phase Connect.
Wasn't italy giving away houses for free at some point?
Invoking this curse is going to be a glorious own-goal phasekek
>Are you saying all phase fans are poor?
Nope, but compared to Kson's fans they might as well be.
You must not know how Karma works
Yuri be like
phase has the advantage of no one wanting to poach phase girls
Last time you fags made a catalog bait thread talking about Phase graduations Ame announced her graduation less than 24 hours later.
to nonitalians
I'm kind of worried that Uruka will land some 6 figure job with long hours that eventually forces her to quit. She's trying to make this work full time, but I'd imagine the money of a regular job must be pretty tempting now that her former classmates are getting well paid jobs. Of course, doing your own thing beats wage slaving, cet. par., but maybe not if it pays 5x in the long run.
Never ceases to be fucking weird how burgers have this whole fantasy crocked up in their heads and regurgitate it religiously.
you literally eat beans on toast you are so poor
I thought uruka was a drop out
sponsorship, events, product collabs, donos, etc.
It's only the red part of the country. There are now two americas. You see, a lot of them don't travel. Some of them have never even visited a big city. They absolutely believe this sort of nonsense about NY or LA even.
She just graduated (the good kind) not long ago.
It is if you earn enough money. Should’ve joined the Dorito
She doesn't want to give up the office lady lifestyle for what ever reason, plus her being a workaholic doesn't help, she needs a manager to make her work less.
/vt/ as a whole is completely unaware of the idea of casual fans, who like a thing but don't watch every single stream, but still occasionally show up and spend money, particularly on merch.
then why does her song say she is a drop out?
I live within spitting distance of NYC. So close I've taken mass transit to the place breaking dimensions was at. NYC is shit and last time I was in the city I saw a tranny wearing a skit so short it could have been a belt
i mean what do you expect? their main incomes are donos and coffee beans
Why does kson get sponsorships worth this much despite being a 3 view but phase girls who get much better views don't?
sponsorships are about selling products, not views.
kson has connections and phase girls have here viewers
I hope the girls she brings on stream get a cut.
Wait, ALL of Prism gen 1 walked out B4 they disband?
It is not.
Even if, let's say, you, by some miracle, tank through 18 to 35, it's not enough money for early retirement.
Besides that, the expenses sort of bite, a lot.

I believe that's one of the reasons Ame stepped back. Her being indie would allow her more freedom in between streaming and playing out with 3D stuff that, potentially, could bring her money as the 3D artist.

Not to mention that Tenma isn't indonesian, filipino, or eastern european, where you can live like a king even if you get as much as 3k dollars per month.
Pretty much. Low education and/or lack of travel; lack of critical thinking plus bait/rage online articles equals stupid and highly schizo.
>Are you saying all'phase fans are poor?
nta but phase fans are almost entirely /here/niggers so yes, they are poor or mean.
remember this?
>never donate
>never buy merchandise
views don't always equal clout and connection within the industry. Filian is among the top vtuber view-wise. But, her income is nowhere near IM who only slightly has more views than her.
>samefagging circle jerking
Kson also had at least one real life project with that Yakuza game.
It's not that different from any other streamer, and I will repeat the same thing I was saying 12 years ago in regards to let's playing/early twitch streaming: it sucks ass as a main job/career, most of the time it's not that profitable, and you may not receive jackshit for years before you hit big by some luck.
good on her for securing another source of income. hard working fox
Literally proving his point.
>I forgot EU law says that EU citizens need to live in pods
It's not EU where you can rent a fucking pod for 2000 bucks (probably even more now, due to inflation) and be proud and happy about it.
>Phase thread full of unironic twitter trannies crying about "fuckin red state Drumpfists"

What the fuck is going on, isn't Phase the /pol/nigger agency, why are most of their fans leftist faggots, most of the girls are targeting the complete opposite demographic, just fuck off instead of hatewatching and schizobabbling on a Chinese lace underwear knitting forum.
If Phase Gen 1 outlives Myth's record then I think it's safe to say Phase has an amazing work culture. The fact that a branch/company starting from literally nothing would outlive the Dorito one is insane given the massive disparity in income, opportunities, general success etc. I mean fuck, 2/7 of that generation were 2 views that couldn't communicate with the rest of their company for years
phase nigs take the phrase "free entertainment" literally and dont support their vtubers
Panko does not make a lot in supas. Probably bottom half in Phase
It could be possible that she's lying because if a 4view tells you how much they actually make it could lower the amount of donos they get. However, with Tenma I think the situation is that she realizes that streaming is not long-term friendly and doesn't want to risk becoming irrelevant on the internet and then having no job.
She gets paid a ton for her video game and convention appearances.
in twitch it's not about your views, they all federate into """"corpos"""" because it's about getting very good sponsorship money that is FAR from industry standard, a lot of the brands that will sponsor them will treat it like paying for a TV ad with the same level of money pulled whereas on youtube it's a much smaller cut and sponsorships aren't as ingrained in the platform
as an advertising guy I wouldn't say it's a good model but it's worked very well for them so far
tenma makes more than enough money, she's just very attached to her job and wants vtubing to be her passion, she keeps saying all the money will go to her cat anyway
Are we sure kson is even telling the truth? Why do we believe this just because she said it in an interview?
panko is the only breadwinner in her house and manages to pay for 5 people in total with her vtubing money
>whereas on youtube it's a much smaller cut and sponsorships aren't as ingrained in the platform
Got a source on that?
is she a pagpag or something
Pippa annoys me because she acts like she's poor but is the highest income earner in the company.
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It's not 'her' finances that allow her to look for a house, pancuck
The Prism part isn't really telling the truth, Sony disbanded them, but they are all still active as their own characters I think.
>not Eastern European
She failed to reach the coffee selling quota
Tenma makes about the same ballpark in supas as Lia does, a girl who is smaller and streams like 15 hours a month compared to Tenma who streams about 60 hours a month
>according to her
She is coping, being washed up and all that. She takes loans from the Yakuza and sucks their dick as payment
Subs and connections. I don't know why, but sponsors prefer a 3view with 1m+ subs to a 4view with 100k. That's just how it is.
nta, but from playboard, it looks like last month the gen 1 phase girls (Pippa, Tenma, Uruka) have a higher superchat to average ccv ratio (or watch hours if you prefer) than most holos, and much higher sc to sub ratio. So this does not seem accurate.
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Do you not know what Eastern Europe is?
Merches + sponsors earn a lot more than superchat and streaming. Phase is the classic small corpo with a niche audience that tries to watch everyone. This is reflected in the low subs in comparison to ccv.

Like how Chinami said that her pl was earning a lot more in comparison to a small corpo chewba with similar ccv (they had a collab).
>drop out?
She dropped out of the Phase World Academy for Guardians... she never said she dropped out of University in America.
The song also says she's homeless and lives under a rock, do you also believe that?
that is just a month and moths are swayed by if celebrations/event happen.
what are their career supas compared to holos. they do not compare at all.
>Pippa: $500,000
>Tenma: $120,000
>Lia: $110,000
>Uruka: $65,000
And what exactly does she gain by lying?
Threadreaders don't watch streams. Tenma has said multiple times that she wants to retire by the time she reaches 40. So she's in her workaholic phase, making as much money as possible so she can retire young.
I guess Phasefags have shallow pockets
>Pippa: $500,000
>Tenma: $120,000
>Lia: $110,000
>Airi: $82,000
>Shiina: $80,000
>Dizzy: $70,000
>Uruka: $65,000
>Jelly: $48,000
>Runie: $46,000
>Clara: $43,000
>Panko: $40,000
>Hime: $35,000
>Erina: $32,000
>Ember: $29,000
>Eimi: $28,000
>Iori: $24,000
>Hina: $17,000
>Remi: $16,000
>Muyu: $15,000
>Loki: $12,500
>Nasa: $11,000
>Yuu: $9,000
>Saya: $9,000
>Michiru: $7,000
>Pico: $6,500
>Memory: $4,000
>streams on average of 3-6 hours a week
>has over $100k in supas
lia will look back when she is older and has a real job and not realize how fucking easy it was
Another job to buy condoms for flayon
sponsorships anon
She can't get a real job. The last time she got one she quit after like 3 days.
i dont think she cares about money. streaming is just a hobby for her this is not what she wants to do with the rest of her life
if you say that in /#/ they will laugh at you.
the real business is in merchandising and sponsorships.
Pippa is like a cheat code for Phase Connect good god.
So I was curious and did a small sample. (Data from playboard)
Talents sampled: Pippa, Tenma, Uruka vs the top 3 HoloENs for Sep, except for Ame for obvious reason.
Range: Last 3 months
Pippa: 33804
Tenma: 19364
Uruka: 17492
Gigi: 59549
Mori: 28047*
Kiara: 47314
*For some reason this is showing as 0 for July, not sure what's going on with playboard, or if she had scs off or something.
The Holos had massively greater ccv, watch hours, and sub count. The sc to ccv/wh/sub ratio is still far greater over the last 3 months for the 3 phase girls.
Gigi has made almost as much in 3 months as Uruka has made in 3 1/2 years.
If you do the math, you'll realize that this is actually worse than a decent paying wage in a first world state (after YT and corpo cut). Don't know where this woman lives though.
Kson if she was smart would have high paying stocks from the money she made before
Yeah, I know, my point is that their fans definitely have the cash to throw around. That fish just needs to do a better job at making/fulfulling merch and getting sponsors.
Yeah, but the point is, Phase viewers are spending a lot more per capita/watch hour on SCs, so it's likely that they could be spending more on merch. They seem to have more disposable income, at least.
>60% of that are pagpag enjoyers from BVTM tweets
These people aint help with paying bills bro
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CCV =/= income
she live in california.
she streams between 3-6 hours a week and takes a lot of time off
she always has a lot of members and is popular enough that has 3rd party merch of hers that sells well, so i assume her company merch does well enough too.
i would imagine she makes probably $40k-$50k a year for 6 hours per week. she would rake a lot more if she applied herself and cared about streaming, but she doesn't. easy come easy go i kinda respect it she doesn't really spam shit for the sake money like others do.
The bit is old now Tenma has a job because she wants to have structure in her life all the other girls are coffee subsidized neets except Airi who would be sent back to hell where she came from if she quit her job
>Yeah, I know, my point is that their fans definitely have the cash to throw around
you should add NEXAS to this
>I believe A to be true
>Here are some statistics show A to not be true
>Wrong. *points at himself saying A to be true*
She has my respect now
I meant takes home after everybody gets their cut. she probably makes what a public school teacher makes and all she has to do is ramble for 90 minutes 3-4 times a week
imagine if she applied herself and was money driven
Oh, yeah, I forgot about the members money. When you add all of that up it's pretty decent. California wages are pretty high though, so it's not amazingly better.
... Wow, she barely streams, no wonder I keep forgetting she exists. 19 hrs last month, 11 hrs each the two months before that...
Well, maybe if her genmates continue to improve and rake in more money, she'll get motivated too? It sounds like their morale has collectively improved a lot as Phase got bigger.
a mass replier with relevant information
i'm not sure if that's a good thing
so it goes
And remember Dizzy (then Urara) originally told Sakana not to hire Pippa.
Memory-chan is such a sweetie. you guys are missing out
>Well, maybe if her genmates continue to improve and rake in more money, she'll get motivated too
if she cared about money, she would stream. lia is great at baiting the conversational dono.

she is kinda goal oriented, and the problem at this point is i think she is fulfilled and is bored of vtubing.
Is "connections" a euphemism for "she gives good blowjobs"?
Why would you sponsor someone that gets no views. You're burning money.
>company art
where have i seen this before....?
Sorry, sweetie. You're a degenerate failure that can't talk to women because you have a real family that cares for each other. Just how it is, I don't make the rules.
>Why would you sponsor someone that gets no views
Because they are retarded. Adam Smith was a smart guy but he wasn't smart enough to realize that people aren't logical with their money.
sponsors care about subs the most.
they have no frame of reference what is good or bad or fine ccv.
however, everybody knows 100,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 subs. they don't know most of those subs are dead
>phase girls are poor, as they themselves say
>phaseniggas refuse to spend money because they are poor or assholes
>''yes b...bu..but fishman should just try hard to get them to spend their money on phase''.
>I'm telling you that they are poor or assholes
Oh so phase girls should just bot themselves to a million subs to make half a million a year like kson claims.
It's that easy.
Well, as long as she's happy, I guess. I'm not familiar with her situation, so for all I know she has a very well paying job with long hours. It seems like she's still maintaining this low level output, so my guess is that she's not burnt out and will just keep it going as a side gig that she sometimes does with friends.
High sub count. Yeah, I know it's dumb, but I don't make the rules.
"Do you not know, my son, with how very little wisdom the world is governed?"
Unironically, yes. Except that botting that many subs isn't actually easy, or safe. You need real people. Why do you think so many people hopped on the shorts meta?
>in the company
Pippa earns more than most holos
Nigga you're retarded they're straight up not poor
vtubing is all she does for money. she graduated school last december and 2024 was supposed to be her "i'm vtubing full time" arc but that lasted all of 1 month when she got accepted into a school program in japan for 2025
so then 2024 became about "i am going to do whatever I want this year while i have the free time, because that will be going away next year" and she spent 1 total month in japan (over 2 separate trips), a week in san francisco, new york city, then anime expo, then took a week off when her sister was in town so she could hang out with her, then she missed 2 weeks when her grandpa died, and then she missed 2 weeks cold without any notice playing FF14 off stream

i do think lia is kinda bored of vtubing and that is why she is just fucking around now doing self indulgent content that makes her happy. she has pretty much done everything a small corpo vtuber could ever realistically hope to accomplish. i trust she will find new goals within vtubing to keep her interested
My brand new indie oshie made slightly more than da michi in just a year, without corpo cut, and she poverty baits all the time...

Is da michi sustained purely by her love for autism simulators? as in, is streaming one gorillion hours per week actually nourishing her in real life? what the fuck.
yeah, Too bad they can't make a living from streaming
Why? That has never been a thing
Huh. So I was curious and checked out a stream... why does she say "double dollars"?
I guess if she went to private school her family is probably well off? Would explain a lot.
longtime streamers gotta either have high professionalism or be parasocial for the viewers
lia was never going to be professional and lietnam kinda killed off any parasociality that was there
either way focusing on career/money in your 20s as a woman is a retarded play. you can always make money later in life, but you can only find a great man before you hit the wall
That's right, and she's also riding a powerful brand with more than 5 years of prestige. Do that as a nobody 3 years ago, and it's not comparable. Now, graduate Tenma and debut her in Hololive now, she'll make a ton as well in a short time.
Game sponsorships are literally integrated with and advertised on twitch, have been for a long ass time
>i trust she will find new goals within vtubing to keep her interested
3D has likely extended her contract by at least 2 years.
i think she would be content moving to japan for school, streaming 1-2 times a week and showing up to do idol shit in Phase 3D concerts 1-2 times a year.
I know one of her last goals of having an original song is in the works. Also her mom is getting rigging in the next 6months. Also is she does really move to Japan, she will need money and vtubing is easy money in a Japan that is in recession where her money will go 2x farther than it does in Cali. Plenty of things to keep her around.
why is rin grayed out when she's still in idolen
they are lame ducks. her, fuyo, and juna are leaving idol in one month.
What a map lmao
Ironlung makes about 2 million USD per month pretending she's dying.
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>ANOTHER phase bait thread
lia will always be known as the condom money streamer who cucked her fans at the end of a donothon, great accomplishment
phasecucks working overtime
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>show up to the biggest company event ever
>steals the show and mogs
>mint, matara and sayu said her dancing cured their damanged souls
heh nothing personal
I don't think he wants to make a line with 58 pictures or whatever
>"double dollars"?
Trigun anime. In this post-apocalyptic world the currency is "double dollars" $$. More than a year ago she watched the Trigun remake, and she loved the character of Vash the Stampede. Lia tends to jump on bandwagons and pick a new husbando every 3 months, depending on the recent game that she played or anime she watched. She doesn't mention Vash much nowadays, however, the double dollars stuck, and it feels very much part of her now.
>Sucking Kiryu’s dragon dick
Man she’s living the life
oh, great baubau, how do we stop these anti-Phase faggots that just give us bad reputation?
First and foremost, (You) need to stop being brown. Then your lust for tribalfagging will magically disappear...
huh, no wonder I didn't get the reference. That's pretty old.
A lot of Americans are very fucking stupid. I don't know what to tell you.
The original Trigun is pretty old, however, there was a remake on Netflix, which is what Lia watched. So there's no excuse, Zoomer.
I'm surprised Runie and Clara are that high given that they're recent debuts and mid 3views
she hard donobaits. her, Dizzy and especially Airi exist to donobait.
The only reason is because they have way less passive income so they gotta grind despite having a shittier-than-Indian sidewalks fanbase
Why are they all old
Dizzy doesnt get paid to work in the warehouse, unless you count lunch being provided. She does it because she says she enjoys it, probably because it gives her an excuse to hang out with Kevin.
Most vtubers are incapable of holding a 9-5
Mental illness and being manhera is a core requirement of being an entertaining vtuber and that gets in the way of holding a real job for longer than 2 months.
Tell your boss you don't feel like showing up for a month because of brainworms and see how that goes.
The best thing mentally ill vtubers can do is groom their biggest paypig into marrying them. Getting a sugar daddy is far more secure in the long run than vtubing.
My workaholic alcoholic gacha anime man addicted fox wife.
they should be that high given how much bigger of a company audience phase had when they came into the company
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Talented people are talented
>ratio cope
phase shillers are the neo-niji shillers
>Tell your boss you don't feel like showing up for a month because of brainworms and see how that goes.
Some places do let you do that though. I knew a guy that had a melty and basically got 2 months off. Then eventually, when redundancies happened, he took voluntary, got extra money and moved to Japan because of the money he saved up.
For how much Tenma streams and how long her streams are (seriously, no one else in Phase streams as much as her iirc and it's not even close), she doesn't get a lot of supas so having a day job is understandable.
Not true
So are you saying that every viewer of Kson is contributing $1000 per year in donations?
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Hope this helps.
176 posts of useless words over such a simple reason.
Was it any good? Did it actually follow the manga this time?
If I would guess?
Tenma doesn't *need* a 2nd job. But why not have one if you can? It's more income.
Also it's not like her vtuber job will last forever, if she has a serious career why give that up?
Nobody is paying some random internet woman half a million dollars to cameo in a video game
>and especially Airi
Airi doesn't need to donobait, she apparently makes good money at her job even if she hates said job (but can't quit it). People donate to her because her bitching about her shitty job makes men in their late 20s-late 30s relate to her. That and her Korean hag energy.
>Airi doesn't need to donobait
>People donate to her because her bitching about her shitty job makes men in their late 20s-late 30s relate to her
when a fool doesn't know what donobaiting is. THAT is how good she is you are oblivious.
But I don't donate.
i never said you did.
she is an expert at donobaiting. from her big tit model to her woe is me stories about her job, or her car accidents she needs to pay for, or her credit cards getting stolen, or she is sick and puts on the voice
I didn't watch it, kek!
>to her woe is me stories about her job
I mean she works for a black company, I'd bitch too
You sound like a fedora-tipping redditor who thinks he's above everything
I am not saying Airi's tactics are wrong. I am just saying she is an expert at donobaiting. The only one better than her is Scarle.
give this man the nobel prize in economics!
I watch almost all her streams but it seems like her company itself isn't the problem, but rather she works for a shitty division in it.
But you guys
you guys
you guys....

Enna can't afford a car
For a corpo which has been claimed to be irrelevant, gets no views, and apparently now has no money for talents, it sure is generating a constant influx of seething and bait threads. This is a 200 reply thread seething about information that has been known for the last 3 years.
keep spamming threads phasecuck maybe people will care eventually
The highest earner in Phase is still poor. Grim
You answered that very fast for not caring
Let me guess, you also think this thread was somehow sponsored by Fishman too
Pippa is rolling in money. She's been in the top 25 most donated vtubers on youtube for like...years
>makes false statement
>proven wrong
It's a fairly decent amount for her watch hours. Problem is that her average ccv isn't that high. If her day job pays well, it probably brings in more per hour.
saya muyu and hina are have seemingly underperformed big time
they got the mega treatment, expensive ads, expensive models, expensive debuts. you would hope for more return on investment.
you may be right about that, not a 'pancuck' tho, i couldnt care less about this stuff since i watch too many different vtubers anyways
what is this cope about pippa being rich
Rule of the thumb is a million in the bank for every $40k per year in interest you want to make. So if a girl gets into the Dorito and gets addicted to an insane lifestyle of $300k a year she'd have to set aside 8 million in the bank over the course of her career to retire on that living standard.

This is definitely possible for top doritos who are basically corporate mascots at this point. Probably a stretch for mid-tier doritos doing the stream-concert-birthday merch loop.
>Pippa is rolling in money.
she will always be poor because poor people use money on dumb shit and will stay poor. reminder she spent $300 on fans in japan on a random day.
And she's still poor? That's sad
Each of them has disappeared for long stretches of 'X/Y/Z hort', which brings their growth to a halt as long as they're gone.
Phase members get forced to do grunt work? HOLY BLACK
What kind of growth we talking?
if you are good at your job as a vtuber, you should be able to use those breaks to generate savior fag donos.
Hina is the most shocking because she has the overtly big tit mod buff too
Kson said that in reaction to the ones who quit vsoujo due to bad contracts
Is she a groomer?
They spend it all.
>Piss connect making money???
Kek yeah no, most of them are 2views and the dude sells coffee, of course their broke
the only problem is most people in their 20s are easy come easy go and dont save. they live the fast life while the money is good, but when it goes wrong and they cant afford that lifestyle anymore they are fucked.
hina and saya worry me as graduation risks coming up. their contracts are up in december.
Does she work from home or what? Is she complaining about her weekly/monthly company meeting?
Sakana is a fucking retard for bonking Hina's raveslut stream
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Nta but why haven't you guys used https://twitter.com/Xyznchro/status/1841663143145074849 for bait yet?
Phase connect
More like
Poor connect
I am not gonna lie, I used to hate you guys but lignigs and vshitjo fags are so much worse, so I tolerate you now.

san fransico isn't in America
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Having to grift to trick viewers to support a Puerto Rican. You can't make this shit up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OflK7SKzeQ
Phase is a microcorp
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>she is fulfilled and is bored of vtubing
It's mostly because someone at YouTube has a hateboner for her and keeps on demonetizing her VODs and other streams because of her saying mommy or some shit. It's why so many of her classic streams are unlisted or privated.

it's also because she is addicted to final fantasy xiv and her manager cece is actively encouraging her to play it, as well as her moving to japan in the future
panko is italian
doesn't her mom work for mussolini's grand daughter?
chink company
I guess selling coffee wasn’t the money making scheme it seems to be
why do trannies always have panko conspiracy theories?
thats what happens when you collab with males during yuro time
>not eastern yurope
why did she lie?
how is she going to make that much money in one year?
with her mom and sister
Stop being poor and buy merch!!!
idk if lia could do more because it seems like the main reason to watch lia is her autistic zatzus
I'm not sure if you're being honest or not but if you don't like these threads you need to avoid replying at all cost. Do notice that a single poster can play both sides, meaning he can reply to himself, once attacking and once defending, and in that way keep the thread alive with some sort of discussion.
90% of that goes straight to kevin
>he says why on an American website, speaking American on the American internet
they are not going anywhere. They are much better at the moment than as indies.
I don't understand the purpose of these threads to be honest >>86654149 It's always the same canned anti-replies.
every streamer is a 3 view in Phase even the least subscribed ones
No one cares
she didn't... it's called... kayfabe
She has more than one year to make a bunch of money
You realize it's a constant losing battle right?
>avoid thread
>it gets spammed with the exact same anti Phase stuff
>spills over with shitposters raiding the generals
>another catalog thread made
>use thread to call out shitposters and offending parties
Trust me, I've tried both strategies.
I never bump these threads from the bottom of catalog, but there is always some retarded anti bumping the thread from page 10. I've seen so many bump posts that occur 1+ hours later and end up bringing these threads back into the limelight. It's how miraculously nearly every Phase catalog thread will hit bump limit or close to it.
It's not. It's the biggest company in all of Canada, and the 3rd biggest corporation in the west. Phase is a single corporation, it's not like Brave that has a bunch of small corporations.
There’s a lot phasecuck crying ITT, love to see it
Canada is not a real place
miichan is a turbo hag
Sorry... I might go to hell for this, but... santa... santa is your parents!
I just thought it's a good time kid, since we're ripping band-aids off and all.
not true
you know it's a samefag replying to himself, fucking die already samefag!
And there is a reason if those houses were being given away.

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