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Cool Puppers Edition
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I genuinely dont think you really know them that well, anon.
Post that one webm of FWMC that makes your penis hard when you see it
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
Post the JP one.
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Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

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As you wish.
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baused ryan
Based and same. I really enjoy listening to the romantic ones. Being called sweatie pie by Fuwawa was incredible, I felt both embarrased and very happy. rabu rabu FUWAMOCO
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Huh... did this really happen? How did Cover get an actual cat to dance like that?


That's not real
I agree, which is why their actions frustrate me even more... If they didn't actually care I could just say "well fuck them then," and vacate without giving any of this any more thought. Instead I'm here terrified of the future when I should be excited, because they've made the horizon look worrying to me.
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>Free time?
>Let me just slot in this JP gorilla stream.
>Time to cancel an EN stream!
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FWMC finds a magic big red button with some instructions.
If they press it they'll get 2 million JP subs and will have a sololive guaranteed, BUT every single EN Ruffian will die a slow and painful death.
They know for sure that the button works and it's real.

Would they press it?
>Would they press it?
Sololive is the end game. Numbers get them a better shot at a sololive.
Nope, they wouldn’t. They would NEVER want to intentionally hurt any Ruffian
>Would they press it?
Yes. Absolutely. 100%.
Is that even a question?
Fuwawa would see a big red button and immediately press it wthout even reading what it says.
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I think they just observed one in its natural habitat, instead of one domesticated by humans.

Nekomata Okayu is a very real and very cute vtuber, check out this photo
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they wouldn't press it. end of argument. good nite
>They would NEVER want to intentionally hurt any Ruffian
Watch streams. They already said multiple times that they are willing to do things that hurt us, because "others will like it"
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Baused and correct

In the past? No. Now? They would press it multiple times hoping that they'll get a few more JP subs.
They'd sacrifice their own bodies to be in the JP branch if they got the offer, a little genocide would be nothing to them.
No way. With those 2m subs, they'd for sure have some people who would be as generous as some of the EN Ruffians in there. They would have pressed it at debut, before the move, after the move, etc. Sololive is the ultimate end goal for them.
Do you really need to ask that? Yes, they would. They would cry while doing it, but they would 100% do it.
I still want to believe that they actually cared about us in the past, even if they don't care anymore.
>sisters from THERE tried to convince (You) that the thread is better during burger dead hours
>loop 500 posts in 3 hours
they can't help themselves can they
You want a honest answer? They would press it. And don't misunderstand, they would be crying themselves to sleep every night for months after doing that, but I honestly believe that they would do it.
It'd almost be impressive if it weren't so retarded. It shows you the complete lack of material they have to actually shitpost about.
Well they are hungry after all
It's like they're at different timeslots or something.
They care about Ruffians as a whole. They do not care about who those Ruffians are, just that they're there cheering them on. If it behooves them and the size of that Ruffian fanbase to stream more in a different language that they can reasonably stream in, they'll do it. The EN pool was still open and they were getting growth month after month. The move happened and their growth with EN (past vertical streams) was very slow. You as an 'EN Ruffian' don't matter, but you as a 'Ruffian' do. JP has a lot more potential for furthering their goal, so they will push for more 'JP Ruffians' to join Ruffians as a whole because it's important for their goal, and they will do many, many things to appease that fanbase and potential. Just like singing that Kendrick & Kodak Black song was trying to appeal to the casual western fans who liked seeing the juxtaposition of cute anime girl singing rap.
Timezones aren't real.
They could have done a EN stream in that timeslot like they've done in the past.
They don't do EN gorilla streams because so many faggots bitch at them on twitter and in the comments about 'missing out'. So now they'll just do JP gorillas because they told those faggots that they don't have to get up early to catch JP streams already, but can't bring themselve to satly the same about EN streams.
>You as an 'EN Ruffian' don't matter, but you as a 'Ruffian' do
Do I even matter as a "Ruffian" though? If they start pandering to the JPs and doing more things for them then the EN side of "the Ruffians" don't matter.
Without hesitation. Even if you removed terms and made it solely
>You will get 1M Japanese Ruffians
>Every EN Ruffian would die a slow and painful death
they couldn't push it fast enough
>They don't do EN gorilla streams because so many faggots bitch at them on twitter and in the comments about 'missing out'.
But they'll do JP gorillas even if they get more people bitching about it and calling them out on Twitter and in the comments?
Ruffian in the sense as a formless blob of support. That's what it really means. If you don't support them or their choices, you should either come to expect less from them and temper your expectations (along with whatever you feel comfortable doing to support them still) or leave. They made that pretty clear with the BP2 stream, but never really 'hard committed' to it until recently.
You can ignore the "if". They are actually doing that, right now.
>They are actually doing that, right now.
They aren't, though.
no one bitches about those except 10~20 completely mentally ill schizos or outright antis pretending to be fans
the avatarfaggot trying to recruit the 4 JPschizos from the discord like if he's building some huge crusade is hilarious
2 JP solo stream this week just this week, and they'll do half of the clip watchalong stream in japanese.
I get the feeling that FuwaMoco would be like Shirou and choose not to press the button and continue to endlessly pursue that goal for eternity until they passed away or something. Even that CG looks like an F/SN ending.
NTA, but I've actually seen multiple EN grayfags in chat asking for more English or questioning why the stream is not in English during JP streams.
There you go
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Mococo would press it while crying, Fuwawa would instantly press it not knowing what it even does.
All sisters, duh.
>outright antis pretending to be fans
You fags are hilarious. Never change.
I honestly would view half of the gta watchalong as a positive surprise. Any time they see a Japanese comment they will go on a long Japanese tangent. It probably will be even worse with EN subs because they'll be using the stream to farm jp tourisf subs. I wonder if peroTL will translate it to JP
Grayfags are actually important though. They are the majority of the EN ruffians, it's not a good idea to antagonize them.
Why would they care if grayfags for EN ditch them when JP grayfags have obviously proven to give them more numbers with shit like the JP slop games getting tons of JP chatting and way bigger ccv?
The English subs thing is definitely a excuse for them to talk in JP most of the time without making it a "JP solo stream"
>Grayfags are actually important though. They are the majority of the EN ruffians
Maybe when it's a majority of them complaining, and not one or two, someone might care.
they literally could not care less about EN grayfags after they hit the sub button. I honestly don't believe they care about any individual ruffian if they're already subbed because they already have gotten all they want from them. Maybe paypuppies they care a little tiny bit more about because they give them money but that's about it. Anyone else has already been fully drained and of no value
To go along with 2 EN solo streams and a collab. Also >this week
Nice sample size, Nostradamus.
>and they'll do half of the clip watchalong stream in Japanese
The clip watchalong stream where all the clips are from a JP collab event? That one?
That's the thing, they won't all start complaining at the same time. At first it'll only be 3 or 4 but then they'll start getting people to agree with their points. Grays don't have a deep emotional connection to FWMC, if they start getting less EN stream and more JP streams they'll eventually start openly question it.
I seen way more grayfags thanking them for PeroTL
Most grayfags who aren't having fun or can't understand the stream will just leave. What the hell are you talking about? Why do you think most of their gray chatters during the first 2 hours of The Bathhouse were Japanese chats? All the other grayfags went and watched Fauna instead.
Grudgepost me, I'm 100% sure of it.
They will constantly talk in japanese during that stream, just like they did during the RnR.
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Listened to one of the Halloween VPs. I'm not gonna lie, I got hard as fuck from hearing witch Fuwawa's VP... She just knows
not all grayfags are complaining though, it's like 10 a stream and they're >outright antis pretending to be fans
I just, for once, want them to treat EN ruffians in JP stream the same way they treat JP ruffians in EN stream
A sentence or two in English won't kill their gains
Translating JP supa into EN won't kill their gains
Replying to EN chat in English once in a while won't kill their gains

And if you think otherwise, then that also applies to EN stream and they have no business crying that EN ruffians dont give them numbers because they killed it themselves
I'm at the point where I'm just going to say how sexy she is on the hashtags for my reviews. she doesn't even read it anyways so I'm done holding back
It's easier to get 100k from a pool of 1 million than it is to get 100k from a pool of 200k. Appeal to the biggest pool. They couldn't do it from the start because they debuted in HoloEN as EN talents. They needed to grow their base before they could push outward.
so they're trading EOP grayfags for JOP grayfags... what's your point? not every stream is intended for everybody
I'm sure there are some EOPs that are waiting for their next horrorslop and don't give a shit about karaoke. are they alienating their horrorslop fanbase?
>Translating JP supa into EN won't kill their gains
Go watch the Home3D debut stream, and count how many EN supas they translate into JP.
>HoloID doing forest
Oh, its just gonna be sandbox without doing the story, huh
grays are actually inhuman and live in their own world
What's your next prediction, that the sun's going to come up tomorrow morning?
It is scary how much my heart was changed. I'd they keep down this path of abandoning their EN fans then their graduation is going to be the happiest day of my life second only to their debut and breaking dimensions
>grays are actually inhuman
Baused and correct
Same number as the number of JP supa they translated into EN
But go to hologta finale and eurotruck finale and count how many they translated into JP tho
That's pretty rough, I hate JP streams but not even I would feel that way.
You said "Only one or two are complaining". I was addressing that most won't complain, they'll just leave the stream. Fauna was streaming, so most EN who didn't want to hear half or more Japanese just moved to watch her.
Don't worry, they will be happy too. They'll graduate from HoloEN to join HoloJP like they always wanted.
Who's this, the monster? Or one of the BRschizos?
Again, just a sprinkle of EN service wont kill their appeals
Just be fair
I agree with you, but if what the people here say it's true, then the JP tourists will instantly close the stream the second they hear some English.
You mean treat it like it should be treated, as entertainment?
You're probably right, but with the way they've talked about JP streams multiple times before, it seems like if that was any kind of problem for you, you should just skip them like they said.
Nice raid.
Are they getting too close to 1M for comfort?
Was it sisters that scheduled yet another guerilla Japanese stream on a week when they already had a JP solo stream?
they are sisters yes
>you should just skip them like they said
I just don't understand why they always go out of their way to welcome JPs into the EN streams but completely ignore the ENs during the JP streams. It honestly hurts a bit to see.
So what's your 1m wish prediction?
Yeah, FWMC are twin sisters.
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>Was it sisters that scheduled yet another guerilla Japanese stream on a week when they already had a JP solo stream?
This might surprise you, anon, but...
Mococo finally gets a boob job
the revival of misudo
You already know it; officially joining HoloJP.
Getting married to each other on stream
>You're probably right, but with the way they've talked about JP streams multiple times before, it seems like if that was any kind of problem for you, you should just skip them like they said.
They were referring to stream time and not the way they treat you during stream, no?
As an Aussie JST actually more convenient for me
Because there's more EN streams than there have been JP. September is a bit skewed due to GTA, but it still holds true even for this week.
If you want to take that comment about wanting to be better at translating from their Q&A as them wanting to go 50/50, you can and it would play into the fact that there's more 'JP' streams coming.
they don't need a wish for that
gotta be Visual Novel right?
Same. I'll watch yesterday's FWMC morning now, I want to enjoy Mococo's suffering after knowing that they are doing *another* JP gorilla stream.
well I hope you've been doing your reps because every single stream they do in your timezone is gonna be japanese
I literally had to give myself a moment after hearing it to the end. Between the pet nicknaming and saying cute shit to the moment she said she would "gobble" us up. Diamonds. She's too powerful... Pull one out for fluffy...
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they'll fight over the wish and Pero will sneak in and wish for panties
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>I'm at the point where I'm just going to say how sexy she is on the hashtags for my reviews. she doesn't even read it anyways
It's gotta be related to songs or concerts. Maybe some extra help on an album they're working on? It probably isn't 3d related since they've had their models for 2 months and barely have any use with them yet so they probably don't know what they want to change, if they did at all.
I can tell you what it isn't, anything related to their streaming experience.
I don't think incest marriages are legal in Japan yet. When they get the 1M wish, Ishiba-san will personally pass a bill and approve their marriage licence
They've been doing x6 times the JP content that they usually do, in just these past 2 months.
I just want them to not be actively hostile to me, is that too much to ask for?
that's way over the budget
Heh, dumbass just see number 6 in the post and didn't read the rest of the post
watch out anon there's kanji behind you
Yes it is, gbranga
Now kys
Didn't aqua use her wish for her VN?
GBr is a fucking Br dumbass
That guy isn’t even on Twitter anymore
How much would it hurt them to see me posting a picture of all the merch i bought and then another showing up sold it for pennies on the dollar to a pawn shop because I no longer feel welcome
did the twitter police get him
>wanting to be better at translating from their Q&A as them wanting to go 50/50, you can and it would play into the fact that there's more 'JP' streams coming.
That doesn't make any sense.
They already do a fantastic job at talking JP and translating EN to JP for the JP viewers during EN streams. If they actually cared about that they would try translating JP to EN for the EN Ruffians during JP stream, because that's what they struggle the most with, but the never do it.
Same difference

Twitter is illegal, he's hiding from the federales
>that's way over the budget
Could always ask for it as a start, with more detail to be worked out later. I imagine they'd want something more immediate though.
>not even destroying the merch like a true estranged otaku
they would forget about you in a day
>Same difference
Of course not, retard
Shoulda used Gausga
Him and his entire country
It will hurt them more if you film yourself burning it.
Fuck, you're right.
I kneel.
>purchase another vp
>post receipt
>still no likes
There is no point to these
Good point, thank you. So I'll record a video initially framed as me showing off my shrine but slowly cutting to me destroying it all piece by piece before cutting myself and setting it all ablaze through tears with burn to be baudol in the background playing
They are wealthy now there is no point to cater to eop retards buying voicepacks they spent 10 minutes recording months ago
>buy X
>get X
>wtf why didn't I get Y
No... this cannot be, TWO streams?
I will now shit my diapers and burn my merch.
They only give likes to the JPs now.
Lwt ke reitterate. If they want to be closer to 50/50 JP and EN, they need more JP in their streams. There could be a future where all streams will be close to 50/50 EN and JP, for all timezones. As it is now, they stream far more often in in EN across their channel, so going partial JP during EN evens the playing field.
>he only bought voice packs to get a fuwamoco like on twitter
it's almost funny how pathetic everything about this is
>Lwt ke reitterate.
I just lie about buying it and have gotten likes on it
because I include jp in my review
Why else would you want to buy them?
The JP solo kanji learning stream is going to be a weekly JP stream from now on, because zannie asked them to do it so he could get more streams in his timezone.
So I can cut up the audio for shitposts /here/?
>Nothing will change!
>un un
>Please don't worry!
it's not a Happy Meal there is no toy, now eat your hamburger
FWMC would do anything to replace all the EN ruffians with JP ones, so if you offer them 2 million JP subs AND a sololive they'll do it without hesitation.
Fywawa needs to graduate already so Mococo can get back to spending comfy streams with the Ruffians again instead of being worked to death
If only they'd dedicate a day every week to just play a game on their backlog that they have yet to finish.
Who is this Fywawa? How does she bau bau?
I knew someone would compile this eventually kek
Best seatbelt PSA
>cant be submitted coz no en subs
>he thinks Mococo doesn't also hate EOP Ruffians even more than her sister
a lying whore that doesn't deserve the effort to go back and correct a typo in her name
I'm not sure who this Fywawa is...
Mococo is the one who is the most number hungry. She’s the one who speaks Japanese the most too
>first three clips are all Migger
Sasuga baused elito
So you're saying we can buy likes?
Mococo hates EN ruffians a LOT more than Fuwawa, believe it or not. Fuwawa at least translates some things for us, she still hates us, but not as much as Mococo.
yeah just trauma dump in a rainbow and get the order wrong
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Nooo not my Mogojam
What about Moco-santa?
What about Mocopirate?
Correction, Fuwawa loves the money that EOP wuffians give her so she does the bare minimum to keep them in love but is just disgusted. Mococo takes all the money for granted and knows losers won't stop sending it so she's already looking ahead to joining holoJP and is basically in the 2 weeks notice period at a job where you half ass it until you start your new one
Executed at the gallows
What about Pero?
what ABOUT pero haeh
Never understood the point of rainbows
I've never heard him speak Japanese outside of mocking it
it's to get more words in for less money
Mococo you need to do solo roguelike stream to beat the allegations I know you're reading this
Kronii's friend? Is she debuting soon?
KEK, I'll never get over Mococo's genuine hate for the EN Ruffians... Imagine only talking in japanese during the stream and forcing your twin sister to translate what you say to your EN fans...
you get 5x the characters for a quarter of the price. plus they give you a special orgasm reaction for rainbows
Monkeys are still going at it huh?
And Fuwawa needs to do the same but with Volcano Princess. I only pick Volcano Princess because I know the perms are already there and just want her to play a raising sim.
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I think he's a pretty cool dude
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Sally! … Great ass
>99.99USD SC: My first ever Mococo Pup Talk! Such a legendary event I was able to witness! I know it’s silly for me to say, but you speaking your heart is all the healing we need during any of these ruff times! Therapist Mococo truly healing all the Ruffians in her wake!
>FWMC Morning 130
We got another weird one.
not any more. she's skin and bones now
Yeah, you're posting here.
I'm looking at my arm and it's not even close to looking like a monkey.
There's like 20 weird ones at this point.
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I am always amazed by how much Chloe gets. She can go MIA, collab with male fleshies, and her fans don't care.
Why are you bringing up the SC of a completely unrelated Holo?
chatgpt broke
That is not weird compared to the shit he sent last week. I am surprised he is sticking around even though they didn't read out 11 of his pinks.
you don't lose hip size with weight, now she has thigh gap and firm bubble butt from dancing
some fans don't do it for attention
Orca still going strong I see
At least I can buy Fuwawa's (fake) love...
shit i almost typed my schizo wall about praying for their graduation after they abandoned me for holoJP tourists as a reply to their tweet. I need to be more careful.
He is still sending money to the necromancer.
Remember when Mococo used to give us English sprinkles during JP streams? Now she doesn't even do that anymore.
it's been 12 hours tekzi is starting to go menhera again don't forget his untagged retweet again
I don't know. I kind of prefer watching Fuwawa play a more open game like hitman.
Ah well thankfully I have nothing really to say to them that requires that.
What a madlad, I left when the she started having guys on stream again when she joined that voice-ore group.
Thankfully too cause later on a lot of things came out that retroactively killed any single good memories I ever had anyway
I want to cover her bubble butt in batter and take a bite...
KEK, it happened to me last stream when I was writing in the chat...
Cover dodged a bullet when they let go of her.
Yeah, she was the EOP princess in the past... I don't know what happened, but she really hates EN ruffians now.
The only reason I'm still around is because I'm addicted to sex with them. It's all i can get off to and it feels so damn good. I barely watch streams anymore because the content changed too much but God damn those floofies and ass are crack to me
Jesus you can smell this thread all the way from /a/, what are they mad about this time?
Pippa yab. Same old.
FWMC will start doing weekly JP streams and that made some fake ruffians mad.
what are fuwamocos thoughts on shotas?
BAUDOL is hitting 800k by the end of this week.
This post in particular reeks, good lord.
They like them, but only if they were born in Japan.
Kill yourself, EOP. We don't want you here.
do you think they've had any incidents on trains yet? I get hard just thinking about it
believe it or not, there was decent or coherent enough discussion although JP schizo as hell earlier. then the usual shitposters woke up. it's often like this.
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I'm still feeling like a lonely tropical fish.
yes, i groped fuwawas floofies. for a minute, she seemed to be enjoying it. until she turned around, saw i wasnt japanese, and then fled away in visible disgust
He is actually right, anon.
Zannie asked them on Twitter to do weekly JP solo streams to "connect more with the JP ruffians", and FWMC liked his tweet and made a frame for a new JP solo stream this week, so JP solo streams are a weekly thing now.
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here's how FUWANOCO can still best Kronii to 1M
Fuwawa's model looks really low quality up close
Holy fuck, I visited last thread to read ruffians opinions on the new voice packs, but this is filled with JP schizos just like in here. I'm out, but you should totally hear Nerissa's VP, maybe it'll help you chill out a bit
>Coherent discussion
>Constant bitchimg about JP streams
Way to out yourself sister.
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God the stench of these posters
>FWMC liked his tweet
I haven't seen any receipts on this posted anywhere. I've only seen an anon claim it some threads back.
#FUWAMOCO bau bau~

As the day rushes onward, keep up the good work! I see busy paws have have the next few days' fun set up, and I'm pleasantly surprised something new appeared…! And a voice pack releasing too? I'm so proud of you (creepy hands emoji,l Keep shining bright today

My tech issues adventure continued today, but I should be back in VR in a few weeks More challenges await, so I'll keep working hard beside you Knowing you both are doing the same brightens up my day too

I liked the 3D close up so much I made it my tablet wallpaper
junk email in absolute fucking shambles
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>decent or coherent enough discussion
just ask him. they did
You know pretending you aren't a sister but then shitting up the thread on cooldown from the other side doesn't actually work. You should just leave, shitposter-kun.
look at this thread. compare it to threads earlier. it's all shit but I'll take JP schizo looping walls over the anti-Fuwawa or the usual ruffian thread celeb posting
Please don't reply to me if you haven't taken a shower before
they saw zannie post that and with full throated support by paypuppies like agri pissnix and tk i don't doubt they took the chance to add it
Don't worry jailbro, these ""people"" won't buy or listen to the VPs. Maybe check back in a day or so when more people have had a chance to listen, thread's quiet now because no stream (so lots of regulars aren't here) + prime shitposting hours
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Mikochi love
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Should they do an "ecchi art review" collab with Haachama like Marine did back then?
It was fun.

They could do it in English even as Chammers' eigo is very cute. And do it on her channel cause Haachama doesn't care about demonetization or the wrath of Neal, she's above it all.
I think it'd be a great time, they could look at ecchi but not outright pornographic fan art of themselves together.
come on now kek
What's wrong with listening to their biggest and most reliable fans?
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Miggers LOVE
They won't do it in English even if Haachama wants to. they're retards that don't understand that JP members want to practice EN too
It wouldn't smellbso bad if you'd just close your legs sometimes.
God that will be awesome. I love that collab so much.
should I eat 6 flapjacks and a donut? or go without I'm starving but shouldn't
Anon you know good well they would never do that with how careful they are with RETWEETING ecchi art and having Pero censor the smallest things on stream
It being a different, slightly more tolerable flavour of garbage does not make the previous retardation in any way coherent or decent.
FuwaMoco is seiso
where the retweet of favorites they are starting to worry you forgot about them girls!!!
Quads say you must.
Anything that starts to push the boundary of heavy fanservice they won't do in English. They opt to use Japanese for anything that might be 'embarrassing'. It's why the fake ASMR was Japanese and they haven't done one in EN and why the maid roleplay was in Japanese too dispite the fact that everyone was EN.
I mean, it's really fucking obvious. He ask for a weekly JP stream to "practice their japanese" and "connect with their JP fans" and they add a gorilla JP stream. Even a blind man could see it.
>full throated support by paypuppies like agri pissnix and tk i don't doubt they took the chance to add it
That was really pathetic KEK... They were clearly just supporting that to gain brownie points for being supportive of JP streams, but then they'll ignore those streams just like they did during the golden week.
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>Anything that starts to push the boundary of heavy fanservice they won't do in English.
I often think of Fuwawa being happy to hear the screams of Mikichi the cookie… she’s so unhinged
>but then they'll ignore those streams
pissnix was there for the whole week though? Not sure about the rest.
Why did Fuwawa refuse to show her shimashima shorts during the Home 3D reveal? She flashed constantly during 3D debut and BD already.
Yeah, for the EN ruffians. They are sluts for the JPs.
Because there weren't any JP ruffians watching.
They like to give out fanservice in small doses and when least expected.
Man, this post reeks of fish.
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>FUWAMOCO obviously hate their EN fans
>FUWAMOCO belong in holoJP, not EN
>FUWAMOCO doing another JP stream? They hate us
>FUWAMOCO prefer their JP senpai over their EN senpai
>Their momentum is slowing down, I doubt they’ll hit 1mil anytime soon
>All FUWAMOCO care about are numbers
>BAUdol wasn’t really that good
>FUWAMOCO never have a sololive of their own
>Where is my twitter like, FUWAMOCO?
>How many times does FUWAMOCO plan on retweeting that person?
>How many times does FUWAMOCO plan on reading that person?
>FUWAMOCO clearly have favorite Ruffians
>Fuwawa’s giggles are kind of annoying
>Mococo is kind of annoying in general
>They shouldn’t BAU BAU so much, they annoy the people around them
she's saving that for the guerilla JP doggy pack only stream.
Go ahead, keep posting walls about how they shouldn't do JP streams you schizo. Get the fuck out of here with this shit.
Maybe he did, but 99% of the paypigs that sent SCs showing support for the golden week and promising to be there, weren't there.
She's great, isn't she? HoloGTA was fun but I really want to see them collab.
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She's not a whore
She is only a whore for the JP ruffians
>Maybe he did, but 99% of the paypigs
If you are wrong about pissnix, I sure ain't trusting your "99%".
>I was wrong about this, but maybe I'm right about everyone else!
Okay, it was more like 90%, but it's true, you can search in the archive, multiple people noticed the hypocrisy and called them out.
Anon she's bouncing on my cock just for a donut. She's a dime a dozen cheap fuck that would do anything for money
why did they get some of the most slutty designs then
misdo is out of business pon-de-rings don't exist anymore
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>>Their momentum is slowing down, I doubt they’ll hit 1mil anytime soon
As an EN ruffian, I would press it for them; it’s what we obviously deserve
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Mococo hates EN Ruffians
I mean, they had their paypuppies pay them money to give them “massages” and don’t acknowledge your birthday unless you let them know behind a pink
If it was a JST stream she would've shown them.
Mococo does NOT hate her sister.
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Fuwawa doesn't hate EN Ruffians, not as much as Mococo at least, she just loves JP Ruffians A LOT more.
What if the real switch they’re trying to pull off is switching Pero for Garibaldi?
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>but it's true, you can search in the archive
agri was there. And I see tk in that stream too.
My wife in chat
CuteandFunny, my love
shiguma baruzu
Please tell down...
>pissnix sends SC asking them to shrink down
>do it without thought
>another person sends the same request in a SC
>completely ignore it
nice favoritism
I miss cuteandfunny... she got too popular and now all I see is her posting politics and loli
I'm not even a sister and anyone can tell they want to pander to JP so much when their best streams/karaoke are EN. It's funny also that the fastest way they can probably get to 1M is if they do EN trending shorts or some shit
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>get hired for job
>complete first week
>expected to be paid today
>wondering why i haven’t been paid yet
>turns out i forgot to set up my direct deposit so my check will be arriving by mail a week from now
>If they press it they'll get 2 million JP subs and will have a sololive guaranteed, BUT every single EN Ruffian will die a slow and painful death.
Yeah, they would press it. They already said that they were willing to hurt some of us (EN ruffians) to protect the smile of others (JP ruffians).
Congratulations on your recovery, coma-san!
Cute mogogo
>Hurt some to protect others
No, they said that they were willing to hurt some smiles to help push their goals, i.e. vertical streaming and JP streams increasing. It's like you fags never listen
>vertical streaming
Kill yourself, moron. They literally said that they didn't want to do vertical streams because doing them wasn't "the FWMC way"
So we're 100% getting Cardshop Tycoon next week, right? Lots of numbers from streaming it, lots of JP playing it, Gigi is playing it meaning it can be played in the EN branch, and even Kaela got huge viewership from it.
yes but they'll be playing it in Japanesw
My guess is they will stream that on Monday or Tuesday, before the big collab starts.
Looks like that's our jp stream next week.
>It's like you fags never listen
What do you expect? Shitposters don't even watch streams anymore.
You're so fucking stupid. They said specifically that they were going to do them because it was good for their goal after the move.
They said that they are willing to hurt some smiles (the EN ruffians smiles more precisely) because doing so would "make others happy" (JP ruffians)
>Fuwawa is a fucking architect in the voice pack
I get what you are saying, but they do like people's bday tweets if they happen to see it.
Watch streams
a tale as old as time
Yeah, but they'll do it in japanese.
Engage with audiovisual content delivery systems
Just be grateful you got any time with them at all you EOP faggots. If they had their way they wouldn't have had this awkward transition period but it is what it is. Remember the good times but stop killing the vibes for everyone else now that they're achieving their dreams
Rewatch the battle plan. Some people were suggesting them to do some vertical streams and they refused saying that it wasn't the FWMC way and that they didn't like the idea of doing those.
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not mine... i am too poor so they'll never know my birthday or care
>We won't listen to antis who want to selfishly prevent us from growing or achieving our dreams
Based FWMC
So if that was the case, why did they do vertical streams?
They actually did vertical streams way before that. Moco-santa and FWMC tree.
The tree stream was so good...
they were forced against their will
are the dogs holojp yet? I like when they baw baw but wish they stream at a better time now that they are Japan
Do you interact with a lot of Ruffians? If a lot of others liked or commented on it, they probably would have acknowledged it, unless they were really busy.
Those were "special" streams, not normal gaming streams.
So the FWMC way means nothing except numbers at all costs. Got it.
Not yet, but they are doing their best to join HoloJP as soon as possible.
I don't go out of my way to because social media is a time waste but I do sometimes. I guess i am not gachikoi enough...
Two more weeks, for sure.
>So the FWMC way means nothing except numbers at all costs
Yes, unironically. No one here will even try to deny it, because it's the truth.
>at all costs
Do you see them doing homocollabs?
Their actions speak louder than their words.
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they were the only like on the bottom tweet and still are
>"We don't want to do vertical streams"
>Does vertical streams
>"We don't want to do gorilla streams"
>Does gorilla streams
>"We don't want to cancel streams"
>Cancels streams weekly
>"We're only going to do JP streams occasionally"
>Does 2 in a week, one is a gorilla stream.
Hey, maybe! If they reach 1 million subs in 2 weeks they'll finally get their wish and they'll be able to change branches and become HoloJP like they always wanted.
>at all costs
If that were true there's a lot more they could be doing but aren't, like having sex live onstream.
Those are death for numbers for a majority of Holo. What the hell are you talking about?
BAUSED. That's the type of content that they want to see in our profile
Don't ruin the sisters' narrative.
Maybe when they get their wish and it isn't to become HoloJP you and all your kind will kill yourselves, but I don't think that's very likely.
>their wish isn't to become HoloJP
KEK, do you really believe that?
It's going to be something Japan related that only the Japanese tourists can enjoy.
lol my sides.
Cringe as fuck
Kino as fuck
Yeah. Not that it'll matter because when you're inevitably proven wrong you'll just pretend you never thought so and find some new talking point to shitpost about.

What's your next prediction, oracle? That it's going to be something related to Hololive?
>that only the Japanese tourists can enjoy
Nope. Feel free to screencap this post btw
So this is the kind of person likeschizos are jealous over...
Maybe you didn't know this, but FWMC talked about trying to join HoloJP during the eurotruck JP stream, and the JPs in chat became really excited about the possibility of FWMC being part of HoloJP. They've been testing the waters all this time, and after all the exposure from GTA they are ready to move to HoloJP once they reach 1 million subs.
>trap metal
Holy based as fuck
Is fuwamoco edible?
>but FWMC talked about trying to join HoloJP
They talked about this during debut week. Tell me something new.
>screencap this post
Done. You'll be humiliated soon.
>Maybe you didn't know this, but FWMC talked about trying to join HoloJP during the eurotruck JP stream, and the JPs in chat became really excited about the possibility of FWMC being part of HoloJP. They've been testing the waters all this time, and after all the exposure from GTA they are ready to move to HoloJP once they reach 1 million subs.
And I'm sure you'll be able to provide a timestamp as evidence of this, right?
>watch streams
Nope, you made a specific claim. Provide evidence or kneel.
Likewise. See you in a month!
I know, but they told the JPs about it this time and they were all really excited about the possibility of FWMC being in holoJP. You should have seen the chat, they started spamming comments like crazy, and FWMC sounded really happy about that response
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Congratulate the Clock Woman for getting a million subs before FuwaMoco.
What will happen to Advent when they transfer?
I'm happy for her. Does this mean she'll start streaming again?
pero debuts as the replacement
Shiori moves to Justrice, Nerissa to Myth, and Biboo to promise.
What a shame we can't say the same about Baelz
Nothing at first but once Nerissa and ERB also graduate Justice and Advent will merge
ERB will graduate. The remaining EN3 and EN4 will form a new gen.
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I miss Halo game nights with the Wuffians.
anyone have some hot Kronii webms? I'll bust once and only once to her as a congratulations. she's on the sex approved list so it's fine
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Halobro? We're back (soon)
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Around 3:21:10
They talk about trying to join HoloJP and the JPs in chat became excited and spam the chat
Does Fuwawa or Mococo snore when they sleep?
One of their biggest mistakes at debut was ever saying they tried to join HoloJP. They should've kept that to themselves if they didn't want idiots going menhera over it.
Oh shit! She did. FUWAMOCO will be next for sure! They are going to cry tears of joy when they break 1M
Seems like the only people going menhera are the people who want to deny that they really did want to be in the JP branch and that EN was second choice.
When did Kronii say this? I don't remember her ever saying that.
They also tried to join before EN was a thing
So did Kiara. What's your point?
I want to see the timeline where they got into Myth
They're talking about trying to join HoloJP in the past, before they joined HoloEN you unparalleled retard. Which we already know, they've also talked about having previously auditioned for HoloEN before they got in. kys yourself.
menheras don't matter. none of all the endless JP loops on this basket weaving forum have ever come close to affecting them AND they never will.
Retard, they said the same exact thing during their 1st Japanese stream.
They would have become legendary twin idol Vtubers with three sololives and several concerts by now.
>this time
Gigabased retardo
>Maybe you didn't know this
>Says shit about the stream
>They're prepping to move to JP after seeing excited JP about them talking about wanting to be in JP.
They were two seperate pieces to that paragraph. Maybe you should learn reading comprehension.
lol no, Bae is back to streaming this month. and October is full of EN collabs which FWMC do terribly at
>>They're prepping to move to JP after seeing excited JP about them talking about wanting to be in JP.
Maybe you could try not being a delusional schizophrenic, but here we are.
how many jp and shorts streams did she have to do
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>>They're prepping to move to JP after seeing excited JP about them talking about wanting to be in JP
I'm just letting you knoe that you were wrong when you demanded a tinestamp as if his first chunk of sentence wasn't true. You can fight the second half all you want, I don't give a fuck about your autistic retard fight.
I wanted a timestamp because I wanted to see if he had anything to support his (your) delusional shitposting, you fucking retard. What's the point of replying if you don't care? Kill yourself immediately.
>Bae is back to streaming this month. and October is full of EN collabs which FWMC do terribly at
She's also 15k behind and FWMC still have their tapering buff from HoloGTA.
what if they completely stop getting subs now that they have hit 975k? wouldn't that prevent them from getting to one million?
Bae has no chance of catching FWMC. The more interesting question is if Raden will beat them to it.
Keep your curses to yourself, witch.
Stop seething, faggot. You regards go on a frenzy every time someone reminds you that the EN fans were their second choice. In FWMC's ideal scenario, they would be part of holoJP right now, streaming exclusively in JP with their JP only fanbase.
Awww poor baby's mad that he got called a retard for getting a timestamp to prove that they said what they said.
It will be kino if they hit 1M in the middle of 7d2d and everyone celebrates it.
Seaniggers are not human
So they really tried joining holoJP first...? Holy shit, I thought it was all shitposting...
they said they definitely want to be solo streaming when it happens right? I think it's more likely that they will cancel any other plan they have and do their endurance for the last 5k.

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