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Needy Tenshi Edition

Production kawaii:

First Live Concert:
Second Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


Art Archive:

▼ Talents
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】
【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】
【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】
【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】
【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】
【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】[Graduated]

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】
【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】
【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】
【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】
【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】
【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prima >>>/vt//ppg+/
Vereverie >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Felynne deRouge - https://twitter.com/lynnerouge

Previous Thread: >>86651683
>namedropping in the OP
new low for pkg
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vdere is kill
tabs moron
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And Oceane is about to kill herself over numbers
Gen 3 has finally been defeated!
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why does my art never gets used for OPs
probably because it's porn
I just don't like charzu
but it's censored. there are black bars
based orangecat killing vdere because of male collabs, nene should do the same to kawaii
if we trade yuno tomoe kaya meimi hiyori nami and reina for mozzu both vdere and kawaii will unironicaly be saved
kawaii won
Everything reminds me of nano....
everything reminds me of boobies
nano will cancel
dead day
time for more Isla vods
watch the whorse or peeony
They're about to implode without their manager
no thanks
Yuno Hanaki in 2 hours
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we love flaygod here
Is that all that you do? Just watch streams and when theres no more streams you are looking for more streams?
No but I am working now so I need side monitor content.
you should be watching charzu vods ben
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If they had publicly apologized to Nene and the other girls she'll would've taken them back. Everything would have been fine. That's all they had to do. Well, at least now have KohaCute.
I call her CUTEhaku
shut the fuck up aster
I will take care of all of my needy tenshi wife's needs
Ephemira should cover this. I hear this is popular with the kids these days.

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This is for Isla and Charzu

I'm watching kawaii friend on death row and Tomoe's friend Scarlett. @ me when we exit dead hours
i never looked into oceane but holy shit no wonder they booted her out, shameless vulture for numbers lmao
they fired because she doxxed everyone, they were happy with her performance enough to overlook her bullshit until it got out of control
i recall seeing that in the termination statement but i never saw the actual case of doxxing she did or where. not that i dont believe it
Haven't seen the tenshi beam report guy in a hot minute now thinking about it.
This kind of crowd at a kawaii concert one day. Can you imagine...

we never saw doxknights dox either, gen3 and other kawaii talents shat on oceane enough that it's pretty clear whatever she did nobody liked her behind the scenes
this was before my time but from what I've read here, a bunch of the girls were getting greys spamming dox in their chats and it was a huge issue
I never cared enough to look through the archives but im assuming there are screenshots
Tomoe loves troon artists
imagine if yuno went down the GFE grift...
troon recognizes troon
Remember when Shee, the genius of kawaii, copy pasted Patra's name on her stream title thinking it was the game's title in japanese? Good times
Is Shee the dumbest girl in kawaii?
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>Is Shee the dumbest girl in kawaii?
I read that the same way I read clickbait titles Shee makes like Is This THE BEST Bioshock GAME? Dumb shit like that works and appeals to me on a monkey brain level.
Shee is my ideal woman
she fucked too many doogs
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shee 3d i miss u
they don't have a thread
soon they won't have a company
kawaii won so fucking hard
maybe bro got smart and left this shithole corpo best of luck to him
Bros? Yuno is streaming...
well what do yuno, she is.
She would have been great but her tumblr girl instincts get in the way. She only wants to do GFE for male 2views
based improover
they only know how to express themselves with physical touch
shut the fuck up teri, why are you even asking about who you see or don't see in chat?
Lmao that reminded me of this clip from Family Guy, Dam nature you scary. God, imagine Tomoe doing this.

KEKEDgays lmao
the only thing that can save tonight is a Shee guerilla stream. shee save us
the only thing that can save tonight is an Isla guerilla stream. Isla save us
I came to charzu again...
Will Isla-sama eat and review the Krabby Patty burger from Wendy's?
No we do not like McDonalds.
I should just randomly ask all my female friends if they are a vtuber and see who freaks out
you don't have any female friends
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you will never be shirgler
ask them for sex instead
One in our weeb group is she wont tell anyone who she is
she is the sluttiest girl in the group, has over 50 bodies.
probably says something about what kind of women get into this hobby
>has over 50 bodies
You made her sound like an android or something
What are you implying about Nene
With how jaded I am I see most women as sacks of meat.
The amount of trash they do makes even me sick
Honestly 50 is pretty low for alot of women
You people always assume the worst about everyone which makes me question why the hell are people like you even getting into vtubing? Is it unironically just for "entertainment"?
That is peak mental illness to me "omg they are all whores and grifters" and then they spend months if not years watching those same "whores and grifters". Its like...why? lol
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shut the fuck up meimi
>get into vtubing for anime girl and kayfabe
>they let their real selves and lives leak through and its what he hates about real girls in the first place
probably something like that
It's not an assumption she has admitted as much about sleeping around and doing drugs.
Men nowadays keep their expectations low to not get hurt.
Women and the culture they pushed are the ones who have brought all this on themselves.
Hell, if they turn out not to be a whore or only slightly a whore it turns out good, if they let the mask slip at least it is what you thought it was. Quit outing yourself as a used up woman that refuses to take responsibility for your poor decisions in life
>they let their real selves and lives leak through
In most cases its more like doxxfags go 10 years back into a girls past to find out if she accidentally brushed her shoulder against some guy in a public transport, just to call her a whore.
What I do like about doxxfags tho' is that they expose chronic scammers. I dont care if someone is married for example or if they are fat as a house, as long as they provide good entertainment and dont bring homos onto the stream, but if they have a history of being complete pieces of shit, then I have an issue with them.
So far, none of the kawaii girls are like that. For all the "grift this grift that" our girls are 20 times better than most girls out there.
This post is obviously a lie that you're telling just to try to provoke insecure viewers. Fuck off already.
1% milk is nasty. never again.
Our girls are whores but what you would think of what a whore was 15 years ago, before OF and twitch style coomer grifting. Compared to most we are winning heavily and that is just sad to me society is at that point
uh oh roastie melty
please post tits you've been here for how long now. won't even give anons here some fanservice. for shame
>when you're running out of buzzwords
7 more hours and you will be online for 24 hours. Keep at it faggot. You can do it. You have nothing else going on in your dogshit life anyways kek
whatever you say meimers, go back to the peencord
you got 3 specialite friends live you could be watching right now yuno
They are friends of hiyori so they are whores
I only watch sluts sorry
nene show tits already not that you have any but all tits are tits so show tits
he is literally there in every stream
nigga simply picked up on the hint that nene found it annoying. but you niggas clearly do not watch streams if you’re imagining the absence of viewers that are present every day.
Way to exaggerate there bucko
what do you consider an chronic scammer?
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


kawaii friend Mel nekomata who is back btw
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oh hey my trading cards arrived on buyee
she really does get oneguy'd
Who got hit?
what a dumb whore lmao
very grim for kektomos
nene won
kill yourself andrew
Cant watch right now what happened
she banned someone and said something about taking out trash that's been bothering her for months
discord meltdown incoming
she got oneguy'd
I hate that fucking slug toy trigger. Wish she'd stop using it
get taken out with the trash
uh oh kektomo melty and nene melty
They are too loud for me too but I do like when she brings them close to the ears and drags them over it or whatever was happening a few moments ago. She gets points for trying something new all the same.
for months? was he a paypig or something?
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kill yourself andrew you are trash
I wasn't looking at the stream when she did it so no clue. I also don't watch Nene and am only listening to her asmr because there's nothing else to do so I am not aware of her usual chatters or who the problem people are
>kill yourself
You first faggot
wrong as always
>you are trash
"no u" really is all you can do. Get thrown out again, faggot.
you are in for a rude awakening
hehe i dont watch nene often but her chat is hilarious
faggot has literally been seething with that one for over a year.
Andrew can't stop posting cringe yikes
uh oh melty
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We need to save her, bros. Her earlicking ASMR was, and still is the best Kawaii ever had. I don’t wanna lose her…
YOUR WIFE grift is lacking
>dog in the background
>doesn't shut the fuck up during ASMR
>hardcore numberfag
she deserves to fade away in obscurity
shitty mutt is a dindu
The sheer fact that she earlicked automatically puts her above Nene
rerunning streams is probably her new persona worst sin
she is grifting hard
low-key terrifying
My wife is happy crying for having me on her birthday. This is the best.
HOLY GRIM for kektomos
look how much nene loves me. damn i must be such a stud
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How does one girl's birthday make a faggot this mad.
Uuuuuuuu I need sheed
for me
shirgler come back
For the last time i won't faggots, i already stopped watching Isla like 2 years ago
>greys spamming dox in their chats
>im assuming there are screenshots
I don't remember if anyone was willing to eat a 3day just to ensure the evidence remained in the archives but anyone who was watching kawaii back then can attest that it did happen.
you are not shirgler
Another in-person concert? Odds?
What could they possibly drop as a huge announcement (positive) during her birthday live?
kawaii dies
The Arab wasn't the guy who got banned. He was pushing the limits in prechat. Wonder who the guy was. Best not to dwell on it.
I love Nene.
another original song
Would you buy hair loss treatment pills if Nene starts selling them?
Having a comfy chat is important she still needs to work on getting oneguy'd though. maybe turn it into some dommy mommy rp
>maybe turn it into some dommy mommy rp
Cloudtomos are not good at that because they are not primed to interact with it. She did well with what they gave her to work with regardless.
She had improv classes so she needs to use that skill more and most dont want to go with the flow because then you would have schizos claiming she is playing favorites or start trash talking them here
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Shoulda became a clipper so I can edit our cute interactions together and pretend its a clip
Or use it to get into DMs like yiman
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my kitten feel sleep early again. poor baby. she's been having a bit of tough week.
kawoolifags actually cucked by clipper holy kek
the summer ones?
no the first set
from the start of the year? did you order late or is the delivery really easy long jesus
Mine hit buyee 2 days ago too. They said they were pre ordered as a batch so they would get done earlier but that went out the window
Leak from charzu but it isnt kawaii management this time but a third party that is holding most stuff hostage. They cant say shit cause dumb fucking japanese libel law
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its why TOM was a good switch
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I want to urinate all over Isla's face
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Kaya's nene art for her birthday. she did it again. incredible work. go give it a like.
From a twitterspace back in February
Was listening to it again and this part feels relevant now
>would leave
>others said would leave
>would leave if kawaii suddenly changes their vision 180
Anyways, keep scaring yourselves with what if’s scenarios and doom post over nothing
oh god yeah I hadn't bought any previous to the switch... and here I was thinking 3-4 months was a long wait
Kaya was a decent hire
No one did leave so it was all just talk
bro thinks they will immediately leave days after they dont agree with something
Males have been a thing for over a month now. Who would leave? Everytime something like this happens vtubers choose their vtuber friends over the fanbase
>Kaya sameface again
she was a mistake
Most of it can be easily coped away until Yuno decided to go for critical mass which is quite recent
that face? me.
shut the fuck up yiman ur ass face is even worse than Kaya shitty sameface
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hiyo fucks BendyNumbers on longboards kekwooligans
sexo art
>Just like I suspected, he is online for even more than 24 hours now
>Started shitposting yesterday around 11:00 AM CET
>It is currently 15:00 CET THE NEXT DAY
Subhuman no lifer.
which /pkg/ for this feel?

Lethe is live btw
No thanks, I'm lethally allergic to wuwa
cucked by Ben's

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