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Mouse is Cute Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is playing Tekken with Zen.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/biyo_art/status/1841886430500458887

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/Y83z7ndt

Subathon Stuff
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi (embed)

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>86676351
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I find it funny that Mouse always complained about Tricksters hair being too big when she's playing games but this hat take way more of the screen.
liggers go back to vsj+ shoo go away
I get the feeling Mouse doesn't like Trickster as much as others for some reason. Idk why.
I see that anon is trying to start shit

Luckily most replies seem fine with it.
So you link it here because that helps...
If we are going to continue I don't want us to have a bad relationship with vsj+ we should be able to cross post if relevent.
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This is a thread to talk about anime girls (one girl in particular). Not geopolitics. There is no "relation between threads".
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Just ignore him he is really trying hard to push that narrative for some reason
I'm a little sad we didn't get demon queen or princess during subathon.
I hope she keeps doing model switching.
Just remerge into /vsj+/, there's no reason for this.
Mouse you gotta LOCKIN. I know you can beat zen if you get her into the eddie vortex
We want to try to keep it going. Its been nice having a Mouse focused place, we are not trying to be some schizo split.
Eddie has a lot of oki options
Schizos don't try
Fuck her up Mouse!
they are the ones who come here to shit
I'm sad Mouse hates this pic it is legitimately a pretty cool dark scene that Mouse would normally like. I guess the fact it is a friend of hers hits a bit too close to home.
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the one she hates more is the fist through his heart
Always blaming it on someone else.
What? She laughed at it before.
I guess i confused it with this one >>86716105
Fuck ironmouse
me too
I wish
Why exclude her Tiktok? It's one of her official channels so we should list it here.
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ironmouse is sexy
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I am 100% certain she did not.
As someone who doesn't give a shit if this thread stays or goes, there is reason if enough anons want it, fag.
Mouse's main issue is that she doesn't 'Take her turn'. She lets zen keep attacking after blocks even if zen is actually minus on block
I doubt Mouse even knows what "minus" is.
you go back where you cane from
no she didn't, she hates any violence towards friends
She actually loves it when it's tastefully depicted, such as that image.
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/IronmouseOfficial/
Discord: discord.gg/preciousfamily
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ironmouseparty
Alt Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/notmouseofiron
Twitter Community: https://x.com/i/communities/1826732335187837410
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ironmouse
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3rkwWB8rbBCNTrSvVUBa6C
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ironmouse
Mouse has the combos don't she just needs to stop letting zen get her in block strings and actually take her turn
She did laugh at it.
she really didn't though
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bitches love tekken
All chatterino.
Anon Mouse likes to draw cute anime girls mutilated. I doubt she has an issue with that art.
I can add it next time, I was just trying to keep the list small.
wrong and you being cringe
>haruka watching
Stream, you cunt!
Its crazy that even 4 days after we are holding above the number 2 record
There you go mouse good fucking job
Who is Ricci and why do people keep asking for him to be unbanned?
some random streamer idk
this dude, I think he looked at mouse's stream a couple days ago when she was almost 1st or after 1st can't remember and mouse has had chat hoppers from him ever since
Mousey will become a pro Tekken player and win evo next year
Can't remote into Evo kek
she fucked over zen
>Free views i suppose but strange behavior
He has another clip where he's complains that her reaction to 100 gift subs was not good enough.
Like bitch she was crying 10 minutes before the clip because of the 20k+ subs she got in the last hour.
What an obnoxious little faggot (derogatory).
I know you are being facetious but Mouse wants views on her channels so they should be included for people to find. I'd rather have her Tiktok there than Twitter.
man king seems like a broken character
He flooded her chat at around 1h59m into the vod, and then found out about being banned from her chat at 2h11m20s
That’s different than images of her friend’s decapitated head in her hands. It’s really not even close to the same
I'm not watching that. What's his major malfunction about Mouse?
Damn twitch is shitting itself with Mouse's stream right now
he's extremely annoying and you will face him online 80% of time till a certain rank he gets deleted by good players
Yeah. She's streaming fine for me. I think it's region specific.
He's a scrub killer. Once you figure out his bullshit he stops being intimidating.
it's fine for me as well and I'm north east
It might be a regional thing like that other anon said
Man I miss the heyday of like King of Fighters gaming where you had things like 'priority' where moves worked as both a block and an attack while you're executing it. Kept bullshit from happening too much. KOF 96-98 are some of the best fighting games ever.
US? I'm also north east so that is interesting. Lowering quality seems to have helped for now. I'll go back up and check higher in a couple of minutes.
Just your typical clout chaser. Mouse doing good so he's gotta try to insert his dumb ass.
He woulda done it to anyone else breaking a Twitch record.
Stream is fine for me as well in NA west coast.
Ah okay. I thought it was a harassment thing. You would think sending your chat to "beggar" and shill another streamer would also result in some kind of ban.
>Tell her to unban me
And there it is, That answers why I've seen multiple people asking over the last few days.
How old is this guy?
He is like zangief in sf6. Destroys lower ranked/weaker players but falls off on the pro circuit and higher ranks
Not sure, 6 with the way he's acting.
4k people watch that guy? Sometimes I think the catalog is right about "Twitch culture".
Looking through his vod he's a sneako / adin ross fan too
I think it's supposed to, so if he keeps it up he'll end up on Kick.
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He'll be on Kick in no time
Nah I don't agree with saying that. its the same thing people say about Mouse.
There is a niche for everything just because we don't get it and he sounds like an annoying moron to us doesn't mean others don't like that garbage.
I mean, there's "annoying moron" and doing his bidding to bother another streamer so he can leech off that streamer's popularity. If the fucker wants to collab, he should reach out to her in proper channels and chat should give him big fat "L"s for his actions.
Considering he was also hitting on a teenager in the vod he'll fit right in
twitch still considers it harassment, JiDion was banned for a similar reason
Well then you know what to do. Or does Mouse have to complain to Twitch?
You can report him
Like the other anon said just go to the timestamp and report when he sent chatters over to harass.
I was trying not to use that phrase nor try to invoke a brigade, anons. Kind of not allowed here.
With JiDion Poki didn't even want him banned, twitch doesn't care if the streamer wants "justice" or not
I missed when Mouse woke up. Is she still planing to watch old videos and videos in general today?
I don't think she mentioned it
I know the guy was trolling but he did provide some useful links that I threw into the Other pastebin.

I love how Heavenly is specifically teaching Mouse how to beat Zen
A common enemy that unifies us all. Truly the most valuable member of Vshojo.
Mouse is already better at pulling off combos she just needs knowledge of the game mechanics. Zen was using heat and rage to win most of rounds she won.
mouse isn’t touching the game after today. time to shift to something else since zens gone
Also when Zen was playing, Jun was busted. They nerfed Jun and Zen crumbled in the Slam.
Mouse vs Wosemi one day
I am actually very impressed by mouse's combo ability. She is able to pull off decent combo strings from multiple openings
wrong thread
Only if Rosemi goes indie.
Goodbye Tekken. It was nice to finally see Mouse give it some time.
lol its cute seeing people lining up
mouse please you have a million and a half videos to watch and other things to do
Chivalry is not dead
I was going to say Mouse was taking a risk leaving the chat up like that but smart rat hiding it.
Relax this is fun and not something we get everyday.
today was the day she said she’d actually devote some time to watching the nonexistent videos this subathon instead of being stuck in a dead af game
Yeah this is cute watching her 1v1 her fans. I hope Mouse continues to do community event stuff like this.
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Fighting games with chat was a subgoal too anon. Also she only said she'd do the watch her old videos subgoal today. Which isn't that special, she does it every time she opens her video queue because some chatters always submit several and it happened with the current one too.
Yeah it's fun. I don't even know anything about tekken but I find it nice seeing Mouse so excited to play against everyone. It is also a nice easy way to get some practice in for Mouse and shrug off the rust. I don't think Zen is going to be ready for her when their rematch comes.
That will be super fun, i can already feel the hype.
she said shed watch videos in general along with the old ones and then do some of the nongaming subgoals like maybe the presentations
>dead af game
>8000 players on Steam alone RN
>8000 people isnt dead
anon its a multiplayer game and thats less then even the fallouts and starfield
And yet I can find a match without a problem. Interesting.
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Shorts - Check
Fishnets - Check
Panties - Check
I got them all. I do now have a foot print in my face though.
I think she said she would do the presentations another day but I can't remember which.
I want to say she said Friday not sure though
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Yeah, it was Friday.
“friday” is games with pete not presentations
I can't believe im watching fighting game stream lmao. it's fun tho
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There was a bunch of the solo goals she mentioned doing soon. Hopefully she till does watch videos today.
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This model needs more screen time.
this subathon's trickster
Have we heard anything about the public 3d model yet?
To be fair this one seemed buggy with tracking. She's probably gonna get it fixed
holy spergoli
I really hope after subathon is over Mouse still does karaoke occasionally I can't go back to once a month.
is mouse flat in this model?
kek no it just looks that way.
she's getting it altered so.it looks distorted when they try to strip her.
probably similar to brat princess in size
When did she say that?
That would be dumb what if people want to push swimwear on her.
Mods, invert his Tekken Balls!
Its bigger than that one but the cape and the line of the top makes it look small.
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Way bigger. Suiika tested the model without the cape.
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maybe the porn she doesn't want with her model
I doubt she cares, Same thing with her daki's she said she doesn't care what people do with them.
She definitely cares about something with her model since she specifically said there would be some rules. What those rules are though no one knows yet.
she never said that
Same with her other merch. She said guy wearing her swimsuit and people using it on dolls are fine if they want.
Anon she's worried about people impersonating her. She's talked about it happening before and it really upset her talking about it.
I don't think the rules will even mention porn. It will be stuff like I said and not commercialising it
Yeah I figured they were lying.
model is online forever and you got retards that will do stupid shit with it
impersonating mouse on tiktok as a vwhore to get at her
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I wonder why the cap is not a toggle.
henya has more physics
The hat? It can be toggled off if that is what you mean.
This is going to sound crazy but.
I think this rigger got close to nano so she could convince nano to be angry with kevin because they have been vocal about hating kevin for a long time and it was only since nano started working with her she turned on him. she was jealous he was getting all the good jobs and wanted an in
That makes more sense.
Go away Kevin, she's a way better rigger.
Mouse has her brightness set WAY too high
She can't even rig decoras tail not to glitch about all over the place.
>more physics
belly buttons aren't supposed to move like kevin does them. Also the "physics level" is adjustable in L2D so Mouse can boost it if she wants
he's not ESL enough to be kevin
>The we;ll do something else
Bideos at last?
and real faces don't look like anime. Since when did everything need to be fully realistic
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>fully realistic
dead space since she's close to finish
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At least it's not the face. Also that's part of Decora's charm.
Ask yourself this. Why did she delete all her tweets from before working with Mouse?
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I think Mouse find this character sexy but I might be wrong.
She called him hot.
I swear Mouse is the only one who could make that many hours of tekken fun to watch
I enjoyed watching her play concord and that game is absolute trash
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I got to play with Mouse in a game I love, so I'm happy.
Did you win?
I did. Tried not to go too hard on her, but she also didn't seem like she wanted free wins sooo
Everytime I see articles about that games price tag I thing of the 10k bag mouse probably got for playing it
Good job and yep don't go easy. She can't get better that way
So in a way mouse contributed to the death of concord kek
Yes lol
Sony's funniest flop since Morbius.
>Bunny Girl cosplay
She technically did this for one of her songs and those sexy image on twitter.
Bideos getting screwed once again
Chance to do the solo non game goals, Nope another 9 hours of factory game again.
I thought they weren't going to play satisfactory anymore?
He's not streaming so he doesn't care about doing new and fun content.
More that he isn't playing it on his stream anymore
he's addicted to it
The cape does some off!
Mouse leave the cape off it looks flat with it on.
2hrs so bideos before bed
More like 20 minutes
If this means late night chill Mouse and Monke is still on the table after subathon then hell yes.
nope, bored of this game play something else already.
Whiners back to the other thread
She played 8 hours of something else
I have a feeling it will only last as long as Satisfactory lasts but I'll take what I can get.
is this first monitor content for you or your poor?
do you not have multiple monitors?
I do but what has that got to do with wanting them to do something new or for Mouse to do her goals?
>no cleavage
Might as well just be the dress bunching up above the belt chain being poofy. She doesn't look like she has boobs any bigger than brat princess here.
Solid A cup.
i hope it continues, i've gotten used to these short chill kino games.
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all this thread does is whine, bro.
Sure thing same format anon.
mofo put them as white noise and do other things holy shit man.
I was just getting ready to watch Mouse react to her old videos, one of the 2 things she said she would do today then suddenly we're back to something she's done 30 hours of already.
>react to her old videos
you mean her 600 bideo que with 80% being CACA
No I mean her goal to watch old videos that she said she would do today.
Also the bad ones get skipped and we have done more gaming than anything.
I've been looking at the old goal list and surprisingly there are not many left to complete from last year.
Only 28 left.
Come back at 9am est
Kinda went down the rabbit whole of reactions to Mouses record and there's some sweet ones were people who didn't understand and shit talked went to her channel and found Time to Feast then didn't 180 lol
>did a 180
Minor spelling mistakes

A funny short
>Minor spelling mistakes
Anon these too.
>rabbit whole

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