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>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
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>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

Nope. By JP content I only meant streams.
Streams are the only real way we have to interact and spend time with them, and I can understand losing some of that for homework, but I won't accept losing that for JP solo streams.
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gn ruffians
Same, tbhdesu.
If we lose streams for homework that means that they are too busy to stream.
If they have the time to stream but chose to do it in JP that means that they CAN stream and spend time with us, but actively chose to spend that time with the JPs instead of the EN ruffians.
It feels specially shitty when they then say that they "miss us" or "don't have the time to stream" when they DO have the time but just decide to use it with JP tourists.
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Good night!
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
Are the JP schizos even reading this? Just skip the streams you don't want to watch.
>losing some of that for homework
Then it depends whether you can think of JP solo streams as homework to build a Japanese fanbase. Whether they can reach some of their goals will depend on them having a Japanese fanbase. JP solo streams are really ways to garner that interest. I feel alot of the resentment from you guys is because you think of JP solo streams as them having comfy times with the Japanese audience instead of them just undertaking activities to gain more fans.
I was wondering why the Menhera Reminder wasn't posted in the last couple of threads. The JP schizos are avoiding it on purpose.
this aged poorly very quick huh
JP streams are "homework"? They don't have comfy streams with the JP ruffians? They only do JP streams to get more fans?
It honestly feels like lying to yourself.
>>86727123 (me)
Just to add on, FWMC is also not the first and only chuuba who do stuff to further their career that the "core" fanbase generally don't agree with. Bae joined VCR Rust, and her biggest paypig wasn't really happy about it. But he accepted it as her trying to find ways to broaden her appeal to the Japanese fanbase. Same goes with IRyS and HZTNL. Not all IRystocrats were thrilled by it or watched it. And definitely not all joshu-kuns were happy about Koyori doing that powerball collabs with male chuubas. But in the end, everyone just accept their oshis may have to do streams that they disagree with.
Maybe that'd ring better if they didn't keep doing unique stream that is only available in JP
Streaming in unusual accent? JP only
notASMR? JP only
Maid Cafe roleplay? JP only
Marshmallow? JP only

Other than the first one, they can easily do all the other in EN, but nope. JP only.
And even worse is that also serves as false advertisement for the JPnikki because, again, they never did anything like that ever again.

I'd honestly also want to add language learning into that, but they technically did the ID learning stream that one time with Reine.
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>They should do male collabs eventually too guys!
Every time.
mococo’s penis
anyone submitted fubuki's suffering arc yet?
>Homocollabs are okay!
Fuck no.
Can you really blame them for the changes when most of EN wants them gone >>86726814 compared to how welcoming and positive JP fans were
I just want to hear Fuwawa's beautiful voice again.
You are probably right. Doing too many JP solo streams would still fucking suck, but it REALLY doesn't help that they did so many "unique" or "special" streams for the JPs.
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I want her to jerk me off from behind while she whispers into my ear.
If its any consolation, I actually understood this post and what you were saying.
Sorry, but gaslighting myself into accepting things that I hate is not something that I'm interested in doing.
My ideals are absolute, and I'll always stand by them.
Had to go somewhere earlier so I'll be catching up on the collab now
keep us updated
Valentines Day VN? EN only
Christmas VN? EN only
460 other streams? EN only
Regardless of how many unique stream EN have, the fact that they're doing a completely unique stream just for JP make it hard to believe that they're only doing those JP solo stream for homework, that they're only undertaking activities to gain more fans.
They can easily grab JP fans just by being themselves, as evidenced by HoloGTA. In fact, it's better if they're just doing the usual so the JP fanbase they cultivated got the right expectation and actually came to their usual stream.

But nope. Special stream.
It's a lose-lose even for the JP fanbase.
>"You should accept homocollabs because it helps them grow!"
Fuck no. JP streams are baby drama when you compare them to fucking homocollabs. I can tolerate JP streams, but homocollabs?? Fuck no. It goes against everything they've said and done since debut. If they ever do them, they better have a REALLY good excuse, because the battle plan comments will look like the most supportive and loving comments in the world when you compare it to the things that I would write if they ever did homocollabs.
>"B-but "
Kill yourself.
Fuck, I got too absorbed browsing HoloGTA clip and now it's like, 3AM
The JPs get more special streams when you take into account the quantity of streams.
4/10 is not the same as 4/10000.
And to add to that, when was the last time they did a special EN stream?
NEVER accept homocollabs.
If they ever do them that means that they were forced by management, and we should be VERY vocally against it, it's what FWMC would want us to do, being very critical of homocollabs will show the retarded pig people see that the ruffians are NOT interested in homoshit.
KEK how did we get a retard here defending homocollabs? Is he lost or something?
That's my line too.
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Don't worry, Ruffians! FWMC hates the homos too!
I wish they would talk more and baubau less. Their older streams were better.
Baused, that's why I love them
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It's been over a year and I thought I would be bored of Fuwawa by now. Instead here I am even more enamored by her than ever. I'm good at hiding it on main.
Fuwawa deserves more love
The home 3D stream was pretty extreme 70% was baubau. They should take a clue from Pekora
Fuwawa is the perfect woman.
>They should take a clue from Pekora
Didn't Peko forget to peko an infinite number of times back when she still peko'd? They should not take that advice
Pekora is a really bad example. She used "peko" to end every sentence and she also included it into her laugh, it was obvious that she would eventually drop it, doing it was too bothersome. "BAU BAU" on the other hand, is incredibly versatile, and it doesn't impose any "obligation" on FWMC; they can talk for as long as they want without BAU BAUing or they can spam it to fill the dead air, they can also use it to ignore or not respond to things that make them uncomfortable. It's also incredibly popular and recognizable.
I honestly don't see them ever dropping it.
How can you love a woman who only has eyes for wealthy supporters.
because it's such a big part of their brand they should be careful to not make it annoying
She unironically loves me, and I'm a poorfag that doesn't donate or buy merch.
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dang I can understand the 10 min time limit but there are also some good clips that are longer than that
Fellow sisters, it can't be happening... They're still gaining subs... We've GOT to stop them from doing more japanese streams. They're too popular...
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nap time
ehehehe nigger nigger nigger baubau
I completely forgot that there's FWMC morning later... I should've been sleeping 2 hours ago
just sleep through it you won't miss a thing you haven't heard already
Fuwawa would NEVER say that!
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Goooooooooood day fuwachads and mocoheads
does Nerissa really give you a blowjob in her VP?
I heard that Biboo calls you a lolicon and a beep on hers
Yeah I actually had that stream in mind when I made my post. It was a bit much.
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I also heard Biboo gives you a footjob and laughs at you for getting hard from her little girl feet while calling you a pdf in hers
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Miko is listing her holo family right now
Good morning Ruffian
Is this real? That is so crazy! I totally need to buy it for myself to check it out! Thanks Mococo!
>being the pets of a predatory lesbian
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>Bae joined VCR Rust, and her biggest paypig wasn't really happy about it. But he accepted it as her trying to find ways to broaden her appeal to the Japanese fanbase.
And so you're saying that FUWAMOCO need to do male collabs to appeal to the japs?
That's retarded and you're fucking retarded for even typing that out.
Bae is nothing like Fuwawa or Mococo at all, even suggesting that male collabs is a guaranteed way for them to get subs is demented. That would piss of more than half the fan base resulting in a mass exodus.
You're getting tired of their schtick is all. A majority of the 3d stream was
>What are you looking at huaaahhhhh?
>Don't look ok!
It's nothing new to them, I just kind lose focus here and there and when they actually start stringing together sentences I focus back in.
It's not just for them either. I think I disassociated watching Gigo get a ton of SC yesterday acting like her stream was a whatnot pack opening stream.
The only male collabs that would get FWMC subs for sure would be collabs with really well known ecelebs like say xqc, markiplier, hikakin etc.
And thankfully they, so I hope, have some limits as to what they would do in their chase for numbers. Certain things they wouldn't do even if it meant numbers.
They do know better than to do male collabs so I can rest easier knowing that they won't.
Reminder that anyone who is against them capitalizing on the massive success of this current arc is just a groomer who wants to sabotage them for their own selfish reasons. To not be confused with disliking JP streams in general, but being against them doing this kanji de go one definitely qualifies.
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BAU BAU if you love Fuwamoco
Anyone who thinks they can groom a vtuber in hololive with 4 if not 5 digit viewers is stupid anyway
Baused Mori. She really loves them. Advent as a whole seems to have been a big positive influence on her, having EN members join who admire her and seeing how her own career inspired them really seems to have made an impact on her, good for her
Every time they said atm during GTA I started laughing. I hate this place so much it's unreal.
I’ll be honest, I was one of those dicks that thought that after the whole moving to Japan thing would make it so reaching 1M would be impossible to achieve this year. I am glad to be proven wrong!
GTA did some really heavy lifting to be fair. No one could have expected them to blow up like that, especially after the 3d that everyone claimed would get them tons of subs got them like 5k total for the week. The best thing we had comparison for GTA was Golden Week, and that was only 1-2k subs per JP stream.
Never underestimate them!
Sounds to me like those girls were willing to betray their core fans in pursuit of popularity. I understand doing male collabs for official things through hololive, like when sanseki got hypnotized by that male magician for a skit, it's part of the business. But actively going out of their way to take part in eceleb shit purely for more numbers is a spit in the face of the core fans that's kept them afloat till this day.
They're really riding the wave right now. Just 12k to go then they can start an endurance karaoke for the last 10k to 1m

And then they can use that wish to ask for... well, probably a 3D live?
Can be bigger than that. They'll get a 3D live for their birthday next year. Aqua asked for the VN. If Mister Donuts wasn't closing down they could've asked Cover to set up a collab where it was FWMC themed for a week
Vertical streams and flashing subscribe buttons for the sake of numbers were a bit of a spit in my face. Can't wait for them to reach 1m so they finally remove that fucking sub counter off every stream.
True and I'm extremely thankful for the holoGTA people, but also let's not undersell their efforts. There's a huge gap between them and Kanade vs everyone else when it comes to the boost it gave them. It was their performance that caught so many eyes, not just being there.
They could not have joined, they never played or watched GTA before. They could not have streamed, Mumei only started her POV after wishing she had one because of a funny moment she shared with FWMC. They could not have done it every day and interacted with so many members, sticking just to their safe partners, and so on.
It's a direct result of their desire to join all sorts of holo stuff, saying yes to all sorts of offers and doing their best with what they have.
The biggest thing audiences got out of it wasn't "oh who are these cute dog girls, never heard of them", but instead "oh, so they're not just cute, they're pretty funny and good at banter too!"
This was growth inside the Holo box, not outsiders, this was proving themselves to people who did know they existed.
I'll stop comparing myself to other ruffians when FUWAMOCO stop comparing me to other ruffians.
I really don't think Aqua got the VN just for her 1m wish. It was probably that + a studio agreeing to do it after extensive research on how that would sell and so on.
I don't think FWMC could ask for a full VN the same way Aqua got one.
Noel was doing a morning stream the other day with her tits out, subscribe button, bell button, like button, and sub count all at once. It was a pretty normal and comfy stream. You're just gonna have to get used to it if you want to watch ambitious people in the biggest company of its kind.
The thing is that the funding is easier for them than the business part. If Cover can handle talking to VN companies, signing the deals and whatnot for their wish, that would be a massive help. The money they can make. It's kind of like the mister donut thing, everyone would make money out of it, it's not like they'd be asking for a handout, it's asking for them to put their staff to work for you on networking for a while.
Maybe. I mean I'd love it don't get me wrong, I just think people underestimate how huge Aqua getting a full VN with physical releases for Switch and such was.
If their 1m wish is a 3D live, will it be a venue in Japan or the northwest passage?
It'll be Japan
>3D Live in the northwest passage
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Anon 3D live just means a studio 3D live. You're thinking of an actual sololive concert, that's not happening.
Oh I agree, I don't think it's happening either. And if it's as high quality as Aquarium, it's worth waiting for. No hurry. No offense to Ollie but I don't want something on that level, it has to be great.
Who knows. Their dream stage is Yokohama Arena, but I really doubt they're getting there first time. BD proved the infrastructure to hold a live performance in NA is there. Could be in NY again.
Aquas was profitable enough that they were working on a sequel. If they ask for a VN they can take that data and show the developer that it's a proven product. If Cover does the hard work of networking then getting the project into development shouldn't be too difficult. The question is whether FWMC would want to write the script themselves
It will be in the Las Vegas Sphere
3D live happens on channels for birthdays and anniversaries. Concerts are solo lives and that's out of scope for a 1 million sub wish, too big.
Maybe the reason FWMC are doing next to nothing with all their money (no amazing new streaming equipment and powerful PCs etc.) is that they're saving up so they can fund the VN themselves
>The question is whether FWMC would want to write the script themselves
I remember them saying they would and that they wouldn’t want anything less than that. They want almost full on creative control of their first official VN.
I don't think its impossible for FWMC to fill a venue. Japanese tourists, Japanese ruffians, EN ruffians who fly over, and Hololive fans in general would want to check it out. The question is the venue size
I don't think they would want to write it, just supervise it, make sure it's true to themselves. More of a creative producer role.
They love VNs and probably already have potential writers in mind they'd want to work on it.
Sure, a lot of holos could easily fill a venue just because fans would go either way.
But it's definitely not happening for the foreseeable future. If you know how hard holoJPs have thought for their sololives you'll know.
It's kinda the same reason that every Holo wants people to go watch their newest song release/MV. The better it does, the more support they'll get from Cover, both a bit finacially and connections-wise.
Not taking away the grind, it's just that it's really hit or miss with this stuff. Glad to see them get 1m before the end of the year, I didn't think they'd get there.
This conversation reminds me of something I was pondering to myself recently. What would you guys say is FWMC's most impressive skill or achievement? Aside from work ethic itself. They're such high achievers but I was thinking of ways to put it into words.
Making me feel entirely secure and certain in my oshi (them) while also protecting my smile.
Well yeah but something more marketable, like something you'd say to another holo fan you met at a con but hasn't checked out FWMC yet
Perseverance. They wouldn't be where they are now if they gave up, and there were lots of reasons to over their journey. To me I see them as an inspiring story of people who didn't give up on their dreams, and people who are kind and truly deserve their shot at success. There aren't many people like that in the world, they're a true cinderella story.
You're gonna hate this answer
Manipulating people. Any idol worth their weight in salt can do this to make fans happy while also persuing their own goals. Getting tens of thousands of people to support you and throw money at you doesn't magically happen.
good clip
I guess that's tricky. Not sure there's one single stream or stream series I'd be able to cite and feel good about in that convincing just about anyone of how great they are.
If you're being cynical. Yes they know the game and they know how to play it well. That doesn't mean they don't genuinely care about their fans, they just know what their fans expect and they're willing to provide it.
If Fuwawa works harder on her dancing they could become a unique duo singing&dancing act on the level of HIMEHINA.
Wait so do the clips have to be my own, or can I just like someone else's yt clip for the tag?
This is certainly true
There is some truth to this as well, but you don't have to choose that specific word, I would phrase it more like, they know how to be cute or endearing
I find it tricky as well. The best I can do is to say they are incredible idols, it's hard to unpack it any further than that, so if the other person knows idol culture, they'll understand, but beyond that it's hard to explain the quality of FWMC
You can sugar coat it however you want, but that's what the entire industry is built on at the end of the day. There are fans who just like the music or enjoy the performances, but the big bucks come from the people willing to buy 5 CD's to get a spot in the handshake line or willing to shell out to go to a con and pray they get into a meet and greet. I'm surprised Cover hasn't tried to monotize M&G's more aggressively yet. I remember a long while back Kiara had an online M&G during Covid days that was set up through discord and in order to enter the raffle, you had to buy her either first or second year b-day merch.
It would have to be some kind of mix that shows them singing, but also them playing some VNs and them doing the cute home3D just now maybe.
Yes Idols are very commercialized. It's about monetizing the emotional connections between the fan and the performer, I think they're aware of that and so are the idol fans. You buy a bunch of badges to put on your itabag to show your devotion to your oshi, you tweet receipts to show you supported them and bought their merch. That's what the idol industry is built on, but I'll say their appreciation and genuine love for their fans is real. This is what they live for and not a day goes by where they aren't very grateful to be where they are and thinking about the Ruffians, that's exactly why they're worth supporting.
They play into the dynamic really, really when and while they do or say things that their fanbase doesn’t always agree with, they managed to amass a group of devoted fans who are here for the long run. They also just know what to say every time for people to start showering with headpats and their money. It’s literally truth, the amount of people who have actually oshihenned from FWMC can be counted on one hand. Even then, those people never really “leave”. You might even still see them from time to time in chat. They might have less of a presence in chat or their twitter replies, but they’re there.

FWMC can make people invested in them to an unhealthily degree. It’s almost cultlike.
basically bau bau byou is a very very very very real thing
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What the fuck is this
Fuwawa was better in Marubatsu and Samishii Nettaigyo. She's worse at projecting her movements outwards like jumping and stuff, but she's better at subtle movements like hip swaying. Mococo's standout moment so far was her footwork with Korone at BD.
Everything for Fuwawa
Everything for Fuwawa
Everything for Fuwawa
Looks like Mori using her huge body to block the sun from hitting both Fuwawa and Mococo in the eyes, shielding both of them from the sun
She should use her big belly to block me for ushering my penis inside of Moco-chan.
The responses this gets every time from the same trannies always makes me kek aloud.
This will be an unpopular statement too, but I thought about their singing too and I realized I wouldn't call it a defining "skill" of theirs. They're competent, but not incredible. It's hard to explain because their DECISION to sing a lot is part of their skill, but the singing itself is not a skill they have advanced to the highest degree. They work so hard, but answering the question, what is it they work on? is difficult. Maybe the answer is "creating an outstanding fan experience"
They really know how to be entertaining with it’s with their banter, performances on stage, or singing. Oh, and they have a knack for introducing things you’ve never heard of before and making you wanna try them out for yourself. Things like music, learning Japanese, watching anime, playing VNs, or trying out certain foods.
kek wishing for a solo sololive with 1M would be an outright scam. there's a "queue" of like 10 talents
The way they incorporate harmonies as their bread and butter even in regular karaoke streams is most definitely a defining talent of theirs and a unique strength in Hololive.
That 君の銀の庭 performance from Akirose's 3D LIVE is still one of the best I've seen in Hololive and it's all carried by the harmonies. I want to write about their strengths and make an appreciation post for their performances, been wanting for a while, but I need a bald fuck to unban twitter first.
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Poor neglected Mococo..
they're twins
Poor gbraga
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Should FUWAMOCO appeal to the massive market that is enthusiasts for maps, trains, boats, urban planning and planes like Azuki?
I want it
The risk of Mococo's autism attaching itself to that is too high
what the eff
They can't read maps so no.
>1M project deadline is mid November
>Fuwamoco are getting 1M subs mid October
are there only retards left in charge for projects now?
Mococo would enjoy being an air traffic controller
Started before GTA and took too long to get off the ground
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I still haven't submitted anything for it.
Asskey is wonderfully autistic but in not the same way as FWMC.
You're right, the part that shows how little they care about fans is simply how little they care. They do everything for numbers and choose limited fomo bait events and number shilling over spending time with them
AZKi should play Snow Runner
Mococo will become a Factorio only streamer
Imagine them playing that Peppa the Pig game that Bae and Gura played, I would laugh so hard. Just imagining their reactions to that game
What sort of game could they play that would best match Mococo's autism?
Cities Skylines
It's "Peppa Pig" not "Peppa the Pig" you fucking piece of shit retard. Go immolate yourself.
Baldis Basics
I've only watched Selen play that game.
I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset any Peppa Pig enthusiasts.
Pal World.
Yo FUWAMOCO! I guess I never really thought about it, but is there a reason you don't swear or use more vulgar language? Do you hold yourself back? Or is it just not in your nature?
The most calm Peppa Pig fan.
Why did you cut out his last sentence?
>I like and respect that you both don't though!
hey that's that /here/ JPschizo
This will get selected, but I guess Junk must've missed when Fuwawa said said, and pardon my french, d*de before.
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These fully-grown puppies are just asking for it.
look mama puppy i retweeted it again
>mococo had to completely remove her shirt to even try to compete with Fuwawa who barely has to expose more cleavage and lift up her tiny skirt
also mococo very much not flat enough
>it's just shorts ok!
>never shows em again and always acts like showing her shorts is pornographic or super embarrassing

ok fuwawa
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Sounds like a doujin plot
>Come on, show us your shorts, Fuwawa-chan
let her cope.
Wasn't it Fuwawa who brought the reflecting floors of Advent's 3D stream to our attention after the fact?
I never noticed that we could see the shimas until she pointed it out lol
I want to rape her.
yes she's a whore and people still buy her innocent act and the whole dislikes dirty jokes thing. I guess when men are this easy to manipulate why not have some fun with it? I don't blame her since it has to be tough constantly pretending to care about these disgusting fag ruffians
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It's too early for rape Raffian
>no one sent an SC asking to see the bottom of Fuwawa's shoes in the home3D stream
It's late night in Japan. It's the perfect time.
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Andy did and they ignored it. if even their favorite #1 can't get it no one can
I've noticed that holos mv animation quality has been increasing significantly recently
miko got two fully animated MV
polka bbbb actually decently animated all throughout, not just the dance part

I hope FWMC would get a fully animated MV too someday
mayhaps on their LTSM full MV even
also holy shit sora's children record mv is fucking sex
Miko was imagining as her pets, peeing on the carpet. Said she wanted to "keep" them since HoloGTA.
What's wrong with that woman?
I want to bully and rape this Mococo.
Very good question. Not anything new but worth saying to their newer fans. I quite like that they don't as well and started to feel awkward when I watch someone else and they're swearing all the time.
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>early for rape
Perish the thought. There's no such thing.
she wants them as sex pets to do as she pleases
Just another example if how mo one holoJP respects them. They're cute retards that are annoying to be around for more than a short time. Not sure if that's the reputation they want long term but for now it's working wonders for numbers
>HoloID continuing with The Forest
oh no
it's not a once and done perms
i guess we also gonna see it next week
was the Advent Forest collab boring?
Next week is a watchalong, thankfully.
they got curbstomped by the end so I'm not really sure how it'd go from there
They're going to die in that cave over and over again.
Fun times ahead.
it's a retarded question. it's like people who ask why someone doesn't drink as if that's a weird thing to not want to poison yourself. That should be the norm, people don't ask why others breathe so it's weird to ask this. But of course with their number baiting their subs are now filled with twitch whore loving retards who want them to cuss and fuck men in asmr. none of the new fans care about idols
The Ritual watchalong to keep in line with the Forest theme
>next week
Will there even be an advent collab next week? All but nerissa will be in the event.
Junkchama's question will be chosen!
the thumbnail for today's fwmcmorning has shima shima shorts
Nerissa and Kiara like idols and they swear like sailors. It's a good question because it lets them explain something about themselves to new viewers, that's what the questions are for
>check stream
>episode #2
>already got a fucking fortress wall, spear, and apparently katana
>now expanding the wall
I guess having like, double the team make it way easier, huh
Dykes are fucking disgusting. And no, before you say it, FWMC are NOT lesbians, twin incest is completely normal and counts as masturbation. Fuwawa and Mococo are ONLY interested in men (me)
Not my favorite, that's for sure. Would take EDF, watchalongs, some shitty collab horror game, lethal company, or a lot of other things they've done over it.
Exploring Mococo's forest.
ID is full of metagamers. If you like serious gameplay it's probably the best branch.
can we just please go back to comfy for the holidays after 1M? the sooner the better because I've hated so much of the past month with the extreme number chasing
These posts reek of rotting fish.
BAUDOL's growth doesn't support your narrative.
>please go back to comfy for the holidays
Lol no. There is still GG's event and ENReco part 2. And they probably have a bunch of practice for the year-end concert.
They do well with non-meta gamers too. The Gigi CC Kaela Lethal Company collab was amazing.
I don't give a fuck about numbers or "growth". I want fun and creative streams again. We get one a week at best if we're lucky now
Why did they crop out that part?
W-why did Fuwawa show that angle??
It's ok to be a casual fan, just watch what interests you if you're not on board with supporting your oshis
Got bored and decided to reply to your 5 shitposts huh?
just now you noticed that you slowpokes
They said there would be more a bunch of times yesterday
Sisters... I'm feeling nauseas...
Since they got 977k at the end of Forest they are actually speeding up. We could be getting the endurance by next weekend.
They're setting up 3D for FWMC Morning aren't they
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>We could be getting the endurance by next weekend.
>next weekend
I'll be too preoccupied with playing Sparking Zero to attend. Sorry, FWMC.
Yes, they are gaining momentum again. They might do an endurance either next monday or tuesday to get the 1M before the collab.
>next weekend
fuck i'm actually going out of town next weekend
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the endurance is fate stay night on Saturday followed by an endurance at jp time Sunday
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Get ready to be BTFO'd EOPs!
They'll reply to zannie's submission during FWMC morning and they'll announce that they are going to start doing weekly JP solo streams. After that they'll announce Saturday's JP solo stream making sure to say that EOPs are NOT allowed to watch the stream! Erenschizo is going to be humiliated again! I can't wait!!
I can't believe I doubted the anon who said they'd reach 1mil by Halloween
Why Reiner for this counter shitposting? Reiner sucked and got beaten by Eren all the time.
Looks like the Americans have woken up, this was a comfy thread. See you at FWMC morning ruffians
So you don't care about idols, the thing you were accusing new fans of. Cool. Predictable.
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Yeah, get the fuck out. Flee.
When did anal become such an attention whore again?
I just woke up what the fuck are you talking about?
I fucking hate that ytc-filter now fucking clears my filtered message if i popout the window
Everyone in prechat is. I stopped looking at it after the last freecat because I realized I fucking hate almost all these people.
Learn to read reply chains
Poor FWW... no matter when she does, she will never be as sexy as MCC
Why do I have a feeling that hands who typed that post are brown?
>Plenty of back and forth discussion.
>Everyone ignores the obvious retard
>He starts samefagging playing both sides to try and get traction.
You post this every time your shitposting loop fails. It is getting sad.
retweeted pantsu fanart
these dirty desperate dogs
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very cute
I like art that isn't outright lewd but shows just a little bit of pantsu
When they rt that it's hot cause I imagine Fuwawa looking at the image and seeing her own pussy behind that bit of panties there and she gets a bit embarrassed but likes it anyway
Mococo has some nice little titties
He was away so he wanted to make up for it
>ruffians numberfagging in pre-chat
Disgusting. I'll only tolerate FWMC doing it because it's their job to care
Complain in prechat.
I can't I'm a little bitch
They would love ruffians who advertise for them
I'm taking notes for next meet up.
You won't say anything because you're a pussy.
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you sound worried.
fuwawa is my wife
mococo is a bonus
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KEKUS MAXIMUS! My dick is so hard right now!
I can't wait for FWMC to announce weekly JP solo streams! I'll enjoy seeing the EOPs seethe and cry /here/
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>they're actually at 979k
jesus they can actually do the endurance BEFORE next weekend
>literally just a hundred away from 979k
holy fuck that's some growth
I love my teletubbies
merch sales can pay for a lot of sub bots I guess
I acutally forgor the next sentence
but enough about niji
>Can't even remember their own intro after 131 episodes.
kek I was just thinking they were being extra teletubby today
980k during the clip watching
Your mom
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they're getting senile. Time to take them to the V-E-T
"great" pero sighting
Please come to Indonesia, FWMC.
lack of sleep causes lapses in memory
Come to Indonesia, FUWAMOCO
Weekly voice pack chads we won
Ririka sex spotted.
>Shitube struggling again while FWMC morning is on
Of course
works on my machine
what do you think she'll use her wish for
God fucking damn it, I didn't want the clock to beat us.
to meet me
Put a blended sandwich on the Subway menu
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Congraturation! This story is happy end!
Come on Ruffian, you had to be realistic there.
They're saving that for when they hit 1 million
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Fuwawa should go there and have sex with Iofi
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Please stop talking about my ex oshi.
>shilling themselves while congratulating Kronii
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So it's not my internet.
Shut up, Gabe.
They'll reach 1 million in a JP solo stream.
Fubuki is literally crying right now, FWMC...
no she isn't
She was, she was unironically sniffling and crying for 5 mins, I just watched it
she stopped right when you post that
I do not care for when FWMC talk about two bike whores
Remember when god prevented their VN collab from happening?
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I wonder if she gonna have homo guest
yeah no
>her outfit she used her 1 million wish on!
>that's crazy!
Agreed, what a waste of a wiah
I wonder if water is wet
you can always expect it to. So it's not worth watching
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>cover removes birthday 3D lives
>you need to use a 1M wish on it now
new talents really got scammed huh
no, but you see, she apparently recently kinda calmed down after she realized she's been used as stepladder multiple times
kek that was amazing
>Fuwawa teaches us the colors
I love this fluffy woman
She used it on her OUTFIT bwo...
Wait, seriously? Da fuq. So they can only get 3d lives for free on their anniversaries?
It was wasted on an outfit, threadreader.
that is false information
You think that is bad, Kiara used her to get a german youtube channel.
They read the thread and are making fun of me for thinking they don't bait petplay...
faq migo
Mococo pees on the carpet when she gets worried...
LOL what did Miko say?
I almost typed 'piss on the carpet' in chat when they talked about dogs doing bad things, I was thinking of my actual dog
so what do you guys think they want to spend their one million wish on? I feel like there must be something they really want to get with how much of a focus they are putting on it.
>use 1 million wish use 2.5 years later
I wonder why it took so long?
That's what Miko did say, so yes. She talked about them peeing.
>A lot of dogs in Miko's family.
No fucking way, I didn't know that!
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What a waste...
Kek okay that checks out, most realistic thing
Its different because they forgot about it until reminded
Anything else you wanna just make up?
They're very very close to getting 1 million subs.
that's a cat
that's a cat
>but that's a do-
Holy fuck, please say sike. My stomach curled reading that.
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The thing they want the most is a 3D live, but they probably can't spend it on that lol. They'll probably spend it on something to pursue that goal though.
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Cute dog.
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just make it pet of the day already
Clearly says doggy of the day under it blindchama
that's a fucking cat
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Why does this dog look like it will give you toxoplasmosis...
She didn't. The fag's just making shit up about her try and make people make fun of her.
Ok well fuck it, I'll just submit cats only from now on
They're not even pretending to want to choose dogs anymore
They just prefer cats all the way. I bet they wish they had been given cat themed designs as holos.
how Nytro baubau
will they get a cat when they slow down after 1 million subs?
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That's their 1Mil wish, ruffian
wuffians, I think that might be car
Kek, it was a really funny thing to make up though.
>Shill walk again
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Sex with Miosha
>socks on sandals
jesus christ how horrifying
Well Ollie has had some of my favorite Fes performances so I'm gonna watch it and I'll just leave during the homo section
Damn, he didn't need to make something up, there's plenty of reasons to make fun of her already
kek of course this question
She used it for a 2D outfit though which is worse.
Shit I believe it, they will redebut as cat themed holos.
Swear words are scary lol.
If they swear they'll instantly get to 1mil
JP schizos we won
I would scare FUWAMOCO and that makes me erect.
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Japanese have done that for a while
actually he's in the dicksword clique
My dad and I have called eachother cunts for the past 10 years. I wonder if they'd hate that.
Wonder how they feel about Newissa and Shiori using those words.
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We can't stop winning Eren bros
they already swore
They don't care, but they probably wouldn't like it if you did it in front of them.
You say everyone is in the clique. I've been called a paypig and in the clique despite being neither.
this is for me specifically
Potty mouths that deserve potty in their mouths
what about the Kanji de GO stream???
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You were supposed to forget about that Wuffian.
There's no chance they hit a million during Kanji Go right? kek imagine
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I guess it's like my countries "Nigga". It can be affectionate or offensive depending on how you use it or the tone/context. I'll use "silly old cunt" in a loving way.
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make me
>is that ruffian here i remember seeing his name
0/131 I hate my life
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they're gone...
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I will unironically hit 0/1000
I can feel it
Forever 2/131
huh, they actually invited EN ruffians for once instead of telling us not to push ourselves
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they love us...
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>21k in 17 hours
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good fuwamoco morning stream as always

can't wait for Monday's, even though I probably won't be able to see it live.
>We'll have lots of fun this weekend with both holoGTA and Fate/stay night!!
What about the kanji learning stream???
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Now I get ready to leave for my miserable job. Catch you tonight, ruffians.
not on the schedule image so brain
also funny they called gta clip tomorrow since it's tomorrow for them
fwmc morning is obah, thank you for watching today
its time to reply ai posts about jp streams, jp pandering, men and headcanons about their intent
>somehow got the momentum that shorten the predicted date by a whole two month
just what the fuck happened
is it the eurotruck stream?
the forest?
FWMCMorning is always just when I get home from work. It's like my finish line for the day.
>(Uncaught) in councilrys
it's already today for them though
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I'll be honest I don't care about anything else really attention wise but I've been here for all but 2 FWMC mornings and try like 3-4 times per ESR reading.
To still be at zero... it's very disheartening.
If it doesn't happen soon I might just lose it.
Why are you so erotic? #FWMCMORNING
They just got into the algorythm and broke through the wall. It's self perpetuating now.
Curiousan office worker or manual labor?
It's definitely holoGTA and the massive amount of art and clips that spawned from it with FWMC.
Well, I hope that autists and JP schizos understood that the JP kanji game at a JP timeslot is not a stream they need to force themselves to watch if they aren't interested.
I think I was shadowbanned today since I didn't see myself on screen. Though I seem to remember someone saying they can see shadowbanned chats on their end
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The latter...
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Are you guys just joking about not being ESR? I got it 3 times from Fuwawa, but I still spam the chat every day because I want to be Mococo's ESR too.
lots of JP talents have been mentioning them during their streams last week and this week (due to holoGTA)
never see myself on screen during fwmc morning streams, but I did get read twice today so it doesn't always mean you're banned.
So who bought the spooky voicepacks and which ones are good
You don't love FUWAMOCO unless you watch all their streams live.
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The rumbling starts if that were to ever happen.
I have a really bad feeling about their plans after they hit 1mil...
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>It's definitely holoGTA and the massive amount of art and clips that spawned from it with FWMC.
No, but according to the graph, the buff from HoloGTA should've ran out already
The peak here is from HoloGTA finale
Holo GTA. A massive amount of JP fans found them with it and their clip views have been going through the roof.
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I once got ESR and posted "0/xxx" /here/ anyways because I became accustomed to it.
It's me, I'm botting to get them to 1 million so they can drop all this numberfagging and get back to streaming normally.
Why am I so nervous about them hitting 1million, have I been psy oped by schizo's here?
>the buff from HoloGTA should've ran out already
They got an extra boost from other members watchalongs, along with the effect of the GTA clips pushing their other content into the algorithm for new viewers
BUY THE (what are they selling)
Their home3D stream went viral.
why isn't taichung thing shilled on fwmc morning
>FWMC are actually magical girl guard dogs
>their magical girl transformation are catgirls
best of both worlds
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this is just last year fes edited to have camera, no?
>HoloJP members reacting to FWMC GTA clips
>Home 3D
Yep, and pretty poorly too.
You can just search "buy YT subs" and there's tons of services for this. More useful than a super chat.
>salad for breakfast
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KEK this just appeared on my Youtube page.
Do we know who are the guests for FBK 3D?
unironiclaly I have been too. They hopefully don't notice a huge spike in Indian subs but I guess we'll know if they mention that country randomly, kek
Feels like a better use of my money right now than sending a superchat.
It did, the japanese clips for it have a truckload of views.
We will not tolerate collabs with japanese comedians.
He's lying
Post your receipts instead of lying.
>another taiwan exclusive event
All the top paypigs do it. Botting is the unspoken part of pushing your oshi. It's how they got TWO figures announced before even a year of Hololive.
HoloTW when
Hard stuck at 979k. GTA buff gone. It's not happening girls
>>We'll have lots of fun this weekend with both holoGTA and Fate/stay night!!
This can only mean 2 things:
>They don't consider the kanji learning stream a "fun" or "comfy" stream and only see it as a stream to farm JP tourists
>They consider it their "alone time" with the JP ruffians and they aren't even thinking about the EN ruffians for that stream
What's there to be nervous about? Either they keep trying to push for more numbers and nothing changes, or they actually cut back on streams to give themselves a little wigfle room with all the homework now that they hit 1m.
>hard stuck
>literally just got there minutes ago
Are you even trying at all?
A quick search shows 20k subs for 500 dollars. That's one akasupa to get them to 1 million.
there there, it took me over a 100 tries not missing any but I managed to get mine, havent tried since so new people can get it but there will still be people trying to get ESR multiple times
So they should definitely hit 1 million by next week, right?
Next goal is more orisongs and an album, so expect more homework, but less numberfag streams.
It's literally based on luck. I'm still surprised I managed to get my name called for ESR awhile back.
unfortunately for them I'll be there speaking in only English the entire stream
>got 4k subs since the start of the Advent collab
>got to 979K during FWMC morning
Retard sister you're not even trying.
Ewizabeth Wose Bwoodfwame...
the only person buying bots are FUWAMOCO through the youtube promotion service. I tried it on my channel a while ago and got hundreds of what I assume are bot subs in third world shitholes like India. But if they just want the numbers it's the way to go because youtube won't purge botted subs you buy from them directly
It depends when they start the endurance stream.
Absolutely BAUSED
Don't sweat it to much, it's pure gacha.
I got it twice: one by Fuwawa as a grey, and the other by Mococo completely unprompted after she read one of my earlier message.
Sisters are comical. First they wanted to deny the possibility they can hit 1 million this year. Now they are trying to claim paypigs are botting them.
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When are we playing Halo?
I get that's it luck but saying "You shouldn't care, I got it twice" isn't all that helpful
I only play Bungie Halo.
Does it even matter? 99.9% of the subscribers are dead subs anyway.
A dead sub that doesn't interact with their content is not that much better than a bot
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BAUSED and same
>they won't reach 1mil subs
>it doesn't matter if they reach 1mil subs
I am literally botting them. This momentum might not last so it's good to give it a little push because at the rate they're going even once the bot training wheels come off they can blow past 1M and keep going to meme sub levels. They're hungry enough to keep the momentum alive until the next big jp collab
it does matter because it makes Cover management shoot ropes when they put it on the report
>Biboo playing more blops today
I p-probably won't miss anything not watching the clips stream
I just came everywhere to Nerissa's sex voice pack
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We'll play Halo Infinite this Sunday, around the usual FWMC stream time (maybe 1 or 2 hours before, we'll work out the details after tonight's stream)
>mentioning how cool it is kronii's book had 700 pages
they probably saw how pathetic the fanbook effort for theirs is and said that to try to inspire more effort. how the fuck did submissions only open yesterday? what are these retards doing? I almost miss the pillar...
Me too
It's thanks to the pillar that nobody trusts fanprojects anymore. I will certainly never do another one.
>AI slop
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Nice. That gives me enough time to install it.
Now sisters are saying 1 million subs doesnt matter. kek.
Fuck that faggot for leaving me out of the last book he did.
1st 1-on-1 Justice collab?
I love them, bros, more than I ever have anyone before...
i don't think they want ERB's subscribers
Kronies literally had a year to accumulate content
Nobody expected FUWAMOCO to suddenly gain so much momentum. holoGTA threw all predictions out the window
Nice, will get later, there's a bunch of stuff to share that I haven't had the time lately, but I think I can do it today, or tomorrow morning after the stream.
I'm not a sister, I'm just honestly confused.
A dead sub does the same for their channel as a bot, no?
I'll still be happy when they reach 1 million subs, I just don't really care how they get the subs.
This bitch types like a fucking retard.
Yeah. Pre-GTA, some were thinking November might be too optimistic or they might not even hit it by end 2024.
Okay, thanks!
ERB can take care of them pretty well, it'd be interesting. She's really an auntie
I have no hate against ERB since she was nice to FWMC during ENreco, but her prechat was going full anti on FWMC not to long ago because they ignored the homos. Her "fans" are trash.
imagine doubting FUWAMOCO
Cease your pointless prattling you imbecile of a Ruffian. Oh-hohoho!
they already failed to hit it by august though
they had collab with Ame and nobody complained so why not
Doesn't ERB play FPS only? Karaoke off-collab will be nice but she isn't in Japan.
It's august in the southern hemisphere

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