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Amelia Watson anticipation thread
This thread's for Ame, an adorable, dorky, wonderful detective!
Last thread: >>86720749
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Check out the #holoAquarium map: https://x.com/watsonameliaEN/status/1840965917376684125
Also Ame's Favorite Streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8bh2Nv7NqBBgKC_xM3xYQsTZC1odXq6E
Play Chiku Taku: https://watsonamelia.itch.io/chikutaku
Stream Chiku Taku: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYVweqOW31w
AME DOKO -> https://amedoko.com/
Ame links and info: https://rentry.org/Ameliur
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Good goyim thread.
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Bakers just keep baking and ignore the retards. After dooby starts streaming everything will settle down
Like Jack Baker?
no, Lucas Baker
Am I retarded or is this soundpost URL fucked up
it's on a dead host
If we really are getting train themed stuff, it would be funny if new threads were "The dinner car is now open" or something.
Pretty cute. But I'd be careful with any good ideas unless you want them to get caught up in the schizo split shuffle and thus tainted forever.
I don't understand what harm just adding "dooby" somewhere in the OP would cause. No need to add the socials or channels, if that is the problem.
What is there to settle down? Is this just about the clips on her channel? Just have the rule that everything before Ame is off-topic, that's it. What happens on the 20th when those clips are still on her channel? I don't want shitposters to use them as an excuse to split.
Trains can also have bars I think
luv me meliur forever
ate /lig/gers

simple as
General consensus was to wait until debut when more information was known, that way we can solidify thing like the thread name and such. Are you so impatient that you can't wait 2 weeks? Shitposters will use any excuse to spilt, ignore them and they'll move on once they get bored
>General consensus
Between who? You and your other personality? I've read every single thread for weeks and no "consensus" was ever sought out here. It'd be great to discuss the future here but it's literally impossible because both the moderation and community response is inconsistent.
Yeah, as I said earlier, the reason to not alter the name earlier was just because her name wasn't sure, and there was debate on what the thread name should be. But her name seems pretty settled now, or if worst comes to worst and she suddenly reveals a new name during debut, just change it.
Again, I don't mind adding all the socials and such only after she debuts.
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Every. Fucking. Thread
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>Shitposters will use any excuse to spilt
Suggesting Dooby is put in the OP is actually the opposite of wanting to split.
>She's following Fauna's oshi's clipper
Small world huh
>following kanauru
>following the librarian
>following neuro and followed by vedal
kino mayhaps
There is already a catalog thread for dooby that antis made
JUST WAIT AND SEE! For what, dude, articulate. The current situation is NOT conducive to "settling down". Do you just want this to be some sort of sentimental grace period, during which we have to tiptoe around dooby? Out of respect for Ame or why do you want this?
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They're not going to listen to you and remain super stubborn about the topic. There are several other threads where it's acceptable so you can go elsewhere without worrying that your post will get deleted.
I don't really like to assume things like this, but since I honestly can't see what negative impact adding "dooby" somewhere in the the OP could cause, I feel like for some people the idea of "settling down" means splitting. It feels like a discreet attempt to split.
What do you mean "for what"? For the 20th.
All of this is actually pretty interesting as a microcosm of being reactive vs. proactive. Personally I'd put myself on the reactive side, but I'm SO far on the reactive side that I'm just not going to take any action even at infinity. I believe this month will inevitably be chaos but I also trust in our woman - by any name - to be a strong enough pillar for order to reform. It's interesting to me that the proactive side hasn't tried to nudge the baking a bit. Not like the full schizo splits, of course; there's a lot of middle ground.
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I like seeing so many cute arts
Is this the fan mascot or the model
Man, NL is a terrible singer. I realize this is a glass-houses situation, but still
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who nose~
It's really not hard to wait, just relax, have a drink with the gator next to you and anticipate the future
i think its the creature that says yipee while drinking cola und playing fortnite
I feel like Nabi can make the perfect mouse vtuber design.
I trust her completely, this isn't about her. I just think that since the name is now 99% settled, there's no harm in adding it. I can only see it as a benefit, since it removes one excuse from these fuckers who use it as an excuse to make a split.
It's not as settled as you think
>art tag
>emote prefix
>twitter @
>email account
Well like I said if she reveals a new separate name during debut, then it can just be changed. The current name is massive part of her brand still
Stop acting like a child and just wait it's not that hard.
And next the schizo would want sachi in the OP too otherwise they are gonna throw another tantrum and make another split, what do you do then?
Discussion already took place before the final stream. Besides, it's not like talking about dooby is actually banned here or anything.
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ame's huge fuckin tiddies!
Even if her name is settled there are still unknowns, things that will become known after debut. If you really have been reading past threads then you're fully aware that discussion is happening fine without the need for adding stuff. As I said, shitposters will use any excuse, even their own brainworms when they have none. Just be patient, just wait and see
Literally what I said. Just say anything before Ame is off-topic. How are things going to change after 20th? Schizos will try to push for S**i then as well. That's just something that we will have to deal with forever, if we're having Ame and Dooby in the same thread, as I understand we will have.
(Alright, fuck the spoilers at this point since I'm not trying to write a wall inside one)
My key disagreement is that I DO think this is about her. I don't think there's anything that happens here that isn't ultimately reflective of her.
When she announced and was visibly shaken: you've never seen this place so fucking distraught. When she was confused about what the fuck an "affiliate" is: we were confused too. When she was hopeful with the last couple collabs and the final stream: you've never seen so many smiling Goslings. And now that she's in a waiting period: we are too. It's like if Christ said "Hey, I'm coming back in 16 days" and his followers just started bouncing off the walls in the meanwhile.
Don't get me wrong - we're only human and I think bouncing off the walls is fine. People get anxious. But I think everything done in that time is effectively meaningless. Whether the waiters win in the meanwhile, or the changers win, or the splitters or the schizos or whoever the fuck else is out there... doesn't matter. On the 20th (maybe plus a couple days because of the woman in particular) she's going to show up and literally everything she says become law. If she shows up and says "I'm okay/not okay with you guys talking about X" then those are the rules.
People are of course also free to break the rules, but then they'll be damned. We've all seen what happens to places like this when their person is AWOL, and it's not great.
Timeduomate we're eating good
>It's like if Christ said "Hey, I'm coming back in 16 days" and his followers just started bouncing off the walls in the meanwhile.
but on the first day he spawned 5000 fish, then on the second day his voice could be heard by all from above, shes not sitting in a tomb shes tweeting multiple times per day
>And now that she's in a waiting period: we are too.
She is actively working on her next project in public and with enthusiasm. No waiting period.
>Just say anything before Ame is off-topic
That clearly didn't stop them from spamming shit in here for multiple threads straight yesterday.
You're welcome to brainstorm ideas for new thread names though, but the agreement that came out before was that we wait until first stream to actually switch.
I'm really hoping that it's her again
>"I'm okay/not okay with you guys talking about X"
...Okay... But she's not going to do that. At least not for anything related to this topic. Obviously she's not going to reference anything about holo. That's a fucking given.
Are you assuming that she might be okay with us referring to her holo past? Because obviously she's not. She's already said so.
So I don't understand what she could say that would make it so that we can't have an Ame/Dooby thread.
And again, are you actually toying with the idea that this WON'T be an Ame/Dooby thread? Because that just confirms my thoughts that the "settling down" for you is about toying with the idea that we will be split. And I definitely do not want a split.
I'd just like to know what concrete thing we're supposed to be waiting for, what could change that would make adding the name a bad idea.
One thing to be aware of is it's highly unlikely she'll ever mention hololive at all, a clear separation of RM and holo persona is one of covers golden rules so she won't come out and say "ame is banned, hololive is banned" but mods will have their orders and the chat may have filters
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A debut you fucking moron are you fucking illiterate?
Cute Bubble!
armored doob VI: the fires of woingus
Have you guys seen the bidoobuh
The other thread is less unhinged. Thanks for making this one weird, I guess. You’re acting like an entitled nolife rage baby about this topic.

Take it from me. You and Ame aren’t on the same page.
Well since you're hostile about, I might as well ask are you illiterate, since my question was what about the debut could possibly make it a bad idea to already add her name.
Until the stream in the 20th. If you can wait for a long time with uncertainty for Ame. Then, you can wait until she streams in the 20th. You can still talk about her. If this schizo about wanting to split appears just hide stub like most smart teamates do with shitposters.
I can wait for Ame for a decade, the spergs on this sight are a different matter. Literally nothing about the stream on 20th should change the fact that we'll be Ame/Dooby thread then.
Then we'll be the Ame/Dooby thread or whatever will it be called in the 20th.
>I can wait for Ame
>Literally can't fucking wait
Rumao just fucking [--]
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what would your reaction be if on her debut day she shits her pants very violently and loudly on stream
>The other thread is less unhinged
No need to linger on our account, sounds like you'd be much happier there
this is the only person in the whole thread who gets it
I guess we merge with /ringo/?
I dont even see why the name should be changed, nobody is getting banned for discussing the doobster, a thread by any other name would contain the exact same posts
She has nothing to do with this discussion. Dooby won't have an opinion on our thread. Dooby won't reference anything about holo past.
And yet, this will be a thread for both of them.
The anon who is into scat will get to rename to thread
ame gassy ame kyut or something
I would fucking kneel honestly, what a power move
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who up doobin they roingus
I almost said goobmorning by accident, this shit is going to melt my brain.
A gator bar would actually be cool, especially now. People just getting drunk and mad as hell with Ameoke on the telly.
>second stream
>its a handcam stream
>she shows off her basement which contains an absurdly large model railway
And the tracks lead directly to my ass
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honestly doob and goob being similar is great since chumbies get to say so many stupid little things to refer to their oshi, like goob, goomba, gorb, etc. and its much easier to do with doob than ame.
i guess the /dooby/ thread works well as a schizo magnet
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Feeling the melancholy a little this morning. Myth is so good. I'm glad to see she's having fun though, that eases the pain.
Pretty much, what that fucker wanted to do earlier was badically an early death sentence for us. At least until the 20th we can have okayish threads
>See perks
Nice attempt anon but memberships would not be active at that point
>Streamed 9 years ago
I'll be there no matter what!
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If that’s how long it’ll take then so be it
at first the singers sounding kind of like them weirded me out but its grown on me
What's going to happen on 20th that makes this thread bad? Do you think having doob discussion is bad?
Nigga stop restarting your fucking router I'll always hide stub fucking faggots
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>starts humping the ground
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I think it would better if we just kept this thread even after debut, atleast until the dramafags find something new to do
doobious image
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Honestly not a bad idea, if it means we can have a pretty peaceful thread I'm all for it
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No one's been banned what are you schizoing
I'm fighting my demons bro
Weird thing to say because you’re here, and if you weren’t then the /dooby/ and /jerboa/ threads wouldn’t even be a thing becajsw you wouldn’t be polluting this one with your brainworms.
>still need to wait at least 1 year to know her decision
How can hachiko do it bros? that lil nigga waited 10 years
Why do you guys want to continue this thread instead of just retiring this one and making new one, you can just revive it if Ame comes back
Go away tourist
Ame/Dooby thread needs to exist so we can follow Dooby and still get Ame mentions
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i wonder if doob has any halloween plans, ameween was always pretty kyut and kino
fuck off
70 years in dog years.
Yeah but isn't it kinda disrespectful to Dooby? It's like if Vshojo general was still talking about Coco or Doki one still called itself Selen General
>he calls everyone a tourist on an anonymous image board because he is autistic, awat is his entire life, and he doesn’t realize others are real people.
I bet you fell asleep and missed most of the last members karaoke.
Maybe. Altougth it's pretty close to her debut so I'm not expecting anything spectacular. She might not have enough time to prepare for it. Or maybe she does. Who nose~
it's different because ame still exists
why is there one guy here using all the tricks in the book to try and make us agree to a name change? what does he have to gain from this?
Nah, it's just our thread, and she is still an affiliate so there is still a connection.
Entertainment, probably. I'm in the waiting camp but damn is it boring
He's a contrarian. The thread will change name eventually but he wants it NOW because most of us agreed to wait
I baked the current /jeroba/ thread and honestly wish we could just be here all together but the disagreeable dudes make it impossible to discuss Ame’s future here. I think the schizoposts earlier about waiting until the 20th and whatever that Christ comparison was speak for themselves as to how hostile the crazies are.
Don't worry bros I'll cast my hex to end this fucker
>all the tricks
I'm not the guy insulting people with brainworms, or others, I'm responsible for only one "trick": asking what actually bad would happen if Doob was added.
Person who made the original "split" here, it was designed to be a temporary containment thread for all the schizos and tourists to congregate there instead of here. I didn't expect it to cause so much chaos and even mentioned in the latest thread that if anons wanted to keep baking it should be temporary until the 20th then this thread continues to be main one.
I genuinely thought it would help, but seems this thread is still being raided so i give up.
Nah it definitely helps, i imagine that it would be far worst if we didn't have that schizo magnet
>I baked an anti thread and am pretending to be a fan and taking the moral high ground look at me
eat shit and die
It is kind of helping I guess, but some retards just stick around to instead go at this other angle.
"Temporary" splits are never a good idea.
This thread good. Catalognigger bait thread bad.
It's ok, but could be worse with /lig/gers in that thread.
you are a retard congratulations
it's fine to still be griefing right now. but if you guys spam this shit when she's happily streaming as dooby i will fucking murder you.
there's a very high chance she will never go back to hololive and ideally if we all keep supporting her, she won't have a need to other than missing her hololive family.
i'm probably actually paranoid schizophrenic but i can't shake the feeling that a lot of you DO want to sabotage her new career so she can hurry up and go back.
some men just want chaos, they think every board should be /vpol/ with non-stop arguing and shit-flinging
there are enough people discussing the future just fine without being obnoxious twats, there's nothing wrong with taking things slow and waiting for the debut before making major changes. you can propose future names and such but remember that it's all academic for another fortnight
There is nothing wrong with talking about Doob here, if you're implying that.
There is no “raid.” You’re just actual schizos who are ruining the thread with whatever all this shit is.
nta but you guys can’t see that you’re being the obnoxious twats. It’s so weird:
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>there's a very high chance she will never go back to hololive
If Amelia Watson is a kind of person that abandon Gura, then I severely misjudged her character.
I believe she'll find her way back to hololive no matter what and I will wait.
>>86733077 (me)
And what I "gain" is attempting to stop an actual unironic split from materializing.
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Ame baby
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Nah, I looked at that thread, let them stay there. We have civil discussion about Doob here anyway, just ignore the deleted posts because the important ones got reposted with no problem.
you are now realizing we will never have an ame luna collab
It took you faggots only 2 threads to post doxx. Fucking idiots
for now
>If Amelia Watson is a kind of person that abandon Gura, then I severely misjudged her character.
this already happened, so you might as well fuck off now instead of spewing your toxic shit
runa will be a fully grown sekushii adulto by then...
I am actually just a tourist and I made that shitpost as a one-time joke
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And Ame will regress into 9 years old.
Get a haircut ya hippie!
how about you /lig/ger fuck off
Choo choo~
there was "dox" in the first thread too but it was deleted. dooby is probably going to flesh stream a lot considering her 2021 stream was a face reveal and she's obviously comfortable with it.
might as well get used to it now instead of throwing a big stink about a cover contract clause regarding no face reveals that no longer applies.
just checked the verified followers, these raids are probably going to get worse
what if she just turns them off
Highly unlikely she’s doing flesh streams.
Main reason being she’s too paranoid and opsec focused.
>but 2021
That was a still image and effectively a troll
i meant shitters raiding the thread, twitch raids might be a problem but i trust her to be able to handle them
Fucking hell that dude has no shame at all
>depressed nousagi
Literal subhuman
Hope she blocks him
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No one is raiding the thread. Stop being a paranoid freak, it’s all just you spazzing out.
>Depressed Nousagi
Most of the shitposters in the board mostly do it for entertainment but this guy is just fucking evil honestly. Here's hoping ame's tanabata wish comes true
some of these are years old right?
>for now
>one day we shall see bowson again
>for now2
>maybe in the far future if they would have me (-> the ball is on cover side)
>i just have something i feel like have have to try or to take care of
>in the future a little ways down the line (shortened from FAR to 1-2 years)
>i wouldn't be opposed
>if hololive would ever accepted me back

>Until we Meet Again o7 ~
>for now.... AHEM .....from watson to watsoff ( ⸜ ‘ω`)7

at that point i'll probably be the (true) last teamate
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Ame's ears in the new model will occupy 50% of the screen and we won't be able to see the game.
Is that okay with you anon?
Isn't that the girl that somehow fucked up her entire relationship with one of the richest twitch streamers?
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Maybe then we can kiss each other.
i'll be fine, i watch for zatsu, not gameplay
Ear cropping's a thing so it's all good
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Man, I'm gonna say I don't know how excited I am for this whole thing at all looking at lists like these.
I like almost no one on there.
I don't want to see vshojo collabs or collabs with the shitty circles that Bao, Numi etc. are in.

Oh well.
I don't really get whats even the point of trying to figure anything from the follower list. Anyone can become a follower, it just takes the press of a button.
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>I'll probably be the (true) last teamate
Not so fast fucko
Ame is kinopilled I believe she won't choose grifters
why did gigi do that? is she retarded?
That name at the bottom...
Ame's boobs is literally there and she goes for the tie
>Giantess vtuber
So I get that "dooby" is allowed here, but what about mentioning previous names of the channel like sachi and pachipea?
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>I have hope that she'll be back
>you know we'll see you again

>pic rel
i guess it does at least mean that say tenz knows who ame is. maybe she will finally have someone teach her why valorant is better
it's jork
>So I get that "dooby" is allowed here
It's not, as per board rules.
Ame hates valorant
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so we don't timeloop again, it was asked here: >>86691380
Ame stuff onwards, that's to say just Ame and Dooby.
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Do you guys have Ame pictures of her in the rain? Or similar things, please.
You can talk about it here and it’s on topic >>86729180 no questions or opinions asked.

Mods don’t seem to care if you just say “Sachi.” But you may not add owo to the word. That gets your post deleted.
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I love Ame forever but I also know she has a cute habit of going potato mode and delaying things.

Ill be suprised if we see Doob on the 20th
Actually not against board rules, which are there to prevent doxxing
>should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL")
It's frowned upon to mention past incarnations of the chuuba if she wants nothing to do with it anymore (common if said chuuba is becoming a holo) to the point that "PL" is a no-no term here and "RM" should always be used, but it's not a bannable offense
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i just hope i look stupid and cute and fat in my new form... preferably green and reptilian as well.
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>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content
Dooby has no such thing yet and no relation to Ame outside of her Real Life. Which makes her off topic in an Ame thread as per board rules. Not because she has the same RM, but simply because she is not Ame.
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Dooby, Dooby, do!
Hoshii nosa anata no subete ga~
Ai ni dakare giragira moete shimaitai~
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This was her phone wallpapers from 3 years ago
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My whistle, iykwim
can we just add the social links to the OP already to make people like this stfu and not have an angle? >86734721
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This thread is about Ame and Dooby. Cope and seethe
wrong ame lol.
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if I jack off to a rrat, will I become ogey
Regret Anon from 5(?) threads ago here, just got home from my final lecture before i get into the research phase to protect my thesis, im drained, please post Ame with sunflower pics
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I don't remember how and when Ame started getting associated with them, do any of you remember?
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This one's one of my favorite Ame arts
sunshine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ3TiXmPrW8
not sure myself but it might have something to do with people referring to her as 'like sunshine'
What is this psyop about Dooby being deleted here. It's not true
Just ignore it, don't pay attention to it.
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Who's Dooby?
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>One anon asks for sun the other one asks for rain
What the sigma?
I understand the confusion since sometimes direct links have gotten deleted, and copple even indirect posts have disappeared in some recernt threads, though anons theorize bunch of that was self-deletes
It's a sign that they should kiss
Atta girls.
is this real?
for the last few threads, every time someone tried to link to the official dooby3d youtube channel (22k subs only!!!), it was consistently deleted because of the no sachi rule.
if you can't list her main socials here, then this isn't much of a dooby thread
Read archives. Everyone is just fine discussing her here
It could also caused by a sudden influx of report and since the jannies probably dont hang put in our thread they just deleted to be safe
Speaking of kissing
I didn't hear it the first time but someone in the comments pointed out that you can hear Mumei say "now kiss" and I kek'd
Dooby discussion is ok here. You know perfectly well 'what' cannot be discussed. Playing dumb won't convince anyone. Who are you trying to fool?
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YT just recommended this old Gurame yuri fight animatic to me
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What other indies match her vibe/content closest?
I associate this bgm the strongest with Ame
and the piano one too ofc
Basedapoya for obs LA CREATIVIDAD.
CodeMiko for the 3d tech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e818LgnJ9rI
4 new follow
Wait, what if she's the train inspector
From detective to inspector
it is OFFICIALLY doobmorning!
>the Operator
>not following back
Seems like shes trying to fix her sleep schedule and waking up at a normal time instead of 3 in the afternoon
Oh wow, that was really fast!
One thing less in her checklist, I assume.
>It's not as settled as you think
Get off 4chan, you roingus
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>Seems like shes trying to fix her sleep schedule
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That's it. I'm hard
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Oh hey she followed the blue idiot. Otherwise known as not-Gura
... They are?
In your dreams
Realistically: They'll follow each other so they can DM privately since they are still IRL friends.
Schizophrenically: Yes, they are.
She didn't, anon.
>the schizo paparrazi are back
what do you all not understand about
I wish gurame were in my dreams
This thread is taking up place in the catalog.
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Excluding Myth, who's the talent Ame has the most drawings with? Moom? Kronii?
>Caring about the catalog
>notgura is following dooby
holy shit
>ame thread
>not talking about ame
We went the way of the liggerbros...
Probably Kronii, Timeduo is a pretty popular duo all things considered
Not having to worry about jp meetings will probably do her wonders
What an awful person, giving false hope.
Just call it /awat+/ or something
Neato looks like orihime got the commission for the logo
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Remember gators, bait might look appetizing but do not bite! Don't be morons! Let them samefag, report and ignore!
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Forgot my image lol
She has quite the portfolio, nice, I hope everything turns out fine!
i'm partial to /dawat/ - dooby and watson appreciation thread, but actual name changes will be updated post-debut
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This but Dooby and xeets
That’ll just invite retards to come in and ask is [insert holo rm] allowed
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The Twitch vtuber scene used to be very small and many of those followers are from years ago. Mouse followed her in 2020 for example.
not only do they keep biting, they're somehow churning out their own bait with these fucking over-zealous analyzations of each and every fucking thing happening on her twitter
aw shit, i'm retarded
This didn't happen with the Coco thread
Also didn't happen with /tsunX/
wow not-CC followed dooby back in 05/25/2020. that was pre holo debut.
too many snakes wandering around here
NTA but are there any other active indies that fit the criteria esp on vibes?

Of the ones you mentioned
She's like an entertainment black hole when she's not doing fun 3d stuff, at least to me
Ame hasnt been retired unlike the other 2, she literally has a song coming next month
Do NOT play the beepu soundpost my bones just melted.
I liked that one /DARAT/ suggestion and other /RAT/ variation from the other
But those might be too different from what it is now and might not be recognizable
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>over-zealous analyzations of each and every fucking thing happening on her twitter
That's just business as usual for gators
This guys can do that? What the fuck?
What other fun facts do these guys have? Next you're telling me they can fly with their ears.
They don't drink water
inb4 le "investigators" joke
you guys make me cry, it's all so tiresome
Regardless of how the name initials end up being, if awdat, dawat or whatever. It won't have //'s
but i like /awat/....
Yeah, yeah, don't worry we all know we won't have the //, I think they're just trying to suggest names
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>try out core keeper to keep me busy away from schizoing about doob/ame
>see this item
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...
>These // suggestions
Almost feels like the push for a combined dox thread isn't coming from thread regulars at all...
well yeah, i don't expect the formatting to change, the // are really just for shorthand reference elsewhere
that's why it's important to discuss things, and also why it's good that big thread changing decisions don't happen overnight
>i wonder who's behind these posts
This always made me mad because she should count to 15 and not 8, but oh well...
She was really cute counting either way.
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What the fuck
These things actively fight snakes? They don't even have hands, the trex looking ass things. How are they able to throw down against these things?
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I wanna draw more Doobs when I get home. I've always wished I could draw better but always had motivation issues and been self conscious of my lack of skill. But Dooby liked my art so I can feel good about it for the first time. I think this might finally be the start of my art journey.
the doob
>Jerboas can hop 10–13 cm normally but if threatened by a predator the Jerboa can jump up to 3m...
My bad then
'Amelia Watson' and 'Appreciation Thread' will still be there regardless of anything. So if you want to brainstorm a bit, it has to be
>Amelia Watson and [____] appreciation thread
>Amelia Watson & [_____] appreciation thread
I don't really see other options, since I personally refuse to not have Amelia Watson as the first readable name.
many small animals have evolved reflexes that are just faster than a snake can strike
Yeah, I agree Ame should be the first thing you read. The first option is more to my liking unless you the new full name is too long.
Instead of detective, we change it to "adorable, dorky and wonderful girl!", if that's okay with you guys.
That's why it should be
>Amelia Watson + [____] appreciation thread
And then the short hand should be /awat+/
It's /hlgg/ teamates, because there /awat/ is more usual. But, it is not anyone malicious, as I'm sure you krow /hlgg/ teamates love Ame as much as anyone here. Like I said at the end of last thread, they have to habitate this place now as well.
will we support her in Vshojo?
I was thinking
>This thread's for her, our adorable, dorky, wonderful girl!
We might change <girl> for <angel> though
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>Next you're telling me they can fly
close enough, maybe more like a double jump
awdat. The plus is too ambiguous. This thread is just for Ame and Doob
>How are they able to throw down against these things?
you'd be surprised at how many things can actually send a snake or bigger prey packing back home, you learn a thing or two when mother nature cucks you hard
that's fair, ame did come first after all, i just like acronyms that are easy and fun to say
That's actually so cool wth
I see.
I still feel like if people actually migrated to the other thread and let this one die schizo posting would go down to near 0
Trying to keep this alive when ame is functionally defunct is just poking the schizo nest if you care about them at all
/awdat/ kinda screws with /awat/ too much
I would like to keep the shorthand awat untouched as much as possible
The plus is kinda meh, and also I like awdat.
That cute and all but for some reason it makes it look as if she died lmao, but I do remember Nabi talking about Ame being an angel.
>already doxxposting other holos
Burn this thread
Just name it /hic/, it is that easy
well this videos are probably all staged for filming but its still a possible scenario
What? How can you stage them? I thought we couldn't control wild animals...
>split dies
>hey guys why don't you go post there
>pretty please
>This thread's for our girl, an adorable, dorky, wonderful angel!
>This thread's for our angel, an adorable, dorky, wonderful girl!
maybe? idk
kill yourself, eat shit and die
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I now require art of Dooby fighting a snake vtuber, preferably a lamia, if they exist.
Get to it artfags.
staged in as in they pur put animals in the shooting enviroment together for easier takes and not necessarily track them in wild enviroment, they obviously dont control them or anything lol
yeah the reason why cats play with their prey is to exhaust them before going in for the kill, because cornered and desperate rats are still dangerous. wolves hunting in packs will wound their prey and then stalk them until they die. except bears, bears are so invincible in their habitat they give no fucks and will eat you alive.
It should be "dawat" because when you put space between Da and wat it will be "Da wat" which sounds funny
Saavlewd would be the one to fight I think
Good luck Altered!
why would you want her to go all in on being a twitch reactwhore you subhuman faggot? Whatever she's trying is a giant waste of time.
Thereare staged animal videos. Sadly the most common are the animal rescue ones.
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Are (You) joining the Dooby fan Discord? Were/Are (You) part of the Amelia Watson/Teamates fan Discord?
Is it worth it to join that kind stuff? I hate redditcord and its users so goddamn much, but I don't know it there's anything I'm missing for not interacting with that side of the fandom.
it's the only way to organize fan projects and offline events
Usually It more circlejerking each other than talking about the streamer its for so no you arent missing on much

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