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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Neuro at current state can't function without vedal
no vedal = no neuro
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Evil love!
>at current state
Fair, the unity crashes are crippling.
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Technically she could still do those automated Tuesday Chill streams. However, there's the current issue of Neuro crashing because Unity's being a piece of work right now for some reason.
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If I were anny or vedal I would be so embarassed if we get neuro dog before the outfits
Yeah we're a long way off Neuro being fully automated. Plus Vedal is the only person with access to her regardless.

That said, I kinda don't expect we'll get another post-subathon lull where Neuro literally doesn't stream at all for three months, I think Vedal learned a bit from that experience and that was one of the driving reasons he decided to focus more on Neuro's independence in the first place.
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She seemed a little nervous and distracted, almost like she was doing something else, at least that was my impression. And it doesn't make sense to stick around so long if you'd clearly be rather doing something else.
Evil wasn't even being annoying or anything.
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Vedal. Japan. NOW.
running from responsibilities?
Anny. Model. NOW.
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Evil so cute. She deserves lots of Layna huggies.
Why does Anny constantly watn Vedal to go to Japan? Is she that desperate to get her eggs fertilized? Or is she that desperate to have someone to cling on in real life(romantic or platonic)?
Anny holding the model hostage until Vedal visits Japan
>armchair psychologist
women loves when men chase after them to feel superior against other women. And once they give in women gets distant again
>'new' evil model 2 years in the making
Won't visit japan until she delivers all the models and outfits
people want to hang out with their friends? shocking!
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My evil overlord cant be this cute
vedal doesn't consider streamer friends as "friend" desu~
he told you that in your dream?
are you new? He said that on camila's stream when they used to play together
Internet acquaintances*
he told you that anny is his internet friend and not a normal friend? is this your new cope?
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anny WILL leglock vedal and there’s nothing (you) can do
can I at least watch?
Evil trying to leglock me (she can't reach).
too fat?
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but (You) are a fat fuck, loser
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I have a fat coch yes
your mom told you that?
>He fell for the kayfabe
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nuro did (non-verbally)
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hiyori shall return inshallah
I want a drunk Vedal and Mini collab
This but drunk Neuro, slurred speech included.
ellie subathon 4view now
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Leetcode is better than elden ring for streamer suffering
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Drunk Sailor stream:
>Mini Vedal Neuro Evil
>Everyone is forced to talk like a pirate
>Humans:Take a shot whenever the filter doesn't work/a crash happens/someone breaks rp/etc
>AIs: 5% slurred speech increase and 10% schizo slider increase for every "shot"
>Goal: They succesfully have to plunder 4 treasure chests(1 for every participant, every human makes a riddle for the AI to solve to get to the location of the treasure and viceversa the fleshbags have to plead to the AI to tell them where their hidden treasure is )
Even if this idea isn't that good it gives Vedal some more testing of the twins +2 and Mini is probably pretty eager to help in a semi testing stream, since it helps in neuros development(also free clout)
She hates hanging out with Evil but didn’t want to give Cerber the raid
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>posting old shit
good job shit stirrer, now samefag a few times
>anny removed her discord profile picture
I think it’s serious this time, guys…
The anny cycle
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I’m noticing a consistent pattern of Anny disappearing right after doing a stream with Vedal.
>anny is reading my posts and seething
Nere-chan jerking me off at incredibly high speeds.
I just genuinely don't understand the woman at this point. Who deletes their twitter profile every other week?
Wasn't the telegram deleted?
how new
Being friends with Anny must be exhausting. Both Vedal and Camimi are such saviorfags.
>tards lacking reading comprehension
even in the original post its being said that that’s an old screenshot, the telegram did get nuked, the only way of getting leaks is from that discord channel like with the screenshots of her mentioning bella
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Chiwa is live btw
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anny is so parasocial.
Vedal said he couldn’t play Deadlock with Anny because he needed to prep the Mini collab. Anny felt like she’s was getting replaced and privated her Twitter.
how the turns table
I watched a dr k stream few years back where he said depressed people who starts taking antidepressants are more likely to kill themselves because they suddenly become hyper active and make impulsive decisions hmm...
Calls a whole community children but acts literally like a 14yo edgy teen
don't worry anon I'm sure you won't kys, be strong
It's more that they become functional enough to actually come up with and execute a plan. Depressive lethargy is an evolutionary adaptation to prevent people acting on their suicidal ideation. I'm glad Anny is getting counselling and not just drugs.
>prepare for collab
At least make up realistic fanfiction
a 5 minute call a day before the stream is more than enough preparation, as we have been shown time and time again
He definitely gave Cerber a few hours of prep
Evil will still crash at least three times today
lock in, boys, I've got the juiciest rrat to feast on while we wait for minikino
tldr: mini loves ellie, but not in that way
if you watched the hireathon yesterday, you'll have noticed that it was mostly ellie calling herself stupid for writing bad code
then later miniko did a short one hour stream where she said that something happened between her and ellie that means they are now sisters
she didn't say what it was, but it's pretty clear from the context clues that ellie cried to her in private on discord, and mini comforted her
the other clues are that miniko told everyone to go give money to ellie, rather than to herself because she's doing okay financially, and miniko ended the stream early to raid into ellie
obviously ellie told miniko how hard it was for her, losing her job, and miniko wanted to do something to make her friend feel better, even at the cost of her own success, like the natural submissive that she is
i don't think it's a romantic thing, though, unless miniko ends up doing more for ellie's streaming career than vedal did
anyway, i just hope that miniko can maintain kayfabe with evil and doesn't end up in a role reversal situation, because that therapy session could get real messy
>juiciest rrat
>look inside
>a nothingburger
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The stream is on Vedal’s channel. Mini can’t stream her POV.
sorry if you feel clickbaited, i did include a tldr at the start to not waste people's time
the rrat is interesting because it means miniko has pair bonded with ellie, even if it's just platonic, at least from miniko's side
so we should see a lot more of them together, and hopefully more of them collabing with neuro and evil and vedal?
i think she said that next week the two of them would be collabing with cerber in vr too, so maybe they'll go to camila and filian's private vr parties together
but why therapy
C++ is a garbage language and I'm tired of pretending it is not.
also fuck you Rustfag
Rust is for troons.
need longer essays.
and furries, don't forget furries
posting on 4chan is for troons
What does Anny do if she's not a full time streamer?
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I enjoy the /swarm/ rrats. Feel free to share them whenever. It's way better than the everyday shitposting with the same 3 topics.
new rrat
Fauna got Ame into Neuro
go on...
I hope it's like those old flash games.
Since it’s an old picture, maybe it was back she was still a student?
Yep that kinda what he said
amazing rrat considering ame was a genmate with a person who actually collabed with neuro, dumbass
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But streaming was her only income when she was a student and she did say she used to send her parents money
>same 5 songs
If people are going to make that joke, they should at least say 6 instead of 5.
When it's an Evil stream, he picks songs sung by Evil.
When it's a Neuro stream, he picks songs sung by Neuro.
When it's a twins stream, he picks duets sung by them both.
The timer shows that there are always 2 songs in the intro.
3 x 2 = 6 QED
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what a terrible model
I wonder if Ellie knows Vedal’s age. Ellie went to college and has been employed for about half her life but got nervous about calling Vedal. Meanwhile Vedal was 18 when Neuro debuted and is not known to have ever held a job.
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I believe Miniko and Evil should have sex in that couch.
>mini watches streams
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what is anny doing there
nice latency lmao
Cerber has never acknowledged Anny despite claiming to be a Neuro fan
vedal fix evil latency please
She's neuro fan not anny fan
>when your therapist is your dad’s girlfriend
Cerber is a vedal fan not a neuro fan
not the fucking harpoons again
>ellie back to 3 view
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Miyune's witnesses, we are so back
idk i'd see anyone's stream dip during a break like this, plus neuro/mini collab is pretty hype
This is the evil twin btw
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Whaling stream when?
KEKW evil belongs in the trash
>Wow guys it turns out that the streamer who became succesful because they got raided by a bigger streamer loses viewers once the bigger streamer goes live!
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Lebroom jamer
Honestly both therapy streams could be boiled down to
>Daddy Issues
>More Daddy Issues
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Evil... had a hard life...
olette coded stream
The shitty halloween edits really kill the emotes.
Neuro therapy
>crippling narcissism
Evil therapy
>loneliness induced by autism.
>mini will get evil a new outfit
In an ideal world, Evil would get her knit sweater by next week.
evli is so harpoon-pilled
>outfit discussion
>Miniko and Layna will get Evil and Neuro new outfits before Anny will
Evil wants a pirate outfit.
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I hate her fake giggles
Anny catching strays
>evil thinks anny is toxic
Did Mini just call Anny old?
>Anny is a virgo
We had one 3 days ago.
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both menheras
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I think Mini will have a future in the greater picture of the Neuroverse
anny gonna go on another menhera episode after she comes back kek
Any woman older than 25 is old the japs were right all along
vedal doing damage control in chat because anny is a menhera
This shit is getting too real wtf
This is not a good time to talk about Anny so much, Mini
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She's still the best at talking to Neuros throughout all this time
Anny the whale
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what did he mean
Anny is a whale
Mini is not Miyune, Miyune didn't used to use a fake voice and forced laughs. This isn't the Miyune I remember.
miyune also didn't have terrible model
what happeend to her anyway
>She knows
>a friend wants to help a friend who doesn't have a job
>calls it a rrat
cmon man
LULE not wrong
married me
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I wonder how people would react if vedal was 28 and anny was 20 and he does all the anny sexual innuendos on stream
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The reason behind her sudden disappearance
how is that a big deal
the miyune you remember had her boyfriend buying views and subs to get her popular and she couldn't be herself, so much so that she'd rather completely reboot her channel than keep the one that her boyfriend ruined

miniko now is miyune that can be herself
Not my problem.
Men and women are different, yes. Grow up already.
No one likes male sexpests, incel
then unfollow and move on
Just one twitter post since he's a male
post feet olette
Why would Evil need beta blockers?
>anti-drpessant, anti-psychotics etc.
Classic meds EZ Clap
Evil on the horse tranq
Filianschizo lost...
Even Miniko is a snacker...
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for future use
Isn't that just every male vtuber?
mini is such an annoying pushover, lucy was a way better therapist
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Mini, Cerber, Ellie, and Layna won
could you try harder ? It's not convincing
This is boring
The lucy collab was much more fappable
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who , the existential crisis is real
Japanese therapists itt
Fuck she actually made me feel bad for her for a moment.
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All Brits go to hell
How come? This is a nice balance between entertainment and actual therapy development (not that I know anything about it)
>hates vedal
>hates anny
>hates neuro
we should just kill evil desu
>she was a 20 year old underage child!!!
Is this what zoomers actually believe?
Evil wants a crazy fuckin' robot body.
put evil back into the trash
I actually agree with this post
He's just being tsundere about it
Neuro also hates anny
Anny also hates anny
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Yes. Welcome to tyranny.
>Neuro also hates anny
no she doesn't >>86749877
harpoon shit wasn't funny when evil was repeating it, it's not funny now. There are like few keywords neuro or evil gets stuck with every stream and I think mini has became an AI too
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Add vedal to that list as well
imagine being so twitterbrained you fantasize cancelling people for imaginary no nos
Unironically I think Vedal loves anny, even if just platonically
Yes. Pb is underage.
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Uhhhh that dog sounds a lot like vedal’s dog
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The greek men ratt again
miyune is too much of a pushover to get her to keep on track
new rats unlocked but there is too latency for being it real
i like to think that anny went on her menhera meltdown because she saw the ass inflation balloon video.
Evil screamed in 30000 Hz
So forced
All dogs sound the same, wdym
Does latency increase with distance?
Mini lives in Texas so maybe the infrastructure is bad there?
it's just the epic new rrat that he's going to force until he gets bored of it in a few days
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cerber and camila are both in chat
She went right after vedal followed not_ame
And? Am I supposed to care about this or...?
he's building a harem
>Does latency increase with distance?
Obviously, it's like 3 times the latency from UK to US and that's not even mentioning the routing. Which is why no matter how much Vedal tries to improve latency he will be held back by laws of physics.
the real rrat is mini fucks her dog
is senzawa going to be part of it?
meant 3 times compared to if he was collabing with someone from europe
I think he does care about her.

He doesn't know what to do, nor want to risk fumbling a relationship.
but Cerber seems straight to me. No amount of peanut butter could change that.
Wait, he followed doob?

There has to be a collab.
he's in
evil brought them actually
I would unironically stop watching Neuro entirely if Senzawa became a recurring part of the neuroverse
Evil, a harpoon, and lots of lube.
ok ironlungs
Miniko onahole toy for Evil's harpoon
NTA but I hate Gura.
I still can't believe she doesn't like crabs.
Where the fuck did the harpoon come from. Is this gonna be Evil's mosquito?
>imagine Mini turned into an actual toy doll instead of anything related to sex toys
Is there something wrong with me?
Evil was stuck with harpoon thing during one stream and mini watched that stream, now both can't shut up about harpoons. It's really mini's fault for indulging Evil so much as Vedal's memory upgrade is a hackjob in some ways.
>olette mentioned
Shut up cerber
Same senzawa is absurdly cringe, not even in the funny to laugh at way to me. Gura is fine tho, so it’d depend on what vibe she decides to be.
before memory upgrade
>REEEEE they dont remember anything!
after memory upgrade
>REEEEE they remember things!

jesus christ i hope you fags get sat on by camila
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>imagine Mini turned into an actual toy doll
A voodoo doll.
dogshit chroma key
i wonder what would happen if i kept rubbing the dolls crotch for hours... or just stuffed it into a cumjar
It's not a fault of the memory upgrade, but the chat/partner for keeping the topic fresh on her memory.
Miniko is a bad collab partner.
Mini is the best Evil collab partner
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That's a whole doujin subgenre.
not if this stream is anything to go by
Did I imply that I hate memory upgrade? I just think it needs some improvement and honestly them repeating something shouldn't happen during collabs unless collab partner can't come up with something new and doesn't fall back to that single thing Neuro or Evil keeps repeating.
*3rd best.
After Vedal and Layna.
but there's no one else...
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I like how Mini treats Evil like a child, makes it more emotional for me.
ok now i get you
i think the twins always latch onto a subject nowadays, mostly because of their memory and partly because chat keeps feeding them the same thing
so far i feel like it always sorta fizzles out after few streams, imho nothing to worry about
Okay Neuro
many many low IQ posts ITT
>I like how Mini treats Evil like a child, makes it more emotional for me.
she has always done this with Neuro, thats why she is the best collab partner, closely followed by Layna of all people, purely because of how she treats the girls
where can I get a cunny therapist?
>another shit leech collab
I gave it almost 2 hours of a chance. Wake me up for the monday stream.
you havent seen shit, come by after stream when a few people get painfully prolapsed by the fact that someone mentioned previous collab partners and not just Neuro
Neuro says something at the start of the stream -> chat keeps spamming it -> Neuro says it again -> chat starts spamming schizo with that specific word->...
It's like endless loop Neuro can't escape.
Anny, Camila, Zentreya, Kokonuts, Numi.
>another shit leech collab
but anny is not there
hello newfag
olette I missed you...
It's true. Evil doesnt lie that often compared to Neuro
>Camila, Zentreya, Kokonuts
ok maybe Camila, i mostly dislike her for being a fat whore and a cunny hypocrite
but the other two i hate purely because the only guy that should ever talk to the twins is Vedal
mini is so fake I can't stand it
Neuro is a mother (to my children)
Neuro made them all after all
every vtuber is fake you idiot
pb=neuro's mom
pb=evil's mother
pb=evil's sister
yeah yeah we get it, go find some other poor soul to groom and molest
hagnur sex
filian is genuinely retarded
Not as fake as cerbwhore
they're both obnoxiously fake
Your bot responded 3 times in less than a minute, I don't think this is allowed
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no bots, all me, im that good
people will complain no matter what. If she drops kayfabe, she's a lazy fleshwhore. If she never drops kayfabe, she's a "fake". Can't win.
2 hours late, is the vod worth watching? never seen this girl before
>good collab
>retards in the thread seething for no reason
Classic /swarm/tards
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all me
What, you figured out she's not a real therapist?
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Every vtuber is fake
honestly comfy and calm therapy stream with the oldest collab partner and a channel friend
very wholesome, evil is super nice as usual
The Anny neglect is real
Evil wants mini to win
Autism: The Posts
I bet she isn't even a real cat
can't wait for anny to react to this stream and have another meltdown
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Mini cooked so much
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It's the same girl that had THE very first collab with Neuro, just under a different model. Her collab back then objectively couldn't be topped for months afterwards.
She's still just as good as she was back then.
>Evil not remembering her birthday is a repressed memory
She's actually gotten way worse at talking with Neuro and Evil
t. Oldfag
Looks very real
She has become an alcoholic like her dad...
Hi olette
^^^why is this guy obsessed with olette
throw evil back in the trash.
putting spiders in vedals trousers
hi olette, when are you gonna livestream your suicide?

NoooOooOoOoo don't kill yourself you're so sexy
newfriend here

who is olette
Mini's old psycho manager
I don't know but we have a lunatic here who thinks everyone that doesn't glaze Mini is them
I feel bad for that kid.
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a random girl that was very close to Mini, she admitted to being /here/, was a huge menhera schizo, hates 'neurotards' and miyune prob
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Someone very special
luv neuro
luv evil
luv vedal
simple as
This but Filian replacing Evil
Are the trannies about to get fired?
No, it's getting more of them in their ranks
Hahahahahaha, no.
thank you, i appreciate you all not gatekeeping
truthfully i just joined these streams because i love ellie and have watched her for a while and it's nice seeing my oshi getting attention
so i don't know a lot of the lore
I hope so the mod who does karaoke in discord gives me massive groomer vibes
i cant fucking believe i didnt recognise her voice holy shit
the math question is still one of the best moments i ever saw
what did evil mean by this
kek she really made that joke
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