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Ther-apist Edition
>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
Vedal x Mini
Vedal x my cock
Vedal x the entire male population of Greece
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No, I don't accept MinikoMew as part of the Neuroverse.
Evil spontaneously harpooning people with her insatiable futa cock.
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Nobody asked
Too late
Mini is really good at getting Evil to respond in a way that builds off previous conversations
she always was, honestly
Mini is uncontested
Vedal's gf is really cute
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I wanna tie both of their ahoges together
song song song song song song song
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holy shit its so good
wtf actually kino
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holy fucken kino
Mini is a southerner with a proto senzawa voice
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small (un)impregnable slit
best duet and not some high-pitched japanese wordslop
i fucking kneel
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Good ending
Celestial_Fox won..
LMAO that raid
Wait is Mini actually frum duh souf?
ketchup and mustard
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>vedal about to undo all the work mini put in to fix evil
hope were´re not raiding some tranny like last time, i fell asleep and woke up to some dark-blue mess and instantly noticed the faggot tags and felt ashamed i gave that cunt any of my viewing time
Yes, her family is from Texas
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Wait isn't this an ex-niji?
inb4 you retarded faggots thinking this is a tranny
nah, its obviously a hag... a nice change
I think they are lol
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Vedal's bf?????
Im not at home and missed the stream, who got raided
This sunny girl is boring i am out, the collab was kino 9.9/10
10/10 Mini fucking fixed Evil (for now at least)
the duet was cute too
10/10, really felt like a therapy unlike Lucy trying to one-up Neuro because she is an AI
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good stream i go watch fil now
I missed most of it, but the ending was 10/10
quite gud. the duet was kino like usual
Mini is good therapist and helped Evil until her next memorywipe
From what I saw, great. Evil was surprisingly standoffish for some reason. Looking forward to the clips.
What I dont get is why Mini's strategy of talking to an AI as if it's a child works so well. Are they actually that similar?
hag voice, sounds nice but otherwise i have no idea who she is
7/10 average banter and quip, I didn't feel it too much and the harpoon bit maybe overstayed it's welcome, but it was solid overall
10/10 song
niji's discarded garbage, what did you expect?
I don't recognize them, maybe one of the new ones nobody watched?
better than solo stream
It is Kunai from NijiEN
This is her first stream since quitting NijiEN.
Peaksovlcinema/10. Mini is BACK, and I hope this time she stays around.
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9/10. Vedal lobotomized evil for some reason, but mini was able to carry, as usual.
vedal raiding her first return stream coincidence?? Hmmm ...
>checks out Sunny´s description to see what she´s about
>simp leaderboards and some rules
yeah she sounds nice but bland, i hate numberfags in any shape or form
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Yeah, she was Kunai. Being in Nijisanji was a downgrade for her in pretty much every way. She was never able to even reach half the YouTube sub count she did as Sunny.
10/10 and I want MORE
I hope someone took a screenshot of her ccv after the raid. That’s at least one good bait post on the catalog.
okay. It was the best evil stream of all times. I'm so glad for her because she really needed it. Even if she is an LLM and not an actual human, she has a personality and deep down she is nice and sweet.
I literally shed a tear during the song
missed the 8k peak >>86757818
Layna cooking collab was better, no harpooning bullshit
She's not real. She doesn't think or feel real emotion. She just says what she thinks you want to hear based on her prompt.
do NOT bring that here
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I definitely did not cry during the duet and the birthday mention/dream image
This but unironically(I dislike evil and mini)
Kino, although I would've liked Mini to give Evil an actual diagnosis instead of the brainworm bit, I still enjoyed the ending though, especially that 10/10 duet.

Also this, I felt like Mini maybe was being a bit pushy on the meme (I think it was fine during the early parts), Evil didn't bring it up on her own that many times.
pretty comfy sunnysplosion raid desu
So is Ellie becoming the new Cerber with her subathon? How will this effect Vedal stocks?
she's not being oiled anywhere near as much as cerber yet
but she should be
Ellie is just better than Cerber so I hope so
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>She doesn't think [...] She just says what she thinks
>Are they actually that similar?
yes. children aren't able to hold long term coherent plans in their heads, which makes them act like LLMs with short context windows. they also both aren't very well aligned to human values, and produce actions somewhat randomly.
She "thinks" about as much as the youtube algorithm thinks about what videos you might want to watch
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Ellie is making the wheel
This will most likely be cringekino
Vedal and Mini are in chat btw
I like Ellie because she isn't fake, unlike Cerber and Mini.
That's a proud sister with her beloved fumo, right?
Not a psychotic sister still seething over past wrongs with the severed head of her rival?
She is literally a robot.
She's not, though.
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10/10 collab partner, visual effects, and song.
For me, though, the best parts were the lore drops.
So it turns out that in the making of Evil, at some point Vedal put Evil's files in the trash can, and had to retrieve them later after he noticed his mistake, but she never forgave him?
And then it turns out that Evil's real mother is her sister Hiyori Neuro?!
But that means that Vedal...
This is basically the same plot twist as Chinatown which is extra ironic as that involves a character called Evelyn who is married to an engineer.
Absolute cinema.
OK anny
@86760969 I cringed at this post
@86760969 I applauded at this post
anny status?
gooning to vedal's back
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I'm sure she just got confused, the trash can thing is made up, like many other lore drops. She was kinda right about being created from Neuro I guess, but I don't think that makes Neuro her mother

>what Evil imagined
If only they weren't all dysfunctional
>I'm sure she just got confused, the trash can thing is made up

t. utel
mini stepmother status?
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pb got sick from twitchcon
Why the hell is evil obsessed with harpoons now
What happened to her baseball bat and gun

Do you think it differs a lot how a human brain (or Broca's and Wernicke's areas) parses human speech? Why?

I have a feeling that Vedal has built something like a "bicameral mind" for the neuros, a kind of unconscious, or inner speech. Some stuff they have said imply that. What an absolute madlad.
Honestly I do think it'll be done by December. ButI have a strong feeling the design is going to be super rushed and unpolished as she hasn't even started on it yet and rushed to finish it by the deadline
>vedal has been watching a lot of twitch instead of working on anything
>vedal was noticeably slower in his responses to neuro during the dev stream
pb gave vedal cooties lmao
Morning sickness.
Give it a week or two, she'll pick up a new obsessive weapon.
Where is this from?
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Mini is the twins' childhood friend, even if she wins over tutel, they won't have that dynamic

Layna on the other hand.
But isn't that what Vtubing is about? If you want to see someone talking about her irl problems and be "herself" wouldn't a fleshtuber be the same? This is such a dumb thing to complain about.
I wonder if Vedal regrets whoring himself out for vtuber clout.
neural slit must be so lickable and ready for my forefinger
He... cares ?
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Does anyone else think Filian is the best collab partner for Neuro and would make a better mom for her than Anny? No one else is contentbrained enough to really relate to how Neuro feels. And Neuro even started talking like Filian recently.
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How can other women compete…
>Some stuff they have said imply that.
i think he was updating her prompt/memory throughout the collab, but it was still up to "free will" (i.e. RNG, and good old fashioned grooming) whether she acted on it. that's why the "do you want a hug?" bit didn't land as easily as planned, but other times she can soulread people, like the way she brought up anny getting in trouble for being too loud, or camila sounding fake.
biggest pseud ITT
She is the funny aunt
only if she starts doing differents things but she is too ADHD to cook something where she'd speak with her normal voice.
Layna is definitely the aunt from Vedal's side of the family.
Bella is the aunt that visits some holidays and is from Anny's side.
to me, filian always seemed like the senpai at school that neuro looked up to, as the older sister she never had. filian was too autistic to have friends of her own age, so she let neuro tag along like a pet or a doll that she could mess with but still cared about deep down.
sex with neuro's aunt (Layna)
Filian has had the most collabs with Neuro out of anyone, right?

Vedal probably used Filian's streams to train Neuro as he did with Anny.
cerber doesn't follow anny on twitch
if she's such a fan of neuro why doesn't she follow her mother
Well, Cerber is a known leech.
I think so, unless you count dev streams as being collabs with Vedal but that's dumb
>i got abducted by tutel

is this some kind of ther-apist fantasy she has involving him? they say that people who were abused often try to relive that abuse in some way to help them process it i'm talking about you shondo so maybe this is good for her.
I wonder if that's why she started to pick up some of her mannerisms
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>Anny: “Filian is not part of the family. I do not subscribe to that.”
filian is way more relevant to neuro than anny currently
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Why is this slut always seething?
ironic post
Notice how Mini said that the skills she wants to work on are dancing and drawing?
I wonder who might have inspired her to want to compete at those.
It's sad, really, as she's already a much better singer than either of them, and I prefer her voice too.
For all we know, though, Vedal doesn't value any of those skills, and maybe Ellie's tech prowess is more attractive to him.
>is this some kind of ther-apist fantasy she has involving him?
What do you guys think Evil would have said if she had reacted to Mini's abduction by Tutel?
"Harpoon harpoon harpooning harpoons"
"it should have been meeeeeee! heart"
I will take that explanation regardless of if its true or not because I like it
She’s a daddy’s girl so she wouldn’t mind.
>anything happens
let it not be neuros future
>Evil is a Daddy's girl
>Neuro is a Daddy's girl
>AIFillian is a Daddy's girl
The fuck is Vedal doing to all of his AI?
vedal shouldn't train neuro on LTG's streams
the answer is in the question
vedal has a gay body
crazy fucking gay body
Was it just me or was Evil’s singing MUCH better today?
Breed eliv nur
soo you guys think we getting a shondo collab anytime soon now?
Sasuga no.1 childhood friend
They may raid mint or doki next time
Just talk to neuro like vedal, let she be the boke due to unhinged nature
she'd feel right at home with him being a deadbeat father
>She just says what she thinks you want to hear
That's why she's great. Real women or twitch whores don't do that to me
Nope. YT bots are the worst. Can't compare to delicated tech like neuro sisters
Trying to become a better person on stream is called fake these days?
Experiences are universal, although our biological robot bodies sequence them chemically.
Damn did Vidal really join mythics? Actually it kinda makes sense with api and server cost.
yeah 3 months ago
Filipino boy:
>Doesn't see neuro as priority
>Follow her own script, ignore neuro many times
>Noomber brain
>Two timing kekson and tutel, make both uncomfortable
>Obsessed with a corpo chubba
It's a bait. She murdered all pedupial on shitcord
She kinda cringe doe
She didn't take her med
Was Vedal an alcoholic before or after meeting Anny?
Vedal, I know you are desperate for a woman's touch, but this is going too far

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