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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

How the thread has helped people:

Report off-topic drama

Previous thread: >>86765589
Friendly reminder that YNGMI~
Link poster?
Dog girl with the weird feet LOVE
>That OP
This gon be good kek
So can we agree that she's not actually new just someone pretending to be one
Being ryona'd by fwofie and malphon at the same time
People always gotta learn the hard way. Even Rosemi barely could navigate this site, so someone brand new is already well integrated?
Please tell me we are going to get a discount Korone.
Oh hey that's me! I'm getting ready to head to bed though but I will be back tomorrow with my first stream. Thanks to everyone who followed both of my accounts so far, I was able to get over 10 followers on each. I hope you all have a great night! Thank you for the encouragement!
How do you feel when you get replaced as the /asp/ie fotm
post links. I could use a new aspie who isn't here to cause drama.
It's not that hard not to be a retard if you have a minuscule amount of thick skin
The lack of a vocaroo is telling
OP image is Puppchi, got inspired to become a chuuba and was encouraged to try it out today
I hope discount korone's voice is nice
>encouraged to try it out today
This person definitely isn't new kek but I'll wait til the voice reveal
she really is a discount korone considering she wants to stream ocarina of time and pikmin 1
I hope discount Korone makes it so all the dramafags seethe. I need her to show everyone that if you want to make it you have to have a good personality, a positive outlook and you have to ignore drama.
All hail Puppchi the new thread darling! orz
for now at least. during or after her first stream she will lose everyone.
She'll never be Fwofie
I've never been replaced because no one cared about me in the first place...
I find it hard to believe someone can type in a more obnoxious way
Can't wait for Iriya to sexpest her
"everywan" was cute maybe the first time but seeing her constantly use it is cringe
Reminds me of another "new" chubbas that immediately wanted to stream ocarina of time as their first game, kek
I feel kind of bad about myself now. She hasn't even streamed or revealed her voice yet she already has almost 20 followers. It took me a month to get 20 followers and I streamed every day.
I meant the poster whining about dramafags. I don't care about what the girl does
She's not new and she obviously has people who know and are shilling her
that doesn't narrow it down, ocarina of time is an incredibly popular game and many people love the series so why not show your love for something so that people can get a good taste of who you are as a streamer?
Should've been born a female
okay so who is shilling her? she's posted her links herself. whoever is shilling her is doing a bad job if she's still under 20 followers on each account.
Woman buff, but do take note of everyone that will be present in her debut but you never find them anywhere else.
Also, cherish the people who gave you that first follow, they're likely the ones to become your real homies.
nta but my vote is Pikmin 1. Too many chuubas start with OoT and the only stand-outs actually mod themselves in it
larping as someone this pathetic just to crab is really weird
Name a female aspie (you have 10 seconds)
all her followers are in the /asp/ circle so I don't get your point? I've seen all those people around other aspies before
My wife Puppchi who I will attach a collar to and take her out on walkies (she is a dog)
So is no one going to talk about this? Is Gurun really a pedophile?
It's good to see Mel back on the grind
he's a HRT tranny, so it's obvious he'd be a pedo too
This. Her first follower was Pafu, I've seen new people here not get a follow by them ever, let alone with no content on their twitter.
I think the rottie shrine is weirder
Never seen anything that unhinged in /asp/ before
go and ask him, no one posted proofs that weeb is gurun so take it with a grain of salt
another HRT pedophile what a surprise
thats all i needed to hear back into the trash it goes
>I've seen new people here not get a follow by them ever
Women? Pafu's a big girl power /wasp/ type
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I want to fuck her forever...
At least you're going for an adult this time Gurun
and this is why i told puppchi to block pafu, having pafu as a follower is gonna ruin her chances of ever making it
My Haru shrine is bigger
Meanwhile Puppchi made her stance clear, she is not interested in drama and will ban and block people if they do her wrong but she won't ban and block people if schizos tell her to. She's made her bed.
That bed? Mine.
>She's made her bed
Puppchi curled up in her dog bed!
she's gonna get groomed by camui in no time
Has gump commented on the Puppchi situation yet?
I hope Puppchi doesn't fucking die within a month like CherriValentine did...
I hope so, I cannot wait for the extra drama chapter
has who commented on who? I just got here, who is this Puppchi we're all talking about this fine evening?
No she's not :3c
dont worry, give it a month if she's still around by then and im sure pafu will have concocted some kind of fake drama around each other in order to get her name back out there again. like clockwork.
Camui cock belongs to Fythol pussy
Camui has never groomed anyone but himself you fucking obsessive weirdo.
hello chrii
if only i were an artist...i would love to see that drawn.
A. I don't care
B. There's literally no proof that whatever account is there is linked to Gurun
once again it's never him doing something bad, it's always his friends
fwofie was tossed aside that quickly huh... I'll be there for her.
As far as dog girl vtubers go, for me it's Gumpai
Fwofie couldn't do anything with Cheen because Camui was chaperoning them. That's why he's a bloomer now. She was faithful to him and now they're dating. He was the one who bought her the lingerie as a reward
This is about as organic as the McDonald's drive through menu.
I think my heart is gonna explode.
not this again...
Nice try but pretty sure he's dating fythol, bub
i think i finally know what it feels like to be parasocial, vtuber isn't an aspie but they've been hanging out with someone new on stream a lot and the way they say hi to me in chat feels different and less friendly. its upsetting and i dont want to watch them anymore.
you will get used to it, they literally have nothing better to do than to name them over and over because they love that attention
notice how they don't even stream anymore and yet they still remain here
She's the one who calls him camuchan in the thread
Holy fuck
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Haru's playing random NES games via redeems for 24hours!
>skinwalking a brain damaged girl for drama
this is a new low for the gang, please kill yourselves
>fucks a fox
>fucks a demon
>fucks a zombie
>fucks a tree
>fucks a slug
Kind of rude to post your links and then not interact with the community whatsoever. We can tell you're using our community as a stepping stone and that is not OK just to let you know.
Kill yourself she's normal
Have less obvious typing patterns then :^)
she has admitted her brain is not working properly before
Yeah, just like everybody here, so she's normal
do something worth earning her follow then? and before anyone retorts with "she did nothing to earn those followers" she clearly stated not to feel pressured to follow her so you can just as easily not follow her if you don't want to. many of us encouraged her and other aspies to post their links because that's the point of this thread.
No wonder all the sweet people post less and less, you guys are the worst cancer a community could have
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Any 1views to look out for at this time? 2+views need not apply.
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Every. Interaction.
what about 0views? https://x.com/Puppchi https://www.twitch.tv/puppchi first stream is tomorrow at 6 pm pacific
completely deranged, please take your meds or just kill yourself
cute model and personality, will give her a watch
not live but can check tomorrow. anyone up now?
nigga we haven't seen anything from her yet
I wish you'd do more of this bugs bunny shit, dude.
>avoiding drama
>will ban and block shitters
>doesn't blindly follow people back
>positive outlook on life
but yeah sure we haven't seen anything from her yet
Camui, you are one of the most unpleasant and vile humans I have ever met.

Please fucking get a job you 33 year old loser.
whatever this voice is it reminds me of that smartschoolboy9 guy everyone is talking about
It's TOTALLY a new person and not someone who recently ran away kek
Joke's on you I'm not Camui!
i'm not following? who, what, when, where, why?
>and not someone who recently ran away kek
then name them?

>oh they are totally this person that YOU should know but I won't tell you, but trust me they are not new because I say so
>provide proof with other vocaroos youve made or clips from your channel of you speaking in that exact way
>"You're obsessed!" Giving you narcissistic supply
>don't provide proof
>"see! They have no proof! They're a schizo!"
>every new chuuba who selfposts is mel nekomata
Is this jamie? Is she going to stream now?
Man the schizos are sure pissed off today.
They refused to do a vocaroo for a reason.
are you that retarded, imagine it was actually her, do you really think she would come back and post her new link here? a thread that has a very dedicated schizo that will ruin any chance for her?
It's literally just camui because he has nothing better to do
It's Gumpai!
I’m sorry I’ll unfollow.
Puppchi never even responded to anyone asking for a vocaroo but regardless you will find your answer tomorrow when she streams so can you at least shut up about it for now? then you can make your thread OUTSIDE of /asp/ if you fucking care
>every female is mel
>every male is camui
That anon is talking about (You)
Why did you unfollow Puppchi, Pafu? Post the DM's. Expose her.
You're talking to a schizo that actually believes that his beloved oshi can be in 3 places at once. He's legitimately mentally ill.
I will don't care if it's mel or camui, a hole is a hole
greetings /asp/ who is this notKorone in your thumbnail? my interest is piqued since Korone is my oshi
There's no evidence mel is anywhere, there's ton of evidence for camui

Mel at least fucking works a job
I am scared of bringing others down to my level, I should know better than approaching new people here. I’m sorry.
It's grace
You did nothing wrong, all you did was support a new aspie. What did Puppchi do to you? I'll unfollow her too.
god I hope so
It's a very new chuuba, it seems. I don't know if they have streamed yet, nor have I checked them out.
Time to solo grind to Diamond again.
Nothing, I just don’t want to cause problems. She didn’t do anything, I don’t know her, clearly me just existing and being around is the problem. Last I’ll say.
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It's okay girl you did nothing wrong, don't let the schizos get to you.
The point of this thread is to support new vtubers, please dont be bullied into not supporting them because there are some insane assholes crying about it.
They aren't new, but should be streaming tomorrow she says. She won't have any of the actual new chubba issues just like she somehow managed to integrated perfectly /here/ despite being brand new to everything.
so puppchi is gurun? jesus
What does Iriya think of this?
plenty of us lurk /here/ for a while before we ever post or ever decide to try vtubing FYI
Think of what?
there are guides in the OP to setting things up.
I'm not taking any sides here but can I ask why people think 4chan is some incredibly difficult website to navigate? Just a simple Google of the phrase "4chan vtuber" shows /vt/ and from there you can browse all the threads that are up. It isn't rocket science.
flandzen I swear to god if you are lying I will go to chile and I will sodomize your buthole
as soon as this was posted gurun followed puppchi on x
if thats you flan post time please, ive been really interested in seeing your process since i came here
how schizo do you have to be to make a new account and follow yourself
1view 1view everywhere, but not a stream for me...
Feel like shit. Why am I alive?
genuinely kill yourself dude
is this the great cornholio
The seether QUAKES at the Fythol gnome!
I'm a retail worker, of course I seethe
Dead rising boss aspie
can someone send me camui's address so I can peel his skin off with a vegetable peeler?
His address is for flowers and snacks not harm.
If you find his address send him my love
>anons speculate that camui and rottie are dating
>full day schizoing against him starts for the first time in weeks
>google form shows that gurun has a schizo rottie shrine
mere coincidence
>full day schizoing against him starts for the first time in weeks
it started because he started posting openly again, it happens every time he does it because surprise, most aspies dislike him for ruining this community
just busted a nut and saw the cute aspie in the thumbnail and im off to bust a nut again. please share her links so i can make cum tributes to her.
He has been posting openly where’ve you been
>anons speculate
You mean Camui decided to just post about himself

Literally nobody else cares about his relationships and the vast majority hate him
Imagine posting this unironically
I'm drunk so here's a reading of his seething retail worker comment https://voca.ro/18WYSqlgA9eT
Slit your throat and record a vocaroo of you gurgling on the blood, Gurun
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It’s so obvious
All the usual posts are being made again
Who are these people you guys are talking about and why are we not posting links to promising 1-2views?
>no evidence of literally anything being said
>thread was on quality phase last week
>sudden inbound of schizos last thread
What is even going on now
Sorry this thread belongs to Camui and Rottie, the king and queen of /asp/
this isn't a thread for shilling random 1views tourist
fythol: https://www.twitch.tv/fythol
I need to make a bingo card for what the schizo will do whenever starting it again
>ritual copypasta post
>strawpoll.com link
>accuses anons of being someone they're not
>"no proof"
>the phrase "camui defense force"
>out of nowhere (free space)
What else?
Unintelligible sperging needs to be on there
I wish there was a thread for 1views and a thread for 2views, could be threads people use to browse which 1views and 2views are live.
Add that the poll will always be heavily slanted towards the schizo’s personal bias. I haven’t forgotten when they decided to make a poll to crab Denpa with and it ended up with almost 200 votes against her in an hour while the thread had an IP count in the 70’s.
You wrote this and snickered while doing it. What a tragic life you live.
>Add that the poll will always be heavily slanted towards the schizo’s personal bias
Or alternatively, the reason that the polls always fall against Camui is because the majority of people, do not like Camui because he's a horrible person who spread revenge porn, doxed his own friend, leaked DMs over and over, and harassed people in their own streams
Camui is a unique person I admire
add this whole post to the bingo card
he makes it word for word every time
>please stop reminding people of the shitty things I did and have shown zero contrition for, it makes manipulating more people way harder
ive never made a thread before so i tried my best but heres a thread for 1views >>86794003
this one too
all his posts are copypastas
just realized i made a typo in the op
Too vague
I’ll just sum it up as “Copy pasted response that you’ve seen fifty times before”
is fythol actually involved with camui?
There's literally no evidence to suggest it. It's just Camui picking on whoever is currently popular to stir shit.
Fwofie is streaming right now
The camuchan posting fits her post style and he seemingly shills her but probably nothing serious between them
im not involved in this, truth >.<
Not the fotm anymore
Puppchi is the new thread darling
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She was never form. She's been talked about ever since she self posted
if she is actually a she
Proof next thread?
don't skinwalk her, she is literally live right now
man the worst thing about this schizo shit is that it's just unbearably BORING. you can shit up the thread for days as far as I care as long as its interesting or funny, but this is just lame
What's the evidence to suggest there is anything between them except someone with the same posting style on an anonymous imageboard?
The same strategy everyday for over a year now. It's really sad and pathetic.
>he seemingly shills her
Lol what? I have literally never seen him once in her streams ever
he astroturfs her
Probably, just not anyone actually new.
Poor Fythol
It's another round of Camui forcefully trying to associate himself with well liked /asp/ies to receive innocence by association
Nobody would care about Fythol otherwise since Iriya moved on to Fwofie
I would rather nobody watch my streams than have some unironic sex criminal watch me
Fuck this, going to /trash/.
Nice vtuber thread retards
Wish Camui spoke with me
Same, or at least lovingly
Why does Gumpai have a known pedo as a mod on her discord? Does she nit know Sewerslut got caught DMing a 16 y/o and that he straight up admitted to sampling child porn on a track?
He went radio silent on me in August. Shame most people don’t know him like I got to.
Isn’t Sewerslut a metal band?
Maybe you should post in her thread, she's not related to this thread.
>would you rather have a horrific drama leech and a criminal who poses a danger to you and everyone in your community
idk if that's the real sewertroon but her admin azuthehoppou solicits nudes from underage boys too
Yeah shame most people got to know him when he leaked their DMs, or doxed his own friend, or harassed people in their streams
I'm 99% sure it is because they banned me after I asked if they really were
At this point you’re posting the same reworded copypasta on cooldown
He did it with beryl, he did it with haru, he does it to everyone
cute chuuba in thumbnail. whats her socials?
And you trying to make Camui seem like a sympathetic victim is the same thing over and over
You know nothing about him or anyone else.
we may as well just put Puppchi in the OP from here on since she's attracting attention from tourists https://x.com/Puppchi https://www.twitch.tv/puppchi
He likes them. He prefers feminine men.

or people can make a general for her if there's enough interest. one guy in this thread is doing everything he can do be an asshole towards her for no reason other than the fact that she picks and chooses who she follows so she may be better off in her own thread.
I'm gonna laugh if this is Camui or Rottie (or any of the other participants) with a voice changer.
You know nothing about him or anyone else.
Christ thread is unusable again, see you guys tomorrow
so is RES just pretending to astroturf her or is she actually one of the schizos?
I love Rebelearthsky!
I'm fairly sure I know enough about him through his actions of leaking DMs, publicly attempting weaponizing the thread against people multiple times, using alt accounts to harass people in their own streams, bullying people publicly for their appearances, pathological lying in the most literal sense, never apologizing for anything you do, always blaming others for your actions, doxing your own friend on stream, actively collecting dox material and recruiting others to also collect dox material on other people, emotionally and mentally abuse other people, actively skinwalking others to hurt their reputation, sharing revenge porn, mock the profession of being a retail worker whilst being a 30+ year old unemployed neet supported financially by his girlfriend who he was actively cheating on and admitted he didn't even like because she was fat (note: Camui is also fat), used an alt twitter account to mock the passing of someone's mother from cancer, attempted to frame others for his actions, conspired to have people fired from their IRL jobs and expelled from their academic institution and to top it all off, he was associated with a pedophile grooming ring.
*yawm* BORING *switches tv channels* I NEED FWOFIE PUSSY
Despite your lengthy rewording of a post you have made at least four times this thread already, my point stands.
You know nothing about him or anybody else.
Keep acting flippant Camui, it doesn't work.
The original camuischizo will always be my dear hero.
I miss you..
So Camui didn't do all of those things? Or those thing shouldn't be representative of him as a person?
You know nothing.
If I was able to be with you right now we’d be doing anything other than this thread shit. Go do something better.
If I know nothing, educate me then since you hold all this information that would clearly redeem his character. Unless of course you're deliberately acting vague to pretend that you have information that would redeem his character. I'm guessing the latter.
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does anyone by any chance know any artists that do character design?
It's hard to throw out recommendations here, you're better off searching vgen, skeb or twitter for artists that can do your preferred artstyle right.
we don't know a single thing about your design, male or female? theme? archetype? art style you like?
you should just look through vgen or skeb until you find an affordable artist that fits your tastes
She's just a fan with the same name
ok yeah that's fair
shut up purrson
Are there any cool collabs this weekend?
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Has anyone here had any luck with no-cam streaming? No 2D, no 3D, nothing. Considering making a no-cam side account.
Sorry twitch killed that, want a time machine back to the days of Mogulus?
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putting a little PNG in the corner naturally draws more viewers. no cam streaming just isnt something people do anymore.
I love you.
I hope so.
yours truly
I don't know, there are plenty of PNGs with just 1 viewers.
I honestly thought this was an automatic setting and never tried to adjust the stream quality in the player itself to see that I was locked to 1080p60(Source) quality. Holy shit am I an idiot. I've been streaming like this for... almost 2 years now!? Time to sleep on this and try to figure out what other stuff I've been unknowningly slacking on.
It might be a little too late for this but it's generally preferred to stream at 720p 30 fps in order to hit the most lowest end devices if you're looking for viewers. If you have natural encoding then you can ignore this and stream as high quality as you can.
My social life is in suspension, so I still love the same people just as much as I always have.
That's not who you think it is
Let me dream anon, it’s all I have.
Maybe they're not who you think they are either.
I'm me
Tell them then instead of vagueposting where they’ll never see it
It’s no use anyways.
I really wish I wasn’t alive, I should have been successful the first time I tried killing myself. Would have saved people years of misery.
eeeeeey matching fate, let's be besties <3<3<3
You don’t know until you try
I drag absolutely everyone down, you don’t want to know me.
>dumpfuck mccloud starts some bullshit by weasling his way into being on friendly terms with anyone

>tries to build a harem and thinks women he interacts with are madly in love with him

>stockpiles personal info against people who get too chummy with him and uses it to essentially blackmail them

>shit doesn't go right he deflects and avoids all accountability for his horrible behavior

>someone jumps in as a third party and acts like they've got some heinous dirt on camui, baits his detractors into holding this new info to use against him because he genuinely deserves it

>the info is found to be fabricated and his detractors become apologetic towards him and try to make amends

>he learns nothing and the cycle repeats because you fucking morons also never learn anything
>he's a bad person

>that's why i make things up to convince people he's bad instead of letting his actions stand on their own

>people find out i made it up

>but he's still bad because he... he just is!

>continue to destroy threads

>"i'm the good guy here!"

>rest sweaty palmed mitts on keyboard and start typing

>”Just a reminder"
I can't believe Fwofie dumped Cheen and cucked Iriya with Camui
Cheen Iriya and Camui are having a gay threesome as I type and I’m the one recording it
I'm always going to be watching, so enjoy what small room you and your boy have to move around and do anything for now.
He's still bad because he still doxed people and spread revenge porn
grayson deserved worse
Enjoy your vacation
did you know camui groomed nia suzune from prism project before coming to asp
did you know that ***** is actually an amorphous blob made of human waste?
It mimics speech like popular media in the 90's and still continues to adapt to things like vinny vinesauce all the while attempting to assimilate anything it comes in contact with?

Go join the blob anon.
if you need someone fast and cheap, you could ask Border Reloaded. I've heard of some people hitting him up to flesh out their DnD OCs.
you guys werent excited this much when glorpo said it would stream the woman buff is too stronk
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Why is everyone so excited about the brapdog?
I just want to draw the attention to that whenever Camui defenders are in the thread (AKA camui), the thread is beyond schizophrenic
It's unironically M*l. if you were around during /wasp/ days you'd know she literally astroturfs and has full blown conversations with herself to shill her new identity. Be prepared to see the happening often with random 'new' girls
The defenders are always here.
The Camui aggressor makes it schizo
to be a defender there has to be an attacker
Yeah sure schizo, 20 different people are all just one girl.
Wait until tomorrow then when she allegedly will start streaming it you don't believe me. The fact that she didn't even vocaroo is suspicious enough.
And the defenders are objectively wrong.
I ain't going to argue semantics but I wish you twats would shut the fuck up about em'
That's all the dude wants is to stay relevant, the worst thing you can do to him is to let him fade into nothing.
yes I'm aware that I'm not really helping myself but you guys need to learn that ALL attention is bad attention when he is the reciever of it.
>all the dude wants is to stay relevant
This is wrong and he’d agree with the rest of your post.
Thanks Hyde
I hope I dream about my asp oshi tonight
I hope you dream about 3rd too anon <3
Keep my oshi's name out of your whore mouth
My asp oshi isn't 3rd...
No because Camui will make himself relevant no matter what, he will astroturf constantly and catch new people who don't know any better
Well, it's not like it matters who it is. Good night, pussy.
Are you Camui? No? Then he’s not astroturfing. Stop bringing him up
I didn't make all the posts defending him and bringing him up in a positive light?
“it’s only astroturfing when it’s nice”
i don't think that's really what i'm looking for but thank for the suggestion regardless!
respectfully i have never seen the camui in my life but muting my name forever should improve the thread reading experience thank u kindly ^^
doing the smart thing here really
The schizos got another one
sociopath defender
Fuck off
u 2
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y tho
>people will be convinced their voice is shit or a limiting factor when this exists
You have brain damage.
AI voices working faster and faster and being easier to run will pretty much destroy female vtubers at this rate.
And you have no brain at all
it's so bad...
They won.
Schizos lost.

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