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This was a bad tweet by shondo
so it'ss real...
she doesn't love me and SHE has a boyfriend...
Yea, me
the only people who quote tweet shit like that are those who have something to hide and project their insecurities onto others. she's going to get outed and have a menhera breakdown of all breakdowns. screencap this.
She should double down and accuse them all of having stinky pussies too... just like the first case... you can't really prove it but you know it's probably true...
this is like the 4th thread ive seen of this today, she sure caused a lot roasties to feel called out kek
She's right though.
Indies should be checking their own emails.
Since when vtubers fucking their "managers" or having their bfs doing their menial mail job is controversial or new? at this point is expected, if you are into watching vtuber shit you pretty much are by default a cuck
>and SHE has a boyfriend...
It's even worse, her bf (me) is just lying around naked all the time. While Shondo is working, all he (I) is doing is sleeping, eating and pooping.
isn't that the whore who had a 6'5 bf?
Isn't that the GFE chick who flew to the US to fuck her mod BF?
Is this true. If the so called indie chuuba doesn't read my email and mastubate to my tribute first-handed, she is a whore.
>indies dont check their own emails
what the fuck is wrong with women
>sleeping eating and pooping
Why would your hips not be thrusting Shondo every second you possibly could?
I can't wait for dramatubers that doesn't watch streams act like it's something new.
Shondo is right to call this bullshit out though
Yes, he's 6'8" too and shondo wanted to post a picture of his giant cock in her small hand. I'm making none of this up
Translation: OP has a boyfriend.
It's 6'10'' retard, he is from Alpha Legion.
Yeah, me. I love OP with all my heart.
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Nah, this is a good tweet. It's one of the worst kept secrets in indie vtubing that a "manager" is just a dogwhistle for a boyfriend. She's bound to lose a few friends over it for exposing the lie but I respect her for not backing down.
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>having a manager makes you corporate
Shit, I guess having a lawyer contact makes me a company then.
she's salty that everyone around them get into talent agencies and HOLOLIVE and she gets nothing
Having a manager as a freelancer is not the same thing as a 'lawyer contact', that's fucking retarded.
This is why I only watch small corpos that conduct regular hymen inspections with external auditors
the lady doth protest too much
Bao's boyfriend is very well known but she has a manager too whose a separate person, and I believe has changed managers once. Nyanners is part of Mythic which is up in the air for actually having managers at all but I imagine has someone for that, even if it's essentially just some groupie thing for some popular Twitch guy I don't care to remember the name of, Doki has a manager but she's... not exactly a catch, to be polite. U-san has a manager and I imagine the idea of any kinda sexual relationship is a landmine for obvious reasons. Grimmi needs a manager and a boyfriend, specifically me, because holy fucking shit that girl is retarded. Shylily has a manager whose probably her "boyfriend" since I imagine she's the type to post cleavage but never put out.

I'm not going to say a majority of people who have managers aren't also fucking them, but it's not a dogwhistle. It's more like a 70/30 split for boyfriendmanager/just a guy on payroll, with the chances getting higher for a guy on payroll the more popular someone is and vice versa. A person with 500 or less viewers like Mint (who AFAIK doesn't have one) but has a manager is almost definitely her boyfriend, because the only reason you'd ever have a manager in the first place is if you make a lot of money and get a lot of offers that you can't handle yourself. Bao and U-san have their musical ventures, Doki has her Dokillion sponsorships and connections, Mythic is as said presumably doing some kind of work but likely isn't, and I don't know about Shylily since I only jack off to her porn occasionally after filtering out the slop, and I'm just repeating passing /lig/ knowledge from like a year ago.
You hire people to do the jobs you're incapable of doing on your own. Don't see what's so strange about that.
>Unicucks flock to the bait thread
>Complain about height
If a woman is incapable of reading emails then theres something really wrong with them. I get that vtubers have godawful work ethic but come on. I wish I could get paid to just play games with an avatar and laugh at some cringeworthy DMs.
>If a woman is incapable of reading emails then theres something really wrong with them.
You're posting in a Shondo thread.
Yeah, when there's fucking job to do. A 2view or 3view doesn't need a manager, it's fucking stupid and useless, there's only 3 options or he wants to fuck you, he's already fucking you or he's trying to scam you, there's no other explanation. Managers are a waste of money unless you're a big streamer (4views), and everyone knows that, if you're gonna spend your money on being a streamer then hire editors to expand your channel in every social media, don't hire a fucking manager, and that manager should be telling you the same thing
Shondo is an idiot, she's poisoned the well for ever bringing up managers because retards will point back to this tweet. My dad is my fucking manager, does that make him my boyfriend? What a stupid thing to say.
She's crapping on vtubers needing "a manager" to read emails though.

That means even she doesn't have trouble with it and she's bigger than most of these indies with "managers"
Get friends or family that care more for you than sex.
>A person with 500 or less viewers like Mint
Huh? Mint averages like 3000 viewers.
Unless you mean Fat Mint (Duwag), in which case you really need to clarify, especially if you're talking about Doki in the same discussion.
Again, you're posting in a Shondo thread. Do you know who Shondo is?
Stop trying to groom indies
>My dad is my fucking manager, does that make him my boyfriend?
I don't disagree on the front of a 2view not needing a manager and she's correct for assuming someone with 460 followers only has a manager that's fucking her/wants to fuck her, but you'd be surprised just how easy it is to find a professional who doesn't care about that at all. Then again... we're talking about the average Vtuber on Twitch. You're right that I should assume
>they're all mind-numbingly retarded and can't even wipe their own asses
as a baseline.
Especially given the fact that she made a decent point in the dumbest fucking way possible.
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She sums up the whole situation the best
I think the situation is actually summed up even better by the fact you've made this exact same post with the exact same filename across multiple threads. The fuck are you doing nigga?
for free? she's retarded
Stop taking it as black and white, she expanded on it and said it's not a hard rule, like if you're part of a group with manager who manager multiple people, or if you're big enough that you hire a lot of people to work for you a manager makes sense. She didn't say it but obviously family is also in this list if exceptions, like my oshi has her brother who comes over a couple times a week to read her emails and do some admit work for her
Its only 2 threads, and two identical threads, so why not
>complaining about time looping in drama threads that do nothing but time loop for multiple threads
If an anon's going to bat for his oshi in multiple threads, it's also crystal clear he's taking bait in multiple threads. AKA he's the problem.
cope sapcuck
honestly, i watch very small vtubers, i just like most people on this board like to use large vtubers situations as a way to virtue signal and push our world view on others. most of us have no skin in the game
what's having your dad as a manager like lmao, I'm guessing if he's a professional he's just doing it on his off-time and there isn't much of a backlog anyway?
Y'know what, I respect the honesty in saying that none of it matters to you. I can't say I'm much different.
She desperate for attention after everyone forgot about her getting banned by twitch again or something?
anon, if it's your dad then I doubt people are going to give a shit unless you hint that you want to fuck your dad. The problem is that most managers for small vtubers are either the oshi's boyfriend that they want to keep secret or complete strangers that only want to do it so they can get closer to the vtuber and become their boyfriend.
she's right
There is absolutely zero reason any non disabled, non mentally handicapped small vtuber needs a manager. If you're that small it's supposed to be a hobby not your main or even secondary source of income. What other small time hobby do you see where people need a manager? Or side hustle? She's absolutely fucking correct. I've watched several 2 views who make fuck all money from streaming yet they constantly refer to this mysterious "mane-san". You play video games or do asmr for 20 people you don't need a fucking manager lmao
>non mentally handicapped vtuber
those don't exist kek
Who's the cuck here?
>a guy who sexually harasses a girl with a boyfriend
>a guy who has a girlfriend that's sexually harassed by a lot of guys
I didn't have an issue with this tweet but given it was followed by a flurry of secondary tweets with other hot takes and taking shots at random people made it look like she felt threatened somehow and wanted to throw haymakers at as many chuubas as possible
>There is absolutely zero reason any non disabled, non mentally handicapped small vtuber needs a manager.
>he says in the thread about a girl who is so mentally disabled she needed to go to the psyche ward for months
c'mon man
and that mentally disabled girl is still competent enough to clown on all the 2view whores who use the "I-I need a manager this is too hard :'(" excuse to keep their boyfriends a secret from their fans.
>spent like a year trying to convince herself she didn't need mental help and only actively made her life worse
she already was outed for dating her mod and hiding it once
She's changed the story to
>(except "the past" was during my vtuber life and i was cucking you all sowwy!)
>pls give me simpbux and no one else, pls watch me! I'm the only real internet gf you'll ever have and everyone else is a liar so pls give me money
I know /vt/oddlers are absolutely stunted brainlets, but isn't this a bit too blatant even for them? Zoomies can't even grift decently without outing themselves baka
it's not much of a secret that she has a boyfriend, more of a running joke at this point "i don't have a boyfriend guys haha"
It’s always the mods they be fucking. I always thought it was the pay pigs like what Yfu fucks with.
Outed? She basically said so herself with the way she was acting around him and still acts about him.
Proof is in the pudding anon. She's 100% right that 2view whores don't need managers and are just using the excuse for their boyfriends.

Even a schizo like her can see through the bullshit. Apparently you can't. Are you one of their boyfriends or are you a 2view roastie getting triggered over her exposing your charade?
>Indirectly shits on Dokicunt
>Even a schizo like her can see through the bullshit.
>when she literally couldn't even take care of herself
>and actively harmed her own life multiple times both directly and indirectly
>due to not understanding what she actually needed and ended up getting months too late
So I'm guessing Shondo and Numi won't be collabing any time soon.
What did Numi do now besides drinking?
NTA but he's got a point that she's throwing stones in a glass house by virtue of being a barely medicated schizo as shown by her recent meltdown. I get what you're saying about managers almost always being groomers for indies, but she is in fact the biggest example of someone to never listen to ever about what someone should do with themselves.
Shocks is Numi's manager/bf and the OP of the tweet.
Imagine thinking you got cucked because someone you don't know has a relationship. Holy shit dude get a fucking grip.
So basically because she's a schizo that means nothing she says is true. Even when theres proof that validates it? solid logic.
No? I'm saying she's a barely functioning schizophrenic. Do you think a broken clock is a good way to tell time just because it's right twice a day?
What board do you think you're on?
How many fucking threads do we need of this? Did Shondo rile up liggers that badly by telling them that their favorite indie is getting fucked by someone?
shondo wouldnt collab with a whore anyways
She's the first person I thought of when I think "needs a manager to check her emails". Did she start the trend?
well yeah it's easy to take shots at the girl who fucked her mod for bitching about other people fucking their mods
>Did Shondo rile up liggers that badly by telling them that their favorite indie is getting fucked by someone?
I always thought it was Shondo dicking her and her roommate. Wow I learned something new today
Pretty much but don't worry, she's a schizo. That means everything she says is completely unfounded. It's not like she's been a vtuber for years, is friends with damn near every indie vtuber worth a damn, and knows ton of personal information about your favorite oshi that even you don't know about.
Take your meds, shondo.
Damn, I didn't realize my post would bother you this much. I was even trying to be fair to Shondo too, but I guess schizos attract schizos.
why is the catalog makign shondo bad here? I swear plenty of petty women on this board
>vtubers all rally to shondo's defense after she got banned for being a retard
>gets her unbanned
>she immediately calls a ton of them lying whores and throws gasoline on the boyfriend paranoia and schizo cuckposting fire for the rest
what is her plan
i really don't get it
she had a lot of good will from the community but threw it all away

even those who don't have "managers" and agree with her on this specific topic will avoid her now seeing how she can randomly lash out. shondo is too unpredictable and you never know who she will attack next time
>what is her plan
Get as much attention and make as much money as possible before she has to up her dose to a level that destroys most of her higher functions and thus her life, I guess?
Ebin cancelling, sis
I guess she's off her meds again, considering she's projecting hard and shitting on everyone who vouched for her to get her account back.
This was after she followed on Pippa's funny stunt with the election.
It felt like she's moved on from the drama-seeking phase towards building legitimate good will all of the other indies.
To see her recently relapse back to pandering to dramafags is a little bit worrisome.
Do we have a compilation of Shondo actually being mentally ill. YouTubes search engine is trash. I really wanna see her off her meds
She realized that supporting whores is counterproductive to her anti-NTR message with her fandom. So basically she's going all in to pander to her fanbase which is a risky move that rarely works out.
really funny to see the people being all "man there sure is a lot of seething sisters in here" when if you had said the exact things she said but here, you'd get called a seething sister
whores seething shes exposing the grift
why is she posting this from her alt which was supposed to be chill and kind?
a lot of indie vtuber oshis have boyfriends. their boyfriends are reading your love confessions.
indies do not have managers unless they are actually corporate and thus are not indie at all
post your channel, sis
cocksucking is an interesting career choice anon
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Is that anti-NTR message why she suddenly changed the subject here?
No, she's still on her meds. They're just starting to not work again. Expect another 6 month schizophrenic stint before she realizes she needs to get stronger meds or be admitted to a psyche ward again, all while she only further burns more bridges. Even Batto was talking recently about the pains of knowing someone whose extremely mentally ill and clearly doesn't mean what they're saying.
Why is she so aggressive about this? Makes it look like projecting.
Everyone is calling shondo a schizo but non of you here proved her wrong.
>what is proving a negative
this, the only thing proved in this thread was a reminder that she fucked her mod and is projecting about it as usual
Fuck, I can sort of understand that feeling. Hope she realizes and gets the help she needs before it gets worse.
Her sentiments are fine she's just putting them out in the worst way possible.
so what you're saying is that she needs a manager to articulate what she's actually saying in a way that isn't retarded and self destructive
What are the odds she doubles down from the response this is getting and ends up actually outing someone specific she knows is hiding a boyfriend? That'd be really funny.
She should start screeching about niggers next, it won't be technically wrong either.
She hasn't done anything to prove herself right either, hence being called a schizo
That's exactly what she did in the screenshot.
kek but also true.
This is exactly the kind of shit a manager would be able to help with.
She should out someone else, like someone who is seen as her friend.
>never knew an indie vtuber who has an actual manager
>raided Sayu multiple times
shondo, you're retarded
lots of seething whores in this thread
you really can just feel the female posts
Retard thinks every indie stop beings an indie if they hire a manager.
Hi Shondo, you're a hypocritical whore.
shondocels glowing hard
brain stops working when their oshi says something bad
this was a good tweet by shondo. Anyone who disagree is either a petty female or an exposed simp
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well they are all lying whores (shondo included)
She doesn't have a boyfriend and her manager is female.
Preaching to the choir. Everyone knows that manager = boyfriend for indie vtubers. Who is even fooled by that?
explain Sayu. >>86800573
Sayu is too old and ugly to have a boyfriend
now THIS one here is a sister
sayu was lit married to her mod/manager wtf are you talking about
Family business? Or you're a talent/athlete? It's always a nightmare when I hear stories about the latter, hope you're not the same
No, it was to her mod, her manager was always Rae. They were extremely open about it, as well, or at least up until he cheated on her and got kicked out.
Not even manager or a dick could fix her.
her husband was never her manager, and she didn't hide him either.
It's the same shit. shondo lit is saying a small streamer shouldn't be having any of these including someone not getting paid for their work. it's not about male of female.
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Quick, somebody tell me how to become a mod/manager for a 2view so I can fuck them!
...Anon? Rae was always paid and handled merch, scheduling, social media, and contacting sponsors, and she was just a 3view.
I'd rather get paid in money if I was a manager not gonna lie
>so I can fuck them!
I think shondo is projecting her lack of sponsorship deals on other vtubers who receive a lot more business emails than her, despite being smaller.
Notice how her argumentation is "there's no way you get more business opportunities than me when you have less followers". What she doesn't realize is that she's a toxic hazard to all businesses precisely because she keeps going on rants like this one. She might be a big indie but companies avoid her and would rather go for someone smaller but who isn't a brand risk. And that someone smaller will have both need and money to pay her manager.
I mean I agree with Shondo and I like her, but it's a bit hypocritical considering she lied about being a virgin just a few weeks ago on stream
She is a virgin. A teenager having a boyfriend doesn't mean she got fucked every night
>lie about having a SO and doing GFE
>shondo tells them to stop lying
>its shondos fault somehow
>shondo lied about a SO and does GFE
>it's not shondo's fault somehow
Well yeah obviously a pedobaiting vtuber isn't going to get any sponsorships, what did she expect?

Poophole loophole?
Holy seethe batman, this is the third thread and that's just the ones I've seen. So much falseflag going on on this one alone, it's insane
Where did she do that?
That's fucking rich coming from her, she should really keep a low profile regarding this topic.
Whats wrong with that? If you go fuck a prostate do you want her to be single too, and do you want her to tell you about how she fucked her bf last night, or do you just want to fuck her?
>If you go fuck a prostate
Anon, I-
If you fuck a prostate, you're gay, anon.
>If you go fuck a prostate
that's pretty gay, anon, but you do you.
I don't have the archive saved, it was in her drunk stream that got deleted
Hiring an agent/manager does not make you a corporate vtuber lol. I like Shondo but she's clearly being schzoid and still seething over the ban -- and I don't blame her.
She had a boyfriend when she was a teen? I thought it was just the mod from 2 years back.
Freudian slip
>She's right
Lol. Yea Shondo expert in human interaction saw through the matrix and figured it out, lmao. Come now anon it's perhaps funny to go "yea true" there to troll indies but nobody is stupid enough to actually believe Shondo has any idea what she's talking about, it's fucking Shondo.

What's next? 2view whores don't need mods? You think a 2view manager is more work than a 2view mod?
I dont see "prostate"s going around telling people they're "So lonely come talk to me" when they pick up customers do I
I always knew shoncucks were gay but thinking about fucking a mans ass is definitely a new one.
You're trying too hard and having the opposite effect here, anon. Whose whore are you trying to protect, I wonder?
More like she's getting cocky because of her good numbers so she's feeling like starting beef with other vtubers.
My prostate does, anon. Any plans for tonight?
>Schizo babble with no retort
Take your meds Shondo.
>clearly doesn't mean what they're saying
she knows exactly what she's saying, she has always been a pick me
>2view groomer mods coming in here to attack shondo and defend their position
You actually cannot make this shit up
go make a proper schedule instead of spamming the same "game" for weeks on end, shondo.
>Schizo headcanon screaming at the walls because he got BTFO
I think all groomers are subhuman scum and this board has made a horrible habit of making them feel like they're wanted or quirky by anyone, and every ligger who caves to them are both pathetic and took a gamble on something that they never needed in the first place. People who break the line between fans and creators are weirdos and have been for hundreds of years.

I still think Shondo's a fucking retard.
Pretty sure you just did
I think Shondo is the only large indie (who isn't an ex-corpo) who repeatedly gets such incredibly fast bait/catalog threads. It confuses me desu.
chat is this real
>Today anon learned about lolcows
well the filian general started out as bait threads
Her take is right and based but it would be more based if she herself was honest with her own audience too, cause she isn't. She had sex. She's just doing the woman cope thing of "well I didn't like it and we split so it doesn't count".
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truly the most based vtuber
She's the most popular indie that's a woman, what's so confusing?
I wouldn't even call shondo a lolcow, just she farms a unicorn fanbase but consistently scorns them by being a menhera slut. I'd call her the EN Rushia but that brings unfair implications to her because at least the only thing Shondo's done is damage herself rather than everyone around her.
Because her audience is terminally /here/
Same reason Phase is big enough to have several distinct catalog threads despite having a viewer box smaller than the average fauna stream.
There's tons of chuubas much more massive than them and have 0 presence /here/ due to their audience just... being more socially adjusted or whatever.
I can't think of any metric that would rank her as number one, maybe except schizo community members
>A teenager having a boyfriend doesn't mean she got fucked every night
Anon, idk if you've ever been a teenager but they fuck like rabbits
It doesn't surprise me that Shondo, a parasocial GFE streamer, thinks everyone who associates with someone loves them, but that's an incredibly stupid thing to believe.

No one tell her about fan artists.
all me
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>/here/tuber gets a ton of catalog threads
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very true
sisters have been nonstop seething for hours, great thing to see
>EN Rushia
Funny thing is Rushia was her oshi.
>I wouldn't even call shondo a lolcow
That's nice anon, but a lolcow is exactly what she is.
>at least the only thing Shondo's done is damage herself rather than everyone around her.
Anon where do you think you are? Have you been skipping your meds again? This thread RIGHT NOW is about Shondo openly attacking smaller vtubers with retarded pickme nonsense.
how convenient
Shoncuck, this cope is off the charts
She is still actively fucking her mod. She even told her 'husbands' (kek) about it when they saw the leaked discord messages.
No amount of lying will change the truth, cuckchama
yes, was, until she killed the cat.
NTA but Shondo is way too fucking crazy to get laid. Bitch is lying.
>N-no way women wouldn't lie about having sex, only men do that!
Oh you poor child...
It's inconvenient actually cause I wouldn't mind linking it to you right now, she literally for no good reason stated that she never had a real relationship and that she's a virgin.
This was mere weeks ago.
>The proof is in my ass
Many such cases
Open wide cuck, here's the vod
When I think lolcow I think of the faggots on the farms, but in general you're right that's not the only definition. As for the second half I stand by it because she can lash out retardedly at others, but all she's actually doing is ostracizing herself. She's not ruining anyones career, the damage she's done is basically the same as anyone here making a bait thread about some 2view or one about a japanese 4view. Not to say it's not cunt-ish, but it can't be compared to what Rushia did to everyone around her.
>She lied about being a virgin
Proof she isn't where? Do you have a hymen cam?
timestamp pls, I ain't downloading the whole shit
>hymen cam
Do you actually hear yourself over the sound of your heart pushing as much blood to your face as possible? By that logic, every vtuber is a virgin, even the ones who've had sex on stream.
Arigato. Don't give a fuck about shondo but I hate lying whores.
Still looking for any evidence of her admitting to getting fucked before
The only reason her actions aren't as damaging is because she effectively runs an asylum so her reach is actually quite small and most don't take her seriously, but that's by accident more than intent. She is actively accusing people of deceiving their audiences and trying to undermine her competition with these claims. Again, it's pickme rubbish where she's trying to convince people that "everyone but me is lying to you" and it's only as harmless as she is because of her own currently terrible reputation.

That doesn't change the fact that she is actively trying to harm others, and quite possibly succeeding in ways we can't know.
this floundering is sadder than your whores attempt to claim she's a virgin
fans really do reflect the streamer, what a pathetic life of cope you lead.
>5 hours
ok so where did she say that?
>it's pickme rubbish
"opinion" disregarded
Again, not disagreeing with you that it's shitty of her to do and screams of yet even more projecting, but you put my own point better than I could; she lives on a lake in the middle of nowhere where her screams mean nothing except to the townsfolk there. They weren't going to watch those 2views and they're not going to harass those 2views hopefully so it's about as effective as a child screaming at an adult about why they should have a free candy bar. It's fucking annoying and makes you wanna punt them, but they can't actually do anything to you.
But I guess they just held hands or something :^)
>N-no it's an opinion!
How so? She's literally acting by the definition of pickme behaviour. Or would you care to give us a definition that precludes this kind of bullshit?
Real and true. Delusional Anons should not be babied.
>Her ex has been a mod since forever, no it's real, they aloso were "internet dating" so hardly an actual boyfriend unless you consider discord sex as physical sex
But hey, I guess Shondo sending titpics to some """""""""ex"""""""" who was still a moderator on her channel and totally unrelated to her recent trip to America wasn't a physical relationship.
what's the next goalpost moving cope going to be?
>w...well he used a condom so technically she's still a virgin!
husbands are the most pathetic cucked fanbase on vt
Some companies would be definitely be willing to look past her pedobaiting but that sympathy goes out of the window when shondo shows she's a rabid dog ready to attack anyone randomly.
What is her goal here? Why is she trying to sabotage every indie vtubers?
literally on her twitter faggot
only man-hating feminazis use that term unironically. go back to the doxxsite where your ilk belongs.
So much seething. So much fun. This is why I like her.
That's not evidence, dumbass. That's a containment breaker regurgitating a rrat. Where's the evidence?
That's also not evidence. That's just another retard shit posting. I'll be waiting on the evidence any day now
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>lolcow this
>pickme that
holy shit
where do you retards come from
Post tits, Shondo.
>Being in a relationship in your teens makes you not a virgin
You sound like the kind of faggot that demands sex from your girlfriend or else you'll break up with her. Dating someone doesn't mean you're fucking them
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>5 hours+
Ah I see, she admitted being a whore so now she's projecting on everyone else.
>Some companies
No. Really there's not a chance in hell you can advertise using a vtuber with a model like that, you will literally get your company blocked from using most banks and payment processing services. Not even fucking RAID would bother.
>Dating someone doesn't mean you're fucking them
nigga what the fuck else do you think teens in relationships do, especially mentally ill ones like her? talk about artemis fowl?
Too bad she doesn't like you lol.
>Man hating feminazis
Lol. Take your meds buddy. Jesus Christ using terminology like that and than going "use that term unironically" do you have NO self awareness at all?
Why do you keep saying "relationship in her teens"? Do you have proof for that claim?
I don't get what this is supposed to mean. Did she ever claim to not be a virgin at some previous point in the past?
Anon where do you think you are? That's common vernacular on this site and has been since before you were born by the sound of it.
>way too fucking crazy to get laid
No such thing
This was a BASED tweet by Shondo.
Any indie under a certain size that claims to have a manger is either fucking them or they're insanely stupid that they think their 50 viewer channel needs someone else to manage them and they're just as stupid as all the youtube channels who hopped on the Machinima bandwagon when that happened. Honestly probably even dumber than that since Machinima was at least an actual company to some degree.
Not every teenage girl wants to end up in an episode of 16 and pregnant. Not every teenage boy wants to drop out of school to work a job or spend his entire life paying child support. Teenagers in relationships usually just exist around each other and start drama
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How do people stand this whore's voice? Is it natural? Cause if so her parents should have thrown her away the instant she started speaking.
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>sex equals teenage pregnancy
I get that it's fun to think about fucking someone who is actually crazy but I cannot imagine Shondo not freaking out for long enough to actually get penetrated. This is the girl that hid knives around her room because she throught her family was out to kill her. She'd bolt the moment you took your shirt off in front of her.
they're coming from one of the doxxsites
Stop posting the same goddamn screenshots. Post actual damages and indies seethe
Just take your meds Shondo.
>Sex equals pregnant
Shoncuck please
She's obviously talking about Indie chuubas with male managers you fucking clown.
Whores hated her for speaking the truth
shit she sidestepped that mod part without even acknowledging it. that's the clearest admission of guilt. that mods filling her up every night while her husbands pay for it KEK
The fact that you believe you can imagine what a schizophrenic can do implies either you're a schizophrenic or you're deluding yourself into believing you understand how a fundamentally wrong mind functions. There's nothing to say she wouldn't adore getting dicked just as much as there's nothing to say she wouldn't try to rip off the guys foreskin to get at the spiders she thinks is crawling around inside of it.
Anon you're not using that word right at all. But please keep going, it's funny.
She said she was not in a relationship when she started streaming. Which was 6 years ago. Unless you're claiming she's over the age of 26, she had a boyfriend while she was a teenager
They cant seethe about it because going against shondo will make them look like a grifter
>Which was 6 years ago. Unless you're claiming she's over the age of 26, she had a boyfriend while she was a teenager
... What?

No, seriously, what?
Holy retard
Just accept it, she literally talked about the guy's cock before and holding it
>Teenagers don't fear pregnancy
You must be a cuck with how hard you're pushing for it
>So see there is a use for them
>And they can totally work
>But the moment it's a dude they automatically enter a relationship with you and are now your boyfriend!
Anon. Please make sure your balls have dropped before you start calling people clowns, it's really quite silly for someone so underage to be screeching about these things.
you should've phrased it better on twatter, Shondo
you'll not bait me into advertising your shithole for you
She said she flew out to see her mod who she was dating. She admitted this on stream. She was not a teen then.
>"well mods can be boyfriends too"
>immediately changes the subject
Nice damage control Shondo, at this point you should just delete the original tweet instead of exposing yourself any further.
NTA, but when was the ladder with a bf tweet?
kek yeah
So you need it in tagalog? Let me pull up the translator

Wala raw siyang karelasyon noong nagsimula siyang mag-stream. Which was 6 years ago. Maliban kung sinasabi mong lampas na siya sa edad na 26, nagkaroon siya ng kasintahan noong siya ay tinedyer.
No? She'd be 23 in that scenario you're presenting. 26 minus 6 is 20, which is an adult, and 23 - 6 is 17 which is still in the realm of teenaged. Or 24 if you wanna get anal about it, much like Shondo did with her american boyfriend.
>W-well it's TECHNICALLY possible!
Sure, sure, you believe that such a possibility is enough. I see no reason to believe it actually happened just because a crazy person said as much.
>She would adore getting dicked
Have sex. Genuinely. Stop imagining life being anything like your porn.
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i wonder why shondo is always bitter now...
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>common vernacular on this site
>Brings up doxxsite out of nowhere
>"You'll not bait me"
Do you not know what a teenager is? Anything below 20 and above 12 is a teenager. It's in the fucking numbers. Can't deal with ESL retards
I was saying both of our scenarios are equally unlikely because neither of us are schizophrenics, but unfortunately you unironically saying "have sex" on fucking 4chan tells me all I need to know about your mind. Hope your next flow is awful.
It's just classic girl cope
They no longer like who their first was so they retroactively claim it "doesn't count" or that "it wasn't real" if they even bring it up at all.

I know because my first gf did the same to me after we separated
Imagine being her fanbase, they would've talked to the guy even, and they literally paid for the plane ticket
Humiliating cucked fanbase
>Green woman plays games
>Shondo seethe
>Green woman breathes
>Shondo seethes
>Green woman exists
>Shondo seethes
Love me my Green Woman
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>Do you not know what a teenager is? Anything below 20 and above 12 is a teenager.
What did he mean by this?
>How do you do fellow kids!
Imagine trying that after not knowing what a lolcow is.
there are multiple "vtuber managers" in the replies to this twitter thread trying to justify their existence and prove shondo wrong but literally none of them say who they manage or anything just "I do my managing duties" and other non-answers. I think only one of them I saw had any kind of portfolio of testimonials from people who are like "yeah this guy definitely did something at some point" but the people he listed are literal who 1views, so I'm willing to bet they're just his friends.
10th time I've been accused of being a chuuba, different one each time, never been called Shondo before so that's new.
Female managers are infinitely rarer because women are worse at everything than men.
Also you braindead baboon, their quality and skill is irrelevant to the situation entirely. They could be fucking useless, they could not even be a manager at all. It's a convenient and easy lie to swallow like having a brother live with you, alone, as a 2view indiechuuba.
The manager can and usually is fucking useless, almost like they aren't managing much at all and have no experience or skill in that field, strange!
I'm honestly surprised nobody posted that image yet.
>20 year olds are teens
>you unironically saying "have sex" on fucking 4chan
Anon. This was in response to you claiming someone "would adore getting dicked" You have no fucking leg to stand on here you pitiful fool.
>I was saying both of our scenarios are equally unlikely
No. Her having sex is far less likely than her not having sex, you trying to create an equilibrium between the two is laughable.
In what fucking world do you live in where 19 or even 20 years old is a teenager? It ends at 18.
>Anything below 20
>ESLfag reading comprehension: 20 year olds are teenagers

I thought the education system in SEA was cutthroat
>The manager can and usually is fucking useless
I'm sorry things didn't work out for you but maybe you are the issue.
Are you all pretending?
Not only did he said "below" but 19 is literally nineTEEN.
>A chat full of "husbands" to some GFE streamer
>Not cucks
Come on nobody there isn't a self-admitted cuck anon, everyone there knows it already this isn't some new information. Next you'll tell me Mike cat's fans aren't proud cuckolds.
>No u
Sorry anon you're the only cuck here denying she had sex before.
>This was in response to you claiming someone "would adore getting dicked"
Read it again, woman.
>There's nothing to say she wouldn't adore getting dicked just as much as there's nothing to say she wouldn't try to rip off the guys foreskin to get at the spiders she thinks is crawling around inside of it.
That's not me saying "she would love getting dicked". That's me saying "there is nothing to say one is more likely than the other because her brain chemistry is fundamentally fucked up". You even provided an example proving my point: of her putting knives in her room because she thought her family was out to "get her". Can you imagine that scenario coming to your mind?
Go back.
19 isn't called nineteen because of the age, you fucking mongoloid.
I'm from here. You're the one seething your manager didn't read your schizo mind and dumped you.
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man, tumblr dying really did a number on the rest of the internet, also >implying
What if the manager is a woman?
The amount of seethe this tweet generated is something else. Thanks Shondo
Kys Shondo
Actually, it is!
>Read it again, woman.
Why are you sperging out about your widdle headcanon now faggot? If you have something to say you say it instead of this pathetic babbling.
>that's me saying "there is nothing to say one is more likely than the other because her brain chemistry is fundamentally fucked up".
Nice retcon attempt anon, but that's not what you actually said. I could believe this is what you meant if you didn't go into a full on fucking meltdown over it. You're just coping now.

Again, life isn't like your porn.
Good question. Shondo is either accusing Sayu of being a lying whore or that she isn't an indie.
Why would a cuck deny that she had sex? The real cucks are the ones getting off to the thought of her having sex which would be (you)
>D-do I fit in yet??
Actually embarrassing.
Most of the replies are her paypigs trying to get her attention.
Except it's shondo seething at others while they try to calm her down.
I have been here this whole time, tourist
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She's saying that a lot of large indies simply don't count. This from the same time as her tweets.
Huh that voice... isn't that...? No way...
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I wonder if shondo is proud of herself.
These two are actually Shondo trying to get the thread to hit bump limit
Different types of cucks anon. I know this is getting into menhera territory a bit but there's a whole subset of cucks who get off on being in denial about it, rather than actively jacking it to the fantasy of getting cucked. Also you can be a cuck without getting off on it, a cuck is just someone who is getting cucked, not just someone who simply has a fetish for it. If your girlfriend cheats on you then you're a cuck, whether you liked it or immediately break up with the bitch.
The real cucks are ones paying her to have sex.
>implying this has anything to do with Shondo
I like Anny to a certain extent but she's nearly as menhera as Shondo and constantly deletes her twitter account.
Good one anon, call me a summerfag next, that'll be REALLY convincing! Maybe tout out the old "phoneposter" or "reddit spacing" memes to try and fit in :^)
Fucking stupid woman expecting everyone to magically know that she's intentionally misusing the word and going with her arbitrary definition that nobody else shares.
I quoted exactly what I said you dumb broad. You're the only one taking it as me saying she'd get mindbroken by cock.
NTA but you lost. You have no actual knowledge of how Shondo would react in such a situation, you dont know her and neither do any of us.
>starts deflecting when mods are being brought up

Is she having a meltdown because she believes indie managers get paid? Lmao, what's next? Paid chat mods? Paid clippers?
No he's got a point, the schizo mind is an enigma.
At this point I'm not even sure of that part annymore.
Skimming through this thread, I am convinced there are like 5 anons, tops, arguing here past 100 replies.
I'm all seven of them.
Not even schizophrenics understand their own minds, what makes you an expert on Shondo's brain chemistry?
Take your meds Shondo
She's probably used to having people work for her for free so she can't fathom that other vtubers pay their staff.
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>paid mods
There are quite a few large indies that do this
>paid clippers
Again, a lot of large indies reward clip channels with money if they do well, or specifically have a team that produce clips and shorts.
Anon you do know you are just confirming shes single and not lying
Doesn't being indie just mean you aren't owned by an agency/corpo? You can 100% be indie and hire somebody.
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Architect, BE GONE!
>I quoted exactly what I said, then I tried to make it sound as though I meant something else!
>Y-you have no actual knowledge, two unknown variables are actually always equally likely!
This is why you don't drop out of school kids.
Not quite, actually. Schizo exists as an actual diagnosis exactly because it has clear and identifiable traits. Seriously what the fuck is with these underage posters acting as though "schizo = random so anything CAN be true"?
i still can't believe shoncucks tried to argue that it's called nine-teen because of teenagers and not because ye olde english is fucking bullshit
the concept of a teenager didn't even exist back then
Whatever you say, cuck.
>Large indies do this
But the topic has absolutely NOTHING to do with large indies. Why even bring them up?
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>>86802796 (me)
Found it. It was not 6 years ago.
she mostly is relating it to joining a company like Mythic, who have a paid team of managers and lawyers looking after you yet all the members still call themselves "indie"
The topic is about indies. Nobody knows what shondo considers large indie. She just screeches "doesn't count" when you prove her wrong.
Ah, so they fucking lied.
Pretty sure you call someone who is nineteen an adult and not a teenager anyway, but why the fuck are we even having this nonsense about what defines a teenager? Is this more pedo nonsense or what?
>Admits to being in a relationship but not doing anything sexual
Thanks for confirming that she's still a virgin
shondo has gone mad with power ever since she got back from her mental health break. olivia ruined her.
I knew something was up.
Lot of cope in this thread
Shondo herself is a large indie - and she just referred to "indies" in general.
Based receipts anon. So she was busy fucking her boyfriend and melting down on twitter while her friends took care of their careers and joined Hololive.
>way too fucking crazy to get laid.
anon...the crazy ones probably fuck around the most.
>four months ago from march 2020 is 6 years ago from october 2024
Is that so? Damn, time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...
>It's about indies
No, it's about people who are too small to reasonably be able to afford to pay staff somehow having "managers" and that means they must in actuality be their boyfriends or something, despite the more obvious reality that they're just not getting paid in the same way small indies don't pay mods.
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What about managers who work with multiple vtubers? Are they working for free in exchange for sex like Shondo is claiming or are they simply being paid?
The same thing goes for mods, some mods can work with multiple streamers.
Shondo is the last person who could have any idea how much money small indies can make because she alienates all business avenues with her choice of content.
Different kind of crazy anon. WAY different kind of crazy. You're basically looking at the difference between a manic person and a depressed person here.
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She's talking about all indies you retard.
Delusional paypig nigger. I'm not talking about knowledge itself I'm talking about the FACT that you do not know Shondo any more than anyone else ITT. You only know what she presents on stream, you have no proof of what she is really like.
This is why you dont have a massive ego kids, it makes you say stupid shit (and you'll continue doing it too despite multiple people disagreeing with you)
Uh, it did. Teenager is a word because they are in the age range of the numbers that have teen in them. The only retards pretending that teenagers can't be considered not minors are ESLs
Either being paid with sex or faceless nudes I guess.
This, if he uses a condom or only receives a blowjob it doesn't count.
So lemme get this straight
>shondo started streaming 6 years ago
>shondo didn't have a boyfriend when she started streaming
>shondo had a boyfriend as of december-ish of 2019
>we are currently in 2024
I always loved the two truths and a lie logic puzzle.
Sure, but the simple fact remains that small indies commonly don't pay people who perform small jobs like moderating for them, and managing a small indie is even less work than that. At the point where a manager has enough work to do to justify getting paid, the indie will be making enough money to pay them. Simple as that.
It's actually the way it works for most of them, unless their helper is someone they knew beforehand.
Shoncucks, our response?
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>Akshully you don't KNOW for sure
Right. She could just be faking the whole thing for all we know! We just don't KNOW anon! And that means any and all headcanon is equally likely!! :^)
where did all the shoncucks go? shit got real quiet after this dropped
>Is this more pedo nonsense or what?
no??? teen is a deformed version of ten because that's how german counts. one two skip a few eleven twelve three-ten.
Uh, Fauna schizo? She literally admitted that she had a boyfriend and broke up with him on New Year's in 2020. She also confirmed she didn't do anything sexual with him too. Do you schizos only read threads?
>Be 18
>Be a minor because the number 18 has "teen" in it
??? What next anon? Someone who is a hundred and thirteen years old is a teenager too?
She even lied about being small.
Not proof of sex.
>She confirmed
Lol. Is lying to people "confirming" now? Shoncuck come on, this is just pathetic.
There's plenty of low 3views or high 2views who can afford paying a manager. What you and shondo don't get is that you don't need to pay them $3000 a month, it could be more like $400 for appropriate amount of work.
The reason people get managers is because most of vtubers are young woman who suck at this kind of stuff and it's better for them to relegate it to someone competent. This kind of work could be just 15 hours total over a month for someone who knows how to do it but for average dumb menhera chuuba it would take 100 hours and they could still fuck it up.
But it is definitive proof that she lied about >>86802730. And also started this weird argument on the English language and what the suffix -teen means?
teenager is not a synonym to minor SEA-kun
>5'7 is tall
Midget anon....
Anon you're acting as though you're disagreeing with me while not responding to anything I actually said nor adding anything that wasn't already known. Slow the fuck down and read what people are saying.
jesus this is a level of cuckcope that I didn't think a person could reach
do you even have a single bit of testosterone in your cucked body?
Illusion fucking ruined, she's taller than me. FUCK
Never said that. Just calling out your delusion that you somehow know exactly how she'd react in a sexual situation
>Is under 5'7
The SEA projection is strong
the only fucking midgettuber I trust is morch I swear to god all these wannabe fake short bitches
I admit I missed the double negative, but it's funny that someone who is so ESL they'd use a double negative like that in the first place is accusing people of being SEA.
Pathethic. You were wrong here >>86803638
i think someone did get outed a while back for working with a bunch of vtubers or something and ended up being a sexpest, but i could just be fooled by some other community sex weirdo
>Never said that
>Just calling out your delusion that you somehow know exactly how she'd react in a sexual situation
Speaking of things that were never said. Are you done debating your own imagination now or are you going to keep at it?
>like my oshi has her brother who comes over a couple times a week
anon doesn't know
I didn't say it was tall, I said it wasn't small, 5'7 is the average height of women in the tallest countries.


My 2view oshi who isn't pretending to be a child is several inches smaller than Shondo.
>I'm not SEA, it was a trap!
KEK. Imagine losing to Looney Tune techniques
Generally speaking when someone says teen they're talking about a minor, much like how when they say pre-teen they're talking about someone under 13.
I didn't even know some parts of the third world thought 19 years old was a teen until now, I've only seen people in the 18-20 age group be referred to as young adults.
It's not tall for a guy but she is taller than the average woman
>Y-you were wrong!
Okay? How? What actual argument do you have? Actually respond to what was said you infantile spastic.
>I'm not ESL, it was a looney tunes technique to fool you!
Lol. This is peak cope.
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So why hasn't anyone explained why anon lied about her saying "she didn't have a boyfriend 6 years ago"?

C'mon, explain.
I'm sorry you can't read. The topic is about indies, contrary to what you claimed.
Small indies can afford to pay their managers, contrary to what you claimed.
Stop being such a pathetic deflecting faggot and shut your retarded mouth when you get proven wrong.
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your oshi will be fed until she's plump enough
The recent was the toaster guy who went around collabing with 2views and diagnosing them with autism so he can bond with them, then have sex.
Oh so you have no fucking clue what you're talking about then. Glad we agree :^)
Go with the times, faggot. She only had a boyfriend when she was a teenager and she never fucked him. You expect me to believe Shondo is 24-25?
That guy was a massive retard but the real sexpext was one of the girls involved.
You "go" with the times, and explain how 4 months prior to March 2020 is 6 years ago from October 2024.
>I'm sorry you can't read. The topic is about indies, contrary to what you claimed.
It's not though. You can see her tweets and what they are materially about, which is inability to afford managers at low views.
>Small indies can afford to pay their managers, contrary to what you claimed.
I did not claim they could not, I was talking specifically about the ones that can't, which is again what the topic is actually about.
How so? I made the point that Shondo's claims have zero merit because even indies that cannot afford to pay managers can still have them and just not pay them. This has been a consistent position and engages directly with the main topic. I get that you're struggling with basic reading comprehension, but don't put that on others, just ask for help you dumbass.
>She only had a boyfriend when she was a teenager and she never fucked him.
who's >>86803530?
What? First I heard about that part.
>You have no clue what you're talking about because the fantasy I was debating was indeed a fantasy
>literal proof ITT that's a lie
>still repeats it
Stay off your meds and go live rn, I'll sub
The cuck is obsessed with feeling cucked. They broke up in 2020 New Year's. Sorry that she debunked your cuck fantasy
NTA but this >>86803698
shows what she was talking about, and it was indies in general.
>uhhh it's actually not about that because i only meant this specific subset of people even though shondo was talking about everyone
Anon, it's time to stop.
So he was still her boyfriend as of under 4 years ago? Since when is 4 years ago equal to 6 years ago?
Ever since it made you seethe
You lost. You admitted you dont know how Shondo would react just now but previously you were arguing up and down that she'd bolt and never have sex never ever.
Sit down paypig loser. You fucked up. Dont bother responding again, you're only hurting yourself.
And thus the shoncuck breaks its programming and reverts back to its basic instincts. Enjoy the rest of your day -- no, it's probably night for you, isn't it?
>I didn't even know some parts of the third world thought 19 years old was a teen until now
are you fucking retarded for real? since when are the USA and UK third world? the only other country except them that I know for a fact that teenager is Sweden since their counting system uses goes from tretton (13) to nitton (19) and thus calls them tonĂ¥ringar because they end in ton
So she either lied about not having a BF when she started streaming, or found a BF after her debut. I don't know which is worse for her fanbase
>teenager is Sweden
teenager is a thing is
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>since when are the USA and UK third world?
>Establish you're talking about low view vtubers and people who don't have the income to afford managers still having managers
>Clearly she was talking about indies in general!
Please tell me you're still in elementary school and have yet to be taught basic literacy, that you're not genuinely this fucking stupid...
>She was talking about everyone
Yeah she totally meant people like Filian when talking about being unable to afford managers anon. You got it, that makes sense.
Yeah i'm sure she hasn't done anything with her 6'6 "beast", especially during 2020 when everyone was being locked up, keep sending bits and gift subs, those extra large condoms won't buy themselves.
The biggest issue she lied about being short!! She's 5'7!
>Cuck falls apart as his wish that Shondo fucked her ex boyfriend every night got shattered
>Gets told he's been debating his own headcanon for a while now
>Goes on a full blown melty
Wew. Must be /shon/ in here.
I mean she's lied about a lot over the years.
The top two best countries in the world even though the UK has declined the recent 20 or so years and no amount of seethe from non-anglos will change that
>n-no u!!!
What's up with British women falling for American cock?
The point is that shondo is retard who says wrong things and anons here are pointing it out.
You trying to defend her by going "she meant something else" is just pathetic.
>Anon thinks anything in that post amounts to "no u"
Either that or you don't seem to understand what greentext is for, which wouldn't really surprise me at this point.
>You trying to defend her by going "she meant something else" is just pathetic.
According to her smallest dicked warriors, apparently her brain is easily understood by them.
What is up with American women falling for British cock? The lads with a working class dialect are seen as fancy and sophisticated in America lul
>You trying to defend her
????? Seriously what the fuck is this infantile reading comprehension. I've explicitly called her out on the fact that she was talking complete nonsense you daft landwhale.
Anon, it's already been established that her definition of what an indie means varies wildly. Other large indies that have a smaller average CCV than her are apparently not indies if they have paid mods, managers, or clippers in her mind.
>uhhhh i'm not defending her

Meanwhile >>86803525
Keep crying.
So did shoncucks win or lose today?
Why the fuck do people keep acting like the teenage years revolve around the word
Do the French call it the noufyears or whatever the fuck their 10 is?
>Seething bong reveals itself
Your accent has been joked about so much, it got to the point that people just laugh when you speak now. Embarrassing
>okay okay FINE, she did have a boyfriend, BUT, but they didn't fuck, okay!?
pffft I can't
Oof, I think you're the one seething anon.
>Anon, it's already been established that her definition of what an indie means varies wildly
Which is again, immaterial. The topic was made specific by the claim that "low view indies can't afford a manager" In fact, this is tied to the belief you can see in the OP where she is trying to assert the absurd notion that "indies with actual managers and not just boyfriends who manage them are actually copro and thus not indie" By her "logic" if we can call it that, large indies like Bao, Numi, Fillian or whoever else aren't actually indie in the first place.

Again, the material point being made is "Indies with low views and don't make enough money to hire managers somehow still have managers? You fools that means they're lying to you! Those managers are their boyfriends!" It's completely insane schizo babble but you don't need to try and change the point she's failing to make to argue against it. Again, the basic fact here is that even small indie vtubers can have someone reading their emails and just not pay them, that is an obvious option that Shondo is ignoring because she's fucking retarded. None of that has anything to do with larger indies who could just afford a salary, it says nothing about them you dumb illiterate fuck.
>she doesn't have a boyfriend!
>okay she has one but they haven't fucked!
What's next? "he only came inside less than 10 times!"?
Don't see anyone denying she did. Where's the hymen cam?
4 of them were me
>Being actually illiterate
Pitiful. You will probably find a home in /shon/ with the rest of the retards though.
>Why the fuck do people keep acting like the teenage years revolve around the word
because that is why it is called teenage years, because it spans thirteen to nineteen, it is the origin of the word, other languages use their version of adolescent for below the year of majority to some limit and then (young) adult when they have reached the age of majority
I'm sorry you got caught out and you can't admit to being wrong so you just accuse other people of being illiterate in hopes that anyone would believe you.
They're still coping with the "we're all Shondo's husband" LARP but I don't know how long they will be able to keep this up, her boyfriend must be laughing his ass off reading these threads.
All valid points, except for the fact that the original comment in this reply chain was about large indies like Sayu, Doki etc
>>86803250 which makes it understandably confusing when you start arguing about what she was talking about in her tweets.
The issue is, nobody knows what exactly shondo or you define as large indie or small indie. Shondo keeps contradicting herself and adjusting the definition because she can't admit to being wrong earlier and you share that quality with her.
Is it really? isn't this just your normal shondo tweet?
>you got caught
Anon. Me being specific about the topic in no way amounts to a defence of Shondo or the bullshit she was propagating. Stop trying this pathetic bullshit.
Anon, you should probably read the conversations you're joining before accusing others of being illiterate. The fact is, you're the one who failed to understand what the conversation is about and are now sperging out at people who were correcting you. Reflect upon yourself.
>calling other anons illiterate fucks whilst not reading reply chains
You joined a thread which was made precisely because the topic was NOT specific. Well, shondo was trying to be specific multiple times but each time she did it differently. What's mroe, you disagreed with people who were pointing out the problem in her messages. Think of what that entails.
reminder that the antis in this thread spreading lies are seething troons, seaniggers, and a scorned anti that unironically larps as homelander
Again, what she does or does not consider indie large or small doesn't really matter, when the main point she's making is that "managers" aren't actually managers but boyfriends because indie vtubers are too poor to get real managers. This whole kvetching about what is or isn't indie is perhaps amusing because she can't keep her story straight, but the issue is still that even the poorest single digit vtuber can have a manager and just not pay them shit, nothing about that interaction implies a relationship in ANY capacity, it could be their parents, their friends, a random moderator who really liked that one song she did or w/e the fuck else, there is absolutely no reason to assume that some such manager is a boyfriend, and this is just Shondo being a retarded pickme going "other vtubers are obviously lying to you guise but not me though teehee"
The final cope is:
>She is still a pure virgin because her menhera wouldn't let her have sex with someone
>Replying about two different reply chains
??? You OK son?
Yes, you are correct here.
Are you? Follow them back.
>You were disagreeing with people who were pointing out the problem
No. I was establishing that her inability to have a singular sensible definition of an indie vtuber isn't relevant to the other claim that vtuber managers are actually boyfriends. She is wrong on both counts, but one isn't really relevant to the other. Even if she did get a solid sensible definition of indie vtuber her claim that 90% of them had boyfriends for managers would still be completely nonsensical, I also mentioned larger vtubers aren't relevant because her claim seemed to revolve around the fact that small vtubers couldn't afford real managers, which is "proof" to her that they are actually boyfriends instead.
I don't understand why she felt the need to open her mouth about this when there are old receipts showing that she's just projecting.
Her recent twitch ban wasn't enough she also needs to create new drama for no reason.
You didn't say shit about boyfriends. You were just screeching at people and demanding them to not consider large indies without providing a reason. Which looked like you trying to shut up anyone who dares to point out flaws in shondo's logic.
Maybe you should have started out by saying things you say now and then anons would react to you differently.
Again, ultimately the discussion about large indies started with these two >>86803172
And then you (presumably you) jumped in partway through the discussion with >>86803525
You should have read the earlier replies in the comment chain. It's better to admit you made a mistake than keep digging yourself a deeper hole.

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