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/BIG/ Love Edition

What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
Yes. Go talk about Corpo Vtubers in their appropriate threads.


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>86824169
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I'm tired as fuck but staying up during dead hours for Dokibird and Grimmi
Doki is baneposting
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Holy shit you're right
she's a /big/ goy after all
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We've officially killed /lig/
wat da roingus doin?
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Where the FUCK is this hoe at?????????????????????????
You didn't see that
not streaming that's where
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
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/BIG/ if true
You're not getting away on my watch, shit heel.
pink cat archiver
cute emote
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Dokibird is dum
Aethel just put out a new video of them exploring Chicago and since when did Nyan get huge honkers, huh? Them milkers are milking. What's up with that?
she's preggersnant
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She added big boobs to this model. I don't remember when it was debuted anymore. But her 2.0 model will always be my favorite. Im not really into boobs of the of size this model has.
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Living her best life.
You know what? As an avid YouTube watcher, I gotta say I fucking hate how much YT chat lags my browser
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Our Queen.
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>2.0 model
This one, to be specific.
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Her Winter model both the 2D and 3D version was the peak for me.
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Anon delete the image quick before the jannie see!
Holy moly look at those feeders
i missed something
This is a 30 years old woman.
Yeah i dont watch her streams anymore since forever, but yeah as anons mentioned. Wrong board for this.
yeah, these are also cute. Idk the 2.0 was my favorite, and i always liked her default outfit of the first model.
You missed pink cat's BBFs.
how do you people still not have 4chanx
You just missed someone posting Nyan's heaving bosoms. Too bad there is no way you will ever see them again!
>Turned on the lights in the hallway
Dokibird is such a scaredy cat
she's a scaredy bird actually
from /HAHA/
the one with snuffy is hot
Thanks. You aren't gonna post these in that cesspool are you?
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Not the one who made them or originally posted them, I just have the /HAHA/ thread opened because I'm watching her right now and saw those and posted them here
I thought these would be bane-posts
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Dokibird may be a bit psychotic
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Bro, it's 12am
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Good morning, fat veiposter.
No, it's 7:40 AM
good morning fat vei, looking extra rotund today very nice loving it
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hey guys
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da wose
da wose
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No, it's 1:48 AM.
Dokibird is sticking her hand in the hole
that's hot
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is he /big/
he's fat
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How are you guys different from /lig/?
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We're BIG guys! (Idk to be honest. To me its a slower version of /lig/)
>slower version of /lig/
what's the point of that?
Slower, longer discussions, fewer sisters, 4views only, etc.
less retards shitting up conversations (in theory)
right right, I get it. good luck with that. unironically.
We're better because we exlude all of the worst garbage in /lig/ such as 3am, the barbies, bugtubers, and other beggars.
Thanks, fren
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thanks breh
>kim jong fil
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Slower threads are more comfy. One reason i like slower threads, but im still in /lig/.
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Shitposters tend to ignore us and post in /lig/ instead.
Pink Cat Good
We should enjoy it while it lasts.
Welp, I go eep now
Take it easy /big/
sleep tight big guy
for now
which biggers do you watch?
Is that a motherfucking Bane quote
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>a bane quote? in my /big/?
frog, lucy, sometimes pretty fox female(bri'ish)italian)
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Pink cat and grimmi
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have you not seen how fast /lig/ is? they had like two days of people timelooping about shondo and we barely got a peep I love it here
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I also like that generally no matter who I post I don't get the same tired old kneejerk negative reaction posts from people who don't watch vtubers and just shit on anything that's posted as soon as they see it. That's the worst.
*rapes u*
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limes, bao, lucy
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>encourage shitposting
>get shitposting
pikachu face
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I've noticed that there's some people in /lig/ that really hate filian, Saruei, and Layna. /flip/ was orginally created because /lig/ hated how much people posted about filian. /BIG/ is nice in that we get some people from /flip/, /mint/, and /HAHA/ who will drift in and post from time to time. Especially when there's big collabs between them going on.
It's all 3view shills seething that their irrelevant oshi will never make it.
that pico park 2 collab thread was really nise
post /big/ ass and titties
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yeah there's some chuubas you literally just can't post about there without some miserable dumbass having to dredge up the same shit over and over, it wears you down
I just want to watch chuubas and be happy
be nise
Fuck off liggerman
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don't shit on the chuubas because you don't like the retards posting about them.
/flip/ was born from a catalog bait thread, but yeah. funny how snackers took that thread over, when filian looked at it on stream
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don't respond to the falseflagger brother
I want to rest my head in grimmi's open shoulder bowls.
Don't encourage the ligger apologist
i said POST /big/ ass and titties >:(

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