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>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet (discontinued):

>Submission form for spreadsheet:

>不知火建設 1st EP / scrap & build ! (Shiraken)

>シュガーラッシュ / Sugar Rush
>なかま歌 / Nakamaka (Shiraken)
>アニマル / Animal (Cover)
>アイドル / IDOL (Cover)

>Collab list:

>Previous Threads

Previous thread: >>86688387
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cute op
thanks for baking nye
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We know Suisei likes dirty jokes in private.
Miko almost certainly sees the perverted Micomet pics.
What if they joke about their big fanfic cucumbers when they're together.
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Miko's cucumber...
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why did polpol do it
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Miko top is the way
I'm glad more and more have accepted it
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onahole package
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micomet currystew is back
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They should do a stream feeding each other again then.
god that would be adorable. tomo, ravi or neko might post that clip again
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Suityan mention
earlier in the stream mikochi mentioned that she was with suichan for the whole curry event even tho she only appeared for a couple minutes on video
mikochi was also there when suichan was talking with yagoo
>do not separate
girlfriend shit as usual
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suichan lined miko saying she's making curry for staff and is she wants to come
did suichan only invite miko since miko was the only other holomem there?
why are they like this?
I remember botan tweeting about her souvenir from micomet around the same time Suisei tweeted about cutting onions for a hundred people or something. People speculated that she may be part of whatever this was.
So what drove Miko from this reaction
To outright saying it herself?
dating, obviously
Mikochi so pon. She is gonna give like 3 small boxes to Suichan I bet https://youtu.be/ujPuf3frvuk?si=W76VEqyq2aDK8GTj
how do you fuck this up more than ONCE
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Mikotop enthusiasts, your explanation?
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Her bottom Prince is still a Prince and it should be respected.
praying i can find micomet currystew when i arrive in japan for mikochi's sololive
praying it's still for sale when i get back there for suityan's sololives (and marine's sololive)
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Those won't be on sale in 7/11s until 17th dec
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is this already sex?
i swear yuyu draw the prettiest nyepples
Japanese curry sucks
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i love them so much bros
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Ok, from what I could kind of gather more or less on topic so far. She was done with 3D lives this year (the holo ones) since she would be too busy and thought "that's impossible!" about the 0th gen live.
She's talking a bit about GTA behind the scenes and roleplay.
She also added the micomet stew/curry to her ad roll and took out sugar rush.
And shiraken will be at one of the tour's lives
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yes, Shiraken in Fukuoka
i'm so fucking happy, it's right before my birthday
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Holokle aka the Hololive doujin event is coming up on 5th of December. The entirety of B section and C1-7 are reserved for Gen0, A, I, and J are for "all characters" ie. cross-gen stuff such as Shiraken, あ and い for fan-made merch, え for porn, and お for cosplay. How do we feel about scans never ever?
pain endless pain
Took a month but now there's an answer to my question
>what are the odds that Miko is a guest in one of Suisei’s tour concerts?
At the time I thought it would be somewhere between highly unlikely and impossible and yet here we are.
Also, does this mark everything that Miko leaked or am I forgetting something?
>GTA roles
>Sólo live
>Shiraken live
I think there was something sports related but I'm pretty sure it was in the same list as the GTA stuff.
>Shiraken live
Most likely a different project
Shiraken live is an actual concert!
NGL it's insane that MiComet has so many
even though we will never see most sadly
Id assume that's separate because it's Suityan live with guests Shiraken Shiraken will be a separate live

miko's cucumber
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Lol, Shiraken being guests is literally just a professional excuse for the girls to while away a mini vacation.
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That's really cute kek
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vills 1 hug sound
cute awkward babies
can't believe they went from people who used to get hired for the same jobs to inseparable best girlfriends who do literally everything together
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Oh hey I hadn't noticed, they changed their outfits and poses for the second run of curry/stew
They still made them do the same pose though.
Perfect coordination
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You know, with all the allusions to getting the GTA event going being incredibly rough, Suisei forcing her way into the event and snatching some of the workload from Miko, them making sure the other was having fun every day and one of Suisei's comments at the end being that Miko should be more appreciative of her own efforts, I wonder just how bad did things really get behind the scenes for Miko?
Honestly, I can understand why Miko's manager consults with Suisei. She's basically Miko's unofficial wrangler and is willing to sacrifice herself to help Miko's dreams come true.
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I kinda wonder if Miko is still doing thumbnails for people on top of her normal work and sololive work and any event work she helps with?
i found it fucking adorable that suityan, even in her extremely fucking busy as fuck state, decided to help mikochi with her dream project... no wonder she was acting like a puppy (more than she usually does), she was concerned...
no one knows mikochi better than suityan at this point but it's still really funny that eri2 goes after suityan for miko related advice.
Miko mentioned Ritochan (her manager after Erichan) has become super close with Suisei to the point you'd think she was Sui's manager kek. Ritochan also became close with Fubuki and drank tea with her.
I still think Ritochan is still such a cute nickname for her second most known manager. I also find adorable that Mikochi's managers always end up becoming close to the members that circle Miko the most.
...i'm an idiot. how and why did it take me until This post to notice it...
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You know too much
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