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Off with the Chat Edition

Old Thread: >>86890302

>Randon Neuring:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@RandonNeuring
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/randon
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Randonneuring
Unlisted VOD Archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLusIngCXpffwTq9z0ic0mRC79ILfgH4Tf

>Caspurr Catacini:
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CaspurrCatacini
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/caspurrvt
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaspurrCatacini

>OP Template:

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Good night /orc+/
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Cas waiting room for tomorrow:
【 Super Mario 3D All Stars】 Platforming God
uuuuuuuu WAH…
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fat fuck
the randon
Randon the orc
the caspurr
Caspurr the catacini
caspurr the yapacini
yapurr the chatacini
Thinking about how confused cas seems to sound during any randon collab when orc starts saying out of pocket things. I hope they can talk about it in private, atleast when it comes to the love of the business
big casgus
i would feel like cas did if he started twerking in front of me
it's just weird because magni used to be the sus one moaning a lot and vesper was the seiso one. vesper gradually got less seiso, while magni was always sus but held back until he became flesh, completely lost his filter, then reined it way back in for caspurr (even more seiso now than he was as magni, on the whole). randon lost his limiters with the corpo restrictions and i guess has been drifting more lewd over time to get a rise out of chat? i haven't been keeping up with randon's solo streams much these days so i'm almost as surprised as cas. not to say i'm bothered by it but i'm not watching every day either
>Ves: [imitates magmoan] ...Oh, shit, I shouldn't have made that noise. That's not my shtick. Sorry, dude. I stole your thing
>Mag: Brother, you can moan as much as you want
>Ves: Really?
>fast forward to today
Randon needs correction… from my dick
It feels like cas decided on how he wants to rebrand + double downed on it and I respect it. After experiencing corp and flesh tubing maybe he wants to weed out the bad apples in his overall audience by pushing the seiso. It's not hard to imagine he may have had bad experiences with bits going too long.

i don't watch a lot of randon either.. he was always pressed about being older in his career. maybe this is his way of trying to evade the grandpa trope
Sister he is still doing the magmo voice
magmo is pretty tame compared to other stuff
So its his fault
he's been doing that since before magmo was a thing (people comparing that voice to elmo which led to him thinking up that bit)
magmo got run into the ground at one point. it was a good bit but people blindly spammed it in chat too much so he pulled back on it to ice it out
>weed out the bad apples in his overall audience by pushing the seiso
Definitely. There’s already a hypersexualization angle in most of vtubing, it would be easy to play into it. I respect him wanting to be more of a character actor and not just going for pink, babygirl, fat dumpy, indie jiggle physics rigging set to 11. That’s fun as a disguise to put on, but hard to get out of once you pigeonhole yourself into a particular audience that just wants to eat bait. I don’t doubt that the last few dregs of Prof streaming with the kind of livechats and superchats, and the discussions /here/ about discomfort in his community and discord et al, informed his current approach. He’s slowly but surely building an audience with a good head on it that respects him and builds him up.
>I miss the old Randon, straight from the orc Randon.
>Chop up the soul Randon, set on his goals Randon
>I hate the new Randon, the horny mood Randon
>The always coom Randon, spaz in the news Randon
>I miss the sweet Randon, the deer in headlights Randon
>I gotta to say at that time I'd like to beat Randon
>See we love Randon, it wasn't any Randon
>And now I look and look around and there's so many Randons
>I used to love Randon, I used to love Randon
>I even had the blue dorito, I thought I saw Randon
>What if Randon made a haiku about Randon
>Called "I Miss The Old Randon, " man that would be so Randon
>That's all it was Randon, we still love Randon
>And I love you like Randon loves Randon
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I wonder if we will get a caspurr nui from ohmonah
likely, at some point
Any thoughts on the cas babu-fication? Even he seems to have pilled himself into it with the cowboy slip up on jest lol.
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It all started with him. Magbaby was a thing for a reason, and it's because he cries/talks like a baby sometimes
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him feeding the baby thing
forgot my text

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