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The best day of the week has finally arrived and this time even with karaoke! We also go on a date on Friday and we have the Barbie Anniversary on Sunday as well! A stellar week!

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:

>Other links and resources
R18: https://x.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846
>Unofficial archive of various lewd OC, KK and sloppa

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>86894684
Nina HATE.
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I love Nina so much, bros.
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I love Nina!
Nice edit. Saved.
we eating really good this week
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I think Nina's pretty neat
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Nina? Love her
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I love Nina, bros!
I for one think Nina should shove her tasteful handful into the camera every time she makes a vaguely risque joke so Twitch realises she's not a gosh darn loli
the tiddy window on this model makes me want to grope her all over
she's kinda jiggling a little every time she waves
What if she's been eating lactation cookies to get get a head start on the 10+ pregnancies me and her are going to have
sex contest (with me)
I'm glad this was made after the last virgin killer convo
Shockingly low amount of shoes for a woman
Nina has more shibe plushies than pairs of shoes...
our oshi doesnt leave the house much..
Nina's perfect feet...
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Is there any real reason why all the vtubers are short?
cute lil Nina toes on my face
Hi Krumel0
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Real duvet hour!
I'm angry that you believe he's the only footfag in the community.
Smurf sized girls don't leave the house because a hawk or perhaps an otter will carry them off so they become internet weirdos and fall into the role
She did a Karaoke 2 days ago.
I love all of the little movements she does bros Nina is so adorable
The way Inis in particular laid out the barbie plushies on her schedule gives me a lot of copium for Sunday bros
I know, but I find it funny to appoint him as the designated footfag of the community and dunk on him
it's cute
Post it.
Don't. Move on Anon.
I wouldn't get hopeful, but there was an implication a collab could happen, maybe this is it.
She is way lively today, maybe she is growing more confident singing regularly
she should have shopped model 3.0 instead
these casual singing streams should be a fantastic way to get that confidence to maximum
how else would they fit through the internet?
Don't overdose on it, this is Inis we're talking about and we've yet to see green's schedule too.
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I think nina should get huge tits. Purely so she can stay on the safe side of twitch of course
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How does she do it?
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Wait for the banshee model.
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Yeah I'm not stressing for now but it seems like the best chance until a later special stream or the fake birthday
Time needs to move faster urgently
Man. Imagine if Oli and her almost 3k viewers raided during this soul.
Imagine if Oli and Nina finally did that cop ASMR RP
imagine if Oli and Nina did ASMR NSFW ERP.
Only about 800 of them will come across anyway.
Please no I would actually die
fake christian
boring bitch
Go to bed, Moriko.
Oh hey, Inis is singing too, would be cool if the barbs could do a karaoke night together.
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She's too good
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Take me back
Every time it comes up Nina gets autism over audio sync and stuff, rather than just having fun.
A christmas concert would be pure soul
cute air guitar
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>Bat in chat
Enough with the metal slop already.
Metal is good
Yeah, if you're 16 year old mentally maybe.
Then go suggest something else in chat.
Ask Nina to stop liking it then.
Nina singing in German always does things to me.
It awakens the powerful urge to be dominated by cute tiny anime women inside of me
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>Wyoming mention
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Took me a while to find it.
Small things are cute.
Cute things are good.
nina sing the death of the edmund fitzgerald
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>when the orbularity of the shibe is just right
I thought it said "Equal rights, Equal mines" for a second
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>Those quick face movements towards the camera
>All of the gesturing with her hands
Yeah this is definitely NininKino.
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I think my existence will just implode if Nina ever sings Lost Kitten. Doubly so if some madshibe edits that one video to include her.
The Metric song?
Yep. Is there another?
Just making sure. stinky
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That manager? Me.
>where's billy?
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Another Ninanininema stream how does she do it?
I'm not sure what is happening right now.
She's singing.
>He doesn't know the best anime OP of all time
I bet you wouldn't even protect Nina's ball either.
>check youtube subs page
>maid mint has been playing Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
she lurks...
I think they could be good friends, I'd love a collab or at least some interactions between them
As long as she doesn't go through Matara
metal gear shitposting, talking about idols, japan, singing, I'd love to see it
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Alright fess up, I'm putting a gun to your chest. What is the biggest sacrifice you are willing to make to make Nina yours?
I have a feeling Nina likes Matara, but Matara doesn't like her (probably a numbers thing exclusively)
Talk about Bat please.
That's a bit of a vague question. Are we bidding on Nina's hand in marriage at an auction or something?
From her reactions it seems more like Matara is curious about Nina (because of Geega telling about her) but nothing more than that.
Like Nina could have raided her more times and interact more and they've have ended collabing, but she just didn't so nothing happened.
I consider Nina my oshi in the truest sense, so I'd rather see her succeed than get married to her
Whatever you want.
Fuck it then. Whatever you guys will give up, I'll one up it. As long as it doesn't make Nina sad or something like giving up a limb.
I'd move to Netherlands for her.
I'd give my life.
Not for honor, but for her.
Same, oshi in the classic sense. Wanna see her climbing to the top, whatever the top ends up being (eurovision?) and cheer her all the way there.
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More art done for Nina


I am so glad she is getting more recognition
My body and soul to give her the 15 children she needs
Latinx bros...
>"I'm the blue guy!"
No, that's ME
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>I'm The Blue Man
Holy shit she has stamina for days today
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One more slur like that and you will know what a "Colombian neck tie" looks like
exactly this. But probably more of a highlander thing than a numbers thing
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I thought Latino was the slur? Americans get really angry if I say that one.
Its supposed to be latinks
It's Latenks, like Gotenks (from Dragon Ball, true Latenks cultural heritage)
They call her Matara "4view only" Kan for a reason. I honestly think a Haruka/Nina collab would be fun, but Haruka hasn't streamed in about two months.
You know what I'll just refer to them as Taquito-jin or something.
hey that's pretty good
really impressed she played that after like what, 2 months or something of practice? she's amazing
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God she's such a dork
I've been watching Nina for 3 or so years, and this karaoke has been a highlight.
She's been at it for 2.5 hours at this point.
Don't get me wrong, all of her polished performances are amazing. Pure talent and hard work. However watching her just sing her heart out is just another level. She seems to have unlimited stamina as she has fun.
For a casual karaoke it's like, holy shit. Quality, stamina, and the cute expressions and movements.
Imagine a rehearshed karaoke like the old times, but with this 3D
I watch a few vsingers that have crazy amounts of stamina, thinkerbella is pretty fun for example
Sure, but Nina had always pretty limited stamina as she works 9-5, early wake up and a ton of rehearsing always tired her out.
She's taking plenty of breaks which is probably helping, she's not singing fullstop or going super hard on a set list
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>cuz somewhere in the crowd is (you)
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She needs to schmooze her on twitter with Metal Gear talk or other boomer weeb shit. That's what Beri did and they're friends now
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