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For the 510th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream
Tue 10/08 7PM CT, "Sonic Adventure 2: Battle", pt. 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnZbR5Z4n4s
▼ Previous streams
10/06, Shrek the Musical watchalong with Fauna and Mumei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL7Uu1BEwtM
10/04, OSRS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUBjIsUMkP0
▼ Previous appearance
10/05, guest at Takanashi Kiara's 4th Anniversary Live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LoG81pLS8c

>Recent voice packs
hololive Halloween Voice Pack 2024 -with villains-, Nerissa Ravencroft (Succubus/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains?variant=45620129792220
hololive Extreme Love Voice Pack, Nerissa Ravencroft (Yandere/English): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice?variant=45546871062748

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>86933451
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.
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>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template
2024 to date
Solo streams: 96
Collabs: 99
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 4
Members: 15
I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft with all my heart (I miss my wife, Jailbirds. I miss her a lot)
It's that time of the month again! Reminisce on the past month and consider voting for September's top streams.
Nerissa's the only woman I ever loved, losing her would unironically be the end of me
What if Nerissa but smart?
What if Nerissa butt smack
She won't last the year.
I heard if you manage to smack Nerissa ass, She is cursed to have to sit on your lap for the entirety of her next stream!
My early shift turned into overtime but I also agree. I love Nerissa so much. She saved me from a mentally bad place and losing her would be equivalent to death. I want to one day marry her and give her the world.
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sex with Nerissa Ravencroft at the speed of sound
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Indie Nerissa is an actual hag so it's understandable she wouldn't know.
I heard that if you smack Nerissa's ass, her booty cheeks will clap and make a sound that breaks the sound barrier
calling amalee "indie nerissa" is funny af, stealing that
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Speaking of which, this is a good answer.
Yes Rissa. Now ask for a model with it
probably too sexy to be allowed.
If wawa can have whatever her latest model is then Nerissa can have a womb tattoo.
look at it from a japanese businessman's perspective. a womb tattoo is inherently and tremendously sexual. a yoga outfit isn't, though with the connotation, context, and kiara controlling it, it becomes highly sexual.
She should use her 1m wish on it then
would've been rejected. my bets are that she's trying to pump out a bunch of new music so that way when she hits 1m she can have the numbers and amount of songs to use it on a sololive
I thought they no longer allow milestone wishes to be used for sololives?
a Rissa sololive is gonna be insane
She could use that new rule that she can commission a custom model herself but use it for members only
if they did I was not aware. sounds right with how much effort they are, though.
sponsored by culvers, held in the united center in chicago, illinois.
I don't think that needs to be a wish, though. wasn't Okayu's just kind of a thing that she wanted to do?
>would've been rejected.
I hope they would at least allow her to put it on her daki.
it doesn't have to be a wish but then she'd have to pay for it entirely with her own money
The 3d version of that model was made by an external party and isnt official
I don't care about the technicalities I just want Rissa to have an outlet for all of her SEX that both her current outfits massively constrict
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gura's daki from a few years ago took a hell of a lotta effort convincing management, and it's pretty MMD, all things considered. an extremely lewd rissa daki with a womb tat would take years of convincing at the least.

MMD stands for mindful, modest, demure
Keiseaaa has officially lost the plot. This is why she wasnt the artists for any of the MV's for Nerissa's selfwritten plot
Don't remind me, just let me hope
Don't wake me up, just leave me there dreaming
We lost a great ally
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There is one ultimate sexo 3d model that was based on see pic rel. It is used for MMD
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RIP. Have also noticed that her artstyle has become more and more sexual as time has gone on. Something around the SEX level of picrel doesn't really happen too much anymore. Last similar one was this coprissa one. Sorry if I sound like a fag but sometimes a modest rissa is what I like.
No i agree, both ahould be done in moderation to make both sides tasteful
These are just phases and trends that come and go, roll with it and don't put much thought into it
just barely over the 4mb limit
mayhaps. also noticed that the reliance on SEX art started around the same time she started turning towards the dark side. interesting, that.
Hey, Jailbirds, Novelite here.
Did something happen to Rissa recently or something? She's been... posting a lot on Twitter lately, and being kinda weird on it too.
>posting a lot on Twitter lately
day ends in y
>being kinda weird on it too
sky is blue
that's not the first time she did it, she just goes on zoomies every once in a while. She's generally the most active holo on twitter to put it mildly (She's addicted as fuck)
She practically lives on twitter, mate, it's her normal. If you mean the whole 'what do you like about me' and whatnot, she seems to be gathering responses for something she's doing. She hasn't shared anything else about it.
she's been like this for a while. comes in waves of, assumedly, her trying to stop her egosa and then relapsing. I do wish that she'd eventually be successful in dropping how often she uses it.
She desperately wants her audience to be entirely twitter lesbians.
ngl it's effective. I'd have put she/her if I wasn't raised and taught that faggotory is bad
Too bad the twitter crowd doesn't watch streams
someone doesn't remember the time rissa said she wishes more jailbirds were like ruffians
menhera and gogogaga? jk I love all adventrix
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it's over
What are ruffians 'like'?
more standard otaku-type fans. essentially rissa wants more jailbirds to be like what she's like, what FWMC are like.
So it comes and goes. Perhaps I'm only noticing now since I recently made a Twitter account only for vtubing stuff so I've ended up paying attention to things way more than before.
If only Shiori was the one who did so.
Save us, Yomosaka-sensei.
That's fine, at least it is in my opinion. Even if they don't watch streams, they're aware of her and her brand, and so make her more popular which spreads her name around.
Raw numbers on streams aren't everything.
I've always maintained that casual fans are just as important as hardcore fans. You need that fluff to sustain things. It's like a tournament of anything, even if you know Pro Number 154 is the most likely to win, you still need a lot of randoms who are most certainly never gonna win to enter because otherwise the tournament won't be able to break even.

Anyway, thanks for the replies, Jailbirds. Glad to hear it was nothing serious. Just her current round of being terminally online and seemingly horny.
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okay how do i respond to her, though
Rissa is ovulating right now
probably because this never happened
How can Mumei help you?
Its true. See anyone who hears her stuff and has any soul in them, its like a healing effect. Those hymns she did at Christmas was some good stuff. Actual healing though music.
she can tie Rissa down for me
Man, she's been really needy for the past few days, hasn't she?
She'll tie you down for Rissa
He read it in the numbers thread and didn't actually start watching her until August so he wouldn't know.
is this the first holo to link to a zone animation?
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I was having a hard time finding jerk off material so I guess this one will do
First womb tatoos, now this? Does Rissa have a mind control kink?
Go back to your thread monkey
Imagine Nerissa doing this anon
stop being retarded enough to friendly fire
Stop reposting threadreader garbage from the monkey containment zone
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okay Nerissa stop, you're getting too "funny" with the artists now
Birthday next month
And I've been membered to Ina for over 3 years but haven't watched a stream of hers wince her hiatus over a year ago, it means nothing. You posted some shuit you read in the numbers thread as if it was fact.
This is the fourth or fifth time actually. OG Jailbirds and Advent fans saw her trending at least twice for days, and its part of the motif she had going for Say my Name, because of Jailbirds summoning her and giving her power through fervent adulation.

Oddly enough, she does that for male birds too, so not just the gals. Remember the kilt and business suit posting for a bit(which probably got the attention of that recently turned model kfp dude, the muscle one. Its been a hilarious year even if some Jailbirds get jealous or a bit crazy.
Gigi in your thread muahahahaha
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Ah, very on the nose. Just the like media she consumes.
She's become too powerful, once she fully harnesses the gap moe, we're FINISHED.
She should sit on my nose
It would be very quirky I promise
She's on a "baiting fanart" mood today huh
That's great. She should do more of this.
Better that than languishing doing the bare minimum or nothing at all.
I should kiss Rissa to relieve her sexual frustration
I should impregnate Rissa to relieve and increase her sexual frustrations
She needs a man in her life so she can work out these urges in a way more productive than whatever this is. I'll boldy volunteer since its my idea
You already lost kek
Requesting Rissa hypnotizing a fembird to lick her clit
She cant spell either, it will only make me more attractive to her
No hypnosis necessary
Rissa is Goofy confirmed
You think she'll address whatever... this is supposed to be?
I'm sure it's all bday related
If Friday's ASMR is wholesome AF, this will be one of the most legendary bait and switch efforts for a HoloLive member ever.
the project or the twitter quirkness? Because knowing Rissa, neither.
Likely only be a 2 hour stream because she'll want to watch the Promise Anniversary
wake me up in 20 jailbros, I need that nap like you wouldn't believe it
Rissa loves to tweet thirsty tweets then she rubs off to the replies
nvm i woke up to my snoring, not gonna happen, maybe after stream
>This Nerigga woke up to his own snoring
You said that, and I just imagined someone telling Rissa she kisses too many girls, and she has the same Goofy face going, "...and I'll do it again!"
why does she go fast?
She read this
why does she need this thing?
Greyfags are fucking horrible backseaters
I love it when she's laughing and crying at the same time, makes my pp hard
Cannon's Core knuckles section is mostly underwater, without the necklace you have to find air bubbles and time that with the strict time freeze paths.

She's asking for the backseating smartass
If you dont get the airnecklace the final stage is suffering because there is a long underwater section for Knuckles but you barely have enough time without the necklace to finish the stage without drowning. You'll be dependant on airbubbles to do it. Mr.Koro did it but it took her many tries
Final level has an underwater Knuckles part so it's easier with the air necklace
final knuckles level is super hard
>She's asking for the backseating smartass
Correct but if why give miss information? If you dont know, why backseat
cuz it's fucking funny
Is it just me or are the members emotes bigger now?
she's a bit tired today
Well arent you the no.1 lollygagger?
just you

she spent the entire day shitposting on twitter pls undastand
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i certainly am
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Why does she love that word so much
because she has twitter brainrot and they love that word
because she has the vocabulary of a 9 year old
Because she is valid like that
"kill myself" count - 2
is eggman valid?
she is in some kind of mood today
Too low unless you consolidate some of them
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Because she is goated with the sauce
>calls omochao tails
Valid both are annoying
mission 4 of this level is insanity
she's such an epic gamer what the fuck
whiny kino
The next segment is the air necklace part
sonic the hodgepodge
she's trying so hard not to say the k word kek
she saw the counter
these camera controls lmao what a fucking terrible game
they are bad, but she's also horrible at moving the camera
Why don't women have depth perception bros?
Why is she so allergic to using the homing attack? 90% of her issues with the game seem to stem from her refusing to use the most basic mechanics.
guess she doesn't want another kms compilation clip
i don't like it when she swears. her niece might be watching.
wonder how she'll deal with the biolizard. every holo who played had different troubles with it
What happens when everyone is valid? Wouldn’t no one be in that case?
nerissa doesn't think that deeply.
They're optimized for a wider fov. Men who could throw shit accurately were better hunters so survived to pass on genes more often. Depth perception is like the bare minimum to be able to hunt effectively.
we're gonna be here awhile
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Why does Shadow have the same backstory as Koro sensei?
i knew shadow was a reptile this whole time.
starts the fight instantly screaming
>anything happens
she has the reaction time of someone 10 drinks deep
Caught the stream a little late. How did she react to grandpa Eggman getting executed for some reason?
She reacts like to fast and to slow at the same time
She said he's valid for wanting to kill everyone.
no rissa you're not inferior to your sisters you're so valid and I will impregnate you
Nerissa complains a lot but she's clearly capable of playing close to a intermediate level.
I need atleast one
She finally figured out she doesn't have to jump the maximum height every time, thank god.
she's beginning to believe
>helmets are so much cooler than faces
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>brother please
this is kino
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brother, my brother, tell me what we're fighting for
time for the dice rolling animation while they power up
she's never played a souls game so naturally she doesn't know it's okay to die and learn. also tht laugh was so cute
>skips cutscene
>>87051773 (me)
or not
why is she like this...
>skips the cutscene
God she’s so retarded
The ultimate life form is getting sodomized by a space station?
Based girlfailure
why would she try to pause it...
Your oshi is an enormous retard but it's pretty cute
Bug go splat
it gets old
SHE DID IT. (3×)
inshalla, the earth is saved
>I still think we should kill eggman
wow that game fucking sucked
nerissa believes in the death penalty
Now ian flynn is going to message her why that's a bad thing.
fucking tails. ruining the moment
Tails is as retarded as Rissa
she's right you know
not the point
Nerissa is the Tails of Advent
It's sad to someone with such bad taste has the same oshi as me.
So she's playing shadow the Edgehog or what?
this has been the best game stream series by Rissa in a year
in a perfect world
maybe but I doubt she'll play it, more likely to play heroes once
ok cope and seethe with your nostalgia
she should play something like banjo kazooie or dk64 instead
>Sonic = Shiori
>Biboo = Tails
>Nerissa = Amy
>Fuwawa = Big the Cat
>Mococo = Knuckles
I wish. All the chuubas play SA2 but are too coward to play the REAL edgekino.
Stop swearing Nerissa.
kys faggot. It's great
Start sweating Nerissa.
Most of them forget Sonic exists after playing SA2. Biboo and Shiori asked about a Shadow game after their Sonic streams, months pass no new Sonic stream from them.
I'll marry a woman if she makes a chaos chao,
that's crazy talk!
I just want to marry Nerissa and play rage inducing games with her. I'm going to make this happen.
it's me. i'm baby
hololive is not twitch
god she has no exploration senses whatsoever
Youtube kids exists, and don't forget your pacifier
aren't the locations fixed?
for the last mission they are
desperately trying to fill the 2hr quota with something other than talking
desperately trying to fill her womb with my cum
Don't think she's gonna bring up the Kiara 3D...
I wrote this post
Some greyfags are absolutely ruthless. I see some calling her fool and are being very passive aggressive
Even a "jailbird" called her "dummy". I understand why she doesn't like playing games on stream when people are assholes like this.
she IS a dummy, so it's fair
you're not allowed to have opinions? What a joke.
Can someone post Rissa ogey
Dummy isnt even that bad. It can be a little playful. But
>just do it you fool
>oh sorry, it is my fault you dont get it
And many more thing are just people being assholes
some reason she attracts people who are more willing to be dicks than some of the other girls.
She's a very bully-able person. I love her but I would honestly tease her to no end after I make her my wife. Also would prank her
Bro shes gonna make me cum with that fucking voice good lord
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I miss her already...
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Rissa...Come back...
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She loves me in particular
She’s so sweet. I love her with all my heart
i wish to thank you ditzy, sometimes-challenged oshi for a fun week. Playing one of my childhood memories with her commentary was a lovely pick-me up. I hope she does more in the future, for now her sins of zoomerism are forgiven
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She's encouraging it
>I swear I mean it this time!
>it's illegal to like art of yourself
anon, she likes tweets from jailbirds that have literally nothing to do with her. look at her rt's instead, where a bloodraven rt hasn't happened since september
First I saw Nerissa in my subs on youtube playing Sonic Adventure 2.

Now I see Scarle playing it. Did something happen? It get re-released somewhere or something? Is this just vtubers seeing other vtubers playing it and deciding to follow along or what? This is random ass shit.
She's too cute bros. Also nice, I've never actually touched Sonic Heroes so that should be fun. I'm here for the cringekino. Hearing her say she played Jet Force Gemini made me realize how many good things she missed only ever playing Nintendo games. Though there are other good ones she could play, like Mischief Makers. But since she missed all the Square kino of the 90s, like Brave Fencer Musashi, or Tobal, and hopefully the assholes wouldn't stop her from playing the FF9 remake when that comes out.
Do not play the special stages in heroes

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