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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou
1st orisong - Prism no Mahou: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3pjFfKBonI

Next stream: THU - Monster Hunter World w/ Raora at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z2cujMbgYc
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0
3D Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yw0zL5YshRk

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBD.
Next streams:
MON - Backseating Cecilia's Lies of P at 4 PM EST | 1 PM PST | 5 AM JST
MON - TCG Card Shop Simulator at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
TUE - Space Marine 2 at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
WED - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
THU - Monster Hunter World w/ Raora at 7 AM EST | 4 AM PST | 8 PM JST
THU - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
FRI - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SAT - 7 Days To Die w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
SUN - 7 Days To Die* w/ HoloEN at 9 PM EST | 6 PM PST | 10 AM JST
7 Days To Die schedule is not set in stone yet (maybe she won't stream all days, maybe she will).
Possible streams:
Space Marine 2 whenever possible
Due to this week's busyness, the following streams may be moved to next week:
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Black Myth Wukong
Fallout: New Vegas (Maybe? Perms situation was solved but SESAC situation might hold it hostage for a bit more)
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I'll go eep with Biboo!. Goodnight!
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May I have your attention please. Biboo cute. That is all.
its 8pm for her and she slept for 10+ hours
She'll sleep in 8 hours or so
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Thanks, friends. I really needed to hear that.
I really really really (times infinity) love Biboo
Yeah, well I love her infinity PLUS 1.
well i love her Aleph-two
no but I love her more
Oh yeah? I love her at a non-quantifiable level that transcends time and space.
I love Biboo beyond comprehension.
Biboo's pretty cool
i wonder how much work biboo is gonna have in holo in 1-2 years from now, prepping for this and that
since shes moving to japan, a lot more
If she wants to stream, she'll be able to stream
See Mori
not if the managers prohibit it
i'm not talking about streaming amounts, I know biboo will still stream, like heck koyori is able to stream twice a day a lot of the time while being a part of everything and also being part of so many 3d lives, I was just asking about the work amount in general, I'm excited for biboo to be in more event type stuff
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My wife
does she like fish sticks?
Yeah, mine.
my fins typed this!
Blub, blub!
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me on the left.
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I wish dere wuz an orkz game so she could dakka good wit da boiz
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Oh no, she's sucked in
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Kira kira cute-seki!
Same gremlin energy
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Is that bad? I don't know what the meta is for TCG sim
It's pretty good
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Which witch is Biboo?
whichever one she is, that one is my wife
Watchalong when? Guy is kind of a fag and it's literally for children, not even zoomers, but somehow, the world building and concept were unironically intriguing.
Ludokano is a real one
she would easily get 1000usd if she stop open card packs lol
This. She barely pays the bills because she keeps on opening packs and hardly resells any high value cards because she’s hoarding them.
Just like a true card shop keeper
Someone needs to buy Biboo a 1440p monitor. Playing at 1080p with a 4090 is triggering me.
Don't think she has the internet speeds for smooth 1440p anyway
As someone who has watched people try to get Mumei to buy a new chair... good fucking luck dude. These women are stubborn.
Wait till Japan
Typically not a good idea to max out while you're also streaming and using vtuber capture software.
My wife is being a meme lord again
Why not go straight into those 4K ultrawide memes if we're talking about her 4090?
I totally thought the waowa collab was happening today, lol
They are going to play together or is Biboo backseating her missions? IIRC Biboo was pretty far in the game, can she come back to earlier levels?
I thought so too, anyway, you are never gated backwards, Monster Hunter lets you do what you want.
Just woke up. Rock status?
Biboo finally saw my picture \o/
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Yay! Congratulations broulder, you definitely cooked with that one!
Jumping for the Beef, failing even
Good morning, I Biboo
Gotcha, thank you. It's been a while since the last monhun stream so I honestly forgot about it works
Rock hard
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Damn pako went off on this one I like it
He's still going strong with that Holo love despite everything that already happened to him, respect.
Pako the GOAT
I love seeing big names giving us Biboo art, so good
>designs one of the most popular archers in fgo
>draws biboo archer
i am seen a pattern
On a scale of one to Biboo, where Biboo is the cutest thing in the entire world forever and ever, how cute is your oshi?
>no Ina or Irys for the 7dtd shit
Biboo please do some other streams besides that kusoge
Good morning, I love biboo.
Good afternoon, I adore Biboo.
Uhhh I’m gonna have to give her a Biboo out of Biboo because…Im thinking Biboo, Biboo, oo-ee-oo
I enjoy Biboos enthusiasm in SM2 even if she doesn't know what any of the stuff means.
Theres so many WH40K autists dumping lore in the VOD comments, people who are not even members
Is the fanbase even more autistic than Hollow Knight's? When she said something about God and chat spammed she was a heretic it was kinda funny but she probably realized how she needs to walk around eggshells with this game
The only thing she needs to understand is EXTREME VIOLENCE
>Is the fanbase even more autistic than Hollow Knight's?
Warhammer faggots are probably THE BIGGEST autists.
>no eye crystals
>no ear crystal
>not flat
Is this AI?
This is a fair assessment
Watch prism no mahou
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>Is the fanbase even more autistic than Hollow Knight's?
it's a brand of autism on par with sonic and my little ponies, except they pretend to be more mature
The heretic thing got old super fast. Girl can't say anything without a wave of greys shitting their pants.
Did you not hear her literally ask for chat to lore dump her before she started the game
She likes to learn, one of the best things about her.
Do a better job at pretending to be a fan
Theres a reason why she doesn't have the crystals
Our schizos are reaching self-parody levels.
Yup, I love watching her jump in with both feet first and slowly get more and more absorbed into something. DMC will always be the number one example of that
If i pound biboo then sniff her, is it the same as doing crystal meth?
Is this just more sloppa like skibidi toilet or is this an actual thing worth watching. I've seen people reference it enough that I don't think it's coordinated shilling anymore
Speaking of Ina, seems like she ran into a lot of Visa-related issues when trying to stay in Japan (she wants to move there) and she's going back home after a week
Hopefully when Biboo makes her move next year, cover got their shit together. Work visas can be a annoying to deal with, but Bae and FWMC didn't have this issue
Well FWMC didn't have that specific issue, but it still was a mess right?
Yeah but for completely different reasons
They didn't plan properly and took a long time to decide on a place.
FWMC are better planners than biboo though... She's going to get kidnapped isn't she
Just give it a try, the meme itself comes up in the first minute anyway and you can stop, now with "it" or keep watching.
I liked it but it I wouldn't tell that anyone with my real name attached...
Indeed, by a handsome ojipebble who may or may not have set up camp at Narita Airport.
They had the place already, the landlord just didn’t let them move in early.
Poor Biboo, Destined to a life of Pocket Pussy Wife for a Strong, White American Pebble with a Dick the size of her forearm...Oh well, could be worse ^^
That's subjective. They always put more than they can chew on schedules
Biboo is less organized but she knows exactly what she needs, and is right 99% of the time with her planning. Not to mention finding an apartment for a single person is easier than finding for 2
Biboo should marry me. I promise I will make her happy.
Biboo is married to me, and I make her happy every day
We know Shiori
Good luck Nerissa
You better be listening to prism magic.
You know that feeling of emptiness you get after finishing a good series? Biboos MV unironically gave me that feeling. I find myself not wanting to watch it, only listen
7DTD confirmed to start at BST+2. That gives her 2 hours if she wants to stream something short this week before joining the server
7DTD streams will be around 4-5 hours long give or take
a bit less than 2 hours, for collabs she usually ends any stream before like 15-30 minutes beforehand to prep, so that's 6-10/11 PM PT so probably nothing afterwards either
Eh I think thats more than enough streaming, she doesnt need to stream 2x like GTA.
She mostly only did the 2x thing due to when GTA was anyhow.
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This shit is completely wrong biboo
she's just too modest to put herself on the same level as Shiori
I think she's only thinking about gaming, then it makes sense
Biboo goes all out, sometimes winning big but other times she just won't reach
Shiori is more stable and consistent, still going for the best option
Nerissa immediately goes for the easy option
Fuwamoco goes for easy but somehow still fails in a hilarious way
Biboo gives off little sister energy, it triggers guys not used to her to sperg info at her and try to help.
For me it triggers the desire to protect and breed but to each their own.

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