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The Last 28 Hours Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse Subathon General!

Mouse is playing Satisfactory and plans to beat dead space today.
Tomorrow we become a real general.
Here we can discuss things related to Mouse's subathon!
Please avoid talking about chuubas other than Mouse if it isn't in the context of the subathon!

Image Source: https://x.com/Sweet_J3800/status/1843673928558096789

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/TMP89R5B

Subathon Stuff
Goals - https://pastebin.com/vA7b6XWi

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>87000236
little shit bathing with my oshi he's so lucky
Mouse when is the shower stream.
She's a bath gal.
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he gets a kiss too the smug mfer
I would accept a bath stream.
So Connor just wanted her to come on a do the grunt work until he feels like joining.
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this is what mouse has been doing for all of satisfactory
he's doing what mouse during meetings but it's not MC kek
Connor is moving in the game if you didn't notice as mouse said he is busy and can't be on call right now, she didn't need to play right now she decided to. Connor asked for the save files so he could play in his free time but you know how mouse is, she will want to play with him whenever he have time no matter the time of the day
Yeah we know she's a Connor simp.
they are both simps
mouse just exploded all over monke
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One might say they are Best Friend and Great Friend
>I just saw my October calender and I'm scared
Yeah those sub goals are never getting done.
Mousefags owe me a handjob
they never were to begin with. you’ll be lucky if she competes 2 before the end of subathon as it stands
pretty sure based on what she said she is busy until at least February at the earliest
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she’ll definitely get through things like nier, the trial game, bayoneta, all the submission forms, all the songs, all the merch which definitely isn’t dead in the water already, and so much more
Speaking of plasma, will her friend be able to visit her next year? Her progress has been really significant this year.
You’re wrong pippa is a woke whore
The way both of them have been talking makes me think that visit is coming sooner than later at this rate. But I don't want to get too hopeful.
You ever go back to check something in a vod and realize what you wanted to check was obviously cut out of the vod?
>>87072579 (me)
Tbf it was one of those things Mouse mentioned not to clip but I still find it funny.
speaking of I'm convinced one reason her vods take so long to go up is mouse requiring them to be checked for things she doesn't want to be in them
She did that already.
the point was to beat it
Nope the goal was play it.
Mods already marked it as complete
i love sending retarded tts to trauma dump on my streamer :)
Mouse didn't even make the merch for beating her 2022 goal in 2023 or the merch she wanted bubi daki
>trusting her worthless mods to maintain the list when they’ll just delete it when she makes no progress on any of the goals
yeah no thanks
I've got a backup of it.
I plan to put a list together that is only the incomplete goals, because having all the complete goals on the lists make it look more overwhelming and hard to see what still needs doing.
just do it like the others with a check or no check. having a total count is good and doesn’t make it any more confusing to look at
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happy rat
Mouse liked the message. She always says people should be more open to talking about death and the guy literally followed up with a hopeful message and praise at her bringing more awareness to the issue that cost him his brothers life. Ya'll fuckers acting like Kai fans overreacting to shit.
exactly. mouse loves hearing how her advocacy has helped people and personal stories regarding inspiration and connections
Why is it always tiktok with the most death threats. Even on twitter I only saw a few.
Fucking idiots, that's a crime to actually threaten someone, god I hope they're just really dumb kids who'll grow out of it
They should report and prosecute every one of them
she would have to let a manager do that for her, but also even if wanted to press charges I doubt a prosecutor would take the case. Also you can't really press charges anonymously
its like 3 am for me niggas several sleep pills in how yall niggas even make it
live in the same time zone mouse is awake
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Less than one day will remain when I awake. It feels so surreal that's it's almost over and no more daily pink rat. Goodnight Mousenation look forward to celebrating the quiet end to this amazing month
nigga with all these pills i feel like i see the otherworld the hatmans there and im telling him youre a fag buy mouse more subs you dark ethereal nigger
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>you doubt how much I love this factory
so close
you will never get more than mouse's I love you in chat
Didn’t connor say yesterday he couldn’t play today because he had plans?
Yes but he made time to play anyways because he is obsessed
in the evening
Based friend
he did them while playing
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oh mouse
Connor coming?
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I thought Connor only had a few hours.
he said until 6-6:30 his time I think
dead space canceled for fucking fast food simulator lmao
>I'm not going to bed until I finish Dead Space
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Man, out of the three last subathons, this one has been the best. Thank you Mouse for the great content.
I'm prefer non gaming but even I feel bad for you guys right now.
>Pussy food
saw someone say smash conyo kek
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Conyo Comida is another addition to Conyo Industries Inc. Invest now!
The second one will always have a special place in my heart purely because that first disney irl was one of my favorite streams ever. But outside of that I agree this one has been great.
Best to worst
Agreed. Also the second one was the most fun to follow /here/ as well.
I thought she was just oping it to have a quick look at it kek Dead Space bros screwed again.
We only had 16 /mouse/ threads last year. We've had signification more than that this year.
>He's mine
What did Mouse mean by this?
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she's never had a job
That's because this we've had stream backseaters, wannabe managers and hatewatchers polluting /mouse/. Last year the thread quality was better and there were more anons making useful posts. This year it was just graph anon and a few posts with timestamps.
That's not true its still been good here. We've had plenty of discussion and good post and personally I don't mind people voicing complaints or suggestions. Its been good enough that we are planning to stick around.
There were less of them before the record break.
zoochosis is where she just started dropping anything
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mouse you know exactly what people will vote
>Still chooses Dead Space
Mouse you confuse the fuck out of me.
>Continuous use of my hand
Maybe if you had done more of the non gaming that wouldn't have happened.
So is she playing dead space or not?
doesn't look like it
Fuck off tts she was talking about stuff
tbf she's apparently joining michi's collab in 2 hours so not much
particularly obnoxious as she'd talked about that a few minutes earlier
>play dead space
>no not like that
shes going for a new record of open sub goals by completing exactly none the entire week
look idgaf about dead space I'm just saying man I understand if people looking forward to it feel like they keep getting jerked around
>getting jerked by mouse
I wish.
“im not going to bed until i beat dead space”
oh nevermind
The people that watch you love you Mouse.
Fuck the haters.
Anon the moment Monke mentioned playing factory in the morning she was never finishing it. She wouldn't want to stay up like she originally was going to.
For some reason I like this model with the cape off more.
nta but it was after she started playing factory she said she would finish it before sleeping.
Pretty sure that was before he mentioned playing tomorrow but I could be wrong. Doesn't really matter anyways if you aren't used to Mouse moving stuff at this point then idk what to say.
some of you guys are so miserable
Anon I'm used to constant leg pain but I would rather it didn't happen.
Can't imagine having death threats constantly thrown at you a 1000 times daily. Even reading some of the posts here are exhausting so I don't know how she can handle it.
It's the meow no
And complaining about it every day doesn't change it just makes you a whiner.
Anon they are nothing like that same do not be that dumb. I doubt people criticizing bothers her.
So is Mouse a whiner?
People who never complain are more miserable.
you're looking to excuse your own behaviour as not being an issue because you don't want to come to terms with the fact that when she sees constant complaints /here/ (and by the timing sometimes we do know she does) it's adding to her pile of shit that she deals with from the public. we don't have to be a hugbox but complaining constantly about the same shit HOURS. EVERY. DAY. you are absolutely an asshole to her, like to the rest of us yes but we don't have the same pressure from thousands of people every day like mouse does
Anon its not all the same person different people have different complaints.
If Mouse didn't want to see complaints she would stick to her discord.
You get people unfiltered opinions here, that's not going to stop because you want to baby her.
Death threats are not even close to the same thing.
The amount of people who think twitch's rule clarification is because of Mouse getting #1 is crazy.
I've seen people suggest someone at twitch is mad she's at the top.
I swear the internet is getting dumber
Because more and more people are using it.
having a disabled woman of colour with a spotless record as your top streamer is literally the best optics possible for twitch, these people don't use their brains in the slightest
yep see you for dead space attempt 5 next year
What did I miss? I came back to chat head patting Mouse and she said something about chat is all that matters
she is going to play crime scene cleanup
your lack of empathy is unsurprising and is preventing you from understanding the very simple conclusion from what she said
>I'm feeling kind of sick (factual truth, plasma day)
>I'm sad subathon is almost over
>freaked out about my dad
anon. she doesn't want to play a depressing horror game with a bunch of little stories of npcs leaving voice logs about what they did just before they died and then you see their mangled corpse. are you this fucking dumb or are you a shitter
tiredness and built up emotions of it being the last day
Yeah I'm not on your side this time. I want her to get shit done but I get her not being in the mood to push it today. At the end of the day I still care about Mouse.
go back to vsj essayfaggot or kys, either or
and i’d like to see her complete a goal or two before the end of this scamathon instead of leaving 112 for her to ignore
Any word yet on the polls for the daki?
She exists solely for entertainment. She serves literally no other purpose.
I see. Fuck off.
it literally is
Anon I want the all the goals to happen even last years but I care about Mouse too much to be a cunt like that.
She chose Dead Space as a goal and kept stacking others. She can say it's abandoned and no one will care, the majority would love it. What anyone is sick of is her saying she will do x then wants to do y first, but decided to do a little bit of z first, then gets a TTS and wants to do a, but then all of a sudden someone sends her a message so they do b, then makes a poll for x, a, t, j. Then does f.
maybe as the face of twitch now she should try to be something other than a scammer
shes always sick to varying degrees, completing 1 goal this past week and immediately saying you’re going to collab instead is BS
haven't been to vsj in months, not going back
oh scamathon means you're a shitter, thanks for giving an easy answer for what kind of cunt you are
u got any more?
blow your brains out essayfaggot, no one will ever love you autist
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You guys are weird
Yeah he's not the same as the criticisms before he's just a shitter ignore him. I was arguing with you before (I think) but he's just a legit shitter.
Sorry Mousey, also focus on stream and not in here you big idiot
okay so I'm happy she's announcing a themed gamejam now because it means I might actually enter it next year with that much time to work on it
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You won't.
I still miss when she used to say donate plasma for a chance to be inside me kek
She got the bubi TTS working!
But will she remember to keep it working? Because I assume it is another program she has to manually run
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Good morning Mousenation. How was the stream last night. Couldn't quite tell with the threadshitter going all out
I hope whiners get papercuts between their toes
how's 1999 going, worried about y2k?
pretty chill, sponsor into mostly satisfactory with monke, into a bit of simulator and dead space
Morning. Chill stream mostly since most is having a bad pain day. Satisfactory with monke, some hilarious fast food simulator and a bit of dead space (pain got too much so she is taking a break)
They had a point before Mouse started to feel sick and sad everyone after that was just a shitter.
My only criticisms of this subathon is a lack of good moans.
I'm one of the anons from earlier that wanted her to finish Dead Space, but I'm not going to complain if she's feeling too shit to do it. /shrug
I'll moan for you anon if that'll help make up for it
If it sounds as good as Mouse's sure but something tells me it won't.
You could argue that one reason people are complaining today when she is not feeling well is because she pushed it off multiple days when she was feeling fine. One day of sickness does not negate the plenty of other days she was okay. However those previous issues does not mean anons aren't still being assholes for complaining today while she is feeling like crap.
this. imagine you have a friend you want to hang out with. time after time you ask to hang and they have an excuse that they need to do something else that you know doesn't have to happen that day. then on a day you think you will finally get the chance they end up being sick. sure you would feel horrible for being annoyed at them when they are sick but at the same time you still feel a bit resentful for being ignored multiple times in a row before that.
Mouse has done this for years. She's a go with the flow type streamer. Either accept it and don't have expectations for specific content or get filtered and don't let the door hit yeah on the way out.
Anon the only person who was still complaining after she said she was sick and sad was the shitter
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this guy created an account and followed just to be banned in seconds... I guess mouse doesn't have email or phone verification activated
woah. this is like the first time i've seen this.
maybe finish some goals before planning another subathon and not leaving 200+ goals open mouse
>Depends on the stuff I have pending
Does that mean she wants to get all the goals done before the next subathon.
Yes please Mouse I want that cpr cover.
I think the only thing she has is the 10 minute follower restriction.
lol no she means whenever her regular plans for collabs stop interfering
Could you imagine what it would have been like if she didn't
kys and it will happen
it wont happen no matter what he does
Yeah, same. I do hope she tries to finish it and do some of the other game goals after she comes back but I'll live either way.
Even the making a VShojo house in Sims one might be kino, I doubt it will be anywhere near as horny as the time Nyan did it though.
Bit harsh for just wanting something from a goal.
I would also like this cover.
no hate for the vtuber but unironically what percentage of her viewerbase do you guys think are gooning while watching her, I'd wager a good 20-35%

also, funny how a real woman couldn't get subs like this but a virtual one can, I hope pokimane seething at that
>hateful statement
>no hate
Teenage girl talk.
Probably about right but who cares that not the main reason people watch her its just a bonus.

>I hope pokimane seething at that
Poki is a friend of Mouse and she might be able to if she did a subathon.
What is wrong with you?
this reads like those first time chatter
why is it so hard to understand that people can like a streamer that happens to be a woman the same way they like a streamer that happens to be a man? You don't see that about no cam male streamers yet normies lose their composure when they see an anime avatar
Looks like Bubi is reading resub messages too
Vshojo pussy
Well that is Mouse not waking up with enough time to do anything tomorrow.
>entire night of satisfactory
>more satisfactory in the morning
>even more satisfactory when they both wake up
>entire week has been hours and hours of satisfactory
make it stop for at least a day jesus
The guy is fucking addicted and Mouse cannot say no to him so here we are
Anyways if it wasn't satisfactory it would have been her getting addicted to TGC simulator game
they’re playing more later today too so any hope of anything else happening tomorrow is shot until the 1 hour of karaoke at the end (until she says shes too sick and cancels that too)
Will she take a stand against the new rules?
Welp she's literally just gonna wake up at midnight this time lol
She woke up early because of the sponsor so she's barely hanging right now
No Mouse is a pussy and they are not new.
/mouse/ should close and reopen for special events.
Otherwise we'll just have these new whiney boys all day long.
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holy tourist
here's your (you)
I say just do the same as /999/ just bake one only when she streams
We polled and we are going to try staying this conversation has already happened.
Its you again huh?
You should buy a chair.
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>virtual concert
>limited slots
Date night are special for them
Mouse when you redo your twitter stuff, banner and profile it would be a perfect time to add the nsfw tag so that art goes in the right place.
AMA her about the nsfw tag
I started to feel this flutter in my chest a couple of weeks ago.
Then I realized it gets more intense when the witch smiles.
I am actually concerned, but it would be embarrassing to go to a doctor and be told that I'm not physically sick.
Let her have it it's a rare occasion i only remember this happening 2 times with crab champion and palworld. She already had a sucessful subathon now she can finally chill, it's also helping distract her from her dad problems she's been happy and in a good mood. Also she can't complain anymore about him playing too much with ludwig he's spending all his free time with her.
Do any generals do any events or things to get people involved with?
do you mean like divegrass or those racing and wwe events?
I guess but like specific to 1 general although I'm not really interested in those.
I don't really know what I want just something to get people involved.
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Its always the same clippers with the shit clickbait
It’s also helpful that monke can easily distract her and make her laugh, just like earlier when her bones were hurting
>twitch anti-vtuber drama
Is the clipper dumb enough to believe it or are they smart enough to exploit other's gullibility
the closest thing I can think of is, at least in /vsj+/, some anons used to prepare birthday cards, asking for small images or edits to put in them, like this one: https://x.com/vsjkkanon/status/1702127510639493397
I mean Asianbunnyx gets to be nearly naked with her ass on 1/3rd the screen cuz she has a blow up pool in the BG of her home? But vtubers can't show thigh, VRC women can basically strip and perform lap dances simply because it's VRC? Yeah most Vtubers think it's targeting Vtubers
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You're an easy mark
>Asianbunnyx gets to be nearly naked
Vtubers can do this too as long as they also use " Pools, Hot Tubs, and Beaches" which is how Zen has also done this https://twitchtracker.com/zentreya/games/116747788
>vtubers can't show thigh
Flesh women get targeted by twitch more than vtubers do for this, you're falling for the frequency illusion because you don't watch flesh women, just check @streamerbans and scroll for a while counting how many vtubers vs fleshies you see
That stuff is weird, but it's not anti-vtuber, twitch treats vtubers the same as if they're flesh, not as if they're a video game character
How many tier 3 sub?
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0, I only watch vtubers too, but I understand how things work
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The hip and underboob rules are retarded for vtubers. If there is no threat of nip slip it shouldn't be against the rules. Not sure why people believe vtubers and fleshing have to follow the exact same rules.
If that's the reasoning behind the underboob ban then I fully agree.
I agree hips and underboob being tos is ridiculous.
Mouse just because you lean forward and hide you mouth under the covers doesn't mean it isn't obvious you have turned your tracking off. In fact it makes it more obvious.
I would talk shit but I enjoy it and my dumbass has over 600hrs in this game and I have been enjoying them play it.
It is. The wierdest thing is that Vtubers are the safest version VRC avatars that you get from worlds can be NSFW, Flesh can actually slip, Vtubers have to choose and even then someone like Mel who does have an NSFW version also has a SFW version of her model to avoid it which is why I find the rules stupid and then on top of it you got >>87096802
this type of cope that it isn't targeted just because twitch CHOOSES to selectively enforce differently between the three when they say its universal

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