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da beaver returns(?) tonight

>Latest & Upcoming
7 Days to Die with HoloEN: Wed 6 PM PST, waiting for waiting room
Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxK6r2LC00TNlB7tBkjVe1MVkDWX_mMI6z
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

>Recent Stream:
Fallout New Vegas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fLNpUBoHTI
Unarchived karaoke can be found here: >>86914123

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>87000812
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excited for tonight's 7dtd with gigi!
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gigi's bag on kiara's stream
was pretty convincing at the start with the chiikawa stuff, but then the genshin ship on the charging block...
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gigi is a lot more feminine than I expected
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She is so cute!
The airtag, chiikawa bandaid, and cough drop quickly gave it away
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Well, I was wrong about Gigi being too shy. Super cute stuff that she has.
i had a feeling when i saw the cough drops lol. she's so girly and cute. air pogs got a laugh out of me
I know we all like to joke about Gigi being a smelly fujo, but the reality is she likely takes decent care of herself and is plenty feminine.
>Takes care of herself
>Won't stop playing League when told the house is on fire

I'm not sure...
To be fair, the house fire incident was around a decade ago, IIRC. People grow up and mature.
Gigi only played League hardcore till season 3, that was ages ago
we know from her hip window that she doesn't wear underwear. she has bandaids in her bag. I like where this is going.
finding out there's a schedule two days after it was posted only because i checked /gigi/, what the hell youtube. i hate missing stuff like this, only got a youtube notification about her members post saying teen wolf but not the one with a schedule
>her members post saying teen wolf
don't leak members posts, even if you do leak them incorrectly.
>micro fiber
glasses? gigi in glasses is so cute
I predict GG and CC will (try to) separate themselves and group with different people since they played this together already. Do I like it? No. But I’m placing 2 Gigicoins on it happening.
They will probably do what they did during ENreco and only get together on one of the 7 days so that they can get more interaction with other members.
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>Being surprised Gigi is a girly girl
I for one already knew this and not because of dox shit and more so by the way she carries herself on stream. She may have brain rot but underneath that is a girl who wants (me) to date her.
weird, I don’t remember typing this
i wasn't attempting to directly quote it, just wasn't thinking because it's easy to reference a two word post by just saying the two words. i hate that there's no way to get around youtube not sending notifications unless i happen to see the post somewhere else or randomly check the community tab
That’s highly likely, is how it when in general on ENReco, with that in mind, then I think they will start with new characters rather than continue with the ones they had before
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The real seller is the Pink Bean keychain. Basically no one in EN has talked about Maplestory except her. I love it!
She is so cute and girly, sad we couldn’t get a vague idea of her Bag appearance, but that make sense considering how paranoid she is
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Is almost Gigi time! Sadly, today is not a normal Gigi day
a grim reminder that I must wait longer for my Gigi today
A grem reminder*
4 hours and 45 minutes left to wait...
how will i cope
Can anyone recognize the characters on the charging block?
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4 hours and 28 minutes, i dont how how much longer i can cope grems
it's alheithem and kaveh from genshin
I'm three episodes into s2 this is so stupid
Listen to half of September 21. Or nap so you are awake for 8 hours of 7D
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One more and you will catch up with the rest of us in the stupidity!
My dear grem, YT doesn't send out notifications for regular community posts, only mem posts
>no makeups
Gigi is a natural beauty and doesn’t use makeup to fake it. She’s actually more tomboyish than I thought.
massive asian girl vibes from this one
seems so stupid that there's not an option for that man.. how do the regular community posts get so many likes then, are all these people regularly checking her community tag? or does it get recommended in their youtube feed or something
She mentioned that any money for makeup and clothes goes to gacha
Considering it's under/paired with the mirror, I'm guessing she uses it to clean the mirror surface
People use the youtube app and see the posts on their home tab
Teen wolg
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CC’s bag in contrast. So much junk
Community posts show up under the subscriptions tab in the app.
>no mirth
>no whimsy
>ancient necronomicon
bleh. glad i picked the right oshi
>sanrio merch
So she's mentally ill?
all women are
You're just now finding this out?
gigi's probably sleeping soooo good right now
they won't let you be a vtuber if you aren't
Popo time!
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The majority of people use YT primarily on mobile, where community posts appear in their feed. Those who don't still likely use the app at some point and will see the posts then
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frame up!

Da parkour god
Not sure what she means with that, but glad she is doing great!
This anon goes for the chicken and fails.
parkour civilization is some zoomer minecraft video that became a meme
chicken = playing it safe
beef = high risk high reward
she's so unfathomably silly, it's unreal
Anon, it's a hint. She will do ULTRAKILL to every other member
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Justice only 7DTD? LET'S GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry anon, it is because Gigi has all the Justice girls always tagged on her streams, that’s why it always shows the four of them, but worry not Raora and Ceci will be there, I don’t think ERB will join
Fuwamoco has Raora and CC tag too.
But yeah I mean it's WAY too late for them. I doubt they will be there
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I know anon, it was jork. For some reason the official Holo schedule always has the 4 of them for Gigi's streams.
what do rosarians even look like?
whatever you want them to look like
Gigi is so fucking cute. Real gf/wife material. God I LOVE HER. I'M OBSESSED WITH HER
Wait why did you blur out the Pink Bean keychain?
thumbnail fixed
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no nose
it's too fuckin gay
she's doing the onions face
Cute Gigi!
Ey fuck you, I like Pink Bean.
I started her old 7D2D series with CC earlier to try to get caught up before tonight and it's simply peak
Haven't even finished the first video and it's probably my favorite gameplay stream I've seen from her
Hello Gremurins, I like your Oshi a lot
>t. Takodachi
thank you so much for saying! i hope our oshis are able to collab again soon. wishing you well in these troubling times
enjoy it, the whole series is VERY silly
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TY takobro, I loved watching your oshi during GTA and rabbit and steel with Gigi, also hoping Ina can come back to streaming pretty soon! also it's grems not gremurin heh
What's your favorite thing about her? For me its her sweaty spats after she's been thinking about Sandalphon all day.
just messing with you. it was from kiara's recent stream where she slowly unblurred the image and you have to guess who's stuff it is
the beef is only marginally better though, which is why the risk is barely worth it. but gigi will take on any challenge
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So Ceci's drunk sekiro stream on Saturday will be 3 hours earlier than GG's... hmm... I wonder who could show up.
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Gigi also has a stream that day and well, she isn’t the type of person that shows up uninvited, it is possible, but I wouldn’t have my hopes that up
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just under 40 minutes to go!
probably will just show up for the last few minutes at most
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She's so delicious....
I'm that anon. I took the screenshot before Kiara unblurred everything. My bad.
is popo saving us or killing us
Gotcha. I haven't had a chance to watch the stream proper and I forgot she did that in the previous ones.
Yeah I was saying that because she showed up for every single one of the drunk sekiro streams I think, might be wrong about this so there's a good chance she might show up even if only near the end of CC's stream. Either way I'm not expecting anything, will just be pleasantly surprised if it happens, we'll see
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Gigi cute! starting!!
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it is now gigi time
>I think, might be wrong about this
There was one where Gigi was streaming at the same time and Raora offered support instead (she was not as effective)
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Sad Gigi is so fucking cute, grems
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She sure is, Grem. She sure is.
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I feel a dangerous power emanating from the Shiori+Gigi duo...
made me check to see if the shamwow guy was actually dead
also just found he's an israeli
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Why is she like this
i don't know but it's hilarious

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