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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87087254
the cutest criminal
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I will catch her...
Honestly in some way I feel like joking about this entire situation because of how retarded it is, on the other hand I really miss Ina a lot and hope she feels ok right now.
I think ina is mostly annoyed by the situation and perhaps her family trip home was planned with this in mind beforehand.
But i think ina can see the humor in it too, especially since she played papers please as a joke/protest
A tweet from a cute hag OL at cover would help me feel better right about now
She will be back soon...
I'll be able to laugh a lot easier once we have a better idea of how much damage has been done.
I'm going to be so mad if the rest of her year or worse is fucked.
I have my fingers crossed that it was just this week, but there's no way of knowing until she gets home.
Japanese I see, japanese I kill. Eat this!
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Same. I'm worried that it'll take forever to fix and mess up her 3d live plans. If so, I'll have to take matters into my own hands
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God that's hot. About time she atoned for her sins!
This situation is so stupid. I hope Ina can laugh about it once it's all resolved.
Hopefully this week was mainly 7dtd without many recordings. I really want to see her 3d live and see her in the end of year countdown live.
Cover better throw her a massive bone to make up for this.
Herro Takorachis, it is me, Ninomae Inaris. Prease do not behead the innocent japanesu fax machine man, he did nothing wlong.
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Hey, why don't you come with me to answer some questions
What if Ina was getting mad at chat for pointing out the criminals because she relates to them!?
Ina today?
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I miss Ina
>Ina can't be in 7 days whatever
>Irys abstained from 7 days whatever
>Bae also cancelled 7 days whatever

Are they...?
They are.... Sisters. Not lovers though.
Sisters can have sex with each other though
it's funny to see people still using the overlay
In a better world Ina would've been my wife...
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Ina has strong allies in this war against management... she is not alone... even Gura joined in solidarity abstaining from streaming
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Takos unhinged states?
doing ok, helps that I wasnt that hyped for 7days since its a shit game.
Going to take a shit and then continue my reps. Have been making decent progress the last few days
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Missing my Ina...
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Cute Ina!
I am a bit worried, Ina seems kinda green today. Hope its not an alergic reaction.
Ina isn't much of a hater.
Ina back already!??? God you guys had me worried for nothing
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I can't believe Ina was about to do a MW2 reference on a japanese airport but she got stopped... she sent me a text saying "일본어는 안돼"
catch anything? im going again tomorrow
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when Ina doesn't stream I stop being Ryan Gosling and become Patrick Bateman
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>Purple skies above florida
What did Ina do
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It is time...
what the fuck that's so scary
Takotime... finally...
>ocean gate oopsie
>orange man bullet dodge
>japan stock yab
I swear everytime Ina takes a break we get a world-class happening
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Probably make for a good soundpost
Just needs a really loud "WAH" with reverb
Really miss her
Maybe if I have time tomorrow I'll throw my shitty adobe skills on it
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Hey, I kinda am catching up, what is exactly happening with Ina?
Some trouble with her visa, she cannot make any public appearances while she is still in Japan for now, she will be visiting home some time next week
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Violet or meconopsis while there are screams and explosions in the background
i cant decide if i actually want kumomane to tweet something as a proxy for her or if i'd rather just wait to hear from her directly once shes home...
kuromane should tweet about what Ina is eating
kuromane should tweet about what Ina is masturbating to
Im bout to kum on mane
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kumomane reveal
Kumomane should tweet her nudes
Female staff lewds is the least cover can do for fucking over Ina
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Kumomane tell Ina i miss her pls
The fuck? But she's been there multiple times. It couldn't have expired, right?
She hasn't stayed this long before. They were probably counting on extending the trip when the visa came though, but for whatever reason it was delayed or denied so she has to go back home as planned.

I remember Kiara had a similar issue in the first year or two of myth.
gloved fingering is hot
Ina molesting kumomane while she's trying to tweet
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original is in japanese, idk if I believe it but it's kinda nice to read comments like this one
I feel like there have been more JPniki in the comments of both EN streams and under some clips recently. Maybe its a consequence of HoloGTA and all the crossbranch interactions in it?
It kinda makes me smile, not in a mocking but in the good way. To think a crippled japanese man/woman is kinda depressed at home, sees inas dopey smile, sees her crash the heli, drive a cartoonesque car and then they think "you know, life aint so bad"
Now that I think about it she also did the same to me
reeks of women in here
I like women, they smell nice
wash your poon
I miss Ina from HoloGTA
>kinda depressed at home, sees inas dopey smile, sees her crash the heli, drive a cartoonesque car and then they think "you know, life aint so bad"
Literally me

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