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planet craftin'

>Latest & Upcoming
Planet Crafter with Nerissa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7oOm0pb7Vg

Schedule: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHABijvPBnJm7F-KlNME3w/community?lb=UgkxK6r2LC00TNlB7tBkjVe1MVkDWX_mMI6z
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

>Recent Streams:
7 Days to Die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hltwe1EGFJA
Unarchived karaoke can be found here: >>86914123

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

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Previous: >>87103709
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gi murin
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I love love love Gigi!
Well, well, Grems, can you defend yourselves against an Otomo?
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Grems are one of the most durable creatures on earth. We live in a crammed shoebox that reeks of urine and thinks nothing of it. We can tolerate extreme amount of stress and abuse (do you remember?) We have been shown repeatedly we can endure DA BEAVER’s bite and shrug it off like nothing. Our offensive capabilities might be limited but we are virtually indestructible as long we have our Gigi.
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why is she inciting violence against us? we're tight with otomos. i'd say a grem would win, especially the fatter ones. we're pretty much lizards, if you've seen lizards fight. otomos just look like harmless toys to me
Kiara: "I feel so safe around Gigi, she's like hardcore heheh"

Fauna: "Yeaaah, right *blush"

Gigi: hheheheheh

Grems are durable and our tails are pretty powerful. Think Ankylosaurus. We can also recover from damage because we're flesh and blood. Otomos are wind-up toys. Get a good smack in on an otomo and they'll crack, break or simply fall apart and need to be repaired. Grems win.
Otomos are just giant plastic barbies. Their cheap plastic melt under the sun like their oshi. They run on a winding gear so they have no endurance. They are often shown riding vehicles or jet pack, proving their actual mobility is subpar. They are a literal ball, so if you tip them down they might not even be able to get up like a turtle on its back. Grems win this hard.
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Gigi is an ikemen tomboy.
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i like gigi, she makes me smile even though i'm tired
>why is she inciting violence against us?
Cecilia has made it clear from early on that she's an Advent plant. She's a villain.
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it is now gigi time
Grems can literally be of any size, Gigi said so. You just need a building sized Grem to crush an Otomo like a pancake.
my sweet Gigi is here. I hope Nerissa doesn't try and molest her, the dirty slut.
>sitting on her lap
This means Gigi's tail is either tucked down between Nerissa's thighs or wrapped around her waistline.
Gigi seriously has incredible rizz. First it was CC, then Ame, then Fauna and Kiara, and now she's sitting on Nerissa lap. Her Chad energy could solve the energy crisis without carbon emissions.
when Gigi talks, it doesn't matter what she's saying, I just feel happy. Is there a name for this. phenomenon?
murinium. i feel it too
>filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.
>obsessively concerned with something.
this makes sense to me. i imagine this is probably what religious people experience when they think of their god(s)
I believe this is called gremming..?
this is also what i imagine swifties feel whenever taylor opens her mouth
I just tuned in what the fuck are they talking about
veggie tales
they understand each other
gigi's womb mentioned
They're going to get matching womb tattoos.
i will fertilise her womb. she will lay many healthy eggs.
She's just so American...
I always find it funny when they try to play the “Child” role with Gigi, not sure if Nerissa can out freak Gigi
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Reminder that Grems have Jetpacks, I don’t think any other Justice fan rep has them
collab kino or cringe?
What's the lore on jetpacks?
lore: we have them
Not very good, but not cringe. Nerissa struggles to talk and play the game at the same time and in general isn't a great collab partner. Gigi cute though, so there is that
the most important thing is that the chattini will never be allowed to have jetpacks
gigi is great at drawing out the best in people its good so far
better than rissa collab with ceci already. not to shit on ceci at all, but rissa was practically mute in that collab, whereas with gigi they're bantering so good. i'm eating it up
fking losers lol
can a grem with a jet pack hold on to a chattini when it's flying, like a Buzz Lightyear holding Woody at the end of Toy Story kind of thing?
probably not
If not, then Raora truly is a tyrant. Poor Chattini. They should be like us Grems who are crammed into a shoebox with only pee pads and cold Pineapple pizza.
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Only because Raora won’t let them, if it was up to Gigi they would be flying by now
Chattini are fat fucks, no chance
As a fister, will she do classic fist of the north star watch along one day?
I mean, Mussolini is the inventor of modern fascism, and Raora is also Italian... It's in her blood.
I like it.
The chatino are cringe and they need control, just like the italians in the old days.
I love how she pronounces Yaoi as Yawee
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It was already known but this once again cements how great of a collab partner Gigi is. She really can make any collab work. I love this gremlin
The CC-Narissa collab was very cringe, but GG always find a way with introverted people.
i'm actually so hype to see gigi expound on all the cringe comedy in teen wolf with nerissa and see them both laugh at all the cringe
It's true. She's taking what would otherwise be a below average collab to above average. This gremlin can work wonders
wow not a Nerissa watcher.. but she really struggles talking and playing at the same time. Is that always the case?
In terms of power Grems>>>Otomos>>>Chattini
Yes she can't not multitask and she gets very flustered very easily. She's the type of person who plays a game for the first time and will follow a guide the whole way through.
Yeah she's not very coordinated and isn't the brightest bulb to begin with so multitasking is tough for her
look at that fat fuck
>can't not
Minus the double negative.
That guy: Me
is nerissa, you know...
my wife's friend? yes.
A little stupid? Yes.
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true, and cute art
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An uninteresting, dumb bimbo? oh definitely
Oh no she's kissing her now
holoEN is gigi's harem
is there anyone she can't seduce? though i guess Nerissa is an easy target
are there aliens in this game
>Will laugh at every dumb joke that you throw at her.
>Is a gamer and will carry you if you are struggling
>Is competent enough at puzzle solving.
>High social and emotional intelligence.
>"Yes, and?" incarnate.
She is an ideal collab partner in my opinion.
off the top of my head, gura didn't seem to like gigi from what i saw in enreco. but that's almost entirely due to gura being highly introverted. and then i guess ina seems to view gigi neutrally
Wish she was playing 7 days to Die instead
DESU the only person Gura really likes is Fauna.
>off the top of my head, gura didn't seem to like gigi from what i saw in enreco
Well, Gigi WAS trying to steal her girl.
Anon just because Ame graduated doesn't mean she never existed
!! I forgot that was happening again. I only watch GG/CC mostly, so I spaced it. Yeah, would have been more interesting
I didnt know Nerissa was so uninteresting in her yap game :( I've only ever experienced her in Collabs, and even that has been sparingly. She seemed alright in those (Party Animals, Enreco).

Gigi's def having to try harder with her compared to other collab partners. Just seems like Nerissa can't follow up with jokes/fun banter
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I want to see a magical girl transformation of Gigi. Even if it was her regular outfit, it would be cool
Her entertainment potential has a direct correlation with how much she genuinely cares about something. It's fun listening to her yap about shit she actually cares about. If it's not something she cares about you can tell she struggles. It's also the difference between a 2 hour stream and a 10 hour stream.
Literally who is Gura?
She likes Kronii
I don't want to be mean to Nerissa but she's really boring to watch. You could mute Nerissa and Gigi would have a more entertaining stream just talking to chat.
Hololive equivalent of the happy meal
So something that used to be great but sucks now?
Grems I think we have guests.
something that has to stay kid friendly and never changed or else it ruins the brand's image
not very accurate. you can still buy a happy meal. She's more like the McRib, though I heard that's coming back so maybe even that isn't right.
nerissa antis are one of the more aggressive forms of cancer
I was thinking about how the happy meal couped Ronald as company mascot, but that works too.
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>kid friendly
ill be mean for you
>Is boring and has to piggyback from her family and fellow genmates in streams
>is cancerous when speaking to her mother and sounds like a spoiled child
>doesnt have a personality other then lesbaiting
>turns watchalong streams into a spoiler shitfest
you are so obsessed with her
If you aren't obsessed, then are you really a fan?
Unless Nerissa has changed she usually cuts streams at the hard 2 hour mark so just hold on. Gigi is good regardless so could be worse
>turns watchalong streams into a spoiler shitfest
I've only watched her shrek musical watchalong because Mumei was there but I didn't get the impression that she was spoiling it? Maybe just because most people are familiar with Shrek's plot I didn't notice.
believe me i dont watch her solo streams
that anon is just an anti, don't reply
I never watched her before, but hey, I'll take her.
it was minor stuff like: theres going to be three fionas.
same thing happened in the LotR watchalong
Why would anyone hate Nerissa? She's kinda baka, but not enough to hate her, idk
Pretty sure it's ambivalence coupled with hyperbole, amplified by people who like to cry about antis.
sisters took her existing personally
They want her so bad lmao
Nta but she's hard to like that's for sure. Not worth hating on though
i like rissa because she reminds me of my late sister, but i don't really watch her much
Feminine hands writing these posts.
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Does this count as a Jeangi?
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sorry for your loss, grem. have a cute Gigi
if i had to guess, i'd say her haters come from people trying to oshi her but become disillusioned with how she doesn't conform to their fantasies.
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thank you grem! i'm at peace with it now, but i appreciate it
Tail doko
If that type of person exists, they should kts
Something that my alcoholic mother used to buy me to keep me happy but eventually stopped caring to do even that at that point
That's like 90% of the antis the remaining are just trolling.
I just noticed Gigi is *in* Nerissa's lap and not *on* it
she inserted her tail for a more comfortable sitting experience.
They are getting along really well.
it was a bit of a slow start, but now i feel rissa is more comfortable and they have a nice groove going
Yeah, Gigi has done a good job of dragging Nerissa out of her shell this stream. She had to work really hard for it though.
they didi it!
They did it!
gigi wants to see rissa's bush
It seems like it will be over soon, not that unexpected of a first collab, unless Gigi manages to hook Nerissa a bit more
that ass is grass
there isn't any grass
They got a golden “Rocket”!!
she's got the space madness :(
alright this stream is kino
It seems like Gigi managed to hook Nerissa for a bit more
the power of grass
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Cringe kino
I love Gigi’s gloves. I don’t know what it is. I love her nails, the way they contrast with the gloves, I love how small her hands look compared to the poofy jacket sleeves. They’re just really pretty and I like them a lot.
I assume this is all for Gigi today, I would be really surprised if she joins for a bit of 7dtd
I'm Gigi's darling, she said so.
they mean me btw. I'm darling
I wrote these posts.
my crops...
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Did you all hear that? She said bye to me. Her darling.
8 when i saw the grass
5. Going to bed.
Not sure if I should go to sleep or if Gigi will show up on 7dtd
fuck helene
Gi night grems
7. happy to see the wife. been feeling really good lately thanks to her. really enjoyed the colab. very comfy and a funny ending
I know Gigi is definitely not streaming 7D2D, but I hope she still makes an appearance. She did imply that she would show up, but she didn't seem very certain.
gi night grem! *slaps ur ass*
Is ok Grem, at least we have each other in the shoebox
awww precious
>Their dynamic is the other way around.
Doesn’t matter, she is the baby
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gigi's on the 7d server!
Ceci and Gigi are that one popular ship that never really materialized
she's alive. well at least until the zombies get her
>gg only joined to loot the raid rewards
>that never really materialized
When they have offcollab sex in Japan that'll be plenty material.
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Gigi finally arrive just as the horde was fought off and took all the credit. Classic Gigi!
Gigi cute!
Which POV for Gigi? I am not seeing her much in Shiori's
nah you see upon her arrival the horde knew it no longer had a chance and thus they chose to end the raid
I guess Fauna or beebs
Gigi raided Fauna's POV, so I'm watching that.
it's over so soon...
Seems Gigi came in too late to do much. That's a shame. Not much Murinium from 7D2D today.
she was at the other house so no one saw her
gigi missed the 1st raid :(
bet she's gonna grind off camera like she did in enreco
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i was hoping that a couple of them would stay up for an hour or so to play with gigi
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Biboo is moving to Japan, I wonder about what Gigi told us once that she could also consider doing that, I would really miss the usual Gigi time…
dont they shut off the server when theyre done streaming?
oh... that's a shame for gigi then
>Biboo is moving to Japan
Depends what you want to do. It's a lot easier to do 3d related things if you don't want to take flights every other month.
work. cover has no base in the states so any and all 3d events they'd have to fly to japan then home
Sadly, there is no way to prevent the days from moving forward, so if Gigi did that, time would continue while everyone is gone, meaning everyone else would have less time to prepare for the next raid.
yeah i forgot about the time mechanics. that's a shame, would've liked to see gigi play around for a while longer
she is literally explaining it right now
>easier to do 3d events/collabs
>far more collabs
>wants to do "idol stuff" and train in singing and dancing
Why not? She has friends there, doesn't have to deal with the actual work environment, more opportunities for studio use, will pick up the language faster
Idol duties and journey, I guess is easier there since there is no base anywhere else
did biboo mention anything about changing her usual stream time? streaming at JST would be retarded
It'd be tough to do her usual long game streams at her usual times. So either shorter streams, or time changes. Same thing happened with FWMC when they moved from Canada.
She plans on sticking to her time
Gi night Grems, take care
gi night grem!
she's gonna stream at 8AM JST which is the same as now
so did FWMC
I can't speak for them but Biboo did a decent job managing her streams when she was there for months recording
And they still do
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Gigi sure is making a name for herself. Can't wait for her to yap about this the next time she streams.
it's still their "default" time but streams at that hour are often canceled in favor of streams at JP hours or studio duties, and they basically have a hard 2hr stream cap for that slot now
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Excited to hear her talk about it
Holy shit! I just found this, and it was so good I had to share it!

just saw that today too. liked it, but wish it included a knight's wish as well. most fanworks don't include it
They already did a lot of work, so if they don't do a part 2, I'd understand. However, it definitely deserves a second part if this creator has the energy and passion to do it.
Am I too weird for wanting to compile every single time Gigi has talked about Gigimama? The more I hear the more I relate
yeah but do it anyway
nah i'd say that's normal if you have a similar relationship with your mom. i had a more chill mom, so i just think it's funny
I think I might tired, I read that as Gintama
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Is she safe to handle like that? Does she bite?
impossible to predict, she might curl up and purr and go to sleep or she might eat your fingernails
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What's on her mind?
Tell me if you decide to do it and give updates so I can find it later
watermelon or fruit
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>she might curl up and purr and go to sleep
Why does she look so cute here? It's like she's pleading with the grems to give her little treats, look at them puppy eyes.
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why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

What's on her mind? - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D

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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
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Cute Gigi
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