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Thread #423
Previous: >>86945074
haggots pls identify yourselves if you can or are willing to bake....this merchant has been busy and tired the past days...
I could do it sometimes, but not regularly. I've been pretty busy with college. Some days I might not be able to.
We're both busy with college.... why couldn't I have been born earlier
Two questions, what's your major and also how do you plan on searching for hags after you graduate
>if you can
>are willing to
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Uuuuh Darling Daily Dose
your hagwife may be disappointed in you for this...
Luna is a hag?
the OP is right there anon...
I'm surprised about the revelation.
Highschool girls, self procalimed 17 year olds, even babies can be hags time have changed
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I bake pretty regularly I was just going to sleep so wouldn't have been able to bump.
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Cute Pol!
My major is political science. I have no idea how I'm going to meet older women. I've never even dated before.
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How much would you pay for Mio's magic rock?
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a lot!
but the real question is. would you buy Subaru's pijama?
Only if it was unwashed and ziplocked.
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why would you do this to yourself
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>political science
forget meeting women, you're not gonna meet a job
when Marine laughs like this she sounds like a 40 year old wine aunt and it makes me very confused
>the hag sounds like a hag
what's there to be confused about?
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Likely the second oldest in the company and she's been on the internet in some form or fashion since there was an internet.
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>azki and soraz on the video bg
I dont remember this perfomance
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made for correction and ban from esports
Get her pregnant and she'll be too busy to organise tournaments.
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No one that knows COBOL is under 40.
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Luv me some Lui
Based Lui lover.
I plan on going to law school, so it's probably ok. Political science is one of the most common majors for law school applicants. But yeah if I don't get in I'll have a problem. It is what it is though.
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Based walking atm.
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>Finishing a career to enter another career
Anon... Just go to law school...
10 FOOT!?
theres not enough vtuber vore content honestly
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We really don't need. Gentle giant love is better
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That's a guy though
The only thing I want her to swallow is my cum. I want to be smothered by a big ladies breasts while we cuddle.
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cute boy
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I assume you aren't American? Maybe it works differently in your country, idk, but I have to graduate from college to go to law school.
doesn't help that the lyrics I posted don't match
it was just the first botan webm I saw
Yeah, I'm not a burger. really? that's pretty retarded, but I guess the Education system in the US is a dumb. Here you can study whatever. I actually dropped law school on the first year and ended up chasing IT
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im sorry but these glasses? Instant diamonds
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this fucking jew auctioned off convenience food with her allowance from her mother
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I'd bid everything for the allowance alone.
how much do I have to give to Pekora for Pekomama sex

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