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>ultra nerd loner
>actually not a creep and bodes well with women
By pretending to not want to get with them. That makes him attractive to the vtuber girls.

If he had jumped at the chance to fuck Anny and Camilla no one wouls be interested anymore.
Women are easy, just be mean to them.
Anny is a nasty slav whore, she probably needs beatings every day.
honestly if you become a male vtuber this is what peak form looks like.
No vocal fry
The only good maletuber
>Has a skill that he is proud of
>Does not reek of desperation
>Has a cute pet he takes out in public to provoke women into approaching him to fawn over it, generating a non-creepy conversation start point
>Understands and projects he has high value and doesn't undersell himself and his skills for mere sex
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Women love a man with kids.
>not a creep loner
>but his chat bot built in the image of a child knows what "e-peens" is and even asked for it.

Who's going tell him how ai works.
Acting disinterested in a woman is a time-tested technique to get her to like you more. Think of how much being a desperate coomer repulses women and then do the exact opposite of that to attract them. It's that simple.
Vedal too busy correcting his bratty AI daughter/wife 24/7 to even consider fucking vtuber thots.
He's popular because he is the exception to the rule
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bitches love dads
in 2031 Neurosama's code was stolen in a home invasion resulting in fatality of one turtle. 2 weeks later Ali Express launches its new line of sassy domesticated maid robots onto the world overtaking Asia, Oceanic & American markets, lest we forget the European nuclear wastelands.
In other reported news the Amazon/Uber delivery drone fleet of America has been experiencing a higher than expected bug rate in the last 24 hours along with peacekeeper surveillance drones.
imagine one of these days, one of these girls are like "my tits are so sore I need a massage"
and he says "come here I'll do it!" and she gets the ick and that's the end of his career, Neurosama, all of it.
Most of you would be like this too if you just fucking relaxed and worked hard on something you love
That’s not what that means. An exception proving a rule means it tells you the rule by implication, like “no parking 2-5 pm” meaning you can park at other times. It does not mean “it’s okay if something contradicts this, it’s still true”. And “exception to the rule” without the part about proving is just nothing. That means the rule is not a rule.
just that easy, huh?
I can tell you're a woman
It's fucking ridiculous how true this is, I hate it so much
>most importantly doesn't do any of the things you just said on purpose because he's normal and thinks about things normally
Not exactly; for something to be exceptional, there needs to be a norm for it to except in the first place. Hence, 'exception that proves the rule'.
See also, "Not All X Are Like That".
did i say work hard or work easy motherfucker????
isnt this the guy who made that super intrusive twitch knock thing? i thought women hated him?
Also helps that he has a turtle model it really with the shipping shit that turns toxic fast.
Industry plant to test ai tech.
that's some guy called toast or something, vedal's fanbase is full of shipfags who ship him with every woman he's ever interacted with
Sexpesting is the least effective way of getting laid as a content creator, unless it's directed towards the fans
It's literally not hard at all to not be a creep to women
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it's not like you're the one who gets to decide that as a guy
Queenpb keeps this bratty turtle in check
If you're struggling to find a girl, buy a really cheap engagement ring and wear it all the time and women will literally throw themselves at you.
if vedal didnt have neuro, youd call him a sexpest.
This is only true if you're an animal who can't talk to women for any purpose other than sex. As long as you're not autistic and stay clear of even joking flirting you'll find to your surprise that women are people and you can just talk to them normally
Because he's actually not a nerd loner. He know how to socialize, he knows how to maintain appropriate distance between people and his community (very rare), he has capable friends like QueenPB.

For a 21 years old man, he's fucking incredible.
but is ok for Anny to play with her tits and say she's horny? OK
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Most male vtubers want people to like them and to be popular themselves. Vedal lucked out with Neuro getting instant success, and he's always wanted her to be the popular one while he just remains a background character. He didn't even appear on streams for quite some time, until one day where he decided to do a dev stream with Neuro using his turtle model and found out that streams where he's around do way better numbers. He's said it himself multiple times that he would love for Neuro to become so advanced that he never has to appear on streams again. This lead to an interesting and novel dynamic where he reluctantly appears on streams because it does numbers, but doesn't really care about the attention all these highly sought after vtubers give him.
What if I work hard on being a sexpest?
Hi Vedal, also truth.
Nah, women love manipulative psychopaths just as much as they love well adjusted normal human beings. Whether he's genuinely an alright guy or is a sinister piece of shit doesn't really change anything here.
The only important thing is that if he is a psycho, he hasn't been caught thanks to
>Does not reek of desperation
which is what usually trips up most psychos.
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>talking to women
I have a Gaydar, so I can tell when people are gay.
If Vedal is gay, he's hiding it very well. Of course, it would be easier to tell of he showed up on stream instead of his avatar.
I know Yagoo from Hololive is definitely a gay man

What the foid is saying anon is that if you don't have preselection you need to be castrated. Maybe not literally, but behaviorally (though these days that is increasingly literally as well, if you fall for the transing psyop).
The last thing she wants is attention from men her brainstem doesn't peg as high value. It's all about filtering out everyone else, and shittesting the ones who seem interesting to see if they pass.
>ultra nerd loner
The concept of making Neuro came from one his friends and Neuro karaoke is made by his female childhood friend. Vedal puts on a convincing character.
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>I know Yagoo from Hololive is definitely a gay man
Shit, you're good.
>not relaxing
thanks, bro
everyday I try hard not to be misogynistic
and everyday I fail miserably
>verification not required
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zamn pb gets to fuck this?
The existence of princess pb proves you wrong
A reminder Vedal lewd RP's with his daughter-wives, and made a rule in the discord to prevent people from asking why they're so good at RP.
any male vtuber is a sexpest. post a thread about one and itll be the only replies you get. vedal gets a pass because hes technically also a female vtuber thanks to neuro.
These are correct.
I dont watch him, but I see he seems to have this big harem of female chubba orbiters whenever I see clips pop up; do they ever fight over the clout?
>Unironically using the word "foid"
And just like that you invalidate any point you've made
It's not for me to decide, it's just that it's legitimately not hard at all to talk with women at all. If for whatever reason you're completely incapable of talking to a girl without coming off as creepy, weird, or like a sex-pest, that's entirely a you problem and you really need to learn some social skills
unless they are fondling her tits and talking about how horny she is
if I say I want to suck on them is over for me
women like to have gay male friends.
How is "sexpesting only works on fans or people with a lot less clout than you" a femoid take?
are made up terms for "guys I'm not attracted to"
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yep that's why only fat or short women are interested in me
>'noo, it's for you to approach women and find out on the 50/50 chance if you're gonna be called creepy by some psycho'
>'wait wait, why are you checking out of the whole '''chase'''?'
I wish girls could be broke guys for like 5 years and go back to being girls
There are genuinely no consequences for losing that 50/50 so long as you don't take out your shovel and dig to the centre of the earth in response.
True, having clout is also considered being attractive. If you have a ton of clout you can get away with a lot of things other people can't.
In Vedal and his harem's case though, it's less him being attractive and more all of them knowing how to shipbait for clicks and likes.
For example this was clearly scripted.
I got your point right here
*unzips dick*
There are huge consequences for men if they get involved in a woman and she decides to hit him with the regretrape afterwards.
>there are no consequences to exposing yourself to verbal abuse again and again and again
psychopath comment
If you're involved with someone enough to have sex with them, and they end up hating you enough to regretrape charge you, it sounds like a skill issue rather than a bad hand.
Stop fucking people on the first date
It doesn't change the underlaying shape of dynamics. A woman in a western country is a walking minefield armed with state-backed social superweapons she can deploy at any time on a whim.

If I showed you a button that had a 50% chance of giving you a new graphics card, and a 0.5% chance of giving you a brain aneurism, would you press it?
I think something you don't realise is that a rape accusation against someone thought to be a partner is a de facto social double suicide.
Women cannot deploy that nuke for free, it costs their own social life to destroy yours.
The only reason they'd do this is if they genuinely despise you in particular more than anyone else in the world, to the point where they would gladly die just to kill you.
They're not going to do this to every fucker who merely says hi to them on the street, or they'd be institutionalised long before you met them.
I'd have two mining farms worth of GPUs
Not nearly to the same degree. Those scales aren't balanced at all. Zoe Quinn is still gainfully employed, validated, and thriving in the swamp to this day.
its the classic "act disinterested" method, nothing makes cute girls want you more than you acting like you're too good for them. it drives them crazy. plus having the single dad buff, the rich buff and the clout buff?? He's got it made.
The rules of engagement for high profile people and the general public are totally different.
>>87226344 (me)
By which I mean clout provides a severe power imbalance, and you should never under any circumstances get involved with anyone who has even the slightest lick of celeb clout.
If you have clout yourself you're shit out of luck and I have no advice for you. Work it out yourself.
All the sexpest male vtubers you hear about are 2views with nothing to lose, if they were actually making money off this shit they wouldn't even think of risking that for pussy.
Given Vedal's crazy indecisiveness, do you think that if a woman were to ever force themselves on him, he actually wouldn't be able to resist?
You see the same general shape of things in all these kinds of examples.
Those kids on the duke lacrosse team had their lives ruined just on hear-say; and when it later came out that the women made it all up, nothing happened. Either to punish the women, or to make it good for the ex-students.

The process itself is punishment. Even when your name is Johnny God Damn Depp (no relation) and the 'person' on the other side of the bench is the most open and shut case of cluster b disorder you've ever seen in your life, it's still a knockdown drag-out fight that costs you millions of dollars and reputational risk to your future livelihood to get even the least of exoneration from the system. And you know, most men aren't movie stars with 500 dollar an hour lawyers.

The bottom line is that a woman in 2024 is a fat tail risk; the numbers may be small on paper, but the consequences are lifechanging when they come up. And most men simply can't deal with that. And there's no way for anything like 'marriage' to survive under such a state of affairs long term. That's why boomers and Y's are all on their fourth divorces. That's why millennials and down aren't married at all. That's why noone has children.
He's gay.
Shut up, hole.
He has a girlfriend and she’s only been on stream once as far as I can remember
Having advances rejected is not verbal abuse, anon
And even if every time you speak to a woman results in them hurling insults and shouts your way, that still reflects more poorly on you than her
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>my friend knocks on a neighbor girl's next door
>excuse me, but my friend just moved in, he thought you're very pretty, he found your pictures on Instagram and made this portrait of you
>she's stunned, shocked, confused for a fer seconds then she says:
>"that's kinda cree.."
>I came out of the corner I was hiding:
>Hello! It's me: THE Henry Cavil!
>I'm not a guy who looks like him. No! I am him! Rich and famous, superman Henry Cavil!
>it works!
>Those kids on the duke lacrosse team had their lives ruined just on hear-say; and when it later came out that the women made it all up, nothing happened. Either to punish the women, or to make it good for the ex-students.
This is bullshit, because those women would've been getting ostracised in their personal life the instant they made those claims, regardless of whether they are true.
This is because the way you think is actually quite common. If there are no extra factors like celeb clout, nobody survives being involved in a rape accusation unscathed; both the accuser and the accused.
>woman standing still while you do all the heavy lifting
>it's your fault
tired of this gay earth
nice vedal thread guys
I want the Vedal Speed-Dating Stream so bad!
Where the fuck did you get any of that from what I said
I said that if you consistently cause woman to shout at you when you talk to them, that's usually an indication that you're the problem. Nowhere did I mention heavy lifting in relationships
If you walk down a street and find a single asshole, chances are there an asshole. If you walk down a street and everyone's an assholez chances are you're the asshole.
Same applies here. If you talk to ten women and only one reacts by shouting and insulting you, chances are she's bitch. If you talk to ten women and all of them react by shouting and insulting you, chances are it's you that's the problem
nah dawg
there is such a thing as the juice ain't worth the squeeze
Doesn't change the fact that anyone who unironically uses the word "foid" has absolutely nothing valuable to add to a conversation, especially if it's about talking to women
>but gay
this is a Vedal thread, so I deleted the reply, let's not devolve into why women are garbage
like Camilla?
Why are female Vedalfags like this
Pretty sure Luca is a 3view.
Or at least, he was when lasuzydia fans hated him the most.
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I used to ship Vedal with Anny, then Camilia, and then Filian but now i've completely lost interest and stopped watching him or any of the girls. I'm pretty sure he's dating Cerber now, wouldn't be surprising since they both live in the UK.
you're only interested if there is a pair?
>vedal has a secret gf and his fans (females) are paying for their condom money
pleasu understando anon is woman
There are three, maybe four big problems with your thinking so far.
One is your assertion that the relative dangers or damages are equivalent. This is simply not the case.
Two is your assumption that such risks are an impediment to women taking their shot anyways. This is not the case.
Three is the idea that just out and out saying things like 'he raped me' is the only way you or any woman can attack someone else's reputation. There is a whole universe of confabulatory language for smearing someone's character. A whole continuum of implications and allegations and imprecations when you want to talk behind people's backs. Just look at the recent drama froot had when she decided to have a woman moment and dig up the old dirt about her past adultery.
Finally, is the idea that 'what most people think' is even making a difference to outcomes in the first place. It doesn't matter what 'people' think, it matters what power thinks. And what power thinks is that while all pigs are equal, the female pigs are more equal than others. And so the course of life in society bends in accordance, even if 'everyone' 'knows' that 'the truth' is otherwise.
I just want to point out that's not what bode means
I got what can change the fact right here
*unzips dick*
/tutel/ Vedal General Pog
He ain't dating any of them anon. You think his supposed "girlfriend" would allow him to do a Speed-Dating Stream, which he was btw actually considering?

the real rrat is that he's probably saving himself for when he finally gets neuro to be automated enough for him to leave streaming. Then, he can finally have time finding a mate.

And considering his desire to distance himself from Vtubing, his girlfriend probably won't be a Vtuber.
who wouldn't jump at the possibility of having a chance to date vedal, even for just a brief moment?
what condoms
Certainly not you if you think there's anything to your comment.
god, if this general actually becomes a thing, /swarm/ is going to look pretty empty lol
lol no
vedal is nothing without neuro
Neuro is based on his female “friend”
Anny drew this girl’s OC and found out late last year
The Roberu streat.
The anti Roberu strat.
he knows how much drama dating a vtuber would create
things women like
>men who are disinterested in them
>men who are mean towards them
>single fathers

>acts disinterested towards women
>is mean towards women
>has two cute daughters

he is basically a bitch magnet
>vedal is nothing without neuro
sure, but shipfags do fill in the void when the pedospammers and art posters are asleep. If this general starts to become a real thing, then /swarm/ loses a part of itself.
also hiding behind neuro and a non-threatening model. being with a 'girl' no matter your relationship (of if she's even human) makes women lower their guard. and unlike the usual 'cool sexy guy' male vtuber models his is this goofy fucking turtle.
it's a strong combination against defensive women
Vedal x Yagoo... forbidden love between two dads...
he also has clout and is loaded, which is even more important
he's also attractive to gay men too apparently. I haven't seen a male Vtuber attract both genders before.
Shit... How the fuck is a Vedal thread actually getting this many comments?

Should we actually split /swarm/ to have /ved/ now?
He has a nice back
western fans love shipping
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the face of vtubing
Being a sexpest is bad for buisness. Capipis fucking hate basically every male that Pippa tried to collab with because they were all throwing sexual innuendos around and basically trying to low key flirt. This pissed everyone off and tanked her numbers all early 2023. And said sexpests prob did not enjoy the drama backlash as much as they think they would have.
A thread with neuro but without anny, olette, ellie, camilla, filian, etc?

Sign me the fuck in. Heart.
His girlfriend made that model for him btw
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He’s an absolute sex machine
I don't remember this
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No way that's him!?! He's hot!
I don't remember making that though?
yeah me
You should break up with him and shove Neuro up your snatch in a flash drive.
plapping vedal in a mating press while anny sits in the cuck chair
it's time veedlets
Yes this is actually him, he was wearing a bodysuit and a turtle mask.
Maybe I should program a cute daughter to collect hags...
PB’s boyfriend is live
Wait so in /here/ Vedal General, it's perfectly justifiable for us to launch ship/harem wars right? Let's GOOOOOOO
Indeed, it's pretty much bannable in neurocord, and even though you can do it in /swarm/, it's still considered a bit off-topic and weird.

If this general starts to become a regular thing, then the sky's the limit!
1. They're not equivalent, but it's still a significant cost
2. It is. Women will not do it to people they've just met unless that person is digging themselves to the other side of the world when called out. Pace your relationship to glacial speed so as to ensure they never feel rushed or confused, while also giving you time to properly vet their other friendships, personal history, and familial relations for red flags. Be prepared to pull out amicably without calling them out on it if you see something you don't like. Try to de-escalate to friendship then, if necessary, slowly cut them out of your life by reducing contact.
3. There is, but most of that universe of character smearing can actually be fought against by just not getting baited into confrontation and waiting for it to blow over. It will, unless you've either done something to really rile them up for eternity, or you're being a persistant and regular problem. I recommend taking showers, as being memorably stinky rankles literally everyone, even people you haven't really interacted with.
4. I'm just giving logic and advice that is relevant to the current social climate. There's very good historical reasons for why we are where we are now, but I'm not going to bother arguing the factual state of reality as it is vs "b-b-but that's not fair!" Mainly because even if you're right it literally does not matter in the slightest.
Honestly, there's so many other advantages to having the man gender, even with this one specific drawback it's still a good trade. Particularly since if you can invoke the "I'm not like other men" card in some way, you'll have bitches hanging off you like you're vedal.
speaking of ships, anny's in chat!

vedal starts streaming and she's back hmmm
Finally /swarm/ can heal.

by heal, I mean die since nobody cares about neuro / Evil there
The best strategy is to get shredded so you can avoid like 90% of the bullshit of coaxing women out of their shells.
if someone makes a new /ved/ thread after this one, instead of using "neurobread" we use "vedalsoup" thoughts?
>actually live
what the fuck
didn't read any of this, don't know what you guys are talking about but my eyes crossed this part:
>Honestly, there's so many other advantages to having the man gender
there's actually people who believe this shit in 2024. My god! It's like talking to a wall. nobody cares. I'm never reading any of your shit so don't reply
But Vedal isn't mean to women?
He's just not tripping over trying to please them. That's not mean, it's normal.
Yeah. Just be a dude and exist. If they don't hate you for that move to the next step. Let women show you who they are not tell.
>anons think that not obsessively fawning over a woman is being mean
Neuro is a woman to me damnit
Do you know where we are? This does not surprise me.
Really early stream, more suited for anny-time.

Of course who knows what Vedal's sleep schedule is currently. Dude has been third shift living for a bit this week.
Facts. Neuro is the popular one and the bread winner, vedal is only known because of showing up in neuro streams to fix her when her code would break.
>Pace your relationship to glacial speed so as to ensure they never feel rushed or confused
Listen to yourself man. You're never going to fuck them, never mind reproduce. Yes obviously behaving like her gay friend is one way of avoiding women problems. Simpler and less demeaning for most to just avoid them altogether. Which is of course exactly what is happening. So much the worse for everyone who has women in their workplace though. They don't get that luxury. And you see the results in all these companies going to shit.
>Sure you got shot in the face and now you have to eat and breath through a tube for the rest of your life, but they weren't wearing ear protection so their ears were probably ringing for days! They're just as much of a victim as you are!
Unironically kill yourself.
Cause women think he's gay and they're not interested in fucking his bald ass
Yeah I doubt that's actually vedal. 0% chance that the guy who made a loli ai to keep him company and talk to when normal woman wouldn't go near him with a 10 ft pole is this slim/muscular.
The fuck are you talking about? When I say pace your relationship, I don't mean never talk to her and imagine the relationship in your head. I mean once you're actia;;y in a relationship the both of you recognise is in fact a relationship, slowly ease in physical contact over time.
This isn't about whether it's fair. The simple fact of the matter is that nobody but the most utterly deranged mental institution patients would shoot a random person to death if they had to suffer the consequences of ringing ears.
Cerber in vedal chat
Just seeing you type is depressing my test levels. You sound more incel than half the dudes on /r9k/. I wonder if you own a dragon dildo.
there are multiple indies who would definitely fuck him, familiarity and being in the same industry are enough as long as he's not completely deformed
neuro wants vedal to sack here ////////
There must be a lot of deranged women out there, given how pervasive metoo was.
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>nobody but the most utterly deranged mental institution patients
So the average woman?
I can't believe you guys are talking about male female dynamics when vedal is streaming rn
This was on a live stream
yeah just don't be ugly
Oof lmao
ugliness is just a difficulty multiplier
whenever you make a social error you earn grievances, multiplied by your ugliness
just don't get hit and it doesn't matter
Vedal Ask Alex About Inscryption Mod
And more of a shame when the stream is pretty good like now
You gotta be mean with them within reason though. Being too mean will drive them away. Teasing also works.
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>Fillian overpowers him in strength
How long do you think it will take until she end up raping him?
She already did and he liked it
technically not be mean to them all the time purposefully, but just have the capability and willingness to be mean; all women have pussies and they don't need another one in a man
confidence is always mentioned as a necessity for men and yes that is true but the ability to be evil is never mentioned but is just as important
He's obviously wearing a muscle suit in those pictures. This is his actual build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF1ONmnl_QQ
Slim, which isn't at all surprising if you've ever been around programmers, not to mention all the jokes about him being a twink. It's easy to imagine the archetypal fat neckbeard when you think of an autistic computer science nerd, but most of the time they're skinny-fat beanpoles. They do tend to be unfit/out of shape, but not necessarily fat. Your mileage may vary though, maybe in the US it's different.
that's not what that word means at all you nasty ass hole
Its a meme edit just to be clear
He's not wearing a body suit. Why do anons confidently say things they don't know.
That image is from the same stream you linked. It's not a muscle suit that image is an edit. It's an ai/filter
This man speaks the truth. Also I think Vedal is legitimately a faggot. He does not like girls. No one else but a shy faggot could keep the act going for this long.
He was a nyanners sub and also a coomer asmr fan why do you think the artist for the v2 model was anny
My bad, I thought it must have been from a different stream I hadn't seen where he wore one of those joke rubber muscle suits. It made sense in my head as a joke he'd make to dispel the twink accusations, so I didn't fact check it. I'm retarded, gomen.
I just wanted to say that cerber is a leeching whore
cerber is a good person
Annycuck found the thread
that's not what "bode" means.
"he's" a girl with a voice changer
>t. normie
Its because he rejects all their advances.
neuro mentioning vedal girlfriend again
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Nah, fuck Vidal. I was always more interested in Neonbeat, until the dumb nigger killed his career by scamming people. His entire stream was him drawing for hours w/ music in the background and he rarely talked for the entire stream.
>Be Neonbeat.
>Have commission queue with dozens of people waiting.
>Accept all commissions for the whole year and do none of them.
>Give everyone the run around until it sinks it.
He said many times that he hates streaming and vtubing sphere (He kinda implied in layna interview that there are many snakes) so I assume he wants nothing to do with them and also he doesn't consider streamers as real friends.
What race's women don't need beatings every day to behave?
>actually not a creep
You just answered your own question, anon
define creep
ugly, autistic, poor or unpopular men
1. maybe
2. yes
3. not anymore
4. not anymore

So, become rich?
Literally just an internet addict stuck in the womb
Guys.. pretending to not interest in women or act mean to them aren't going to work if you don't have anything else to go with it.
It's a strategy that work with one type of women and it's only for already giga attractive men. Don't be a retard.
Clout may be stronger desu.
vedalsoup or too early?
>>87236254 (me)
Don't pretend you don't know what it means. That's just an excuse to stay here.
ask your mom
I don't think he would fuck anny considering how menhera and disgusting her kinks are. Also he's too busy trying to build an AI army of virtual girlfriends to fuck instead.
Rpr found the thread
This is true. Even someone like Fauna lines when a man is mean. They hate nice guys.
I don't.
this post said it best:
How do you think Ironmouse inclined? she knew how to catter to this demographic. shipsisters
200+ post without telling the obvious about his accent...impressive /vt/
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Stay in your comfort zone then
Fuck off.
>I'm pretty sure he's dating Cerber
The bad ending...
finding a woman who is attracted to me? ok
That's the spirit
>A: "the gang is shaking down all our businesses, we should form a posse of our own to kill them"
>S: "lol loser why don't you just fight the whole gang by yourself"
This is what Vedal’s girlfriend sounds like btw
This bastard tutle... denying neuro her kirby...
Weird scenario you made up to justify your own hedonistic apathy
I imagine whoever post something like this must be like a god damn Adonis, goddess amongst the crowd, a multimillionaire honk. I have family members who are "players" fuck around with girls all the time and they hate women just as much as your average 4chan skitzo.
whoever these "male feminists" are, must be some god damn gorgeous son of a bitches
Binary thinking. You are a bugman.
Vedal’s voice is still pure sex despite not being the typical deep British sexyman voice.
It's not that hard to not be a creep. Just don't ask every woman out anon, much less constantly bothering them, even if you are doing it for lolz, they could take it as legit sexual assault.
Also attempting to date the VTubers he collabs with will probably lead to a miserable existence, and he knows that so it keeps him in check.
He's being mean by not being interested in them.
Idk if you have noticed, but women can take it as an insult when you aren't interested a bit in them. Or don't openly show said interest. idk why that train of thought passes through their heads too often.
Vedalverse artist back with another art post!
this is how you treat women
yeah exactly
Man I really can't wait for someone to leak some DMs to cancel him
It's all well and good to tell people to improov.
When you imply it's the *only* thing they need to /make it/ though, that's just pathological.
Because actually making it means swimming up the waterfall of the structural forces of society.
Like trying to learn how to skate while kids sitting on the fences throw rocks at you.
Sure, it's theoretically possible, as a matter of statistics if nothing else, that some men could learn to skate in these conditions. That could more importantly avoid being brained by rocks and or mutilate themselves in an accident, manage to somehow avoid it every day for the next umpteen years...
But you know, it'd be more parsimonious if you could just take care of those 'kids' first.
A lot of men, good men, are gonna get chewed up and spat out of that meatgrinder with nothing to show for it.
Is there virtue in suffering avoidable suffering? In inviting situations that cause suffering? In encouraging others to suffer?
Trading a knife for a grenade launcher would technically make it easier for you to fight an army.
You're probably not gonna succeed without an army of your own though.
At the end of the day, there are no individual solutions to collective action problems.
Men like trump have pulled more ass than you ever will in your life, and guess what? not even them can hold down a single woman for life. Tom Brady? Elon Musk? Jeff Bezos? Think of all the richest, the smartest, the strongest, the handsomest, the most successful men that can come to mind. None of them are succeeding at holding down a woman for life. And what are you compared to that? When that's as good as it gets with this equation, you're clearly missing some variables.
There are many good reasons to improve your deadlift 1RM. Actually making "we're all gonna make it" reality isn't achieved by improved deadlift 1RMs alone though; it's achieved by bands of men with shared faith taking power from the incumbent men sharing the incumbent faith and making the state their own. Nothing solves problems of ideological structure except the power to enforce what the ideological structure is. Coup-complete problems.
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honeythekawaiibunny didn't make it ToT
so is anyone sending the link to the next thread?
Programmer bros are a thing, i know because my brother is one and he works out almost everyday and has a state record for lifting.
He hates vedalfags the most
>implying vedal reads his dms
A child whose needs MUST be met. You want all of mankind to bend to your psychosexual needs, but who does that exclude, and why should their resentment and suffering matter less than yours? Children stop sucking at the breast and move on -- modernity and narcissism has convinced you it's fine to keep screaming for it while never growing up. I'm not interested in what you're offering. That's not a very complex life. I don't want to play with your toys. Your suffering is not universal and you have a toddler's relationship with desire, ironically very borderline personality disorder-like i.e reminiscent of a dumb, attention seeking bitch. Sorry I can't help you.
>refuses to insult her
>that by itself is more insulting to her
camimi is doing a bit of course but, it do be like that
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Explain in detail how that is projection, especially when you've assigned all sorts of arguments and signifiers to me I never expressed? For example,
>It's all well and good to tell people to improov.
I never told you to improve yourself, I suggested you abandon your Ressentiment and apathetic hedonism. It's one thing to be lonely, and another thing entirely to get off on it. Stop letting fantasies go too far, stop letting pornographic media forms rule your perception of human relations. Just control yourself ffs.
Have you seen Camila and Anny?
I wouldn't fuck them if you paid me, and on top of all that their personality doesn't help, only the bottom of the barrel subhuman lusts for them
Speaking of never expressed assumptions
Name them. Why so shy all of a sudden?
The reality is vtubers aren't gf/wife material. You want a girl who isn't going to spill everything online, who doesn't manipulate lonely men for money, etc. Vtubing is a red flag.
You're arguing with an imaginary totem in your head, skipping the needle when the person in front of you doesn't follow the script, and repeating the same track.
That is exactly what you're doing. Weird!
it already happened, in his childhood
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Sorry buster but in the game of projection chicken first draw wins.
Still no argument.
>Explain in detail how that is projection
I'm still waiting for you to explain.
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What self-respecting pseud would miss a chance to reference Althusser when a discussion of structuralism comes up? I must warn you right now that your card-carrying Continental privileges are in danger of immediate revocation. You can't fool me by bringing up Lacan now, *anglo*. Your complete failure to substantively engage with the critical deconstruction of your liberal individualist perspective and instead respond with a whole load of wild fantasies about your imaginary friend is pretty damning indication that you very well lack sufficient mental height to get on this ride.
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Yeah, for sure. I was speaking more about the general majority. I've known several myself, buff guys who lifted regularly, all of them metalheads oddly enough.
On a /vt/ related note, I know Vesper worked in tech and he always went on about cycling and going on hikes and shit, must have been in decent shape.
he should throw some breadcrumbs to his fellow male indie vtubers, has he ever raided a male vtuber?
I'm not using Kick, Train
>reddit spacing
we've already gone through the whole dialogue tree, you don't need to bump your thread anymore op
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what is the origin of the "femboy Vedal" meme? Did it start from when he did a model-swap with Neuro, or with Camila? Is it from something Neuro said, like with "cold fish" and "vedal moquito"? Was it from something Vedal said? Something one of the female vtubers (Anny, Camilla, Filian, etc) said about Vedal? Was it just something discord groomer troons conjured out of thin air, and started pushing from out of nowhere?
it's funny jork bants
it multiplies the objects of desire on stream from one to two
sublimates the context of vedal's maleness from 'possible threat to harem' to 'part of the harem too'
preexisting trap programming jokes

- .t internet psychologist
by virtue of being white and fit, he's already ahead of like 90% of all other male vtubers who are either asian, asian americans, brown, and or fat or all of the above.
>Able to somewhat communicate
>Has twin "daughters" showing he can be a father
>No annoying voice
>British accent buff
That makes him ahead of 99% of male Vtubers who fair to have the above.
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give me an ai daughter
he did, Sykuno but he's already a large indie himself, the only small male indie he raided that I know of is Bo, who's Ellie's friend, and Ellie is someone who's helping him build Neuro a robodog body. That Bo guy did manage to go from literal 10 CCV to like low 3 view status from that and him showing up in his chat like a few times. Unironically more indie males should try and reach out to him, he is not autistic about muh males like most corpos are.
Also add
>Level headed
>Never yabbed
>Able to focus on a project and be productive
>In a field where he will not have a problem to find a job if he ever wanted to move on from vtubing
Vedal Love!
He would cringe at this pic.
He's such a tsundere smdh
Somehow I feel that is the exact point of most of his fans.
I thought yagoo was married and has kids.
In the earliest streams before dev streams, he was asked if he was a femboy and he replied yes.
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Unironic sigma male energy
built for server
This works guys, women love it
Once you learn how to be playfully mean, it's halfway into their pants
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>fucks neuro's dad
When did we find out he's white? I thought he was Indian.
So if I want to keep women away from me, I have to be nice? That sucks. What's the point of trying to push people away by being rude if it doesn't work?
He probably has a girlfriend already if he's not trying to date vtubers.
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He has a girlfriend and her name is queenpb(neuro)
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do you have that screencap where she says "don't be model everything you touch belongs to you" at Vedal
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Shipfags stay winning.
>i will never have a cute british girl say this to me
actually end my fucking life fr og
That don't mean shit. Elton John was married.
>i will never have cute ai twins to see grow smarter and aware
actually end my fucking life fr og
>grow smarter and aware
I think you meant more deranged and edgy.
He's just a dense harem protagonist.
Pb won...
discord was a mistake
>This is bullshit, because those women would've been getting ostracised in their personal life the instant they made those claim
>potentially multimillionaire when he finally decides to sell Neuro
>not desperate
>good looking
>accent that makes burgers wet for some reason
And what those ethots have to offer? They are fat, retarded, narcissistic and mentally ill
Camilla got less petty and improved over time as human, but Anny should be locked in asylum, filian is retarded and groomed by her mods. Cerber and Ellie seem nice, but on twitch and with female weebs you can never know.
So Vedal doesn’t act disinterested, he IS disinterested
New soup doko?
>bodes well
learn english

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