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Resting Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

Mouse is resting after her subathon ended yesterday. She will be doing a sponsor stream on Saturday and might show up at Buffpups stream for Fortnite.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/Umiya_illuillu/status/1844399197073834342

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
VODS Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/TMP89R5B

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>87151325
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Mouse sighting on Zen stream
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Big Latina tittolies
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you can guess who her oshi is just by looking at her model and color palette
Oh nice. For some reason I thought the DnD would be later today. So Mouse, Zen, Froot, and Haruka DnD
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Are you guys watching Ghouls and Gecko ?
Yep I'm posting in vsj since it's a Vshojo collab
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Die and stay dead.
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consider mental help
Our rat will outlive you out of spite.
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Nice we kept the thread going.
This makes me happy.
What have I missed from Mouse on the dnd stream? Is she afk?
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i give this place 3 days
I miss them
I'll make sure it lives longer just because of you.
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I'm not sure about the face on this one.
goblin face
Is Mouse is sick? is that why she's afk?
I think the face is cute but it's funny how the artist noped out of drawing all of those hair accessories
I think she fell asleep. This started at the time she usually falls asleep so im betting she tried to power through and crashed.
She said BRB maybe 45 minutes ago
Lots of geckos getting killed, Froot came in and stole a book and left, Mouse getting made fun of for her height and not being able to look into a window
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Mouse back
Mouse is back
she looks and sounds half asleep kek
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Haruka give the DM a second to talk kek
>I'll just take off my shoes willingly
That's what we like to see
>mouse's lotioned soft tiny feet
I've never been more jealous in my life
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too big
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ironmouse is sexy
Man I need Mouse to get more semi lewd or sexy art.
I'm not a feet guy but Mouse taking any clothes off is a bonus
Does anyone else remember Mouse talking about an idea of playing a game and having a punishment that she takes of a piece of clothing irl when something happened. Obviously she was not going to show herself but she said something about taking a picture of the clothes on the floor.
you dreamed that one buddy
No I didn't but it was a few years ago.
o7 mouse
She totally crashed
Lud rating youtube music currently listening to time to feast
Shit taste
I love Mouse making innuendos kek
You think Mouse is gonna bid on anything from the upcoming power rangers auction?
If it is the same one she talked about with connor before then she mentioned wanting the pink suit I think.
so 2020
No not that long ago it was maybe 2022. It was only an off hand idea she had.
I think it is ye, now all the items have been put on the auction site and it starts the 18th. Entire collection is enough to make a museum.
I hope Mouse brings back Decora for more streams sometime.
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nah, new models to look foward to anon
More like deadcora.
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Mouse I think at this point at least Arielle and Saiiren deserve vip
if heavenly can get vip for just existing, saiiren deserves vip+++ after subathon
She's still awake?
I'm not sure she fell asleep the second time, she left Zen's chat very quickly after Zen went offline.
the difference is heavenly has a dick so he gets it basically for free. arielle and saiiren have to work for it more.
Movie watchalong in case anyone missed it during subathon
what movie was it?
House on Haunted Hill
semi related but did mouse watch any of the other starkid musicals she said she was gonna watch besides the black friday one?
Nah I think she just watched Black Friday with Haruka
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>rolled cigarettes
>a cup of coffee
>mouse singing playlist
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mousey is my unironic wife
Stream welshman. And bring Mouse with you
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Mouse really working on that lud debut
hey speaking of, does anybody know how the rv merch works? are they already produced and can sell out of a size or is it all preorder
Pretty sure it is preorder. It is open until a set time then after a couple of months it ships out to everyone.
good to know, thank you
Most likely not till November tho
He's going to Japan next week
I want her to shittalk about that so much, but have it backfire ala https://youtu.be/Zo02XsjHg9Q?t=7392
bros I need my rat I'm having subathon withdrawals
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Be strong brother let the rat rest. Catch up on some VODs or some YT vids
subathon was the rest she's working now
Nah that is cope. If it was rest she wouldn't say she was struggling after 30+ days live and that it was taking a toll on her. I'm talking rest rest.
I'm about to sin brother

bro yapping/singing/entertaining chat 14+ hours a day is taxing, you can tell because as the subathon went on she was sleeping longer and longer, when she normally sleeps less than 5 hours at a time, she was sleeping up to 10 hours some days

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