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Hoshimachi Suisei Thread

>Latest songs
ムーンライト / Moon Light
W●RK (Cover)

>Youtube Channel + Playlists (Original MVs, Covers, Collab songs, Etc.)
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati - https://twitter.com/suisei_submati
https://pastebin.com/Jp67bL4F (Twitter music-related uploads)

Buy/stream the album
Shout in Crisis Blu-ray
Vinyl https://cover.lnk.to/Specter_LP

>Still Still Stellar
Buy the album
Stellar Stellar (The First Take Ver.)
Stellar into the Galaxy Blu-ray
Vinyl https://merch-matome.com/still-still-stellar-lp/

>Midnight Grand Orchestra
Buy/Stream the albums

>Upcoming Events
[11.14 / 12.10 / 12.28] Hoshimachi Suisei Live Tour 2024 - Spectra of Nova

Suisei x KAF Interview
Now on Space (VILLS Ver.)
scrap & build ! (Shiraken's 1st EP)

>Music Space & NHK Radio (requires a VPN)
NHK Radio Archives / ぶいあーる: https://pastebin.com/Q8tBPxLK

For any questions you may have and older threads, check the FAQ:

Previous thread: >>87106011
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Suityan my beloved
Cute boy
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why are these animations (forgot which platform/software) always so lazy?
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The face Suityan makes when she sees my tiny little plush
Hand animation is a skilled art form, most coomer animators just can't do it.
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Where. Is. Takoyaki.
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if GTL is translating as it should, this is the first contact a company had with hololive https://x.com/ys233oyama/status/1844266062046691386
this is GAMERS.
more in the replies.
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Off topic but this thread got me hooked on the Houseki no Kuni manga. I’m only on Volume 8 right now but I’ve been getting through a volume a day so I want to order the last couple of ones. Was there no English release of Volume 13? Cant find it anywhere.
Suityan is immortal.
Maybe they didn't release it yet? Official english release always lags behind
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Probably right. From what I’m seeing online it only ended last year so maybe it’s taking a while. Only reason I started buying it is cause the translations on mangadex were reading like they were machine translated.
bad translations, helping people actually get the official translated mangas since the 00s.
Been at work all day and just saw the news. Crazy that the king and queen are finally making a cover together. The tweet blew up lol
Suijig at around 10 AM JST.
And apologies in advance, but I'm gonna be resorting to jiggie for the next few days.
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was lupi always this cute or is the new model doing some heavy lifting?
>The tweet blew up
holy shit, it did. 70k favs and 3 million views.
I imagine it's because of the kuzusisters.
Yeah people here really underestimating kuzuha fans lol. I expect the cover to be huge
>I expect the cover to be huge
I don't know about that, the pipeline from Twitter to YouTube is bad.
The three of them need to do another collab
Preferably the new bathhouse remake
Oh are these freaks wanking off twitter numbers now.
maybe this time we'll actually be able to see the game lol
She really needs to upgrade her PC...
apparently it's just her OBS that's fucked. i think she still has that PC they won from VSai just sitting there
nah with that song. song is weird
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Today's NHK guest is Pmaru
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m-maybe pmaru chan can make her release it!
Have not heard of Nene for a while
Is she sick or something?
Mental health streaming hiatus for the past 2 or 3 months
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yea in the head.
indefinite hiatus for a bit. good news is she streamed that minecraft map that fubumicomet did recently with polka, hajime, and ririka.
why does Suityan attract mentally ill women? Towa, Nene, Matsuri, and I'm sure I'm missing someone else.
Oh man. Poor her
I guess there's no hope for for dasupi revival
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menheras have more fun!
i'll say no just because suityan is so busy nowadays but i will continue having hope!
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It's always the self-destructive types of menheras for some reason. I'm surprised shuba, koyori and de gozaru are the most normal within her circle in a way.
Miko and Toko seem pretty normal.
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she just shines so brightly that she attracts menheras who also want to do their best but continuously let themselves get in their own way
t. self destructive menhera
Miko and Koyori are kinda terminally online
Most normal one is Toko
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We're following this stupid holoctober trend for once.
With the day before yesterday's topic, I hate furros.
408 piees, edges on separate pile, mystery, jukebox enabled.

>how to use the jukebox
Click the jingle button on the top left and type the song you want to add into the playlist, then press the blue button provided you managed to match the amount of pieces needed (starts with 6, increases with the amount of songs added)
oh boy
koyo is also a huge menhera
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i forgot about that lmao
no one who plays enstars is a same individual.
i would know.
especially knightsfags. sorry suityan.
I feel like you can nitpick anyone into sounding like an insane person, including Suityan herself. All things considered, Miko and Toko are among the most normal chuubas out there.
How is holoctober stupid? It’s just art prompts
Not him but it is stupid, lots of subpar art with the same theme and most made by amateur artists flooding her tags.
Out of everyone in Suityan's vtuber friends, she is the most normal
Never seen her going menhera or anything weird
Or maybe she's better at keeping things offline
I get it but at the same time it's just people doing something fun together
>Suityan is sane
Haha that's a funny joke
Thank you. I was going to help with the jig from the start but dinner came at the least expected moment.
These trends are kinda silly in its own right anon, don't take what I said to heart.
good thing I didn't say that...
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If the cover song succeeds, it's all due to Kuzuha's influence
If the cover song flops, it's all due to Suisei
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suiroll artist redid the drawing with moon raito suicyan
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If we're gonna be timelooping about this topic then we gotta do it right.
It is known her Ensta addiction (and how it turned her into a gambling addict for some time) and her habit to talk to her plushies talk against her favor, but there's a bit more to it.

The motto of SiC being all about how she can't always be on her best version of herself and how it reflects on the up and down moods of the songs in Specter, almost mimicking the 5 stages of grief in a way, certainly encapsulates this feeling. Her strive for perfectionism is also noticeable when something doesn't go out of her way or is blocked by management for one reason or another, something that's not as present anymore but was constant before 2023 came around. Her preference for androgynous characters and outfits over time since she was young is something that belongs to a disorder on itself but it's not worth digging, what it is though is that her disdain for veggies can cause some level of harm to her mental health due to a lack of specific vitamins, iron and acids not found on meat or wheat-derivated meals, on top of the obvious injuries and diseases it can cause to her endocrine system when she reaches hagdom.

Does this means she's menhera? perhaps, but no. I believe even when she has these up and down episodes from time to time, it doesn't mean she there aren't ways for her to reach out to someone to lend an ear, or to stand in front of a mirror and reflect on her actions to be a better person instead of blaming herself for them. Suityan has the charm to being someone very capable of making friends and partnerships with anyone as a product of her extrovert nature that was formed thanks to having grown in a healthy environment when she was a kid, something not the average japanese (or her co-workers) can afford thanks to the ruthless nature of the average asian family; meaning there's a persistent feedback loop in where she both radiates and receives positive vibes among her peers and it's enough for her to keep going. And at the end of the day, while dialoguing to inanimate objects can be seen as something freaky, it's also one of the many ways people can relieve stress in the same way people would plug in their headphones or speakers and play audio tracks of people talking or raindrops as background noise.

tl:dr: lol no fuck off she's cute.

Who the fuck said Suityan is menhera you autist
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Literally who
Kys kpoopcunt
I have no idea who anyone in this image is
I hate suiwan so much its unreal.
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Okay, I hate her a little less now.
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who are the TWICE of vtubing?
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suibun > suinyan > suiwan. Love all 3 though.
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suiwan is a smug fuck.
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I am very disappointed in Suisei. I know Hololive is secondary to her but this is too much.
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Hoshisexy Suisex.
Maybe it's time she doesn't have to deal with Hololive anymore. She's successful in spite of them, not because of them. I will still support her if she goes indie.
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Oh right, the bait posts reminded me about the cover.
Looking forward to it, but not so much.
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>check /#/
>getting BTFO there
That explains it
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Probably planting some shitposts he can then use as "evidence" in the future. In my experience from the past week or so jannies don't work anymore for some reason so, simply ignore it.
I'm kinda excited, I want Suityan to vacuum up all the fangirls.
I need... need... suipiss
Quite often I'll see suityan and other holos post covers of songs that I don't know, so I'll listen to the original song as well to compare them, and usually I'm indifferent, but this song seems sick. Hope it turns out good.
The original for comparison
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We all do...
It's fucking good
That's... an impressive amount of unneccessary distortion lol
Like the original then >>87292231
I love Suityan
Good cover
high budget mv
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It's more like Suisei feat Kuzuha lmao. It's good, I like it, will loop it.
i literally couldn't hear his voice. was he only for harmonies or was he under 60 tons of distortion? if you hadn't told me he was there i would've just thought it was a normal suichan cover.

anyway that was actually very good, better than i expected.
Didn't expect much but goddamn they both did such a good job
Sorry shiina but I prefer this version
better than original. still dislike the song tho. sorry sui
Better than Shanti
Kek this
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> she attracts menheras who also want to do their best but continuously let themselves get in their own way
Ouch, that hits home. Count me in.
t. menherayomi
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What's up with Sheena Ringo MVs and cutting cars in half?
Maybe they just like 2 wheeled cycles
>Sorry shiina but I prefer this version
Same. Honestly I've found myself thinking Shiina composes or is featured in songs that have amazing composition but that sound better performed by other people. Kind of like The Beatles.
Yeah, the mix left things desired imo. Kuzuha should've been louder. In some parts Suisei could've been a bit less loud.
post suisei singing yellow submarine
Well shit, I gotta say the collab worked pretty well. I had only heard shit things about Kuzuha's singing so I was expecting a lot worse, but this is genuinely good.
>i literally couldn't hear his voice
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it was an exaggeration to say he had very little presence. obviously it's not hard to hear him.
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Big ass feet
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Yeah the bait posters do make me want to puke, but not so much.
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oh my god
so handsome...
handsome wife
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>makes cover with king of fujos
>only lets him sing 2 lines and steals all his fangirls
Sasuga Meteor. The cover turned out great! Her singing was cool and the mix was nice and loud. The actual song leaves something to be desired but like the other anon said, at least it’s better than Shanti
Yea Suityan is pretty hot
Suibelly... it's real...
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I love my cool boygirlfriendwifehusband
Sugar Rush already had suitummy
But no bellybutton iirc
My oshi is so cool bros/sises...
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SiC suityan has a belly button
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Life truly finds a path...
>"Life, Life finds a way."
Ian Malcolm, noted Heso enthusiast
The MV quality is too high for a cover, wtf.
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I’ve wanted Sui to cover WORK since it came out, and I’m so happy she did!
Really reminds me of gacha results in mobage, just missing suichan's signature and a SSR/5* symbol as the colour leeches in for the true image.
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NHK VR with Pmaru in 25 minutes
>three concerts
>that's how long it will take for the world to bow before me
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>in 25 minutes
Lies, dirty lies.
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In my country it's always and without exception news first and the weather after, so NHK broadcasting the weather first and news after fucks with my mind like hearing someone eat dinner before lunch.
Is this their first interaction?
This westaboo radio segment feels very 2010s.
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Uhhhh Googlechama?
I think google's confusing moon for star
Her status as vtuber is vague lol
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Virtual idol Hoshimachi Suisei is making fun of Pmaru-sama for not calling herself a vtuber...
She always denied it
Is it because of Sony?
Full ver when
Chorus part is catchy af
Well nico nico is a dying platform...
When did the change from video upload to live streaming even start by the way
Since niji popularized it.
2018. Thanks to Mito
>Bishoujo Muzai again
I have a feeling the guests just choose random popular vtuber song...
Why did Pmaru freak out?
don't be a newfag ffs.
Time out
Where the fuck is she
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Why does the new soul of the only successful voice actress change have to be so good?
NHK #65 w/Pmaru-sama setlist:

>Hurrah!! / Nijisanji

>Only You / Kyonshii no Ci-chan

>Shoten Chokuzen Love It LIVE / Usada Pekora

>Bokuiro Infinity / Enogu (VR Idol)

>Zenryoku Joshi Kakumei / Pmaru-sama

>Si'l Vous President / Pmaru-sama

>Tokimeki Broker / Pmaru-sama

>Scream! / Pmaru-sama

>Bishoujo Muzai Pirate / Houshou Marine

>In the Dawn Light / Cocoa Domyoji

>Linx / Kizuna Ai
Next week guest is Marine
Nice to see Ci-chan got a shout-out. Only You is a gem.
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NHK E65 (10/12) w/Pmaru-sama
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Male collaber
I miss Saki...
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Cool Sui
I like this better than her sololive outfits
oh shit, nice.
I don't like the song... Why do japanese people insist on having rock songs with no melody?
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Domain expansion
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His fingernails are longer than hers kek
Well he is a vampire
>Kuzu white hair
>Sui blue eyes
You are right...
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Me on the right
Cringe ENshit.
This group was at CDTV right? I remember them being pretty good dancers
They performed BBDB dance at SSA before Suisei kek

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