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The 264th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【HALF LIFE 2】How far can we go with Balltomo?! I won't let go!!

>LAST STREAM:【Zelda: Majora's Mask】100th STREAM!? Let's celebrate by overcoming my personal horror game!!!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87210320
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Cesilly Immergween
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>reads superchats at balltomo's funeral
What the FUCK is her PROBLEM
I'm struggling to think of who the CC equivalent is for JP? Do any of the JP go as far as CC in terms of commitment to the bit and stream fuckery?
you don't talk with various family members about things while visiting graves?
Virtually any stream. Choose a random stream of hers and there's an 80% chance she'll do something weird and creative like the funeral you just saw.
Also def check out the karaokes you can find in the link in the OP template
>Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks
Have either of them broken away mid game to do a pre-planned multi-stream bit payoff?
She is EVIL
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While completely different vibe, she reminds me a lot of Korone with her shenanigans
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> Compare Balltomo to heart burn
Korone maybe.
I remember an anon mentioning she has the same kind of intense autism Suisei has, although the later doesn't mess around with OBS as much.
I blame captcha...
She also reminds me of Coco in a lot of ways.
Anyone found it furstrating? maybe it is me because Im used to watch challenge streams but she was doing fine.
She is dancing on balltomo grave…
Zain here before I found CC. No, infact polka and CC are kind of polar opposites in that everything pol does is improve besides maybe making some stream assets that she breaks out occasionally as improv. While obviously CC is plan plan plan mentality.
Nice try.But not good enough.
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Never closed a tab this fast.
ESL Autistomo...
Was fine

The Gunship fight was rough tho, but I too was struggling at that part
not even once, I >>87253351 stayed after the end
Polka, Korone and Suisei are indeed the closest I can think of. I remember Polka doing those bits where she interacts with a prerrecorded version of herself and doing bits, Korone in general being an OBS dork who can't stop laughing at herself, and Suisei having that blunt autistic banter and her way of playing games like Dishonored
Why are some of the girls so afraid to say fuck, do they realize how stupid "what the frick" sounds like
ERB is mocking balltomo
You can easily become demonetized over it
Pretty sure it gets immediately marked by youtube as not for kids
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Wrong. Just don't say it within the first few minutes and you'll be fine.
nobody like a potty mouth.
>dedicated a song for Ceci
I've never listened to ERB before outside of Ame's Valve stream, her singing voice is nice.
You sound very confident about this for someone with zero youtube streaming experience.
It could also be she became a little self-conscious, maybe she thought the chat was becoming tired with the balltomo bit and her lack of progress in the game due to that (and the 'CC...' comments along with the backseating definitely wouldn't have helped), and that arose to the surface as frustration.
there was?
It's pretty much all she has going for her.
She is also a kind, silly and funny woman
Very, very nice jazz/crooner voice, but she applies it to every genre so half the time it's jarring.
she does weekly karaoke, if you ever feel like catching one again.
I don't like her singing at all desu.
nah I think she wanted to play the funeral bit but just giving him up randomly would be too anticlimatic, meanwhile being buried alive is literally peak possible ending for it
she also was saying
>it's gonna be worth it
for the entire stream
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Good night otomos.
risk is to high, but what the other otomo said is mostly correct. There were some tests done to figure out flags
It's based on how much profanity per hour the stream has, so in the beginning a "fuck" can get you demonetized, but one after 3 hours? very unlikely

Still, it's a risk not worth taking
What song did she sing for CC ?
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singing voice? maybe, but then she stops singing and starts talking...
Dokibird is a vtuber who doesn't do those stupid "fuck" euphemisms but a stream of hers not only it got demonetized, it also got restricted, because according to a Youtube support guy she asked "she said fuck a lot"
soldier, poet, king
>risk is to high
this anon is right,
>get demonetized
>lose 3 months worth of wages
who's gonna risk it?
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a pretty cute shield.
Meanwhile another youtuber is currently trying to get his videos not listed as "for kids", because apparently shouting obscenities is appropriate for children?
speaking of, did Raora get a hit yet? I know she is not saying "fuck us" but how would a algorithm know?
Is the chat gone from the vod?
I feel like it being our table would be more accurate, although even that might be too difficult for it
>Italian buff
AI might not know what exactly she says.
give it some time, it takes a bit to process
This is the first time I have seen an ERB fanmascot.What are they even called?
Rosarians, but they still don't have an official mascot
Do you think Immerheim has friendly relations to the Bloodflame Kingdom?
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If it's just not there then the VOD is processing. When it's gone it says that it's gone in a placeholder.
They hate tea, so no.
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>Thank you Balltomo..

>May you Roll In Pieces!
>Gone but never forgotten...
>>May you Roll In Pieces!
Heh good one
I wish we had, but I think that Ceci and ERB hate eachother. I don't mind Liz, because I have a weakness for retarded girls, but if Ceci wants me to go tribalist then...
>Ceci and ERB hate eachother
Is there any real evidence for this
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yes. If I remember correctly it was really thrustworthy source
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yeah, trust me bro
every time Liz and Ceci interact Cecilia is racist against the british
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My source is that I made it the fuck up
said in a members stream
the voices
I just got home. Is she gonna join 7DTD later?
>Is there evidence CC hates ERB?
>Does ERB deserve said hate?
yes, no vod tho
PL stuff I made this up!
she doesnt
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I trust this otomo. They hate eachother, huh
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I didn't say she does.
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thanks. At least i can catch a CC today
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I feel that despite being a hag she is groomable. That is so hot
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you mean no pov? did she say what time? I wasn't paying attention.
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ice cream~
ice cream~
Yeah the scary man in my dreams said it was true right before he starts sucking my dick
fuck you invisible wall
(stream spoilers in the link below)
>either at 2 or at 3
>I'll tweet about it!
btw chat seems to be back
Did you know that frogs absorb water through their skin?
yes, humans also can absorb alcohol through their skin too
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Thanks Raora
do you have anymore animals facts?
Did you know owls cant move their eyes?
Did you know zebras strips pattern are unique to each individual? Just like fingerprints on humans!
Pink cats are literally made to satisfy my sexual needs.
Do you know that elephants see humans as if they are cute like puppies?
File deleted.
why am I still here
Elephants are the only land mammals that can't jump.
Some alligators are known to wear sticks on their heads. We are not 100% on the why.
To suffer :3
>Drunk sekiro
how is it that before CC Debuted I didn't even hear of Sekiro and even now I don't like Sekiro, but I've been missing this stream in last week's schedule...
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CC in biboo and Mori voice chat
Chimpanzees are known for adapting human-like tactics in territorial disputes with chimpanzees or different species like gorrilas. Or if they see that they can’t beat some group up, then they are killing offsprings of for example gorillas so they may have chance in future
>Raora zenloss
>AFK'd from day 7 to day 15
does that mean she afk’d for 7 hours
looks like it
apparently Kiara was the second last one to log out and she said to chat something that it'd be funny if Raora (last online on the server) forgot to log out or something like this
but later she looked at Raora on steam and it said she was playing monster hunter so she thought it was fine, but it wasn't fine...
i really didnt like how kiara threw raora under the bus like that like an asshole
Probably has the game running in the background since she and some of the other was supposed to play another round yesterday
How new
>it's ok for kiara to be such a bitch
kill yourself
>Boar boss and everything respawned
there are perks to what happened...
>no CC stream again
>cc podcast instead
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>CCGG dead in 3 months
Well, it lasted longer than an average lesbian relationship
And with less abuse too!
raviolin was the end game all along
3 month rule is ironclad
They're just branching out. It's better this way instead of just sticking to insular groups. I bet they've even talked about it off-stream.
>everyone went treasure hunting
>nobody brought lockpicks
> Raora using the digging joke that CC taught her
What was the joke? I missed it
I dig you
Jesus hates diggers
> Wolfs, Bear and a mountain lion
We really upgrade from the boar yesterday
and everything on poor catto
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Between the automaton, rock and reaper, she probably taste the best
I can't believe they're doing that fort and winning
are they the only ones on the server
there's also Fauna, Shiori, GG as far as I know
Fauna, Gigi and Kiara are off doing their own thing. Shiori is doing farm work I think.
>CC talking with Shiori
CC and Shiori has fun banters
i missed it....
They are still talking to each other
>Thanks for nothing!
yeah, i missed some of it

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