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Friendly reminder not to reply to the resident schizo, it's funny sometimes but he'll start posting dox and crying about jannies again.

Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87165132
I miss her so much...
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Do your reps she'll be back soon (not soon enough).
eww the shitposter made the thread
Bae love just to get the thread off to a great start

Here's hoping Ina is putting her vacation to good use. Good time to go leaf peeping
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>leaf peeping
huh, I had no idea that was a thing
I knew people looked at leaves during fall, but why'd they give it a pervert name
>Special term for just going outside in autumn
Why are you guys like this.
Fuck off cuck
disgusting cucks trying to astroturf their whore while Ina is away
I’m American and I’ve never heard this term. I blame Canada.
Have to distinguish it from bird watching, plant cataloging, bug collecting, fishing, hiking, hunting, and camping for reasons to go out into the woods
I've never heard of it until just now.
Speaking of leaves, I was really lookjng forward to some Ina/Fauna in Devour and I’m still sad about it.
erb and shitori defiling it wasn't worth it honestly
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Ina gremlin taken from global
>wahtching Nintendo directs
it's just schizo who false flags Bae on every general. pay no attention to them, she's a good rrat
What if you are replying to said schizo
Is Bae in the room with is right now
Ina chan
Ina san
Ina sama
Ina sensei
Ina chama
Ina tan
Ina dono
Ina doko
Ina imiss
What if you are? (You are.)
take this to /brrat/ you cucks
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wip, I'll continue next week... if I remember I started this...
>bae is naked
okay, i'll wait.
Very cute
Ganbare anon
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what did mean by this
One of the group, I can't remember which said they were going to reschedule rather than outright cancel.
Yeah, I think Liz said they'd reschedule it. Don't know when doe.
Inaless world
Bro don't put that shit in the op, that would only invite more schizos if anything
Brrats have been shitting up the threads for a while, this one was made by one of them
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The resident one's the problem, but I agree that paying attention to him like that, especially in the OP, is retarded. It's not like a dude who already spends his days seething here will leave anyway.
Best course of action is always to ignore and report. But last thread a lot of idiots felt the need to bite again
This. Stop trying to fight or argue with the schizo, you won't win. Worse, you're helping him ruin the thread which at this point I'm assuming is his goal. Just let him reply to himself and filter the obvious bait words he's using.
you can stop replying to yourself, nobody is falling for it
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Ninimae Yalamis
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Either way ERB left the frame up but it's set to a year from now so it's on a holding pattern.

That's nice of them I appreciate it.
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Everywhere I go she is waiting for me...
give me your best fried rice recipe so I can master this dish for my Ina.
Hey it's the cup('s box) that Flare and Anya bid 1 million pekodollars on
the son is an annoying faggot but the dad is a good cook
Maybe the real Ina was the Inas we made along the Ina
I miss the Dope...
I haven't seen my wife in days
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>Immediate access to new game
This isn't the Cover I remember. And this isn't the Atlus I remember.
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Ina is never going to play your shitlus games bro
do you think they'll tweet anything on her account like they made it sound like they would or do you think they'll just wait it out at this point?
They're on top of it for JP talent. See: Nier Replicant
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Unless they need to announce Ina is going to participate on an upcoming event or a release of something, I don't think they will post anything. Those bastards don't care about us.
There isn't much point to them posting anything if nothing is happening. She'll surely catch up on homework and eat bae's food for a few more days before going back home.
Yeah kinda wierd to say that and them just never act on it? Maybe just to have something in their back pocket in case they have to say something?
>EN cannot play the same games as JP
I don't get it. I thought modern things are all dubbed with global release dates.
yea i guess. its been a few days im starting to wonder if they thought it would be a good idea at first but then decided to just be super careful and just have 0 activity to be 100 percent safe
Copyright/IP law and rules derived from it will never ever make sense, just roll with the punches.
JP, EN, and ID have different perm lists because jap copyright law is retarded
You thought wrong, there are different versions for countries with different censorship restictions and shit
They probably just wanted to clean their hands and say "dude we totally didn't forget about Ina's visa! look! we are posting on her behalf right now! we are doing our job!!!!!"
I really don't think they forgot, or that Ina would let them forget. Seems far likelier that it didn't go though at the relevant government office,
Pekora gets special treatment, unironically
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if they forgot about it or if they fucked up a number or a letter in a document makes no difference. It was Cover's responsibility to make sure everything was in order and they clearly failed at that.
The last of bit of information that we got about Ina was from Bae, what the fuck is even the point of Kumomane?
Atlus has been pretty cool with perms since like December 2022 or so. Holos got to play P3R day 1 too.
Post her nudes
Bitch better hurry up
>what the fuck is even the point of Kumomane?
see >>87315885
It only took a decade, but Atlus is finally starting to learn to be (a bit) less retarded from Sega
Ina today?
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there was this clip about Ina's box and Flare I wanted to share but the uploader already deleted it...
Thing is that they locked her out of her accounts, this is bad shit. Not letting her at least talk is outright criminal.
Flare’s so fucking annoying. I guarantee she doesn’t know anything about Ina other liking her design.
i dont think she would let them forget and she obviously knew it might happen from the tweet but it kinda gets weirder the more i think about it. We know Cover can be highly incompetent at times but i somehow doubt they just straight up got her the wrong visa or some stupid shit but her activities were stopped so abruptly idk what else could have happened. if she had a the 90 day visa she would have been at 70ish days but i have no experience with visas let alone Japanese visa autism so idk what would cause this
>Not letting her at least talk is outright criminal.
Quite literally the opposite since tweeting is part of a vtuber's job so any tweets she made during this period could be argued as her working despite having an expired work visa.
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how is she annoying?, she literally has interacted with Ina less times than us
That's not a guarantee it gets approved though. >>87316791
Sounds to me they were waiting for a response, didn't get one or got a negative, which forced them to stop work activities and insured Ina goes home for the break.
yea that sounds like the most logical thing. I was actually feeling pretty decent about everything after baes tweets but her launching into sad karaoke last night made me start to worry again even if theres a high chance it has nothing to do with ina at all.
The thing is, you don't get a negative for no reason.
I knew all those tentacle rapes would catch up to her sooner or later...
I miss my criminal
Sometimes it's as simple as "the guy looking over your case decided the documents you provided were insufficient even though they more than meet the stated requirements".
Its gets much more autist in Japan. Of course, it is pretty. Especially at night. Kiyomizu dera was probably the best of the lot though, but that's probably because that one was free (and it was a popular destination)
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I love korean women so fucking much bros
Is Shiori also Korean? Why does a japanese company hire so many of them?
>Is Shiori also Korean?
No idea.
>Why does a japanese company hire so many of them?
Not even that many honestly, there's like a couple to a few maximum. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Ina and Kronii do have family in Japan too.
>Is Shiori also Korean?
dunno, probably not
shiori is half pagpag I believe
I said I love korean women because I adore Ina's petite flat chest and Kronii's huge tits equally
>cowtit fags
we need a purge
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Are you telling me that you want Ina killed?
Ina gets a pass but kronies should be lynched
I believe in korean supremacy
Ina should bury her face in Kronii's chest whenever they're together.
So never?
Cover should announce the KR branch already so my Ina can have more friends
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She should do it on stream actually
and with any other big breasts she sees
Translate weebs I don't speak chinese
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I didn't like Ina's BBBB cover
you're not allowed to dislike it because bae is in it
I don't like Shion's version either. I like the original tho
Ina only goes after the IRL titcows
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This thread has been feeling different for the last week or so. I don't like this.
I'm glad people are distancing themselves from kronii, doesn't stop kronies from shitting up threads though
bae has been extra leechy lately so there's more aggressive tourism
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Schizo has been seething too hard about Ina's new girlfriend
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There two posts explain perfectly what I don't like. I haven't heard people talk about Ina in more than one sentence or alongside one interaction with someone else since a good amount of time.
I mean this is not a normal break and the first tweet made us all worry
This people are also the problem >>87327079
Ina is in the shadow realm so there's nothing much to talk about. Some subhumans are taking their opportunity to shit up the thread, they used to do this in /HiRyS/ too when baeRyS was the hotness. They're just mentally ill shipper parasites
Let's do our reps or something then.
I feel weird right now because I don't know how serious Ina's situation is. I'm hoping things are fine but it's really upsetting to imagine all of her projects being delayed or Ina being unable to go back to Japan for a bit. I don't feel quite comfortable laughing at the absurdity of the situation until we know more. I feel bad and I wish I could help her through this somehow
also this
worst case scenario the live3D gets delayed to her birthday, her AmiAmi gets fucked and Cover has to make a public apology for being subhumans
best case scenario nothing happens other than Ina missing a few collabs
The "shipper parasites" aren't the ones posting dox.
Honestly I think it's pretty fortunate 7DTD and the erb + shiori collabs were the collabs we "missed out" on. I wouldn't shed a tear if the devour collab got completely canceled, I'd even celebrate
fuck off and there will be no dox, retard
this >>87327804
it's simple really
>I wouldn't shed a tear if the devour collab got completely canceled, I'd even celebrate
It's hard to know how much Ina has going on behind the scenes that could get disrupted by this.
It's rough, yeah
I just want the week to go by quicker so Ina can say her piece When she appears again, at least that's been keeping my mood stable
Maybe I'll get angrier once I know for sure what the damage is, but now I just want to hibernate.
so why is the christcuck replying to himself with his phone? that's like next level desperation
even in worst case i dont know if amiami could be fucked. if she signed up for that way in advance it probably doesnt matter. it might effect in person things but the sponsorship should be fine.

If the Rat's feeding Ina I will talk about it, you can shit up the thread fighting with your jannies all you want.
There's a reason brrats and bae are disliked and you're making the issue worse
>There were a lot of things I was planning, a lot of things I was participating in, but I most likely will have to cancel everything for the time being….I am really upset but there’s nothing I can do right now…
by a lot I undestand at least 4 things Cover or the japanese government just ruined. In any case I am still going to behead all of them
these two aren't even takos, just here to shit up the thread

that's exactly what they want
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>I will have to watch this back and forth crap for days
And I thought that the resident schizo alone was bad.
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oh yeah I forgot this happened
>real takos call Ina's friends whore and doxxpost

kys schizo
>/HiRyS/ subhuman is the one shitting the thread up
Stick to your shit thread, unlike you subhumans, we don't hate Ina's friends besides the resident schizo
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Going to the store, does anyone want some Dr.Oopsie or anything?
Despite what Ina says DrOopsie tastes like DrPoopsie. Give me a Pepsi
someone who doesn't watch streams wouldn't know so much about bae
I'm the last dude you quoted and shippers aside, trust me, you do not wanna associate with /HiRyS/ shitskins. They are far worse than any shipper could ever be
lotto tickets and wild turkey
Elixir of the undying
I want nachos
Rat fried rice.
coca cola oreos
cream cheese
Those are genuinely disgusting though
bro... why...
yea youre right the oreo flavored coke is much much better
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I'll have a gonster
I need to try them, they are too American for me not to
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I miss my oreo flavored ice cream
The ice cream shop shut down and all the other shops have cookies and cream instead of proper oreo flavor.
>point him out
>get deleted
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I came back to 50 new posts and thought something bad had happened. I'm on edge and anxious because of this visa bullshit.
Don't worry about it it's almost certainly nothing. Kiara also had to leave japan over visa issues way back, it's not like she's banned.
We talking about oreo flavored disasters now, the braincell network is crumbling
She'll be fine next week, don't worry
he doesn't like getting called out
The issue isn't never being able to get back, the issue is being able to get back before she misses out on all kinds of shit (hell Fes itself is less than 6 months away now)
Ina in an executive office smoking a cigar while she dictates messages to Kumomane
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Just came back from the store, and apparently they don't really like little takos since everyone ran away and told me to "put the gun down". Did manage to get everything apart from the cream cheese and the Coca-Cola oreos, I do have cream cheese-flavored oreos if anyone wants them though. I also asked for the rat fried rice, but they told me that I could only get it in NY, sorry.
I doubt we're going to hear anything else about it until she's back home.
Until then it's just waiting, light worrying and maybe an occasional glimpse of what she's up to from Bae.
This is me every 20 minutes, there's no way this thread gets more active when Ina ain't even here. Worse than that, almost none of the posters feel like the usual wah posters Aside from the resident schizo ironically enough
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>cream cheese-flavored oreos
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I genuinely didn't know it was the same cup lmao
also I found a translated clip of the auction
ina PLEEEEEASE collab with flare, you cant lead that poor woman on for so long. Shes sopping wet at the mention of your name for christs sake
I'm watching Ina watching herself playing Elden Ring and doin my reps
they aren't really fixing ina's visa now, they're just waiting for her to fly back home. then they'll be all like "ina's back. look, she's streaming again. praise me, takos!".
yeah no shit
>liquid beverage
the fuck?
>I don't care if it's just the box
Flare might actually be the strongest tako
Dry is what they use to describe drinks that taste like shit
you have to be 18 to post on this site
those shoes are dope, what are they?
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come to think of it, now that Ina has tako related merch everywhere I wonder if she feels more like Ina than like not-Ina most of her days now. I remember her saying she almost used her hololive sign on an official document once by accident... maybe she sometimes forgets she is not actually Ina irl...
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I'd easily take Flare in a fight.
You don't know she's Ina
Ina doesn't know she's not Ina
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Flare has guns
This one's kinda meh but I saw a 3D bunny Ina on xitter that was very cute and erotic
Now I can't find it...
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Need Ina pits in my mouth
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Ina should eat today
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For your crimes >>87338109 you takos must be punished
I just realized that it is already morning in Japan, really miss her tweets
why would Ina use this as thumbnail?
Seniority tax. Know you're place, pebble
it's been over 2 years since it all began, anon... they will never collab...
Missing my Ina...
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Me too...
I have a new fetish for chinese dresses, I hope Ina gets one of those as a new outfit soon...
New? Did you just discover them or something? China dresses are like the only good thing out of China
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I had never see their sexy versions before
>China dresses are like the only good thing out of China
idk what to tell you, I like the food, the lore and I am quite fond of all the old kung fu movies
Also they make the best gacha games
I bet Ina will be watching this later
by now I don't think Ina remembers she ever got married to Hajime...
Ina is right, Horikoshi is a coward, a faggot and must be beheaded for not killing Bakugo.
of course she does
Ina never forgets a bitch
I agree with you on the food, but Hong Kong was still British when they were making good movies.
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KFH is from 2004, that's probably the last Kung Fu movie I watched and actually enjoyed even if it's a parody
I like Jet Li and Jackie Chan movies
Jackie Chan is great, but the only Jet Li movie I really liked out of the ones I've watched was Hitman.
did you know Ina's famous Raging Tako Punch is stronger than Bruce Lee's One Inch Punch?
why are there takos everywhere now?
I believe it
Way worse than Shaolin Soccer.
World Domination, slowly.
Donnie Yen's made some good ones
>chinese lore
i always tickles me calling history "lore"
Chinese history always makes me laugh cuz they have some detailed history, then shit that’s like

Cookie famine started
Ina dynasty falls
2 billion takos dead
Not only does she remember, she has a tentacle reserved for Hajime
Ina can't even remember what she ate today... how will she remember who she is married to?
>Ina dynasty falls
Yeah man it was crazy when Sun Wukong beat up his saiyan brothers during his journey to the west.
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>Finishing up some art
>Realize that if Ina sees it she won't be able to retweet it
Shieeeet. Guess I'm waiting until she's got her account back.
It's barely been a week...
What if I was a giant Tako that’s was like janemba and after eating a buncha cookies I turn into a super powerful Ikemen tako with a cookie sword
Ina needs to play 40k battlesector
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>do you have a dream Mr. Tagoratch?
>verily, I do!
Oreo coca-cola
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This is the definition of sex.

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